Esempio n. 1
    protected void PopulateGrid()
        FinancialAccounts      allAccounts     = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.PPSE);
        Dictionary <int, bool> accountIsParent = new Dictionary <int, bool>();

        FinancialAccounts resultAccounts = new FinancialAccounts();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Income ||
                account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost)

                if (account.ParentIdentity != 0)

        // Add expansion headers

        this.GridBudgetAccounts.DataSource = resultAccounts;

    private Dictionary <int, Int64> GetAttestationRights()
        // Right now, this function is quite primitive. At some point in the future, it needs to take into
        // account that a budget may have several attesters. Right now, it just loops over all accounts and
        // checks the owner.

        Dictionary <int, Int64> result   = new Dictionary <int, Int64>();
        FinancialAccounts       accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization);

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            if (account.OwnerPersonId == CurrentUser.Identity)
                if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost)
                    result[account.Identity] = account.GetBudgetCentsRemaining();
                    result[account.Identity] = 1; // any value

    protected void DropYear_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int year = Int32.Parse(this.DropYear.SelectedValue);

        if (year < 2000)

        FinancialAccounts balanceAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,

        FinancialAccounts resultAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,

        FinancialAccount ownCapital    = CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.DebtsEquity;
        FinancialAccount resultAsNoted = CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;

        FinancialAccounts balancesWithoutCapital =
            FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization, FinancialAccountType.Balance);


        FinancialAccounts resultAccountsWithoutNotedResult = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(CurrentOrganization,


        Currency currency = CurrentOrganization.DefaultCountry.Currency;

        this.LabelResultsAll.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                  resultAccounts.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                               new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        this.LabelResultsNoted.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                    resultAsNoted.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        this.LabelEoyBalance.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                  balanceAccounts.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);

        Int64 endOfLastYearCapital = ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                              new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

        Int64 endOfSelectedYearCapital = ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                  new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

        this.LabelEolyOwnCapital.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code, endOfLastYearCapital / 100.0);

        this.LabelEocyOwnCapital.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                      endOfSelectedYearCapital / 100.0);

        this.LabelOwnCapitalDiff.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                      (endOfSelectedYearCapital - endOfLastYearCapital) / 100.0);

        this.LabelOwnCapitalDelta.Text = String.Format("{0} {1:N2}", currency.Code,
                                                       ownCapital.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100.0);
        static private Dictionary <int, bool> GetAttestationRights()
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            // Right now, this function is quite primitive. At some point in the future, it needs to take into
            // account that a budget may have several attesters. Right now, it just loops over all accounts and
            // checks the owner.

            Dictionary <int, bool> result   = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            FinancialAccounts      accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(authData.CurrentOrganization);

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                if (account.OwnerPersonId == authData.CurrentUser.Identity ||
                    (account.OwnerPersonId == 0 && authData.Authority.HasAccess(new Access(authData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Administration))))
                    if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost)
                        result[account.Identity] = true;

Esempio n. 5
        private static void OnMondayMorning()
                // Detect and log any forex difference exceeding 100 cents.

                FinancialAccounts allAccounts = FinancialAccounts.GetAll(); // across ALL ORGS!

                foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
                    // For every account, if it's based on foreign currency, check for forex gains/losses

                    if (account.ForeignCurrency != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                ExceptionMail.Send(e, true);
                if (testMode)
Esempio n. 6
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!Page.IsPostBack)

        if (Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(ScriptManager)).FullName.IndexOf("3.5") != -1)
            this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = @"it[""ParentFinancialAccountId""] = 0";
            this.GridBudgetAccounts.MasterTableView.FilterExpression = "ParentFinancialAccountId=0";

        FinancialAccounts testAccounts = FinancialAccounts.FromBankTransactionTag("BG 472-5107");

        if (testAccounts.Count != 1)
            this.LabelTest.Text = testAccounts.Count.ToString() + " accounts returned";

        this.LabelTest.Text = testAccounts[0].Name + " (" + testAccounts[0].AssignedGeography.Name + ")";
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!this.CurrentOrganization.IsEconomyEnabled)
                Response.Redirect("/Pages/v5/Financial/EconomyNotEnabled.aspx", true);

            this.PageIcon       = "iconshock-treasure";
            this.PageTitle      = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.ResyncExternalAccount_PageTitle;
            this.InfoBoxLiteral = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.ResyncExternalAccount_Info;

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem(Resources.Global.Global_SelectOne, "0"));

                FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(this.CurrentOrganization,

                foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                    // TODO: COnstruct import settings for accounts

                    if (this.CurrentOrganization.Name == "Piratpartiet SE" && account.Identity == 1)
                        this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem(account.Name + " (SE/SEB)", account.Identity.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)));

Esempio n. 8
    private void Populate(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        // We still need a real f*****g tree structure.

