// This must be called in order for rotation and position offset to by applied
        public void RenderPoints(SuperTile tile, GridOrientation orientation, Vector2 gridSize)
            if (orientation == GridOrientation.Isometric)
                m_Position = IsometricTransform(m_Position, tile, gridSize);
                m_Position.x += gridSize.x * 0.5f;

                for (int i = 0; i < m_Points.Length; i++)
                    m_Points[i] = IsometricTransform(m_Points[i], tile, gridSize);

                // Also, we are forced to use polygon colliders for isometric projection
                if (m_CollisionShapeType == CollisionShapeType.Ellipse || m_CollisionShapeType == CollisionShapeType.Rectangle)
                    m_CollisionShapeType = CollisionShapeType.Polygon;

            // Burn rotation into our points

            // Burn translation into our points
            m_Points = m_Points.Select(p => p + m_Position).ToArray();

            // Transform all points so that they wrt the bottom-left of the tile
            // This should make calculations later easier since Tiled treats the bottom-left corner of a tile as the local origin
            m_Points = m_Points.Select(p => LocalTransform(p, tile)).ToArray();
            m_Position = LocalTransform(m_Position, tile);
Example #2
 public static void SwitchGridOrientation()
     if (m_isGridActive)
         m_gridOrientation = MyUtils.GetNextOrPreviousEnumValue(m_gridOrientation, true);
Example #3
    IEnumerator undoMove()
        if (OnUndoStart != null)
        yield return(waitUndo);

        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(undoWaitExtra));

        undoWaitExtra = 0.0f;
        Vector3         targetVector;
        GridOrientation currentOrientation = LastMoves.Pop();

        if (currentOrientation == GridOrientation.Left)
            targetVector       = new Vector3(0, 0, -90);
            currentOrientation = GridOrientation.Right;
            targetVector = new Vector3(0, 0, 90);
        theTween = targetRotation.DORotate(targetVector, rotationTime).SetEase(Ease.OutSine).OnComplete(OnUndoTweenComplete).SetRelative();
Example #4
 public static void SwitchGridOrientation()
     if (m_isGridActive)
         m_gridOrientation = MyUtils.GetNextOrPreviousEnumValue(m_gridOrientation, true);
Example #5
        public void Paint(DimensionHierarchy hierarchy, GridPosition startPosition, GridOrientation orientation)
            var placement = new ZigZagPlacement(startPosition, orientation);

            for (int level = 0; level < hierarchy.LevelCount; ++level)
                var previousMeasurement = new object();
                var currentItem         = default(UIElement);
                for (int keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < hierarchy.KeyCount; ++keyIndex)
                    var measurement = hierarchy.Keys[keyIndex].Measurements[level];
                    if (!Equals(previousMeasurement, measurement))
                        currentItem = _itemFactory.CreateHeaderItem(measurement);
                        if (keyIndex > 0)
                    previousMeasurement = measurement;
Example #6
 public static void LoadData()
     m_gridStepMode     = MyFakes.MWBUILDER ? GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_4 : GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_3;
     m_gridOrientation  = GridOrientation.ORIENTATION_XY;
     m_gridColor        = MyEditorConstants.COLOR_WHITE;
     m_isGridVisible    = false;
     m_gridStepInMeters = GetGridStepInMeters();
Example #7
 public static void LoadData()
     m_gridStepMode = MyFakes.MWBUILDER ? GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_4 : GridStep.STEP_LEVEL_3;
     m_gridOrientation = GridOrientation.ORIENTATION_XY;
     m_gridColor = MyEditorConstants.COLOR_WHITE;
     m_isGridVisible = false;
     m_gridStepInMeters = GetGridStepInMeters();
Example #8
 public Grid(IPoint origin, int tileSizeX, int tileSizeY, double dpi, GridOrientation orientation)
     _origin      = origin;
     _tileSizeX   = tileSizeX;
     _tileSizeY   = tileSizeY;
     _dpi         = dpi;
     _orientation = orientation;
        void DrawLines(GridOrientation orientation)
            int viewportHeight       = this.Height - (int)this.MarginTop;
            int viewportHeightFactor = 200;
            int viewportWidth        = this.Width - (int)this.MarginRight;
            int horizontalStart      = (int)MarginLeft;
            int verticalStart        = (int)MarginBottom;

