private void Button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Text                = "Please wait...";
            UseWaitCursor       = true;
            ProgressBar.Value   = 0;
            ProgressBar.Visible = true;
            int LoopVar;

            LoopVar = 0;
            while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) == true)
                ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = LoopVar;
                LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;
                Enabled = false;
                ModifyNameCommands.ChangeAttackName(LoopVar, MMainFunctions.DecapString(Conversions.ToString(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(LoopVar))));
                ProgressBar.Value = (int)(LoopVar / Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) * 100d);

            LoopVar = 1;
            while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;

            ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0;
            Text                = "Attack Editor";
            UseWaitCursor       = false;
            Enabled             = true;
            ProgressBar.Visible = false;
        private void AttackEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int LoopVar;

            LoopVar = 1;
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(MainObject.AppPath + @"txt\PGETypeList.txt"))
                ComboBox1.Items.AddRange(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(MainObject.AppPath + @"txt\PGETypeList.txt"));

            if (System.IO.File.Exists(MainObject.AppPath + @"txt\PGEAttackEffects.txt"))
                Effects.Items.AddRange(System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(MainObject.AppPath + @"txt\PGEAttackEffects.txt"));

            while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;

            ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0;
        private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int tempy;

            tempy = ComboBox3.SelectedIndex;
            ModifyNameCommands.ChangeAttackName(ComboBox3.SelectedIndex + 1, TextBox1.Text);
            int LoopVar;

            LoopVar = 1;
            while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;

            ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = tempy;
        private void Button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FolderBrowserDialog.Description = "Select folder to import Pokemon from:";
            if (FolderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                Text                = "Please wait...";
                UseWaitCursor       = true;
                ProgressBar.Value   = 0;
                ProgressBar.Visible = true;
                int LoopVar;
                LoopVar = 0;
                while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) == true)
                    ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = LoopVar;
                    LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;
                    Enabled = false;
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + @"\" + LoopVar + ".ini"))
                        ImportDataFunctions.ImportAttackIni(FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + @"\" + LoopVar + ".ini", LoopVar);

                    ProgressBar.Value = (int)(LoopVar / Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) * 100d);

                LoopVar = 1;
                while (LoopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                    LoopVar = LoopVar + 1;

                ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = 0;
                Text                = "Attack Editor";
                UseWaitCursor       = false;
                Enabled             = true;
                ProgressBar.Visible = false;
        private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int indexbuff;

            indexbuff = ListBox1.SelectedIndex;
            string LocalReverseHex()
                var argHexData = Strings.Right("0000" + Conversion.Hex(Combo1.SelectedIndex), 4); var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData); return(ret);

            var argStart = _offset + 2 * ListBox1.SelectedIndex;
            var argData  = LocalReverseHex();

            HexFunctions.WriteHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart, ref argData);
            var loopything = 0.ToString();

            while (Conversions.ToDouble(loopything) < Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfMoveTutorAttacks", "")))
                string LocalReadHex()
                    var argStart2 = (int)(_offset + 2d * Conversions.ToDouble(loopything)); var argLength = 2; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string LocalReverseHex1()
                    var argHexData = LocalReadHex(); var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData); return(ret);

                ListBox1.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex1(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
                loopything = (Conversions.ToDouble(loopything) + 1d).ToString();

            Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;
            ListBox1.SelectedIndex = indexbuff;
Esempio n. 6
        public static void ExportAttackINI(string INIFileName, int AttackIndex)
            string AttackData;
            string AttackDescription;
            int    AttackDescriptionTable;
            string CurAttackDescriptionPointer;
            string ContestData;

            AttackDescriptionTable = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "AttackDescriptionTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX()
                var argStart2 = AttackDescriptionTable + (AttackIndex - 1) * 4; var argLength = 4; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX()
                var argHEXData = "hsf51ad8be0f614141955564223ef2563e()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            CurAttackDescriptionPointer = Conversion.Hex(int.Parse(localReverseHEX(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) - 0x8000000);
            MainObject.FileNum          = FileSystem.FreeFile();
            FileSystem.FileOpen(MainObject.FileNum, MainObject.LoadedRom, OpenMode.Binary);