        Dictionary <int, FinancialAccounts> lookup = new Dictionary <int, FinancialAccounts>();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            if (!lookup.ContainsKey(account.ParentIdentity))
                lookup[account.ParentIdentity] = new FinancialAccounts();


        RadTreeNodeCollection collection = RecursiveAdd(lookup, accounts[0].ParentIdentity);

        foreach (RadTreeNode subnode in collection)

        //Tree.Nodes[0].Expanded = true;
        //Tree.Nodes[0].Selected = true;
        private void ExecuteSaveAccountCommand()
                SelectedFinancialAccount.BankName = SelectedBank.DisplayName;

                var isNewObject = SelectedFinancialAccount.Id;
                var stat        = _financialAccountService.InsertOrUpdate(SelectedFinancialAccount);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stat))
                    if (isNewObject == 0)
                        FinancialAccounts.Insert(0, SelectedFinancialAccount);
                    MessageBox.Show("Got Problem while saving, try again..." + Environment.NewLine + stat, "save error", MessageBoxButton.OK,
            catch (Exception exception)
                MessageBox.Show("Got Problem while saving, try again..." + Environment.NewLine + exception.Message, "save error", MessageBoxButton.OK,
Esempio n. 10
    private void InitSuballocation(bool setData)
        this.TextThisAccountBudget.Text = (_account.GetBudgetCents(_year) / 100).ToString("N0", new CultureInfo(_account.Organization.DefaultCountry.Culture));
        this.LabelThisAccountName.Text  = _account.Name;
        this.TextThisAccountBudget.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextAlign] = "right";
        this.TextThisAccountBudget.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width]     = "150px";

        FinancialAccounts accounts = _account.Children;

        AccountBudgetLines childData = new AccountBudgetLines();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            childData.Add(new AccountBudgetLine(account, _year));

        _initializingBudgets = setData;

        this.RepeaterAccountNames.DataSource = childData;

        this.RepeaterBudgetTextBoxes.DataSource = childData;

        this.RepeaterBudgetOwners.DataSource = childData;

        this.ButtonReallocate.Enabled = accounts.Count > 0 ? true : false;

        // this.TooltipManager.TargetControls.Add(this.LabelThisAccountOwner.ClientID, "1", true);
    private void Populate(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        // We still need a real f*****g tree structure.

        Dictionary<int, FinancialAccounts> lookup = new Dictionary<int, FinancialAccounts>();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            if (!lookup.ContainsKey(account.ParentIdentity))
                lookup[account.ParentIdentity] = new FinancialAccounts();


        RadTreeNodeCollection collection = RecursiveAdd(lookup, accounts[0].ParentIdentity);

        foreach (RadTreeNode subnode in collection)

        //Tree.Nodes[0].Expanded = true;
        //Tree.Nodes[0].Selected = true;
Esempio n. 12
        private BudgetData GetBudgetData(int budgetId, int year)
            FinancialAccount account     = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(budgetId);
            double           budget      = -account.GetBudget(year);
            Int64            actualCents = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));
            double           actual      = actualCents / 100.0;

            // Get suballocated

            FinancialAccounts accountTree = account.GetTree();

            double budgetTotal     = -accountTree.GetBudgetSum(year);
            Int64  deltaTotalCents = accountTree.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));
            double deltaTotal      = deltaTotalCents / 100.0;

            BudgetData result = new BudgetData();

            result.AccountName = account.Name;

            if (budgetTotal > 0.0)
                result.PercentActual           = actual / budgetTotal * 100.0;
                result.PercentSuballocated     = (budgetTotal - budget) / budgetTotal * 100.0;
                result.PercentSuballocatedUsed = (deltaTotal - actual) / budgetTotal * 100.0;

        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _authenticationData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();
            _year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            if (!_authenticationData.CurrentUser.HasAccess(new Access(_authenticationData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Bookkeeping, AccessType.Read)))
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            // TODO: Get and cache account tree and account balances

            Response.ContentType = "application/json";

            string response = string.Empty;

            _hashedAccounts = FinancialAccounts.GetHashedAccounts(_authenticationData.CurrentOrganization);

            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Asset, Resources.Pages.Ledgers.BalanceSheet_Assets) + ",";
            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Debt, Resources.Pages.Ledgers.BalanceSheet_Debt) + ",";
            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Income, Resources.Pages.Ledgers.ProfitLossStatement_Income) + ",";
            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Cost, Resources.Pages.Ledgers.ProfitLossStatement_Costs);

            Response.Output.WriteLine("[" + response + "]");
Esempio n. 14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this._authenticationData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();
            this._year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            if (
                !this._authenticationData.CurrentUser.HasAccess(new Access(
                                                                    this._authenticationData.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Bookkeeping, AccessType.Read)))
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException();

            // TODO: Get and cache account tree and account balances

            Response.ContentType = "application/json";

            string response = string.Empty;

            this._hashedAccounts  = FinancialAccounts.GetHashedAccounts(this._authenticationData.CurrentOrganization);
            this._resultAccountId = this._authenticationData.CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult.Identity;

            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Asset, Resources.Global.Financial_Asset) + ",";
            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Debt, Resources.Global.Financial_Debt) + ",";
            response +=
                GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Income, Resources.Global.Financial_Income) + ",";
            response += GetAccountGroup(FinancialAccountType.Cost, Resources.Global.Financial_Cost);

            Response.Output.WriteLine("[" + response + "]");
Esempio n. 15
    private FinancialAccounts GetRootLevelResultAccounts()
        Organization org = this.CurrentOrganization;

        if (org == null && Page.IsPostBack)
            // If we're being called from Page_Init to create controls just to catch events, then this.CurrentOrganization won't be set.
            // We need to create it temporarily from a hidden field:

            org = Organization.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(Request["ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$HiddenInitOrganizationId"]));

        FinancialAccount  yearlyResult = org.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts  = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(org, FinancialAccountType.Result);

