/// <summary> /// Evaluates the sharpness of the calibration plate in the calibration /// image. /// </summary> public void eval_caltab_focus(HObject ho_Image, HObject ho_Marks, HTuple hv_Contrast, out HTuple hv_FocusScore) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Region, ho_RegionUnion, ho_ImageReduced; HObject ho_DerivGauss; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Number, hv_MeanGradient, hv_Deviation; HTuple hv_MinScore, hv_RawResult; // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DerivGauss); hv_FocusScore = 0.0; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Contrast.TupleEqual(0))) != 0) { ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_DerivGauss.Dispose(); return; } HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_Marks, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleLess(3))) != 0) { ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_DerivGauss.Dispose(); return; } ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionContourXld(ho_Marks, out ho_Region, "margin"); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_RegionUnion, out ho_ImageReduced); ho_DerivGauss.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DerivateGauss(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_DerivGauss, 0.7, "gradient"); HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_Region, ho_DerivGauss, out hv_MeanGradient, out hv_Deviation); hv_MinScore = 0.25; //Normalize the Gradient with the contrast hv_RawResult = hv_MeanGradient / hv_Contrast; hv_FocusScore = (((hv_RawResult * 4.5)).TupleSort())[(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_RawResult.TupleLength() )) / 20.0)).TupleRound()]; hv_FocusScore = ((((((((hv_FocusScore - hv_MinScore)).TupleConcat(0.0))).TupleMax() )).TupleConcat(1.0))).TupleMin(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_DerivGauss.Dispose(); return; }
// Procedures // Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: This procedure writes a text message. public void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local control variables HTuple hv_Red = null, hv_Green = null, hv_Blue = null; HTuple hv_Row1Part = null, hv_Column1Part = null, hv_Row2Part = null; HTuple hv_Column2Part = null, hv_RowWin = null, hv_ColumnWin = null; HTuple hv_WidthWin = null, hv_HeightWin = null, hv_MaxAscent = null; HTuple hv_MaxDescent = null, hv_MaxWidth = null, hv_MaxHeight = null; HTuple hv_R1 = new HTuple(), hv_C1 = new HTuple(), hv_FactorRow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FactorColumn = new HTuple(), hv_Width = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Index = new HTuple(), hv_Ascent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Descent = new HTuple(), hv_W = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_H = new HTuple(), hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(), hv_R2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Exception = new HTuple(), hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where // the message should be displayed //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed //CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given // with respect to the window coordinate system. // If set to 'image', image coordinates are used. // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. //Color: defines the color of the text as string. // If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used. // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically // for each new textline. //Box: If set to 'true', the text is written within a white box. // //prepare window HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Row1Part, out hv_Column1Part, out hv_Row2Part, out hv_Column2Part); HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowWin, out hv_ColumnWin, out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1); // //default settings if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; } // hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = ((("" + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + "")).TupleSplit("\n"); // //Estimate extentions of text depending on font size. HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent, out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_R1 = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); hv_C1 = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); } else { //transform image to window coordinates hv_FactorRow = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_Row2Part - hv_Row1Part) + 1); hv_FactorColumn = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_Column2Part - hv_Column1Part) + 1); hv_R1 = ((hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Row1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRow; hv_C1 = ((hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Column1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumn; } // //display text box depending on text size if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { //calculate box extents hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = (" " + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + " "; hv_Width = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H); hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W); } hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )); hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax(); hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight; hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth; //display rectangles HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_DrawMode); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, "fill"); HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, "light gray"); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1 + 3, hv_C1 + 3, hv_R2 + 3, hv_C2 + 3); HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, "white"); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, hv_DrawMode); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } //Write text. for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() ))); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual( "auto")))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_CurrentColor); } else { HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); } hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index); HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_C1); HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index)); } //reset changed window settings HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row1Part, hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part, hv_Column2Part); return; }
public static void list_image_files(HTuple hv_ImageDirectory, HTuple hv_Extensions, HTuple hv_Options, out HTuple hv_ImageFiles) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_ImageDirectoryIndex = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ImageFilesTmp = new HTuple(), hv_CurrentImageDirectory = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_HalconImages = new HTuple(), hv_OS = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Directories = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Length = new HTuple(), hv_NetworkDrive = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Substring = new HTuple(), hv_FileExists = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_AllFiles = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Selection = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_Extensions); // Initialize local and output iconic variables hv_ImageFiles = new HTuple(); //This procedure returns all files in a given directory //with one of the suffixes specified in Extensions. // //Input parameters: //ImageDirectory: Directory or a tuple of directories with images. // If a directory is not found locally, the respective directory // is searched under %HALCONIMAGES%/ImageDirectory. // See the Installation Guide for further information // in case %HALCONIMAGES% is not set. //Extensions: A string tuple containing the extensions to be found // e.g. ['png','tif',jpg'] or others //If Extensions is set to 'default' or the empty string '', // all image suffixes supported by HALCON are used. //Options: as in the operator list_files, except that the 'files' // option is always used. Note that the 'directories' option // has no effect but increases runtime, because only files are // returned. // //Output parameter: //ImageFiles: A tuple of all found image file names // if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "default")))) != 0) { hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "ima"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[1] = "tif"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[2] = "tiff"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[3] = "gif"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[4] = "bmp"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[5] = "jpg"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[6] = "jpeg"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[7] = "jp2"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[8] = "jxr"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[9] = "png"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[10] = "pcx"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[11] = "ras"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[12] = "xwd"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[13] = "pbm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[14] = "pnm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[15] = "pgm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[16] = "ppm"; // } hv_ImageFiles.Dispose(); hv_ImageFiles = new HTuple(); //Loop through all given image directories. for (hv_ImageDirectoryIndex = 0; (int)hv_ImageDirectoryIndex <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_ImageDirectory.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_ImageDirectoryIndex = (int)hv_ImageDirectoryIndex + 1) { hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = new HTuple(); hv_CurrentImageDirectory.Dispose(); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_CurrentImageDirectory = hv_ImageDirectory.TupleSelect( hv_ImageDirectoryIndex); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CurrentImageDirectory.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { hv_CurrentImageDirectory.Dispose(); hv_CurrentImageDirectory = "."; } hv_HalconImages.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetSystem("image_dir", out hv_HalconImages); hv_OS.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_HalconImages = hv_HalconImages.TupleSplit( ";"); hv_HalconImages.Dispose(); hv_HalconImages = ExpTmpLocalVar_HalconImages; } } } else { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_HalconImages = hv_HalconImages.TupleSplit( ":"); hv_HalconImages.Dispose(); hv_HalconImages = ExpTmpLocalVar_HalconImages; } } } hv_Directories.Dispose(); hv_Directories = new HTuple(hv_CurrentImageDirectory); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_HalconImages.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_Directories = hv_Directories.TupleConcat( ((hv_HalconImages.TupleSelect(hv_Index)) + "/") + hv_CurrentImageDirectory); hv_Directories.Dispose(); hv_Directories = ExpTmpLocalVar_Directories; } } } hv_Length.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.TupleStrlen(hv_Directories, out hv_Length); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_NetworkDrive.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(new HTuple(hv_Length.TupleLength()), 0, out hv_NetworkDrive); } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Length.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((((hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index))).TupleStrlen() )).TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_Substring.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.TupleStrFirstN(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), 1, out hv_Substring); } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Substring.TupleEqual("//"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Substring.TupleEqual( "\\\\")))) != 0) { if (hv_NetworkDrive == null) { hv_NetworkDrive = new HTuple(); } hv_NetworkDrive[hv_Index] = 1; } } } } hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Directories.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_FileExists.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FileExists(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), out hv_FileExists); } if ((int)(hv_FileExists) != 0) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_AllFiles.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ListFiles(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), (new HTuple("files")).TupleConcat( hv_Options), out hv_AllFiles); } hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = new HTuple(); for (hv_i = 0; (int)hv_i <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_i = (int)hv_i + 1) { using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_Selection.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpSelect(hv_AllFiles, (((".*" + (hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_i))) + "$")).TupleConcat("ignore_case"), out hv_Selection); } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFilesTmp = hv_ImageFilesTmp.TupleConcat( hv_Selection); hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFilesTmp; } } } { HTuple ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFilesTmp, (new HTuple("\\\\")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out ExpTmpOutVar_0); hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } if ((int)(hv_NetworkDrive.TupleSelect(hv_Index)) != 0) { { HTuple ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFilesTmp, (new HTuple("//")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out ExpTmpOutVar_0); hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFilesTmp = "/" + hv_ImageFilesTmp; hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFilesTmp; } } } else { { HTuple ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFilesTmp, (new HTuple("//")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out ExpTmpOutVar_0); hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } break; } } //Concatenate the output image paths. using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFiles = hv_ImageFiles.TupleConcat( hv_ImageFilesTmp); hv_ImageFiles.Dispose(); hv_ImageFiles = ExpTmpLocalVar_ImageFiles; } } } hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_ImageDirectoryIndex.Dispose(); hv_ImageFilesTmp.Dispose(); hv_CurrentImageDirectory.Dispose(); hv_HalconImages.Dispose(); hv_OS.Dispose(); hv_Directories.Dispose(); hv_Index.Dispose(); hv_Length.Dispose(); hv_NetworkDrive.Dispose(); hv_Substring.Dispose(); hv_FileExists.Dispose(); hv_AllFiles.Dispose(); hv_i.Dispose(); hv_Selection.Dispose(); return; }
internal static void dev_display_shape_matching_results(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_ModelID, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Angle, HTuple hv_ScaleR, HTuple hv_ScaleC, HTuple hv_Model) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_ModelContours = null, ho_ContoursAffinTrans = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_NumMatches, hv_Index = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Match = new HTuple(), hv_HomMat2DIdentity = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_HomMat2DScale = new HTuple(), hv_HomMat2DRotate = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_HomMat2DTranslate = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Model.Clone(); HTuple hv_ScaleC_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_ScaleC.Clone(); HTuple hv_ScaleR_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_ScaleR.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ModelContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContoursAffinTrans); try { //This procedure displays the results of Shape-Based Matching. // hv_NumMatches = new HTuple(hv_Row.TupleLength()); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_NumMatches.TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_ScaleR_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_NumMatches, hv_ScaleR_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_ScaleR_COPY_INP_TMP); } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_ScaleC_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_NumMatches, hv_ScaleC_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_ScaleC_COPY_INP_TMP); } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_NumMatches, 0, out hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP); } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )).TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_NumMatches, hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP); } for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_ModelID.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_ModelContours, hv_ModelID.TupleSelect( hv_Index), 1); if (hv_WindowHandle > 0) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Color.TupleSelect( hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color.TupleLength())))); } for (hv_Match = 0; hv_Match.Continue(hv_NumMatches - 1, 1); hv_Match = hv_Match.TupleAdd(1)) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Index.TupleEqual(hv_Model_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Match)))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.HomMat2dIdentity(out hv_HomMat2DIdentity); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dScale(hv_HomMat2DIdentity, hv_ScaleR_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Match), hv_ScaleC_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Match), 0, 0, out hv_HomMat2DScale); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dRotate(hv_HomMat2DScale, hv_Angle.TupleSelect( hv_Match), 0, 0, out hv_HomMat2DRotate); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dTranslate(hv_HomMat2DRotate, hv_Row.TupleSelect( hv_Match), hv_Column.TupleSelect(hv_Match), out hv_HomMat2DTranslate); ho_ContoursAffinTrans.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransContourXld(ho_ModelContours, out ho_ContoursAffinTrans, hv_HomMat2DTranslate); HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_ContoursAffinTrans, hv_WindowHandle); } } } } ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); ho_ContoursAffinTrans.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); ho_ContoursAffinTrans.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } }
/// <summary> /// 传入原图 传出分离通道后concat一起的图 /// </summary> /// <param name="ho_i_Image"></param> /// <param name="ho_o_Image"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static HObject Separat_Image(HObject ho_i_Image, out HObject ho_o_Image) { HObject ho_ObjectSelected = null, ho_Image1 = null; HObject ho_Image2 = null, ho_Image3 = null, ho_ObjectsConcat = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Number = null, hv_Index = null, hv_Channels = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_o_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectsConcat); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_i_Image, out hv_Number); ho_o_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_o_Image); HTuple end_val3 = hv_Number; HTuple step_val3 = 1; for (hv_Index = 1; hv_Index.Continue(end_val3, step_val3); hv_Index = hv_Index.TupleAdd(step_val3)) { ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_i_Image, out ho_ObjectSelected, hv_Index); HOperatorSet.CountChannels(ho_ObjectSelected, out hv_Channels); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Channels.TupleEqual(3))) != 0) { ho_Image1.Dispose(); ho_Image2.Dispose(); ho_Image3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Decompose3(ho_ObjectSelected, out ho_Image1, out ho_Image2, out ho_Image3); ho_ObjectsConcat.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ConcatObj(ho_Image1, ho_Image2, out ho_ObjectsConcat); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.ConcatObj(ho_ObjectsConcat, ho_Image3, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_ObjectsConcat.Dispose(); ho_ObjectsConcat = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } else { ho_ObjectsConcat.Dispose(); ho_ObjectsConcat = ho_ObjectSelected.CopyObj(1, -1); } { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.ConcatObj(ho_o_Image, ho_ObjectsConcat, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_o_Image.Dispose(); ho_o_Image = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_Image1.Dispose(); ho_Image2.Dispose(); ho_Image3.Dispose(); ho_ObjectsConcat.Dispose(); return(ho_o_Image); }
public static void dispMessage(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_GenParamName = null, hv_GenParamValue = null; HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); HTuple hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_CoordSystem.Clone(); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where // the message should be displayed //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed //CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given // with respect to the window coordinate system. // If set to 'image', image coordinates are used. // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Color: defines the color of the text as string. // If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used. // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically... // - if |Row| == |Column| == 1: for each new textline // = else for each text position. //Box: If Box[0] is set to 'true', the text is written within an orange box. // If set to' false', no box is displayed. // If set to a color string (e.g. 'white', '#FF00CC', etc.), // the text is written in a box of that color. // An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed: // 'true' -> display a shadow in a default color // 'false' -> display no shadow // otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color // //It is possible to display multiple text strings in a single call. //In this case, some restrictions apply: //- Multiple text positions can be defined by specifying a tuple // with multiple Row and/or Column coordinates, i.e.: // - |Row| == n, |Column| == n // - |Row| == n, |Column| == 1 // - |Row| == 1, |Column| == n //- If |Row| == |Column| == 1, // each element of String is display in a new textline. //- If multiple positions or specified, the number of Strings // must match the number of positions, i.e.: // - Either |String| == n (each string is displayed at the // corresponding position), // - or |String| == 1 (The string is displayed n times). // // //Convert the parameters for disp_text. try { if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple())))) != 0) { return; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } // //Convert the parameter Box to generic parameters. hv_GenParamName = new HTuple(); hv_GenParamValue = new HTuple(); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(0))).TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Display no box hv_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat("box"); hv_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat("false"); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(0))).TupleNotEqual("true"))) != 0) { //Set a color other than the default. hv_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat("box_color"); hv_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat(hv_Box.TupleSelect(0)); } } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Display no shadow. hv_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat("shadow"); hv_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat("false"); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box.TupleSelect(1))).TupleNotEqual("true"))) != 0) { //Set a shadow color other than the default. hv_GenParamName = hv_GenParamName.TupleConcat("shadow_color"); hv_GenParamValue = hv_GenParamValue.TupleConcat(hv_Box.TupleSelect(1)); } } //Restore default CoordSystem behavior. if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleNotEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP = "image"; } // if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { //disp_text does not accept an empty string for Color. hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); } // HOperatorSet.DispText(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String, hv_CoordSystem_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_GenParamName, hv_GenParamValue); } catch (Exception exc) { Wells.FrmType.frm_Log.Log(exc.Message, 2); } return; }
public void image_cali_map(HObject ho_Image, out HObject ho_TmpObj_RectifiedImage, HTuple hv_CameraParameters, HTuple hv_CameraPose) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap; // Local control variables HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_CameraParameters); HTuple hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_CameraPose); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_RectifiedImage); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap); try { //* GEN CALIDATA //Calibration 01: Code generated by Calibration 01 if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple())))) != 0) { hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "area_scan_division"; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[1] = 0.0395393; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[2] = 29.5225; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[3] = 2.3103e-006; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[4] = 2.4e-006; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[5] = 1969.65; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[6] = 5753.85; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[7] = 4024; hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP[8] = 3036; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = 0.00207285; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[1] = -0.111611; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[2] = 0.434522; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[3] = 13.3656; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[4] = 0.504334; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[5] = 90.2621; hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP[6] = 0; } //Calibration 01: Sample code generated by Calibration 01 //Calibration 01: For demonstration purposes, we use the calibration //Calibration 01: plate itself as sample object. //Calibration 01: Therefore, we load the reference image //read_image (Image, 'C:/Users/iwake/OneDrive - wake/Desktop/HalconPractise/HalconProj/Cali/image_02.png') //Calibration 01: Extract plate data from the image //TmpCtrl_PlateDescription := 'C:/Program Files/MVTec/HALCON-18.11-Steady/calib/caltab_30mm.descr' //TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames := ['gap_tolerance','alpha','skip_find_caltab'] //TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues := [1,1,'false'] //Calibration 01: Create calibration model for managing calibration data //create_calib_data ('calibration_object', 1, 1, CalibHandle) //set_calib_data_cam_param (CalibHandle, 0, [], CameraParameters) //set_calib_data_calib_object (CalibHandle, 0, TmpCtrl_PlateDescription) //find_calib_object (Image, CalibHandle, 0, 0, 0, TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParNames, TmpCtrl_FindCalObjParValues) //get_calib_data_observ_points (CalibHandle, 0, 0, 0, TmpCtrl_MarkRows, TmpCtrl_MarkColumns, TmpCtrl_Ind, CameraPose) //Calibration 01: Using the calibration plate as test object, the marks actually //Calibration 01: lie above the corrected measurement plane. Therefore, we 'uncorrect' //Calibration 01: the plane of measurement by the plate thickness here. //set_origin_pose (CameraPose, 0.0, 0.0, 0, CameraPose) //read_image (Image, 'C:/Users/iwake/OneDrive - wake/Desktop/Localization/Images/Inv/InvV1 (4).jpg') //Calibration 01: ********************************************************** //Calibration 01: Sample Task: Image Rectification //Calibration 01: ********************************************************** //Calibration 01: Choose the desired width of the visible area in world coordinates [mm] hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth = 75; //Calibration 01: Convert to [m] using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { { HTuple ExpTmpLocalVar_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth = hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth / 1000.0; hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth = ExpTmpLocalVar_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth; } } //Calibration 01: Adjust origin so the plate is roughly centered //* ATTENTION 参数从-0.5 -0.4 改成了-0.5 -0.6 using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SetOriginPose(hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP, -0.5 * hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth, -0.6 * hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth, 0, out hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose); } //Calibration 01: Generate the rectification map using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenImageToWorldPlaneMap(out ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap, hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose, 4024, 3036, 3036, 4024, hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth / 3036, "bilinear"); } //gen_image_to_world_plane_map (TmpObj_RectificationMap, CameraParameters, TmpCtrl_RectificationPose, 4024, 3036, 3036, 4024, 0.8*TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth / 3036, 'bilinear') //Calibration 01: Now, images can be rectified using the rectification map ho_TmpObj_RectifiedImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.MapImage(ho_Image, ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap, out ho_TmpObj_RectifiedImage ); //stop () ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap.Dispose(); hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { ho_TmpObj_RectificationMap.Dispose(); hv_CameraParameters_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_CameraPose_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationWidth.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_RectificationPose.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } }
/// <summary> /// 初始化後才能叫用 Action /// </summary> public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果, CircleResult or Distance Result CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R1_Circle = null; HObject ho_R1_ROI_Image = null, ho_R1_Region = null, ho_R1_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R1_Edges = null, ho_R1_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R1_SingleSegment = null; //HObject ho_R1_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; //HTuple hv_AllModelId; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_R1_Row, hv_STD_R1_Col; HTuple hv_STD_R1_V_Row, hv_STD_R1_V_Col, hv_R1_X, hv_R1_Y; HTuple hv_R1_Pos_Row, hv_R1_Pos_Col, hv_R1_R; HTuple hv_alpha = new HTuple(), hv_R1_low = new HTuple(), hv_R1_high = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_R1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_limit = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_Row = new HTuple(), hv_R1_Column = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_Radius = new HTuple(), hv_R1_StartPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_EndPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R1_PointOrder = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_MinDist = new HTuple(), hv_R1_MaxDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1_AvgDist = new HTuple(), hv_R1_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ResultText = new HTuple(), hv_MeasureReasult; // Initialize local and output iconic variables //HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_SingleSegment); //HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R1_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R1 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 //ho_Image.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "D:/Projects/Halcon/SDMS/SDMS_Measure/Images/E-1/E1-1.bmp"); //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle); //dev_update_off () // dev_update_window(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model All //HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("D:/Projects/Halcon/SDMS/SDMS_Measure/Model/MatchingAll.shm", // out hv_AllModelId); //ho_AllModelContours.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_AllModelContours, hv_AllModelId, 1); //HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_Image, hv_AllModelId, (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad() // , (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), 0.5, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 6, 0.75, out hv_AllModelRow, // out hv_AllModelColumn, out hv_AllModelAngle, out modelScore); //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****R1 //STD R1_ 位置 hv_STD_R1_Row = 589; hv_STD_R1_Col = 705; //STD 向量 STD_R1_ hv_STD_R1_V_Row = hv_STD_R1_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R1_V_Col = hv_STD_R1_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R1_X, R1_Y 分量 hv_R1_X = (hv_STD_R1_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R1_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R1_Y = (hv_STD_R1_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R1_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R1_ 位置 hv_R1_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R1_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R1_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R1_X) + hv_OffsetCol; hv_R1_R = 20; //*ROI ho_R1_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R1_Circle, hv_R1_Pos_Row, hv_R1_Pos_Col, hv_R1_R); ho_R1_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R1_Circle, out ho_R1_ROI_Image); ho_R1_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R1_ROI_Image, out ho_R1_Region, 100, 255, 20); ho_R1_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R1_ROI_Image, ho_R1_Region, out ho_R1_ImageReduced ); //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) hv_alpha = 0.9; hv_R1_low = 20; hv_R1_high = 40; ho_R1_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R1_ImageReduced, out ho_R1_Edges, "sobel_fast", hv_alpha, hv_R1_low, hv_R1_high); //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R1_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R1_Edges, out ho_R1_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 17, 1, 1); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R1_ContoursSplit, out hv_R1_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 5; hv_R1 = 999; hv_R1_limit = 10; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R1_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R1_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R1_ContoursSplit, out ho_R1_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R1_Row, out hv_R1_Column, out hv_R1_Radius, out hv_R1_StartPhi, out hv_R1_EndPhi, out hv_R1_PointOrder); //ho_R1_ContEllipse.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R1_ContEllipse, hv_R1_Row, hv_R1_Column, // 0, hv_R1_Radius, hv_R1_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive", // 1.0); //HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R1_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1, // 0, hv_R1_Row, hv_R1_Column, 0, hv_R1_Radius, hv_R1_Radius, out hv_R1_MinDist, // out hv_R1_MaxDist, out hv_R1_AvgDist, out hv_R1_SigmaDist); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R1.TupleGreater(hv_R1_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R1 = hv_R1_Radius.Clone(); //hv_ResultText = (((("C" + hv_NumCircles) + ": Radius = ") + (hv_R1_Radius.TupleString( // ".3"))) + " / MaxDeviation: ") + (hv_R1_MaxDist.TupleString(".3")); //HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1_Pos_Row - hv_msgOffsetY, // hv_R1_Pos_Col - hv_msgOffsetX); //HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "R1"); #region 組合結果 mResult = new CircleResult(new HTuple(hv_R1_Row) , new HTuple(hv_R1_Column) , new HTuple(hv_R1_Radius) , new HTuple(hv_R1_StartPhi) , new HTuple(hv_R1_EndPhi) , new HTuple(hv_R1_PointOrder)) { }; #endregion } } } hv_MeasureReasult = hv_R1.Clone(); //****R1 End //ho_Image.Dispose(); ho_R1_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R1_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R1_Region.Dispose(); ho_R1_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R1_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R1_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R1_SingleSegment.Dispose(); //ho_R1_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return mResult; }
public void GetParallelLineFromDistance(HTuple hv_LineInRow, HTuple hv_LineInCol, HTuple hv_LineInRow1, HTuple hv_LineInCol1, HTuple hv_Distance, HTuple hv_Direction, HTuple hv_Polarity, out HTuple hv_LineOutRow, out HTuple hv_LineOutCol, out HTuple hv_LineOutRow1, out HTuple hv_LineOutCol1, out HTuple hv_k, out HTuple hv_b) { // Local control variables HTuple hv_RealDeltaCol, hv_RealDeltaRow, hv_kIn; HTuple hv_bIn, hv_k1, hv_b1, hv_k2, hv_b2, hv_Sqrt1, hv_Sqrt2; HTuple hv_row1, hv_col1, hv_rowTemp1, hv_colTemp1, hv_row2; HTuple hv_col2, hv_rowTemp2, hv_colTemp2; // Initialize local and output iconic variables hv_LineOutRow = new HTuple(); hv_LineOutCol = new HTuple(); hv_LineOutRow1 = new HTuple(); hv_LineOutCol1 = new HTuple(); HOperatorSet.TupleReal(hv_LineInCol1 - hv_LineInCol, out hv_RealDeltaCol); HOperatorSet.TupleReal(hv_LineInRow1 - hv_LineInRow, out hv_RealDeltaRow); hv_kIn = hv_RealDeltaCol / hv_RealDeltaRow; hv_bIn = hv_LineInCol - (hv_kIn * hv_LineInRow); hv_k = hv_kIn.Clone(); hv_b = hv_bIn.Clone(); hv_k1 = -1 / hv_kIn; hv_b1 = ((hv_LineInRow * hv_kIn) + hv_bIn) - (hv_k1 * hv_LineInRow); hv_k2 = hv_k1.Clone(); hv_b2 = ((hv_LineInRow1 * hv_kIn) + hv_bIn) - (hv_k2 * hv_LineInRow1); //找出目标点 HOperatorSet.TupleSqrt((hv_Distance * hv_Distance) / ((hv_k1 * hv_k1) + 1), out hv_Sqrt1); HOperatorSet.TupleSqrt((hv_Distance * hv_Distance) / ((hv_k2 * hv_k2) + 1), out hv_Sqrt2); hv_row1 = hv_Sqrt1 + hv_LineInRow; hv_col1 = (hv_k1 * hv_row1) + hv_b1; hv_rowTemp1 = hv_Sqrt2 + hv_LineInRow1; hv_colTemp1 = (hv_k2 * hv_rowTemp1) + hv_b2; //另一条平行线 hv_row2 = (-hv_Sqrt1) + hv_LineInRow; hv_col2 = (hv_k1 * hv_row2) + hv_b1; hv_rowTemp2 = (-hv_Sqrt2) + hv_LineInRow1; hv_colTemp2 = (hv_k2 * hv_rowTemp2) + hv_b2; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Direction.TupleEqual("row"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Polarity.TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { hv_LineOutRow = hv_row1.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol = hv_col1.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp1.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp1.Clone(); } else { hv_LineOutRow = hv_row2.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol = hv_col2.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp2.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp2.Clone(); } } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Direction.TupleEqual("col"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Polarity.TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_col1.TupleGreaterEqual(hv_LineInCol))) != 0) { hv_LineOutCol = hv_col1.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow = hv_row1.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp1.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp1.Clone(); } else { hv_LineOutCol = hv_col2.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow = hv_row2.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp2.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp2.Clone(); } } else { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_col1.TupleGreaterEqual(hv_LineInCol))) != 0) { hv_LineOutCol = hv_col2.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow = hv_row2.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp2.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp2.Clone(); } else { hv_LineOutCol = hv_col1.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow = hv_row1.Clone(); hv_LineOutRow1 = hv_rowTemp1.Clone(); hv_LineOutCol1 = hv_colTemp1.Clone(); } } } return; }
public void region_ocr_num_svm(HObject ho_Image, HObject ho_ROI_OCR_01_0, HTuple hv_TextModel, HTuple hv_OcrHandle, out HTuple hv_SymbolNames_OCR_01_0, out HTuple hv_Ocr_Split) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_TmpObj_Mono, ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0; HObject ho_TmpObj_Domain, ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded, ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw; HObject ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed, ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed; HObject ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded, ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced; HObject ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0; // Local control variables HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion = new HTuple(), hv_TmpCtrl_Row1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_Col1 = new HTuple(), hv_TmpCtrl_Row2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_Col2 = new HTuple(), hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite = new HTuple(), hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_OcrHandle); HTuple hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(hv_TextModel); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_Mono); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_Domain); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0); hv_SymbolNames_OCR_01_0 = new HTuple(); hv_Ocr_Split = new HTuple(); try { //OCR 01: Code generated by OCR 01 //OCR 01: //OCR 01: Prepare text model //OCR 01: if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.CreateTextModelReader("manual", new HTuple(), out hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP); HOperatorSet.SetTextModelParam(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, "manual_stroke_width", 5); HOperatorSet.SetTextModelParam(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, "manual_fragment_size_min", 5); HOperatorSet.SetTextModelParam(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, "manual_eliminate_border_blobs", "true"); HOperatorSet.SetTextModelParam(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, "manual_base_line_tolerance", 0.2); HOperatorSet.SetTextModelParam(hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, "manual_max_line_num", 2); } //OCR 01: //OCR 01: Load classifier //OCR 01: if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReadOcrClassSvm("C:/Users/iwake/OneDrive - wake/Desktop/OCR/NumOcrTrainBlck.osc", out hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP); } //OCR 01: //OCR 01: Extract symbol regions (segmentation step) //OCR 01: Only consider first channel for color images ho_TmpObj_Mono.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AccessChannel(ho_Image, out ho_TmpObj_Mono, 1); ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_TmpObj_Mono, ho_ROI_OCR_01_0, out ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0 ); //OCR 01: //OCR 01: Orientation Correction (for consistent border and domain //OCR 01: handling, this is always applied, even with no rotation) //OCR 01: hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dIdentity(out hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity); //OCR 01: Apply transformation to image and domain ho_TmpObj_Domain.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetDomain(ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0, out ho_TmpObj_Domain ); hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetSystem("clip_region", out hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion); HOperatorSet.SetSystem("clip_region", "false"); ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_TmpObj_Domain, out ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded, 25); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransRegion(ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded, out ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw, hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity, "true"); hv_TmpCtrl_Row1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Row2.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle1(ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw, out hv_TmpCtrl_Row1, out hv_TmpCtrl_Col1, out hv_TmpCtrl_Row2, out hv_TmpCtrl_Col2); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dTranslate(hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity, -hv_TmpCtrl_Row1, -hv_TmpCtrl_Col1, out hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation); } hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dCompose(hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation, hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity, out hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransRegion(ho_TmpObj_Domain, out ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed, hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite, "true"); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransImage(ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0, out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed, hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite, "constant", "true"); ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_TmpObj_Domain, out ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded, 25); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ExpandDomainGray(ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed, out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded, 25); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed, ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed, out ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced); using (HDevDisposeHelper dh = new HDevDisposeHelper()) { ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.CropPart(ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced, out ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0, 0, 0, (hv_TmpCtrl_Col2 - hv_TmpCtrl_Col1) + 1, (hv_TmpCtrl_Row2 - hv_TmpCtrl_Row1) + 1); } HOperatorSet.SetSystem("clip_region", hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion); hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FindText(ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0, hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0); //OCR 01: //OCR 01: Read text (classification step) ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetTextObject(out ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0, hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0, "manual_all_lines"); //dev_display (TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0) //dev_set_draw ('fill') //dev_set_colored (3) //dev_display (Symbols_OCR_01_0) hv_SymbolNames_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DoOcrMultiClassSvm(ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0, ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0, hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_SymbolNames_OCR_01_0); hv_Ocr_Split.Dispose(); ocr_split(hv_SymbolNames_OCR_01_0, out hv_Ocr_Split); ho_TmpObj_Mono.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_Domain.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced.Dispose(); ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Row1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Row2.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col2.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); return; } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { ho_TmpObj_Mono.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_MonoReduced_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_Domain.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainExpanded.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformedRaw.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_DomainTransformed.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformed.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedExpanded.Dispose(); ho_TmpObj_ImageTransformedReduced.Dispose(); ho_Symbols_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); hv_OcrHandle_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TextModel_COPY_INP_TMP.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixIdentity.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_ClipRegion.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Row1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col1.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Row2.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_Col2.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixTranslation.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_MatrixComposite.Dispose(); hv_TmpCtrl_ResultHandle_OCR_01_0.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } }
// Local procedures public void GetVerticalFromDistance(HTuple hv_FootRow, HTuple hv_FootCol, HTuple hv_LineRowStart, HTuple hv_LineColStart, HTuple hv_LineRowEnd, HTuple hv_LineColEnd, HTuple hv_Distance, HTuple hv_Direction, HTuple hv_Polarity, out HTuple hv_TargetRow, out HTuple hv_TargetCol, out HTuple hv_k, out HTuple hv_b, out HTuple hv_kIn, out HTuple hv_bIn) { // Local control variables HTuple hv_RealDeltaCol, hv_RealDeltaRow, hv_Sqrt; HTuple hv_row1, hv_col1, hv_row2, hv_col2, hv_TargetCo1 = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables hv_TargetRow = new HTuple(); hv_TargetCol = new HTuple(); HOperatorSet.TupleReal(hv_LineColEnd - hv_LineColStart, out hv_RealDeltaCol); HOperatorSet.TupleReal(hv_LineRowEnd - hv_LineRowStart, out hv_RealDeltaRow); hv_kIn = hv_RealDeltaCol / hv_RealDeltaRow; hv_bIn = hv_FootCol - (hv_kIn * hv_FootRow); hv_k = -1 / hv_kIn; hv_b = ((hv_FootRow * hv_kIn) + hv_bIn) - (hv_k * hv_FootRow); //找出目标点 HOperatorSet.TupleSqrt((hv_Distance * hv_Distance) / ((hv_k * hv_k) + 1), out hv_Sqrt); hv_row1 = hv_Sqrt + hv_FootRow; hv_col1 = (hv_k * hv_row1) + hv_b; hv_row2 = (-hv_Sqrt) + hv_FootRow; hv_col2 = (hv_k * hv_row2) + hv_b; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Direction.TupleEqual("row"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Polarity.TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { hv_TargetRow = hv_row1.Clone(); hv_TargetCol = hv_col1.Clone(); } else { hv_TargetRow = hv_row2.Clone(); hv_TargetCol = hv_col2.Clone(); } } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Direction.TupleEqual("col"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Polarity.TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_col1.TupleGreaterEqual(hv_FootCol))) != 0) { hv_TargetCo1 = hv_col1.Clone(); hv_TargetRow = hv_row1.Clone(); } else { hv_TargetCo1 = hv_col2.Clone(); hv_TargetRow = hv_row1.Clone(); } } else { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_col1.TupleGreaterEqual(hv_FootCol))) != 0) { hv_TargetCo1 = hv_col2.Clone(); hv_TargetRow = hv_row2.Clone(); } else { hv_TargetCo1 = hv_col1.Clone(); hv_TargetRow = hv_row1.Clone(); } } } return; }
public void GetCalibrationParameters(HTuple hv_DescrFile, HTuple hv_ImageDirectory, HTuple hv_Focus, HTuple hv_Sx, HTuple hv_Sy, HTuple hv_Width, HTuple hv_Height, HTuple hv_CameraType, out HTuple hv_interCamera, out HTuple hv_PoseNewOrigin, out HTuple hv_distance) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Image = null, ho_CaltabRegion = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_CalibDataID = null, hv_startParam = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ImageFiles = null, hv_n = null, hv_RCoord = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_CCoord = new HTuple(), hv_StartPose = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Error = null, hv_Pose = null, hv_cut = null; HTuple hv_YX = null, hv_YY = null, hv_X = null, hv_Y = null; HTuple hv_X1 = null, hv_Y1 = null, hv_X2 = null, hv_Y2 = null; HTuple hv_Distance1 = null, hv_Distance2 = null, hv_OffsetX = null; HTuple hv_OffsetY = null, hv_PoseR = null; // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_CaltabRegion); HOperatorSet.CreateCalibData("calibration_object", 1, 1, out hv_CalibDataID); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Width.TupleEqual("area_scan_telecentric_division"))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Width.TupleEqual("area_scan_telecentric_polynomial")))) != 0) { hv_startParam = new HTuple(); hv_startParam[0] = 0; hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Sx); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Sy); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Width / 2); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Height / 2); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Width); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Height); HOperatorSet.SetCalibDataCamParam(hv_CalibDataID, 0, hv_CameraType, hv_startParam); } else { hv_startParam = new HTuple(); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Focus); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(0); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Sx); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Sy); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Width / 2); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Height / 2); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Width); hv_startParam = hv_startParam.TupleConcat(hv_Height); HOperatorSet.SetCalibDataCamParam(hv_CalibDataID, 0, hv_CameraType, hv_startParam); } HOperatorSet.SetCalibDataCalibObject(hv_CalibDataID, 0, hv_DescrFile); list_image_files(hv_ImageDirectory, "default", new HTuple(), out hv_ImageFiles); for (hv_n = 0; (int)hv_n <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_ImageFiles.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_n = (int)hv_n + 1) { ho_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, hv_ImageFiles.TupleSelect(hv_n)); ho_CaltabRegion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FindCaltab(ho_Image, out ho_CaltabRegion, hv_DescrFile, 3, 112, 5); HOperatorSet.FindMarksAndPose(ho_Image, ho_CaltabRegion, hv_DescrFile, hv_startParam, 128, 10, 18, 0.9, 15, 100, out hv_RCoord, out hv_CCoord, out hv_StartPose); HOperatorSet.SetCalibDataObservPoints(hv_CalibDataID, 0, 0, 1, hv_RCoord, hv_CCoord, "all", hv_StartPose); } HOperatorSet.CalibrateCameras(hv_CalibDataID, out hv_Error); HOperatorSet.GetCalibData(hv_CalibDataID, "camera", 0, "params", out hv_interCamera); HOperatorSet.GetCalibData(hv_CalibDataID, "calib_obj_pose", (new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat( 1), "pose", out hv_Pose); hv_cut = ((hv_Pose.TupleSelect(5))).TupleInt(); hv_YX = 100; hv_YY = 100; HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_interCamera, hv_Pose, hv_YY, hv_YX, 1, out hv_X, out hv_Y); HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_interCamera, hv_Pose, hv_YY + 1, hv_YX, 1, out hv_X1, out hv_Y1); HOperatorSet.ImagePointsToWorldPlane(hv_interCamera, hv_Pose, hv_YY, hv_YX + 1, 1, out hv_X2, out hv_Y2); HOperatorSet.DistancePp(hv_Y, hv_X, hv_Y1, hv_X1, out hv_Distance1); HOperatorSet.DistancePp(hv_Y, hv_X, hv_Y2, hv_X2, out hv_Distance2); hv_distance = (hv_Distance1 + hv_Distance2) / 2; hv_OffsetX = (hv_CCoord.TupleSelect(24)) * hv_distance; hv_OffsetY = (hv_RCoord.TupleSelect(24)) * hv_distance; hv_PoseR = hv_Pose.Clone(); if (hv_PoseR == null) { hv_PoseR = new HTuple(); } hv_PoseR[5] = (hv_Pose.TupleSelect(5)) - hv_cut; HOperatorSet.SetOriginPose(hv_PoseR, -hv_OffsetX, -hv_OffsetY, 0, out hv_PoseNewOrigin); ho_Image.Dispose(); ho_CaltabRegion.Dispose(); return; }
private void action() { // Stack for temporary objects HObject[] OTemp = new HObject[20]; // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Region, ho_ConnectedRegions; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions1, ho_SelectedRegions, ho_Region3; HObject ho_Region4, ho_Circle, ho_ImageReduced, ho_Region1; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions2, ho_SelectedRegions1, ho_RegionFillUp; HObject ho_Region2, ho_ConnectedRegions3, ho_SelectedRegions2; HObject ho_RegionTrans, ho_RegionDifference, ho_RegionErosion; HObject ho_ImageReduced1 = null, ho_ImageMean = null, ho_RegionDynThresh = null; HObject ho_RegionDynThresh1 = null, ho_ConnectedRegions4 = null; HObject ho_SelectedRegions3 = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_n = null, hv_m = null; HTuple hv_Row = null, hv_Column = null, hv_Radius = null; HTuple hv_Number = null, hv_Area = new HTuple(), hv_Row1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column1 = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionFillUp); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionTrans); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionErosion); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageMean); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDynThresh); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDynThresh1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions3); HOperatorSet.Union1(algorithm.Region, out RegionToDisp); try { hv_n = 0; hv_m = 0; ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(Image, out ho_Region, 0, this.pzz); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region, out ho_ConnectedRegions); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_ConnectedRegions, out ho_ConnectedRegions1); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShapeStd(ho_ConnectedRegions1, out ho_SelectedRegions, "max_area", 70); HOperatorSet.SmallestCircle(ho_SelectedRegions, out hv_Row, out hv_Column, out hv_Radius); ho_Region3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Region3, hv_Row, hv_Column); ho_Region4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Region4, hv_Row, hv_Column); ho_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_Circle, hv_Row, hv_Column, hv_Radius); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(Image, ho_Circle, out ho_ImageReduced); ho_Region1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_Region1, thv, 255); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region1, out ho_ConnectedRegions2); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShapeStd(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out ho_SelectedRegions1, "max_area", 70); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FillUp(ho_SelectedRegions1, out ho_RegionFillUp); ho_Region2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_Region2, this.cd, 255); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region2, out ho_ConnectedRegions3); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShapeStd(ho_ConnectedRegions3, out ho_SelectedRegions2, "max_area", 70); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ShapeTrans(ho_SelectedRegions2, out ho_RegionTrans, "outer_circle"); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_RegionFillUp, ho_RegionTrans, out ho_RegionDifference ); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ErosionCircle(ho_RegionDifference, out ho_RegionErosion, this.kdz); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_RegionErosion, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(Image, ho_RegionErosion, out ho_ImageReduced1); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.MeanImage(ho_ImageReduced1, out ho_ImageMean, this.yd, this.yd); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DynThreshold(ho_ImageReduced1, ho_ImageMean, out ho_RegionDynThresh, this.bjz, "light"); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Region3, ho_RegionDynThresh, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_Region3 = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } ho_RegionDynThresh1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DynThreshold(ho_ImageReduced1, ho_ImageMean, out ho_RegionDynThresh1, this.bjz, "dark"); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Region3, ho_RegionDynThresh1, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_Region3 = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region3, out ho_ConnectedRegions4); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions4, out ho_SelectedRegions3, "area", "and", this.mj, 999999999); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_SelectedRegions3, out hv_Area, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { hv_m = hv_Area.TupleSum(); hv_n = hv_Area.TupleMax(); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Region4, ho_SelectedRegions3, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Region4.Dispose(); ho_Region4 = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } else { hv_m = 0; hv_n = 0; } } else { hv_m = 99999; hv_n = 99999; } //HOperatorSet.ClearShapeModel(hv_ModelID); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_Region4, out RegionToDisp); HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_m.