            FileSystem.FileGet(MainObject.FileNum, ref ATDescp, int.Parse(CurAttackDescriptionPointer, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 1, true);
            ATDescp = modTextSapp.Sapp2Asc(ATDescp);
            ATDescp = Strings.Mid(ATDescp, 1, Strings.InStr(1, ATDescp, @"\x"));
            // AbDescp = Replace(AbDescp, "\n", vbCrLf)
            // AtDescp = Replace(RTrim$(AtDescp), "\", "")
            ATDescp           = ATDescp + "x";
            AttackDescription = ATDescp;
            var argStart2 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "AttackData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + AttackIndex * 12;
            var argLength = 12;

            AttackData = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);
            Ini.WriteString(INIFileName, "Attack", "AttackName", Conversions.ToString(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(AttackIndex)));
            Ini.WriteString(INIFileName, "Attack", "AttackData", AttackData);
            Ini.WriteString(INIFileName, "Attack", "AttackDescription", AttackDescription);
            if (MainObject.Header2 == "AXP" | MainObject.Header2 == "AXV" | MainObject.Header2 == "BPE")
                var argStart21 = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "ContestMoveData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + AttackIndex * 8;
                var argLength1 = 8;
                ContestData = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart21, ref argLength1);
                Ini.WriteString(INIFileName, "Attack", "ContestData", ContestData);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void TMHMEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int loopVar;

            _tmhmAttacks = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TMData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            loopVar = 0;
            while (loopVar < Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TotalTMsPlusHMs", "")) == true)
                if (loopVar > Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TotalTMs", "")) - 1d)
                    string LocalReadHex()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopVar * 2;
                        var argLength = 2;
                        var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                    string LocalReverseHex()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("HM" + (loopVar - (Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TotalTMs", "")) - 1d)) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopVar += 1;
                else if (loopVar < 9)
                    string LocalReadHex2()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopVar * 2;
                        var argLength = 2; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                    string LocalReverseHex2()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex2();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("TM" + "0" + (loopVar + 1) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex2(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopVar += 1;
                    string LocalReadHex1()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopVar * 2;
                        var argLength = 2;
                        var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                    string LocalReverseHex1()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex1();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("TM" + (loopVar + 1) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex1(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopVar += 1;

            loopVar = 0;
            while (loopVar < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                loopVar += 1;

            TMHMList.SelectedIndex = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void SvBttn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var indexbuf = TMHMList.SelectedIndex;

            string LocalReverseHex()
                var argHexData = Strings.Right("0000" + Conversion.Hex(AttackList.SelectedIndex), 4); var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData); return(ret);

            var argStart = _tmhmAttacks + indexbuf * 2;
            var argData  = LocalReverseHex();

            HexFunctions.WriteHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart, ref argData);
            var loopvar = 0;

            while (loopvar < Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TotalTMsPlusHMs", "")) == true)
                if (loopvar > Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "TotalTMs", "")) - 1d)
                    string LocalReadHex()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopvar * 2;
                        var argLength = 2;
                        var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                    string LocalReverseHex1()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("HM" + (loopvar - 49) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex1(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopvar += 1;
                else if (loopvar < 9)
                    string LocalReadHex2()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopvar * 2;
                        var argLength = 2;
                        var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                    string LocalReverseHex3()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex2();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("TM" + "0" + (loopvar + 1) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex3(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopvar += 1;
                    string LocalReadHex1()
                        var argStart2 = _tmhmAttacks + loopvar * 2; var argLength = 2; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                    string LocalReverseHex2()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex1(); var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData); return(ret);

                    TMHMList.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("TM" + (loopvar + 1) + " - ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex2(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))));
                    loopvar += 1;

            TMHMList.SelectedIndex = indexbuf;
        private void movetutor2_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            if (MainObject.Header2 == "BPR" | MainObject.Header2 == "BPG" | MainObject.Header2 == "BPE")
                _offset = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "MoveTutorAttacks", "1"), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                var loopIndex = 0.ToString();
                var curAttack = string.Empty;