        // Select root accounts

        FinancialAccounts accounts = new FinancialAccounts();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.ParentFinancialAccountId == 0 && account.Identity != yearlyResult.Identity)

Esempio n. 16
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        this.PageAccessRequired = new Access(this.CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Bookkeeping, AccessType.Write);

        this.HiddenInitOrganizationId.Value = this.CurrentOrganization.Identity.ToString();

        this.PageIcon  = "iconshock-moneybag";
        this.PageTitle = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.SetRootBudgets_PageTitle;

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)
            FinancialAccounts accounts = GetRootLevelResultAccounts();

            int currentYear = DateTime.Today.Year;
            _year = currentYear;

                this.DropYears.Items.Add(new ListItem(currentYear.ToString()));
            } while (accounts[0].GetTree().GetBudgetSumCents(currentYear) > 0);

            this.DropYears.SelectedIndex = 0;

            this.RepeaterAccountNames.DataSource = accounts;

            this.RepeaterAccountBudgets.DataSource = accounts;

            this.RepeaterAccountActuals.DataSource = accounts;


            this.LabelRootBudgetHeader.Text  = String.Format(Resources.Pages.Ledgers.SetRootBudgets_PageHeader, this.CurrentOrganization.Name);
            this.LabelAccountHeader.Text     = Resources.Global.Financial_BookkeepingAccountShort;
            this.LabelYearlyResultLabel.Text = Resources.Global.Financial_YearlyResult;
            this.ButtonSetBudgets.Text       = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.SetRootBudgets_SetNewBudgets;
            this.LabelBudgetOwnerHeader.Text = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.SetRootBudgets_BudgetOwnerHeader;

            this.LabelSidebarActions.Text = Resources.Global.Sidebar_Actions;
            this.LabelSidebarInfo.Text    = Resources.Global.Sidebar_Information;
            this.LabelSidebarTodo.Text    = Resources.Global.Sidebar_Todo;
            this.LabelDashboardInfo.Text  = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.SetRootBudgets_Info;

            _year = Int32.Parse(DropYears.SelectedItem.Text);

        this.DropYears.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.FontWeight]          = "bold";
        this.ButtonSetBudgets.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginTop]    = "4px";
        this.ButtonSetBudgets.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.MarginBottom] = "5px";
        this.ButtonSetBudgets.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Padding]      = "1px";

        // RebindTooltips();
Esempio n. 17
    protected void ButtonSetBudgets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        foreach (RepeaterItem repeaterItem in this.RepeaterAccountBudgets.Items)
            HiddenField      hiddenAccountId = (HiddenField)repeaterItem.FindControl("HiddenAccountId");
            TextBox          textBudget      = (TextBox)repeaterItem.FindControl("TextBudget");
            FinancialAccount account         = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(hiddenAccountId.Value));

            // TODO: Possible race condition here, fix with HiddenField

            Int64 newBudgetAmount = Int64.Parse(textBudget.Text.Replace(",", "").Replace(" ", ""), Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture);  // TODO: May throw -- catch and send error message

            Int64 currentBudgetAmount = account.GetTree().GetBudgetSumCents(_year) / 100;

            // Set the new amount to the difference between the single budget of this account and the intended amount

            if (newBudgetAmount != currentBudgetAmount)
                                       account.GetBudgetCents(_year) + (newBudgetAmount - currentBudgetAmount) * 100);

        // After updating budgets, rebind repeater

        FinancialAccounts accounts = GetRootLevelResultAccounts();


        this.RepeaterAccountBudgets.DataSource = accounts;
Esempio n. 18
        public static string GetInactiveAccountCount()
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            int inactiveAccountCount = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(authData.CurrentOrganization).Count(account => !account.Active);

Esempio n. 19
        public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id)
            FinancialAccounts financialAccounts = db.FinancialAccounts.Find(id);

Esempio n. 20
    private void PopulateControls()
        FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOwner(_currentUser);


        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            this.DropBudgets.Items.Add(new ListItem(account.Name + " / " + account.Organization.Name,

        bool   selectedBudget         = false;
        string accountParameterString = Request.QueryString["AccountId"];

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accountParameterString))
            int accountId = Int32.Parse(accountParameterString);

            if (FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId).OwnerPersonId == _currentUser.Identity)
                this.DropBudgets.SelectedValue = accountId.ToString();
            else if (_currentUser.Identity == 1 && System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) // DEBUG
                FinancialAccount account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);
                this.DropBudgets.Items.Add(new ListItem(account.Name + " / " + account.Organization.Name,

                this.DropBudgets.SelectedValue = accountId.ToString();

        ViewState[this.ClientID + "_BudgetId"] = this.DropBudgets.SelectedValue;
        _account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(this.DropBudgets.SelectedValue));
        this.HiddenInitBudgetId.Value = _account.Identity.ToString();

        int yearStart = DateTime.Today.Year - 1;

        if (DateTime.Today.Month <= 6)

        for (int yearIndex = 0; yearIndex < 3; yearIndex++)
            this.DropYears.Items.Add((yearStart + yearIndex).ToString());

        this.DropYears.SelectedValue = DateTime.Today.Year.ToString();
        _year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        ViewState[this.ClientID + "_Year"] = this.DropYears.SelectedValue;
        this.HiddenInitYear.Value          = this.DropYears.SelectedValue;

Esempio n. 21
    // This function is a bit of black magic.