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("最大面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_n.D); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_Region4.Dispose(); ho_Circle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } catch { HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(999999); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("最大面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(999999); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_Region4.Dispose(); ho_Circle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } finally { ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_Region4.Dispose(); ho_Circle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_ImageMean.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh.Dispose(); ho_RegionDynThresh1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// 设置字体大小 /// </summary> /// <param name="hv_WindowHandle"></param> /// <param name="hv_Size"></param> /// <param name="hv_Font"></param> /// <param name="hv_Bold"></param> /// <param name="hv_Slant"></param> public void set_display_font(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_OS = null, hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Style = null, hv_Exception = new HTuple(), hv_AvailableFonts = null; HTuple hv_Fdx = null, hv_Indices = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font.Clone(); HTuple hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure sets the text font of the current window with //the specified attributes. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The graphics window for which the font will be set //Size: The font size. If Size=-1, the default of 16 is used. //Bold: If set to 'true', a bold font is used //Slant: If set to 'true', a slanted font is used // HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); // dev_get_preferences(...); only in hdevelop // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1)))) != 0) { hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = 16; } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { //Restore previous behaviour hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = ((1.13677 * hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP)).TupleInt(); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Courier"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Courier 10 Pitch"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Courier New"; hv_Fonts[3] = "CourierNew"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Consolas"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Menlo"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Courier"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Courier 10 Pitch"; hv_Fonts[4] = "FreeMono"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Luxi Sans"; hv_Fonts[1] = "DejaVu Sans"; hv_Fonts[2] = "FreeSans"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Arial"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Times New Roman"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Luxi Serif"; hv_Fonts[2] = "DejaVu Serif"; hv_Fonts[3] = "FreeSerif"; hv_Fonts[4] = "Utopia"; } else { hv_Fonts = hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); } hv_Style = ""; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Style = hv_Style + "Bold"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Style = hv_Style + "Italic"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Style.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { hv_Style = "Normal"; } HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_AvailableFonts); hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; for (hv_Fdx = 0; (int)hv_Fdx <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Fonts.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_Fdx = (int)hv_Fdx + 1) { hv_Indices = hv_AvailableFonts.TupleFind(hv_Fonts.TupleSelect(hv_Fdx)); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Indices.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Indices.TupleSelect(0))).TupleGreaterEqual(0))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Fonts.TupleSelect(hv_Fdx); break; } } } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { throw new HalconException("Wrong value of control parameter Font"); } hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = (((hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_Style) + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP; HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop return; }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R3_Circle = null; HObject ho_R3_ROI_Image = null, ho_R3_Region = null, ho_R3_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R3_Edges = null, ho_R3_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R3_SingleSegment = null; HObject ho_R3_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_R3_R; HTuple hv_STD_R3_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_R3_V_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_V_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_X = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Y = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_alpha = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_low = new HTuple(), hv_R3_high = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_R3 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_Column = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Radius = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_StartPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R3_EndPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_PointOrder = new HTuple(), hv_R3_MinDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_MaxDist = new HTuple(), hv_R3_AvgDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_SingleSegment); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R3 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 //ho_Image.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "Images/STD.bmp"); //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle); //// dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model All //HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("D:/Projects/Halcon/SDMS/SDMS_Measure/Model/MatchingAll.shm", // out hv_AllModelId); //ho_AllModelContours.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_AllModelContours, hv_AllModelId, 1); //HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_Image, hv_AllModelId, (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad() // , (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), 0.5, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 6, 0.75, out hv_AllModelRow, // out hv_AllModelColumn, out hv_AllModelAngle, out hv_AllModelScore); //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****R3 hv_R3_R = 29; //STD R3_ 位置 hv_STD_R3_Row = 252; hv_STD_R3_Col = 1381; //STD 向量 STD_R3_ hv_STD_R3_V_Row = hv_STD_R3_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R3_V_Col = hv_STD_R3_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R3_X, R3_Y 分量 hv_R3_X = (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R3_Y = (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R3_ 位置 hv_R3_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R3_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R3_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R3_X) + hv_OffsetCol; //** 開始計算 ho_R3_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R3_Circle, hv_R3_Pos_Row, hv_R3_Pos_Col, hv_R3_R); ho_R3_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R3_Circle, out ho_R3_ROI_Image); ho_R3_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R3_ROI_Image, out ho_R3_Region, 100, 255, 15); ho_R3_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R3_ROI_Image, ho_R3_Region, out ho_R3_ImageReduced ); //stop () //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) hv_alpha = 0.9; hv_R3_low = 20; hv_R3_high = 60; ho_R3_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R3_ImageReduced, out ho_R3_Edges, "sobel_fast", hv_alpha, hv_R3_low, hv_R3_high); //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R3_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R3_Edges, out ho_R3_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 17, 4, 2); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out hv_R3_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0; hv_R3 = 999; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R3_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R3_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out ho_R3_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R3_Row, out hv_R3_Column, out hv_R3_Radius, out hv_R3_StartPhi, out hv_R3_EndPhi, out hv_R3_PointOrder); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R3.TupleGreater(hv_R3_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R3 = hv_R3_Radius.Clone(); mResult = new CircleResult() { Row = new HTuple(hv_R3_Row), Col = new HTuple(hv_R3_Column), Radius = new HTuple(hv_R3_Radius), StartPhi = new HTuple(hv_R3_StartPhi), EndPhi = new HTuple(hv_R3_EndPhi), PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R3_PointOrder), }; //HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, (hv_R3_Pos_Row - hv_msgOffsetY) + 60, // (hv_R3_Pos_Col + hv_msgOffsetX) - 60); //HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "R3"); //stop () } } } //*****R3 End ho_R3_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R3_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R3_Region.Dispose(); ho_R3_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R3_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R3_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R3_SingleSegment.Dispose(); ho_R3_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return(mResult); }
/// <summary> /// Evaluates the area covered by the calibration plate in the calibration /// image. /// </summary> public void eval_caltab_size(HObject ho_Image, HObject ho_Caltab, HObject ho_Marks, out HTuple hv_SizeScore) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Region = null, ho_RegionUnion = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_Number, hv_Row1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column1 = new HTuple(), hv_Phi1 = new HTuple(), hv_Length1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Length2 = new HTuple(), hv_Area = new HTuple(), hv_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column = new HTuple(), hv_MinRatio, hv_MaxRatio; HTuple hv_Ratio; // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion); hv_SizeScore = 0.0; HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_Marks, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleGreaterEqual(4))) != 0) { //Best approach: Use the surrounding box of the marks as reference size ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionContourXld(ho_Marks, out ho_Region, "filled"); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion); HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle2(ho_RegionUnion, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1, out hv_Phi1, out hv_Length1, out hv_Length2); hv_Area = (hv_Length2 * hv_Length1) * 4; } else { //If no marks could be found: use the caltab as reference size HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_Caltab, out hv_Area, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleEqual(0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleEqual( new HTuple())))) != 0) { ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); return; } } hv_MinRatio = 0.015; hv_MaxRatio = 0.075; hv_Ratio = (hv_Area.TupleReal()) / (hv_Width * hv_Height); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Ratio.TupleGreater(hv_MinRatio))) != 0) { hv_SizeScore = (hv_Ratio - hv_MinRatio) / (hv_MaxRatio - hv_MinRatio); hv_SizeScore = (((new HTuple(1.0)).TupleConcat(hv_SizeScore))).TupleMin(); } ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); return; }
//public void Count_Num(HObject ho_MixedImage1, out HObject ho_Contours, out HTuple hv_Number) //{ // // Local iconic variables // HObject ho_Region, ho_RegionOpening, ho_ConnectedRegions; // HObject ho_Rectangle1, ho_Rectangle2, ho_Rectangle3, ho_RegionUnion; // HObject ho_ConnectedRegions1, ho_DestRegions, ho_RegionDifference; // HObject ho_RegionUnion1, ho_ConnectedRegions2, ho_DestRegions1; // HObject ho_RegionUnion2, ho_RegionIntersection, ho_ConnectedRegions3; // HObject ho_SelectedRegions, ho_RegionUnion3; // // Local control variables // HTuple hv_Area = new HTuple(), hv_Row = new HTuple(); // HTuple hv_Column = new HTuple(); // // Initialize local and output iconic variables // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Contours); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionOpening); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle1); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle2); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle3); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions1); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DestRegions); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion1); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions2); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DestRegions1); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion2); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions3); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions); // HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion3); // //threshold (MixedImage1, Region, 0, 100) // ho_Region.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_MixedImage1, out ho_Region, 0, 80, 20); // ho_RegionOpening.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.OpeningRectangle1(ho_Region, out ho_RegionOpening, 100, 1); // ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region, out ho_ConnectedRegions); // ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle1, 0, 0, 1000, 8192); // ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle2, 1000, 0, 2000, 8192); // ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle3, 2000, 0, 3000, 8192); // ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Rectangle1, ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion); // ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionUnion, out ho_ConnectedRegions1); // ho_DestRegions.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.SelectRegionPoint(ho_ConnectedRegions1, out ho_DestRegions, 500, // 4096); // ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_Rectangle2, ho_DestRegions, out ho_RegionDifference // ); // ho_RegionUnion1.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Rectangle3, ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion1); // ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionUnion1, out ho_ConnectedRegions2); // ho_DestRegions1.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.SelectRegionPoint(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out ho_DestRegions1, 2500, // 4096); // ho_RegionUnion2.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_DestRegions1, ho_RegionDifference, out ho_RegionUnion2 // ); // ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_RegionUnion2, out ho_RegionIntersection // ); // ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionIntersection, out ho_ConnectedRegions3); // ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions3, out ho_SelectedRegions, "area", // "and", 1000, 1000000); // ho_RegionUnion3.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_SelectedRegions, out ho_RegionUnion3); // ho_Contours.Dispose(); // HOperatorSet.GenContourRegionXld(ho_RegionUnion3, out ho_Contours, "border"); // HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SelectedRegions, out hv_Number); // if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) // { // HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionUnion3, out hv_Area, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); // if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleEqual(0))) != 0) // { // hv_Number = 0; // } // } // ho_Region.Dispose(); // ho_RegionOpening.Dispose(); // ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); // ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); // ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); // ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); // ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); // ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); // ho_DestRegions.Dispose(); // ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); // ho_RegionUnion1.Dispose(); // ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); // ho_DestRegions1.Dispose(); // ho_RegionUnion2.Dispose(); // ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); // ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); // ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); // ho_RegionUnion3.Dispose(); // return; //} public void Count_Num(HObject ho_MixedImage1, out HObject ho_Contours, out HTuple hv_Number) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Region, ho_Region1, ho_ConnectedRegions; HObject ho_Rectangle1, ho_Rectangle2, ho_Rectangle3, ho_RegionUnion; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions1, ho_DestRegions, ho_RegionDifference; HObject ho_RegionUnion1, ho_ConnectedRegions2, ho_DestRegions1; HObject ho_RegionUnion2, ho_RegionIntersection, ho_ConnectedRegions3; HObject ho_SelectedRegions, ho_RegionUnion3; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Area = new HTuple(), hv_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Contours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DestRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DestRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionUnion3); //threshold (MixedImage1, Region, 0, 100) ho_Region1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_MixedImage1, out ho_Region1, 0, 80, 20); ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.OpeningRectangle1(ho_Region1, out ho_Region, 150, 1); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region, out ho_ConnectedRegions); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle1, 0, 0, 1000, 8192); ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle2, 1000, 0, 2000, 8192); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle3, 2000, 0, 3000, 8192); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Rectangle1, ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionUnion, out ho_ConnectedRegions1); ho_DestRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectRegionPoint(ho_ConnectedRegions1, out ho_DestRegions, 500, 4096); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_Rectangle2, ho_DestRegions, out ho_RegionDifference ); ho_RegionUnion1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Rectangle3, ho_Region, out ho_RegionUnion1); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionUnion1, out ho_ConnectedRegions2); ho_DestRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectRegionPoint(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out ho_DestRegions1, 2500, 4096); ho_RegionUnion2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_DestRegions1, ho_RegionDifference, out ho_RegionUnion2 ); ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_RegionUnion2, out ho_RegionIntersection ); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionIntersection, out ho_ConnectedRegions3); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions3, out ho_SelectedRegions, "area", "and", 1000, 1000000); ho_RegionUnion3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_SelectedRegions, out ho_RegionUnion3); ho_Contours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenContourRegionXld(ho_RegionUnion3, out ho_Contours, "border"); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SelectedRegions, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionUnion3, out hv_Area, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleEqual(0))) != 0) { hv_Number = 0; } } ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_DestRegions.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_DestRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion2.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_RegionUnion3.Dispose(); return; }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 DistanceResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_ROI_Rec = null; HObject ho_ROI_Image = null, ho_ROI_Edges = null, ho_ROI_ContoursSplit = null; HObject ho_ROI_SortedContours = null, ho_FirstLine = null, ho_SecondLine = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_B_Row, hv_STD_B_Col; HTuple hv_STD_B_V_Row, hv_STD_B_V_Col, hv_B_X, hv_B_Y; HTuple hv_B_Pos_Row, hv_B_Pos_Col, hv_ROI_W = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ROI_H = new HTuple(), hv_low = new HTuple(), hv_high = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_algo = new HTuple(), hv_Number = new HTuple(), hv_FirstRowBegin = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FirstColBegin = new HTuple(), hv_FirstRowEnd = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FirstColEnd = new HTuple(), hv_FirstNr = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FirstNc = new HTuple(), hv_FirstDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SecondRowBegin = new HTuple(), hv_SecondColBegin = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SecondRowEnd = new HTuple(), hv_SecondColEnd = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SecondNr = new HTuple(), hv_SecondNc = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SecondDist = new HTuple(), hv_minDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_maxDist = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_C_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_C_Col = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_Start_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_Start_Col = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_End_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_End_Col = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_C_V_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_C_V_Col = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_C_X = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_C_Y = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_C_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_C_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_Start_V_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_Start_V_Col = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_Start_X = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_Start_Y = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_Start_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_Start_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_STD_Mark_B_End_V_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_Mark_B_End_V_Col = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_End_X = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_End_Y = new HTuple(), hv_Mark_B_End_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mark_B_End_Pos_Col = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ROI_Rec); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ROI_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ROI_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ROI_SortedContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_FirstLine); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SecondLine); //Measure: SDMS_B //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 //ho_Image.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "Images/STD.bmp"); //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle); //// dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****B //STD B_ 位置 hv_STD_B_Row = 743; hv_STD_B_Col = 1118; //STD 向量 STD_B_ hv_STD_B_V_Row = hv_STD_B_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_B_V_Col = hv_STD_B_Col - hv_STD_Col; //B_X, B_Y 分量 hv_B_X = (hv_STD_B_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_B_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_B_Y = (hv_STD_B_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_B_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 B_ 位置 hv_B_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_B_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_B_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_B_X) + hv_OffsetCol; hv_ROI_W = 150; hv_ROI_H = 600; ho_ROI_Rec.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle2(out ho_ROI_Rec, hv_B_Pos_Row, hv_B_Pos_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle, hv_ROI_W, hv_ROI_H); //stop () ho_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_ROI_Rec, out ho_ROI_Image); //corner detect hv_low = 130; hv_high = 180; ho_ROI_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_ROI_Image, out ho_ROI_Edges, "lanser2", 0.3, hv_low, hv_high); //stop () hv_algo = "lines"; ho_ROI_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_ROI_Edges, out ho_ROI_ContoursSplit, hv_algo, 9, 4, 2); ho_ROI_SortedContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SortContoursXld(ho_ROI_ContoursSplit, out ho_ROI_SortedContours, "upper_left", "true", "row"); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_ROI_SortedContours, out hv_Number); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { //dev_display (ROI_SortedContours) } //兩線段 if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(2))) != 0) { ho_FirstLine.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_ROI_SortedContours, out ho_FirstLine, 1); ho_SecondLine.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_ROI_SortedContours, out ho_SecondLine, 2); HOperatorSet.FitLineContourXld(ho_FirstLine, "tukey", -1, 0, 5, 2, out hv_FirstRowBegin, out hv_FirstColBegin, out hv_FirstRowEnd, out hv_FirstColEnd, out hv_FirstNr, out hv_FirstNc, out hv_FirstDist); HOperatorSet.FitLineContourXld(ho_SecondLine, "tukey", -1, 0, 5, 2, out hv_SecondRowBegin, out hv_SecondColBegin, out hv_SecondRowEnd, out hv_SecondColEnd, out hv_SecondNr, out hv_SecondNc, out hv_SecondDist); //line to line //取兩線段的最小距離 HOperatorSet.DistanceSs(hv_FirstRowBegin, hv_FirstColBegin, hv_FirstRowEnd, hv_FirstColEnd, hv_SecondRowBegin, hv_SecondColBegin, hv_SecondRowEnd, hv_SecondColEnd, out hv_minDist, out hv_maxDist); mResult = new DistanceResult() { FirstRowBegin = new HTuple(hv_FirstRowBegin), FirstColBegin = new HTuple(hv_FirstColBegin), FirstRowEnd = new HTuple(hv_FirstRowEnd), FirstColEnd = new HTuple(hv_FirstColEnd), SecondRowBegin = new HTuple(hv_SecondRowBegin), SecondColBegin = new HTuple(hv_SecondColBegin), SecondRowEnd = new HTuple(hv_SecondRowEnd), SecondColEnd = new HTuple(hv_SecondColEnd), Angle = new HTuple(this.hv_AllModelAngle), Distance = new HTuple(hv_minDist), Direction = LineDirection.Vertical, }; } //*****B End ho_ROI_Rec.Dispose(); ho_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_ROI_Edges.Dispose(); ho_ROI_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_ROI_SortedContours.Dispose(); ho_FirstLine.Dispose(); ho_SecondLine.Dispose(); return mResult; }