                 * Extract to Ui purely functions
                Combo1.Items.Clear(); // Clears the combo boxes
                while (Conversions.ToDouble(loopIndex) < Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d)
                    curAttack = Conversions.ToString(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(Conversions.ToInteger(loopIndex)));

                     * Extract to Ui purely functions
                    Combo1.Items.Add(curAttack); // adds the attacks to the comboboxes

                    loopIndex = (Conversions.ToDouble(loopIndex) + 1d).ToString();

                loopIndex = 0.ToString();

                while (Conversions.ToDouble(loopIndex) < Conversion.Val(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "NumberOfMoveTutorAttacks", "")))
                    string LocalReadHex()
                        var argStart2 = (int)(_offset + 2d * Conversions.ToDouble(loopIndex));
                        var argLength = 2;
                        var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                     * Extract to Ui purely functions
                    string LocalReverseHex()
                        var argHexData = LocalReadHex();
                        var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHexData);


                     * Extract to Ui purely functions
                    ListBox1.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(int.Parse(LocalReverseHex(), NumberStyles.HexNumber)));

                    loopIndex = (Conversions.ToDouble(loopIndex) + 1d).ToString();

                    Console.Out.WriteLine(loopIndex + "-loopanything value");
                foreach (var listBox1Item in ListBox1.Items)
                Cursor = Cursors.Arrow;

                 *  Have to fix this, no items are being populated into the combo box
                if (ListBox1.Items.Count != 0)
                    ListBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
                // If the ROM is not supported this code will run
                Combo1.Enabled  = false;
                Button2.Enabled = false;
                Combo1.Items.Clear(); // Clears the combo boxes
                //Interaction.MsgBox("Unsupported ROM!");
                // Lets the person know the ROM isn't supported.
        private void EggMoveEditor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            AttackCollection.CollectionChanged      += AttackCollectionOnCollectionChanged;
            PokemonNameCollection.CollectionChanged += PokemonNameCollectionOnCollectionChanged;

            HexReader.Subscribe(x => { Console.Out.WriteLine(x); });

            // get
            int Looper;
            int CurEntry;


            Looper = 0;

            string localReadHEX1()
                var argStart2 =
                        Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "EggMoveTable",
                                      "1"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + Looper * 2;
                var argLength = 2;

                var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


            while (localReadHEX1() == "FFFF" == false)
                string localReadHEX()
                    var argStart2 =
                            Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header,
                                          "EggMoveTable", "1"), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + Looper * 2;
                    var argLength = 2;
                    var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                string localReverseHEX()
                    var argHEXData = localReadHEX();
                    var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData);


                CurEntry = int.Parse(localReverseHEX(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                if (CurEntry > 20000)
                    ListBox1.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetPokemonName(CurEntry - 20000));
                    ListBox1.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("     ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(CurEntry)));

                Looper += 1;

            // Get egg specific pokemon names
            Looper = 0;
            while (Looper < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()),
                                                               MainObject.Header, "NumberOfPokemon", "")) - 1d == true)
                Looper += 1;

            Looper = 0;

//            for (var i = Conversions.ToDouble(_romConfig.NumberOfAttacks + 1d); i > Looper; Looper--)
//            {
//            }

//            while (Looper < Conversions.ToDouble(_romConfig.NumberOfAttacks + 1d) == true)
//            {
//                ComboBox2.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(Looper));
//                Looper += 1;
//            }

            // Get egg Attack names
            while (Looper < Conversions.ToDouble(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()),
                                                               MainObject.Header, "NumberOfAttacks", "")) + 1d == true)
                Looper += 1;

            ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0;
            ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0;
            ListBox1.SelectedIndex  = 0;
        private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var IndexBuff = ListBox1.SelectedIndex;
            int Looper;
            int CurEntry;

            string localReverseHEX()
                var argHEXData = Strings.Right("0000" + Conversion.Hex(ComboBox2.SelectedIndex), 4);
                var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData);


            var argStart =
                    Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "EggMoveTable", ""),
                    System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + ListBox1.SelectedIndex * 2;
            var argData = localReverseHEX();

