Esempio n. 1
        public static void Test(AUTD autd)
            const double x = AUTD.DeviceWidth / 2;
            const double y = AUTD.DeviceHeight / 2;
            const double z = 150;

            var center = new Vector3d(x, y, z);

            var g1 = Gain.FocalPoint(center);

            var focuses = new[] {
                center + 30.0 * Vector3d.UnitX,
                center - 30.0 * Vector3d.UnitX
            var amps = new[] {
            var backend = Gain.Eigen3Backend();
            var g2      = Gain.HoloGSPAT(focuses, amps, backend);

            var gainMap = new Dictionary <int, Gain>
                [0] = g1,
                [1] = g2
            var gain = Gain.Grouped(autd, gainMap);
            var mod  = Modulation.Sine(150); // AM sin 150 Hz

            autd.Send(gain, mod);

Esempio n. 2
        public void Configure(Gain gain, float time, byte timeMask, bool illuminator, byte illuminatorMask)
            byte[][] expected = { new byte[] { 0x17, 0x02, timeMask, (byte)gain, illuminatorMask } };

            color.Configure(gain: gain, integationTime: time, illuminate: illuminator);
            Assert.That(platform.GetCommands(), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Esempio n. 3
        public static void Test(AUTD autd)
            const double x = AUTD.DeviceWidth / 2;
            const double y = AUTD.DeviceHeight / 2;
            const double z = 150;

            autd.SilentMode = false;

            var mod = Modulation.Static();

            var       center   = new Vector3d(x, y, z);
            var       seq      = GainSequence.Create(autd);
            const int pointNum = 200;
            var       backend  = Gain.Eigen3Backend();

            for (var i = 0; i < pointNum; i++)
                const double radius = 30.0;
                var          theta  = 2.0 * Math.PI * i / pointNum;
                var          p      = radius * new Vector3d(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta), 0);
                var          gain   = Gain.FocalPoint(center + p);

            seq.Frequency = 1;
            Console.WriteLine($"Actual frequency is {seq.Frequency}");
            autd.Send(seq, mod);

        public double GetMillivolts(Channel channel, Gain gain = Gain.Volt5, SamplesPerSecond sps = SamplesPerSecond.SPS1600) {
            lock (deviceLock) {

                byte[] result = new byte[2];

                // Set disable comparator and set "single shot" mode	
                config = 0x0003 | 0x8000; // | 0x100;
                config |= (ushort)SamplePerSecondMap[(int)sps];
                config |= (ushort)channel;
                config |= (ushort)programmableGainMap[(int)gain];

                data[0] = REG_CFG;
                data[1] = (byte)((config >> 8) & 0xFF);
                data[2] = (byte)(config & 0xFF);

                // delay in milliseconds
                //int delay = (1000.0 / SamplesPerSecondRate[(int)sps] + .1;
            //    int delay = 1;

                I2CDevice.WriteRead(new byte[] { (byte)REG_CONV, 0x00 }, result);

                //var r = (((result[0] << 8) | result[1]) >> 4);


                return (ushort)(((result[0] << 8) | result[1]) >> 4) * programmableGain_Scaler[(int)gain] / 2048;
Esempio n. 5
 public override int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count)
     float[] input  = new float[buffer.Length];
     float[] gain   = new float[buffer.Length];
     float[] cutoff = new float[buffer.Length];
     Source.Read(input, offset, count);
     Gain.Read(gain, offset, count);
     Cutoff.Read(cutoff, offset, count);
     for (int i = offset; i < count; i++)
         // basic hard clipping
         float x   = input[i] * gain[i];
         float cut = Math.Abs(cutoff[i]);
         if (x < -cut)
             buffer[i] = -cut;
         else if (x > cut)
             buffer[i] = cut;
             buffer[i] = x;
Esempio n. 6
        private ushort[] GetFullLuminosity(Gain gain, IntegrationTime time)
            // We need to configure the device for the correct gain and integration time for this reading
            this._i2cDevice.Write(new byte[] { TSL2591_CONTROL_RW, (byte)((byte)gain << 4 | (byte)time) });
                // Enabled the device so that we can start a reading
                this._i2cDevice.Write(new byte[] { TSL2591_ENABLE_RW, 0x03 });
                    // We now need to wait for the integration time to pass so that we know we have a valid reading. The specification
                    // states that the MAX integration time per gain step is 108ms.
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(120 * ((byte)time + 1));