    // It makes sure that all the accounts are populated with their respective values. In order to
    // summarize the values for every subtree, it 1) sorts the accounts in an order so that a
    // parents always comes before a child, 2) calculates the values for all accounts,
    // 3) iterates in reverse order and adds every account's values to the parent account, if there is one.

    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        singleLookups = new Dictionary <int, decimal> [6];
        treeLookups   = new Dictionary <int, decimal> [6];

        for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
            treeLookups[index]   = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();
            singleLookups[index] = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();

        int year = 2010;

        DateTime[] quarterBoundaries =
            new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year,     3, 1), new DateTime(year, 6, 1),
            new DateTime(year, 9, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find this year's inbound

            singleLookups [0][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year - 1, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find quarter diffs

            for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++)
                singleLookups[quarter + 1][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(quarterBoundaries[quarter], quarterBoundaries[quarter + 1]);

            // Find outbound

            singleLookups [5][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

            // copy to treeLookups

            for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                treeLookups[index][account.Identity] = singleLookups[index][account.Identity];

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
            AddChildrenValuesToParents(treeLookups[index], accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 22
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (!CurrentOrganization.IsEconomyEnabled)
                Response.Redirect("/Pages/v5/Financial/EconomyNotEnabled.aspx", true);

            if (!Page.IsPostBack)
                // Localize

                PageIcon           = "iconshock-openbook";
                this.BoxTitle.Text = PageTitle = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_PageTitle;
                InfoBoxLiteral     = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Info;
                this.LiteralExpensesBudgetsAreNegative.Text =
                this.LiteralDebtBalancesAreNegative.Text =
                this.LiteralHeaderAccountName.Text          = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Header_AccountName;
                this.LiteralHeaderBalance.Text              = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Header_Balance;
                this.LiteralHeaderBudget.Text               = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Header_Budget;
                this.LiteralHeaderEdit.Text                 = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Header_Edit;
                this.LiteralHeaderEditingAccount.Text       = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_Header;
                this.LiteralHeaderFlags.Text                = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Header_Flags;
                this.LiteralHeaderOwner.Text                = Global.Global_Owner;
                this.LiteralLabelAccountName.Text           = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_AccountName;
                this.LiteralLabelActiveLong.Text            = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_ActiveLong;
                this.LiteralLabelActiveShort.Text           = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_ActiveShort;
                this.LiteralLabelAdministrativeLong.Text    = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_AdministrativeLong;
                this.LiteralLabelAdministrativeShort.Text   = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_AdministrativeShort;
                this.LiteralLabelBudgetBalance.Text         = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_BudgetBalance;
                this.LiteralLabelExpensableLong.Text        = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_ExpensableLong;
                this.LiteralLabelExpensableShort.Text       = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_ExpensableShort;
                this.LiteralLabelFileUploadProfile.Text     = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_FileUploadProfile;
                this.LiteralLabelHeaderAutomation.Text      = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_HeaderAutomation;
                this.LiteralLabelHeaderConfiguration.Text   = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_HeaderConfiguration;
                this.LiteralLabelHeaderDailyOperations.Text =
                this.LiteralLabelOwner.Text  = Global.Global_Owner;
                this.LiteralLabelParent.Text = Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Edit_Parent;

                this.LiteralLabelInitialAmount.Text =
                                  CurrentOrganization.FirstFiscalYear, CurrentOrganization.Currency.DisplayCode);

                FinancialAccounts organizationAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(this.CurrentOrganization);
                int inactiveCount = organizationAccounts.Count(account => !account.Active);

                this.LabelSidebarOptions.Text      = Resources.Global.Sidebar_Options;
                this.LabelOptionsShowInactive.Text = String.Format(Resources.Pages.Ledgers.AccountPlan_Options_ShowInactive, inactiveCount);
            PageAccessRequired = new Access(CurrentOrganization, AccessAspect.Bookkeeping, AccessType.Write);
            DbVersionRequired  = 2; // Account reparenting

            RegisterControl(EasyUIControl.DataGrid | EasyUIControl.Tree);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.ContentType = "application/json";

            // Is this stuff in cache already?

            string cacheKey = "ExpensableBudgets-Json-" +

            string accountsJson =
                (string) Cache[cacheKey];

            if (accountsJson != null)

            // Not in cache. Construct.

            // Get accounts

            FinancialAccounts accounts = this.CurrentOrganization.FinancialAccounts.ExpensableBudgets;

            // Build tree (there should be a template for this)

            Dictionary<int, List<FinancialAccount>> treeMap = new Dictionary<int, List<FinancialAccount>>();

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                if (!treeMap.ContainsKey(account.ParentIdentity))
                    treeMap[account.ParentIdentity] = new List<FinancialAccount>();


            int renderRootNodeId = 0;

            if (treeMap[0].Count == 1)
                // assume there's a master root like "Costs"; bypass it

                renderRootNodeId = treeMap[0][0].Identity;

            accountsJson = RecurseTreeMap(treeMap, renderRootNodeId);

            Cache.Insert(cacheKey, accountsJson, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(5), TimeSpan.Zero);
                // cache lasts for five minutes, no sliding expiration