            HexFunctions.WriteHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart, ref argData);
            Looper = 0;

            string localReadHEX1()
                var argStart2 =
                        Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "EggMoveTable",
                                      ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + Looper * 2;
                var argLength = 2;
                var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


            while (localReadHEX1() == "FFFF" == false)
                string localReadHEX()
                    var argStart2 =
                            Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header,
                                          "EggMoveTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + Looper * 2;
                    var argLength = 2;
                    var ret       = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength);


                string localReverseHEX1()
                    var argHEXData = localReadHEX();
                    var ret        = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData);


                CurEntry = int.Parse(localReverseHEX1(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                if (CurEntry > 20000)
                    ListBox1.Items.Add(GetNameFunctions.GetPokemonName(CurEntry - 20000));
                    ListBox1.Items.Add(Operators.ConcatenateObject("     ", GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(CurEntry)));

                Looper += 1;

            ListBox1.SelectedIndex = IndexBuff;
        private void Button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            fileOpenDialog.FileName        = "";
            fileOpenDialog.CheckFileExists = true;

            // Check to ensure that the selected path exists.  Dialog box displays
            // a warning otherwise.
            fileOpenDialog.CheckPathExists = true;

            // Get or set default extension. Doesn't include the leading ".".
            fileOpenDialog.DefaultExt = "ini";

            // Return the file referenced by a link? If False, simply returns the selected link
            // file. If True, returns the file linked to the LNK file.
            fileOpenDialog.DereferenceLinks = true;

            // Just as in VB6, use a set of pairs of filters, separated with "|". Each
            // pair consists of a description|file spec. Use a "|" between pairs. No need to put a
            // trailing "|". You can set the FilterIndex property as well, to select the default
            // filter. The first filter is numbered 1 (not 0). The default is 1.
            fileOpenDialog.Filter      = "(*.ini)|*.ini*";
            fileOpenDialog.Multiselect = false;

            // Restore the original directory when done selecting
            // a file? If False, the current directory changes
            // to the directory in which you selected the file.
            // Set this to True to put the current folder back
            // where it was when you started.
            // The default is False.
            // .RestoreDirectory = False

            // Show the Help button and Read-Only checkbox?
            fileOpenDialog.ShowHelp     = false;
            fileOpenDialog.ShowReadOnly = false;

            // Start out with the read-only check box checked?
            // This only make sense if ShowReadOnly is True.
            fileOpenDialog.ReadOnlyChecked = false;
            fileOpenDialog.Title           = "Select ini file to import";

            // Only accept valid Win32 file names?
            fileOpenDialog.ValidateNames = true;
            if (fileOpenDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                ImportDataFunctions.ImportAttackIni(fileOpenDialog.FileName, ComboBox3.SelectedIndex + 1);
                int refreshvar;
                refreshvar = ComboBox3.SelectedIndex;
                if (ComboBox3.SelectedIndex == 0)
                    ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = ComboBox3.SelectedIndex + 1;
                    ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = ComboBox3.SelectedIndex - 1;

                ComboBox3.Items.Insert(refreshvar, GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(refreshvar + 1));
                ComboBox3.Items.RemoveAt(refreshvar + 1);
                ComboBox3.SelectedIndex = refreshvar;
        private void ComboBox3_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int    blah;
            string binarythebitch;

            AttackDesc = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "AttackDescriptionTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            AttackData = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "AttackData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            AttackAni  = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "AttackAnimationTable", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX()
                int argStart2 = AttackAni + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 4 + 4; int argLength = 4; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX()
                string argHEXData = "hs6dc8cba3dae74634b6043937aebdf74f()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            AnimationPointer.Text = Conversion.Hex(Conversion.Val("&H" + localReverseHEX()) - 134217728d);
            AttackListIndex.Text  = (ComboBox3.SelectedIndex + 1).ToString();
            TextBox1.Text         = Conversions.ToString(GetNameFunctions.GetAttackName(ComboBox3.SelectedIndex + 1));
            string localReadHEX1()
                int argStart2 = AttackDesc + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 4; int argLength = 4; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX1()
                string argHEXData = "hs49396b9971ab46bca1ac97c53d2d92e4()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox6.Text      = Conversion.Hex(Conversion.Val("&H" + localReverseHEX1()) - 134217728d);
            MainObject.FileNum = FileSystem.FreeFile();
            FileSystem.FileOpen(MainObject.FileNum, MainObject.LoadedRom, OpenMode.Binary);