                    var readBuffer = new byte[4];
                    this._i2cDevice.WriteRead(new byte[] { TSL2591_C0DATAL_R }, readBuffer);

                    var visible = (ushort)((readBuffer[1] << 8) | readBuffer[0]);
                    var ir      = (ushort)((readBuffer[3] << 8) | readBuffer[2]);

                    return(new ushort[] { (ushort)(visible - ir), ir });
                    this._i2cDevice.Write(new byte[] { TSL2591_ENABLE_RW, 0x00 });
                this._i2cDevice.Write(new byte[] { TSL2591_CONTROL_RW, 0x00 });
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task <double> GetLux(Gain gain = Gain.Low, IntegrationTime time = IntegrationTime.Shortest)
            await ConnectAndInitialize();

            await Configure(gain, time);


            await Task.Delay((int)time);

            var y          = ReadRegister(Registers.Command | Registers.C0DataL, x => (ushort)((x[1] << 8) | x[0]), 2) | 0;
            var luminosity = (ReadRegister(Registers.Command | Registers.C1DataL, x => (ushort)((x[1] << 8) | x[0]), 2) << 16) | y;


            var full = luminosity & 0xFFFF;
            var ir   = luminosity >> 16;

            if ((full == 0xFFFF) | (ir == 0xFFFF))

            var cpl = (float)gain * (float)time / 408.0F;

            return((full - ir) * (1.0f - ir / full) / cpl);
Esempio n. 8
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int hash = 1;

            if (Id != 0)
                hash ^= Id.GetHashCode();
            if (Player != 0)
                hash ^= Player.GetHashCode();
            if (PictureId != 0)
                hash ^= PictureId.GetHashCode();
            if (Coordinate.Length != 0)
                hash ^= Coordinate.GetHashCode();
            if (Gain != 0D)
                hash ^= Gain.GetHashCode();
            if (IsEvo != 0)
                hash ^= IsEvo.GetHashCode();
            if (Sharpness != 0D)
                hash ^= Sharpness.GetHashCode();
Esempio n. 9
        public static void Test(AUTD autd)
            const double x = AUTD.DeviceWidth / 2;
            const double y = AUTD.DeviceHeight / 2;
            const double z = 150.0;

            autd.SilentMode = false;

            var mod = Modulation.Static();


            const double radius = 30.0;
            const int    size   = 100;
            var          center = new Vector3d(x, y, z);
            var          stm    = autd.STM();

            for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
                var theta = 2 * AUTD.Pi * i / size;
                var r     = new Vector3d(Math.Cos(theta), Math.Sin(theta), 0);
                var f     = Gain.FocalPoint(center + radius * r);

            Console.WriteLine("press any key to stop...");

Esempio n. 10
        public void Configure(Gain gain, Tuple <float, byte> time, Tuple <bool, byte> illuminator)
            byte[][] expected = { new byte[] { 0x17, 0x02, time.Item2, (byte)gain, illuminator.Item2 } };

            color.Configure(gain: gain, integationTime: time.Item1, illuminate: illuminator.Item1);
            Assert.That(platform.GetCommands(), Is.EqualTo(expected));
Esempio n. 11
 void Update()
     if (Target != null)
        public double GetMillivolts(Channel channel, Gain gain = Gain.Volt5, SamplesPerSecond sps = SamplesPerSecond.SPS1600)
            lock (deviceLock) {
                byte[] result = new byte[2];

                // Set disable comparator and set "single shot" mode
                config  = 0x0003 | 0x8000; // | 0x100;
                config |= (ushort)SamplePerSecondMap[(int)sps];
                config |= (ushort)channel;
                config |= (ushort)programmableGainMap[(int)gain];

                data[0] = REG_CFG;
                data[1] = (byte)((config >> 8) & 0xFF);
                data[2] = (byte)(config & 0xFF);

                // delay in milliseconds
                //int delay = (1000.0 / SamplesPerSecondRate[(int)sps] + .1;
                //    int delay = 1;

                I2CDevice.WriteRead(new byte[] { (byte)REG_CONV, 0x00 }, result);

