/// <summary> /// 消息发送和数据处理 /// </summary> /// <param name="clientConn"></param> /// <param name="com"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static HashSet <string> DealComData(GClient clientConn, string com, out bool isGetSuccess) { /// mutex互斥锁,用于人为阻塞当前线程 ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); manualEvents.Add(manualResetEvent); DelegateGetMsg delegateGetMsg = new DelegateGetMsg(com, clientConn, manualResetEvent); // 订阅标签上报事件 clientConn.OnEncapedTagEpcLog += new delegateEncapedTagEpcLog(delegateGetMsg.OnEncapedTagEpcLog); clientConn.OnEncapedTagEpcOver += new delegateEncapedTagEpcOver(delegateGetMsg.OnEncapedTagEpcOver); //停止指令,空闲态 SendSynBaseStopMsg(clientConn, out isGetSuccess); //功率配置, 将 4 个天线功率都设置为 30dBm. SendSynBaseSetPowerMsg(clientConn, out isGetSuccess); //4个天线读卡, 读取EPC数据区以及TID数据区 SendSynBaseInventoryEpcMsg(clientConn, out isGetSuccess); //返回收集结果 return(delegateGetMsg.GetDelegateMsg()); //停止指令,空闲态 //SendSynBaseStopMsg(clientConn); }
/// <summary> /// 创建串口连接 /// </summary> /// <param name="com">串口</param> /// <param name="baudRate">波特率</param> /// <param name="isConnect">是否连接串口成功</param> /// <returns></returns> private static GClient CreateClientConn(string com, string baudRate, out bool isConnect) { GClient clientConn = new GClient(); isConnect = clientConn.OpenSerial(com + ":" + baudRate, 3000, out eConnectionAttemptEventStatusType status); return(clientConn); }
/// <summary> /// 4个天线读卡, 读取EPC数据区以及TID数据区 /// </summary> /// <param name="clientConn">连接</param> private static void SendSynBaseInventoryEpcMsg(GClient clientConn, out bool isGetSuccess) { // 4个天线读卡, 读取EPC数据区以及TID数据区 MsgBaseInventoryEpc msgBaseInventoryEpc = new MsgBaseInventoryEpc { AntennaEnable = (eAntennaNo._1 | eAntennaNo._2 | eAntennaNo._3 | eAntennaNo._4), InventoryMode = (byte)eInventoryMode.Single, // tid参数 ReadTid = new ParamEpcReadTid() }; msgBaseInventoryEpc.ReadTid.Mode = (byte)eParamTidMode.Auto; msgBaseInventoryEpc.ReadTid.Len = 6; clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseInventoryEpc); if (0 == msgBaseInventoryEpc.RtCode) { isGetSuccess = true; LogUtils.Debug("Inventory epc successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Inventory epc error."); isGetSuccess = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 功率配置, 将4个天线功率都设置为30dBm. /// </summary> /// <param name="clientConn">连接</param> private static void SendSynBaseSetPowerMsg(GClient clientConn, out bool isGetSuccess) { // 功率配置, 将4个天线功率都设置为30dBm. MsgBaseSetPower msgBaseSetPower = new MsgBaseSetPower { DicPower = new Dictionary <byte, byte>() { { 1, 30 }, { 2, 30 }, { 3, 30 }, { 4, 30 } } }; clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseSetPower); if (0 == msgBaseSetPower.RtCode) { LogUtils.Debug("Power configuration successful."); isGetSuccess = true; } else { LogUtils.Debug("Power configuration error."); isGetSuccess = false; } }
static void DoSend() { String aRequest = String.Empty; String aData = String.Empty; byte[] aDataBytes = null; Int32 aDataLen = 0; Console.Write("Enter Request: "); aRequest = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Include Data? (Y/N) "); aData = Console.ReadLine(); if (aData.ToLower() == "y") { Console.Write("Enter Data: "); aData = Console.ReadLine(); aDataBytes = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(aData); aDataLen = aDataBytes.Length; } else { aDataBytes = null; aDataLen = 0; } GClient.Submit(ref aRequest, aDataBytes, aDataLen); }
static void DoConnect() { String aIPAdd = String.Empty; UInt16 aPort = 0; Console.Write("Enter IP: "); aIPAdd = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter Port: "); aPort = UInt16.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); GClient.OpenConnection(ref aIPAdd, aPort); }
/// <summary> /// 停止指令,空闲态(当读写器处于读卡状态时,所有配置消息将无法发送,必须发送停止指令) /// </summary> /// <param name="clientConn">连接</param> private static void SendSynBaseStopMsg(GClient clientConn, out bool isGetSuccess) { // 停止指令,空闲态 MsgBaseStop msgBaseStop = new MsgBaseStop(); clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseStop); if (0 == msgBaseStop.RtCode) { isGetSuccess = true; LogUtils.Debug("Stop successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Stop error."); isGetSuccess = false; } }