Esempio n. 24
    private void PopulateAccounts(int organizationId)
        FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.FromIdentity(organizationId));

        this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- None --", "0"));
        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem("[" + account.AccountType.ToString().Substring(0, 1) + "] " + account.Name, account.Identity.ToString()));
Esempio n. 25
    private void PopulateAccounts(int organizationId)
        FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.FromIdentity(organizationId));

        this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem("-- Select account --", "0"));
        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            this.DropAccounts.Items.Add(new ListItem(account.Name, account.Identity.ToString()));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Response.ContentType = "application/json";
            FinancialAccountType accountType =
                (FinancialAccountType)(Enum.Parse(typeof(FinancialAccountType), Request.QueryString["AccountType"]));

            string accountsJson = string.Empty;

            int excludeId = -1;

            string excludeIdString = Request.QueryString["ExcludeId"];

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(excludeIdString))
                excludeId = Int32.Parse(excludeIdString);

            // Get accounts

            FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(this.CurrentOrganization, accountType);

            // Build tree (there should be a template for this)

            Dictionary <int, List <FinancialAccount> > treeMap = new Dictionary <int, List <FinancialAccount> >();

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                if (account.Identity == excludeId)

                if (!treeMap.ContainsKey(account.ParentIdentity))
                    treeMap[account.ParentIdentity] = new List <FinancialAccount>();


            if (treeMap.ContainsKey(0))
                accountsJson = RecurseTreeMap(treeMap, 0);

            accountsJson = "[{\"id\":\"0\",\"text\":\"" +
                           JsonSanitize(Resources.Global.ResourceManager.GetString("Financial_" + accountType.ToString())) +
                           "\",\"state\":\"open\",\"children\":" +
                           accountsJson +


Esempio n. 27
        public static JsonAccountData GetAccountData(int accountId)
            AuthenticationData authData = GetAuthenticationDataAndCulture();

            FinancialAccount account = FinancialAccount.FromIdentity(accountId);

            if (account.OrganizationId != authData.CurrentOrganization.Identity)
                throw new UnauthorizedAccessException("A million nopes");

            FinancialAccounts accountTree = account.GetTree();
            int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

            JsonAccountData result = new JsonAccountData();

            result.AccountName       = account.Name;
            result.ParentAccountId   = account.ParentIdentity;
            result.ParentAccountName = account.ParentFinancialAccountId == 0
                ? Global.ResourceManager.GetString("Financial_" +
                : account.Parent.Name;
            result.Expensable            = account.Expensable;
            result.Administrative        = account.Administrative;
            result.Active                = account.Active;
            result.Open                  = account.Open;
            result.AccountOwnerName      = account.OwnerPersonId != 0 ? account.Owner.Name : Global.Global_NoOwner;
            result.AccountOwnerAvatarUrl = account.OwnerPersonId != 0
                ? account.Owner.GetSecureAvatarLink(24)
                : "/Images/Icons/iconshock-warning-24px.png";
            result.Budget = (accountTree.GetBudgetSumCents(year) / 100L).ToString("N0", CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);

            if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Asset || account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Debt)
                result.Balance =
                    (accountTree.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100L).ToString
                result.InitialBalance =
                    ((accountTree.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                new DateTime(authData.CurrentOrganization.FirstFiscalYear, 1, 1)) / 100.0).ToString("N2"));
                result.Balance =
                    (-accountTree.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)) / 100L)
                result.InitialBalance = "N/A"; // unused
            result.CurrencyCode = account.Organization.Currency.DisplayCode;

Esempio n. 28
    // This function is a bit of black magic.

    // It makes sure that all the accounts are populated with their respective values. In order to
    // summarize the values for every subtree, it 1) sorts the accounts in an order so that a
    // parents always comes before a child, 2) calculates the values for all accounts,
    // 3) iterates in reverse order and adds every account's values to the parent account, if there is one.

    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        balanceInboundLookup = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();
        diffQuarterLookups   = new Dictionary <int, decimal> [4];

        for (int quarterIndex = 0; quarterIndex < 4; quarterIndex++)
            diffQuarterLookups[quarterIndex] = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();

        balanceOutboundLookup = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();

        int year = 2010;

        DateTime[] quarterBoundaries =
            new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year,     3, 1), new DateTime(year, 6, 1),
            new DateTime(year, 9, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find this year's inbound

            balanceInboundLookup [account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(2006, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find quarter diffs

            for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++)
                diffQuarterLookups[quarter][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(quarterBoundaries[quarter], quarterBoundaries[quarter + 1]);

            // Find outbound

            balanceOutboundLookup [account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(2006, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        AddChildrenValuesToParents(balanceInboundLookup, accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[0], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[1], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[2], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[3], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(balanceOutboundLookup, accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 29
 public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Name,Balance,ReconciledBalance,HouseholdId")] FinancialAccounts financialAccounts)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(financialAccounts).State = EntityState.Modified;
     ViewBag.HouseholdId = new SelectList(db.Households, "Id", "Name", financialAccounts.HouseholdId);
Esempio n. 30
    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        singleLookups = new Dictionary <int, decimal> [5];
        treeLookups   = new Dictionary <int, decimal> [5];

        for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
            treeLookups[index]   = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();
            singleLookups[index] = new Dictionary <int, decimal>();

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find budget last year

            singleLookups [(int)ColumnType.LastYearBudget][account.Identity] = (decimal)account.GetBudget(year - 1);

            // Find budget this year

            singleLookups [(int)ColumnType.ThisYearBudget][account.Identity] = (decimal)account.GetBudget(year);

