Esempio n. 1
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <param name="pullUpDownMode">The pull up or pull down mode</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public InputPortMM(GpioEnum gpioIDIn, GPIOPullUpDownModeEnum pullUpDownMode) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the port
     // set the mode
Esempio n. 2
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor, disables PullUps and PullDowns
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public InputPortMM(GpioEnum gpioIDIn) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the port
     // set the mode to disable pullUpDown
Esempio n. 3
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public OutputPortFS(GpioEnum gpioIDIn) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the port
     // set the direction to output
Esempio n. 4
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables the SPI slave device which uses a GPIO pin as a slave select.
        /// NOTE on how this works. When using a GPIO pin as a slave select line
        ///   we still need to open a SPIDev device because we need a device to
        ///   send the data to. The way SPIDev works each spidev device is
        ///   fundamentally associated with a particular slave select line and
        ///   this cannot be changed. The GPIO line will be used as a separate
        ///   slave select but the spidev device specific slave select will also
        ///   be asserted whenever the device is writtent to.
        ///   In order to use a GPIO as a slave select you must ignore and not
        ///   electrically attach anything to the slave select pin the SPIDEV
        ///   device uses as it will be asserted on each write.
        ///   In other words, the SPIDev device is needed to shift the data in
        ///   and out, however you must ignore its internal slave select line
        ///   entirely if you wish to use GPIO based slave selects. Otherwise
        ///   any device attached to it will be receive every write to the
        ///   SPIPort no matter which GPIO slave select is also asserted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ssHandle - the handle for the Slave Device or null for fail</returns>
        /// <param name="spiSlaveDeviceIn">The GPIO of the pin we use as the slave select</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    21 Dec 14  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public SPISlaveDeviceHandle EnableSPIGPIOSlaveDevice(GpioEnum gpioEnum)
            // get first slave device. We need to check we have one
            SPISlaveDeviceHandle ssHandle = GetFirstSlaveDeviceWithFD();

            // sanity check
            if (ssHandle == null)
                throw new Exception("At least one non GPIO Slave Device must be enabled first.");
            // create a new output port
            OutputPortMM gpioSlaveSelect = new OutputPortMM(gpioEnum);

            // set this high by default, most modes have slave selects high and go low to activate

            // create a new slave device handle
            SPISlaveDeviceHandle outHandle = new SPISlaveDeviceHandle(SPISlaveDeviceEnum.SPI_SLAVEDEVICE_GPIO, gpioSlaveSelect);

            if (outHandle == null)
                throw new Exception("Could not create GPIO based slave select device");

            //Console.WriteLine("SPIPort GPIO Slave Device Enabled: "+ gpioEnum.ToString());

            // record that we opened this slave device (so we can close it later)
            // return the slave device handle
Esempio n. 5
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <param name="initialState">The initial state, true or false, of the port
 /// after we open it.
 /// <history>
 ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public OutputPortMM(GpioEnum gpioIDIn, bool initialState) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the port
     // set the initial value
Esempio n. 6
        public void SetPulseParameters(GpioEnum pin, double dutyCycle, bool invertPolarity)
            if ((dutyCycle < 0) || (dutyCycle > 1))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("dutyCycle");

            lock (m_Pins)
                if (!m_Pins.ContainsKey(pin))
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

                var softPin = m_Pins[pin];
                softPin.DutyCycle      = dutyCycle;
                softPin.InvertPolarity = invertPolarity;

