// This must be called in order for rotation and position offset to by applied
        public void RenderPoints(SuperTile tile, GridOrientation orientation, Vector2 gridSize)
            if (orientation == GridOrientation.Isometric)
                m_Position = IsometricTransform(m_Position, tile, gridSize);
                m_Position.x += gridSize.x * 0.5f;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_Points.Length; i++)
                    m_Points[i] = IsometricTransform(m_Points[i], tile, gridSize);

                // Also, we are forced to use polygon colliders for isometric projection
                if (m_CollisionShapeType == CollisionShapeType.Ellipse || m_CollisionShapeType == CollisionShapeType.Rectangle)
                    m_CollisionShapeType = CollisionShapeType.Polygon;

            // Burn rotation into our points

            // Burn translation into our points
            m_Points = m_Points.Select(p => p + m_Position).ToArray();

            // Transform all points so that they wrt the bottom-left of the tile
            // This should make calculations later easier since Tiled treats the bottom-left corner of a tile as the local origin
            m_Points = m_Points.Select(p => LocalTransform(p, tile)).ToArray();
            m_Position = LocalTransform(m_Position, tile);
Esempio n. 2
 public static void SwitchGridOrientation()
     if (m_isGridActive)
         m_gridOrientation = MyUtils.GetNextOrPreviousEnumValue(m_gridOrientation, true);
Esempio n. 3
    IEnumerator undoMove()
        if (OnUndoStart != null)
        yield return(waitUndo);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(undoWaitExtra));

        undoWaitExtra = 0.0f;
        Vector3         targetVector;
        GridOrientation currentOrientation = LastMoves.Pop();

        if (currentOrientation == GridOrientation.Left)
            targetVector       = new Vector3(0, 0, -90);
            currentOrientation = GridOrientation.Right;
            targetVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 90);
        theTween = targetRotation.DORotate(targetVector, rotationTime).SetEase(Ease.OutSine).OnComplete(OnUndoTweenComplete).SetRelative();
Esempio n. 4
 public static void SwitchGridOrientation()
     if (m_isGridActive)
         m_gridOrientation = MyUtils.GetNextOrPreviousEnumValue(m_gridOrientation, true);
Esempio n. 5
        public void Paint(DimensionHierarchy hierarchy, GridPosition startPosition, GridOrientation orientation)
            var placement = new ZigZagPlacement(startPosition, orientation);

            for (int level = 0; level < hierarchy.LevelCount; ++level)
                var previousMeasurement = new object();
                var currentItem         = default(UIElement);
                for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < hierarchy.KeyCount; ++keyIndex)
                    var measurement = hierarchy.Keys[keyIndex].Measurements[level];
                    if (!Equals(previousMeasurement, measurement))
                        currentItem = _itemFactory.CreateHeaderItem(measurement);
                        if (keyIndex > 0)
                    previousMeasurement = measurement;
Esempio n. 6
 public static void LoadData()
     m_gridStepMode     = MyFakes.MWBUILDER ? GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_4 : GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_3;
     m_gridOrientation  = GridOrientation.ORIENTATION_XY;
     m_gridColor        = MyEditorConstants.COLOR_WHITE;
     m_isGridVisible    = false;
     m_gridStepInMeters = GetGridStepInMeters();
Esempio n. 7
 public static void LoadData()
     m_gridStepMode = MyFakes.MWBUILDER ? GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_4 : GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_3;
     m_gridOrientation = GridOrientation.ORIENTATION_XY;
     m_gridColor = MyEditorConstants.COLOR_WHITE;
     m_isGridVisible = false;
     m_gridStepInMeters = GetGridStepInMeters();
Esempio n. 8
 public Grid(IPoint origin, int tileSizeX, int tileSizeY, double dpi, GridOrientation orientation)
     _origin      = origin;
     _tileSizeX   = tileSizeX;
     _tileSizeY   = tileSizeY;
     _dpi         = dpi;
     _orientation = orientation;
        void DrawLines(GridOrientation orientation)
            int viewportHeight       = this.Height - (int)this.MarginTop;
            int viewportHeightFactor = 200;
            int viewportWidth        = this.Width - (int)this.MarginRight;
            int horizontalStart      = (int)MarginLeft;
            int verticalStart        = (int)MarginBottom;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(this.GridOpacity, this.GridColor), this.GridPenWidth))
                p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

