private bool ParseFix(string line, TrackSegment trackSegment, DateTime date) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) return false; var match = Regex.Match(line, B_LINE_REGEX); if (match.Success) { string h = match.Groups["h"].Value; string m = match.Groups["m"].Value; string s = match.Groups["s"].Value; string coord = match.Groups["coord"].Value; string validAlt = match.Groups["validAlt"].Value; string presAlt = match.Groups["presAlt"].Value; string gpsAlt = match.Groups["gpsAlt"].Value; var cood = ParseCoordinate(coord); var fix = new Fix(cood.Latitude, cood.Longitude, double.Parse(gpsAlt), date.AddHours(int.Parse(h)).AddMinutes(int.Parse(m)).AddSeconds(int.Parse(s))); trackSegment.Fixes.Add(fix); return true; } return false; }
public bool BiasGreaterThan(Fix a, Fix b) { return(a >= b * settings.biasRelative + a * settings.biasAbsolute); }
public void RemoveFix(Fix fix) { FixDic[fix.PropertyID].Remove(fix); }
public void RatioTest() { var fix = Fix.Ratio(1, 2); FixAssert.AssertEquals(fix, 0.5f, Epsilon); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; s = settings; resting = (settings.gravity * settings.deltaTime).GetMagnitudeSquared() + Fix.Epsilon; }
public void Sub(ref FixVec2 b) { _x -= b._x; _y -= b._y; }
public FixVec2(Fix x, Fix y) { _x = x; _y = y; }
public AABB(FixVec2 p, Fix r) : this(p.X - r, p.Y - r, p.X + r, p.Y + r) { }
/// Constructs a cpBB centered on a point with the given extents (half sizes). public AABB(FixVec2 c, Fix hwMax, Fix hhMax) : this(c.X - hwMax, c.Y - hhMax, c.X + hwMax, c.Y + hhMax) { }
public AngularDamping(Fix value) { Value = value; }
public WeightedBehaviourBuilder(AcceptSteeringBehaviour accept, TFinalizeResult result, Fix weight) { _accept = accept; _result = result; _weight = weight; }
private void Visit(Result result, string resultPointer) { Analyze(result, resultPointer); if (result.Locations != null) { Location[] locations = result.Locations.ToArray(); string locationsPointer = resultPointer.AtProperty(SarifPropertyName.Locations); for (int i = 0; i < locations.Length; ++i) { Location location = locations[i]; string locationPointer = locationsPointer.AtIndex(i); Visit(location, locationPointer); } } if (result.CodeFlows != null) { CodeFlow[] codeFlows = result.CodeFlows.ToArray(); string codeFlowsPointer = resultPointer.AtProperty(SarifPropertyName.CodeFlows); for (int i = 0; i < codeFlows.Length; ++i) { CodeFlow codeFlow = codeFlows[i]; string codeFlowPointer = codeFlowsPointer.AtIndex(i); Visit(codeFlow, codeFlowPointer); } } if (result.Stacks != null) { Stack[] stacks = result.Stacks.ToArray(); string stacksPointer = resultPointer.AtProperty(SarifPropertyName.Stacks); for (int i = 0; i < stacks.Length; ++i) { Stack stack = stacks[i]; string stackPointer = stacksPointer.AtIndex(i); Visit(stack, stackPointer); } } if (result.RelatedLocations != null) { AnnotatedCodeLocation[] relatedLocations = result.RelatedLocations.ToArray(); string relatedLocationsPointer = resultPointer.AtProperty(SarifPropertyName.RelatedLocations); for (int i = 0; i < relatedLocations.Length; ++i) { AnnotatedCodeLocation relatedLocation = relatedLocations[i]; string relatedLocationPointer = relatedLocationsPointer.AtIndex(i); Visit(relatedLocation, relatedLocationPointer); } } if (result.Fixes != null) { Fix[] fixes = result.Fixes.ToArray(); string fixesPointer = resultPointer.AtProperty(SarifPropertyName.Fixes); for (int i = 0; i < fixes.Length; ++i) { Fix fix = fixes[i]; string fixPointer = fixesPointer.AtIndex(i); Visit(fix, fixPointer); } } }
public FixVec2(Fix x, Fix y) { X = x; Y = y; }
private FixVec2 ScalarMultiply(Fix value) { return(new FixVec2(X * value, Y * value)); }
private FixVec2 ScalarAdd(Fix value) { return(new FixVec2(X + value, Y + value)); }
/// Constructs a cpBB for a circle with the given position and radius. public static AABB NewForCircle(FixVec2 p, Fix r) { return(new AABB(p.X - r, p.Y - r, p.X + r, p.Y + r)); }
public static FixVec2 ClampMagnitude(FixVec2 vector, Fix maxMagnitude) { ClampMagnitude(ref vector, maxMagnitude); return(vector); }