public void do_inspect1(HObject ho_Image, HTuple hv_RightModelPath, HTuple hv_TestModelPath, out HTuple hv_outport_result) { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_UpRectangle = null, ho_UpImageReduced = null; HObject ho_DownRectangle = null, ho_DownImageReduced = null; HObject ho_UpSuccessRegions = null, ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions = null, ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1 = null; HObject ho_UpFailRegions = null, ho_UpFailConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_UpFailSelectedRegions = null, ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1 = null; HObject ho_DownSuccessRegions = null, ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions = null, ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1 = null; HObject ho_DownFailRegions = null, ho_DownFailConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_DownFailSelectedRegions = null, ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1 = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Width, hv_Height, hv_RightModelID; HTuple hv_RightModelRow, hv_RightModelColumn, hv_RightModelAngle; HTuple hv_RightModelScore, hv_TestModelID = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_UpTestRow = new HTuple(), hv_UpTestColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_UpTestAngle = new HTuple(), hv_UpTestScore = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_DownTestRow = new HTuple(), hv_DownTestColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_DownTestAngle = new HTuple(), hv_DownTestScore = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_upStartStateArea = new HTuple(), hv_upStartStateRow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_upStartStateColumn = new HTuple(), hv_UpSuccessArea = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_UpSuccessRow = new HTuple(), hv_UpSuccessColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_UpFailArea = new HTuple(), hv_UpFailRow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_UpFailColumn = new HTuple(), hv_downStartStateArea = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_downStartStateRow = new HTuple(), hv_downStartStateColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_DownSuccessArea = new HTuple(), hv_DownSuccessRow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_DownSuccessColumn = new HTuple(), hv_DownFailArea = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_DownFailRow = new HTuple(), hv_DownFailColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_outport_upresult = new HTuple(), hv_outport_downresult = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpRectangle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownRectangle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpSuccessRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpFailRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpFailConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpFailSelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownSuccessRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownFailRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownFailConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownFailSelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1); hv_outport_result = new HTuple(); //read_image (Image, fileName) HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); HOperatorSet.ReadNccModel(hv_RightModelPath, out hv_RightModelID); HOperatorSet.FindNccModel(ho_Image, hv_RightModelID, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, "true", 0, out hv_RightModelRow, out hv_RightModelColumn, out hv_RightModelAngle, out hv_RightModelScore); if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_RightModelScore.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(((hv_RightModelScore.TupleSelect(0))).TupleLess(0.75)))) != 0) { //û�ҵ���λ�����Ҳ����ť�� hv_outport_result = new HTuple(); hv_outport_result[0] = 4; hv_outport_result[1] = 4; } else { ho_UpRectangle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_UpRectangle, (hv_RightModelRow.TupleSelect( 0)) - 305, (hv_RightModelColumn.TupleSelect(0)) - 815, (hv_RightModelRow.TupleSelect( 0)) - 50, (hv_RightModelColumn.TupleSelect(0)) - 70); ho_UpImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_UpRectangle, out ho_UpImageReduced); ho_DownRectangle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_DownRectangle, (hv_RightModelRow.TupleSelect( 0)) - 30, (hv_RightModelColumn.TupleSelect(0)) - 815, (hv_RightModelRow.TupleSelect( 0)) + 230, (hv_RightModelColumn.TupleSelect(0)) - 70); ho_DownImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_DownRectangle, out ho_DownImageReduced ); HOperatorSet.ReadNccModel(hv_TestModelPath, out hv_TestModelID); HOperatorSet.FindNccModel(ho_UpImageReduced, hv_TestModelID, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, "true", 0, out hv_UpTestRow, out hv_UpTestColumn, out hv_UpTestAngle, out hv_UpTestScore); HOperatorSet.FindNccModel(ho_DownImageReduced, hv_TestModelID, 0, 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, "true", 0, out hv_DownTestRow, out hv_DownTestColumn, out hv_DownTestAngle, out hv_DownTestScore); ho_UpSuccessRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_UpImageReduced, out ho_UpSuccessRegions, 0, 2); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_UpSuccessRegions, out hv_upStartStateArea, out hv_upStartStateRow, out hv_upStartStateColumn); ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_UpSuccessRegions, out ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions ); ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions, out ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions, "rectangularity", "and", 0.8, 1); ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions, out ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1, "area", "and", 10000, 158720); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1, out hv_UpSuccessArea, out hv_UpSuccessRow, out hv_UpSuccessColumn); ho_UpFailRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_UpImageReduced, out ho_UpFailRegions, 138, 140); ho_UpFailConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_UpFailRegions, out ho_UpFailConnectedRegions); ho_UpFailSelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_UpFailConnectedRegions, out ho_UpFailSelectedRegions, "rectangularity", "and", 0.8, 1); ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_UpFailSelectedRegions, out ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1, "area", "and", 10000, 158720); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1, out hv_UpFailArea, out hv_UpFailRow, out hv_UpFailColumn); ho_DownSuccessRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_DownImageReduced, out ho_DownSuccessRegions, 0, 2); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_DownSuccessRegions, out hv_downStartStateArea, out hv_downStartStateRow, out hv_downStartStateColumn); ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_DownSuccessRegions, out ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions ); ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions, out ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions, "rectangularity", "and", 0.8, 1); ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions, out ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1, "area", "and", 10000, 158720); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1, out hv_DownSuccessArea, out hv_DownSuccessRow, out hv_DownSuccessColumn); ho_DownFailRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_DownImageReduced, out ho_DownFailRegions, 138, 140); ho_DownFailConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_DownFailRegions, out ho_DownFailConnectedRegions ); ho_DownFailSelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_DownFailConnectedRegions, out ho_DownFailSelectedRegions, "rectangularity", "and", 0.8, 1); ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_DownFailSelectedRegions, out ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1, "area", "and", 10000, 158720); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1, out hv_DownFailArea, out hv_DownFailRow, out hv_DownFailColumn); if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_UpTestScore.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(((hv_UpTestScore.TupleSelect(0))).TupleLess(0.75)))) != 0) { if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_upStartStateArea.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_upStartStateArea.TupleEqual(0)))) != 0) { //��ʼ״̬ hv_outport_upresult = 0; } else { //������ hv_outport_upresult = 1; } } else { if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_UpSuccessArea.TupleLength())).TupleGreater( 0))) != 0) { //�Ͽ���Գɹ� hv_outport_upresult = 2; } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_UpFailArea.TupleLength() )).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { //�Ͽ����ʧ�� hv_outport_upresult = 3; } else { //�ҵ����Խ�����ʶ����֪���Dz��Գɹ����Dz���ʧ�� hv_outport_upresult = 4; } } if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_DownTestScore.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(((hv_DownTestScore.TupleSelect(0))).TupleLess(0.75)))) != 0) { //������ if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_downStartStateArea.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_downStartStateArea.TupleEqual(0)))) != 0) { //��ʼ״̬ hv_outport_downresult = 0; } else { //������ hv_outport_downresult = 1; } } else { if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_DownSuccessArea.TupleLength())).TupleGreater( 0))) != 0) { //�¿���Գɹ� hv_outport_downresult = 2; } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_DownFailArea.TupleLength() )).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { //�¿����ʧ�� hv_outport_downresult = 3; } else { //�ҵ����Խ�����ʶ����֪���Dz��Գɹ����Dz���ʧ�� hv_outport_downresult = 4; } } hv_outport_result[0] = hv_outport_upresult.TupleSelect(0); hv_outport_result[1] = hv_outport_downresult.TupleSelect(0); HOperatorSet.ClearNccModel(hv_TestModelID); } HOperatorSet.ClearNccModel(hv_RightModelID); ho_UpRectangle.Dispose(); ho_UpImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_DownRectangle.Dispose(); ho_DownImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_UpSuccessRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpSuccessConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpSuccessSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_UpFailRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpFailConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpFailSelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_UpFailSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_DownSuccessRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownSuccessConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownSuccessSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_DownFailRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownFailConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownFailSelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_DownFailSelectedRegions1.Dispose(); return; }
private void action() { HObject ho_Rectangle, ho_ImageReduced, ho_ConnectedRegions2, ho_ObjectSelected3, ho_cl; HObject ho_Regions, ho_ObjectSelected, ho_RegionFillUp; HObject ho_Contours, ho_Rectangle1, ho_Rectangle3, ho_RegionDifference; HObject ho_ImageReduced1, ho_Border, ho_SelectedContours = null; HObject ho_ObjectSelected1 = null, ho_ObjectSelected2 = null; HObject ho_ContoursSplit1 = null, ho_RegionLines = null, ho_Region = null; HObject ho_RegionIntersection = null, ho_ConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_Circle = null, ho_RegionLines1 = null, ho_Region1 = null; HObject ho_RegionIntersection1 = null, ho_ConnectedRegions1 = null; HObject ho_Circle1 = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Row4 = null; HTuple hv_Column4 = null, hv_Phi2 = null, hv_Length12 = null; HTuple hv_Length22 = null, hv_Area2 = null, hv_Row5 = null; HTuple hv_Column5 = null, hv_p = null, hv_fx = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_cz = new HTuple(), hv_dz = new HTuple(), hv_lll = null; HTuple hv_Mean = null, hv_Deviation1 = null, hv_Length8 = null; HTuple hv_Number = new HTuple(), hv_Rowo1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Colo1 = new HTuple(), hv_Rowo2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Colo2 = new HTuple(), hv_as = new HTuple(), hv_ac = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_b = new HTuple(), hv_cs = new HTuple(), hv_cc = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ds1 = new HTuple(), hv_ds2 = new HTuple(), hv_dc1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_dc2 = new HTuple(), hv_Length3 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_dd = new HTuple(), hv_Floor = new HTuple(), hv_Length4 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Sequence1 = new HTuple(), hv_Length5 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Sequence = new HTuple(), hv_Sequence2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Reduced1 = new HTuple(), hv_Reduced2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Reduced3 = new HTuple(), hv_Reduced4 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_d1 = new HTuple(), hv_Length6 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Sequence3 = new HTuple(), hv_Area = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Row2 = new HTuple(), hv_Column2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Selectedc = new HTuple(), hv_Selectedr = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Newtuple = new HTuple(), hv_d2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Length7 = new HTuple(), hv_Sequence4 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Area1 = new HTuple(), hv_Row3 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column3 = new HTuple(), hv_Selectedc1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Selectedr1 = new HTuple(), hv_Newtuple5 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Selectedds1 = new HTuple(), hv_Selecteddc1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Selectedds2 = new HTuple(), hv_Selecteddc2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_hs1 = new HTuple(), hv_hs1r = new HTuple(), hv_hs1c = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_hs2 = new HTuple(), hv_hs2r = new HTuple(), hv_hs2c = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_hc1 = new HTuple(), hv_hc2 = new HTuple(), hv_jdr = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_jdc = new HTuple(), hv_jds = new HTuple(), hv_jdC = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_jxr = new HTuple(), hv_jxc = new HTuple(), hv_jxs = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_jxC = new HTuple(), hv_ydr = new HTuple(), hv_ydc = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_yds = new HTuple(), hv_ydC = new HTuple(), hv_yxr = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_yxc = new HTuple(), hv_yxs = new HTuple(), hv_yxC = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_jin = new HTuple(), hv_yu = new HTuple(), hv_jp = new HTuple(), hv_Indices = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_yp = new HTuple(), hv_j = new HTuple(), hv_luoju1 = new HTuple(), hv_Area3 = new HTuple(), hv_Row1 = new HTuple(), hv_Column1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_luoju2 = new HTuple(), hv_dajing = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_xiaojing = new HTuple(), hv_changdu = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_tiaoshu = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Regions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionFillUp); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Contours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Border); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContoursSplit1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionLines); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionLines1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Circle1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_cl); HOperatorSet.Union1(algorithm.Region, out RegionToDisp); try { ho_Rectangle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle2(out ho_Rectangle, hv_centerRowm, hv_centerColumnm, hv_Phim, hv_Length1m, hv_Length2m); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(Image, ho_Rectangle, out ho_ImageReduced); ho_Regions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AutoThreshold(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_Regions, 3); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_Regions, out ho_ObjectSelected, 1); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_Regions, out ho_ObjectSelected, 1); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_ObjectSelected, out ho_ConnectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out hv_Area3, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1); HOperatorSet.TupleFind(hv_Area3, hv_Area3.TupleMax(), out hv_Indices); ho_ObjectSelected3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out ho_ObjectSelected3, hv_Indices + 1); ho_cl.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ClosingCircle(ho_ObjectSelected3, out ho_cl, 3.5); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FillUp(ho_ObjectSelected3, out ho_RegionFillUp); ho_Contours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenContourRegionXld(ho_RegionFillUp, out ho_Contours, "border"); HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle2Xld(ho_Contours, out hv_Row4, out hv_Column4, out hv_Phi2, out hv_Length12, out hv_Length22); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionFillUp, out hv_Area2, out hv_Row5, out hv_Column5); hv_p = ((hv_Phi2 - hv_Phim)).TupleAbs(); while ((int)(new HTuple(hv_p.TupleGreater((new HTuple(90)).TupleRad()))) != 0) { hv_p = ((hv_p - ((new HTuple(180)).TupleRad()))).TupleAbs(); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_p.TupleGreater((new HTuple(45)).TupleRad()))) != 0) { hv_fx = hv_Phi2.Clone(); hv_cz = hv_Length12.Clone(); hv_dz = hv_Length22.Clone(); } else { hv_fx = hv_Phi2 + ((new HTuple(90)).TupleRad()); hv_cz = hv_Length22.Clone(); hv_dz = hv_Length12.Clone(); } hv_lll = ((((hv_cz * hv_dz) * 4) - hv_Area2) / 2) / hv_cz; ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle2(out ho_Rectangle1, hv_Row4, hv_Column4, hv_fx, hv_cz, hv_dz + 5); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle2(out ho_Rectangle3, hv_Row4, hv_Column4, hv_Phi2, hv_Length12 + 200, hv_lll); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_Rectangle1, ho_Rectangle3, out ho_RegionDifference ); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageReduced, ho_RegionDifference, out ho_ImageReduced1 ); HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_RegionDifference, ho_ImageReduced1, out hv_Mean, out hv_Deviation1); ho_Border.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ThresholdSubPix(ho_ImageReduced1, out ho_Border, hv_Mean); HOperatorSet.LengthXld(ho_Border, out hv_Length8); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Length8.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { ho_SelectedContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectContoursXld(ho_Border, out ho_SelectedContours, "contour_length", 0.5 * (hv_Length8.TupleMax()), 1.5 * (hv_Length8.TupleMax()), -0.5, 0.5); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SelectedContours, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(2))) != 0) { ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SelectedContours, out ho_ObjectSelected1, 1); ho_ObjectSelected2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SelectedContours, out ho_ObjectSelected2, 2); HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_ObjectSelected1, out hv_Rowo1, out hv_Colo1); HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_ObjectSelected2, out hv_Rowo2, out hv_Colo2); HOperatorSet.TupleTan(hv_fx + ((new HTuple(0.000001)).TupleRad()), out hv_as); HOperatorSet.TupleTan(hv_fx + ((new HTuple(90.000001)).TupleRad()), out hv_ac); hv_b = -1; hv_cs = (-(hv_Row4 + (5000 * (((hv_fx + ((new HTuple(90)).TupleRad()))).TupleSin() )))) - (hv_as * (hv_Column4 - (5000 * (((hv_fx + ((new HTuple(90)).TupleRad()))).TupleCos() )))); hv_cc = (-(hv_Row4 + (5000 * (hv_fx.TupleSin())))) - (hv_ac * (hv_Column4 - (5000 * (hv_fx.TupleCos() )))); hv_ds1 = (((((hv_as * hv_Colo1) + (hv_b * (-hv_Rowo1))) + hv_cs)).TupleAbs()) / (((1 + (hv_as * hv_as))).TupleSqrt() ); hv_ds2 = (((((hv_as * hv_Colo2) + (hv_b * (-hv_Rowo2))) + hv_cs)).TupleAbs()) / (((1 + (hv_as * hv_as))).TupleSqrt() ); hv_dc1 = (((((hv_ac * hv_Colo1) + (hv_b * (-hv_Rowo1))) + hv_cc)).TupleAbs()) / (((1 + (hv_ac * hv_ac))).TupleSqrt() ); hv_dc2 = (((((hv_ac * hv_Colo2) + (hv_b * (-hv_Rowo2))) + hv_cc)).TupleAbs()) / (((1 + (hv_ac * hv_ac))).TupleSqrt() ); ho_ContoursSplit1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_ObjectSelected2, out ho_ContoursSplit1, "lines_circles", 5, 4, 2); HOperatorSet.LengthXld(ho_ContoursSplit1, out hv_Length3); hv_dd = hv_Length3.TupleMean(); HOperatorSet.TupleFloor(hv_dd, out hv_Floor); HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_Colo1, out hv_Length4); HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(hv_Length4 - hv_Floor, hv_Length4 - 1, 1, out hv_Sequence1); HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_Colo2, out hv_Length5); HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(0, hv_Floor - 1, 1, out hv_Sequence); HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(hv_Length5 - hv_Floor, hv_Length5 - 1, 1, out hv_Sequence2); HOperatorSet.TupleRemove(hv_ds1, hv_Sequence, out hv_Reduced1); HOperatorSet.TupleRemove(hv_ds1, hv_Sequence1, out hv_Reduced2); HOperatorSet.TupleRemove(hv_ds2, hv_Sequence, out hv_Reduced3); HOperatorSet.TupleRemove(hv_ds2, hv_Sequence2, out hv_Reduced4); hv_d1 = hv_Reduced1 - hv_Reduced2; HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_d1, out hv_Length6); HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(1, hv_Length6, 1, out hv_Sequence3); ho_RegionLines.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionLine(out ho_RegionLines, 0, 0, 0, hv_Length6); ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Region, hv_d1, hv_Sequence3); ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_RegionLines, ho_Region, out ho_RegionIntersection ); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionIntersection, out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ConnectedRegions, out hv_Area, out hv_Row2, out hv_Column2); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_Colo1, ((hv_Column2 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedc); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_Rowo1, ((hv_Column2 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedr); HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(new HTuple(hv_Selectedr.TupleLength()), 1, out hv_Newtuple); ho_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_Circle, hv_Selectedr, hv_Selectedc, hv_Newtuple); hv_d2 = hv_Reduced3 - hv_Reduced4; HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_d2, out hv_Length7); HOperatorSet.TupleGenSequence(1, hv_Length7, 1, out hv_Sequence4); ho_RegionLines1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionLine(out ho_RegionLines1, 0, 0, 0, hv_Length7); ho_Region1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Region1, hv_d2, hv_Sequence4); ho_RegionIntersection1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region1, ho_RegionLines1, out ho_RegionIntersection1 ); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionIntersection1, out ho_ConnectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ConnectedRegions1, out hv_Area1, out hv_Row3, out hv_Column3); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_Colo2, ((hv_Column3 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedc1); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_Rowo2, ((hv_Column3 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedr1); HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(new HTuple(hv_Selectedr1.TupleLength()), 1, out hv_Newtuple5); ho_Circle1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_Circle1, hv_Selectedr1, hv_Selectedc1, hv_Newtuple5); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_ds1, ((hv_Column2 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedds1); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_dc1, ((hv_Column2 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selecteddc1); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_ds2, ((hv_Column3 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selectedds2); HOperatorSet.TupleSelect(hv_dc2, ((hv_Column3 + (hv_dd / 2))).TupleFloor(), out hv_Selecteddc2); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Selectedds1.TupleMean())).TupleLess(hv_Selectedds2.TupleMean() ))) != 0) { hv_hs1 = hv_Selectedds1.Clone(); hv_hs1r = hv_Selectedr.Clone(); hv_hs1c = hv_Selectedc.Clone(); hv_hs2 = hv_Selectedds2.Clone(); hv_hs2r = hv_Selectedr1.Clone(); hv_hs2c = hv_Selectedc1.Clone(); hv_hc1 = hv_Selecteddc1.Clone(); hv_hc2 = hv_Selecteddc2.Clone(); } else { hv_hs1 = hv_Selectedds2.Clone(); hv_hs2r = hv_Selectedr.Clone(); hv_hs2c = hv_Selectedc.Clone(); hv_hs2 = hv_Selectedds1.Clone(); hv_hs1r = hv_Selectedr1.Clone(); hv_hs1c = hv_Selectedc1.Clone(); hv_hc2 = hv_Selecteddc1.Clone(); hv_hc1 = hv_Selecteddc2.Clone(); } hv_jdr = new HTuple(); hv_jdc = new HTuple(); hv_jds = new HTuple(); hv_jdC = new HTuple(); hv_jxr = new HTuple(); hv_jxc = new HTuple(); hv_jxs = new HTuple(); hv_jxC = new HTuple(); hv_ydr = new HTuple(); hv_ydc = new HTuple(); hv_yds = new HTuple(); hv_ydC = new HTuple(); hv_yxr = new HTuple(); hv_yxc = new HTuple(); hv_yxs = new HTuple(); hv_yxC = new HTuple(); hv_jin = new HTuple(hv_hs1.TupleLength()); hv_yu = new HTuple(hv_hs2.TupleLength()); hv_jp = hv_hs1.TupleMean(); hv_yp = hv_hs2.TupleMean(); HTuple end_val128 = hv_jin - 1; HTuple step_val128 = 1; for (hv_j = 0; hv_j.Continue(end_val128, step_val128); hv_j = hv_j.TupleAdd(step_val128)) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_hs1.TupleSelect(hv_j))).TupleLess(hv_jp))) != 0) { hv_jdr = hv_jdr.TupleConcat(hv_hs1r.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jdc = hv_jdc.TupleConcat(hv_hs1c.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jds = hv_jds.TupleConcat(hv_hs1.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jdC = hv_jdC.TupleConcat(hv_hc1.TupleSelect(hv_j)); } else { hv_jxr = hv_jxr.TupleConcat(hv_hs1r.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jxc = hv_jxc.TupleConcat(hv_hs1c.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jxs = hv_jxs.TupleConcat(hv_hs1.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_jxC = hv_jxC.TupleConcat(hv_hc1.TupleSelect(hv_j)); } } HTuple end_val141 = hv_yu - 1; HTuple step_val141 = 1; for (hv_j = 0; hv_j.Continue(end_val141, step_val141); hv_j = hv_j.TupleAdd(step_val141)) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_hs2.TupleSelect(hv_j))).TupleGreater(hv_yp))) != 0) { hv_ydr = hv_ydr.TupleConcat(hv_hs2r.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_ydc = hv_ydc.TupleConcat(hv_hs2c.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_yds = hv_yds.TupleConcat(hv_hs2.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_ydC = hv_ydC.TupleConcat(hv_hc2.TupleSelect(hv_j)); } else { hv_yxr = hv_yxr.TupleConcat(hv_hs2r.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_yxc = hv_yxc.TupleConcat(hv_hs2c.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_yxs = hv_yxs.TupleConcat(hv_hs2.TupleSelect(hv_j)); hv_yxC = hv_yxC.TupleConcat(hv_hc2.TupleSelect(hv_j)); } } hv_luoju1 = (((hv_hc1.TupleMax()) - (hv_hc1.TupleMin())) / ((new HTuple(hv_hc1.TupleLength() )) - 1)) * 2; hv_luoju2 = (((hv_hc2.TupleMax()) - (hv_hc2.TupleMin())) / ((new HTuple(hv_hc2.TupleLength() )) - 1)) * 2; hv_dajing = (hv_yds.TupleMean()) - (hv_jds.TupleMean()); hv_xiaojing = (hv_yxs.TupleMean()) - (hv_jxs.TupleMean()); hv_changdu = (((hv_hc1.TupleConcat(hv_hc2))).TupleMax()) - (((hv_hc1.TupleConcat( hv_hc2))).TupleMin()); hv_tiaoshu = (((((((new HTuple(hv_jds.TupleLength())).TupleConcat(new HTuple(hv_jxs.TupleLength() )))).TupleConcat(new HTuple(hv_yds.TupleLength())))).TupleConcat(new HTuple(hv_yxs.TupleLength() )))).TupleMax(); } } HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Circle, ho_Circle1, out RegionToDisp); HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("大径平均值"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_dajing.D * pixeldist); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺纹长度"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_changdu.D * pixeldist); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺纹条数"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_tiaoshu.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺距1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_luoju1.D * pixeldist); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺距2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_luoju2.D * pixeldist); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Rectangle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Regions.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); ho_Contours.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_Border.Dispose(); ho_SelectedContours.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected2.Dispose(); ho_ContoursSplit1.Dispose(); ho_RegionLines.Dispose(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Circle.Dispose(); ho_RegionLines1.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_Circle1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected3.Dispose(); ho_cl.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } catch { HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("大径平均值"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺纹长度"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺纹条数"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺距1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("螺距2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Rectangle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Regions.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_RegionFillUp.Dispose(); ho_Contours.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_Border.Dispose(); ho_SelectedContours.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); ho_cl.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected2.Dispose(); ho_ContoursSplit1.Dispose(); ho_RegionLines.Dispose(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_Circle.Dispose(); ho_RegionLines1.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_Circle1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected3.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } }
// Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: Set font independent of OS public void set_display_font(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_OS = null, hv_BufferWindowHandle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Ascent = new HTuple(), hv_Descent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Height = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Scale = new HTuple(), hv_Exception = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SubFamily = new HTuple(), hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SystemFonts = new HTuple(), hv_Guess = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_I = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(), hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Distances = new HTuple(), hv_Indices = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FontSelRegexp = new HTuple(), hv_FontsCourier = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Bold.Clone(); HTuple hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font.Clone(); HTuple hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size.Clone(); HTuple hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Slant.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure sets the text font of the current window with //the specified attributes. //It is assumed that following fonts are installed on the system: //Windows: Courier New, Arial Times New Roman //Mac OS X: CourierNewPS, Arial, TimesNewRomanPS //Linux: courier, helvetica, times //Because fonts are displayed smaller on Linux than on Windows, //a scaling factor of 1.25 is used the get comparable results. //For Linux, only a limited number of font sizes is supported, //to get comparable results, it is recommended to use one of the //following sizes: 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 27 //(which will be mapped internally on Linux systems to 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 34) // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The graphics window for which the font will be set //Size: The font size. If Size=-1, the default of 16 is used. //Bold: If set to 'true', a bold font is used //Slant: If set to 'true', a slanted font is used // HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); // dev_get_preferences(...); only in hdevelop // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1)))) != 0) { hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = 16; } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { //Set font on Windows systems try { //Check, if font scaling is switched on //open_window(...); HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "-Consolas-16-*-0-*-*-1-"); HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "test_string", out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); //Expected width is 110 hv_Scale = 110.0 / hv_Width; hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = ((hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP * hv_Scale)).TupleInt(); //close_window(...); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("courier")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Courier New"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Consolas"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Arial"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Times New Roman"; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, ((((((("-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Dar"))) != 0) { //Set font on Mac OS X systems. Since OS X does not have a strict naming //scheme for font attributes, we use tables to determine the correct font //name. hv_SubFamily = 0; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_SubFamily = hv_SubFamily.TupleBor(1); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_SubFamily = hv_SubFamily.TupleBor(2); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "Menlo-Regular"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Menlo-Italic"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Menlo-Bold"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Menlo-BoldItalic"; } else if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("courier")))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "CourierNewPSMT"; hv_Fonts[1] = "CourierNewPS-ItalicMT"; hv_Fonts[2] = "CourierNewPS-BoldMT"; hv_Fonts[3] = "CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "ArialMT"; hv_Fonts[1] = "Arial-ItalicMT"; hv_Fonts[2] = "Arial-BoldMT"; hv_Fonts[3] = "Arial-BoldItalicMT"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts[0] = "TimesNewRomanPSMT"; hv_Fonts[1] = "TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT"; hv_Fonts[2] = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"; hv_Fonts[3] = "TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT"; } else { //Attempt to figure out which of the fonts installed on the system //the user could have meant. HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_SystemFonts); hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); hv_Fonts = hv_Fonts.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Fonts = hv_Fonts.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Fonts = hv_Fonts.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Fonts = hv_Fonts.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Guess = new HTuple(); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-Regular"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "MT"); for (hv_I = 0; (int)hv_I <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Guess.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_I = (int)hv_I + 1) { HOperatorSet.TupleFind(hv_SystemFonts, hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I), out hv_Index); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Index.TupleNotEqual(-1))) != 0) { if (hv_Fonts == null) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); } hv_Fonts[0] = hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I); break; } } //Guess name of slanted font hv_Guess = new HTuple(); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-Italic"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-ItalicMT"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-Oblique"); for (hv_I = 0; (int)hv_I <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Guess.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_I = (int)hv_I + 1) { HOperatorSet.TupleFind(hv_SystemFonts, hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I), out hv_Index); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Index.TupleNotEqual(-1))) != 0) { if (hv_Fonts == null) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); } hv_Fonts[1] = hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I); break; } } //Guess name of bold font hv_Guess = new HTuple(); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-Bold"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-BoldMT"); for (hv_I = 0; (int)hv_I <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Guess.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_I = (int)hv_I + 1) { HOperatorSet.TupleFind(hv_SystemFonts, hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I), out hv_Index); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Index.TupleNotEqual(-1))) != 0) { if (hv_Fonts == null) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); } hv_Fonts[2] = hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I); break; } } //Guess name of bold slanted font hv_Guess = new HTuple(); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-BoldItalic"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-BoldItalicMT"); hv_Guess = hv_Guess.TupleConcat(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-BoldOblique"); for (hv_I = 0; (int)hv_I <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Guess.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_I = (int)hv_I + 1) { HOperatorSet.TupleFind(hv_SystemFonts, hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I), out hv_Index); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Index.TupleNotEqual(-1))) != 0) { if (hv_Fonts == null) { hv_Fonts = new HTuple(); } hv_Fonts[3] = hv_Guess.TupleSelect(hv_I); break; } } } hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Fonts.TupleSelect(hv_SubFamily); try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, (hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } else { //Set font for UNIX systems hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP * 1.25; hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(); hv_AllowedFontSizes[0] = 11; hv_AllowedFontSizes[1] = 14; hv_AllowedFontSizes[2] = 17; hv_AllowedFontSizes[3] = 20; hv_AllowedFontSizes[4] = 25; hv_AllowedFontSizes[5] = 34; if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleFind(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP))).TupleEqual( -1))) != 0) { hv_Distances = ((hv_AllowedFontSizes - hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP)).TupleAbs(); HOperatorSet.TupleSortIndex(hv_Distances, out hv_Indices); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleSelect(hv_Indices.TupleSelect( 0)); } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "Courier")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "courier"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "helvetica"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "times"; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "bold"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "medium"; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("times"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "i"; } else { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "o"; } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "r"; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, ((((((("-adobe-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); if ((int)((new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 4))).TupleEqual("Linux"))).TupleAnd( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("courier")))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, out hv_Fonts); hv_FontSelRegexp = (("^-[^-]*-[^-]*[Cc]ourier[^-]*-" + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP; hv_FontsCourier = ((hv_Fonts.TupleRegexpSelect(hv_FontSelRegexp))).TupleRegexpMatch( hv_FontSelRegexp); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_FontsCourier.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong font name"; //throw (Exception) } else { try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, (((hv_FontsCourier.TupleSelect( 0)) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException2) { HDevExpDefaultException2.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } } //throw (Exception) } } // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop return; }
//} public void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_Red = null, hv_Green = null, hv_Blue = null; HTuple hv_Row1Part = null, hv_Column1Part = null, hv_Row2Part = null; HTuple hv_Column2Part = null, hv_RowWin = null, hv_ColumnWin = null; HTuple hv_WidthWin = null, hv_HeightWin = null, hv_MaxAscent = null; HTuple hv_MaxDescent = null, hv_MaxWidth = null, hv_MaxHeight = null; HTuple hv_R1 = new HTuple(), hv_C1 = new HTuple(), hv_FactorRow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FactorColumn = new HTuple(), hv_UseShadow = null; HTuple hv_ShadowColor = null, hv_Exception = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Ascent = new HTuple(), hv_Descent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_W = new HTuple(), hv_H = new HTuple(), hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(), hv_R2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Box.Clone(); HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where // the message should be displayed //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed //CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given // with respect to the window coordinate system. // If set to 'image', image coordinates are used. // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. //Color: defines the color of the text as string. // If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used. // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically // for each new textline. //Box: If Box[0] is set to 'true', the text is written within an orange box. // If set to' false', no box is displayed. // If set to a color string (e.g. 'white', '#FF00CC', etc.), // the text is written in a box of that color. // An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed: // 'true' -> display a shadow in a default color // 'false' -> display no shadow (same as if no second value is given) // otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color // //Prepare window HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Row1Part, out hv_Column1Part, out hv_Row2Part, out hv_Column2Part); HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowWin, out hv_ColumnWin, out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1); // //default settings if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; } // hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = ((("" + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + "")).TupleSplit("\n"); // //Estimate extentions of text depending on font size. HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent, out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_R1 = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); hv_C1 = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); } else { //Transform image to window coordinates hv_FactorRow = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_Row2Part - hv_Row1Part) + 1); hv_FactorColumn = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_Column2Part - hv_Column1Part) + 1); hv_R1 = ((hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Row1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRow; hv_C1 = ((hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Column1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumn; } // //Display text box depending on text size hv_UseShadow = 1; hv_ShadowColor = "gray"; if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { if (hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP == null) { hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); } hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "#fce9d4"; hv_ShadowColor = "#f28d26"; } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleGreater( 1))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { //Use default ShadowColor set above } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual( "false"))) != 0) { hv_UseShadow = 0; } else { hv_ShadowColor = hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP[1]; //Valid color? try { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( 1)); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box[1] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } } } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Valid color? try { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0)); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box[0] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } //Calculate box extents hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = (" " + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + " "; hv_Width = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H); hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W); } hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )); hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax(); hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight; hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth; //Display rectangles HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_DrawMode); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, "fill"); //Set shadow color HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_ShadowColor); if ((int)(hv_UseShadow) != 0) { HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1 + 1, hv_C1 + 1, hv_R2 + 1, hv_C2 + 1); } //Set box color HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0)); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, hv_DrawMode); } //Write text. for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() ))); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual( "auto")))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_CurrentColor); } else { HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); } hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index); HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_C1); HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index)); } //Reset changed window settings HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row1Part, hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part, hv_Column2Part); return; }
// Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: This procedure writes a text message. public void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_M = null, hv_N = null, hv_Red = null; HTuple hv_Green = null, hv_Blue = null, hv_RowI1Part = null; HTuple hv_ColumnI1Part = null, hv_RowI2Part = null, hv_ColumnI2Part = null; HTuple hv_RowIWin = null, hv_ColumnIWin = null, hv_WidthWin = null; HTuple hv_HeightWin = null, hv_I = null, hv_RowI = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ColumnI = new HTuple(), hv_StringI = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_MaxAscent = new HTuple(), hv_MaxDescent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_MaxWidth = new HTuple(), hv_MaxHeight = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R1 = new HTuple(), hv_C1 = new HTuple(), hv_FactorRowI = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FactorColumnI = new HTuple(), hv_UseShadow = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ShadowColor = new HTuple(), hv_Exception = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Ascent = new HTuple(), hv_Descent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_W = new HTuple(), hv_H = new HTuple(), hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(), hv_R2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Box.Clone(); HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure displays text in a graphics window. // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The WindowHandle of the graphics window, where // the message should be displayed //String: A tuple of strings containing the text message to be displayed //CoordSystem: If set to 'window', the text position is given // with respect to the window coordinate system. // If set to 'image', image coordinates are used. // (This may be useful in zoomed images.) //Row: The row coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Column: The column coordinate of the desired text position // If set to -1, a default value of 12 is used. // A tuple of values is allowed to display text at different // positions. //Color: defines the color of the text as string. // If set to [], '' or 'auto' the currently set color is used. // If a tuple of strings is passed, the colors are used cyclically... // - if |Row| == |Column| == 1: for each new textline // = else for each text position. //Box: If Box[0] is set to 'true', the text is written within an orange box. // If set to' false', no box is displayed. // If set to a color string (e.g. 'white', '#FF00CC', etc.), // the text is written in a box of that color. // An optional second value for Box (Box[1]) controls if a shadow is displayed: // 'true' -> display a shadow in a default color // 'false' -> display no shadow // otherwise -> use given string as color string for the shadow color // //It is possible to display multiple text strings in a single call. //In this case, some restrictions apply: //- Multiple text positions can be defined by specifying a tuple // with multiple Row and/or Column coordinates, i.e.: // - |Row| == n, |Column| == n // - |Row| == n, |Column| == 1 // - |Row| == 1, |Column| == n //- If |Row| == |Column| == 1, // each element of String is display in a new textline. //- If multiple positions or specified, the number of Strings // must match the number of positions, i.e.: // - Either |String| == n (each string is displayed at the // corresponding position), // - or |String| == 1 (The string is displayed n times). // if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = "false"; } // // //Check conditions // hv_M = (new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())) * (new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )); hv_N = new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_M.TupleEqual(0))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( new HTuple())))) != 0) { return; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_M.TupleNotEqual(1))) != 0) { //Multiple positions // //Expand single parameters if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { hv_N = new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength()); HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_N, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP); } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )).TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_N, hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP); } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )).TupleNotEqual(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())))) != 0) { throw new HalconException("Number of elements in Row and Column does not match."); } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(hv_N, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP, out hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP); } else if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )).TupleNotEqual(hv_N))) != 0) { throw new HalconException("Number of elements in Strings does not match number of positions."); } // } // //Prepare window HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowI1Part, out hv_ColumnI1Part, out hv_RowI2Part, out hv_ColumnI2Part); HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowIWin, out hv_ColumnIWin, out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1); // //Loop over all positions HTuple end_val89 = hv_N - 1; HTuple step_val89 = 1; for (hv_I = 0; hv_I.Continue(end_val89, step_val89); hv_I = hv_I.TupleAdd(step_val89)) { hv_RowI = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_I); hv_ColumnI = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_I); //Allow multiple strings for a single position. if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_N.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { hv_StringI = hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); } else { //In case of multiple positions, only single strings //are allowed per position. //For line breaks, use \n in this case. hv_StringI = hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_I); } //Default settings //-1 is mapped to 12. if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_RowI.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_RowI = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_ColumnI.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_ColumnI = 12; } // //Split string into one string per line. hv_StringI = ((("" + hv_StringI) + "")).TupleSplit("\n"); // //Estimate extentions of text depending on font size. HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent, out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_R1 = hv_RowI.Clone(); hv_C1 = hv_ColumnI.Clone(); } else { //Transform image to window coordinates. hv_FactorRowI = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_RowI2Part - hv_RowI1Part) + 1); hv_FactorColumnI = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_ColumnI2Part - hv_ColumnI1Part) + 1); hv_R1 = (((hv_RowI - hv_RowI1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRowI) - 0.5; hv_C1 = (((hv_ColumnI - hv_ColumnI1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumnI) - 0.5; } // //Display text box depending on text size. hv_UseShadow = 1; hv_ShadowColor = "gray"; if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { if (hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP == null) { hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); } hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "#fce9d4"; hv_ShadowColor = "#f28d26"; } if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength())).TupleGreater( 1))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { //Use default ShadowColor set above } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1))).TupleEqual( "false"))) != 0) { hv_UseShadow = 0; } else { hv_ShadowColor = hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(1); //Valid color? try { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( 1)); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_Exception = new HTuple("Wrong value of control parameter Box[1] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)"); throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } } } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0))).TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { //Valid color? try { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( 0)); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_Exception = new HTuple("Wrong value of control parameter Box[0] (must be a 'true', 'false', or a valid color string)"); throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } //Calculate box extents hv_StringI = (" " + hv_StringI) + " "; hv_Width = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_StringI.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_WindowHandle, hv_StringI.TupleSelect(hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H); hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W); } hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_StringI.TupleLength())); hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax(); hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight; hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth; //Display rectangles HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_DrawMode); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, "fill"); //Set shadow color HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_ShadowColor); if ((int)(hv_UseShadow) != 0) { HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1 + 1, hv_C1 + 1, hv_R2 + 1, hv_C2 + 1); } //Set box color HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Box_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(0)); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, hv_DrawMode); } //Write text. for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_StringI.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { //Set color if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_N.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { //Wiht a single text position, each text line //may get a different color. hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() ))); } else { //With multiple text positions, each position //gets a single color for all text lines. hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_I % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() ))); } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual( "auto")))) != 0) { //Valid color? try { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_CurrentColor); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_Exception = ((("Wrong value of control parameter Color[" + (hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )))) + "] == '") + hv_CurrentColor) + "' (must be a valid color string)"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } } else { HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); } //Finally display text hv_RowI = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index); HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_RowI, hv_C1); HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, hv_StringI.TupleSelect(hv_Index)); } } //Reset changed window settings HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, hv_RowI1Part, hv_ColumnI1Part, hv_RowI2Part, hv_ColumnI2Part); return; }
public void DealSmoothing(ParRaisedEdgeSmooth parRaisedEdgeSmooth, HObject ho_ImageBinary, HObject ho_RegionBinary, ResultRaisedEdge result, Hashtable htResult) { ParSmooth par = parRaisedEdgeSmooth.g_ParSmooth; #region 定义 HObject ho_ROI = null; HObject ho_FilterROI = null; HObject ho_FilterInverseROI = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_Width = null, hv_Height = null; HTuple hv_RowInit = new HTuple(), hv_ColInit = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Row1 = null, hv_Col1 = null; HTuple hv_Row2 = null, hv_Col2 = null; HTuple hv_AreaDilation = new HTuple(), hv_RowDilation = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ColumnDilation = new HTuple(), hv_NumberSmooth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_RowS = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ColS = new HTuple(), hv_InvertedCol = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_InvertedRow = new HTuple(), hv_ConcatCol = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ConcatRow = new HTuple(), hv_NumberRegionDilation1 = new HTuple(); // Local iconic variables //怎么把图片和region导入 HObject ho_ImageReduced; HObject ho_Region, ho_RegionDilation; HObject ho_rectErosion1, ho_BorderOrigin; HObject ho_ConnectedRegionDilation = null; HObject ho_BinImage = null; HObject ho_ImageBinReduced = null, ho_BorderOriginal = null, ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal = null; HObject ho_SelectedSmoothedContours = null, ho_ObjectSelected = null; HObject ho_ContourConcat = null, ho_RegionParall = null, ho_ImageParall = null; HObject ho_RegionError = null, ho_ConnectedRegions = null, ho_RegionErosionError = null; HObject ho_RegionDilationError = null; //求取缺陷 HObject ho_BorderFull = null; HObject ho_SmoothedContoursFull = null; HObject ho_ParaFull = null; HObject ho_ParaRegionFull = null; HObject ho_RegionROIFull = null; HObject ho_ErrorFull = null; HObject ho_FilterErrorFull = null;//崩缺求取中,剪掉台阶面崩缺后的缺陷 HObject ho_ErrorRegioinFull = null; HObject ho_ErrorConnectFull = null; HObject ho_ErrorSelectFull = null; HObject ho_ErrorXldFull = null; HObject ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest = null; HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDilation); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_rectErosion1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_BorderOrigin); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegionDilation); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_BinImage); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageBinReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_BorderOriginal); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedSmoothedContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ContourConcat); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionParall); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageParall); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionError); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionErosionError); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDilationError); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_BorderFull); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SmoothedContoursFull); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_FilterInverseROI); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_FilterErrorFull); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ParaFull); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ParaRegionFull); #endregion 定义 try { int smooth = (par.SmoothValue / 2) * 2 + 1;//平滑系数只能是奇数 HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_ImageBinary, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); //求取ROI FunROI funCirROI = new FunROI(); bool blResult = false; string anno = ""; ho_ROI = funCirROI.CreateOneROI(parRaisedEdgeSmooth.g_ParROI.g_ParROIExcute_L[0], htResult, out blResult, out anno); //对ROI区域进行腐蚀,剔除多余轮廓的边界 HOperatorSet.ErosionCircle(ho_ROI, out ho_rectErosion1, 20); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageBinary, ho_rectErosion1, out ho_ImageReduced); //通过ROI截图 HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_RegionBinary, ho_ROI, out ho_RegionDilation); //对二值化图片求取轮廓 HOperatorSet.ThresholdSubPix(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_BorderOrigin, 100); //迭代十次 for (int i = 0; i < par.Num; i++) { hv_Row1 = new HTuple(); hv_Col1 = new HTuple(); hv_Row2 = new HTuple(); hv_Col2 = new HTuple(); //剔除主体之外的噪声点 ho_ConnectedRegionDilation.