            FileSystem.FileGet(MainObject.FileNum, ref AttackDescp, int.Parse(TextBox6.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) + 1, true);
            AttackDescp = modTextSapp.Sapp2Asc(AttackDescp);
            AttackDescp = Strings.Mid(AttackDescp, 1, Strings.InStr(1, AttackDescp, @"\x"));
            AttackDescp = Strings.Replace(AttackDescp, @"\n", Constants.vbCrLf);
            AttackDescp = Strings.Replace(Strings.RTrim(AttackDescp), @"\", "");
            CurrentAttackDescripLength = Strings.Len(AttackDescp);
            TextBox7.Text = AttackDescp;

            // Label21.Text = "Length:" & CurrentAttackDescripLength & " / " & CurrentAttackDescripLength

            string localReadHEX2()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX2()
                string argHEXData = "hsc268eae389cc41c5834637cb0c913038()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            Effects.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX2(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX3()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 1 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX3()
                string argHEXData = "hsac83c9bff9e24a2fa6bb3cf34508af1d()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            BasePower.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX3(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX4()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 2 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX4()
                string argHEXData = "hse32b4e8136054faea62a88eeb59b4fa6()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            ComboBox1.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX4(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX5()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 3 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX5()
                string argHEXData = "hsae61079a819e407c8480fdb1ee5ab574()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox2.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX5(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX6()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 4 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX6()
                string argHEXData = "hsb0a9bb1e03f745108fc522b3995691b1()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox3.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX6(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX7()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 5 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX7()
                string argHEXData = "hse6a757c403ec44ef812f3dc637f5352d()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox4.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX7(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX8()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 6 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX8()
                string argHEXData = "hsabceb31a9565409195e085a4cf31082f()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            ComboBox2.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX8(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX9()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 7 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX9()
                string argHEXData = "hsfa4fb9bbd1964223b52d7d956bcbb904()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox5.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX9(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX10()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 9 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX10()
                string argHEXData = "hsd6a16fd0ad704bd580f9f56d00baedbc()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox14.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX10(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string localReadHEX11()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 10 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX11()
                string argHEXData = "hsa25dcc227c7f4061a5e7fade6bf9c8a6()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            ComboBox8.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX11(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            string localReadHEX12()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 11 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX12()
                string argHEXData = "hs9516ca0538b743ccb5a063d92f81ae6a()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            TextBox15.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX12(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
            string bita;
            string bitb;
            string bitc;
            string bitd;
            string bite;
            string bitf;

            string localReadHEX13()
                int argStart2 = AttackData + 12 + 8 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 12; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

            string localReverseHEX13()
                string argHEXData = "hs687f79a279a54e478587d828308f4ce9()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

            blah           = int.Parse(localReverseHEX13(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
            binarythebitch = Convert.ToString(blah, 2);
            while (Strings.Len(binarythebitch) < 8)
                binarythebitch = "0" + binarythebitch;
            bita = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 8, 1);
            bitb = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 7, 1);
            bitc = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 6, 1);
            bitd = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 5, 1);
            bite = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 4, 1);
            bitf = Strings.Mid(binarythebitch, 3, 1);
            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bita) == 0d)
                CheckBox1.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bita) == 1d)
                CheckBox1.Checked = true;

            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitb) == 0d)
                CheckBox2.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitb) == 1d)
                CheckBox2.Checked = true;

            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitc) == 0d)
                CheckBox3.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitc) == 1d)
                CheckBox3.Checked = true;

