Esempio n. 1
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtTimestampServer = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)"
            this.txtContentDescription = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)",
            this.txtContentUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "(none)"
            this.ctlSignExe = new FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true

                new SlimFormField("File to sign:", this.ctlSignExe),
                new SlimFormField("Certificate subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Timestamp server URL:", this.txtTimestampServer),
                new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtContentDescription),
                new SlimFormField("Information URL:", this.txtContentUrl)
Esempio n. 2
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required           = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ID       = "txtProjectPath",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID          = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
Esempio n. 3
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            Tables.Deployables_Extended deployable = null;
            if (this.DeployableId > 0)
                deployable = DB.Applications_GetDeployable(this.DeployableId).FirstOrDefault();

            this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText  = "default for selected configuration"

            this.txtGroupName = new ValidatingTextBox
                Text     = deployable != null ? deployable.Deployable_Name : string.Empty,
                Required = true

            this.txtTestFile = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "none"

            this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath = new ValidatingTextBox
                DefaultText = "managed by BuildMaster"

            this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure = new CheckBox
                Text    = "Treat inconclusive tests as failures",
                Checked = true

                new SlimFormField("Unit test group:", this.txtGroupName),
                new SlimFormField("NUnit-console.exe path:", this.txtExePath)
                HelpText = "The path to (and including) nunit-console.exe if using a different version of NUnit than the one specified "
                           + "in the NUnit extension configuration."
                new SlimFormField("Test file:", this.txtTestFile)
                HelpText = "This should normally be a .dll or project file."
                new SlimFormField("XML output path:", this.txtCustomXmlOutputPath),
                new SlimFormField("Additional NUnit arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.chkTreatInconclusiveTestsAsFailure)
Esempio n. 4
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlSourceServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlSourceServer",
                ShowGroups    = false,
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ddlTargetServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "ddlTargetServer",
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId

            this.ctlSourcePath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlSourceServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.ctlTargetPath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles    = false,
                BindToControlId = this.ddlTargetServer.ID,
                DefaultText     = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.chkDelete = new CheckBox
                ID      = "chkDelete",
                Checked = true,
                Text    = "Delete files/directories not present in source"

            this.txtIncludeFileMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 4,
                Text     = "*"

                new SlimFormField("From server:", this.ddlSourceServer),
                new SlimFormField("From directory:", this.ctlSourcePath),
                new SlimFormField("To server:", this.ddlTargetServer),
                new SlimFormField("To directory:", this.ctlTargetPath),
                new SlimFormField("File/directory mask:", this.txtIncludeFileMasks)
                HelpText = "Files and folders matching the specified masks (entered one per line) will be transferred. "
                           + "For example, if you want to transfer all files except *.src files, enter the following lines "
                           + "(without quotes): \"*\" and \"!*.src\""
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkDelete)
Esempio n. 5
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true, Required = true

                new SlimFormField("Zip file path:", this.txtFileName)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtMasks = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 2,
                Text     = "*"

            this.txtOutputFile = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                Required     = true

            this.txtContentSeparationText = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode    = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows        = 5,
                DefaultText = "no separator"

            this.chkRecursive = new CheckBox
                Checked = true,
                Text    = "Recurse subdirectories"

            this.chkForceLinuxNewlines = new CheckBox
                Checked = false,
                Text    = "Use \\n for newlines in separator"

            this.ddlEncoding = new EncodingPicker();

                new SlimFormField("Files to concatenate:",
                                  new Div(this.txtMasks),
                                  new Div(this.chkRecursive)
                HelpText = "Files matching the specified masks in the \"From directory\" (entered one per line) will be concatenated."
                new SlimFormField("Content separator:",
                                  new Div(this.txtContentSeparationText),
                                  new Div(this.chkForceLinuxNewlines)),
                new SlimFormField("To file:", this.txtOutputFile)
                HelpText = "This is a path relative to the \"To directory\", e.g. \"combined.css\" or \"~\\db\\objects.sql\""
                new SlimFormField("File encoding:", this.ddlEncoding)
Esempio n. 7
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                DefaultText  = "$CurrentDirectory\\"

                new SlimFormField("To file:", this.txtFileName)
Esempio n. 8
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.chkUseCustomProfileXml = new CheckBox()
                Text = "Use custom publish settings..."
            var ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer = new Div()
                ID = "ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer"

            this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileName = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml  = new ValidatingTextBox()
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 7
            ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer.Controls.Add(new Div("Enter custom publish profile XML:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileXml);