                //var r = (((result[0] << 8) | result[1]) >> 4);


                return((ushort)(((result[0] << 8) | result[1]) >> 4) * programmableGain_Scaler[(int)gain] / 2048);
Esempio n. 13
        public override void Single()
            if (GeneTestSetup.Instance.IsSimulated)
                string dutAddr = MeasInfo.InstruInfoList[1].Address;
                HWAISGCOM aisg = new HWAISGCOM();
                aisg.Open(dutAddr, 9600);

                string gain = aisg.GetGain();
                if (gain != Gain.ToString())
                    DataUtils.LOGINFO.WriteLog("set aisg gain wrong");
                aisg.SetTMAMode(SubNum, Mode);
                var mode = aisg.GetTMAMode(SubNum);
                if (mode != Mode)
                    DataUtils.LOGINFO.WriteLog("set aisg tma mode wrong");
Esempio n. 14
        public static void Test(AUTD autd)
            autd.SilentMode = false;

            var delays = new byte[autd.NumDevices, AUTD.NumTransInDevice];

            delays[0, 0] = 4;
            autd.SetDelayOffset(delays, null);

            var uniform = new ushort[autd.NumDevices, AUTD.NumTransInDevice];

            for (var i = 0; i < autd.NumDevices; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < AUTD.NumTransInDevice; j++)
                    uniform[i, j] = 0xFFFF;

            var burst = new byte[4000];

            burst[0] = 0xFF;

            var g = Gain.Custom(uniform);
            var m = Modulation.Custom(burst);

            autd.Send(g, m);
Esempio n. 15
        public static void Test(AUTD autd)
            const double x = AUTD.TransSpacing * (AUTD.NumTransInX - 1) / 2.0;
            const double y = AUTD.TransSpacing * (AUTD.NumTransInY - 1) / 2.0;
            const double z = 150.0;

            var mod = Modulation.Sine(150);

            var center  = new Vector3d(x, y, z);
            var focuses = new[] {
                center + 20.0 * Vector3d.UnitX,
                center - 20.0 * Vector3d.UnitX
            var amps = new[] {

            var backend = Gain.Eigen3Backend();
            var gain    = Gain.HoloSDP(focuses, amps, backend);

            autd.Send(gain, mod);

 protected override void EnableProperties()
     Octaves.IsVisibleWhen(FractalType, f => f.CurrentValue != PropertiesFractalType.None);
     Lacunarity.IsVisibleWhen(FractalType, f => f.CurrentValue != PropertiesFractalType.None);
     Gain.IsVisibleWhen(FractalType, f => f.CurrentValue != PropertiesFractalType.None);
     WeightedStrength.IsVisibleWhen(FractalType, f => f.CurrentValue != PropertiesFractalType.None);
     PingPongStrength.IsVisibleWhen(FractalType, f => f.CurrentValue == PropertiesFractalType.PingPong);
Esempio n. 17
 public void SetTimingAndGain(IntegrationTimeMs timing, Gain gain)
     Write((Register)((byte)Register.Timing | (byte)Command.Command), (byte)((byte)timing | (byte)gain));
     IntegrationTime = timing;
     SensorGain      = gain;
Esempio n. 18
        public INoise GetLandFormFct()
            INoise AnomaliesZonesFractal           = new FractalFbm(new Perlin(_seed), _octaves, _frequency, enuBaseNoiseRange.ZeroToOne);
            INoise AnomaliesZonesFractal_as2DNoise = new NoiseAccess(AnomaliesZonesFractal, NoiseAccess.enuDimUsage.Noise2D, true);
            INoise AnomaliesZonesFractal_Bias      = new Gain(AnomaliesZonesFractal_as2DNoise, _bias);

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize a new HMC5883L device connected through I2C
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sensor">I2C Device, like UnixI2cDevice or Windows10I2cDevice</param>
        /// <param name="gain">Gain Setting</param>
        /// <param name="measuringMode">The Mode of Measuring</param>
        /// <param name="outputRate">Typical Data Output Rate (Hz)</param>
        public Hmc5883l(I2cDevice sensor, Gain gain = Gain.Gain1090, MeasuringMode measuringMode = MeasuringMode.Continuous, OutputRate outputRate = OutputRate.Rate15)
            _sensor        = sensor;
            _gain          = (byte)gain;
            _measuringMode = (byte)measuringMode;
            _outputRate    = (byte)outputRate;