                int incrementAmount = 0;
                if (orientation == GridOrientation.Horizontal)
                    incrementAmount = GridSpacingHorizontal;
                    int verticalHalfWayPoint = DetermineMiddlePoint(0, viewportHeight, incrementAmount);

                    for (int i = verticalStart; i < viewportHeight; i += incrementAmount)
                        //if (i == verticalHalfWayPoint)
                        //    // Draw the center line
                        //    using (var p2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green), 2))
                        //    {
                        //        Graphics?.DrawLine(p2, 0, i, viewportWidth, i);
                        //    }
                        Graphics?.DrawLine(p, horizontalStart, i, viewportWidth, i);
                else if (orientation == GridOrientation.Vertical)
                    incrementAmount = this.GridSpacingHorizontal;
                    int horizontalHalfWayPoint = DetermineMiddlePoint(0, viewportWidth, incrementAmount);

                    for (int i = horizontalStart; i < viewportWidth; i += incrementAmount)
                        //if (i == horizontalHalfWayPoint)
                        //    // Draw the center line
                        //    using (var p2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green), 2))
                        //    {
                        //        Graphics?.DrawLine(p2, i, 0, i, viewportHeight);
                        //    }
                        Graphics?.DrawLine(p, i, verticalStart, i, viewportHeight);
Esempio n. 10
        private void btnPreRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (ListViewItem item in lstScales.Items)
                if (item.Checked)
                    _preRenderScales.Add(double.Parse(item.Text.Replace(",", "."), _nhi));

            _maxParallelRequests = (int)numMaxParallelRequest.Value;
            switch (cmbImageFormat.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower())
            case "image/png":
                _imgExt = ".png";

            case "image/jpeg":
                _imgExt = ".jpg";
            switch (cmbOrigin.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower())
            case "upper left":
                _orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;

            case "lower left":
                _orientation = GridOrientation.LowerLeft;
            _selectedEpsg = (int)cmbEpsg.SelectedItem;
            if (chkUseExtent.Checked == true)
                _bounds = this.CurrentExtent;
                _bounds = null;

            _cacheFormat = cmbCacheFormat.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower();

            Thread       thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Run));
            FormProgress dlg    = new FormProgress(this, thread);

Esempio n. 11
 public TileRenderer(TileServiceMetadata metadata,
                     int epsg,
                     GridOrientation orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft,
                     string cacheFormat = "compact",
                     string imageFormat = ".png",
                     IEnvelope bbox = null,
                     IEnumerable<double> preRenderScales = null,
                     int maxParallelRequests = 1)
     _metadata = metadata;
     _epsg = epsg;
     _orientation = orientation;
     _cacheFormat = cacheFormat;
     _imageFormat = imageFormat;
     _bbox = bbox;
     _preRenderScales = preRenderScales;
     _maxParallelRequests = maxParallelRequests;
Esempio n. 12
        private void GetTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, bool renderOnTheFly)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            //if (!metadata.Scales.Contains(scale))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");
            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.TilePath(orientation, epsg, scale, row, col) + format;

            if ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft && metadata.UpperLeftCacheTiles) ||
                (orientation == GridOrientation.LowerLeft && metadata.LowerLeftCacheTiles))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
                if (fi.Exists)
                    context.ServiceRequest.Response = fi.FullName;
                else if (!renderOnTheFly && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly)
                    return;  // Empty
                if (!fi.Directory.Exists)
                path = _mapServer.OutputPath + @"\tile_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + format;

            ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

            using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                    GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                    res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                var origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                            origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                            origin.Y + H * row);

                double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                //if (map.Display.MapUnits == GeoUnits.DecimalDegrees)
                //    double phi = (2 * y + H) / 2.0;
                //    W /= Math.Cos(phi / 180.0 * Math.PI);
                double x = origin.X + W * col;

                map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                map.SaveImage(path, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;

                context.ServiceRequest.Response = path;
                _mapServer.Log("CreateTile:", loggingMethod.request_detail, path);
 public ZigZagPlacement(GridPosition startPosition, GridOrientation orientation)
     _orientation        = orientation;
     _levelStartPosition = startPosition;
     _currentSlot        = new GridArea(startPosition, startPosition);
Esempio n. 14
        static int Main(string[] args)
                PlugInManager.InitSilent = true;