            // Find last year's actuals (sign reversed)

            singleLookups [(int)ColumnType.LastYearActuals][account.Identity] = -account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year - 1, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find actuals (sign reversed)

            singleLookups [(int)ColumnType.ThisYearActuals][account.Identity] = -account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                                                                  new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

            // copy to treeLookups

            for (int index = 1; index < 5; index++)
                treeLookups[index][account.Identity] = singleLookups[index][account.Identity];

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        for (int index = 1; index < 5; index++)
            AddChildrenValuesToParents(treeLookups[index], accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 31
        private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
            this._singleBalanceLookup = new Dictionary <int, Int64>();
            this._treeBalanceLookup   = new Dictionary <int, Int64>();
            this._singleBudgetLookup  = new Dictionary <int, Int64>();
            this._treeBudgetLookup    = new Dictionary <int, Int64>();

            // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
            // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

            // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                // Get current balances

                // TODO: There must be a more optimized way to do this, like with a database optimization. This
                // is a HORRIBLY expensive operation, as it performs one complex database query PER ACCOUNT.

                if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost ||
                    account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Income)
                    this._singleBalanceLookup[account.Identity] =
                        -account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(this._year, 1, 1),
                                               new DateTime(this._year + 1, 1, 1));
                    this._singleBudgetLookup[account.Identity] = account.GetBudgetCents(this._year);
                else if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Asset ||
                         account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Debt)
                    this._singleBalanceLookup[account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                                        new DateTime(this._year + 1, 1, 1));
                    this._singleBudgetLookup[account.Identity] = 0; // balance accounts don't have budgets
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Account with invalid type encountered - " +

                // copy to treeLookups

                this._treeBalanceLookup[account.Identity] = this._singleBalanceLookup[account.Identity];
                this._treeBudgetLookup[account.Identity]  = this._singleBudgetLookup[account.Identity];

            // 3) Add all children's values to parents

            AddChildrenValuesToParents(this._treeBalanceLookup, accounts);
            AddChildrenValuesToParents(this._treeBudgetLookup, accounts);

            // Done.
    private void PopulateLedger()
        FinancialAccounts accounts = new FinancialAccounts();

        if (this.RadioAllAccounts.Checked)
            accounts =
        else if (this.RadioAccountGroup.Checked)
            accounts =
                    Organization.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(this.DropOrganizations.SelectedValue)), (FinancialAccountType) Int32.Parse(this.DropAccountGroups.SelectedValue));
        else if (this.RadioSpecificAccount.Checked)

        Ledger.Accounts = accounts;

        Ledger.DateStart = (DateTime)this.DateStart.SelectedDate;
        Ledger.DateEnd = (DateTime)this.DateEnd.SelectedDate;

        Ledger.MaxAmount = 1.0e12m; // catches all transactions -- if not, PW is kind of outscaled

        if (this.RadioCreditingTransactions.Checked)
            Ledger.MaxAmount = 0.0m;
        else if (this.RadioCreditingTransactionsLarge.Checked)
            Ledger.MaxAmount = -1000.0m;

Esempio n. 33
    private FinancialAccounts GetRootLevelResultAccounts()
        Organization org = this.CurrentOrganization;

        if (org == null && Page.IsPostBack)
            // If we're being called from Page_Init to create controls just to catch events, then this.CurrentOrganization won't be set.
            // We need to create it temporarily from a hidden field:

            org = Organization.FromIdentity(Int32.Parse(Request["ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$HiddenInitOrganizationId"]));

        FinancialAccount yearlyResult = org.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(org, FinancialAccountType.Result);

        // Select root accounts

        FinancialAccounts accounts = new FinancialAccounts();

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.ParentFinancialAccountId == 0 && account.Identity != yearlyResult.Identity)

        return accounts;
Esempio n. 34
    protected void PopulateGrid ()
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.PPSE);

        FinancialAccounts volatileAccounts = new FinancialAccounts();
        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost ||
                account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Income)

        this.GridBudgetAccounts.DataSource = volatileAccounts;

Esempio n. 35
    private void AddChildrenValuesToParents (Dictionary<int,decimal> lookup, FinancialAccounts accounts)
        // Iterate backwards and add any value to its parent's value, as they are sorted in tree order.

        for (int index = accounts.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--)
            int parentFinancialAccountId = accounts[index].ParentFinancialAccountId;
            int accountId = accounts[index].Identity;

            if (parentFinancialAccountId != 0)
                lookup[parentFinancialAccountId] += lookup[accountId];
Esempio n. 36
    // This function is a bit of black magic.

    // It makes sure that all the accounts are populated with their respective values. In order to
    // summarize the values for every subtree, it 1) sorts the accounts in an order so that a
    // parents always comes before a child, 2) calculates the values for all accounts,
    // 3) iterates in reverse order and adds every account's values to the parent account, if there is one.