Esempio n. 20
 void Start()
     trans         = GetComponent <Transform>();
     Player        = trans.Find("Camera (eye)");
     physicsPlayer = GetComponent <VRRigidbodyPlayer>();
     playArea      = GetComponent <SteamVR_PlayArea>();
     gains         = new Gain();
     lastPlayerPos = Player.localPosition;
Esempio n. 21
        public override double GetValue(double x, double y, double z)
            double lacunarity = Lacunarity.GetValue(x, y, z);
            double gain       = Gain.GetValue(x, y, z);
            double offset     = Offset.GetValue(x, y, z);
            double frequency  = Frequency.GetValue(x, y, z);

            x *= frequency;
            y *= frequency;
            z *= frequency;

            int mOctaveCount = (int)OctaveCount.GetValue(x, y, z);

            double signal = 0.0;
            double value  = 0.0;
            double weight = 1.0;

            for (int currentOctave = 0; currentOctave < mOctaveCount; currentOctave++)
                long seed = (Seed + currentOctave) & 0x7fffffff;
                signal = GradientNoise.GradientCoherentNoise(x, y, z,
                                                             (int)seed, NoiseQuality);

                // Make the ridges.
                signal = System.Math.Abs(signal);
                signal = offset - signal;

                // Square the signal to increase the sharpness of the ridges.
                signal *= signal;

                // The weighting from the previous octave is applied to the signal.
                // Larger values have higher weights, producing sharp points along the
                // ridges.
                signal *= weight;

                // Weight successive contributions by the previous signal.
                weight = signal * gain;
                if (weight > 1.0)
                    weight = 1.0;
                else if (weight < 0.0)
                    weight = 0.0;

                // Add the signal to the output value.
                value += (signal * SpectralWeights[currentOctave]);

                // Go to the next octave.
                x *= lacunarity;
                y *= lacunarity;
                z *= lacunarity;

            return((value * 1.25) - 1.0);
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new Midi Processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plugin">Must not be null.</param>
        public MidiProcessor(Plugin plugin)
            _plugin   = plugin;
            Gain      = new Gain(plugin);
            Transpose = new Transpose(plugin);

            // for most hosts, midi output is expected during the audio processing cycle.
            SyncWithAudioProcessor = true;
Esempio n. 23
 public override int GetHashCode()
         int hashCode = Power.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Gain.GetHashCode();
Esempio n. 24
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int result = 7057;

            result = result * 8171 + (Sound != null ? (int)Sound.Index.Value : 0);
            result = result * 8171 + Gain.GetHashCode();
            result = result * 8171 + Flags;
Esempio n. 25
        public override int GetHashCode()
            int result = 7057;

