Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Public method for adding a new skill by spending skill credits.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///  The client will throw up more then one train skill dialog and the user has the chance to spend twice.
        /// </remarks>
        public void HandleActionTrainSkill(Skill skill, int creditsSpent)
            if (AvailableSkillCredits >= creditsSpent)
                // attempt to train the specified skill
                bool trainNewSkill = TrainSkill(skill, creditsSpent);

                // create an update to send to the client
                var currentCredits = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.AvailableSkillCredits, AvailableSkillCredits ?? 0);

                // as long as the skill is sent, the train new triangle button on the client will not lock up.
                // Sending Skill.None with status untrained worked in test
                var trainSkillUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(this, Skill.None, SkillAdvancementClass.Untrained, 0, 0, 0);
                // create a string placeholder for the correct after
                string trainSkillMessageText;

                // if the skill has already been trained or we do not have enough credits, then trainNewSkill be set false
                if (trainNewSkill)
                    // replace the trainSkillUpdate message with the correct skill assignment:
                    var creatureSkill = GetCreatureSkill(skill);
                    trainSkillUpdate      = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(this, creatureSkill);
                    trainSkillMessageText = $"{skill.ToSentence()} trained. You now have {AvailableSkillCredits} credits available.";
                    trainSkillMessageText = $"Failed to train {skill.ToSentence()}! You now have {AvailableSkillCredits} credits available.";

                // create the final game message and send to the client
                var message = new GameMessageSystemChat(trainSkillMessageText, ChatMessageType.Advancement);
                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(trainSkillUpdate, currentCredits, message);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the GameAction 0x47 - TrainSkill network message from client
        /// </summary>
        public bool HandleActionTrainSkill(Skill skill, int creditsSpent)
            if (creditsSpent > AvailableSkillCredits)
                log.Error($"{Name}.HandleActionTrainSkill({skill}, {creditsSpent}) - not enough skill credits ({AvailableSkillCredits})");

            // get the actual cost to train the skill.
            if (!DatManager.PortalDat.SkillTable.SkillBaseHash.TryGetValue((uint)skill, out var skillBase))
                log.Error($"{Name}.HandleActionTrainSkill({skill}, {creditsSpent}) - couldn't find skill base");

            if (creditsSpent != skillBase.TrainedCost)
                log.Error($"{Name}.HandleActionTrainSkill({skill}, {creditsSpent}) - client value differs from skillBase.TrainedCost({skillBase.TrainedCost})");

            // attempt to train the specified skill
            var success = TrainSkill(skill, creditsSpent);

            var availableSkillCredits = $"You now have {AvailableSkillCredits} credits available.";

            if (success)
                var updateSkill  = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(this, GetCreatureSkill(skill));
                var skillCredits = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.AvailableSkillCredits, AvailableSkillCredits ?? 0);

                var msg = new GameMessageSystemChat($"{skill.ToSentence()} trained. {availableSkillCredits}", ChatMessageType.Advancement);

                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(updateSkill, skillCredits, msg);
                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(new GameMessageSystemChat($"Failed to train {skill.ToSentence()}! {availableSkillCredits}", ChatMessageType.Advancement));

Esempio n. 3
File: Player.cs Progetto: sr314/ACE
        public void SpendXp(Skill skill, uint amount)
            uint baseValue = 0;
            uint result    = SpendSkillXp(character.Skills[skill], amount);

            if (result > 0u)
                uint ranks        = character.Skills[skill].Ranks;
                uint newValue     = character.Skills[skill].UnbuffedValue;
                var  status       = character.Skills[skill].Status;
                var  xpUpdate     = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt64(Session, PropertyInt64.AvailableExperience, character.AvailableExperience);
                var  ablityUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(Session, skill, status, ranks, baseValue, result);
                var  soundEvent   = new GameMessageSound(this.Guid, Network.Enum.Sound.AbilityIncrease, 1f);
                var  message      = new GameMessageSystemChat($"Your base {skill} is now {newValue}!", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);
                NetworkManager.SendWorldMessages(Session, new GameMessage[] { xpUpdate, ablityUpdate, soundEvent, message });
                ChatPacket.SendServerMessage(Session, $"Your attempt to raise {skill} has failed.", ChatMessageType.Broadcast);
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Spend xp Skill ranks
        /// </summary>
        public void SpendXp(Skill skill, uint amount)
            uint baseValue = 0;
            uint result    = SpendSkillXp(character.Skills[skill], amount);