            using (Pen p = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(this.GridOpacity, this.GridColor), this.GridPenWidth))
                p.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;

                int incrementAmount = 0;
                if (orientation == GridOrientation.Horizontal)
                    incrementAmount = GridSpacingHorizontal;
                    int verticalHalfWayPoint = DetermineMiddlePoint(0, viewportHeight, incrementAmount);

                    for (int i = verticalStart; i < viewportHeight; i += incrementAmount)
                        //if (i == verticalHalfWayPoint)
                        //    // Draw the center line
                        //    using (var p2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green), 2))
                        //    {
                        //        Graphics?.DrawLine(p2, 0, i, viewportWidth, i);
                        //    }
                        Graphics?.DrawLine(p, horizontalStart, i, viewportWidth, i);
                else if (orientation == GridOrientation.Vertical)
                    incrementAmount = this.GridSpacingHorizontal;
                    int horizontalHalfWayPoint = DetermineMiddlePoint(0, viewportWidth, incrementAmount);

                    for (int i = horizontalStart; i < viewportWidth; i += incrementAmount)
                        //if (i == horizontalHalfWayPoint)
                        //    // Draw the center line
                        //    using (var p2 = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(100, Color.Green), 2))
                        //    {
                        //        Graphics?.DrawLine(p2, i, 0, i, viewportHeight);
                        //    }
                        Graphics?.DrawLine(p, i, verticalStart, i, viewportHeight);
Example #10
        private void btnPreRender_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            foreach (ListViewItem item in lstScales.Items)
                if (item.Checked)
                    _preRenderScales.Add(double.Parse(item.Text.Replace(",", "."), _nhi));

            _maxParallelRequests = (int)numMaxParallelRequest.Value;
            switch (cmbImageFormat.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower())
            case "image/png":
                _imgExt = ".png";

            case "image/jpeg":
                _imgExt = ".jpg";
            switch (cmbOrigin.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower())
            case "upper left":
                _orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;

            case "lower left":
                _orientation = GridOrientation.LowerLeft;
            _selectedEpsg = (int)cmbEpsg.SelectedItem;
            if (chkUseExtent.Checked == true)
                _bounds = this.CurrentExtent;
                _bounds = null;

            _cacheFormat = cmbCacheFormat.SelectedItem.ToString().ToLower();

            Thread       thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.Run));
            FormProgress dlg    = new FormProgress(this, thread);

Example #11
 public TileRenderer(TileServiceMetadata metadata,
                     int epsg,
                     GridOrientation orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft,
                     string cacheFormat = "compact",
                     string imageFormat = ".png",
                     IEnvelope bbox = null,
                     IEnumerable<double> preRenderScales = null,
                     int maxParallelRequests = 1)
     _metadata = metadata;
     _epsg = epsg;
     _orientation = orientation;
     _cacheFormat = cacheFormat;
     _imageFormat = imageFormat;
     _bbox = bbox;
     _preRenderScales = preRenderScales;
     _maxParallelRequests = maxParallelRequests;
Example #12
        private void GetTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, bool renderOnTheFly)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            //if (!metadata.Scales.Contains(scale))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");
            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.TilePath(orientation, epsg, scale, row, col) + format;

            if ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft && metadata.UpperLeftCacheTiles) ||
                (orientation == GridOrientation.LowerLeft && metadata.LowerLeftCacheTiles))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
                if (fi.Exists)
                    context.ServiceRequest.Response = fi.FullName;
                else if (!renderOnTheFly && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly)
                    return;  // Empty
                if (!fi.Directory.Exists)
                path = _mapServer.OutputPath + @"\tile_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + format;

            ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

            using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                    GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                    res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                var origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                            origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                            origin.Y + H * row);

                double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                //if (map.Display.MapUnits == GeoUnits.DecimalDegrees)
                //    double phi = (2 * y + H) / 2.0;
                //    W /= Math.Cos(phi / 180.0 * Math.PI);
                double x = origin.X + W * col;

                map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                map.SaveImage(path, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;

                context.ServiceRequest.Response = path;
                _mapServer.Log("CreateTile:", loggingMethod.request_detail, path);
 public ZigZagPlacement(GridPosition startPosition, GridOrientation orientation)
     _orientation        = orientation;
     _levelStartPosition = startPosition;
     _currentSlot        = new GridArea(startPosition, startPosition);
Example #14
        static int Main(string[] args)
                PlugInManager.InitSilent = true;