            result = result * 8171 + (int)OriginalSound.Value;
            result = result * 8171 + Gain.GetHashCode();
            result = result * 8171 + Flags;
Esempio n. 26
        public void CreateFeedEntryTest()
            string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><feed xmlns='' xmlns:openSearch='' xmlns:gf='' xmlns:gd=''><id>[email protected]/portfolios</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Portfolio Feed</title><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=''/><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=';returns=true'/><openSearch:totalResults>1</openSearch:totalResults><openSearch:startIndex>1</openSearch:startIndex><openSearch:itemsPerPage>1</openSearch:itemsPerPage><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>My Portfolio</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions'><feed><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>My Portfolio</title><link rel='alternate' type='text/html' href=';pid=1'/><link rel='' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><openSearch:totalResults>9</openSearch:totalResults><openSearch:itemsPerPage>9</openSearch:itemsPerPage><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:MSFT</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Microsoft Corporation</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:MSFT/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='20.82242991' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='1000.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='1070.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='-440.001' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='22280.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='23350.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NASDAQ' fullName='Microsoft Corporation' symbol='MSFT'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:AAPL</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Apple Inc.</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:AAPL/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='355.1' return1w='0.02122168053' return1y='355.1' return3m='355.1' return3y='355.1' return4w='355.1' return5y='355.1' returnOverall='355.1' returnYTD='355.1' shares='100.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='40.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='258.0002' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='14204.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='14244.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NASDAQ' fullName='Apple Inc.' symbol='AAPL'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:ACAS</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>American Capital Ltd.</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:ACAS/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.1045296167' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='10000.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='28700.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='4500.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='3000.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='31700.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NASDAQ' fullName='American Capital Ltd.' symbol='ACAS'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:ING</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>ING Groep N.V. (ADR)</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:ING/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.05503634476' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='124.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='1194.12' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='-2.48' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='65.72' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='1259.84' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NYSE' fullName='ING Groep N.V. (ADR)' symbol='ING'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:FORTY</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Formula Systems (1985) Ltd. (ADR)</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NASDAQ:FORTY/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.03818953324' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='130.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='919.1' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='17.55' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='35.1' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='954.2' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NASDAQ' fullName='Formula Systems (1985) Ltd. (ADR)' symbol='FORTY'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:DT</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Deutsche Telekom AG (ADR)</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:DT/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.01224846894' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='242.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='2766.06' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='14.519758' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='33.88' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='2799.94' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NYSE' fullName='Deutsche Telekom AG (ADR)' symbol='DT'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:CHN</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>China Fund Inc. (The)</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:CHN/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.03348104382' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='244.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='4955.64' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='7.320244' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='165.92' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='5121.56' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NYSE' fullName='China Fund Inc. (The)' symbol='CHN'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:FTE</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>France Telecom SA (ADR)</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:FTE/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.02424786709' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='420.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='9353.4' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='-42.0' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='226.8' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='9580.2' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NYSE' fullName='France Telecom SA (ADR)' symbol='FTE'/></entry><entry><id>[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:GNK</id><updated>2009-06-27T05:40:34.000Z</updated><category scheme='' term=''/><title type='text'>Genco Shipping &amp; Trading Limited</title><link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><link rel='edit' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/><gd:feedLink href='[email protected]/portfolios/1/positions/NYSE:GNK/transactions'/><gf:positionData gainPercentage='0.1024649589' return1w='0.0' return1y='0.0' return3m='0.0' return3y='0.0' return4w='0.0' return5y='0.0' returnOverall='0.0' returnYTD='0.0' shares='10.0'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='206.9' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='14.69999' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='21.2' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='228.1' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:positionData><gf:symbol exchange='NYSE' fullName='Genco Shipping &amp; Trading Limited' symbol='GNK'/></entry></feed></gd:feedLink><gf:portfolioData currencyCode='USD' gainPercentage='0.8135848188' return1w='0.02122168053' return1y='355.1' return3m='355.1' return3y='355.1' return4w='355.1' return5y='355.1' returnOverall='355.1' returnYTD='355.1'><gf:costBasis><gd:money amount='49205.22' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:costBasis><gf:daysGain><gd:money amount='4327.609192' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:daysGain><gf:gain><gd:money amount='40032.62' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:gain><gf:marketValue><gd:money amount='140032.62' currencyCode='USD'/></gf:marketValue></gf:portfolioData></entry></feed>";

            PortfolioFeed target = Parse(xml);

            for (int i = 0; i < target.Entries.Count; i++)
                PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry = target.Entries[i] as PortfolioEntry;

                Console.WriteLine("Title: " + portfolioEntry.Title.Text);
                Console.WriteLine("FeedLink: " + portfolioEntry.FeedLink.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("CurrencyCode: " + portfolioEntry.CurrencyCode);
                Console.WriteLine("GainPercentage: " + portfolioEntry.GainPercentage.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return1Week: " + portfolioEntry.Return1Week.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return4Week: " + portfolioEntry.Return4Week.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return3Month: " + portfolioEntry.Return3Month.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("ReturnYTD: " + portfolioEntry.ReturnYTD.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return1Year: " + portfolioEntry.Return1Year.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return3Year: " + portfolioEntry.Return3Year.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("Return5Year: " + portfolioEntry.Return5Year.ToString("0.00000000%"));
                Console.WriteLine("ReturnOverall: " + portfolioEntry.ReturnOverall.ToString("0.00000000%"));

                CostBasis costBasis = portfolioEntry.CostBasis;
                foreach (Money m in costBasis.Money)
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: Amount = " + m.Amount as string);
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: CurrencyCode = " + m.CurrencyCode);

                DaysGain daysGain = portfolioEntry.DaysGain;
                foreach (Money m in daysGain.Money)
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: Amount = " + m.Amount as string);
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: CurrencyCode = " + m.CurrencyCode);

                Gain gain = portfolioEntry.Gain;
                foreach (Money m in gain.Money)
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: Amount = " + m.Amount as string);
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: CurrencyCode = " + m.CurrencyCode);

