public void ShowPosition() { GrblViewModel model = (GrblViewModel)DataContext; Machine.ToolPosition = null; positionPoints.Clear(); if (Machine.Limits.X == 0d) { Machine.SetLimits(GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_XMaxTravel), GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_YMaxTravel), GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_ZMaxTravel)); } positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(Math.Min(model.Position.X, model.ProgramLimits.MinX) - 5d, model.Position.Y, model.Position.Z)); positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(Machine.Limits.X, model.Position.Y, model.Position.Z)); positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, Math.Min(model.Position.Y, model.ProgramLimits.MinY) - 5d, model.Position.Z)); positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, Machine.Limits.Y, model.Position.Z)); positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, model.Position.Y, Math.Min(model.Position.Z, model.ProgramLimits.MinZ) - 5d)); positionPoints.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, model.Position.Y, Machine.Limits.Z)); Machine.ToolPosition = positionPoints; var orgpos = Machine.StartPosition; Machine.SetStartPosition(model.Position.X, model.Position.Y, model.Position.Z); if (Machine.RapidLines != null && Machine.RapidLines.Count > 0 && Machine.RapidLines[0].Equals(orgpos)) { Machine.RapidLines.RemoveAt(0); Machine.RapidLines.Insert(0, Machine.StartPosition); } }
private void GrblConfigView_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.OldValue is GrblViewModel) { model = (GrblViewModel)e.OldValue; } }
public bool Load(GrblViewModel model, string cmd) { bool?res = null; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken();; model.Silent = true; new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.AckResponse <string>( cancellationToken, response => ProcessDetail(response), a => model.OnResponseReceived += a, a => model.OnResponseReceived -= a, 400, () =>; }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } return(settings.Count > 0); }
public MPGPending(GrblViewModel model) { InitializeComponent(); this.model = model; model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed += OnRealtimeStatusProcessed; }
private void TrinamicView_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (model == null) { model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; DataContext = null; } }
private void DisplayPosition(GrblViewModel grbl) { model.Position = string.Format("X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2} {3} {4}", grbl.Position.X.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), grbl.Position.Y.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), grbl.Position.Z.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), probeTriggered ? "P" : "", probeDisconnected ? "D" : ""); }
private void Renderer_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; if (!System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.GetIsInDesignMode(this)) { AppConfig.Settings.GCodeViewer.PropertyChanged += GCodeViewer_PropertyChanged; } }
private void View_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.NewValue is GrblViewModel) { model = (GrblViewModel)e.NewValue; model.PropertyChanged += OnDataContextPropertyChanged; DataContextChanged -= View_DataContextChanged; // model.OnGrblReset += Model_OnGrblReset; } }
public void Setup(UIViewModel model, AppConfig profile) { this.model = model; grblmodel = DataContext as GrblViewModel; DataContext = profile.Base; xx.ItemsSource = model.ConfigControls; model.ConfigControls.Add(new BasicConfigControl()); model.ConfigControls.Add(new StripGCodeConfigControl()); model.ConfigControls.Add(new JogConfigControl()); }
public ProbingViewModel(GrblViewModel grblmodel) { Grbl = grblmodel; Distance.X = Distance.Y = Distance.Z = 10d; Offset.X = Offset.Y = Offset.Z = 5d; Execute = new ActionCommand <bool>(ExecuteProgram); HeightMap.PropertyChanged += HeightMap_PropertyChanged; }
public static void Load(GrblViewModel model) { bool?res = null; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(); data.Clear(); if (mounted == null) {; new Thread(() => { mounted = WaitFor.AckResponse <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => model.OnResponseReceived += a, a => model.OnResponseReceived -= a, 500, () =>; }).Start(); while (mounted == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } } if (mounted == true) {; id = 0; model.Silent = true; new Thread(() => { res = WaitFor.AckResponse <string>( cancellationToken, response => Process(response), a => model.OnResponseReceived += a, a => model.OnResponseReceived -= a, 2000, () =>; }).Start(); while (res == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } model.Silent = false; data.AcceptChanges(); } }