                Action          action = Action.None;
                string          server = String.Empty, service = String.Empty, cacheFormat = "normal";
                int             epsg = 0, maxParallelRequests = 1;
                GridOrientation orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;
                IEnvelope       bbox        = null;
                List <int>      scales      = new List <int>();

                for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
                    if (args[i] == "-server")
                        server = args[++i];
                    if (args[i] == "-service")
                        service = args[++i];
                    if (args[i] == "-info")
                        action = Action.Info;
                    if (args[i] == "-render")
                        action = Action.Render;
                    if (args[i] == "-compact")
                        cacheFormat = "compact";
                    if (args[i] == "-epsg")
                        epsg = int.Parse(args[++i]);
                    if (args[i] == "-orientation")
                        switch (args[++i].ToLower())
                        case "ul":
                        case "upperleft":
                            orientation = GridOrientation.UpperLeft;

                        case "ll":
                        case "lowerleft":
                            orientation = GridOrientation.LowerLeft;
                    if (args[i] == "-bbox")
                        bbox = Envelope.FromBBox(args[++i]);
                    if (args[i] == "-scales")
                        scales.AddRange(args[++i].Split(',').Select(v => int.Parse(v)));
                    if (args[i] == "-threads")
                        maxParallelRequests = int.Parse(args[++i]);

                if (action == Action.None ||
                    String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server) ||
                    Console.WriteLine("gView.Cmd.RenderTileCache <-info|-render> -server <server> -service <service>");
                    Console.WriteLine("       optional paramters: -epsg <epsg-code>                            [default: first]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -compact ... create a compact tile cache");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -orientation <ul|ll|upperleft|lowerleft>     [default: upperleft]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -bbox <minx,miny,maxx,maxy>                  [default: fullextent]");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -scales <scale1,scale2,...>                  [default: empty => all scales");
                    Console.WriteLine("                           -threads <max-parallel-requests>             [default: 1]");


                #region Read Metadata

                var metadata = new TileServiceMetadata().FromService(server, service);
                if (metadata == null)
                    throw new Exception("Can't read metadata from server. Are you sure taht ervice is a gView WMTS service?");


                if (action == Action.Info)
                    #region TileSize

                    Console.WriteLine($"TileSize [Pixel]: { metadata.TileWidth } x { metadata.TileHeight }");


                    #region ImageFormat

                    Console.Write(metadata.FormatJpg ? " jpg" : "");
                    Console.Write(metadata.FormatPng ? " png" : "");


                    #region Scales

                    if (metadata.Scales != null)
                        foreach (var scale in metadata.Scales)
                            Console.WriteLine($"  1 : { scale }");


                    #region Origin

                    Console.Write(metadata.UpperLeft ? " upperleft" : "");
                    Console.Write(metadata.LowerLeft ? " lowerleft" : "");

                    if (metadata.EPSGCodes != null)
                        foreach (var epsgCode in metadata.EPSGCodes)
                            if (metadata.UpperLeft)
                                var ul = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsgCode);
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode } upperleft: { ul.X }, { ul.Y }");
                            if (metadata.LowerLeft)
                                var ll = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsgCode);
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode } lowerleft: { ll.X }, { ll.Y }");


                    #region Extents

                    if (metadata.EPSGCodes != null)
                        foreach (var epsgCode in metadata.EPSGCodes)
                            var envelope = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsgCode);
                            if (envelope != null)
                                Console.WriteLine($"  EPSG:{ epsgCode }: { envelope.minx }, { envelope.miny }, { envelope.maxx }, { envelope.maxy }");

                else if (action == Action.Render)
                    var startTime = DateTime.Now;

                    List <double> preRenderScales = new List <double>();
                    if (scales.Count > 0)
                        preRenderScales.AddRange(scales.Where(s => metadata.Scales.Contains(s)).Select(s => (double)s));

                    var tileRender = new TileRenderer(metadata,
                                                      epsg > 0 ? epsg : metadata.EPSGCodes.First(),
                                                      cacheFormat: cacheFormat,
                                                      orientation: orientation,
                                                      bbox: bbox,
                                                      preRenderScales: preRenderScales.Count > 0 ? preRenderScales : null,
                                                      maxParallelRequests: maxParallelRequests);

                    tileRender.Renderer(server, service);