            uint   ranks       = character.Skills[skill].Ranks;
            uint   newValue    = character.Skills[skill].UnbuffedValue;
            var    status      = character.Skills[skill].Status;
            var    xpUpdate    = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt64(Session, PropertyInt64.AvailableExperience, character.AvailableExperience);
            var    skillUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(Session, skill, status, ranks, baseValue, result);
            var    soundEvent  = new GameMessageSound(this.Guid, Network.Enum.Sound.AbilityIncrease, 1f);
            string messageText = "";

            if (result > 0u)
                //if the skill ranks out at the top of our xp chart
                //then we will start fireworks effects and have special text!
                if (IsSkillMaxRank(ranks, status))
                    //fireworks on rank up is 0x8D
                    messageText = $"Your base {skill} is now {newValue} and has reached its upper limit!";
                    messageText = $"Your base {skill} is now {newValue}!";
                messageText = $"Your attempt to raise {skill} has failed!";
            var message = new GameMessageSystemChat(messageText, ChatMessageType.Advancement);

            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(xpUpdate, skillUpdate, soundEvent, message);
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Spend xp Skill ranks
        /// </summary>
        public void RaiseSkillGameAction(Skill skill, uint amount)
            uint baseValue = 0;

            var creatureSkill = GetCreatureSkill(skill);

            uint result = SpendSkillXp(creatureSkill, amount);

            string messageText;

            if (result > 0u)
                // if the skill ranks out at the top of our xp chart
                // then we will start fireworks effects and have special text!
                if (IsSkillMaxRank(creatureSkill.Ranks, creatureSkill.Status))
                    // fireworks on rank up is 0x8D
                    PlayParticleEffect(ACE.Entity.Enum.PlayScript.WeddingBliss, Guid);
                    messageText = $"Your base {skill} is now {creatureSkill.Base} and has reached its upper limit!";
                    messageText = $"Your base {skill} is now {creatureSkill.Base}!";
                messageText = $"Your attempt to raise {skill} has failed!";

            var skillUpdate = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(Session, skill, creatureSkill.Status, creatureSkill.Ranks, baseValue, result);
            var soundEvent  = new GameMessageSound(Guid, Sound.RaiseTrait, 1f);
            var message     = new GameMessageSystemChat(messageText, ChatMessageType.Advancement);

            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(skillUpdate, soundEvent, message);
Esempio n. 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the skill, refunds all experience and skill credits, if allowed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ResetSkill(Skill skill)
            var creatureSkill = GetCreatureSkill(skill, false);

            if (creatureSkill == null || creatureSkill.AdvancementClass < SkillAdvancementClass.Trained)

            // gather skill credits to refund
            DatManager.PortalDat.SkillTable.SkillBaseHash.TryGetValue((uint)creatureSkill.Skill, out var skillBase);

            if (skillBase == null)

            // salvage / tinkering skills specialized via augmentations
            // cannot be untrained or unspecialized
            bool specAug = false;

            switch (creatureSkill.Skill)
            case Skill.ArmorTinkering:
                specAug = AugmentationSpecializeArmorTinkering > 0;

            case Skill.ItemTinkering:
                specAug = AugmentationSpecializeItemTinkering > 0;

            case Skill.MagicItemTinkering:
                specAug = AugmentationSpecializeMagicItemTinkering > 0;

            case Skill.WeaponTinkering:
                specAug = AugmentationSpecializeWeaponTinkering > 0;

            case Skill.Salvaging:
                specAug = AugmentationSpecializeSalvaging > 0;

            //if (specAug)
            //    return false;   // send message?