            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox()
                Required = true
            this.txtVisualStudioVersion = new ValidatingTextBox()
                DefaultText = "12.0"
            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtUserName            = new ValidatingTextBox()
                DefaultText = "Inherit credentials from extension configuration"
            this.txtPassword = new PasswordTextBox();

                new SlimFormField("Project/Solution file:", this.txtProjectPath),
                new SlimFormField("Publish profile:", new Div("Profile Name:"), this.txtProjectPublishProfileName, this.chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer),
                new SlimFormField("Build configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Visual Studio version:", this.txtVisualStudioVersion)
                HelpText = "Visual Studio must be installed in order to publish directly from the command line. Choose "
                           + "the version of Visual Studio that is installed on the selected server in order for Web Deploy to use the "
                           + "appropriate build targets for the installed version. The default is 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013)."
                new SlimFormField("Credentials:", new Div(new Div("Username:"******"Password:"******"Additional MSBuild arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkUseCustomProfileXml, ctlProjectPublishProfileXmlContainer);
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtWorkingDirectory = new FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = false, DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory"
            this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true, Required = true,
            this.txtArguments           = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.chkFailOnStandardError = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Fail if any text is written to standard error"
            this.chkUseExitCode = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Succeed only when exit code is..."
            this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Import BuildMaster variables to environment"

            this.ddlExitCode = new DropDownList
                Items =
                    new ListItem("0",           CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Zero.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Positive",    CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Positive.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Nonnegative", CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonNegative.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Nonzero",     CommandLineSuccessExitCode.NonZero.ToString()),
                    new ListItem("Negative",    CommandLineSuccessExitCode.Negative.ToString())

            var ctlExitCode = new Div(this.ddlExitCode);

                new SlimFormField("Executable file:", this.txtExePath),
                new SlimFormField("Process working directory:", this.txtWorkingDirectory),
                new SlimFormField("Arguments:", this.txtArguments),
                new SlimFormField(
                    "Error conditions:",
                    new Div(this.chkFailOnStandardError),
                    new Div(this.chkUseExitCode),
                new SlimFormField("Additional options:", this.chkImportBuildMasterVariables)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(this.chkUseExitCode, ctlExitCode);
Esempio n. 10
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.libPath    = new FileBrowserTextBox();
            this.searchMask = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Text = "*.csproj", TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 4
            this.recursive = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Recursive"

                new SlimFormField("Library:", this.libPath),
                new SlimFormField("Project file masks:", this.searchMask),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", this.recursive)
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtInstallPath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                DefaultText  = "$CurrentDirectory\\packages",
                IncludeFiles = false

                new SlimFormField("To:", this.txtInstallPath)
                HelpText = "By default, packages will be installed to the <i>packages</i> folder at the solution level. If you have multiple solutions in the specified path or need to override this behavior, you may set the path explicitly here."
Esempio n. 12
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtExePath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ServerId = this.EditorContext.ServerId,
                Required = true

            this.txtTagUser = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "Local repository default"

                new SlimFormField("Username for tags:", this.txtTagUser),
                new SlimFormField("Hg command path:", this.txtExePath)
                HelpText = "The executable path for hg (hg.exe on Windows)."
Esempio n. 13
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                Required     = true

            this.txtFileContents = new TextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Wrap     = false,
                Rows     = 20

                new SlimFormField("File path:", this.txtFileName),
                new SlimFormField("File Contents:", this.txtFileContents)
Esempio n. 14
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectFilePath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ID           = "txtProjectFilePath",
                Required     = true,
                IncludeFiles = true

            this.txtMSBuildTarget = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID       = "txtMSBuildTarget",
                Required = true

            this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID          = "txtAdditionalProperties",
                TextMode    = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                DefaultText = "(none)",
                Rows        = 5