private void JobControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.OldValue != null && e.OldValue is INotifyPropertyChanged) { ((INotifyPropertyChanged)e.OldValue).PropertyChanged -= OnDataContextPropertyChanged; } if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue is INotifyPropertyChanged) { model = (GrblViewModel)e.NewValue; model.PropertyChanged += OnDataContextPropertyChanged; } }
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (DataContext is GrblViewModel) { model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; } if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible) { DataContext = null; } }
public ProbingViewModel(GrblViewModel grblmodel, ProbingProfiles profile) { Grbl = grblmodel; // Execute = new ActionCommand<bool>(ExecuteProgram); Program = new Program(this); Profiles = profile.Profiles; Profile = profile.Profiles[0]; HeightMap.PropertyChanged += HeightMap_PropertyChanged; }
public KeypressHandler(GrblViewModel model) { grbl = model; bool useFirmwareJog = false; if (GrblSettings.IsLoaded) { double val; if ((useFirmwareJog = !(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogStepDistance)).Equals(double.NaN))) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Step] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogSlowDistance)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Slow] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogFastDistance)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Fast] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogStepSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Step] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogSlowSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Slow] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogFastSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Fast] = val; } model.IsMetric = GrblSettings.GetString(GrblSetting.ReportInches) != "1"; } if (!useFirmwareJog) { model.JogStep = jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Step] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.StepDistance; jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Slow] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.SlowDistance; jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Fast] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.SlowDistance; jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Step] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.StepFeedrate; jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Slow] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.SlowFeedrate; jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Fast] = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.FastFeedrate; } fullJog = AppConfig.Settings.Jog.KeyboardEnable || GrblSettings.IsGrblHAL; }
private void JobControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (e.OldValue != null && e.OldValue is INotifyPropertyChanged) { ((INotifyPropertyChanged)e.OldValue).PropertyChanged -= OnDataContextPropertyChanged; } if (e.NewValue != null && e.NewValue is INotifyPropertyChanged) { model = (GrblViewModel)e.NewValue; model.PropertyChanged += OnDataContextPropertyChanged; model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed += RealtimeStatusProcessed; model.OnCommandResponseReceived += ResponseReceived; GCode.File.Model = model; } }
private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!keyboardMappingsOk && DataContext is GrblViewModel) { grbl = (DataContext as GrblViewModel); KeypressHandler keyboard = grbl.Keyboard; keyboardMappingsOk = true; keyboard.AddHandler(Key.R, ModifierKeys.Alt, StartProbe, this); keyboard.AddHandler(Key.S, ModifierKeys.Alt, StopProbe, this); keyboard.AddHandler(Key.C, ModifierKeys.Alt, ProbeConnectedToggle, this); DataContext = model = new ProbingViewModel(DataContext as GrblViewModel, profiles); } }
public KeypressHandler(GrblViewModel model) { grbl = model; bool useFirmwareJog = false; if (GrblSettings.IsLoaded) { double val; if ((useFirmwareJog = !(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogStepDistance)).Equals(double.NaN))) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Step] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogSlowDistance)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Slow] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogFastDistance)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogDistance[(int)JogMode.Fast] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogStepSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Step] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogSlowSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Slow] = val; } if (!(val = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.JogFastSpeed)).Equals(double.NaN)) { jogSpeed[(int)JogMode.Fast] = val; } fullJog = GrblSettings.IsGrblHAL; model.IsMetric = GrblSettings.GetString(GrblSetting.ReportInches) != "1"; } if (!useFirmwareJog) { AppConfig.Settings.Jog.PropertyChanged += Jog_PropertyChanged; updateConfig(); } }