                    Console.WriteLine($"Finished: { Math.Round((DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds) }sec");

            catch (Exception ex)

Example #15
        public static void UpdateGridOrientation(Camera camera)
            if (camera == null)

            var camera_position = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(MathConstants.zeroVector3);
            var camera_forward  = camera.cameraToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(MathConstants.forwardVector3);

            gridOrientation                    = new GridOrientation();
            gridOrientation.gridCamera         = camera;
            gridOrientation.gridCameraPosition = camera_position;

            if (Tools.pivotRotation == PivotRotation.Local)
                var activeTransform = Selection.activeTransform;
                if (activeTransform != null)
                    var parentCenter = MathConstants.zeroVector3;
                    var parent       = activeTransform.parent;
                    if (parent != null)
                        parentCenter = parent.position;

                    gridOrientation.gridRotation = Tools.handleRotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridCenter   = parentCenter;

            gridOrientation.gridOrthoXVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoYVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoZVisible = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrtho         = false;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoXAlpha   = 0.0f;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoYAlpha   = 0.0f;
            gridOrientation.gridOrthoZAlpha   = 0.0f;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter   = gridOrientation.gridCenter;
            gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation;

            if (camera.orthographic)
                gridOrientation.gridOrtho = true;

                Vector3 dots = new Vector3(
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.rightVector3)) - 0.6f),
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.upVector3)) - 0.3f),
                    Mathf.Clamp01(Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(camera_forward, gridOrientation.gridRotation * MathConstants.forwardVector3)) - 0.6f)

                dots.x *= dots.x;
                dots.y *= dots.y;
                dots.z *= dots.z;

                if (dots.x > 0.5f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, MathConstants.forwardVector3);
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation * rotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoXAlpha    = dots.x;

                if (dots.y > 0.5f)
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoYAlpha    = dots.y;

                if (dots.z > 0.5f)
                    Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90.0f, MathConstants.leftVector3);
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZRotation = gridOrientation.gridRotation * rotation;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZVisible  = true;
                    gridOrientation.gridOrthoZAlpha    = dots.z;

                if (dots.y > dots.z)
                    if (dots.y > dots.x)
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoYRotation;
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation;
                    if (dots.z > dots.x)
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoZRotation;
                        gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = gridOrientation.gridOrthoXRotation;
                gridOrientation.gridPlane = new CSGPlane(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation, gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter);
                gridOrientation.gridPlane = new CSGPlane(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation, gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter);
                if (ForceGrid)
                    gridOrientation.gridWorkCenter   = ForcedGridCenter;
                    gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation = ForcedGridRotation;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkInvRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation);

            // find point on the plane that is nearest to camera
            var normal   = gridOrientation.gridWorkRotation * MathConstants.upVector3;
            var d        = Vector3.Dot(normal, gridOrientation.gridCenter);
            var position = (new CSGPlane(normal, d)).Project(gridOrientation.gridCameraPosition);

            gridOrientation.gridCameraSnapped = position;

            gridOrientation.gridWorkPlane = new CSGPlane(normal, position);

            var euler = gridOrientation.gridWorkInvRotation.eulerAngles;

            euler.x = Mathf.Round(euler.x / 90) * 90;
            euler.y = Mathf.Round(euler.y / 90) * 90;
            euler.z = Mathf.Round(euler.z / 90) * 90;

            gridOrientation.gridSnapVector = Quaternion.Euler(euler) * RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.SnapVector;
            var snap_scale = Quaternion.Euler(euler) *
                             new Vector3(RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisX ? 0 : 1,
                                         RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisY ? 0 : 1,
                                         RealtimeCSG.CSGSettings.LockAxisZ ? 0 : 1);

            snap_scale.x = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.x);
            snap_scale.y = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.y);
            snap_scale.z = Mathf.Abs(snap_scale.z);

            gridOrientation.gridSnapScale = snap_scale;
Example #16
        private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format));

            if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path))
                #region On The Fly

                using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                    ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

                    map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                    map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                    map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                    map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                                origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                                origin.Y + H * row);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                    bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;