            // If duty cycle isn't zero we need to make sure updates are running
            if ((Math.Abs(dutyCycle) > double.Epsilon) && (!m_Updater.IsStarted))
Esempio n. 7
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a GpioConfig object for a given gpio object. NOTE when the
        /// GpioConfig object is instantiated it acesses system information
        /// for things like mux pin number and usage in the pinmux pins table
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>>the GpioConfig object or a dummy (GpioEnum.GPIO_NONE) for fail</returns>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic  Originally written
        /// </history>
        public static GpioConfig GetGpioConfigForGpio(GpioEnum gpioIn)
            switch (gpioIn)
            case GpioEnum.GPIO_4:
                return(new GpioConfig(7, true, 4, GpioEnum.GPIO_4));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_5:
                return(new GpioConfig(29, true, 5, GpioEnum.GPIO_5));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_6:
                return(new GpioConfig(31, true, 6, GpioEnum.GPIO_6));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_12:
                return(new GpioConfig(32, true, 12, GpioEnum.GPIO_12));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_13:
                return(new GpioConfig(33, true, 13, GpioEnum.GPIO_13));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_16:
                return(new GpioConfig(36, true, 16, GpioEnum.GPIO_16));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_17:
                return(new GpioConfig(11, true, 17, GpioEnum.GPIO_17));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_18:
                return(new GpioConfig(12, true, 18, GpioEnum.GPIO_18));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_19:
                return(new GpioConfig(35, true, 19, GpioEnum.GPIO_19));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_20:
                return(new GpioConfig(38, true, 20, GpioEnum.GPIO_20));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_21:
                return(new GpioConfig(40, true, 21, GpioEnum.GPIO_21));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_22:
                return(new GpioConfig(15, true, 22, GpioEnum.GPIO_22));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_23:
                return(new GpioConfig(16, true, 23, GpioEnum.GPIO_23));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_24:
                return(new GpioConfig(18, true, 24, GpioEnum.GPIO_24));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_25:
                return(new GpioConfig(22, true, 25, GpioEnum.GPIO_25));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_26:
                return(new GpioConfig(37, true, 26, GpioEnum.GPIO_26));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_27:
                return(new GpioConfig(13, true, 27, GpioEnum.GPIO_27));

                return(new GpioConfig());
Esempio n. 8
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventInterruptModeIn">The interrupt mode</param>
 /// <param name="gpioIn">The GPIO this interrupt is on.
 /// <history>
 ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public InterruptPortMM(GpioEnum gpioIn, InterruptMode eventInterruptModeIn) : base(gpioIn)
     EventInterruptMode = eventInterruptModeIn;
     // setup for event detection
     // open the port and turn on event detection
Esempio n. 9
            public byte     Devices; // x x x x _ x x <HDMI> <eMMC>

            public PinData(int Offset, byte NumLinux, byte NumGPIO, GpioEnum GPIO, byte Devices)
                this.Offset   = Offset;
                this.NumLinux = NumLinux;
                this.NumGPIO  = NumGPIO;
                this.GPIO     = GPIO;
                this.Devices  = Devices;
Esempio n. 10
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <param name="initialState">The initial state, true or false, of the port
 /// after we open it.
 /// <history>
 ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public OutputPortFS(GpioEnum gpioIDIn, bool initialState) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the port
     // set the direction to output
     // set the initial value
Esempio n. 11
 internal void InterruptFalling(GpioEnum EventPin, bool EventState, DateTime Time, EventData Data)
     if (EventPin == IO.BeagleBone.Pin.PinToGPIO(this.Pin))
         InputInterrupt Event = new InputInterrupt(Data.EvState);
         this.FallingHandlers?.Invoke(this, Event);
Esempio n. 12
 public IGpioPin OpenPin(GpioEnum pin)
     lock (m_Pins)
Esempio n. 13
 public Button(IGpioController controller, GpioEnum gpio, ILoggerService loggerService = null)
     ButtonPin = controller.OpenPin(gpio);
     if (loggerService != null)
         TurnedOn  += (s, a) => loggerService.Log(LogLevelEnum.Information, $"{Name} is turned on");
         TurnedOff += (s, a) => loggerService.Log(LogLevelEnum.Information, $"{Name} is turned off");
Esempio n. 14
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a GpioID to an integer value. Will not accept a gpioID of
        /// Gpio.GPIO_NONE or GpioEnum.GPIO_SYSEVENT
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public static int GpioIDToInt(GpioEnum gpioIDIn)
            if (gpioIDIn == GpioEnum.GPIO_NONE)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Gpio : " + gpioIDIn.ToString());

