/// <summary>
 /// Write using a Figlet font
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="font"></param>
 public void Write(StringBuilder text, FigletFont font) => Write(text.ToString(), font);
Esempio n. 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var desc = "FFmpeg batch";

            var        fontArr = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(ContessaFont.CONTESSA);
            FigletFont font    = FigletFont.Load(fontArr);
            Figlet     figlet  = new Figlet(font);

            Console.WriteLine(figlet.ToAscii(desc), Color.Blue);

            ValueArgument <string> source = new ValueArgument <string>(
                's', "source", "Specify the path and search pattern of source files");

            source.Optional = false;

            ValueArgument <string> output = new ValueArgument <string>(
                'o', "output", "Specify the output format extension");

            output.Optional = false;

            var parser = new CommandLineParser.CommandLineParser();


            Console.WriteFormatted("Convert multiple audio and video files using ", Color.White);
            Console.WriteLineFormatted("FFmpeg", Color.Green);


                Run(source.Value, output.Value).Wait();
            catch (CommandLineException e)

                Console.WriteLine($@"        > To convert all wav files in currenty folder (and sub-directories recursivelly) and convert to mp3 format");
                Console.WriteLineFormatted($@"        ffmpeg-batch -s /**/*.wav -o mp3", Color.Green);
                Console.WriteLine($@"        > To convert all wma files in c:\music and convert to mp3 format");
                Console.WriteLineFormatted($@"        ffmpeg-batch -s c:\music\*.wma -o mp3", Color.Green);

                Console.WriteLine("Install/Uninstall tool:");
                Console.WriteLine($@"        > To install tool from system");
                Console.WriteLineFormatted($@"        dotnet tool install -g ffmpeg-batch", Color.Green);
                Console.WriteLine($@"        > To uninstall tool from system");
                Console.WriteLineFormatted($@"        dotnet tool uninstall -g ffmpeg-batch", Color.Green);

            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Error executing utility");
Esempio n. 3
        private void Run()
            /*Size consoleSize = Size.Min(ConsoleRenderer.ConsoleLargestWindowSize, new Size((25 + 1) * 7 + 1, 60));
             * try {
             *  ConsoleRenderer.ConsoleWindowRect = new Rect(consoleSize);
             *  Console.BufferWidth = consoleSize.Width;
             * }
             * catch (Exception e) {
             *  var consoleRect = new Rect(Console.WindowLeft, Console.WindowTop, Console.WindowWidth, Console.WindowHeight);
             *  Console.WriteLine(consoleRect);
             *  var bufferRect = new Size(Console.BufferWidth, Console.BufferHeight);
             *  Console.WriteLine(bufferRect);
             *  Console.WriteLine(e.Message);
             * }*/
            Console.WindowWidth    = 80;
            Console.BufferWidth    = 80;
            Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
            Console.Title          = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Console.Title);