            var typeOfSkill  = creatureSkill.AdvancementClass.ToString().ToLower() + " ";
            var untrainable  = IsSkillUntrainable(skill);
            var creditRefund = creatureSkill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Specialized || untrainable;

            if (creatureSkill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Specialized && !specAug)
                creatureSkill.AdvancementClass = SkillAdvancementClass.Trained;
                creatureSkill.InitLevel        = 0;
                AvailableSkillCredits         += skillBase.UpgradeCostFromTrainedToSpecialized;

            // temple untraining 'always trained' skills:
            // cannot be untrained, but skill XP can be recovered
            if (untrainable && !specAug)
                creatureSkill.AdvancementClass = SkillAdvancementClass.Untrained;
                creatureSkill.InitLevel        = 0;
                AvailableSkillCredits         += skillBase.TrainedCost;


            creatureSkill.ExperienceSpent = 0;
            creatureSkill.Ranks           = 0;

            var updateSkill           = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(this, creatureSkill);
            var availableSkillCredits = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.AvailableSkillCredits, AvailableSkillCredits ?? 0);

            var msg = $"Your {(untrainable && !specAug ? $"{typeOfSkill}" : "")}{skill.ToSentence()} skill has been {(untrainable && !specAug ? "removed" : "reset")}. ";

            msg += $"All the experience {(creditRefund && !specAug ? "and skill credits " : "")}that you spent on this skill have been refunded to you.";

            Session.Network.EnqueueSend(updateSkill, availableSkillCredits, new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.Broadcast));

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Resets the skill, refunds all experience and skill credits, if allowed.
        /// </summary>
        public bool ResetSkill(Skill skill, bool refund = true)
            var creatureSkill = GetCreatureSkill(skill, false);

            if (creatureSkill == null || creatureSkill.AdvancementClass < SkillAdvancementClass.Trained)

            // gather skill credits to refund
            DatManager.PortalDat.SkillTable.SkillBaseHash.TryGetValue((uint)creatureSkill.Skill, out var skillBase);

            if (skillBase == null)

            // salvage / tinkering skills specialized via augmentations
            // Salvaging cannot be untrained or unspecialized => skillIsSpecializedViaAugmentation && !untrainable
            IsSkillSpecializedViaAugmentation(creatureSkill.Skill, out var skillIsSpecializedViaAugmentation);

            var typeOfSkill  = creatureSkill.AdvancementClass.ToString().ToLower() + " ";
            var untrainable  = IsSkillUntrainable(skill);
            var creditRefund = (creatureSkill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Specialized && !(skillIsSpecializedViaAugmentation && !untrainable)) || untrainable;

            if (creatureSkill.AdvancementClass == SkillAdvancementClass.Specialized && !(skillIsSpecializedViaAugmentation && !untrainable))
                creatureSkill.AdvancementClass = SkillAdvancementClass.Trained;
                creatureSkill.InitLevel        = 0;
                if (!skillIsSpecializedViaAugmentation) // Tinkering skills can be unspecialized, but do not refund upgrade cost.
                    AvailableSkillCredits += skillBase.UpgradeCostFromTrainedToSpecialized;

            // temple untraining 'always trained' skills:
            // cannot be untrained, but skill XP can be recovered
            if (untrainable)
                creatureSkill.AdvancementClass = SkillAdvancementClass.Untrained;
                creatureSkill.InitLevel        = 0;
                AvailableSkillCredits         += skillBase.TrainedCost;

            if (refund)

            creatureSkill.ExperienceSpent = 0;
            creatureSkill.Ranks           = 0;

            var updateSkill           = new GameMessagePrivateUpdateSkill(this, creatureSkill);
            var availableSkillCredits = new GameMessagePrivateUpdatePropertyInt(this, PropertyInt.AvailableSkillCredits, AvailableSkillCredits ?? 0);

            var msg = $"Your {(untrainable ? $"{typeOfSkill}" : "")}{skill.ToSentence()} skill has been {(untrainable ? "removed" : "reset")}. ";

            msg += $"All the experience {(creditRefund ? "and skill credits " : "")}that you spent on this skill have been refunded to you.";

            if (refund)
                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(updateSkill, availableSkillCredits, new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.Broadcast));
                Session.Network.EnqueueSend(updateSkill, new GameMessageSystemChat(msg, ChatMessageType.Broadcast));