/// <summary> /// 新版epc数据获取,规则rf码扫描到的字段的后八位,前加RF。例:2019072800000001 =》 RF00000001 /// </summary> /// <param name="isGetSuccess"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static Hashtable GetEpcDataNew(out bool isGetSuccess) { isGetSuccess = true; //string com1 = "COM1"; string com1 = ApplicationState.GetMRfidCOM(); #if DUALCAB //string com4 = "COM4"; string com4 = ApplicationState.GetSRfidCOM(); #endif Hashtable currentEpcDataHt = new Hashtable(); GClient com1ClientConn = CreateClientConn(com1, "115200", out bool isCom1Connect); if (isCom1Connect) { currentEpcDataHt.Add(com1, DealComData(com1ClientConn, com1, out isGetSuccess)); } else { isGetSuccess = false; } #if DUALCAB GClient com4ClientConn = CreateClientConn(com4, "115200", out bool isCom4Connect); if (isCom4Connect) { currentEpcDataHt.Add(com4, DealComData(com4ClientConn, com4, out isGetSuccess)); } else { isGetSuccess = false; } #endif WaitHandle.WaitAll(manualEvents.ToArray()); manualEvents.Clear(); return(currentEpcDataHt); }
public DelegateGetMsg(String com, GClient currentClientConn, ManualResetEvent manualResetEvent) { this.com = com; this.currentClientConn = currentClientConn; this.manualResetEvent = manualResetEvent; }
public static void TestRFID(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs elapsed) { GClient clientConn = new GClient(); //COM1 主柜rfid串口 //COM4 副柜rfid串口 if (clientConn.OpenSerial("COM1:115200", 3000, out eConnectionAttemptEventStatusType status)) //if (clientConn.OpenTcp("", 3000, out status)) { // 订阅标签上报事件 clientConn.OnEncapedTagEpcLog += new delegateEncapedTagEpcLog(OnEncapedTagEpcLog); clientConn.OnEncapedTagEpcOver += new delegateEncapedTagEpcOver(OnEncapedTagEpcOver); // 停止指令,空闲态 MsgBaseStop msgBaseStop = new MsgBaseStop(); clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseStop); if (0 == msgBaseStop.RtCode) { LogUtils.Debug("Stop successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Stop error."); } // 功率配置, 将4个天线功率都设置为30dBm. MsgBaseSetPower msgBaseSetPower = new MsgBaseSetPower { DicPower = new Dictionary <byte, byte>() { { 1, 30 }, { 2, 30 }, { 3, 30 }, { 4, 30 } } }; clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseSetPower); if (0 == msgBaseSetPower.RtCode) { LogUtils.Debug("Power configuration successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Power configuration error."); } LogUtils.Debug("Enter any character to start reading the tag."); Console.ReadKey(); // 4个天线读卡, 读取EPC数据区以及TID数据区 MsgBaseInventoryEpc msgBaseInventoryEpc = new MsgBaseInventoryEpc { AntennaEnable = (uint)(eAntennaNo._1 | eAntennaNo._2 | eAntennaNo._3 | eAntennaNo._4), InventoryMode = (byte)eInventoryMode.Inventory, // tid参数 ReadTid = new ParamEpcReadTid() }; msgBaseInventoryEpc.ReadTid.Mode = (byte)eParamTidMode.Auto; msgBaseInventoryEpc.ReadTid.Len = 6; clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseInventoryEpc); if (0 == msgBaseInventoryEpc.RtCode) { LogUtils.Debug("Inventory epc successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Inventory epc error."); } Console.ReadKey(); // 停止读卡,空闲态 clientConn.SendSynMsg(msgBaseStop); if (0 == msgBaseStop.RtCode) { LogUtils.Debug("Stop successful."); } else { LogUtils.Debug("Stop error."); } } else { LogUtils.Debug("Connect failure."); } Console.ReadKey(); clientConn.