                Action          action = Action.None;
                string          server = String.Empty, service = String.Empty, cacheFormat = "normal";
                int             epsg = 0, maxParallelRequests = 1;
                GridOrientation orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;
                IEnvelope       bbox        = null;
                List <int>      scales      = new List <int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    if (args[i] == "-server")
                        server = args[++i];
                    if (args[i] == "-service")
                        service = args[++i];
                    if (args[i] == "-info")
                        action = Action.Info;
                    if (args[i] == "-render")
                        action = Action.Render;
                    if (args[i] == "-compact")
                        cacheFormat = "compact";
                    if (args[i] == "-epsg")
                        epsg = int.Parse(args[++i]);
                    if (args[i] == "-orientation")
                        switch (args[++i].ToLower())
                        case "ul":
                        case "upperleft":
                            orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;

                        case "ll":
                        case "lowerleft":
                            orientation = GridOrientation.LowerLeft;
                    if (args[i] == "-bbox")
                        bbox = Envelope.FromBBox(args[++i]);
                    if (args[i] == "-scales")
                        scales.AddRange(args[++i].Split(',').Select(v => int.Parse(v)));
                    if (args[i] == "-threads")
                        maxParallelRequests = int.Parse(args[++i]);

                if (action == Action.None ||
                    String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server) ||
                    Console.WriteLine("gView.Cmd.RenderTileCache <-info|-render> -server <server> -service <service>");
                    Console.WriteLine("       optional paramters: -epsg <epsg-code>                            [default: first]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -compact ... create a compact tile cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -orientation <ul|ll|upperleft|lowerleft>     [default: upperleft]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -bbox <minx,miny,maxx,maxy>                  [default: fullextent]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -scales <scale1,scale2,...>                  [default: empty => all scales");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -threads <max-parallel-requests>             [default: 1]");


                #region Read Metadata

                var metadata = new TileServiceMetadata().FromService(server, service);
                if (metadata == null)
                    throw new Exception("Can't read metadata from server. Are you sure taht ervice is a gView WMTS service?");


                if (action == Action.Info)
                    #region TileSize

                    Console.WriteLine($"TileSize [Pixel]: { metadata.TileWidth } x { metadata.TileHeight }");


                    #region ImageFormat

                    Console.Write(metadata.FormatJpg ? " jpg" : "");
                    Console.Write(metadata.FormatPng ? " png" : "");


                    #region Scales

                    if (metadata.Scales != null)
                        foreach (var scale in metadata.Scales)
                            Console.WriteLine($"  1 : { scale }");


                    #region Origin

                    Console.Write(metadata.UpperLeft ? " upperleft" : "");
                    Console.Write(metadata.LowerLeft ? " lowerleft" : "");

                    if (metadata.EPSGCodes != null)
                        foreach (var epsgCode in metadata.EPSGCodes)
                            if (metadata.UpperLeft)
                                var ul = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsgCode);
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode } upperleft: { ul.X }, { ul.Y }");
                            if (metadata.LowerLeft)
                                var ll = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsgCode);
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode } lowerleft: { ll.X }, { ll.Y }");


                    #region Extents

                    if (metadata.EPSGCodes != null)
                        foreach (var epsgCode in metadata.EPSGCodes)
                            var envelope = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsgCode);
                            if (envelope != null)
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode }: { envelope.minx }, { envelope.miny }, { envelope.maxx }, { envelope.maxy }");

                else if (action == Action.Render)
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    List <double> preRenderScales = new List <double>();
                    if (scales.Count > 0)
                        preRenderScales.AddRange(scales.Where(s => metadata.Scales.Contains(s)).Select(s => (double)s));

                    var tileRender = new TileRenderer(metadata,
                                                      epsg > 0 ? epsg : metadata.EPSGCodes.First(),
                                                      cacheFormat: cacheFormat,
                                                      orientation: orientation,
                                                      bbox: bbox,
                                                      preRenderScales: preRenderScales.Count > 0 ? preRenderScales : null,
                                                      maxParallelRequests: maxParallelRequests);

                    tileRender.Renderer(server, service);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Finished: { Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds) }sec");

            catch (Exception ex)