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID          = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("MSBuild file:", this.txtProjectFilePath),
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild target:", this.txtMSBuildTarget),
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties)
                HelpText = "Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false"
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments)
Esempio n. 15
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtNuspecFile = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ServerId     = this.ServerId,
                IncludeFiles = true,
                Required     = true

            this.txtVersions = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Required = true,
                Rows     = 3

                new SlimFormField("Nuspec file:", this.txtNuspecFile),
                new SlimFormField("Dependencies:", this.txtVersions)
                HelpText = "Provide a list of dependency versions to write to the .nuspec file in the format <i>Id=Version</i> (one per line). For example:<br/><i>jQuery=[1.9.1]<br/>Internal.Library=[$ReleaseName]</i>"
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtTo = new ValidatingTextBox
                Required = true,
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 5

            this.txtSubject = new ValidatingTextBox
                MaxLength = 255,
                Required  = true

            this.txtBody = new TextBox
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                Rows     = 10

            this.txtAttachment = new FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                DefaultText  = "no attachment"

            this.ddlServer = new ActionServerPicker
                ID            = "bm-action-server-id",
                ClientIDMode  = ClientIDMode.Static,
                EnvironmentId = this.EnvironmentId,
                ServerId      = this.ServerId

            this.chkAttachFile = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Attach file..."

            this.chkIsBodyHtml = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Send as HTML"

            var ctlAttachmentContainer = new Div(
                new Div("From server:"),
                new Div("From file:"),

                new SlimFormField("To address(es):", this.txtTo)
                HelpText = "Multiple recipients should be separated with a semicolon or newline."
                new SlimFormField("Subject:", this.txtSubject),
                new SlimFormField("Body text:", new Div(this.txtBody), new Div(this.chkIsBodyHtml)),
                new SlimFormField("Attachment:", chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer)

            this.Controls.BindVisibility(chkAttachFile, ctlAttachmentContainer);
Esempio n. 17
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtFileName = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox {
                IncludeFiles = true, ServerId = this.ServerId, Required = true

            this.txtId = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtAuthors = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtDescription = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true, TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5

            this.txtTitle      = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtSummary    = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtLanguage   = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtTags       = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtProjectUrl = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtIconUrl    = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtLicenseUrl = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtCopyright  = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.chkRequireLicenseAcceptance = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Require license acceptance"

            this.txtDependencies = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5
            this.txtFrameworkAssemblies = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine, Rows = 5

                new SlimFormField(".nuspec file:", this.txtFileName),
                new SlimFormField("Package ID:", this.txtId),
                new SlimFormField("Version:", this.txtVersion),
                new SlimFormField("Authors (comma-separated):", this.txtAuthors),
                new SlimFormField("Description:", this.txtDescription),
                new SlimFormField("Title:", this.txtTitle),
                new SlimFormField("Summary:", this.txtSummary),
                new SlimFormField("Copyright:", this.txtCopyright),
                new SlimFormField("Language:", this.txtLanguage),
                new SlimFormField("Tags (space-separated):", this.txtTags),
                new SlimFormField("Project URL:", this.txtProjectUrl),
                new SlimFormField("Icon URL:", this.txtIconUrl),
                new SlimFormField("License URL:", this.txtLicenseUrl),
                new SlimFormField("", this.chkRequireLicenseAcceptance),
                new SlimFormField("Dependencies:", this.txtDependencies)
                HelpText = "Provide a list of other NuGet packages that this package depends on. Dependencies should be entered one per line in the format <i>ID:version</i>."
                new SlimFormField("Framework assemblies:", this.txtFrameworkAssemblies)
                HelpText = "Provide a list of .NET Framework assemblies that this package depends on. Assembly names should be entered one per line. For example, <i>PresentationCore</i>."
Esempio n. 18
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtApplicationName = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtProviderUrl = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtCertificatePath     = new FileBrowserTextBox();
            this.txtCertificatePassword = new PasswordTextBox();
            this.txtCertificateHash     = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtVersion             = new ValidatingTextBox {
                Required = true
            this.txtMinVersion        = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.chkMapFileExtensions = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Rename files to .deploy"
            this.chkInstallApplication = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Install application onto local machine"
            this.chkCreateDesktopIcon = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Create desktop icon"
            this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Check for update at startup"
            this.txtEntryPointFile            = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFilesExcludedFromManifest = new ValidatingTextBox {
                TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine
            this.txtIconFile             = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.chkTrustUrlParameters   = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Trust URL parameters"