            // return it as an integer
Esempio n. 15
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public Port(GpioEnum gpioIDIn)
            // Test the PRI Type has been set
            if (RPICSIOGlobalConfig.RPIType == RPITypeEnum.RPITYPE_UNKNOWN)
                throw new Exception("The RPIType is UNKNOWN. Have you made a call like: RPICSIOConfig.Instance.RPIType = RPITypeEnum.RPITYPE_RPI2;");

            // set our GpioConfig object now
            gpioCfgObject = GpioUtils.GetGpioConfigForGpio(gpioIDIn);
Esempio n. 16
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a GpioID to a numeric string value. Will not accept a gpioID of
        /// Gpio.GPIO_NONE
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
        /// <returns>>the GPIO as a string</returns>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
        /// </history>
        public static string GpioIDToString(GpioEnum gpioIDIn)
            if (gpioIDIn == GpioEnum.GPIO_NONE)
                throw new Exception("Invalid Gpio : " + gpioIDIn.ToString());

            // strip out non digits - want to do this fast so no regex
            // or cycling through the string testing every char.
            return(gpioIDIn.ToString().Replace(GPIOENUM_PREFIX, ""));
Esempio n. 17
        public void DisablePin(GpioEnum pin)
            lock (m_Pins)
                if (!m_Pins.ContainsKey(pin))
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

                m_Pins[pin].Enabled = false;
Esempio n. 18
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="headerPinIn">the number of the header pin
        /// <param name="isDefaultGPIOOnHeaderIn">if true it is available as a GPIO by default on the header. False it is not</param>
        /// <param name="gpioNumIn">The gpio as a number</param>
        /// <param name="gpioIn">The gpio as an enum</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Started
        /// </history>
        public GpioConfig(int headerPinIn, bool isDefaultGPIOOnHeaderIn, int gpioNumIn, GpioEnum gpioIn)
            // set some values, ignore others - they are for future use
            headerPin             = headerPinIn;
            isDefaultGPIOOnHeader = isDefaultGPIOOnHeaderIn;
            gpioNum = gpioNumIn;
            gpio    = gpioIn;

            // these values are pre-calculated. We use them a lot
            gpioBank = GpioNum / 32; // the bank number in the pinmux is the GPIO/32
            gpioBit  = GpioNum % 32; // the bit number in the pinmux is the remainder of GPIO/32
Esempio n. 19
        public void ReleasePin(GpioEnum pin)
            lock (m_Pins)
                if (!m_Pins.ContainsKey(pin))
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

Esempio n. 20
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="eventInterruptModeIn">The interrupt mode</param>
 /// <param name="gpioIn">The GPIO this interrupt is on.
 /// <param name="pullUpDownMode">The pull up or pull down mode</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public InterruptPortMM(GpioEnum gpioIn, GPIOPullUpDownModeEnum pullUpDownMode, InterruptMode eventInterruptModeIn) : base(gpioIn)
     EventInterruptMode = eventInterruptModeIn;
     // setup for event detection
     // open the port and turn on event detection
     // set the mode to disable pullUpDown
     MMDevMem.SetGPIOPullUpDownMode(GpioCfgObject, pullUpDownMode);
     // set up the interrupts
     MMDevMem.EnableInterruptsAtGPIOLevelAccordingToEnum(GpioCfgObject, EventInterruptMode);
Esempio n. 21
        public void AcquirePin(GpioEnum pin)
            lock (m_Pins)
                if (m_Pins.ContainsKey(pin))
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

                var gpioPin = m_GpioController.OpenPin(pin);
                m_Pins[pin] = new SoftPwmPin(gpioPin);
Esempio n. 22
        public void EnablePin(GpioEnum pin)
            lock (m_Pins)
                if (!m_Pins.ContainsKey(pin))
                    throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

                m_Pins[pin].Enabled = true;