Esempio n. 15
        public static void UpdateGridOrientation(Camera camera)
            if (camera == null)

            var camera_position = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(MathConstants.zeroVector3);
            var camera_forward  = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(MathConstants.forwardVector3);

            gridOrientation                    = new GridOrientation();
            gridOrientation.gridCamera         = camera;
            gridOrientation.gridCameraPosition = camera_position;

            if (Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local)
                var activeTransform = Selection.activeTransform;
                if (activeTransform != null)
                    var parentCenter = MathConstants.zeroVector3;
                    var parent       = activeTransform.parent;
                    if (parent != null)
                        parentCenter = parent.position;

                    gridOrientation.gridRotation = Tools.handleRotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridCenter   = parentCenter;

            gridOrientation.gridOrthoXVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoYVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoZVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrtho         = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoXAlpha   = 0.0f;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoYAlpha   = 0.0f;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoZAlpha   = 0.0f;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter   = gridOrientation.gridCenter;
            gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation;

            if (camera.orthographic)
                gridOrientation.gridOrtho = true;

                Vector3 dots = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.rightVector3)) - 0.6f),
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.upVector3)) - 0.3f),
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.forwardVector3)) - 0.6f)

                dots.x *= dots.x;
                dots.y *= dots.y;
                dots.z *= dots.z;

                if (dots.x > 0.5f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, MathConstants.forwardVector3);
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation * rotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXAlpha    = dots.x;

                if (dots.y > 0.5f)
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYAlpha    = dots.y;

                if (dots.z > 0.5f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, MathConstants.leftVector3);
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation * rotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZAlpha    = dots.z;

                if (dots.y > dots.z)
                    if (dots.y > dots.x)
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoYRotation;
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation;
                    if (dots.z > dots.x)
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoZRotation;
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation;
                gridOrientation.gridPlane = new CSGPlane(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation, gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter);
                gridOrientation.gridPlane = new CSGPlane(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation, gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter);
                if (ForceGrid)
                    gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter   = ForcedGridCenter;
                    gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = ForcedGridRotation;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkInvRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation);

            // find point on the plane that is nearest to camera
            var normal   = gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation * MathConstants.upVector3;
            var d        = Vector3.Dot(normal, gridOrientation.gridCenter);
            var position = (new CSGPlane(normal, d)).Project(gridOrientation.gridCameraPosition);

            gridOrientation.gridCameraSnapped = position;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkPlane = new CSGPlane(normal, position);

            var euler = gridOrientation.gridWorkInvRotation.eulerAngles;

            euler.x = Mathf.Round(euler.x / 90) * 90;
            euler.y = Mathf.Round(euler.y / 90) * 90;
            euler.z = Mathf.Round(euler.z / 90) * 90;

            gridOrientation.gridSnapVector = Quaternion.Euler(euler) * RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector;
            var snap_scale = Quaternion.Euler(euler) *
                             new Vector3(RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisX ? 0 : 1,
                                         RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisY ? 0 : 1,
                                         RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisZ ? 0 : 1);

            snap_scale.x = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.x);
            snap_scale.y = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.y);
            snap_scale.z = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.z);

            gridOrientation.gridSnapScale = snap_scale;
Esempio n. 16
        private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format));

            if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path))
                #region On The Fly

                using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                    ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

                    map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                    map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                    map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                    map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                                origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                                origin.Y + H * row);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                    bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;



                #region Tile from Existing UpLevel Tiles (Vorteil Resampling wird nicht von Browser erledigt, ist meistens Fast -> hier Nearstneigbor)

                int level2 = metadata.Scales.IndexOf(scale);
                if (level2 <= 0)

                using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = origin.Y - H * (row + 1);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    while (true)
                        if (level2 <= 0)

                        double scale2 = metadata.Scales[level2 - 1];

                        string path2 = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                                       TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale2);
                        if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path2))

                        double res2 = scale2 / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);