                MarketValue marketValue = portfolioEntry.MarketValue;
                foreach (Money m in marketValue.Money)
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: Amount = " + m.Amount as string);
                    Console.WriteLine("Money: CurrencyCode = " + m.CurrencyCode);
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new Midi Processor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="plugin">Must not be null.</param>
        public MidiProcessor(IVstPluginEvents pluginEvents, PluginParameters parameters)
            Gain      = new Gain(parameters.GainParameters);
            Transpose = new Transpose(parameters.TransposeParameters);

            // for most hosts, midi output is expected during the audio processing cycle.
            SyncWithAudioProcessor = true;

            pluginEvents.Opened += Plugin_Opened;
Esempio n. 28
        public async Task Configure(Gain gain, IntegrationTime time)
            await ConnectAndInitialize();

            _gain = (int)gain;
            WriteRegister(Registers.Command | Registers.Oscillator, gain.ToByte());

            _integrationTime = (int)time;
            WriteRegister(Registers.Command | Registers.Oscillator, time.ToByte());
Esempio n. 29
 public void GainResourceGroup(Gain gain)
     foreach (var pair in gain.GainDic)
         if (BattleRsourceDic.ContainsKey(pair.Key))
 private async void setGain(Gain gain)
     if (!initialized)
         await begin();
     this.gain = gain;
     byte[] WriteBuffer = new byte[] { TCS34725Params.CONTROL | TCS34725Params.COMMAND_BIT,
                                       (byte)gain };
Esempio n. 31
        public Luminosity GetLuminosity(Gain gain = Gain.Low, IntegrationTime time = IntegrationTime.MS100)
            var luminosity = this.GetFullLuminosity(gain, time);

            var lux = CalculateLux(luminosity[0], luminosity[1], gain, time);

            return(new Luminosity()
                Visible = luminosity[0], IR = luminosity[1], Lux = lux, Gain = gain
Esempio n. 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes activation function and its derivative
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">int</param>
        /// <param name="net">double - net</param>
        /// <param name="acct">VectorHorizontal - activation matrix</param>
        /// <param name="gain">VectorHorizontal - gain matrix</param>
        /// <returns>FunctionRD - function result</returns>
        /// <remarks>Remember that values are passed by ref to speed up</remarks>
        public static FunctionRD computeFunctionDervative(ref int n, ref double net, ref Activation acct, ref Gain gain)
            FunctionChoice function = (FunctionChoice)(int)acct.Data[0][n];
            FunctionRD rd = new FunctionRD();
            switch (function)
                case FunctionChoice.LinearNeuron://for output layer
                        rd.FunctionResult = gain.Data[0][n] * net;
                        rd.FunctionDerivative = gain.Data[0][n];

                case FunctionChoice.UnipolarNeuron:
                        rd.FunctionResult = 1 / (1 + System.Math.Exp(-gain.Data[0][n] * net));
                        rd.FunctionDerivative = gain.Data[0][n] * (1 - rd.FunctionResult) * rd.FunctionResult;

                case FunctionChoice.BipolarNeuron://for hidden layer
                        rd.FunctionResult = System.Math.Tanh(gain.Data[0][n] * net);
                        rd.FunctionDerivative = gain.Data[0][n] * (1 - System.Math.Pow(rd.FunctionResult,2));

                case FunctionChoice.BipolarElliotNeuron:
                        rd.FunctionResult = gain.Data[0][n] * net / (1 + gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net));
                        rd.FunctionDerivative = 1 / System.Math.Pow((gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net) + 1), 2);

                case FunctionChoice.UnipolarElliotNeuron:
                        rd.FunctionResult = 2 * gain.Data[0][n] * net / (1 + gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net)) - 1;
                        rd.FunctionDerivative = 2 * gain.Data[0][n] / System.Math.Pow((gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net) + 1), 2);

                        throw new NeuralNetworkError(Properties.Settings.Default.FE1);
            return rd;
Esempio n. 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute psudo hessian matrix and its gradient
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">NetworkInfo - information about neural network</param>
        /// <param name="inp">Input - input data patterns used for learn</param>
        /// <param name="dout">Output - output data patterns used for learn</param>
        /// <param name="topo">Topography - neural network topography</param>
        /// <param name="ww">Weights - weights</param>
        /// <param name="act">Activation - activation function selection</param>
        /// <param name="gain">Gain - neuron gain</param>
        /// <param name="iw">Index - topography indexes</param>
        public void Compute(ref NetworkInfo info, ref Input inp, ref Output dout, ref Topography topo,
            Weights ww, ref Activation act, ref Gain gain, ref Index iw)
            GradientMat = MatrixMB.Zeros(info.nw, 1);
            HessianMat = MatrixMB.Zeros(info.nw, info.nw);
            np =;//number of patterns
            ni =;//number of inputs
            no =;//number of outputs
            nw = info.nw;//number of weights
            nn = info.nn;//number of neurons
            nio = nn + ni - no;
            zeros = ni.Zeros();
            delo = MatrixMB.Zeros(1, nio + 1);
            J = MatrixMB.Zeros(1, nw);

            for (p = 0; p < np; p++)