                #region Tile from Existing UpLevel Tiles (Vorteil Resampling wird nicht von Browser erledigt, ist meistens Fast -> hier Nearstneigbor)

                int level2 = metadata.Scales.IndexOf(scale);
                if (level2 <= 0)

                using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = origin.Y - H * (row + 1);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    while (true)
                        if (level2 <= 0)

                        double scale2 = metadata.Scales[level2 - 1];

                        string path2 = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                                       TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale2);
                        if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path2))

                        double res2 = scale2 / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);

                        double W2 = metadata.TileWidth * res2;
                        double H2 = metadata.TileHeight * res2;

                        int col2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((x - origin.X) / W2);
                        int row2_0 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - (y + H)) / H2);

                        int col2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((x + W - origin.X) / W2);
                        int row2_1 = (int)Math.Floor((origin.Y - y) / H2);

                        double x2_0 = origin.X + W2 * col2_0,
                               y2_0 = origin.Y - H2 * (row2_1 + 1);

                        double W20 = Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * W2,
                               H20 = Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * H2;

                        using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(Math.Abs(col2_1 - col2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileWidth, Math.Abs(row2_1 - row2_0 + 1) * metadata.TileHeight))
                            using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
                                for (int r2 = row2_0; r2 <= row2_1; r2++)
                                    for (int c2 = col2_0; c2 <= col2_1; c2++)
                                        byte[] buffer = GetCompactTileBytes(context, path2, r2, c2, format);
                                        if (buffer != null && buffer.Length > 0)
                                            MemoryStream ms        = new MemoryStream(buffer);
                                            var          tileImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
                                            gr.DrawImage(tileImage, new PointF((c2 - col2_0) * metadata.TileWidth, (r2 - row2_0) * metadata.TileHeight));

                                float imageX = (float)((x - x2_0) / W20 * (double)bm.Width);
                                float imageY = bm.Height - (float)((y - y2_0) / H20 * (double)bm.Height);

                                float imageW = (float)((double)metadata.TileWidth * res / res2);
                                float imageH = (float)((double)metadata.TileHeight * res / res2);

                                using (Bitmap outputBm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight))
                                    using (Graphics outputGr = Graphics.FromImage(outputBm))
                                        outputGr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;

                                                           new RectangleF(-.5f, -.5f, (float)outputBm.Width + 1f, (float)outputBm.Height + 1f),
                                                           new RectangleF(imageX, imageY - imageH, imageW, imageH),

                                        MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream();
                                        outputBm.Save(output, format == ".png" ? ImageFormat.Png : ImageFormat.Jpeg);



Example #17
        private byte[] GetTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            //if (!metadata.Scales.Contains(scale))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");
            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.TilePath(orientation, epsg, scale, row, col) + format;

            if ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft && metadata.UpperLeftCacheTiles) ||
                (orientation == GridOrientation.LowerLeft && metadata.LowerLeftCacheTiles))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(path);
                if (fi.Exists)
                    //context.ServiceRequest.Response = fi.FullName;
                    using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) //new FileStream(bundleFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        byte[] data = new byte[fi.Length];
                        fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);

Example #18
 private bool HasOrientation(GridOrientation orient)
     return((orient & Orientation) > 0);
Example #19
        private byte[] GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + MapName(context) + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                return(GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col, format));

            if (IsDirectoryEmpty(path))
                #region On The Fly

                using (IServiceMap map = context.CreateServiceMapInstance())
                    ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

                    map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                    map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                    map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth;
                    map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight;

                    double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                    if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                        GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                        res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);

                    double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                    double y = (orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ?
                                origin.Y - H * (row + 1) :
                                origin.Y + H * row);

                    double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                    double x = origin.X + W * col;

                    map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W, y + H));

                    bool maketrans = map.Display.MakeTransparent;
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = true;
                    MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                    map.SaveImage(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
                    map.Display.MakeTransparent = maketrans;