private static void Render <T>(T model, Func <Action <T>, Action <T> > f) { Fix(f)(model); }
public void Scale(ref Fix scale) { _x *= scale; _y *= scale; }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); position = EditorGUI.PrefixLabel(position, GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive), label); // Don't make child fields be indented var indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel; EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0; var valueLabelRect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, 50, position.height); var valueXRect = new Rect(position.x + 65, position.y, 50, position.height); var valueYRect = new Rect(position.x + 115, position.y, 50, position.height); var buttonRect = new Rect(position.x + 175, position.y, 20, position.height); EditorGUI.LabelField(valueLabelRect, $"{Fix.RawToString(property.FindPropertyRelative("x").FindPropertyRelative("raw").intValue)},{Fix.RawToString(property.FindPropertyRelative("y").FindPropertyRelative("raw").intValue)}"); valX = EditorGUI.DoubleField(valueXRect, valX); valY = EditorGUI.DoubleField(valueYRect, valY); if (GUI.Button(buttonRect, "A")) { property.FindPropertyRelative("x").FindPropertyRelative("raw").intValue = Fix.DoubleToRaw(valX); property.FindPropertyRelative("y").FindPropertyRelative("raw").intValue = Fix.DoubleToRaw(valY); } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); }
public Position(Fix x, Fix y) { Value = new FixVec2(x, y); }
internal void Raycast(ITreeRaycastCallback callback, FixVec2 pointA, FixVec2 pointB) { FixVec2 r = pointB - pointA; if (r.GetMagnitudeSquared() <= { return; } r.Normalize(); // v is perpendicular to the segment. FixVec2 v = FixVec2.Cross(, r); FixVec2 abs_v = FixVec2.Abs(v); // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80). // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h) Fix maxFraction =; // Build a bounding box for the segment. AABB segmentAABB = new AABB(); FixVec2 t = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA); segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, t); segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, t); Stack <int> stack = new Stack <int>(); stack.Push(rootIndex); while (stack.Count > 0) { var nodeId = stack.Pop(); if (nodeId == nullNode) { continue; } var node = nodes[nodeId]; if (!node.aabb.Overlaps(segmentAABB)) { continue; } // Separating axis for segment (Gino, p80). // |dot(v, p1 - c)| > dot(|v|, h) var c = node.aabb.GetCenter(); var h = node.aabb.GetExtents(); var separation = FixMath.Abs(FixVec2.Dot(v, pointA - c)) - FixVec2.Dot(abs_v, h); if (separation > { continue; } if (node.IsLeaf()) { Fix value = callback.RayCastCallback(pointA, pointB, maxFraction, nodeId); if (value == { // The client has terminated the ray cast. return; } if (value > { // Update segment bounding box. maxFraction = value; FixVec2 g = pointA + maxFraction * (pointB - pointA); segmentAABB.min = FixVec2.Min(pointA, g); segmentAABB.max = FixVec2.Max(pointA, g); } } else { stack.Push(node.leftChildIndex); stack.Push(node.rightChildIndex); } } }
public void CreateDecimalTest() { var fix = Fix.CreateDecimal(1, 12, 2); FixAssert.AssertEquals(fix, 1.12f, Epsilon); }
/// <summary> /// Pick the best sibling for a leaf node using "Branch and Bound" algorithm. /// </summary> /// <param name="leafIndex">The index of the leaf node we want a sibling for.</param> private int PickBestSibling(AABB leafAABB) { int index = rootIndex; while (!nodes[index].IsLeaf()) { int childLeft = nodes[index].leftChildIndex; int childRight = nodes[index].rightChildIndex; Fix area = nodes[index].aabb.Area(); AABB combinedAABB = AABB.Union(nodes[index].aabb, leafAABB); Fix combinedArea = combinedAABB.Area(); // Cost of creating a new parent for this node and the new leaf Fix cost = 2 * combinedArea; // Minimum cost of pushing the leaf further down the tree Fix inheritanceCost = 2 * (combinedArea - area); // Cost of descending into left child Fix costLeft; if (nodes[childLeft].IsLeaf()) { AABB aabb = AABB.Union(leafAABB, nodes[childLeft].aabb); costLeft = aabb.Area() + inheritanceCost; } else { AABB aabb = AABB.Union(leafAABB, nodes[childLeft].aabb); Fix oldArea = nodes[childLeft].aabb.Area(); Fix newArea = aabb.Area(); costLeft = (newArea - oldArea) + inheritanceCost; } // Cost of descending into right child Fix costRight; if (nodes[childRight].IsLeaf()) { AABB aabb = AABB.Union(leafAABB, nodes[childRight].aabb); costRight = AABB.Area(aabb) + inheritanceCost; } else { AABB aabb = AABB.Union(leafAABB, nodes[childRight].aabb); Fix oldArea = AABB.Area(nodes[childRight].aabb); Fix newArea = AABB.Area(aabb); costRight = (newArea - oldArea) + inheritanceCost; } // Descend according to the minimum cost. if (cost < costLeft && cost < costRight) { break; } // Descend if (costLeft < costRight) { index = childLeft; } else { index = childRight; } } return(index); }
public void StepPhysics(Fix dt) { physicsScene.Step(); }
public FixTrans2 Rotate(Fix radians) { return(MakeRotation(radians) * this); }
public static TFRaycastHit2D Raycast(FixVec2 origin, FixVec2 direction, Fix distance, TFLayerMask mask) { TFRaycastHit2D hit = physicsScene.Raycast(origin, direction, distance, mask); return(hit); }
private FixVec2 ScalarAdd(Fix value) { return(new FixVec2(_x + value, _y + value)); }
internal Result CreateResult(TSLintLogEntry entry) { entry = entry ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry)); Result result = new Result() { RuleId = entry.RuleName, Message = new Message { Text = entry.Failure } }; switch (entry.RuleSeverity) { case "ERROR": result.Level = ResultLevel.Error; break; case "WARN": case "WARNING": result.Level = ResultLevel.Warning; break; case "DEFAULT": default: result.Level = ResultLevel.Note; break; } Region region = new Region() { // The TSLint logs have line and column start at 0, Sarif has them starting at 1, so add 1 to each StartLine = entry.StartPosition.Line + 1, StartColumn = entry.StartPosition.Character + 1, EndLine = entry.EndPosition.Line + 1, EndColumn = entry.EndPosition.Character + 1, CharOffset = entry.StartPosition.Position }; int length = entry.EndPosition.Position - entry.StartPosition.Position; region.CharLength = length > 0 ? length : 0; Uri analysisTargetUri = new Uri(entry.Name, UriKind.Relative); var physicalLocation = new PhysicalLocation(id: 0, fileLocation: new FileLocation(uri: analysisTargetUri, uriBaseId: null), region: region, contextRegion: null); Location location = new Location() { PhysicalLocation = physicalLocation }; result.Locations = new List <Location>() { location }; if (entry.Fixes?.Any() == true) { IList <Replacement> replacements = new List <Replacement>(); foreach (TSLintLogFix fix in entry.Fixes) { Replacement replacement = new Replacement(); replacement.DeletedRegion = new Region { CharLength = fix.InnerLength, CharOffset = fix.InnerStart }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fix.InnerText)) { replacement.InsertedContent = new FileContent { Text = fix.InnerText }; } replacements.Add(replacement); } FileChange sarifFileChange = new FileChange(fileLocation: new FileLocation(uri: analysisTargetUri, uriBaseId: null), replacements: replacements); Fix sarifFix = new Fix(description: null, fileChanges: new List <FileChange>() { sarifFileChange }); result.Fixes = new List <Fix> { sarifFix }; } return(result); }
private FixVec2 ScalarMultiply(Fix value) { return(new FixVec2(_x * value, _y * value)); }
private bool ParseFix(string line, TrackSegment trackSegment) { if (line.IsNullOrWhitespace()) return false; var match = Regex.Match(line, FIX_SENTENCE); if (match.Success) { int h = int.Parse(match.Groups["h"].Value); int m = int.Parse(match.Groups["m"].Value); double s = double.Parse(match.Groups["s"].Value); double alt = double.Parse(match.Groups["alt"].Value); double lat = ConvertOrd(match.Groups["lat"].Value, match.Groups["latd"].Value); double lon = ConvertOrd(match.Groups["lon"].Value, match.Groups["lond"].Value); var fix = new Fix(lat, lon, alt, DateTime.MinValue.AddHours(h).AddMinutes(m).AddSeconds(s)); trackSegment.Fixes.Add(fix); return true; } return false; }
public WeightedBehaviour(Fix weight, SteeringBehaviour behaviour) { _weight = weight; _behaviour = behaviour; }