public void ShowPosition() { GrblViewModel model = (GrblViewModel)DataContext; foreach (var path in position) { viewport.Children.Remove(path); } position.Clear(); double maxX = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_XMaxTravel); double maxY = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_YMaxTravel); double maxZ = GrblSettings.GetDouble(GrblSetting.AxisSetting_ZMaxTravel); var positionX = new LinesVisual3D(); positionX.Color = Colors.Green; positionX.Thickness = 1; positionX.Points.Add(new Point3D(model.ProgramLimits.MinX - 5d, model.Position.Y, model.Position.Z)); positionX.Points.Add(new Point3D(maxX, model.Position.Y, model.Position.Z)); position.Add(positionX); var positionY = new LinesVisual3D(); positionY.Color = Colors.Green; positionY.Thickness = 1; positionY.Points.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, model.ProgramLimits.MinY - 5d, model.Position.Z)); positionY.Points.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, maxY, model.Position.Z)); position.Add(positionY); var positionZ = new LinesVisual3D(); positionZ.Color = Colors.Green; positionZ.Thickness = 1; positionZ.Points.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, model.Position.Y, model.ProgramLimits.MinZ - 5d)); positionZ.Points.Add(new Point3D(model.Position.X, model.Position.Y, maxZ)); position.Add(positionZ); foreach (var path in position) { viewport.Children.Add(path); } }
public void Setup(UIViewModel model, AppConfig profile) { if (this.model == null) { this.model = model; grblmodel = DataContext as GrblViewModel; DataContext = profile.Base; xx.ItemsSource = model.ConfigControls; model.ConfigControls.Add(new BasicConfigControl()); if (AppConfig.Settings.Jog.Mode != JogConfig.JogMode.Keypad) { model.ConfigControls.Add(new JogUiConfigControl()); } if (AppConfig.Settings.Jog.Mode != JogConfig.JogMode.UI) { model.ConfigControls.Add(new JogConfigControl()); } model.ConfigControls.Add(new StripGCodeConfigControl()); } }
private void Renderer_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; }
public int SetupAndOpen(string appname, GrblViewModel model, System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher) { int status = 0; bool selectPort = false; int jogMode = -1; string port = string.Empty; CNC.Core.Resources.Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); int p = 0; while (p < args.GetLength(0)) { switch (args[p++].ToLowerInvariant()) { case "-inifile": CNC.Core.Resources.IniName = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-debugfile": CNC.Core.Resources.DebugFile = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-configmapping": CNC.Core.Resources.ConfigName = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-locale": case "-language": // deprecated CNC.Core.Resources.Locale = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-port": port = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-selectport": selectPort = true; break; case "-islegacy": CNC.Core.Resources.IsLegacyController = true; break; case "-jogmode": if (int.TryParse(GetArg(args, p++), out jogMode)) { jogMode = Math.Min(Math.Max(jogMode, 0), (int)JogConfig.JogMode.KeypadAndUI); } break; default: if (!args[p - 1].EndsWith(".exe") && File.Exists(args[p - 1])) { FileName = args[p - 1]; } break; } } if (!Load(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile)) { if (MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("CreateConfig"), appname, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (!Save(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile)) { MessageBox.Show(LibStrings.FindResource("CreateConfigFail"), appname); status = 1; } } else { return(1); } } if (jogMode != -1) { Base.Jog.Mode = (JogConfig.JogMode)jogMode; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { selectPort = false; } if (!selectPort) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { setPort(port); } #if USEWEBSOCKET if (Base.PortParams.ToLower().StartsWith("ws://")) { new WebsocketStream(Base.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #endif if (char.IsDigit(Base.PortParams[0])) // We have an IP address { new TelnetStream(Base.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #if USEELTIMA { new EltimaStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #else { new SerialStream(Base.PortParams, Base.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #endif } if (( == null || ! && string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { PortDialog portsel = new PortDialog(); port = portsel.ShowDialog(Base.PortParams); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { status = 2; } else { setPort(port); #if USEWEBSOCKET if (port.ToLower().StartsWith("ws://")) { new WebsocketStream(Base.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #endif if (char.IsDigit(port[0])) // We have an IP address { new TelnetStream(Base.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #if USEELTIMA { new EltimaStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #else { new SerialStream(Base.PortParams, Base.