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionDilation, out ho_ConnectedRegionDilation); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ConnectedRegionDilation, out hv_AreaDilation, out hv_RowDilation, out hv_ColumnDilation); ho_RegionDilation.Dispose(); //保留主体 HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegionDilation, out ho_RegionDilation, "area", "and", 50000, int.MaxValue); //主题二值化以后的图片 ho_BinImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.RegionToBin(ho_RegionDilation, out ho_BinImage, 255, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height); //二值化缩减轮廓 ho_ImageBinReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_BinImage, ho_rectErosion1, out ho_ImageBinReduced); //*************************** //生成带有方向梯度的边界,用平滑后的边界和原始边界的平移生成轮廓处理 //生成内边界 ho_BorderOriginal.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ThresholdSubPix(ho_ImageBinReduced, out ho_BorderOriginal, 100); //角点非圆弧 ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SmoothContoursXld(ho_BorderOriginal, out ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal, smooth); //筛选轮廓 ho_SelectedSmoothedContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectContoursXld(ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal, out ho_SelectedSmoothedContours, "contour_length", par.SelectAreaLow, 99999999, -0.5, 0.5); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SelectedSmoothedContours, out hv_NumberSmooth); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_NumberSmooth.TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { int numSmooth = hv_NumberSmooth.ToIArr()[0] - 1; for (int j = 0; j < numSmooth; j++) { ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SelectedSmoothedContours, out ho_ObjectSelected, j + 1); HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_ObjectSelected, out hv_RowS, out hv_ColS); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_RowInit, hv_RowS, out hv_RowInit); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_ColInit, hv_ColS, out hv_ColInit); } } else { HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_SelectedSmoothedContours, out hv_RowInit, out hv_ColInit); } //生成平行轮廓的点 HTuple[] rowCol = null; GenParallPoint(par.Position, par.DefectType, (int)par.GapIn, (int)par.GapOut, hv_RowInit, hv_ColInit, out rowCol); hv_Row1 = rowCol[0]; hv_Col1 = rowCol[1]; hv_Row2 = rowCol[2]; hv_Col2 = rowCol[3]; //生成平行轮廓包围的区域 HOperatorSet.TupleInverse(hv_Col2, out hv_InvertedCol); HOperatorSet.TupleInverse(hv_Row2, out hv_InvertedRow); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_Col1, hv_InvertedCol, out hv_ConcatCol); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_Row1, hv_InvertedRow, out hv_ConcatRow); //select_contours_xld (SmoothedContours, SelectedSmoothedContours, 'contour_length', 50, 99999999, -0.5, 0.5) //HOperatorSet.SelectContoursXld(ho_ContourConcat, out ho_ContourConcat, "contour_length", par.ErrorAreaValue, 99999999, -0.5, 0.5); if (hv_ConcatRow.Length == 0) { result.LevelError_e = LevelError_enum.Error; result.Annotation = par.NameCell.ToString() + "hv_ConcatRow的数量为0"; result.SetDefault(); return; } ho_ContourConcat.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenContourPolygonXld(out ho_ContourConcat, hv_ConcatRow, hv_ConcatCol); //生成平行轮廓region ho_RegionParall.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionContourXld(ho_ContourConcat, out ho_RegionParall, "filled"); ho_ImageParall.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_BinImage, ho_RegionParall, out ho_ImageParall); ho_RegionError.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageParall, out ho_RegionError, 100, 255); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionError, out ho_ConnectedRegions); //轮廓的内边界先外移1个像素,再膨胀靠近(忽略最小1个像素的地方) ho_RegionErosionError.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions, out ho_RegionErosionError, "area", "and", par.ErrorAreaValue, 99999999); //膨胀缺陷 ho_RegionDilationError.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_RegionErosionError, out ho_RegionDilationError, par.DilationDefectValue); //剔除残留 HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_RegionDilation, ho_RegionDilationError, out ho_RegionDilation); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_RegionDilationError, out hv_NumberRegionDilation1); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_NumberRegionDilation1.TupleEqual(0))) != 0) { break; } } //完整图片 ho_BinImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.RegionToBin(ho_RegionDilation, out ho_BinImage, 255, 0, hv_Width, hv_Height); ho_ImageBinReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_BinImage, ho_rectErosion1, out ho_ImageBinReduced); //完整轮廓 ho_BorderFull.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ThresholdSubPix(ho_ImageBinReduced, out ho_BorderFull, 100); ho_SmoothedContoursFull.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SmoothContoursXld(ho_BorderFull, out ho_SmoothedContoursFull, smooth); HTuple hv_ho_SmoothedContoursFullNumber = null; HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SmoothedContoursFull, out hv_ho_SmoothedContoursFullNumber);//计算平滑区域的xld个数 //如果完整轮廓为空,则返回 if (hv_ho_SmoothedContoursFullNumber == 0) { result.LevelError_e = LevelError_enum.Error; result.Annotation = par.NameCell.ToString() + "ho_SmoothedContoursFull的数量为0"; result.SetDefault(); return; } //计算完整轮廓的长度 HTuple hv_SmoothedContoursFullLength = null; HOperatorSet.LengthXld(ho_SmoothedContoursFull, out hv_SmoothedContoursFullLength); //找到完整轮廓中最长的一段,剔除干扰小段 HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SmoothedContoursFull, out ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest, (((hv_SmoothedContoursFullLength.TupleSortIndex() )).TupleSelect((new HTuple(hv_SmoothedContoursFullLength.TupleLength())) - 1)) + 1); HTuple[] rowColFull = null; HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest, out hv_RowInit, out hv_ColInit); GenParallPoint(par.Position, par.DefectType, 0, (int)par.GapOut, hv_RowInit, hv_ColInit, out rowColFull); hv_Row1 = rowColFull[0]; hv_Col1 = rowColFull[1]; hv_Row2 = rowColFull[2]; hv_Col2 = rowColFull[3]; //生成平行轮廓包围的区域 HOperatorSet.TupleInverse(hv_Col2, out hv_InvertedCol); HOperatorSet.TupleInverse(hv_Row2, out hv_InvertedRow); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_Col1, hv_InvertedCol, out hv_ConcatCol); HOperatorSet.TupleConcat(hv_Row1, hv_InvertedRow, out hv_ConcatRow); ho_ContourConcat.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenContourPolygonXld(out ho_ContourConcat, hv_ConcatRow, hv_ConcatCol); HOperatorSet.GenRegionContourXld(ho_ContourConcat, out ho_RegionROIFull, "filled"); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageBinary, ho_RegionROIFull, out ho_ErrorFull); ho_FilterErrorFull.Dispose(); ho_FilterInverseROI.Dispose(); if (par.DefectType == "Shell" && parRaisedEdgeSmooth.g_ParROI.g_ParROIExcute_L.Count > 1) { ho_FilterROI = funCirROI.CreateOneROI(parRaisedEdgeSmooth.g_ParROI.g_ParROIExcute_L[1], htResult, out blResult, out anno); HOperatorSet.Complement(ho_FilterROI, out ho_FilterInverseROI); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ErrorFull, ho_FilterInverseROI, out ho_FilterErrorFull); } else { ho_FilterErrorFull = ho_ErrorFull.Clone(); } HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_FilterErrorFull, out ho_ErrorRegioinFull, 100, 255); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_ErrorRegioinFull, out ho_ErrorConnectFull); HTuple numError = 0; HTuple rowFull = null; HTuple colFull = null; HTuple disMin = null; HTuple disMax = null; HTuple disMinSort = null; HTuple disMinSortIndex = null; HTuple areaError = null; HTuple rowError = null; HTuple colError = null; HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_ErrorConnectFull, out numError); HObject ho_ErrorSelectedPart; for (int i = 0; i < numError; i++) { HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_ErrorConnectFull, out ho_ErrorSelectedPart, i + 1); HOperatorSet.GenContourRegionXld(ho_ErrorSelectedPart, out ho_ErrorXldFull, "border"); HOperatorSet.GetContourXld(ho_ErrorXldFull, out rowFull, out colFull); HOperatorSet.DistancePc(ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest, rowFull, colFull, out disMin, out disMax); HOperatorSet.TupleSort(disMin, out disMinSort); HOperatorSet.TupleSortIndex(disMin, out disMinSortIndex); //for (int j = 0; j < disMax.Length; j++) //{ if (disMinSort[disMinSort.Length - 1] > par.NormalTh) { HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_ErrorSelectedPart, out areaError, out rowError, out colError); result.X_L.Add(colFull[disMinSortIndex[disMinSort.Length - 1].I]); result.Y_L.Add(rowFull[disMinSortIndex[disMinSort.Length - 1].I]); result.R_L.Add(0); double dist = disMinSort[disMinSort.Length - 1]; result.Height_L.Add(Math.Round(dist, 1)); result.Area_L.Add(areaError.ToDArr()[0]); break; } //} } //区域个数 result.Num = result.X_L.Count; if (result.Num == 0) { //如果前一次结果为error,那么即使这次的结果是OK,也要保持ERROR的状态 if (result.LevelError_e == LevelError_enum.Error) { result.SetDefault(); } else { result.LevelError_e = LevelError_enum.OK; result.Annotation = par.NameCell.ToString() + "缺陷个数为0"; result.SetDefault(); } } //添加显示 AddDisplay(par.g_ParOutput, result); } catch (Exception ex) { result.LevelError_e = LevelError_enum.Error; result.Annotation = par.NameCell.ToString() + ex.Message.ToString(); result.SetDefault(); Log.L_I.WriteError(NameClass, ex); } finally { #region 记录 RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ImageBinary", ho_ImageBinary); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ROI", ho_ROI); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_FilterROI", ho_FilterROI); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_rectErosion1", ho_rectErosion1); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ImageReduced", ho_ImageReduced); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_Region", ho_Region); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionDilation", ho_RegionDilation); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_BorderOrigin", ho_BorderOrigin); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ConnectedRegionDilation", ho_ConnectedRegionDilation); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_BinImage", ho_BinImage); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_BorderOriginal", ho_BorderOriginal); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal", ho_SmoothedBoaderOriginal); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_SelectedSmoothedContours", ho_SelectedSmoothedContours); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ObjectSelected", ho_ObjectSelected); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ContourConcat", ho_ContourConcat); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionParall", ho_RegionParall); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_FilterErrorFull", ho_FilterErrorFull); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ImageParall", ho_ImageParall); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionError", ho_RegionError); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ConnectedRegions", ho_ConnectedRegions); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionErosionError", ho_RegionErosionError); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionDilationError", ho_RegionDilationError); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_BorderFull", ho_BorderFull); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_SmoothedContoursFull", ho_SmoothedContoursFull); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest", ho_SmoothedContoursFullLongest); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_RegionROIFull", ho_RegionROIFull); RecordHoject(parRaisedEdgeSmooth, result, NameClass, "ho_ErrorConnectFull", ho_ErrorConnectFull); #endregion 记录 } }
// Main procedure private void action() { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Region, ho_SmoothedImage, ho_ReducedImage; HObject ho_ModelImages, ho_ModelRegions, ho_ConnectedRegions; HObject ho_SelectedRegions, ho_ModelContours, ho_TestImage = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_WindowHandle = null, hv_Colors = null; HTuple hv_MinScore = null, hv_NumMatches = null, hv_AcqHandle = null; HTuple hv_Size = null, hv_Coeffs = null, hv_ModelID = null; HTuple hv_NumLevels = null, hv_AngleStart = null, hv_AngleExtent = null; HTuple hv_AngleStep = null, hv_ScaleMin = null, hv_ScaleMax = null; HTuple hv_ScaleStep = null, hv_Metric = null, hv_MinContrast = null; HTuple hv_keepGrabbing = null, hv_Row = new HTuple(), hv_Column = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Button = new HTuple(), hv_Exception = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ErrorCode = new HTuple(), hv_Angle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Score = new HTuple(), hv_ScoreLength = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_BestMatchScore = new HTuple(), hv_location = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SmoothedImage); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ReducedImage); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ModelImages); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ModelRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ModelContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TestImage); try { // import(...); only in hdevelop // import(...); only in hdevelop if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.CloseWindow(HDevWindowStack.Pop()); } HOperatorSet.SetWindowAttr("background_color", "white"); HOperatorSet.OpenWindow(0, 0, 1024, 768, 0, "", "", out hv_WindowHandle); HDevWindowStack.Push(hv_WindowHandle); // dev_update_time(...); only in hdevelop if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetLineWidth(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), 3); } hv_Colors = new HTuple(); hv_Colors[0] = "red"; hv_Colors[1] = "green"; hv_Colors[2] = "cyan"; hv_MinScore = 0.5; hv_NumMatches = 1; //global object Image HOperatorSet.OpenFramegrabber("GigEVision", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "default", -1, "default", -1, "false", "default", "00111cf51192_SENSORTECHNOLOGYCOLTD_STCGE83A", 0, -1, out hv_AcqHandle); HOperatorSet.SetFramegrabberParam(hv_AcqHandle, "ExposureTimeRaw", 9000); disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "Press F5 to begin live grab. Press Left mouse click to exit live acquisition...", "window", -1, -1, "black", "true"); // stop(...); only in hdevelop abshear_async_acquisition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_AcqHandle); disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "Hold down Left Mouse Button to select region", "window", -1, -1, "black", "true"); ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DrawRegion(out ho_Region, hv_WindowHandle); HOperatorSet.InfoSmooth("deriche2", 0.3, out hv_Size, out hv_Coeffs); ho_SmoothedImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SmoothImage(ExpGetGlobalVar_Image(), out ho_SmoothedImage, "deriche2", 0.3); ho_ReducedImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_SmoothedImage, ho_Region, out ho_ReducedImage); ho_ModelImages.Dispose(); ho_ModelRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.InspectShapeModel(ho_ReducedImage, out ho_ModelImages, out ho_ModelRegions, 1, 160); //Since the shape models contain a few extraneous edges, they will be //removed here to give a slightly nicer visualization. ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_ModelRegions, out ho_ConnectedRegions); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions, out ho_SelectedRegions, "area", "and", 20, 100000); ho_ModelRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_SelectedRegions, out ho_ModelRegions); ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenContoursSkeletonXld(ho_ModelRegions, out ho_ModelContours, 1, "filter"); HOperatorSet.CreateShapeModel(ho_ReducedImage, "auto", -0.39, 0.79, "auto", "auto", "use_polarity", "auto", "auto", out hv_ModelID); HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelParams(hv_ModelID, out hv_NumLevels, out hv_AngleStart, out hv_AngleExtent, out hv_AngleStep, out hv_ScaleMin, out hv_ScaleMax, out hv_ScaleStep, out hv_Metric, out hv_MinContrast); abshear_serialize_and_save(ho_SmoothedImage, hv_ModelID); hv_keepGrabbing = 1; while ((int)(hv_keepGrabbing) != 0) { try { HOperatorSet.GetMposition(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Row, out hv_Column, out hv_Button); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); hv_ErrorCode = hv_Exception.TupleSelect(0); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Button.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { hv_keepGrabbing = 0; } //Grab and display an image for the matching ho_TestImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GrabImageAsync(out ho_TestImage, hv_AcqHandle, -1); ho_SmoothedImage.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SmoothImage(ho_TestImage, out ho_SmoothedImage, "deriche2", 0.3); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_TestImage, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_TestImage, hv_ModelID, -0.39, 0.79, hv_MinScore, hv_NumMatches, 0.5, "least_squares", 0, 0.9, out hv_Row, out hv_Column, out hv_Angle, out hv_Score); HDevWindowStack.SetActive(hv_WindowHandle); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(HDevWindowStack.GetActive(), "green"); } dev_display_shape_matching_results(hv_ModelID, "green", hv_Row, hv_Column, hv_Angle, 1.0, 1.0, 0); HOperatorSet.TupleLength(hv_Score, out hv_ScoreLength); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_ScoreLength.TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleFirstN(hv_Score, 0, out hv_BestMatchScore); disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "BestMatch: " + hv_BestMatchScore, "window", -1, -1, "black", "true"); hv_location = (("Location: " + hv_Row) + new HTuple(", ")) + hv_Column; disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, hv_location, "window", 40, -1, "black", "true"); } else { disp_message(hv_WindowHandle, "No match found...", "window", -1, -1, "black", "true"); } } HOperatorSet.CloseFramegrabber(hv_AcqHandle); } catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException) { ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_SmoothedImage.Dispose(); ho_ReducedImage.Dispose(); ho_ModelImages.Dispose(); ho_ModelRegions.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); ho_TestImage.Dispose(); throw HDevExpDefaultException; } ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_SmoothedImage.Dispose(); ho_ReducedImage.Dispose(); ho_ModelImages.Dispose(); ho_ModelRegions.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); ho_TestImage.Dispose(); }
internal static void disp_message(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_String, HTuple hv_CoordSystem, HTuple hv_Row, HTuple hv_Column, HTuple hv_Color, HTuple hv_Box) { // Local control variables HTuple hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue, hv_Row1Part; HTuple hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part, hv_Column2Part, hv_RowWin; HTuple hv_ColumnWin, hv_WidthWin, hv_HeightWin, hv_MaxAscent; HTuple hv_MaxDescent, hv_MaxWidth, hv_MaxHeight, hv_R1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_C1 = new HTuple(), hv_FactorRow = new HTuple(), hv_FactorColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Width = new HTuple(), hv_Index = new HTuple(), hv_Ascent = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Descent = new HTuple(), hv_W = new HTuple(), hv_H = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FrameHeight = new HTuple(), hv_FrameWidth = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R2 = new HTuple(), hv_C2 = new HTuple(), hv_DrawMode = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Exception = new HTuple(), hv_CurrentColor = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Color.Clone(); HTuple hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Column.Clone(); HTuple hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Row.Clone(); HTuple hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_String.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Red, out hv_Green, out hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.GetPart(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Row1Part, out hv_Column1Part, out hv_Row2Part, out hv_Column2Part); HOperatorSet.GetWindowExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_RowWin, out hv_ColumnWin, out hv_WidthWin, out hv_HeightWin); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, 0, 0, hv_HeightWin - 1, hv_WidthWin - 1); // //default settings if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1))) != 0) { hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP = 12; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))) != 0) { hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP = ""; } // hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = ((("" + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + "")).TupleSplit("\n"); // //Estimate extentions of text depending on font size. HOperatorSet.GetFontExtents(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_MaxAscent, out hv_MaxDescent, out hv_MaxWidth, out hv_MaxHeight); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_CoordSystem.TupleEqual("window"))) != 0) { hv_R1 = hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); hv_C1 = hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); } else { //transform image to window coordinates hv_FactorRow = (1.0 * hv_HeightWin) / ((hv_Row2Part - hv_Row1Part) + 1); hv_FactorColumn = (1.0 * hv_WidthWin) / ((hv_Column2Part - hv_Column1Part) + 1); hv_R1 = ((hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Row1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorRow; hv_C1 = ((hv_Column_COPY_INP_TMP - hv_Column1Part) + 0.5) * hv_FactorColumn; } // //display text box depending on text size if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { //calculate box extents hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP = (" " + hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP) + " "; hv_Width = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { HOperatorSet.GetStringExtents(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index), out hv_Ascent, out hv_Descent, out hv_W, out hv_H); hv_Width = hv_Width.TupleConcat(hv_W); } hv_FrameHeight = hv_MaxHeight * (new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )); hv_FrameWidth = (((new HTuple(0)).TupleConcat(hv_Width))).TupleMax(); hv_R2 = hv_R1 + hv_FrameHeight; hv_C2 = hv_C1 + hv_FrameWidth; //display rectangles HOperatorSet.GetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_DrawMode); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, "fill"); HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, "light gray"); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1 + 3, hv_C1 + 3, hv_R2 + 3, hv_C2 + 3); HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, "white"); HOperatorSet.DispRectangle1(hv_WindowHandle, hv_R1, hv_C1, hv_R2, hv_C2); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_WindowHandle, hv_DrawMode); } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Box.TupleNotEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Box"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } //Write text. for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { hv_CurrentColor = hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect(hv_Index % (new HTuple(hv_Color_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() ))); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual(""))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_CurrentColor.TupleNotEqual( "auto")))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_WindowHandle, hv_CurrentColor); } else { HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); } hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_R1 + (hv_MaxHeight * hv_Index); HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row_COPY_INP_TMP, hv_C1); HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, hv_String_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_Index)); } //reset changed window settings HOperatorSet.SetRgb(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Red, hv_Green, hv_Blue); HOperatorSet.SetPart(hv_WindowHandle, hv_Row1Part, hv_Column1Part, hv_Row2Part, hv_Column2Part); return; }
private void action() { HTuple hv_Area1 = null, hv_Row = null, hv_Column = null; HTuple hv_Area2 = null, hv_Area3 = null, hv_Area4 = null, hv_Area5 = null, hv_Area6 = null; HTuple hv_l1 = null, hv_l2 = null; HObject ho_Region, ho_Rectangle1, ho_Rectangle2, ho_Rectangle5, ho_Rectangle6, ho_RegionIntersection5, ho_RegionIntersection6; HObject ho_Rectangle3, ho_Rectangle4, ho_RegionIntersection1; HObject ho_RegionIntersection2, ho_RegionIntersection3; HObject ho_RegionIntersection4; HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection5); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionIntersection6); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle5); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle6); ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(Image, out ho_Region, 0, 64); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle1, 5, 5, 75, 1900); ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle2, 550, 5, 650, 1900); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle3, 1160, 5, 1230, 1900); ho_Rectangle4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle4, 0, 1000, 1236, 1400); ho_Rectangle5.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle5, 5, 1000, 75, 1050); ho_Rectangle6.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle6, 1160, 1000, 1230, 1050); ho_RegionIntersection5.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle5, out ho_RegionIntersection5 ); ho_RegionIntersection6.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle6, out ho_RegionIntersection6 ); ho_RegionIntersection1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle1, out ho_RegionIntersection1 ); ho_RegionIntersection2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle2, out ho_RegionIntersection2 ); ho_RegionIntersection3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle3, out ho_RegionIntersection3 ); ho_RegionIntersection4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Intersection(ho_Region, ho_Rectangle4, out ho_RegionIntersection4 ); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection1, out hv_Area1, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection2, out hv_Area2, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection3, out hv_Area3, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection4, out hv_Area4, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection5, out hv_Area5, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_RegionIntersection6, out hv_Area6, out hv_Row, out hv_Column); if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Area5.TupleEqual(0))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_Area6.TupleEqual( 0)))) != 0) { hv_l1 = (hv_Area2 / 100) - ((hv_Area1 + hv_Area3) / 140); } else if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Area5.TupleEqual(0))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_Area6.TupleGreater( 0)))) != 0) { hv_l1 = (hv_Area2 / 100) - (hv_Area1 / 70); } else if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Area5.TupleGreater(0))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_Area6.TupleEqual( 0)))) != 0) { hv_l1 = (hv_Area2 / 100) - (hv_Area3 / 70); } hv_l2 = (double)hv_Area4 / 400; HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("length1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_l1 * pixeldist); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("length2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_l2 * pixeldist); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle1.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle2.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle3.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle4.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle5.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle6.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection1.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection2.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection3.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection4.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection5.Dispose(); ho_RegionIntersection6.Dispose(); }