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// 根据eps json获取eps对象数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="isGetSuccess"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static HashSet <CommodityEps> GetEpcDataJson(out bool isGetSuccess) { isGetSuccess = true; //string com1 = "COM1"; string com1 = ApplicationState.GetMRfidCOM(); HashSet <string> com1HashSet = new HashSet <string>(); string log = ""; #if DUALCAB //string com4 = "COM4"; string com4 = ApplicationState.GetSRfidCOM(); HashSet <string> com4HashSet = new HashSet <string>(); #endif HashSet <CommodityEps> currentEpcDataHs = new HashSet <CommodityEps>(); //TODO:需要补充id GClient com1ClientConn = CreateClientConn(com1, "115200", out bool isCom1Connect); if (isCom1Connect) { com1HashSet = DealComData(com1ClientConn, com1, out isGetSuccess); } else { isGetSuccess = false; } #if DUALCAB GClient com4ClientConn = CreateClientConn(com4, "115200", out bool isCom4Connect); if (isCom4Connect) { com4HashSet = DealComData(com4ClientConn, com4, out isGetSuccess); } else { isGetSuccess = false; } #endif WaitHandle.WaitAll(manualEvents.ToArray()); manualEvents.Clear(); //提取com1的标签epc,并组装 foreach (string rfid in com1HashSet) { CommodityEps commodityEps = new CommodityEps { CommodityCodeName = $"RF{rfid.Substring(rfid.Length - 8)}", EquipmentId = ApplicationState.GetEquipId(), EquipmentName = ApplicationState.GetEquipName(), StoreHouseId = ApplicationState.GetHouseId(), StoreHouseName = ApplicationState.GetHouseName(), GoodsLocationName = ApplicationState.GetCabNameByRFidCom(com1), GoodsLocationId = ApplicationState.GetCabIdByRFidCom(com1) }; currentEpcDataHs.Add(commodityEps); LogUtils.Debug(commodityEps.CommodityCodeName + commodityEps.CommodityName); log += commodityEps.CommodityCodeName + " "; } #if DUALCAB //提取com4的标签epc,并组装 foreach (string rfid in com4HashSet) { CommodityEps commodityEps = new CommodityEps { CommodityCodeName = $"RF{rfid.Substring(rfid.Length - 8)}", EquipmentId = ApplicationState.GetEquipId(), EquipmentName = ApplicationState.GetEquipName(), StoreHouseId = ApplicationState.GetHouseId(), StoreHouseName = ApplicationState.GetHouseName(), GoodsLocationName = ApplicationState.GetCabNameByRFidCom(com1), GoodsLocationId = ApplicationState.GetCabIdByRFidCom(com1) }; currentEpcDataHs.Add(commodityEps); LogUtils.Debug(commodityEps.CommodityCodeName + commodityEps.CommodityName); log += commodityEps.CommodityCodeName + " "; } #endif Task.Factory.StartNew(a => { LogUtils.Debug(log); }, log); LogUtils.Debug("RFID NUM:" + currentEpcDataHs.Count()); return(currentEpcDataHs); }
static void DoDisconnect() { GClient.CloseConnection(); }
static void DoSendLarge() { String aInput = String.Empty; String aRequest = String.Empty; UInt16 aNumOfBytes = 0; byte aByte = 0; byte[] aByteString = null; byte[] aData = null; Int32 aRepeat; Int32 aInterval; // Get number of bytes to send Console.Write("Enter Size of Request (in bytes): "); aInput = Console.ReadLine(); aNumOfBytes = UInt16.Parse(aInput); if (aNumOfBytes > 0) { aByteString = new byte[aNumOfBytes]; for (UInt16 i = 0; i < (aNumOfBytes); i++) { aByte = (byte)(i % Byte.MaxValue); if (aByte < 33) { aByte = 46; } else if (aByte > 127 && aByte < 160) { aByte = 46; } aByteString[i] = aByte; } aRequest = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(28591).GetString(aByteString); Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay + ": INFO: Request:"); DumpBytes(aByteString, 0, aByteString.Length); } Console.Write("Enter Size of Data (in bytes): "); aNumOfBytes = UInt16.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (aNumOfBytes > 0) { aData = new byte[aNumOfBytes]; for (UInt16 i = 0; i < (aNumOfBytes); i++) { aByte = (byte)(i % Byte.MaxValue); if (aByte < 33) { aByte = 46; } else if (aByte > 127 && aByte < 160) { aByte = 46; } aData[i] = aByte; } Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay + ": INFO: Data: "); DumpBytes(aData, 0, aData.Length); } else { aNumOfBytes = 0; } Console.Write("Enter No. of Times to Repeat: "); aRepeat = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); Console.Write("Enter No. of Interval (in ms): "); aInterval = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); if (aInterval < 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Error: Invalid Interval Size."); return; } for (int i = 0; i < aRepeat; i++) { // Send request message GClient.Submit(ref aRequest, aData, aNumOfBytes); // Sleep Thread.Sleep(aInterval); } }