            this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1 = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationDescription1 = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationExtension1   = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationProgId1      = new ValidatingTextBox();

            this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2 = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationDescription2 = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationExtension2   = new ValidatingTextBox();
            this.txtFileAssociationProgId2      = new ValidatingTextBox();

                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Application Settings",
                    "Configuration for the application. Note that the version number and minimum version number "
                    + "must be of the form The minimum version can be used to force an update preventing the user from skipping it."
                    + " The provider URL should be where the application is deployed to (e.g.",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Application Name:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Version Number:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Minimum Version Number:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Provider URL:",
                    new StandardFormField("Icon File:", this.txtIconFile),
                    new StandardFormField("Application Code Base Directory:", this.txtAppCodeBaseDirectory),
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Entry Point File:",
                    new StandardFormField("Files to exclude from manifest:",
                    new StandardFormField(String.Empty, this.chkTrustUrlParameters),
                    new StandardFormField("File Association 1:",
                                          new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon1),
                                          new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription1),
                                          new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension1),
                                          new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId1)),
                    new StandardFormField("File Association 2:",
                                          new StandardFormField("Default Icon:", this.txtFileAssociationDefaultIcon2),
                                          new StandardFormField("Description:", this.txtFileAssociationDescription2),
                                          new StandardFormField("Extension:", this.txtFileAssociationExtension2),
                                          new StandardFormField("Prog Id:", this.txtFileAssociationProgId2))
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "File Extension Mapping",
                    "Determines whether files in the deployment will have a .deploy extension. "
                    + "ClickOnce will strip this extension off these files as soon as it downloads them "
                    + "from the Web server. This parameter allows all the files within a ClickOnce deployment "
                    + "to be downloaded from a Web server that blocks transmission of files ending in \"unsafe\" "
                    + "extensions such as .exe. ",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkMapFileExtensions)),
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Installation Settings",
                    "Indicates whether or not the ClickOnce application should install onto the local machine, "
                    + "or whether it should run from the Web. Installing an application gives that application a "
                    + "presence in the Windows Start menu.",
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkInstallApplication),
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkCreateDesktopIcon),
                    new StandardFormField(string.Empty, this.chkStartupCheckForUpdate)),
                new FormFieldGroup(
                    "Certificate Settings",
                    "ClickOnce applications must be signed with an X509 certificate, "
                    + "which may be stored on disk or in the local cert store. "
                    + "<br /><br />Note that either a Certificate Path or Certificate Hash "
                    + "must be selected, but not both",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Path:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Hash:",
                    new StandardFormField(
                        "Certificate Password:",
Esempio n. 19
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.ddlSourceType = new DropDownList {
                ID = "ddlSourceType"
            this.ddlSourceType.Items.Add(new ListItem(".nuspec file", "nuspec"));
            this.ddlSourceType.Items.Add(new ListItem("msbuild project", "msbuild"));

            this.txtNuspecPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                ServerId     = this.ServerId

            this.txtProjectPath = new Inedo.Web.FileBrowserTextBox
                IncludeFiles = true,
                ServerId     = this.ServerId

            this.txtVersion = new ValidatingTextBox {
                DefaultText = "default (nuspec or project version)"

            this.txtProperties = new ValidatingTextBox
                Rows        = 5,
                TextMode    = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                DefaultText = "none"

            this.chkSymbols = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Create symbol package"
            this.chkIncludeReferencedProjects = new CheckBox {
                Text = "Include referenced projects"