// Main procedure private void action() { // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Image, ho_GrayImage3, ho_ImageGauss; HObject ho_ModelContours = null, ho_TransContours = null, ho_Rectangle = null; HObject ho_ImageReduced = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_T1 = null, hv_CheckNO = null, hv_GODS = null; HTuple hv_Minspec = null, hv_Setnumber = null, hv_ocvgod = null; HTuple hv_RowPlus = null, hv_ColPlus = null, hv_path = null; HTuple hv_FileHandle = null, hv_OutLine = null, hv_IsEOF = null; HTuple hv_CheckNumber = null, hv_GreedinessNumber = null; HTuple hv_Index = null, hv_checkNO = new HTuple(), hv_gods = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Mins = new HTuple(), hv_Setn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ocvgodfile = new HTuple(), hv_Setocvchar = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_ocvchar = new HTuple(), hv_Setrowplus = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Setcolplus = new HTuple(), hv_ModelID1 = null; HTuple hv_ModelID2 = null, hv_ModelID3 = null, hv_ModelID4 = null; HTuple hv_ModelID5 = null, hv_ModelID6 = null, hv_ModelIDs = null; HTuple hv_Width = null, hv_Height = null, hv_WindowHandle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Index2 = null, hv_Row1 = new HTuple(), hv_Column1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Row2 = new HTuple(), hv_Column2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_RefRow = new HTuple(), hv_RefColumn = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_HomMat2D = new HTuple(), hv_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column = new HTuple(), hv_Angle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Score = new HTuple(), hv_I = new HTuple(), hv_OCVHandle = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Quality = new HTuple(), hv_Index1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_T2 = null; // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_GrayImage3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageGauss); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ModelContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_TransContours); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectangle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.CountSeconds(out hv_T1); //**外部控制参数读入*** hv_CheckNO = new HTuple(); hv_GODS = new HTuple(); hv_Minspec = new HTuple(); hv_Setnumber = new HTuple(); hv_ocvgod = new HTuple(); hv_RowPlus = new HTuple(); hv_ColPlus = new HTuple(); hv_path = "matchingpara_fengwu_hougai.txt"; HOperatorSet.OpenFile(hv_path, "input", out hv_FileHandle); HOperatorSet.FreadLine(hv_FileHandle, out hv_OutLine, out hv_IsEOF); HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 0), out hv_CheckNumber); HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 1), out hv_GreedinessNumber); HTuple end_val15 = hv_CheckNumber - 1; HTuple step_val15 = 1; for (hv_Index = 0; hv_Index.Continue(end_val15, step_val15); hv_Index = hv_Index.TupleAdd(step_val15)) { HOperatorSet.FreadLine(hv_FileHandle, out hv_OutLine, out hv_IsEOF); HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 0), out hv_checkNO); if (hv_CheckNO == null) { hv_CheckNO = new HTuple(); } hv_CheckNO[hv_Index] = hv_checkNO; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 1), out hv_gods); if (hv_GODS == null) { hv_GODS = new HTuple(); } hv_GODS[hv_Index] = hv_gods; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 2), out hv_Mins); if (hv_Minspec == null) { hv_Minspec = new HTuple(); } hv_Minspec[hv_Index] = hv_Mins; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 3), out hv_Setn); if (hv_Setnumber == null) { hv_Setnumber = new HTuple(); } hv_Setnumber[hv_Index] = hv_Setn; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 4), out hv_ocvgodfile); if (hv_ocvgod == null) { hv_ocvgod = new HTuple(); } hv_ocvgod[hv_Index] = hv_ocvgodfile; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 5), out hv_Setocvchar); if (hv_ocvchar == null) { hv_ocvchar = new HTuple(); } hv_ocvchar[hv_Index] = hv_Setocvchar; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 6), out hv_Setrowplus); if (hv_RowPlus == null) { hv_RowPlus = new HTuple(); } hv_RowPlus[hv_Index] = hv_Setrowplus; HOperatorSet.TupleNumber(((hv_OutLine.TupleSplit(new HTuple(",,,")))).TupleSelect( 7), out hv_Setcolplus); if (hv_ColPlus == null) { hv_ColPlus = new HTuple(); } hv_ColPlus[hv_Index] = hv_Setcolplus; } HOperatorSet.CloseFile(hv_FileHandle); //**Log 文件创建*** HOperatorSet.OpenFile("matching_fengwu_result.csv", "output", out hv_FileHandle); //**模板读入*** HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/01_MOVIE_O.shm", out hv_ModelID1); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/02_MENU_M.shm", out hv_ModelID2); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/03_MOVIE_E.shm", out hv_ModelID3); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/04_jiajian.shm", out hv_ModelID4); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/05_C.shm", out hv_ModelID5); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("god_fengwu/06_MOVIE_V.shm", out hv_ModelID6); hv_ModelIDs = new HTuple(); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID1); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID2); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID3); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID4); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID5); hv_ModelIDs = hv_ModelIDs.TupleConcat(hv_ModelID6); ho_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "fw10.bmp"); HOperatorSet.GetImageSize(ho_Image, out hv_Width, out hv_Height); dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle); HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle); ho_GrayImage3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Rgb1ToGray(ho_Image, out ho_GrayImage3); ho_ImageGauss.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GaussImage(ho_Image, out ho_ImageGauss, 5); HTuple end_val61 = hv_CheckNumber - 1; HTuple step_val61 = 1; int idx = 0; for (hv_Index2 = 0; hv_Index2.Continue(end_val61, step_val61); hv_Index2 = hv_Index2.TupleAdd(step_val61)) { //Matching 01: ************************************************ //Matching 01: BEGIN of generated code for model initialization //Matching 01: ************************************************ HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); // //Matching 01: Read the shape model from file // //Matching 01: Get the model contour for transforming it later into the image ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_ModelContours, hv_ModelIDs.TupleSelect( hv_Index2), 1); // //Matching 01: Set a reference position to show the model HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle1Xld(ho_ModelContours, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1, out hv_Row2, out hv_Column2); hv_RefRow = ((hv_Row2.TupleMax()) - (hv_Row1.TupleMin())) / 2; hv_RefColumn = ((hv_Column2.TupleMax()) - (hv_Column1.TupleMin())) / 2; HOperatorSet.VectorAngleToRigid(0, 0, 0, hv_RefRow, hv_RefColumn, 0, out hv_HomMat2D); ho_TransContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransContourXld(ho_ModelContours, out ho_TransContours, hv_HomMat2D); // //Matching 01: Display the model contours HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "green"); HOperatorSet.SetDraw(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "margin"); HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_TransContours, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle); // //Matching 01: END of generated code for model initialization //Matching 01: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //Matching 01: BEGIN of generated code for model application // //Matching 01: Loop over all specified test images //Matching 01: Find the model HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_ImageGauss, hv_ModelIDs.TupleSelect(hv_Index2), (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad(), (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), hv_Minspec.TupleSelect( hv_Index2), hv_Setnumber.TupleSelect(hv_Index2), 0.5, "least_squares", (new HTuple(3)).TupleConcat(1), hv_GreedinessNumber, out hv_Row, out hv_Column, out hv_Angle, out hv_Score); // //Matching 01: Transform the model contours into the detected positions HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle); for (hv_I = 0; (int)hv_I <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Score.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_I = (int)hv_I + 1) { HOperatorSet.HomMat2dIdentity(out hv_HomMat2D); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dRotate(hv_HomMat2D, hv_Angle.TupleSelect(hv_I), 0, 0, out hv_HomMat2D); HOperatorSet.HomMat2dTranslate(hv_HomMat2D, hv_Row.TupleSelect(hv_I), hv_Column.TupleSelect( hv_I), out hv_HomMat2D); ho_TransContours.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransContourXld(ho_ModelContours, out ho_TransContours, hv_HomMat2D); //HOperatorSet.SetColor(hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle, "green"); // HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_TransContours, hv_ExpDefaultWinHandle); } // //Matching 01: Clear model when done HOperatorSet.ClearShapeModel(hv_ModelIDs.TupleSelect(hv_Index2)); //Matching 01: ******************************************* //Matching 01: END of generated code for model application //Matching 01: ******************************************* // // //**Matching Log数据写入外部文件*** if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_I.TupleEqual(hv_Setnumber.TupleSelect(hv_Index2)))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.ReadOcv(hv_ocvgod.TupleSelect(hv_Index2), out hv_OCVHandle); ho_Rectangle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectangle, hv_Row - (hv_RowPlus.TupleSelect( hv_Index2)), hv_Column - (hv_ColPlus.TupleSelect(hv_Index2)), hv_Row + (hv_RowPlus.TupleSelect( hv_Index2)), hv_Column + (hv_ColPlus.TupleSelect(hv_Index2))); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageGauss, ho_Rectangle, out ho_ImageReduced ); HOperatorSet.DoOcvSimple(ho_ImageReduced, hv_OCVHandle, hv_ocvchar.TupleSelect( hv_Index2), "true", "true", "true", "true", 5, out hv_Quality); cs_Quality[idx] = hv_Quality; cs_x[idx] = hv_Column; cs_y[idx] = hv_Row; idx++; HTuple end_val126 = hv_I; HTuple step_val126 = 1; for (hv_Index1 = 1; hv_Index1.Continue(end_val126, step_val126); hv_Index1 = hv_Index1.TupleAdd(step_val126)) { HOperatorSet.FwriteString(hv_FileHandle, ((((((((((((hv_CheckNO.TupleSelect( hv_Index2)) + new HTuple(",")) + (hv_GODS.TupleSelect(hv_Index2))) + new HTuple(",")) + "OK") + new HTuple(",")) + hv_I) + new HTuple(",")) + (hv_Score.TupleSelect( hv_Index1 - 1))) + new HTuple(",")) + "Quality") + new HTuple(",")) + hv_Quality); HOperatorSet.FnewLine(hv_FileHandle); } } else { HOperatorSet.FwriteString(hv_FileHandle, ((((((((hv_CheckNO.TupleSelect(hv_Index2)) + new HTuple(",")) + (hv_GODS.TupleSelect( hv_Index2))) + new HTuple(",")) + "NG") + new HTuple(",")) + hv_I) + new HTuple(",")) + (hv_Setnumber.TupleSelect( hv_Index2))); HOperatorSet.FnewLine(hv_FileHandle); } } HOperatorSet.CountSeconds(out hv_T2); HOperatorSet.FwriteString(hv_FileHandle, ("执行时间:" + (hv_T2 - hv_T1)) + "S"); HOperatorSet.CloseFile(hv_FileHandle); ho_Image.Dispose(); ho_GrayImage3.Dispose(); ho_ImageGauss.Dispose(); ho_ModelContours.Dispose(); ho_TransContours.Dispose(); ho_Rectangle.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); }
// Chapter: Graphics / Text // Short Description: Set font independent of OS public void set_display_font(HTuple hv_WindowHandle, HTuple hv_Size, HTuple hv_Font, HTuple hv_Bold, HTuple hv_Slant) { // Local control variables HTuple hv_OS = null; HTuple hv_Exception = new HTuple(), hv_BoldString = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_SlantString = new HTuple(), hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Distances = new HTuple(), hv_Indices = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Fonts = new HTuple(), hv_FontSelRegexp = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FontsCourier = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Bold.Clone(); HTuple hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font.Clone(); HTuple hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size.Clone(); HTuple hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Slant.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure sets the text font of the current window with //the specified attributes. //It is assumed that following fonts are installed on the system: //Windows: Courier New, Arial Times New Roman //Mac OS X: CourierNewPS, Arial, TimesNewRomanPS //Linux: courier, helvetica, times //Because fonts are displayed smaller on Linux than on Windows, //a scaling factor of 1.25 is used the get comparable results. //For Linux, only a limited number of font sizes is supported, //to get comparable results, it is recommended to use one of the //following sizes: 9, 11, 14, 16, 20, 27 //(which will be mapped internally on Linux systems to 11, 14, 17, 20, 25, 34) // //Input parameters: //WindowHandle: The graphics window for which the font will be set //Size: The font size. If Size=-1, the default of 16 is used. //Bold: If set to 'true', a bold font is used //Slant: If set to 'true', a slanted font is used // HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); // dev_get_preferences(...); only in hdevelop // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(-1)))) != 0) { hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = 16; } if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { //Set font on Windows systems if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "courier")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Courier New"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Arial"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Times New Roman"; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 1; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = 0; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, ((((((("-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Dar"))) != 0) { //Set font on Mac OS X systems if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_BoldString = "Bold"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_BoldString = ""; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_SlantString = "Italic"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_SlantString = ""; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("Courier"))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "courier")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "CourierNewPS"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "Arial"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "TimesNewRomanPS"; } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "true")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = ((hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_BoldString) + hv_SlantString; } hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "MT"; try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, (hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP + "-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } else { //Set font for UNIX systems hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP * 1.25; hv_AllowedFontSizes = new HTuple(); hv_AllowedFontSizes[0] = 11; hv_AllowedFontSizes[1] = 14; hv_AllowedFontSizes[2] = 17; hv_AllowedFontSizes[3] = 20; hv_AllowedFontSizes[4] = 25; hv_AllowedFontSizes[5] = 34; if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleFind(hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP))).TupleEqual( -1))) != 0) { hv_Distances = ((hv_AllowedFontSizes - hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP)).TupleAbs(); HOperatorSet.TupleSortIndex(hv_Distances, out hv_Indices); hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_AllowedFontSizes.TupleSelect(hv_Indices.TupleSelect( 0)); } if ((int)((new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("mono"))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "Courier")))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "courier"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("sans"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "helvetica"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("serif"))) != 0) { hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP = "times"; } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "bold"; } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP = "medium"; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Bold"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("true"))) != 0) { if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("times"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "i"; } else { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "o"; } } else if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("false"))) != 0) { hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP = "r"; } else { hv_Exception = "Wrong value of control parameter Slant"; throw new HalconException(hv_Exception); } try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, ((((((("-adobe-" + hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException1) { HDevExpDefaultException1.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); if ((int)((new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 4))).TupleEqual("Linux"))).TupleAnd( new HTuple(hv_Font_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual("courier")))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.QueryFont(hv_WindowHandle, out hv_Fonts); hv_FontSelRegexp = (("^-[^-]*-[^-]*[Cc]ourier[^-]*-" + hv_Bold_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-") + hv_Slant_COPY_INP_TMP; hv_FontsCourier = ((hv_Fonts.TupleRegexpSelect(hv_FontSelRegexp))).TupleRegexpMatch( hv_FontSelRegexp); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_FontsCourier.TupleLength())).TupleEqual( 0))) != 0) { hv_Exception = "Wrong font name"; //throw (Exception) } else { try { HOperatorSet.SetFont(hv_WindowHandle, (((hv_FontsCourier.TupleSelect( 0)) + "-normal-*-") + hv_Size_COPY_INP_TMP) + "-*-*-*-*-*-*-*"); } // catch (Exception) catch (HalconException HDevExpDefaultException2) { HDevExpDefaultException2.ToHTuple(out hv_Exception); //throw (Exception) } } } //throw (Exception) } } // dev_set_preferences(...); only in hdevelop return; }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R17_Circle = null; HObject ho_R17_ROI_Image = null, ho_R17_Region = null, ho_R17_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R17_Edges = null, ho_R17_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R17_SingleSegment = null; HObject ho_R17_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_R17_Row, hv_STD_R17_Col; HTuple hv_STD_R17_V_Row, hv_STD_R17_V_Col, hv_R17_X, hv_R17_Y; HTuple hv_R17_Pos_Row, hv_R17_Pos_Col, hv_R17_R; HTuple hv_alpha = new HTuple(), hv_R17_low = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_high = new HTuple(), hv_R17_NumSegments = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(), hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17 = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_Row = new HTuple(), hv_R17_Column = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_Radius = new HTuple(), hv_R17_StartPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_EndPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R17_PointOrder = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_MinDist = new HTuple(), hv_R17_MaxDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_AvgDist = new HTuple(), hv_R17_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_SingleSegment); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R17 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 // dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****R17 //STD R17_ 位置 hv_STD_R17_Row = 802; hv_STD_R17_Col = 660; //STD 向量 STD_R17_ hv_STD_R17_V_Row = hv_STD_R17_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R17_V_Col = hv_STD_R17_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R17_X, R17_Y 分量 hv_R17_X = (hv_STD_R17_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R17_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R17_Y = (hv_STD_R17_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R17_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R17_ 位置 hv_R17_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R17_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R17_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R17_X) + hv_OffsetCol; hv_R17_R = 17; ho_R17_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R17_Circle, hv_R17_Pos_Row, hv_R17_Pos_Col, hv_R17_R); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { //dev_display (R17_Circle) } //stop () ho_R17_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R17_Circle, out ho_R17_ROI_Image); ho_R17_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R17_ROI_Image, out ho_R17_Region, 100, 255, 15); ho_R17_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R17_ROI_Image, ho_R17_Region, out ho_R17_ImageReduced ); //stop () //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) hv_alpha = 0.9; hv_R17_low = 10; hv_R17_high = 60; ho_R17_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R17_ImageReduced, out ho_R17_Edges, "sobel_fast", hv_alpha, hv_R17_low, hv_R17_high); //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R17_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R17_Edges, out ho_R17_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 17, 1, 1); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R17_ContoursSplit, out hv_R17_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0; hv_R17 = 999; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R17_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R17_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R17_ContoursSplit, out ho_R17_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R17_Row, out hv_R17_Column, out hv_R17_Radius, out hv_R17_StartPhi, out hv_R17_EndPhi, out hv_R17_PointOrder); ho_R17_ContEllipse.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R17_ContEllipse, hv_R17_Row, hv_R17_Column, 0, hv_R17_Radius, hv_R17_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive", 1.0); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_R17_ContEllipse, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1, 0, hv_R17_Row, hv_R17_Column, 0, hv_R17_Radius, hv_R17_Radius, out hv_R17_MinDist, out hv_R17_MaxDist, out hv_R17_AvgDist, out hv_R17_SigmaDist); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R17.TupleGreater(hv_R17_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R17 = hv_R17_Radius.Clone(); mResult = new CircleResult() { Row = new HTuple(hv_R17_Row), Col = new HTuple(hv_R17_Column), Radius = new HTuple(hv_R17_Radius), StartPhi = new HTuple(hv_R17_StartPhi), EndPhi = new HTuple(hv_R17_EndPhi), PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R17_PointOrder), }; } //stop () } } ho_R17_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R17_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R17_Region.Dispose(); ho_R17_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R17_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R17_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R17_SingleSegment.Dispose(); ho_R17_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return(mResult); }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R3_Circle = null; HObject ho_R3_ROI_Image = null, ho_R3_Region = null, ho_R3_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R3_Edges = null, ho_R3_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R3_SingleSegment = null; HObject ho_R3_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_R3_R; HTuple hv_STD_R3_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_R3_V_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R3_V_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_X = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Y = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_alpha = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_low = new HTuple(), hv_R3_high = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_R3 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_Column = new HTuple(), hv_R3_Radius = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_StartPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R3_EndPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_PointOrder = new HTuple(), hv_R3_MinDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_MaxDist = new HTuple(), hv_R3_AvgDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R3_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_SingleSegment); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R3_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R3 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 //ho_Image.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.ReadImage(out ho_Image, "Images/STD.bmp"); //dev_open_window_fit_image(ho_Image, 0, 0, -1, -1, out hv_WindowHandle); //// dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model All //HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel("D:/Projects/Halcon/SDMS/SDMS_Measure/Model/MatchingAll.shm", // out hv_AllModelId); //ho_AllModelContours.Dispose(); //HOperatorSet.GetShapeModelContours(out ho_AllModelContours, hv_AllModelId, 1); //HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(ho_Image, hv_AllModelId, (new HTuple(0)).TupleRad() // , (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), 0.5, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 6, 0.75, out hv_AllModelRow, // out hv_AllModelColumn, out hv_AllModelAngle, out hv_AllModelScore); //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****R3 hv_R3_R = 29; //STD R3_ 位置 hv_STD_R3_Row = 252; hv_STD_R3_Col = 1381; //STD 向量 STD_R3_ hv_STD_R3_V_Row = hv_STD_R3_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R3_V_Col = hv_STD_R3_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R3_X, R3_Y 分量 hv_R3_X = (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R3_Y = (hv_STD_R3_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R3_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R3_ 位置 hv_R3_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R3_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R3_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R3_X) + hv_OffsetCol; //** 開始計算 ho_R3_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R3_Circle, hv_R3_Pos_Row, hv_R3_Pos_Col, hv_R3_R); ho_R3_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R3_Circle, out ho_R3_ROI_Image); ho_R3_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R3_ROI_Image, out ho_R3_Region, 100, 255, 15); ho_R3_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R3_ROI_Image, ho_R3_Region, out ho_R3_ImageReduced ); //stop () //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) hv_alpha = 0.9; hv_R3_low = 20; hv_R3_high = 60; ho_R3_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R3_ImageReduced, out ho_R3_Edges, "sobel_fast", hv_alpha, hv_R3_low, hv_R3_high); //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R3_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R3_Edges, out ho_R3_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 17, 4, 2); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out hv_R3_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0; hv_R3 = 999; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R3_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R3_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R3_ContoursSplit, out ho_R3_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R3_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R3_Row, out hv_R3_Column, out hv_R3_Radius, out hv_R3_StartPhi, out hv_R3_EndPhi, out hv_R3_PointOrder); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R3.TupleGreater(hv_R3_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R3 = hv_R3_Radius.Clone(); mResult = new CircleResult() { Row = new HTuple(hv_R3_Row), Col = new HTuple(hv_R3_Column), Radius = new HTuple(hv_R3_Radius), StartPhi = new HTuple(hv_R3_StartPhi), EndPhi = new HTuple(hv_R3_EndPhi), PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R3_PointOrder), }; //HOperatorSet.SetTposition(hv_WindowHandle, (hv_R3_Pos_Row - hv_msgOffsetY) + 60, // (hv_R3_Pos_Col + hv_msgOffsetX) - 60); //HOperatorSet.WriteString(hv_WindowHandle, "R3"); //stop () } } } //*****R3 End ho_R3_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R3_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R3_Region.Dispose(); ho_R3_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R3_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R3_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R3_SingleSegment.Dispose(); ho_R3_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return mResult; }
public static void list_image_files(HTuple hv_ImageDirectory, HTuple hv_Extensions, HTuple hv_Options, out HTuple hv_ImageFiles) { // Local iconic variables // Local control variables HTuple hv_HalconImages = null, hv_OS = null; HTuple hv_Directories = null, hv_Index = null, hv_Length = null; HTuple hv_network_drive = null, hv_Substring = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_FileExists = new HTuple(), hv_AllFiles = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Selection = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_Extensions.Clone(); HTuple hv_ImageDirectory_COPY_INP_TMP = hv_ImageDirectory.Clone(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables //This procedure returns all files in a given directory //with one of the suffixes specified in Extensions. // //input parameters: //ImageDirectory: as the name says // If a tuple of directories is given, only the images in the first // existing directory are returned. // If a local directory is not found, the directory is searched // under %HALCONIMAGES%/ImageDirectory. If %HALCONIMAGES% is not set, // %HALCONROOT%/images is used instead. //Extensions: A string tuple containing the extensions to be found // e.g. ['png','tif',jpg'] or others //If Extensions is set to 'default' or the empty string '', // all image suffixes supported by HALCON are used. //Options: as in the operator list_files, except that the 'files' // option is always used. Note that the 'directories' option // has no effect but increases runtime, because only files are // returned. // //output parameter: //ImageFiles: A tuple of all found image file names // if ((int)((new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(new HTuple()))).TupleOr( new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))))).TupleOr(new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual( "default")))) != 0) { hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP = new HTuple(); hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[0] = "ima"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[1] = "tif"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[2] = "tiff"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[3] = "gif"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[4] = "bmp"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[5] = "jpg"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[6] = "jpeg"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[7] = "jp2"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[8] = "jxr"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[9] = "png"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[10] = "pcx"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[11] = "ras"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[12] = "xwd"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[13] = "pbm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[14] = "pnm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[15] = "pgm"; hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP[16] = "ppm"; // } if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_ImageDirectory_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleEqual(""))) != 0) { hv_ImageDirectory_COPY_INP_TMP = "."; } HOperatorSet.GetSystem("image_dir", out hv_HalconImages); HOperatorSet.GetSystem("operating_system", out hv_OS); if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { hv_HalconImages = hv_HalconImages.TupleSplit(";"); } else { hv_HalconImages = hv_HalconImages.TupleSplit(":"); } hv_Directories = hv_ImageDirectory_COPY_INP_TMP.Clone(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_HalconImages.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { hv_Directories = hv_Directories.TupleConcat(((hv_HalconImages.TupleSelect(hv_Index)) + "/") + hv_ImageDirectory_COPY_INP_TMP); } HOperatorSet.TupleStrlen(hv_Directories, out hv_Length); HOperatorSet.TupleGenConst(new HTuple(hv_Length.TupleLength()), 0, out hv_network_drive); if ((int)(new HTuple(((hv_OS.TupleSubstr(0, 2))).TupleEqual("Win"))) != 0) { for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Length.TupleLength())) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { if ((int)(new HTuple(((((hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index))).TupleStrlen() )).TupleGreater(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleStrFirstN(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), 1, out hv_Substring); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Substring.TupleEqual("//"))) != 0) { if (hv_network_drive == null) { hv_network_drive = new HTuple(); } hv_network_drive[hv_Index] = 1; } } } } hv_ImageFiles = new HTuple(); for (hv_Index = 0; (int)hv_Index <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Directories.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_Index = (int)hv_Index + 1) { HOperatorSet.FileExists(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), out hv_FileExists); if ((int)(hv_FileExists) != 0) { HOperatorSet.ListFiles(hv_Directories.TupleSelect(hv_Index), (new HTuple("files")).TupleConcat( hv_Options), out hv_AllFiles); hv_ImageFiles = new HTuple(); for (hv_i = 0; (int)hv_i <= (int)((new HTuple(hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleLength() )) - 1); hv_i = (int)hv_i + 1) { HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpSelect(hv_AllFiles, (((".*" + (hv_Extensions_COPY_INP_TMP.TupleSelect( hv_i))) + "$")).TupleConcat("ignore_case"), out hv_Selection); hv_ImageFiles = hv_ImageFiles.TupleConcat(hv_Selection); } HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFiles, (new HTuple("\\\\")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out hv_ImageFiles); if ((int)(hv_network_drive.TupleSelect(hv_Index)) != 0) { HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFiles, (new HTuple("//")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out hv_ImageFiles); hv_ImageFiles = "/" + hv_ImageFiles; } else { HOperatorSet.TupleRegexpReplace(hv_ImageFiles, (new HTuple("//")).TupleConcat( "replace_all"), "/", out hv_ImageFiles); } return; } } }