                CalculateFunctionValuesAndDerivates(ref ww, ref iw, ref topo, ref act, ref gain);

                for (k = 0; k < no; k++)
                    o = nio + k;
                    error = dout.Data[p][k] - node[o];
                    s = iw.Pos(o - ni);
                    J.Data[0][s] = -derivates[o];

                    CalculateJacobian(ref ww, ref iw, ref topo);

                    CalculateForHiddenLayer(ref iw, ref topo, ref ww);

                    if (dout[p, 0] > 0.5) J = J * ratio;
                    var JT = J.Transposed;
                    GradientMat = GradientMat + JT * error;
                    HessianMat = HessianMat + JT * J;
Esempio n. 34
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes activation function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n">int</param>
        /// <param name="net">double - net</param>
        /// <param name="acct">VectorHorizontal - activation matrix</param>
        /// <param name="gain">VectorHorizontal - gain matrix</param>
        /// <returns>double - function result</returns>
        /// <remarks>Remember that values are passed by ref to speed up</remarks>
        public static double computeFunction(ref int n,ref double net, ref Activation acct, ref Gain gain)
                FunctionChoice function = (FunctionChoice)(int)acct.Data[0][n];
                switch (function)
                    case FunctionChoice.LinearNeuron:
                            return gain.Data[0][n] * net;

                    case FunctionChoice.UnipolarNeuron:
                            return 1 / (1 + System.Math.Exp(-gain.Data[0][n] * net));

                    case FunctionChoice.BipolarNeuron:
                            return System.Math.Tanh(gain.Data[0][n] * net);

                    case FunctionChoice.BipolarElliotNeuron:
                            return gain.Data[0][n] * net / (1 + gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net));

                    case FunctionChoice.UnipolarElliotNeuron:
                            return 2 * gain.Data[0][n] * net / (1 + gain.Data[0][n] * System.Math.Abs(net)) - 1;
                            throw new System.Exception(Properties.Settings.Default.FE1);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw new NeuralNetworkError("Błąd obliczania funkcji aktywacji.", ex);
Esempio n. 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Total error calculation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">NetworkInfo</param>
        /// <param name="inp">ref Input - input data patterns</param>
        /// <param name="dout">ref Output - output data</param>
        /// <param name="topo">ref Topography - topo is network topology in the form of one vector</param>
        /// <param name="ww">ref Weights  weights</param>
        /// <param name="act">ref Activation - type of activation function</param>
        /// <param name="gain">ref Gain - strengthening the activation function</param>
        /// <param name="iw">ref WeightsPointers - index pointers used for network topology stored in top in the form of one vector</param>
        /// <remarks>Network error will be overriden so please save it</remarks>
        public double CalculateError(ref NetworkInfo info, ref Input inp, ref Output dout, ref Topography topo, 
            Weights ww, ref Activation act, ref Gain gain, ref Index iw)
                Error = 0;
                for (p = 0; p <; p++)

                    for (n = 0; n < info.nn; n++)
                        net = ww[iw.Pos(n)];

                        int from = iw.Pos(n) + 1;
                        int to = iw.Pos(n + 1) - 1;

                        for (i = from; i <= to; i++)
                            net += node[(int)topo[i]] * ww[i];

                        node.Add(ActivationFunction.computeFunction(ref n, ref net, ref act, ref gain));


                    for (k = 0; k <; k++)
                        Error += System.Math.Pow((dout.Data[p][k] - node[info.nio + k]), 2);

                return Error;
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                throw new NeuralNetworkError("Błąd uaktualnienia błędu sieci neuronowej. " + ex.Message, ex);
Esempio n. 36
    private bool m_CameraChangingHeight; // is camera height changing?

    void Start()
        if (!Terrain1 || !Terrain2)
            Debug.LogError("Terrains not set!!");
            enabled = false;