            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitd) == 0d)
                CheckBox4.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitd) == 1d)
                CheckBox4.Checked = true;

            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bite) == 0d)
                CheckBox5.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bite) == 1d)
                CheckBox5.Checked = true;

            if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitf) == 0d)
                CheckBox6.Checked = false;
            else if (Conversions.ToDouble(bitf) == 1d)
                CheckBox6.Checked = true;

            if (MainObject.Header2 == "AXP" | MainObject.Header2 == "AXV" | MainObject.Header2 == "BPE")
                ComboBox4.Enabled     = true;
                ComboBox5.Enabled     = true;
                TextBox9.Enabled      = true;
                TextBox8.Enabled      = true;
                ComboBox6.Enabled     = true;
                TextBox11.Enabled     = true;
                TextBox10.Enabled     = true;
                TextBox12.Enabled     = true;
                TextBox13.Enabled     = true;
                Button5.Enabled       = true;
                ContestMoveData       = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "ContestMoveData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                ContestMoveEffectData = int.Parse(Ini.GetString(Conversions.ToString(MMainFunctions.GetIniFileLocation()), MainObject.Header, "ContestMoveEffectData", ""), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                string localReadHEX14()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 0 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX14()
                    string argHEXData = "hsbd22819c8c0e4cb5acdc07cb3d24e8ef()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                ComboBox4.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX14(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                string localReadHEX15()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 1 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX15()
                    string argHEXData = "hscf28dfb8f99944eb85eb51dbb440ea4d()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                ComboBox5.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX15(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                string localReadHEX16()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 2 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX16()
                    string argHEXData = "hs04663e74350a4e198ad293510bfb3d49()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox9.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX16(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                string localReadHEX17()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 3 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX17()
                    string argHEXData = "hs836a2688ded94735abd2bd481c6342c1()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox8.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX17(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                string localReadHEX18()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 4 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX18()
                    string argHEXData = "hs7b8694e735ed457ebd036cfb3438f0d2()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox12.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX18(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                string localReadHEX19()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveData + 8 + 5 + ComboBox3.SelectedIndex * 8; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX19()
                    string argHEXData = "hs6283a619b543471789c63ffce2693557()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox13.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX19(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                string localReadHEX20()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveEffectData + 0 + ComboBox4.SelectedIndex * 4; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX20()
                    string argHEXData = "hs53e43880cc0445fd9a03077bddc3bc15()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                ComboBox6.SelectedIndex = int.Parse(localReverseHEX20(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                string localReadHEX21()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveEffectData + 1 + ComboBox4.SelectedIndex * 4; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX21()
                    string argHEXData = "hsc6227f5c38ee4a509ab1e88f0aa2e9f3()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox11.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX21(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                string localReadHEX22()
                    int argStart2 = ContestMoveEffectData + 2 + ComboBox4.SelectedIndex * 4; int argLength = 1; var ret = HexFunctions.ReadHex(ref MainObject.LoadedRom, ref argStart2, ref argLength); return(ret);

                string localReverseHEX22()
                    string argHEXData = "hs08aac204b72147c89493cffa4f73ebda()"; var ret = HexFunctions.ReverseHex(ref argHEXData); return(ret);

                TextBox10.Text = int.Parse(localReverseHEX22(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber).ToString();
                ComboBox4.Enabled       = false;
                ComboBox5.Enabled       = false;
                TextBox9.Enabled        = false;
                TextBox8.Enabled        = false;
                TextBox12.Enabled       = false;
                TextBox13.Enabled       = false;
                ComboBox6.Enabled       = false;
                TextBox11.Enabled       = false;
                TextBox10.Enabled       = false;
                Button5.Enabled         = false;
                ComboBox4.SelectedIndex = -1;
                ComboBox5.SelectedIndex = -1;
                TextBox9.Text           = "";
                TextBox8.Text           = "";
                TextBox12.Text          = "";
                TextBox13.Text          = "";
                ComboBox6.SelectedIndex = -1;
                TextBox11.Text          = "";
                TextBox10.Text          = "";