            var data = new Data {
                Title           = "Header Title",
                SubTitle        = "Header SubTitle",
                Formatted       = "Aaaa\nBbbb\nCccc",
                LoremIpsum      = "Lo|rem ip|sum do|lor sit amet, con|sec|te|tur adi|pis|cing elit, sed do eius|mod tem|por in|ci|di|dunt ut la|bo|re et do|lo|re mag|na ali|qua. Ut enim ad mi|nim ve|ni|am, qu|is nos|trud exer|ci|ta|tion ul|lam|co la|bo|ris ni|si ut ali|quip ex ea com|mo|do con|se|quat. Du|is au|te iru|re do|lor in rep|re|hen|de|rit in vo|lup|ta|te ve|lit es|se cil|lum do|lo|re eu fu|gi|at nul|la pa|ri|a|tur. Ex|cep|te|ur sint oc|ca|e|cat cu|pi|da|tat non pro|i|dent, sunt in cul|pa qui of|fi|cia de|se|runt mol|lit anim id est la|bo|rum.",
                LoremIpsumShort = "Lo|rem ip|sum do|lor sit amet, con|sec|te|tur adi|pis|cing elit, sed do eius|mod tem|por in|ci|di|dunt ut la|bo|re et do|lo|re mag|na ali|qua. Ut enim ad mi|nim ve|ni|am, qu|is nos|trud exer|ci|ta|tion ul|lam|co la|bo|ris ni|si ut ali|quip ex ea com|mo|do con|se|quat.",
                Unicode         = "ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿĀāĂ㥹ĆćĈĉĊċČčĎďĐđĒēĔĕĖėĘęĚěĜĝĞğĠġĢģĤĥĦħĨĩĪīĬĭĮįİıIJijĴĵĶķĸĹĺĻļĽľĿŀŁłŃńŅņŇňʼnŊŋŌōŎŏŐőŒœŔŕŖŗŘřŚśŜŝŞşŠšŢţŤťŦŧŨũŪūŬŭŮůŰűŲųŴŵŶŷŸŹźŻżŽž",
                Guid            = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Date            = DateTime.Now,
                Items           = new List <DataItem> {
                    new DataItem {
                        Id       = 1, Name = "Name 1", Value = "Value 1",
                        SubItems = new List <DataItem> {
                            new DataItem {
                                Id = 11, Name = "Name 1.1", Value = "Value 1.1"
                            new DataItem {
                                Id = 12, Name = "Name 1.2", Value = "Value 1.2"
                    new DataItem {
                        Id       = 2, Name = "Name 2", Value = "Value 2",
                        SubItems = new List <DataItem> {
                            new DataItem {
                                Id = 21, Name = "Name 2.1", Value = "Value 2.1"
                            new DataItem {
                                Id = 22, Name = "Name 2.2", Value = "Value 2.2"
                Roman = FigletFont.Load(GetType().Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "Resources.Roman.flf")),

            /*if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive) {
             *  MemoryProfiler.EnableAllocations();
             *  MemoryProfiler.Dump();
             * }
             * new ConsoleRenderer().RenderDocument(ReadXaml<Document>(data));
             * if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive)
             *  MemoryProfiler.Dump();*/
            /*for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
             *  new ConsoleRenderer().RenderDocument(ReadXaml<Document>(data));*/
            /*if (MemoryProfiler.IsActive)
             *  MemoryProfiler.Dump();*/

            Document xamlDoc = ConsoleRenderer.ReadDocumentFromResource(GetType(), "Markup.xaml", data, new XamlElementReaderSettings {
                ReferenceAssemblies = { typeof(FigletDiv).Assembly }

            //Document xamlDoc = ConsoleRenderer.ReadDocumentFromResource(GetType().Assembly, "Alba.CsConsoleFormat.ConsoleTest.Markup.xaml", data);
            ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(xamlDoc, new HtmlRenderTarget(File.Create("../Tmp/0.html"), new UTF8Encoding(false)));

            Document builtDoc = new ViewBuilder().CreateDocument(data);

            ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(builtDoc, new HtmlRenderTarget(File.Create("../Tmp/0a.html"), new UTF8Encoding(false)));

            Console.WriteLine("\nBUILDER FLUENT\n");
            ConsoleRenderer.RenderDocument(new ViewBuilder().CreateDocumentFluent(data));

            var buffer = new ConsoleBuffer(80)
                LineCharRenderer = LineCharRenderer.BoxExtended,
                //Clip = new Rect(1, 1, 78, 30),
            var rainbow = new[] {
                DarkRed, DarkYellow, DarkGreen, DarkCyan, DarkBlue, DarkMagenta, DarkRed,
                Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta, Red,