            var ctlNuspecFileField = new SlimFormField(".nuspec file:", this.txtNuspecPath)
                ID = "ctlNuspecFileField"
            var ctlProjectFileField = new SlimFormField("MSBuild project:", this.txtProjectPath)
                ID = "ctlProjectFileField"

            var ffgProperties = new SlimFormField("Properties:", this.txtProperties)
                ID       = "ffgProperties",
                HelpText = "Provide additional properties to pass to NuGet. Use the format Property=Value (one per line). For example:<br/><i>Configuration=Release</i>"

                new SlimFormField("Source:", this.ddlSourceType),
                new SlimFormField("Package version:", this.txtVersion),
                new SlimFormField("Options:", new Div(this.chkSymbols), new Div(this.chkIncludeReferencedProjects)),
                new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator(
                    w =>
                w.WriteLine("var updateFields = function() {");
                w.WriteLine("  if($('#{0}').val() == 'nuspec') {{", this.ddlSourceType.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').show();", ctlNuspecFileField.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').hide();", ctlProjectFileField.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').hide();", ffgProperties.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("  } else {");
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').show();", ctlProjectFileField.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').hide();", ctlNuspecFileField.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("    $('#{0}').show();", ffgProperties.ClientID);
                w.WriteLine("  }");
                w.WriteLine("$('#{0}').change(updateFields);", this.ddlSourceType.ClientID);
Esempio n. 20
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildConfiguration",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "Debug", "Release" },
                Required           = true,
                Text = "Release"

            this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID = "txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform",
                AutoCompleteValues = new[] { "AnyCPU", "Any CPU", "x86", "x64", "Win32" },
                DefaultText        = "(default)"

            this.txtProjectPath = new FileBrowserTextBox
                ID           = "txtProjectPath",
                IncludeFiles = true

            this.chkWebProject = new CheckBox
                ID   = "chkWebProject",
                Text = "This is a Web Application project"

            this.ddlBuildOutputDir = new DropDownList
                ID    = "ddlBuildOutputDir",
                Items =
                    new ListItem("Specify output directory...",             "target"),
                    new ListItem("Per project \\bin\\{config} directories", "bin"),

            this.txtTargetDir = new FileBrowserTextBox
                DefaultText = "$CurrentDirectory"

            this.txtAdditionalProperties = new ValidatingTextBox
                TextMode    = TextBoxMode.MultiLine,
                DefaultText = "(none)",
                Rows        = 5

            var divTargetDir = new Div(
                ID = "divTargetDir"

            this.divWebProject = new Div(
                new Div(
                    "This option will be removed in a future version of the extension. Use the Build ASP.NET Project action instead."
                Style = "font-size: 9px; margin-left: 20px;"
                IsIdRequired = false, Visible = false, Style = "margin-top: 10px;"

            this.txtAdditionalArguments = new ValidatingTextBox
                ID          = "txtAdditionalArguments",
                DefaultText = "(none)"

                new SlimFormField("Project/solution file:", this.txtProjectPath, this.divWebProject),
                new SlimFormField("Configuration:", this.txtProjectBuildConfiguration),
                new SlimFormField("Platform:", this.txtProjectBuildTargetPlatform),
                new SlimFormField("Output directory:", this.ddlBuildOutputDir, divTargetDir)
                HelpText = "The directory of the build output. The \\bin\\{config} option is recommended when building a solution file."
                new SlimFormField("MSBuild properties:", this.txtAdditionalProperties)
                HelpText = "Additional properties, separated by newlines. Example:<br />WarningLevel=2<br />Optimize=false"
                new SlimFormField("Additional arguments:", this.txtAdditionalArguments),
                new RenderJQueryDocReadyDelegator(
                    w =>
                w.Write("$('#{0}').change(function(){{if($(this).val()=='target')$('#{1}').show();else $('#{1}').hide();}});", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID, divTargetDir.ClientID);
                w.Write("$('#{0}').change();", this.ddlBuildOutputDir.ClientID);