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #endif Save(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile); } } if ( != null && { += model.DataReceived; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(); // Wait 400ms to see if a MPG is polling Grbl... new Thread(() => { MPGactive = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed += a, a => model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed -= a, 500); }).Start(); while (MPGactive == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } // ...if so show dialog for wait for it to stop polling and relinquish control. if (MPGactive == true) { MPGPending await = new MPGPending(model); await.ShowDialog(); if (await.Cancelled) {; //!! status = 2; } } model.IsReady = true; } else if (status != 2) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format(LibStrings.FindResource("ConnectFailed"), Base.PortParams), appname, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); status = 2; } return(status); }
public Program(ProbingViewModel model) { Grbl = model.Grbl; probing = model; }
public void Activate(bool activate, ViewType chgMode) { if (activate) { GCodeSender.RewindFile(); GCodeSender.CallHandler(GCode.File.IsLoaded ? StreamingState.Idle : (sdStream ? StreamingState.Start : StreamingState.NoFile), false); sdStream = false; if (initOK != true) { model.Message = "Waiting for controller...";;; int timeout = 30; // 1.5s do { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); } while ( == "" && --timeout != 0); if ("<Alarm")) { GrblViewModel data = (GrblViewModel)DataContext; data.ParseStatus(; // Alarm 1, 2 and 10 are critical events if (!(data.GrblState.Substate == 1 || data.GrblState.Substate == 2 || data.GrblState.Substate == 10)) { InitSystem(); } } else if ( != "") { InitSystem(); } } if (initOK == null) { initOK = false; } #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset += Camera_MoveOffset; MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.Opened += Camera_Opened; } #endif //if (viewer == null) // viewer = new Viewer(); if (GCode.File.IsLoaded) { MainWindow.ui.WindowTitle = ((GrblViewModel)DataContext).FileName; } } else if (ViewType != ViewType.Shutdown) { DRO.IsFocusable = false; #if ADD_CAMERA if (MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera != null) { MainWindow.UIViewModel.Camera.MoveOffset -= Camera_MoveOffset; } #endif } if (GCodeSender.Activate(activate)) { Task.Delay(500).ContinueWith(t => DRO.EnableFocus()); Application.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new System.Action(() => { Focus(); }), DispatcherPriority.Render); } }
public Controller(GrblViewModel model) { this.model = model; }
private void JogCommand(string cmd) { GrblViewModel model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; if (cmd == "stop") { cmd = ((char)GrblConstants.CMD_JOG_CANCEL).ToString(); } else { var distance = cmd[1] == '-' ? -JogData.Distance : JogData.Distance; if (softLimits) { int axis = GrblInfo.AxisLetterToIndex(cmd[0]); if (jogAxis != -1 && axis != jogAxis) { return; } if (axis != jogAxis) { position = distance + model.MachinePosition.Values[axis]; } else { position += distance; } if (GrblInfo.ForceSetOrigin) { if (!GrblInfo.HomingDirection.HasFlag(GrblInfo.AxisIndexToFlag(axis))) { if (position > 0d) { position = 0d; } else if (position < (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] + limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = (-GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] + limitSwitchesClearance); } } else { if (position < 0d) { position = 0d; } else if (position > (GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance; } } } else { if (position > -limitSwitchesClearance) { position = -limitSwitchesClearance; } else if (position < -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance)) { position = -(GrblInfo.MaxTravel.Values[axis] - limitSwitchesClearance); } } if (position == 0d) { return; } jogAxis = axis; cmd = string.Format("$J=G53{0}{1}{2}F{3}", mode, cmd.Substring(0, 1), position.ToInvariantString(), Math.Ceiling(JogData.FeedRate).ToInvariantString()); } else { cmd = string.Format("$J=G91{0}{1}{2}F{3}", mode, cmd.Substring(0, 1), distance.ToInvariantString(), Math.Ceiling(JogData.FeedRate).ToInvariantString()); } } model.ExecuteCommand(cmd); }
private void Upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { bool ok = false; string filename = string.Empty; OpenFileDialog file = new OpenFileDialog(); file.Filter = string.Format("GCode files ({0})|{0}|Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*", FileUtils.ExtensionsToFilter(GCode.FileTypes)); if (file.ShowDialog() == true) { filename = file.FileName; } if (filename != string.Empty) { GrblViewModel model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; model.Message = (string)FindResource("Uploading"); if (GrblInfo.UploadProtocol == "FTP") { if (GrblInfo.IpAddress == string.Empty) { model.Message = (string)FindResource("NoConnection"); } else { using (new UIUtils.WaitCursor()) { model.Message = (string)FindResource("Uploading"); try { using (WebClient client = new WebClient()) { client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("grblHAL", "grblHAL"); client.UploadFile(string.Format("ftp://{0}/{1}", GrblInfo.IpAddress, filename.Substring(filename.