            /*for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)
             *  buffer.FillRectangle((ConsoleColor)i, i, i, 80 - i * 2, 31 - i * 2);*/
            const LineWidth Thick = LineWidth.Heavy;

            for (int i = 0; i < rainbow.Length; i++)
                buffer.FillBackgroundRectangle(i, i, 80 - i * 2, (rainbow.Length - i) * 2, rainbow[i]);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(1, 0, 78, White);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(1, 1, 78, White, Thick);
            buffer.DrawHorizontalLine(3, 3, 7, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(1, 1, 9, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(2, 2, 4, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(5, 0, 6, White, Thick);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(5, 0, 6, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(6, 0, 6, White);
            buffer.DrawVerticalLine(3, 0, 12, White, Thick);
            buffer.DrawRectangle(0, 0, 80, 32, White, Thick);
            buffer.FillBackgroundVerticalLine(40, 0, 32, Yellow);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(41, 0, 32, White, FullBlock);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(42, 0, 32, White, DarkShade);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(43, 0, 32, White, MediumShade);
            buffer.FillForegroundVerticalLine(44, 0, 32, White, LightShade);
            buffer.DrawString(15, 15, Black, "Hello world!");
            buffer.DrawString(15, 16, White, "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! Hello world!");
            //buffer.ApplyBackgroundColorMap(0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height, ColorMaps.Invert);
            //buffer.ApplyForegroundColorMap(0, 0, buffer.Width, buffer.Height, ColorMaps.Invert);
            new ConsoleRenderTarget().Render(buffer);
            //new ConsoleRenderTarget { ColorOverride = White, BackgroundOverride = Black }.Render(buffer);

            Colors.WriteLine("Console without colors is boring...");
            Colors.WriteLine("Colors".Red(), " are".Green(), " fun!".Blue());
                "Background".Red().OnDarkRed(), "colors".Green().OnDarkGreen(), "are".Blue().OnDarkBlue(),
                "even".DarkRed().OnRed(), "more".DarkGreen().OnGreen(), "fun!".DarkBlue().OnBlue());
            Colors.WriteLine(new Border {
                Shadow   = new Thickness(-1, -1, 1, 1), ShadowColor = DarkGray,
                Align    = Align.Left,
                Children = { "Borders yay!".Yellow().OnGray() }

            using (var file = File.Create("../Tmp/1.html"))
                new HtmlRenderTarget(file, new UTF8Encoding(false)).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = new StreamWriter(File.Create("../Tmp/1.ans"), Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm437"))
                NewLine = ""
                new AnsiRenderTarget(file).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = File.Create("../Tmp/1.txt"))
                new TextRenderTarget(file).Render(buffer);
            using (var file = File.Create("../Tmp/1.asc"))
                new TextRenderTarget(file, Encoding.GetEncoding("ibm437")).Render(buffer);

            /*var text = new TextRenderTarget();
             * text.Render(buffer);
             * Console.Write(text.OutputText);*/

             * Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
             * Console.WriteLine("■▬▲►▼◄");
             * Console.WriteLine("▀▄█▌▐");
             * Console.WriteLine("♠♣♥♦");
             * Console.WriteLine("☺☻☼♀♂♫");
             * Console.WriteLine("«»‘’‚‛“”„‟‹›");*/
            /*const string TestString1 = "«»‘’‚‛“”„‟‹›", TestString2 = "─═│║┼╪╫╬";
             * foreach (EncodingInfo encodingInfo in Encoding.GetEncodings()) {
             *  try {
             *      Encoding encoding = encodingInfo.GetEncoding();
             *      bool matched1 = encoding.GetString(encoding.GetBytes(TestString1)) == TestString1;
             *      bool matched2 = encoding.GetString(encoding.GetBytes(TestString2)) == TestString2;
             *      Console.OutputEncoding = encoding;
             *      Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}{1,-20}{2}{3} {4} {5}",
             *          encodingInfo.CodePage, encodingInfo.Name, matched1 ? "+" : "-", matched2 ? "+" : "-", TestString1, TestString2);
             *  }
             *  catch {
             *      Console.WriteLine("{0,-10}{1,-20}xx FAILED",
             *          encodingInfo.CodePage, encodingInfo.Name);
             *  }
             * }*/
            /*for (int i = 1; i < 10000; i += 10) {
             *  var sb = new StringBuilder();
             *  for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
             *      sb.AppendFormat("{0,-6}{1} ", (i + j), (char)(i + j));
             *  Console.Write(sb);
             * }*/
 /// <summary>
 /// Write using a Figlet font
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="text"></param>
 /// <param name="font"></param>
 public void Write(string text, FigletFont font)
     Console.WriteAscii(text, font);
Esempio n. 5
 public FigletCommand()
     FigletFont = FigletFont.Load(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("kuvuBot.Assets.big.flf"));
Esempio n. 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // NOTE: Running all of the following examples at once will result in unexpected
            //       coloring behavior, as more than 16 different colors are used!