private void action() { // Stack for temporary objects HObject[] OTemp = new HObject[20]; // Local iconic variables HObject ho_Rectanglem; HObject ho_Regionm; HObject ho_Regionn, ho_Regiont, ho_ImageAffinTrans = null; HObject ho_ImageReduced = null, ho_Region = null, ho_RegionDilation1 = null; HObject ho_ConnectedRegions2 = null, ho_SelectedRegions2 = null; HObject ho_RegionTrans2 = null, ho_RegionDifference2 = null; HObject ho_RegionErosion1 = null, ho_ConnectedRegions3 = null; HObject ho_SelectedRegions3 = null, ho_RegionTrans3 = null; HObject ho_ImageReduced3 = null, ho_Region3 = null, ho_ConnectedRegions4 = null; HObject ho_SelectedRegions4 = null, ho_RegionErosion = null; HObject ho_RegionDilation = null, ho_RegionClosing = null, ho_ConnectedRegions = null; HObject ho_SelectedRegions = null, ho_ObjectSelected = null; HObject ho_RegionTrans = null, ho_ImageReduced1 = null, ho_Region1 = null; HObject ho_RegionDifference = null, ho_ObjectSelected1 = null; HObject ho_RegionTrans1 = null, ho_ImageReduced2 = null, ho_Region2 = null; HObject ho_RegionDifference1 = null, ho_ConnectedRegions1 = null; HObject ho_SelectedRegions1 = null, ho_RegionAffineTrans = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_m = null, hv_n = null, hv_m1 = null, hv_n1 = null; HTuple hv_h1 = null, hv_w1 = null, hv_h2 = null, hv_w2 = null; HTuple hv_Row = null, hv_Column = null, hv_Angle = null; HTuple hv_Score = null, hv_HomMat2D = new HTuple(), hv_Area1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Row4 = new HTuple(), hv_Column4 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Number = new HTuple(), hv_Row1 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column1 = new HTuple(), hv_Row2 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column2 = new HTuple(), hv_Row11 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column11 = new HTuple(), hv_Row21 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Column21 = new HTuple(), hv_Area = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Row3 = new HTuple(), hv_Column3 = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_HomMat2D1 = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Rectanglem); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Regionm); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Regionn); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Regiont); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageAffinTrans); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDilation1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionTrans2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionErosion1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionTrans3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region3); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions4); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionErosion); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDilation); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionClosing); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionTrans); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ObjectSelected1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionTrans1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ImageReduced2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_Region2); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionDifference1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_ConnectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_SelectedRegions1); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_RegionAffineTrans); HOperatorSet.Union1(algorithm.Region, out RegionToDisp); try { hv_m = 0; hv_n = 0; hv_m1 = 0; hv_n1 = 0; hv_h1 = 0; hv_w1 = 0; hv_h2 = 0; hv_w2 = 0; ho_Regionm.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Regionm, DRows, DColumns); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Regionn, DRows, DColumns); ho_Regiont.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRegionPoints(out ho_Regiont, DRows, DColumns); ho_Rectanglem.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenRectangle1(out ho_Rectanglem, DRows, DColumns, DLength1s, DLength2s); HOperatorSet.ReadShapeModel(PathHelper.currentProductPath + @"\waiguan1.shm", out hv_ModelID); HOperatorSet.FindShapeModel(Image, hv_ModelID, -6.29, 6.29, 0, 1, 0.5, "least_squares", 0, 0.9, out hv_Row, out hv_Column, out hv_Angle, out hv_Score); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Score.TupleLength())).TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.VectorAngleToRigid(hv_Row, hv_Column, hv_Angle, DRow1s, DColumn1s, 0, out hv_HomMat2D); ho_ImageAffinTrans.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransImage(Image, out ho_ImageAffinTrans, hv_HomMat2D, "constant", "false"); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageAffinTrans, ho_Rectanglem, out ho_ImageReduced ); ho_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced, out ho_Region, thv, 255); // ho_RegionDilation1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_Region, out ho_RegionDilation1, this.afs); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionDilation1, out ho_ConnectedRegions2); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShapeStd(ho_ConnectedRegions2, out ho_SelectedRegions2, "max_area", 70); ho_RegionTrans2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ShapeTrans(ho_SelectedRegions2, out ho_RegionTrans2, "convex"); ho_RegionDifference2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_RegionTrans2, ho_SelectedRegions2, out ho_RegionDifference2 ); ho_RegionErosion1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ErosionCircle(ho_RegionDifference2, out ho_RegionErosion1, this.apz); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionErosion1, out ho_ConnectedRegions3); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShapeStd(ho_ConnectedRegions3, out ho_SelectedRegions3, "max_area", 70); ho_RegionTrans3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ShapeTrans(ho_SelectedRegions3, out ho_RegionTrans3, "convex"); ho_ImageReduced3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageReduced, ho_RegionTrans3, out ho_ImageReduced3 ); ho_Region3.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced3, out ho_Region3, thv, 255); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Region3, out ho_ConnectedRegions4); ho_SelectedRegions4.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions4, out ho_SelectedRegions4, "area", "and", this.kdz, 9900999); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_SelectedRegions4, out hv_Area1, out hv_Row4, out hv_Column4); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Area1.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { hv_m1 = hv_Area1.TupleMax(); hv_n1 = hv_Area1.TupleSum(); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Regionn, ho_SelectedRegions4, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); ho_Regionn = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } else { hv_m1 = 0; hv_n1 = 0; } // ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ErosionRectangle1(ho_Region, out ho_RegionErosion, this.cd, this.pzz); ho_RegionDilation.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationRectangle1(ho_RegionErosion, out ho_RegionDilation, this.cd, this.pzz); ho_RegionClosing.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ClosingRectangle1(ho_RegionDilation, out ho_RegionClosing, this.yd, this.bjz); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_RegionClosing, out ho_ConnectedRegions); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions, out ho_SelectedRegions, (new HTuple("height")).TupleConcat( "width"), "and", (new HTuple(this.yd)).TupleConcat(this.bjz), (new HTuple(9999)).TupleConcat( 5000)); HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_SelectedRegions, out hv_Number); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Number.TupleEqual(2))) != 0) { ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SelectedRegions, out ho_ObjectSelected, 1); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ShapeTrans(ho_ObjectSelected, out ho_RegionTrans, "convex"); HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle1(ho_RegionTrans, out hv_Row1, out hv_Column1, out hv_Row2, out hv_Column2); hv_h1 = hv_Row2 - hv_Row1; hv_w1 = hv_Column2 - hv_Column1; ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageReduced, ho_RegionTrans, out ho_ImageReduced1 ); ho_Region1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced1, out ho_Region1, thv, 255); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_RegionTrans, ho_Region1, out ho_RegionDifference ); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Regionm, ho_RegionDifference, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Regionm.Dispose(); ho_Regionm = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_SelectedRegions, out ho_ObjectSelected1, 2); ho_RegionTrans1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ShapeTrans(ho_ObjectSelected1, out ho_RegionTrans1, "convex"); HOperatorSet.SmallestRectangle1(ho_RegionTrans1, out hv_Row11, out hv_Column11, out hv_Row21, out hv_Column21); hv_h2 = hv_Row21 - hv_Row11; hv_w2 = hv_Column21 - hv_Column11; ho_ImageReduced2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_ImageReduced, ho_RegionTrans1, out ho_ImageReduced2 ); ho_Region2.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_ImageReduced2, out ho_Region2, thv, 255); ho_RegionDifference1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Difference(ho_RegionTrans1, ho_Region2, out ho_RegionDifference1 ); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Regionm, ho_RegionDifference1, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Regionm.Dispose(); ho_Regionm = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Connection(ho_Regionm, out ho_ConnectedRegions1); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectShape(ho_ConnectedRegions1, out ho_SelectedRegions1, "area", "and", this.mj, 99999); HOperatorSet.AreaCenter(ho_SelectedRegions1, out hv_Area, out hv_Row3, out hv_Column3); if ((int)(new HTuple((new HTuple(hv_Area.TupleLength())).TupleGreater(0))) != 0) { hv_m = hv_Area.TupleMax(); hv_n = hv_Area.TupleSum(); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Regionn, ho_SelectedRegions1, out ExpTmpOutVar_0 ); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); ho_Regionn = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } else { hv_m = 0; hv_n = 0; } } HOperatorSet.VectorAngleToRigid(DRow1s, DColumn1s, 0, hv_Row, hv_Column, hv_Angle, out hv_HomMat2D1); ho_RegionAffineTrans.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.AffineTransRegion(ho_Regionn, out ho_RegionAffineTrans, hv_HomMat2D1, "nearest_neighbor"); { HObject ExpTmpOutVar_0; HOperatorSet.Union2(ho_Regiont, ho_RegionAffineTrans, out ExpTmpOutVar_0); ho_Regiont.Dispose(); ho_Regiont = ExpTmpOutVar_0; } } else { hv_h1 = 0; hv_w1 = 0; hv_h2 = 0; hv_w2 = 0; hv_m = 99999; hv_n = 99999; hv_m1 = 99999; hv_n1 = 99999; } HOperatorSet.ClearShapeModel(hv_ModelID); HOperatorSet.Union1(ho_Regiont, out RegionToDisp); HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("亮色区缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_n.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("亮色区最大缺陷面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_m.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("暗色区缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_n1.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("暗色区最大缺陷面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_m1.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("高1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_h1.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("宽1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_w1.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("高2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_h2.D); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("宽2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(hv_w2.D); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Rectanglem.Dispose(); ho_Regionm.Dispose(); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); ho_Regiont.Dispose(); ho_ImageAffinTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference2.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans3.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced3.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation.Dispose(); ho_RegionClosing.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans1.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced2.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionAffineTrans.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } catch { HTuple hv_result = GetHv_result(); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("亮色区缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(9999999); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("亮色区最大缺陷面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(9999999); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("暗色区缺陷总面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(9999999); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("暗色区最大缺陷面积"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(9999999); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("高1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("宽1"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("高2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat("宽2"); hv_result = hv_result.TupleConcat(0); result = hv_result.Clone(); ho_Rectanglem.Dispose(); ho_Regionm.Dispose(); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); ho_Regiont.Dispose(); ho_ImageAffinTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference2.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans3.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced3.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation.Dispose(); ho_RegionClosing.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans1.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced2.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionAffineTrans.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } finally { ho_Rectanglem.Dispose(); ho_Regionm.Dispose(); ho_Regionn.Dispose(); ho_Regiont.Dispose(); ho_ImageAffinTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_Region.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions2.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference2.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions3.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans3.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced3.Dispose(); ho_Region3.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions4.Dispose(); ho_RegionErosion.Dispose(); ho_RegionDilation.Dispose(); ho_RegionClosing.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced1.Dispose(); ho_Region1.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference.Dispose(); ho_ObjectSelected1.Dispose(); ho_RegionTrans1.Dispose(); ho_ImageReduced2.Dispose(); ho_Region2.Dispose(); ho_RegionDifference1.Dispose(); ho_ConnectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_SelectedRegions1.Dispose(); ho_RegionAffineTrans.Dispose(); algorithm.Region.Dispose(); } }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R17_Circle = null; HObject ho_R17_ROI_Image = null, ho_R17_Region = null, ho_R17_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R17_Edges = null, ho_R17_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R17_SingleSegment = null; HObject ho_R17_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_STD_R17_Row, hv_STD_R17_Col; HTuple hv_STD_R17_V_Row, hv_STD_R17_V_Col, hv_R17_X, hv_R17_Y; HTuple hv_R17_Pos_Row, hv_R17_Pos_Col, hv_R17_R; HTuple hv_alpha = new HTuple(), hv_R17_low = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_high = new HTuple(), hv_R17_NumSegments = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(), hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17 = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(), hv_Attrib = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_Row = new HTuple(), hv_R17_Column = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_Radius = new HTuple(), hv_R17_StartPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_EndPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R17_PointOrder = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_MinDist = new HTuple(), hv_R17_MaxDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R17_AvgDist = new HTuple(), hv_R17_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_SingleSegment); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R17_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R17 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 // dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****R17 //STD R17_ 位置 hv_STD_R17_Row = 802; hv_STD_R17_Col = 660; //STD 向量 STD_R17_ hv_STD_R17_V_Row = hv_STD_R17_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R17_V_Col = hv_STD_R17_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R17_X, R17_Y 分量 hv_R17_X = (hv_STD_R17_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R17_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R17_Y = (hv_STD_R17_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R17_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R17_ 位置 hv_R17_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R17_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R17_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R17_X) + hv_OffsetCol; hv_R17_R = 17; ho_R17_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R17_Circle, hv_R17_Pos_Row, hv_R17_Pos_Col, hv_R17_R); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { //dev_display (R17_Circle) } //stop () ho_R17_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R17_Circle, out ho_R17_ROI_Image); ho_R17_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.FastThreshold(ho_R17_ROI_Image, out ho_R17_Region, 100, 255, 15); ho_R17_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R17_ROI_Image, ho_R17_Region, out ho_R17_ImageReduced ); //stop () //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) hv_alpha = 0.9; hv_R17_low = 10; hv_R17_high = 60; ho_R17_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R17_ImageReduced, out ho_R17_Edges, "sobel_fast", hv_alpha, hv_R17_low, hv_R17_high); //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R17_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R17_Edges, out ho_R17_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 17, 1, 1); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R17_ContoursSplit, out hv_R17_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0; hv_R17 = 999; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R17_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R17_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R17_ContoursSplit, out ho_R17_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R17_Row, out hv_R17_Column, out hv_R17_Radius, out hv_R17_StartPhi, out hv_R17_EndPhi, out hv_R17_PointOrder); ho_R17_ContEllipse.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R17_ContEllipse, hv_R17_Row, hv_R17_Column, 0, hv_R17_Radius, hv_R17_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive", 1.0); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_R17_ContEllipse, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R17_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1, 0, hv_R17_Row, hv_R17_Column, 0, hv_R17_Radius, hv_R17_Radius, out hv_R17_MinDist, out hv_R17_MaxDist, out hv_R17_AvgDist, out hv_R17_SigmaDist); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R17.TupleGreater(hv_R17_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R17 = hv_R17_Radius.Clone(); mResult = new CircleResult() { Row = new HTuple(hv_R17_Row), Col = new HTuple(hv_R17_Column), Radius = new HTuple(hv_R17_Radius), StartPhi = new HTuple(hv_R17_StartPhi), EndPhi = new HTuple(hv_R17_EndPhi), PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R17_PointOrder), }; } //stop () } } ho_R17_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R17_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R17_Region.Dispose(); ho_R17_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R17_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R17_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R17_SingleSegment.Dispose(); ho_R17_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return mResult; }
public MeasureResult Action() { #region 輸出結果 CircleResult mResult = null; #endregion // Local iconic variables HObject ho_R6_Circle = null; HObject ho_R6_ROI_Image = null, ho_R6_Region = null, ho_R6_RegionBorder = null; HObject ho_R6_RegionDilation = null, ho_R6_ImageReduced = null; HObject ho_R6_Edges = null, ho_R6_ContoursSplit = null, ho_R6_SingleSegment = null; HObject ho_R6_ContEllipse = null; // Local control variables HTuple hv_msgOffsetY, hv_msgOffsetX; HTuple hv_STD_Row; HTuple hv_STD_Col, hv_Img_Row, hv_Img_Col, hv_Img_Rotate_Angle; HTuple hv_OffsetRow, hv_OffsetCol, hv_R6; HTuple hv_STD_R6_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R6_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_STD_R6_V_Row = new HTuple(), hv_STD_R6_V_Col = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_X = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Y = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Pos_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_Pos_Col = new HTuple(), hv_R6_R = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_R_Max = new HTuple(), hv_R6_R_Inc = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_NumSegments = new HTuple(), hv_NumCircles = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Num_Circle_Point = new HTuple(), hv_i = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_Attrib = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Row = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_Column = new HTuple(), hv_R6_Radius = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_StartPhi = new HTuple(), hv_R6_EndPhi = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_PointOrder = new HTuple(), hv_R6_MinDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_MaxDist = new HTuple(), hv_R6_AvgDist = new HTuple(); HTuple hv_R6_SigmaDist = new HTuple(); // Initialize local and output iconic variables HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Circle); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ROI_Image); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Region); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_RegionBorder); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_RegionDilation); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ImageReduced); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_Edges); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ContoursSplit); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_SingleSegment); HOperatorSet.GenEmptyObj(out ho_R6_ContEllipse); //Measure: SDMS_R6 //Author: John Hsieh //Date: 2012 // dev_update_off(...); only in hdevelop HOperatorSet.SetSystem("border_shape_models", "false"); //****Message Args hv_msgOffsetY = 100; hv_msgOffsetX = 100; //****Model Args //STD 中心點 hv_STD_Row = 772; hv_STD_Col = 1003; //目前圖形 中心點 hv_Img_Row = hv_AllModelRow.Clone(); hv_Img_Col = hv_AllModelColumn.Clone(); //目前圖形 Rotate Angle hv_Img_Rotate_Angle = hv_AllModelAngle.Clone(); //目前圖形偏移量 hv_OffsetRow = hv_Img_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_OffsetCol = hv_Img_Col - hv_STD_Col; //****Display if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.ClearWindow(HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_Image, HDevWindowStack.GetActive()); } //*****R6 hv_R6 = 999; //STD R6_ 位置 hv_STD_R6_Row = 1292; hv_STD_R6_Col = 639; //STD 向量 STD_R6_ hv_STD_R6_V_Row = hv_STD_R6_Row - hv_STD_Row; hv_STD_R6_V_Col = hv_STD_R6_Col - hv_STD_Col; //R6_X, R6_Y 分量 hv_R6_X = (hv_STD_R6_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) + (hv_STD_R6_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); hv_R6_Y = (hv_STD_R6_V_Row * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleCos())) - (hv_STD_R6_V_Col * (hv_Img_Rotate_Angle.TupleSin() )); //目前圖形 R4 位置 hv_R6_Pos_Row = (hv_STD_Row + hv_R6_Y) + hv_OffsetRow; hv_R6_Pos_Col = (hv_STD_Col + hv_R6_X) + hv_OffsetCol; //R6_Region 由半徑 29 開始搜尋, 最大搜尋至 41, Inc =2 hv_R6_R = 29; hv_R6_R_Max = 41; hv_R6_R_Inc = 2; while ((int)((new HTuple(hv_R6.TupleEqual(999))).TupleAnd(new HTuple(hv_R6_R.TupleLess( hv_R6_R_Max)))) != 0) { //******************************* ho_R6_Circle.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenCircle(out ho_R6_Circle, hv_R6_Pos_Row, hv_R6_Pos_Col, hv_R6_R); ho_R6_ROI_Image.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_Image, ho_R6_Circle, out ho_R6_ROI_Image); ho_R6_Region.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Threshold(ho_R6_ROI_Image, out ho_R6_Region, 100, 255); ho_R6_RegionBorder.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.Boundary(ho_R6_Region, out ho_R6_RegionBorder, "inner"); ho_R6_RegionDilation.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.DilationCircle(ho_R6_RegionBorder, out ho_R6_RegionDilation, 1.5); ho_R6_ImageReduced.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.ReduceDomain(ho_R6_ROI_Image, ho_R6_RegionDilation, out ho_R6_ImageReduced ); ho_R6_Edges.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.EdgesSubPix(ho_R6_ImageReduced, out ho_R6_Edges, "lanser2", 0.3, 40, 90); //fast_threshold (R6_ROI_Image, R6_Region, 80, 255, 15) //reduce_domain (R6_ROI_Image, R6_Region, R6_ImageReduced) //sobel_fast 具有較寬的選擇範圍,搭配 alpha 參數 (alpha 越大, 容錯範圍大) //alpha := 10 //R6_low := 10 //R6_high := 60 //edges_sub_pix (R6_ImageReduced, R6_Edges, 'sobel_fast', alpha, R6_low, R6_high) //stop () //*所有的數值越小,表示容錯範圍大,反之亦然 ho_R6_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SegmentContoursXld(ho_R6_Edges, out ho_R6_ContoursSplit, "lines_circles", 6, 4, 4); //Display the results //=========================================================== HOperatorSet.CountObj(ho_R6_ContoursSplit, out hv_R6_NumSegments); hv_NumCircles = 0; hv_Num_Circle_Point = 0; for (hv_i = 1; hv_i.Continue(hv_R6_NumSegments, 1); hv_i = hv_i.TupleAdd(1)) { ho_R6_SingleSegment.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.SelectObj(ho_R6_ContoursSplit, out ho_R6_SingleSegment, hv_i); HOperatorSet.GetContourGlobalAttribXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "cont_approx", out hv_Attrib); if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_Attrib.TupleEqual(1))) != 0) { HOperatorSet.FitCircleContourXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "atukey", -1, 2, hv_Num_Circle_Point, 5, 2, out hv_R6_Row, out hv_R6_Column, out hv_R6_Radius, out hv_R6_StartPhi, out hv_R6_EndPhi, out hv_R6_PointOrder); ho_R6_ContEllipse.Dispose(); HOperatorSet.GenEllipseContourXld(out ho_R6_ContEllipse, hv_R6_Row, hv_R6_Column, 0, hv_R6_Radius, hv_R6_Radius, 0, (new HTuple(360)).TupleRad(), "positive", 1.0); if (HDevWindowStack.IsOpen()) { HOperatorSet.DispObj(ho_R6_ContEllipse, HDevWindowStack.GetActive() ); } HOperatorSet.DistEllipseContourXld(ho_R6_SingleSegment, "algebraic", -1, 0, hv_R6_Row, hv_R6_Column, 0, hv_R6_Radius, hv_R6_Radius, out hv_R6_MinDist, out hv_R6_MaxDist, out hv_R6_AvgDist, out hv_R6_SigmaDist); hv_NumCircles = hv_NumCircles + 1; if ((int)(new HTuple(hv_R6.TupleGreater(hv_R6_Radius))) != 0) { hv_R6 = hv_R6_Radius.Clone(); mResult = new CircleResult() { Row = new HTuple(hv_R6_Row), Col = new HTuple(hv_R6_Column), Radius = new HTuple(hv_R6_Radius), StartPhi = new HTuple(hv_R6_StartPhi), EndPhi = new HTuple(hv_R6_EndPhi), PointOrder = new HTuple(hv_R6_PointOrder), }; } } } hv_R6_R = hv_R6_R + hv_R6_R_Inc; } ho_R6_Circle.Dispose(); ho_R6_ROI_Image.Dispose(); ho_R6_Region.Dispose(); ho_R6_RegionBorder.Dispose(); ho_R6_RegionDilation.Dispose(); ho_R6_ImageReduced.Dispose(); ho_R6_Edges.Dispose(); ho_R6_ContoursSplit.Dispose(); ho_R6_SingleSegment.Dispose(); ho_R6_ContEllipse.Dispose(); return mResult; }