    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        balanceInboundLookup = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
        diffQuarterLookups = new Dictionary<int, decimal> [4];

        for (int quarterIndex = 0; quarterIndex < 4; quarterIndex++ )
            diffQuarterLookups[quarterIndex] = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

        balanceOutboundLookup = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

        int year = 2010;

        DateTime[] quarterBoundaries = {
                                           new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 3, 1), new DateTime(year, 6, 1),
                                           new DateTime(year, 9, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find this year's inbound

            balanceInboundLookup [account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(2006, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find quarter diffs

            for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++)
                diffQuarterLookups[quarter][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(quarterBoundaries[quarter], quarterBoundaries[quarter+1]);

            // Find outbound

            balanceOutboundLookup [account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(2006, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        AddChildrenValuesToParents(balanceInboundLookup, accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[0], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[1], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[2], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(diffQuarterLookups[3], accounts);
        AddChildrenValuesToParents(balanceOutboundLookup, accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 37
    protected void PopulateGrid ()
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.PPSE);

        FinancialAccounts balanceAccounts = new FinancialAccounts();
        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Asset ||
                account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Debt)

        // Add main headers

        this.GridBudgetAccounts.DataSource = balanceAccounts;

Esempio n. 38
    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        singleLookups = new Dictionary<int, decimal>[5];
        treeLookups = new Dictionary<int, decimal>[5];

        for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++)
            treeLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
            singleLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        int year = DateTime.Today.Year;

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find budget last year

            singleLookups [(int) ColumnType.LastYearBudget][account.Identity] = (decimal) account.GetBudget(year-1);

            // Find budget this year

            singleLookups [(int) ColumnType.ThisYearBudget][account.Identity] = (decimal) account.GetBudget(year);

            // Find last year's actuals (sign reversed)

            singleLookups [(int) ColumnType.LastYearActuals][account.Identity] = -account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year - 1, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find actuals (sign reversed)

            singleLookups [(int) ColumnType.ThisYearActuals][account.Identity] = -account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year, 1, 1),
                                                    new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

            // copy to treeLookups

            for (int index = 1; index < 5; index++)
                treeLookups[index][account.Identity] = singleLookups[index][account.Identity];

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        for (int index = 1; index < 5; index++)
            AddChildrenValuesToParents(treeLookups[index], accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 39
    // This function is a bit of black magic.

    // It makes sure that all the accounts are populated with their respective values. In order to
    // summarize the values for every subtree, it 1) sorts the accounts in an order so that a
    // parents always comes before a child, 2) calculates the values for all accounts,
    // 3) iterates in reverse order and adds every account's values to the parent account, if there is one.

    private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
        singleLookups = new Dictionary<int, decimal>[6];
        treeLookups = new Dictionary<int, decimal>[6];

        for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++ )
            treeLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
            singleLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();

        int year = 2010;

        DateTime[] quarterBoundaries = {
                                           new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 3, 1), new DateTime(year, 6, 1),
                                           new DateTime(year, 9, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1)

        // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
        // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

        // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
            // Find this year's inbound

            singleLookups [0][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year-1, 1, 1), new DateTime(year, 1, 1));

            // Find quarter diffs

            for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++)
                singleLookups[quarter+1][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(quarterBoundaries[quarter], quarterBoundaries[quarter+1]);

            // Find outbound

            singleLookups [5][account.Identity] = account.GetDelta(new DateTime(year, 1, 1), new DateTime(year + 1, 1, 1));

            // copy to treeLookups

            for (int index=0; index < 6; index++)
                treeLookups[index][account.Identity] = singleLookups[index][account.Identity];

        // 3) Add all children's values to parents

        for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
            AddChildrenValuesToParents(treeLookups[index], accounts);

        // Done.
Esempio n. 40
        private void PopulateOrderedList(FinancialAccounts orderedList, int renderNodeId)
            foreach (FinancialAccount account in _treeMap[renderNodeId])

                if (_treeMap.ContainsKey(account.Identity))
                    PopulateOrderedList(orderedList, account.Identity); // recursive call
Esempio n. 41
    protected void UpdateYearlyResult(FinancialAccounts rootAccounts)
        Int64 budgetSum = 0;
        Int64 actualSum = 0;

        foreach (FinancialAccount account in rootAccounts)
            budgetSum += account.GetTree().GetBudgetSumCents(_year)/100;
            actualSum -= (account.GetTree().GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(_year,1,1), new DateTime(_year+1, 1, 1))+50)/100;  // negative: results accounts are sign reversed

        this.TextYearlyResult.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", budgetSum);
        this.TextYearlyResult.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.Width] = "80px";
        this.TextYearlyResult.Style[HtmlTextWriterStyle.TextAlign] = "right";

        this.LabelYearlyResultActuals.Text = String.Format("{0:N0}", actualSum);
Esempio n. 42
        public static YearlyReport Create (Organization organization, int year, FinancialAccountType accountType)
            YearlyReport report = new YearlyReport();
            report.Organization = organization;
            report.Year = year;
            report._accountType = accountType;

            // Get accounts

            FinancialAccounts accounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(organization, accountType);

            // Remove unwanted accounts

            FinancialAccount resultsAccount = organization.FinancialAccounts.CostsYearlyResult;

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                // For now, just remove the "results" account. TODO: Remove inactive accounts, too.

                if (account.Identity == resultsAccount.Identity)

            // Build tree (there should be a template for this)

            report._treeMap = new Dictionary<int, List<FinancialAccount>>();

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                if (!report._treeMap.ContainsKey(account.ParentIdentity))
                    report._treeMap[account.ParentIdentity] = new List<FinancialAccount>();


            FinancialAccounts orderedList = new FinancialAccounts(); // This list is guaranteed to have parents before children

            report.PopulateOrderedList(orderedList, 0);  // recursively add nodes parents-first
            report.PopulateLookups(orderedList);         // populate the lookup tables for results per account

            report.ReportLines = new List<YearlyReportLine>();
            report.RecurseAddLines(report.ReportLines, 0);