            // Make sure updates are running
            if (!m_Updater.IsStarted)
Esempio n. 23
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="headerNumIn">the number of the header (8 or 9)</param>
        /// <param name="headerPinIn">the number of the header pin
        /// <param name="pinmuxRegisterOffsetIn">the pinmux register offset</param>
        /// <param name="gpioNumIn">The gpio as a number</param>
        /// <param name="gpioIn">The gpio as an enum</param>
        /// <history>
        ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Started
        /// </history>
        public GpioConfig(int headerNumIn, int headerPinIn, int pinmuxRegisterOffsetIn, int gpioNumIn, GpioEnum gpioIn)
            // set some values, ignore others - they are for future use
            headerNum            = headerNumIn;
            headerPin            = headerPinIn;
            pinmuxRegisterOffset = pinmuxRegisterOffsetIn;
            gpioNum = gpioNumIn;
            gpio    = gpioIn;

            // these values are pre-calculated. We use them a lot
            gpioBank = GpioNum / 32;    // the bank number in the pinmux is the GPIO/32
            gpioBit  = GpioNum % 32;    // the bit number in the pinmux is the remainder of GPIO/32
            gpioMask = 0x01 << gpioBit; // the mask is a 0x01 shifted left by gpioBits

            // get the information from the system so that we are fully built
Esempio n. 24
        private async Task FadeInFadeOutAsync(IPwmController controller, GpioEnum gpio)
            var led = new DimmableLed(controller, gpio, 10);