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1)), WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile, filename); ok = true; } } catch (WebException ex) { model.Message = ex.Message.ToString() + " " + ((FtpWebResponse)ex.Response).StatusDescription; } catch (System.Exception ex) { model.Message = ex.Message.ToString(); } } } } else { model.Message = (string)FindResource("Uploading"); YModem ymodem = new YModem(); ymodem.DataTransferred += Ymodem_DataTransferred; ok = ymodem.Upload(filename); } if (!(GrblInfo.UploadProtocol == "FTP" && !ok)) { model.Message = (string)FindResource(ok ? "TransferDone" : "TransferAborted"); } GrblSDCard.Load(model); } }
private void DisplayPosition(GrblViewModel grbl) { model.Position = string.Format("X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}{3}", grbl.Position.X.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), grbl.Position.Y.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), grbl.Position.Z.ToInvariantString(grbl.Format), probeTriggered ? " P" : ""); // model.Message = string.Format("X:{0} Y:{1} Z:{2}", grbl.Position.X.ToInvariantString(), grbl.Position.Y.ToInvariantString(), grbl.Position.Z.ToInvariantString()); }
public int SetupAndOpen(string appname, GrblViewModel model, System.Windows.Threading.Dispatcher dispatcher) { int status = 0; bool selectPort = false; string port = string.Empty; CNC.Core.Resources.Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(); int p = 0; while (p < args.GetLength(0)) { switch (args[p++]) { case "-inifile": CNC.Core.Resources.IniName = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-configmapping": CNC.Core.Resources.ConfigName = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-language": CNC.Core.Resources.Language = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-port": port = GetArg(args, p++); break; case "-selectport": selectPort = true; break; default: if (!args[p - 1].EndsWith(".exe") && File.Exists(args[p - 1])) { FileName = args[p - 1]; } break; } } if (!Load(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile)) { if (MessageBox.Show("Config file not found or invalid, create new?", appname, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { if (!Save(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile)) { MessageBox.Show("Could not save config file.", appname); status = 1; } } else { return(1); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { selectPort = false; } if (!selectPort) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { setPort(port); } #if USEWEBSOCKET if (Config.PortParams.ToLower().StartsWith("ws://")) { new WebsocketStream(Config.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #endif if (char.IsDigit(Config.PortParams[0])) // We have an IP address { new TelnetStream(Config.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #if USEELTIMA { new EltimaStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #else { new SerialStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #endif } if (( == null || ! && string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { PortDialog portsel = new PortDialog(); port = portsel.ShowDialog(Config.PortParams); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(port)) { status = 2; } else { setPort(port); #if USEWEBSOCKET if (port.ToLower().StartsWith("ws://")) { new WebsocketStream(Config.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #endif if (char.IsDigit(port[0])) // We have an IP address { new TelnetStream(Config.PortParams, dispatcher); } else #if USEELTIMA { new EltimaStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #else { new SerialStream(Config.PortParams, Config.ResetDelay, dispatcher); } #endif Save(CNC.Core.Resources.IniFile); } } if ( != null && { += model.DataReceived; CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken(); // Wait 400ms to see if a MPG is polling Grbl... new Thread(() => { MPGactive = WaitFor.SingleEvent <string>( cancellationToken, null, a => model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed += a, a => model.OnRealtimeStatusProcessed -= a, 500); }).Start(); while (MPGactive == null) { EventUtils.DoEvents(); } // ...if so show dialog for wait for it to stop polling and relinquish control. if (MPGactive == true) { MPGPending await = new MPGPending(model); await.ShowDialog(); if (await.Cancelled) {; //!! status = 2; } } model.IsReady = true; model.PollInterval = Config.PollInterval; } else if (status != 2) { MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Unable to open connection ({0})", Config.PortParams), appname, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); status = 2; } return(status); }
private void Ymodem_DataTransferred(long size, long transferred) { GrblViewModel model = DataContext as GrblViewModel; model.Message = string.Format((string)FindResource("Transferring"), transferred, size); }