        // desert dune-like ridges are created using RidgeNoise. it is scaled down a bit, and Gain applied to make ridges more pronounced
        var desert = new Gain(
            new RidgeNoise(23478568)
                    OctaveCount = 8
                } * 0.6f, 0.4f);
        // hills use a simple pink noise. 
        var hills = new PinkNoise(3465478)
                            OctaveCount = 5, // smooth hills (no higher frequencies)
                            Persistence = 0.56f // but steep (changes rapidly in the frequencies we do have)
        // weight decides, whether a given point is hills or desert
        // cached, as we'd need it to decide texture at every point
        m_Weight = new Cache(new PinkNoise(346546)
                                        Frequency = 0.5f,
                                        OctaveCount = 3
                                    }.ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f));
        // overall heightmap blends hills and deserts
        m_Generator = desert.Blend(hills, m_Weight).ScaleShift(0.5f, 0.5f);
        // as changes to terrains made in playmode get saved in the editor, we need to re-generate terrains
        // at start. The coroutine will set m_Move in the end, so that camera does not fly intil it's ready
Esempio n. 37
        private void RumasterSetCarrierConfig(string cpriport, string flowdirection, string carriernumber, string enabled, string carrierid, string technology, string frequency, string axccontainer, string gain, string fsinfo,string axcContainerGroupLength,string bfPeriod,string syncmode)

                FsInfo fsinfoData = new FsInfo();
                string[] fsinfostr = fsinfo.Split(SPACER_FLAG_SEC);
                if (fsinfostr.Length >= 4)
                    fsinfoData.Addr = byte.Parse(fsinfostr[0]);
                    fsinfoData.Hf = byte.Parse(fsinfostr[1]);
                    fsinfoData.Bf = byte.Parse(fsinfostr[2]);
                    fsinfoData.BfOffset = byte.Parse(fsinfostr[3]);

                Gain  gainData = new Gain();
                string[] gainstr = gain.Split(SPACER_FLAG_SEC);
                if (fsinfostr.Length >= 3)
                    gainData.GainEnable = boolDic[gainstr[0]];
                    gainData.GainDb = double.Parse(gainstr[1]);
                    gainData.GainFact = double.Parse(gainstr[2]);

                CarrierData data = new CarrierData();
                data.axcContainerGroupLength = byte.Parse(axcContainerGroupLength);
                data.bfPeriod = byte.Parse(bfPeriod);
                data.carrierId = byte.Parse(carrierid);
                data.carrierNumber = byte.Parse(carriernumber);
                data.enabled = boolDic[enabled];
                data.sampleFrequency = freqDic[frequency];
       = technologyDic[technology];
                data.startAxcContainer = byte.Parse(axccontainer);
                data.syncMode = syncModeDic[syncmode];
                data.fsInfo = fsinfoData;
                data.gain = gainData;

                rCarrierConfig.SetCarrierConfig(cpriport, flowDirectionDic[flowdirection], data);

            catch (Exception e)
                WriteTraceText("Rumaster Set Carrier Config failed!--" + e.Message);
Esempio n. 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the sensor gain value.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gain">Gain value.</param>
 public void SetGain(Gain gain)
     Write(Register.CRB, (byte)gain);
 public ADS1015(Gain refVoltage = Gain.Volt33)
     this.gain = refVoltage;
 public static extern void SetGain(IntPtr config, Gain gain);
Esempio n. 41
 /// <summary>
 /// Puts the sensor into initial state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gainLevel">Gain level configuration.</param>
 public void Init(Gain gainLevel = Gain.Level6)
     bus.Write(0x01, (byte)((byte)gainLevel << 5));
Esempio n. 42
        private void CalculateFunctionValuesAndDerivates(ref Weights ww, ref Index iw, ref Topography topo, ref Activation act, ref Gain gain)

            for (int n = 0; n < nn; n++)//for each neuron in network
                net = ww[iw[n]];//calculate net sum

                for (i = iw[n] + 1; i <= iw[n + 1] - 1; i++)
                    net += (node[topo[i]] * ww[i]);

                var res = ActivationFunction.computeFunctionDervative(ref n, ref net, ref act, ref gain);//and function value and its derivative
                node.Add(res.FunctionResult);//save function value for output signal from neuron
                derivates.Add(res.FunctionDerivative);//save function derivative value for output signal from neuron