protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" }; this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)", }; this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "(none)" }; this.ctlSignExe = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("File to sign:", this.ctlSignExe), new SlimFormField("Certificate subject:", this.txtSubject), new SlimFormField("Timestamp server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer), new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtContentDescription), new SlimFormField("Information URL:", this.txtContentUrl) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration", AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" }, Required = true, Text = "Release" }; this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox { ID = "txtProjectPath", Required = true }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtAdditionalArguments", DefaultText = "(none)" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Project file:", this.txtProjectPath), new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration), new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { Tables.Deployables_Extended deployable = null; if (this.DeployableId > 0) { deployable = DB.Applications_GetDeployable(this.DeployableId).FirstOrDefault(); } this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = this.ServerId, DefaultText = "default for selected configuration" }; this.txtGroupName = new ValidatingTextBox { Text = deployable != null ? deployable.Deployable_Name : string.Empty, Required = true }; this.txtTestFile = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "none" }; this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "managed by BuildMaster" }; this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure = new CheckBox { Text = "Treat inconclusive tests as failures", Checked = true }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Unit test group:", this.txtGroupName), new SlimFormField("NUnit-console.exe path:", this.txtExePath) { HelpText = "The path to (and including) nunit-console.exe if using a different version of NUnit than the one specified " + "in the NUnit extension configuration." }, new SlimFormField("Test file:", this.txtTestFile) { HelpText = "This should normally be a .dll or project file." }, new SlimFormField("XML output path:", this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath), new SlimFormField("Additional NUnit arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments), new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.ddlSourceServer = new ActionServerPicker { ID = "ddlSourceServer", ShowGroups = false, EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId }; this.ddlTargetServer = new ActionServerPicker { ID = "ddlTargetServer", EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId }; this.ctlSourcePath = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = false, BindToControlId = this.ddlSourceServer.ID, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory" }; this.ctlTargetPath = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = false, BindToControlId = this.ddlTargetServer.ID, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory" }; this.chkDelete = new CheckBox { ID = "chkDelete", Checked = true, Text = "Delete files/directories not present in source" }; this.txtIncludeFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 4, Text = "*" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("From server:", this.ddlSourceServer), new SlimFormField("From directory:", this.ctlSourcePath), new SlimFormField("To server:", this.ddlTargetServer), new SlimFormField("To directory:", this.ctlTargetPath), new SlimFormField("File/directory mask:", this.txtIncludeFileMasks) { HelpText = "Files and folders matching the specified masks (entered one per line) will be transferred. " + "For example, if you want to transfer all files except *.src files, enter the following lines " + "(without quotes): \"*\" and \"!*.src\"" }, new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkDelete) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, Required = true }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Zip file path:", this.txtFileName) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtMasks = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 2, Text = "*" }; this.txtOutputFile = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, Required = true }; this.txtContentSeparationText = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5, DefaultText = "no separator" }; this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox { Checked = true, Text = "Recurse subdirectories" }; this.chkForceLinuxNewlines = new CheckBox { Checked = false, Text = "Use \\n for newlines in separator" }; this.ddlEncoding = new EncodingPicker(); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Files to concatenate:", new Div(this.txtMasks), new Div(this.chkRecursive) ) { HelpText = "Files matching the specified masks in the \"From directory\" (entered one per line) will be concatenated." }, new SlimFormField("Content separator:", new Div(this.txtContentSeparationText), new Div(this.chkForceLinuxNewlines)), new SlimFormField("To file:", this.txtOutputFile) { HelpText = "This is a path relative to the \"To directory\", e.g. \"combined.css\" or \"~\\db\\objects.sql\"" }, new SlimFormField("File encoding:", this.ddlEncoding) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory\\" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("To file:", this.txtFileName) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.chkUseCustomProfileXml = new CheckBox() { Text = "Use custom publish settings..." }; var ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer = new Div() { ID = "ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer" }; this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox(); this.txtProjectPublishProfileName = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml = new ValidatingTextBox() { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 7 }; ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer.Controls.Add(new Div("Enter custom publish profile XML:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml); this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox() { Required = true }; this.txtVisualStudioVersion = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "12.0" }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtUserName = new ValidatingTextBox() { DefaultText = "Inherit credentials from extension configuration" }; this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox(); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Project/Solution file:", this.txtProjectPath), new SlimFormField("Publish profile:", new Div("Profile Name:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileName, this.chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer), new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration), new SlimFormField("Visual Studio version:", this.txtVisualStudioVersion) { HelpText = "Visual Studio must be installed in order to publish directly from the command line. Choose " + "the version of Visual Studio that is installed on the selected server in order for Web Deploy to use the " + "appropriate build targets for the installed version. The default is 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013)." }, new SlimFormField("Credentials:", new Div(new Div("Username:"******"Password:"******"Additional MSBuild arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments) ); this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtWorkingDirectory = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = false, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory" }; this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, Required = true, }; this.txtArguments = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.chkFailOnStandardError = new CheckBox { Text = "Fail if any text is written to standard error" }; this.chkUseExitCode = new CheckBox { Text = "Succeed only when exit code is..." }; this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables = new CheckBox { Text = "Import BuildMaster variables to environment" }; this.ddlExitCode = new DropDownList { Items = { new ListItem("0", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Zero.ToString()), new ListItem("Positive", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Positive.ToString()), new ListItem("Nonnegative", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonNegative.ToString()), new ListItem("Nonzero", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonZero.ToString()), new ListItem("Negative", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Negative.ToString()) } }; var ctlExitCode = new Div(this.ddlExitCode); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Executable file:", this.txtExePath), new SlimFormField("Process working directory:", this.txtWorkingDirectory), new SlimFormField("Arguments:", this.txtArguments), new SlimFormField( "Error conditions:", new Div(this.chkFailOnStandardError), new Div(this.chkUseExitCode), ctlExitCode ), new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables) ); this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseExitCode, ctlExitCode); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.libPath = new FileBrowserTextBox(); this.searchMask = new ValidatingTextBox { Text = "*.csproj", TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 4 }; this.recursive = new CheckBox { Text = "Recursive" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Library:", this.libPath), new SlimFormField("Project file masks:", this.searchMask), new SlimFormField("Options:", this.recursive) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtInstallPath = new FileBrowserTextBox { ServerId = this.ServerId, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory\\packages", IncludeFiles = false }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("To:", this.txtInstallPath) { HelpText = "By default, packages will be installed to the <i>packages</i> folder at the solution level. If you have multiple solutions in the specified path or need to override this behavior, you may set the path explicitly here." } ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox { ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId, Required = true }; this.txtTagUser = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "Local repository default" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Username for tags:", this.txtTagUser), new SlimFormField("Hg command path:", this.txtExePath) { HelpText = "The executable path for hg (hg.exe on Windows)." } ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, Required = true }; this.txtFileContents = new TextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Wrap = false, Rows = 20 }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("File path:", this.txtFileName), new SlimFormField("File Contents:", this.txtFileContents) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtProjectFilePath = new FileBrowserTextBox { ID = "txtProjectFilePath", Required = true, IncludeFiles = true }; this.txtMSBuildTarget = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtMSBuildTarget", Required = true }; this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtAdditionalProperties", TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, DefaultText = "(none)", Rows = 5 }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtAdditionalArguments", DefaultText = "(none)" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("MSBuild file:", this.txtProjectFilePath), new SlimFormField("MSBuild target:", this.txtMSBuildTarget), new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties) { HelpText = "Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false" }, new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtNuspecFile = new FileBrowserTextBox { ServerId = this.ServerId, IncludeFiles = true, Required = true }; this.txtVersions = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Required = true, Rows = 3 }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Nuspec file:", this.txtNuspecFile), new SlimFormField("Dependencies:", this.txtVersions) { HelpText = "Provide a list of dependency versions to write to the .nuspec file in the format <i>Id=Version</i> (one per line). For example:<br/><i>jQuery=[1.9.1]<br/>Internal.Library=[$ReleaseName]</i>" } ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtTo = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5 }; this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox { MaxLength = 255, Required = true }; this.txtBody = new TextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 10 }; this.txtAttachment = new FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, DefaultText = "no attachment" }; this.ddlServer = new ActionServerPicker { ID = "bm-action-server-id", ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static, EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId, ServerId = this.ServerId }; this.chkAttachFile = new CheckBox { Text = "Attach file..." }; this.chkIsBodyHtml = new CheckBox { Text = "Send as HTML" }; var ctlAttachmentContainer = new Div( new Div("From server:"), this.ddlServer, new Div("From file:"), this.txtAttachment ); this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("To address(es):", this.txtTo) { HelpText = "Multiple recipients should be separated with a semicolon or newline." }, new SlimFormField("Subject:", this.txtSubject), new SlimFormField("Body text:", new Div(this.txtBody), new Div(this.chkIsBodyHtml)), new SlimFormField("Attachment:", chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer) ); this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtFileName = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = this.ServerId, Required = true }; this.txtId = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtAuthors = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtDescription = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5 }; this.txtTitle = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtSummary = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtLanguage = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtTags = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtProjectUrl = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtIconUrl = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtLicenseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtCopyright = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.chkRequireLicenseAcceptance = new CheckBox { Text = "Require license acceptance" }; this.txtDependencies = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5 }; this.txtFrameworkAssemblies = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5 }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField(".nuspec file:", this.txtFileName), new SlimFormField("Package ID:", this.txtId), new SlimFormField("Version:", this.txtVersion), new SlimFormField("Authors (comma-separated):", this.txtAuthors), new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtDescription), new SlimFormField("Title:", this.txtTitle), new SlimFormField("Summary:", this.txtSummary), new SlimFormField("Copyright:", this.txtCopyright), new SlimFormField("Language:", this.txtLanguage), new SlimFormField("Tags (space-separated):", this.txtTags), new SlimFormField("Project URL:", this.txtProjectUrl), new SlimFormField("Icon URL:", this.txtIconUrl), new SlimFormField("License URL:", this.txtLicenseUrl), new SlimFormField("", this.chkRequireLicenseAcceptance), new SlimFormField("Dependencies:", this.txtDependencies) { HelpText = "Provide a list of other NuGet packages that this package depends on. Dependencies should be entered one per line in the format <i>ID:version</i>." }, new SlimFormField("Framework assemblies:", this.txtFrameworkAssemblies) { HelpText = "Provide a list of .NET Framework assemblies that this package depends on. Assembly names should be entered one per line. For example, <i>PresentationCore</i>." } ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtApplicationName = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtProviderUrl = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtCertificatePath = new FileBrowserTextBox(); this.txtCertificatePassword = new PasswordTextBox(); this.txtCertificateHash = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox { Required = true }; this.txtMinVersion = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.chkMapFileExtensions = new CheckBox { Text = "Rename files to .deploy" }; this.chkInstallApplication = new CheckBox { Text = "Install application onto local machine" }; this.chkCreateDesktopIcon = new CheckBox { Text = "Create desktop icon" }; this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate = new CheckBox { Text = "Check for update at startup" }; this.txtEntryPointFile = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFilesExcludedFromManifest = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine }; this.txtIconFile = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.chkTrustUrlParameters = new CheckBox { Text = "Trust URL parameters" }; this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationDescription1 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationExtension1 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationProgId1 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationDescription2 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationExtension2 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.txtFileAssociationProgId2 = new ValidatingTextBox(); this.Controls.Add( new FormFieldGroup( "Application Settings", "Configuration for the application. Note that the version number and minimum version number " + "must be of the form The minimum version can be used to force an update preventing the user from skipping it." + " The provider URL should be where the application is deployed to (e.g.", false, new StandardFormField( "Application Name:", this.txtApplicationName), new StandardFormField( "Version Number:", this.txtVersion), new StandardFormField( "Minimum Version Number:", this.txtMinVersion), new StandardFormField( "Provider URL:", this.txtProviderUrl), new StandardFormField("Icon File:", this.txtIconFile), new StandardFormField("Application Code Base Directory:", this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory), new StandardFormField( "Entry Point File:", this.txtEntryPointFile), new StandardFormField("Files to exclude from manifest:", this.txtFilesExcludedFromManifest), new StandardFormField(String.Empty, this.chkTrustUrlParameters), new StandardFormField("File Association 1:", new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1), new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription1), new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension1), new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId1)), new StandardFormField("File Association 2:", new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2), new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription2), new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension2), new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId2)) ), new FormFieldGroup( "File Extension Mapping", "Determines whether files in the deployment will have a .deploy extension. " + "ClickOnce will strip this extension off these files