Esempio n. 1
 // show all non null entries in an item array
 static void ShowInventory(item[] inv)
     foreach (item It in inv)
         if (It != null)
             Text.WordWrap(string.Format("{0}",It)); // display
Esempio n. 2
 public cavern(item i) // single item construtor
     inventory[99] = i;
Esempio n. 3
        // loads map from file
        // Initalization of functions
        static void Load()
            Text.Log("Path",@"\Save_template.txt",Debug); // print path
            foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(@"Save_template.txt")) // reads file at path
                if (line.Contains("//")) // finds comments and reads them in debug
                    // Debug.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " | Comment | " + line); // debug comment reader
                else if (line.Contains("Cavern:")) // finds all cavern defs from file
                    int pos = 0;   // Pointers
                    int exits = 0; //
                    int route = 0; //

                    int[] Pos = new int[3];         // Arrays
                    string[] Exits = new string[6]; //
                    int[,] Route = new int[6, 3];   // ...

                    string Dis = ""; // String
                    string @Pic = "404.txt";

                    string T = line.Substring(8); // looses the "Cavern:" part of the string
                    int i = 0;
                    for (int I = 1; I < T.Length; I++) // iterates through the line
                        if (T[I] == '<') // finds pos values apended with a <

                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            Text.Log("Pos", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Pos[pos] = int.Parse(test); // pulls numerical value followed by a <

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == ';') // finds Room discription values apended with a ;
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            if (test[0] == ' ')
                                test = test.Substring(1, test.Length - 1);
                            Text.Log("Discription", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Dis = test; // pulls string value followed by a ;

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == ':') // finds Exit discription values apended with a :
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            if (test[0] == ' ')
                                test = test.Substring(1, test.Length - 1);
                            Text.Log("Exit", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Exits[exits] = test; // pulls string value followed by a :

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == '>') // finds route sets apended with a >
                            int Start = 0;
                            int pointer = 0;
                            int[] Delta = new int[2];
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            Text.Log("Route", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            for (int End = 0; End < test.Length; End++)
                                if (test[End] == '|') // finds route values apended with a |
                                    string testSub = (test.Substring(Start, ((End) - Start)));
                                    Text.Log("Route[]", testSub, Debug);//Debug
                                    Text.Log("Pointer", End + "," + Start, Debug); //Debug //Debug
                                    Route[route, pointer] = int.Parse(testSub); // pulls string value followed by a |

                                    Start = End + 1; //Advances start pointer
                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == '^')
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            if (test[0] == ' ')
                                test = test.Substring(1, test.Length - 1);
                            Text.Log("Exit", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            @Pic = test; // pulls string value followed by a :

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer


                    Map1[Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]] = new cavern(Pos, Dis, Exits, Route, @Pic); //make new room and store into an array

                else if (line.Contains("Item:"))
                    int pos = 0;      // pointer
                    int[] Pos = new int[3];
                    string Dis = "";  // string
                    string Name = ""; //
                    int Amount = 1;   // int
                    bool Move = false;

                    string T = line.Substring(5); // looses the "Item:" part of the string
                    int i = 0; // start pointer
                    for (int I = 1; I < T.Length; I++) // iterates through the line
                        if (T[I] == '<') // finds pos values apended with a <
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            Text.Log("Pos", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Pos[pos] = int.Parse(test); // pulls numerical value followed by a <

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == ';') // finds Item name values apended with a ;
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            if (test[0] == ' ')
                                test = test.Substring(1, test.Length - 1);
                            Text.Log("Name", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Name = test; // pulls string value followed by a ;

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == ':') // finds Item discription values apended with a :
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            if (test[0] == ' ')
                                test = test.Substring(1, test.Length - 1);
                            Text.Log("Discription", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Dis = test; // pulls string value followed by a :

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        else if (T[I] == '~') // finds Item amount values apended with a ~
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            Text.Log("Amount", test, Debug);//Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Amount = int.Parse(test); // pulls string value followed by a ~

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer
                        if (T[I] == '|') // finds Movable values apended with a |
                            string test = (T.Substring(i, (I - i)));
                            Text.Log("Movable",test,Debug); //Debug
                            Text.Log("Pointer", I + "," + i, Debug); //Debug
                            Move = bool.Parse(test); // pulls string value followed by a |

                            i = I + 1; //Advances start pointer

                    int max = Map1[Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]].inventory.GetLength(0); // finds the max inventory size
                    item[] inventory = Map1[Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]].inventory; // sets inventory as a local variable for simplicity

                    for (var I = 0; I < Amount; I++) // adds one itm to the frst null entry in the inventory
                        for (int index = 0; index < max; index++) // finds first null entry
                            if (inventory[index] == null) // null entry
                                inventory[index] = new item(Name, Dis, Move);
                            else if (inventory[index].equals()) // empty entry
                                inventory[index] = new item(Name, Dis, Move);

                    Map1[Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]].inventory = inventory; // dump the resulting local inventory into the cavern inventory
                // outside if-else for file read