            while (true)
                for (int i = 10; i <= 90; i += 4)
                    led.Dim(i, this);
                    await Task.Delay(10);
                for (int i = 90; i >= 10; i -= 4)
                    led.Dim(i, this);
                    await Task.Delay(50);
Esempio n. 25
 public IGpioPin OpenPin(GpioEnum gpio)
     return(new WindowsGpioPin(m_Controller.OpenPin(gpio.ToGpioNumber())));
Esempio n. 26
 public ToggleButton(IGpioController controller, GpioEnum gpio, ILoggerService loggerService = null) : base(controller, gpio, loggerService)
Esempio n. 27
 public DimmableLed(IPwmController controller, GpioEnum gpio, int initialValue)
     Pin = controller.OpenPin(gpio);
     Dim(initialValue, this);
Esempio n. 28
        /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a GpioConfig object for a given gpio object. NOTE when the
        /// GpioConfig object is instantiated it acesses system information
        /// for things like mux pin number and usage in the pinmux pins table
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>>the GpioConfig object or a dummy (GpioEnum.GPIO_NONE) for fail</returns>
        /// <history>
        ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic  Originally written
        /// </history>
        public static GpioConfig GetGpioConfigForGpio(GpioEnum gpioIn)
            switch (gpioIn)
            case GpioEnum.GPIO_38:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 3, 0x818, 38, GpioEnum.GPIO_38));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_39:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 4, 0x81C, 39, GpioEnum.GPIO_39));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_34:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 5, 0x808, 34, GpioEnum.GPIO_34));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_35:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 6, 0x80C, 35, GpioEnum.GPIO_35));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_66:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 7, 0x890, 66, GpioEnum.GPIO_66));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_67:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 8, 0x894, 67, GpioEnum.GPIO_67));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_69:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 9, 0x89C, 69, GpioEnum.GPIO_69));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_68:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 10, 0x898, 68, GpioEnum.GPIO_68));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_45:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 11, 0x834, 45, GpioEnum.GPIO_45));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_44:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 12, 0x830, 44, GpioEnum.GPIO_44));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_23:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 13, 0x824, 23, GpioEnum.GPIO_23));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_26:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 14, 0x828, 26, GpioEnum.GPIO_26));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_47:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 15, 0x83C, 47, GpioEnum.GPIO_47));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_46:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 16, 0x838, 46, GpioEnum.GPIO_46));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_27:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 17, 0x82C, 27, GpioEnum.GPIO_27));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_65:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 18, 0x88C, 65, GpioEnum.GPIO_65));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_22:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 19, 0x820, 22, GpioEnum.GPIO_22));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_63:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 20, 0x884, 63, GpioEnum.GPIO_63));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_62:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 21, 0x880, 62, GpioEnum.GPIO_62));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_37:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 22, 0x814, 37, GpioEnum.GPIO_37));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_36:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 23, 0x810, 36, GpioEnum.GPIO_36));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_33:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 24, 0x804, 33, GpioEnum.GPIO_33));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_32:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 25, 0x800, 32, GpioEnum.GPIO_32));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_61:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 26, 0x87C, 61, GpioEnum.GPIO_61));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_86:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 27, 0x8E0, 86, GpioEnum.GPIO_86));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_88:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 28, 0x8E8, 88, GpioEnum.GPIO_88));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_87:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 29, 0x8E4, 87, GpioEnum.GPIO_87));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_89:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 30, 0x8EC, 89, GpioEnum.GPIO_89));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_10:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 31, 0x8D8, 10, GpioEnum.GPIO_10));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_11:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 32, 0x8DC, 11, GpioEnum.GPIO_11));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_9:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 33, 0x8D4, 9, GpioEnum.GPIO_9));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_81:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 34, 0x8CC, 81, GpioEnum.GPIO_81));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_8:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 35, 0x8D0, 8, GpioEnum.GPIO_8));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_80:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 36, 0x8C8, 80, GpioEnum.GPIO_80));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_78:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 37, 0x8C0, 78, GpioEnum.GPIO_78));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_79:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 38, 0x8C4, 79, GpioEnum.GPIO_79));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_76:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 39, 0x8B8, 76, GpioEnum.GPIO_76));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_77:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 40, 0x8BC, 77, GpioEnum.GPIO_77));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_74:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 41, 0x8B0, 74, GpioEnum.GPIO_74));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_75:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 42, 0x8B4, 75, GpioEnum.GPIO_75));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_72:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 43, 0x8A8, 72, GpioEnum.GPIO_72));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_73:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 44, 0x8AC, 73, GpioEnum.GPIO_73));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_70:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 45, 0x8A0, 70, GpioEnum.GPIO_70));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_71:
                return(new GpioConfig(8, 46, 0x8A4, 71, GpioEnum.GPIO_71));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_30:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 11, 0x870, 30, GpioEnum.GPIO_30));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_60:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 12, 0x878, 60, GpioEnum.GPIO_60));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_31:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 13, 0x874, 31, GpioEnum.GPIO_31));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_50:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 14, 0x848, 50, GpioEnum.GPIO_50));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_48:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 15, 0x840, 48, GpioEnum.GPIO_48));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_51:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 16, 0x84C, 51, GpioEnum.GPIO_51));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_5:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 17, 0x95C, 5, GpioEnum.GPIO_5));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_4:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 18, 0x958, 4, GpioEnum.GPIO_4));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_13:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 19, 0x97C, 13, GpioEnum.GPIO_13));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_12:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 20, 0x978, 12, GpioEnum.GPIO_12));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_3:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 21, 0x954, 3, GpioEnum.GPIO_3));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_2:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 22, 0x950, 2, GpioEnum.GPIO_2));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_49:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 23, 0x844, 49, GpioEnum.GPIO_49));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_15:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 24, 0x984, 15, GpioEnum.GPIO_15));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_117:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 25, 0x9AC, 117, GpioEnum.GPIO_117));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_14:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 26, 0x980, 14, GpioEnum.GPIO_14));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_115:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 27, 0x9A4, 115, GpioEnum.GPIO_115));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_113:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 28, 0x99C, 113, GpioEnum.GPIO_113));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_111:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 29, 0x994, 111, GpioEnum.GPIO_111));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_112:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 30, 0x998, 112, GpioEnum.GPIO_112));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_110:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 31, 0x990, 110, GpioEnum.GPIO_110));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_20:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 41, 0x9B4, 20, GpioEnum.GPIO_20));

            case GpioEnum.GPIO_7:
                return(new GpioConfig(9, 42, 0x964, 7, GpioEnum.GPIO_7));

                return(new GpioConfig());
Esempio n. 29
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    28 Aug 14  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public Port(GpioEnum gpioIDIn)
     // set our GpioConfig object now
     gpioCfgObject = GpioUtils.GetGpioConfigForGpio(gpioIDIn);
Esempio n. 30
 /// +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gpioIDIn">The gpio we open the port on</param>
 /// <history>
 ///    01 Dec 16  Cynic - Originally written
 /// </history>
 public PortMM(GpioEnum gpioIDIn) : base(gpioIDIn)
     // open the memory maps.