as soon as it downloads them " + "from the Web server. This parameter allows all the files within a ClickOnce deployment " + "to be downloaded from a Web server that blocks transmission of files ending in \"unsafe\" " + "extensions such as .exe. ", false, new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkMapFileExtensions)), new FormFieldGroup( "Installation Settings", "Indicates whether or not the ClickOnce application should install onto the local machine, " + "or whether it should run from the Web. Installing an application gives that application a " + "presence in the Windows Start menu.", false, new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkInstallApplication), new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkCreateDesktopIcon), new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate)), new FormFieldGroup( "Certificate Settings", "ClickOnce applications must be signed with an X509 certificate, " + "which may be stored on disk or in the local cert store. " + "<br /><br />Note that either a Certificate Path or Certificate Hash " + "must be selected, but not both", true, new StandardFormField( "Certificate Path:", this.txtCertificatePath), new StandardFormField( "Certificate Hash:", this.txtCertificateHash), new StandardFormField( "Certificate Password:", this.txtCertificatePassword))); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.ddlSourceType = new DropDownList { ID = "ddlSourceType" }; this.ddlSourceType.Items.Add(new ListItem(".nuspec file", "nuspec")); this.ddlSourceType.Items.Add(new ListItem("msbuild project", "msbuild")); this.txtNuspecPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = this.ServerId }; this.txtProjectPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox { IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = this.ServerId }; this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox { DefaultText = "default (nuspec or project version)" }; this.txtProperties = new ValidatingTextBox { Rows = 5, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, DefaultText = "none" }; this.chkSymbols = new CheckBox { Text = "Create symbol package" }; this.chkIncludeReferencedProjects = new CheckBox { Text = "Include referenced projects" }; var ctlNuspecFileField = new SlimFormField(".nuspec file:", this.txtNuspecPath) { ID = "ctlNuspecFileField" }; var ctlProjectFileField = new SlimFormField("MSBuild project:", this.txtProjectPath) { ID = "ctlProjectFileField" }; var ffgProperties = new SlimFormField("Properties:", this.txtProperties) { ID = "ffgProperties", HelpText = "Provide additional properties to pass to NuGet. Use the format Property=Value (one per line). For example:<br/><i>Configuration=Release</i>" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Source:", this.ddlSourceType), ctlNuspecFileField, ctlProjectFileField, new SlimFormField("Package version:", this.txtVersion), ffgProperties, new SlimFormField("Options:", new Div(this.chkSymbols), new Div(this.chkIncludeReferencedProjects)), new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator( w => { w.WriteLine("var updateFields = function() {"); w.WriteLine(" if($('#{0}').val() == 'nuspec') {{", this.ddlSourceType.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').show();", ctlNuspecFileField.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').hide();", ctlProjectFileField.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').hide();", ffgProperties.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" } else {"); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').show();", ctlProjectFileField.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').hide();", ctlNuspecFileField.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" $('#{0}').show();", ffgProperties.ClientID); w.WriteLine(" }"); w.WriteLine("};"); w.WriteLine("updateFields();"); w.WriteLine("$('#{0}').change(updateFields);", this.ddlSourceType.ClientID); } ) ); }
protected override void CreateChildControls() { this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration", AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" }, Required = true, Text = "Release" }; this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform", AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "AnyCPU", "Any CPU", "x86", "x64", "Win32" }, DefaultText = "(default)" }; this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox { ID = "txtProjectPath", IncludeFiles = true }; this.chkWebProject = new CheckBox { ID = "chkWebProject", Text = "This is a Web Application project" }; this.ddlBuildOutputDir = new DropDownList { ID = "ddlBuildOutputDir", Items = { new ListItem("Specify output directory...", "target"), new ListItem("Per project \\bin\\{config} directories", "bin"), } }; this.txtTargetDir = new FileBrowserTextBox { DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory" }; this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox { TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, DefaultText = "(none)", Rows = 5 }; var divTargetDir = new Div( this.txtTargetDir ) { ID = "divTargetDir" }; this.divWebProject = new Div( this.chkWebProject, new Div( "This option will be removed in a future version of the extension. Use the Build ASP.NET Project action instead." ) { Style = "font-size: 9px; margin-left: 20px;" } ) { IsIdRequired = false, Visible = false, Style = "margin-top: 10px;" }; this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox { ID = "txtAdditionalArguments", DefaultText = "(none)" }; this.Controls.Add( new SlimFormField("Project/solution file:", this.txtProjectPath, this.divWebProject), new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration), new SlimFormField("Platform:", this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform), new SlimFormField("Output directory:", this.ddlBuildOutputDir, divTargetDir) { HelpText = "The directory of the build output. The \\bin\\{config} option is recommended when building a solution file." }, new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties) { HelpText = "Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false" }, new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments), new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator( w => { w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{if($(this).val()=='target')$('#{1}').show();else $('#{1}').hide();}});", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID, divTargetDir.ClientID); w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID); } ) ); }