                        double W2 = metadata.TileWidth * res2;
                        double H2 = metadata.TileHeight * res2;

                        int col2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((x - origin.X) / W2);
                        int row2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - (y + H)) / H2);

                        int col2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((x + W - origin.X) / W2);
                        int row2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - y) / H2);

                        double x2_0 = origin.X + W2 * col2_0,
                               y2_0 = origin.Y - H2 * (row2_1 + 1);

                        double W20 = Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * W2,
                               H20 = Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * H2;

                        using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileWidth, Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileHeight))
                            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
                                for (int r2 = row2_0; r2 <= row2_1; r2++)
                                    for (int c2 = col2_0; c2 <= col2_1; c2++)
                                        byte[] buffer = GetCompactTileBytes(context, path2, r2, c2, format);
                                        if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0)
                                            MemoryStream ms        = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                                            var          tileImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
                                            gr.DrawImage(tileImage, new PointF((c2 - col2_0) * metadata.TileWidth, (r2 - row2_0) * metadata.TileHeight));

                                float imageX = (float)((x - x2_0) / W20 * (double)bm.Width);
                                float imageY = bm.Height - (float)((y - y2_0) / H20 * (double)bm.Height);

                                float imageW = (float)((double)metadata.TileWidth * res / res2);
                                float imageH = (float)((double)metadata.TileHeight * res / res2);

                                using (Bitmap outputBm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight))
                                    using (Graphics outputGr = Graphics.FromImage(outputBm))
                                        outputGr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

                                                           new RectangleF(-.5f, -.5f, (float)outputBm.Width + 1f, (float)outputBm.Height + 1f),
                                                           new RectangleF(imageX, imageY - imageH, imageW, imageH),

                                        MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
                                        outputBm.Save(output, format == ".png" ? ImageFormat.Png : ImageFormat.Jpeg);



Esempio n. 17
        private byte[] GetTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            //if (!metadata.Scales.Contains(scale))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");
            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.TilePath(orientation, epsg, scale, row, col) + format;

            if ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft && metadata.UpperLeftCacheTiles) ||
                (orientation == GridOrientation.LowerLeft && metadata.LowerLeftCacheTiles))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
                if (fi.Exists)
                    //context.ServiceRequest.Response = fi.FullName;
                    using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) //new FileStream(bundleFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        byte[] data = new byte[fi.Length];
                        fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

Esempio n. 18
 private bool HasOrientation(GridOrientation orient)
     return((orient & Orientation) > 0);
Esempio n. 19
        private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + MapName(context) + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format));

            if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path))
                #region On The Fly

                using (IServiceMap map = context.CreateServiceMapInstance())
                    ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

                    map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                    map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                    map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                    map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                                origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                                origin.Y + H * row);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                    bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;



Esempio n. 20
 public static string ScalePath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg, double scale)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"/" +
          epsg + @"/" + (int)Math.Round(scale) + @"/");
Esempio n. 21
        private void GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, BoundingTiles boundingTiles, bool renderOnTheFly)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col);
            else if (!renderOnTheFly || new FileInfo(bundleDoneFilename).Exists || new FileInfo(bundleCalcFilename).Exists /* && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly*/)
                return; // Empty

            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            if (!di.Exists)

            try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); }
            catch { }

            //string pathTemp = path + @"\temp";
            //DirectoryInfo diTemp = new DirectoryInfo(pathTemp);
            //if (!diTemp.Exists)
            //    diTemp.Create();

            File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc...");
            CompactTilesIndexBuilder indexBuilder = new CompactTilesIndexBuilder();

            int startRow = CompactTileStart(row), startCol = CompactTileStart(col);

            ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

            using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                    GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                    res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                string bundleTempFilename  = path + @"\" + compactTileName + "." + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + ".tilebundle";
                string bundleIndexFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundlx";

                File.WriteAllBytes(bundleTempFilename, new byte[0]);
                int bundlePos = 0;

                int tileMatrixWidth = 8, tileMatrixHeight = 8;

                map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth * tileMatrixWidth;
                map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight * tileMatrixHeight;

                for (int r = 0; r < 128; r += 8)
                    File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc...row" + r);
                    for (int c = 0; c < 128; c += 8)
                        int currentRow = r + startRow, currentCol = c + startCol;

                        if (boundingTiles != null)
                            if (!boundingTiles.Check(currentRow, currentCol, 8, 8))

                        double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                        double y = origin.Y - H * (currentRow + tileMatrixHeight);

                        double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                        double x = origin.X + W * currentCol;

                        map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W * tileMatrixWidth, y + H * tileMatrixHeight));
                        if (format != ".jpg") // Make PNG Transparent
                            map.Display.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

                        map.ReleaseImage();  // Delete old Image !!! Because there is no map.SaveImage()!!!!