            // Aggregate accounts, if appropriate

            if (report._treeMap[0].Count > 3)
                // regroup list


            return report;
Esempio n. 43
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FinancialAccounts allOwned = new FinancialAccounts();

            Memberships memberships = this.person.GetMemberships();

            int orgOwned = 0;
            bool multipleOrgs = false;

            foreach (Membership membership in memberships)
                FinancialAccounts orgAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(membership.Organization);
                foreach (FinancialAccount account in orgAccounts)
                    if (account.OwnerPersonId == this.person.Identity)

                        if (orgOwned == 0 || orgOwned == membership.OrganizationId)
                            orgOwned = membership.OrganizationId;
                            multipleOrgs = true;

            if (allOwned.Count > 0)

                string literal =
                    "<span style=\"line-height:150%\"><table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";

                int year = DateTime.Today.Year;
                DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime jan1 = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                bool budgetFound = false;

                foreach (FinancialAccount account in allOwned)
                    double budget = -account.GetBudget(year);
                    decimal spent = account.GetDelta(jan1, now);
                    decimal remaining = (decimal) budget - spent;

                    if (budget == 0.0 && spent == 0.0m)
                        continue; // not interesting

                    budgetFound = true;
                    literal += "<tr><td>";

                    if (multipleOrgs)
                        literal += Server.HtmlEncode(account.Organization.NameShort) + " - ";

                    literal += "<a href=\"/Pages/v4/Financial/ManageBudget.aspx?AccountId=" + account.Identity + "\">" + Server.HtmlEncode(account.Name) + "</a>&nbsp;</td><td align=\"right\">";

                    literal += Server.HtmlEncode(remaining.ToString("N2"));

                    literal += "</td><td>&nbsp;of&nbsp;</td><td align=\"right\">";

                    literal += Server.HtmlEncode(budget.ToString("N2"));

                    literal += "</td><td align=\"right\">&nbsp;(";

                    if (budget != 0.0)
                        literal += (remaining/(decimal) budget).ToString("P0");
                        literal += "--%";

                    literal += " left)</td><tr>\r\n";


                if (!budgetFound)
                    literal += "<tr><td>No budget allocated to you (yet?) for " + year.ToString() + ".</td></tr>\r\n";

                literal +=
                    "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr><tr><td colspan=\"5\" align=\"right\"><a href=\"/Pages/v4/Financial/AllocateFunds.aspx\">Allocate funds...</a></td></tr>\r\n";

                literal += "</table></span>";

                this.LiteralBudgetData.Text = literal;
                this.LiteralBudgetData.Text = "You own no budgets.";
Esempio n. 44
    protected void PopulateGrid ()
        FinancialAccounts allAccounts = FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization(Organization.PPSE);
        Dictionary<int, bool> accountIsParent = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

        FinancialAccounts resultAccounts = new FinancialAccounts();
        foreach (FinancialAccount account in allAccounts)
            if (account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Income ||
                account.AccountType == FinancialAccountType.Cost)

                if (account.ParentIdentity != 0)

        // Add expansion headers

        this.GridBudgetAccounts.DataSource = resultAccounts;

Esempio n. 45
        private void PopulateLookups(FinancialAccounts accounts)
            _singleLookups = new Dictionary<int, Int64>[6];
            _treeLookups = new Dictionary<int, Int64>[6];

            for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                _treeLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, Int64>();
                _singleLookups[index] = new Dictionary<int, Int64>();

            DateTime[] quarterBoundaries =
                new DateTime(this.Year, 1, 1), new DateTime(this.Year, 3, 1), new DateTime(this.Year, 6, 1),
                new DateTime(this.Year, 9, 1), new DateTime(this.Year + 1, 1, 1)

            // 1) Actually, the accounts are already sorted. Or are supposed to be, anyway,
            // since FinancialAccounts.ForOrganization gets the _tree_ rather than the flat list.

            // 2) Add all values to the accounts.

            foreach (FinancialAccount account in accounts)
                // Find this year's inbound

                if (_accountType == FinancialAccountType.Result)
                    _singleLookups[0][account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(this.Year - 1, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(this.Year, 1, 1));
                else if (_accountType == FinancialAccountType.Balance)
                    _singleLookups[0][account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(this.Year, 1, 1));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can only calculate yearly reports for balance or P&L statements");

                // Find quarter diffs

                for (int quarter = 0; quarter < 4; quarter++)
                    _singleLookups[quarter + 1][account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(quarterBoundaries[quarter],
                                                                                    quarterBoundaries[quarter + 1]);

                // Find outbound

                if (_accountType == FinancialAccountType.Result)
                    _singleLookups[5][account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(this.Year, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(this.Year + 1, 1, 1));
                else if (_accountType == FinancialAccountType.Balance)
                    _singleLookups[5][account.Identity] = account.GetDeltaCents(new DateTime(1900, 1, 1),
                                                                                new DateTime(this.Year + 1, 1, 1));
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can only calculate yearly reports for balance or P&L statements");

                // copy to treeLookups

                for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                    _treeLookups[index][account.Identity] = _singleLookups[index][account.Identity];

            // 3) Add all children's values to parents

            for (int index = 0; index < 6; index++)
                AddChildrenValuesToParents(_treeLookups[index], accounts);

            // Done.