Example #20
 public static string ScalePath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg, double scale)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"/" +
          epsg + @"/" + (int)Math.Round(scale) + @"/");
Example #21
        private void GetCompactTile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col, string format, GridOrientation orientation, BoundingTiles boundingTiles, bool renderOnTheFly)
            if (!metadata.EPSGCodes.Contains(epsg))
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong epsg argument");

            if (orientation != GridOrientation.UpperLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Compact Tiles Orientation must bei Upper Left!");

            scale = metadata.Scales.GetScale(scale);
            if (scale <= 0.0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Wrong scale argument");

            //IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEGPSEnvelope(epsg);
            //if (bounds == null || bounds.Width == 0.0 || bounds.Height == 0.0)
            //    throw new Exception("No bounds defined for EPSG:" + epsg);
            IPoint origin = metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg);

            if (origin == null)
                throw new Exception("No origin defined for EPSG:" + epsg);

            format = format.ToLower();
            if (format != ".png" && format != ".jpg")
                throw new Exception("Unsupported image format");
            if (format == ".png" && metadata.FormatPng == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/png not supported");
            if (format == ".jpg" && metadata.FormatJpg == false)
                throw new Exception("Format image/jpeg no supported");

            string path = _mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\compact\" +
                          TileServiceMetadata.ScalePath(orientation, epsg, scale);

            string compactTileName = CompactTileName(row, col);

            string bundleFilename     = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle";
            string bundleDoneFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.done";
            string bundleCalcFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundle.calc";

            if (new FileInfo(bundleFilename).Exists)
                GetCompactTileBytes(context, path, row, col);
            else if (!renderOnTheFly || new FileInfo(bundleDoneFilename).Exists || new FileInfo(bundleCalcFilename).Exists /* && !metadata.RenderTilesOnTheFly*/)
                return; // Empty

            DirectoryInfo di = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            if (!di.Exists)

            try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); }
            catch { }

            //string pathTemp = path + @"\temp";
            //DirectoryInfo diTemp = new DirectoryInfo(pathTemp);
            //if (!diTemp.Exists)
            //    diTemp.Create();

            File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc...");
            CompactTilesIndexBuilder indexBuilder = new CompactTilesIndexBuilder();

            int startRow = CompactTileStart(row), startCol = CompactTileStart(col);

            ISpatialReference sRef = SpatialReference.FromID("epsg:" + epsg);

            using (IServiceMap map = context.ServiceMap)
                map.Display.SpatialReference = sRef;
                map.Display.dpi = metadata.Dpi;

                double res = (double)scale / (metadata.Dpi / 0.0254);
                if (map.Display.MapUnits != GeoUnits.Meters)
                    GeoUnitConverter converter = new GeoUnitConverter();
                    res = converter.Convert(res, GeoUnits.Meters, map.Display.MapUnits);

                string bundleTempFilename  = path + @"\" + compactTileName + "." + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToLower() + ".tilebundle";
                string bundleIndexFilename = path + @"\" + compactTileName + ".tilebundlx";

                File.WriteAllBytes(bundleTempFilename, new byte[0]);
                int bundlePos = 0;

                int tileMatrixWidth = 8, tileMatrixHeight = 8;

                map.Display.iWidth  = metadata.TileWidth * tileMatrixWidth;
                map.Display.iHeight = metadata.TileHeight * tileMatrixHeight;

                for (int r = 0; r < 128; r += 8)
                    File.WriteAllText(bundleCalcFilename, "calc...row" + r);
                    for (int c = 0; c < 128; c += 8)
                        int currentRow = r + startRow, currentCol = c + startCol;

                        if (boundingTiles != null)
                            if (!boundingTiles.Check(currentRow, currentCol, 8, 8))

                        double H = metadata.TileHeight * res;
                        double y = origin.Y - H * (currentRow + tileMatrixHeight);

                        double W = metadata.TileWidth * res;
                        double x = origin.X + W * currentCol;

                        map.Display.ZoomTo(new Envelope(x, y, x + W * tileMatrixWidth, y + H * tileMatrixHeight));
                        if (format != ".jpg") // Make PNG Transparent
                            map.Display.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;

                        map.ReleaseImage();  // Delete old Image !!! Because there is no map.SaveImage()!!!!