                        if (IsEmptyBitmap(map.MapImage, map.Display.BackgroundColor))

                        // Temp
                        //map.MapImage.Save(pathTemp + @"\matrix_" + (startRow + r) + "_" + (startCol + c) + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);

                        for (int j = 0; j < tileMatrixHeight; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < tileMatrixWidth; i++)
                                int tileRow = currentRow + j, tileCol = currentCol + i;

                                if (boundingTiles != null)
                                    if (!boundingTiles.Check(tileRow, tileCol, 8, 8))

                                using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight, map.MapImage.PixelFormat))
                                    using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
                                        gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                                                     new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)bm.Width, (float)bm.Height),
                                                     new RectangleF(-0.5f + (float)(i * metadata.TileWidth), -0.5f + (float)(j * metadata.TileHeight), (float)metadata.TileWidth, (float)metadata.TileHeight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                                        //for (int py = 0, to_py = bm.Height; py < to_py; py++)
                                        //    for (int px = 0, to_px = bm.Width; px < to_px; px++)
                                        //    {
                                        //        var pCol = map.MapImage.GetPixel(px + i * metadata.TileHeight, py + j * metadata.TileHeight);
                                        //        bm.SetPixel(px, py, pCol);
                                        //    }

                                        if (IsEmptyBitmap(bm, map.Display.BackgroundColor))

                                        // Temp
                                        //bm.Save(pathTemp + @"\tile_" + tileRow + "_" + tileCol + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);

                                        //    if (format != ".jpg" && map.Display.BackgroundColor.A > 0)   // Make PNG Transparent
                                        //        bm.MakeTransparent(map.Display.BackgroundColor);
                                        //catch { }

                                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                                        bm.Save(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                                        byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray();
                                        using (var stream = new FileStream(bundleTempFilename, FileMode.Append))
                                            stream.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

                                        indexBuilder.SetValue(r + j, c + i, bundlePos, imageBytes.Length);

                                        bundlePos += imageBytes.Length;


                try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); }
                catch { }
                if (bundlePos == 0)
                    File.WriteAllText(bundleDoneFilename, "");
                    File.Move(bundleTempFilename, bundleFilename);
                try { File.Delete(bundleCalcFilename); }
                catch { }
Esempio n. 22
 public static string EpsgPath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"/" +
          epsg + @"/");
Esempio n. 23
        private void WriteConfFile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, string cacheFormat, int epsg, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo(_mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" + cacheFormat + @"\" + TileServiceMetadata.EpsgPath(orientation, epsg) + @"\conf.json");

            IPoint    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);
            IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);

            if (origin == null || bounds == null)

            List <CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig> levels = new List <CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig>();

            for (int i = 0; i < metadata.Scales.Count; i++)
                levels.Add(new CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig()
                    Level = i,
                    Scale = metadata.Scales[i]

            CompactTileConfig config = new CompactTileConfig()
                Epsg        = epsg,
                Dpi         = metadata.Dpi,
                Origin      = new double[] { origin.X, origin.Y },
                Extent      = new double[] { bounds.minx, bounds.miny, bounds.maxx, bounds.maxy },
                TileSize    = new int[] { metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight },
                Format      = format,
                Orientation = orientation.ToString(),
                Levels      = levels.ToArray()

            if (configFileInfo.Exists)

            if (!configFileInfo.Directory.Exists)
            File.WriteAllText(configFileInfo.FullName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, Formatting.Indented));
Esempio n. 24
 public static string TilePath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"\" +
          epsg + @"\" + (int)Math.Round(scale) + @"\" + row + @"\" + col);