                        if (IsEmptyBitmap(map.MapImage, map.Display.BackgroundColor))

                        // Temp
                        //map.MapImage.Save(pathTemp + @"\matrix_" + (startRow + r) + "_" + (startCol + c) + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);

                        for (int j = 0; j < tileMatrixHeight; j++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < tileMatrixWidth; i++)
                                int tileRow = currentRow + j, tileCol = currentCol + i;

                                if (boundingTiles != null)
                                    if (!boundingTiles.Check(tileRow, tileCol, 8, 8))

                                using (Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight, map.MapImage.PixelFormat))
                                    using (Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(bm))
                                        gr.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor;
                                                     new RectangleF(0f, 0f, (float)bm.Width, (float)bm.Height),
                                                     new RectangleF(-0.5f + (float)(i * metadata.TileWidth), -0.5f + (float)(j * metadata.TileHeight), (float)metadata.TileWidth, (float)metadata.TileHeight), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

                                        //for (int py = 0, to_py = bm.Height; py < to_py; py++)
                                        //    for (int px = 0, to_px = bm.Width; px < to_px; px++)
                                        //    {
                                        //        var pCol = map.MapImage.GetPixel(px + i * metadata.TileHeight, py + j * metadata.TileHeight);
                                        //        bm.SetPixel(px, py, pCol);
                                        //    }

                                        if (IsEmptyBitmap(bm, map.Display.BackgroundColor))

                                        // Temp
                                        //bm.Save(pathTemp + @"\tile_" + tileRow + "_" + tileCol + ".png", ImageFormat.Png);

                                        //    if (format != ".jpg" && map.Display.BackgroundColor.A > 0)   // Make PNG Transparent
                                        //        bm.MakeTransparent(map.Display.BackgroundColor);
                                        //catch { }

                                        MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                                        bm.Save(ms, format == ".jpg" ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

                                        byte[] imageBytes = ms.ToArray();
                                        using (var stream = new FileStream(bundleTempFilename, FileMode.Append))
                                            stream.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length);

                                        indexBuilder.SetValue(r + j, c + i, bundlePos, imageBytes.Length);

                                        bundlePos += imageBytes.Length;


                try { File.Delete(bundleFilename); }
                catch { }
                if (bundlePos == 0)
                    File.WriteAllText(bundleDoneFilename, "");
                    File.Move(bundleTempFilename, bundleFilename);
                try { File.Delete(bundleCalcFilename); }
                catch { }
Example #22
 public static string EpsgPath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"/" +
          epsg + @"/");
Example #23
        private void WriteConfFile(IServiceRequestContext context, TileServiceMetadata metadata, string cacheFormat, int epsg, string format, GridOrientation orientation)
            FileInfo configFileInfo = new FileInfo(_mapServer.TileCachePath + @"\" + context.ServiceMap.Name + @"\_alllayers\" + cacheFormat + @"\" + TileServiceMetadata.EpsgPath(orientation, epsg) + @"\conf.json");

            IPoint    origin = orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? metadata.GetOriginUpperLeft(epsg) : metadata.GetOriginLowerLeft(epsg);
            IEnvelope bounds = metadata.GetEPSGEnvelope(epsg);

            if (origin == null || bounds == null)

            List <CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig> levels = new List <CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig>();

            for (int i = 0; i < metadata.Scales.Count; i++)
                levels.Add(new CompactTileConfig.LevelConfig()
                    Level = i,
                    Scale = metadata.Scales[i]

            CompactTileConfig config = new CompactTileConfig()
                Epsg        = epsg,
                Dpi         = metadata.Dpi,
                Origin      = new double[] { origin.X, origin.Y },
                Extent      = new double[] { bounds.minx, bounds.miny, bounds.maxx, bounds.maxy },
                TileSize    = new int[] { metadata.TileWidth, metadata.TileHeight },
                Format      = format,
                Orientation = orientation.ToString(),
                Levels      = levels.ToArray()

            if (configFileInfo.Exists)

            if (!configFileInfo.Directory.Exists)
            File.WriteAllText(configFileInfo.FullName, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config, Formatting.Indented));
 public static string TilePath(GridOrientation orientation, int epsg, double scale, int row, int col)
         ((orientation == GridOrientation.UpperLeft ? "ul" : "ll") + @"\" +
          epsg + @"\" + (int)Math.Round(scale) + @"\" + row + @"\" + col);