            // Uses default ASCII Figlet font.
            Console.WriteAscii("Hello World");
            Console.WriteAsciiAlternating("Hello World", new FrequencyBasedColorAlternator(2, Color.Green, Color.White));

            // Print out Hello World in all example fonts.
            var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            foreach (var resourceName in assembly.GetManifestResourceNames())
                foreach (DictionaryEntry resource in new ResourceReader(assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName)))
                    var    font     = FigletFont.Load((Stream)resource.Value);
                    Figlet figlet   = new Figlet(font);
                    string asciiArt = figlet.ToAscii("Hello World").ConcreteValue;

            //string[] storyFragments = new string[]
            //    "John went to the store.",
            //    "He wanted to buy fruit.",
            //    "The security guard wouldn't let him buy fruit.",
            //    "John didn't like being harrassed about buying fruit.",
            //    "He went to another fruit store.",
            //    "At the other fruit store, he selected a ripe piece of fruit.",
            //    "A security guard came by and deselected the piece of fruit.",
            //    "John selected it again.",
            //    "He was determined to buy fruit.",
            //    "Until 7 PM, when the store closed."

            //int r = 225;
            //int g = 255;
            //int b = 250;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLine(storyFragments[i], Color.FromArgb(r, g, b));

            //    r -= 18;
            //    b -= 9;

            //string dream = " a dream of {0} and {1} and {2} and {3} and {4} and {5} and {6} and {7} and {8} and {9}...";
            //string[] fruits = new string[]
            //    "bananas",
            //    "strawberries",
            //    "mangoes",
            //    "pineapples",
            //    "cherries",
            //    "oranges",
            //    "apples",
            //    "peaches",
            //    "plums",
            //    "melons"
            //Formatter[] fruits = new Formatter[]
            //    new Formatter("bananas", Color.LightGoldenrodYellow),
            //    new Formatter("strawberries", Color.Pink),
            //    new Formatter("mangoes", Color.PeachPuff),
            //    new Formatter("pineapples", Color.Yellow),
            //    new Formatter("cherries", Color.Red),
            //    new Formatter("oranges", Color.Orange),
            //    new Formatter("apples", Color.LawnGreen),
            //    new Formatter("peaches", Color.MistyRose),
            //    new Formatter("plums", Color.Indigo),
            //    new Formatter("melons", Color.LightGreen),

            //Console.WriteLineFormatted(dream, Color.LightGoldenrodYellow, Color.Gray, fruits);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted(dream, Color.Gray, fruits);

            //int meowCounter = 0;
            //string[] meowVariant = new string[]
            //    " merrrowwww",
            //    " meow",
            //    " mew",
            //    " meeeowww",
            //    " meow"

            //ColorAlternatorFactory alternatorFactory = new ColorAlternatorFactory();
            //ColorAlternator alternator = alternatorFactory.GetAlternator(new[] { "hiss", "m[a-z]+w" }, Color.Plum, Color.PaleVioletRed);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            //    string catMessage = " cats";

            //    if (i % 3 == 0)
            //    {
            //        catMessage = meowVariant[meowCounter++];
            //    }
            //    else if (i % 10 == 0)
            //    {
            //        catMessage = " hiss";
            //    }

            //    Console.WriteLineAlternating(catMessage, alternator);

            //ColorAlternatorFactory alternatorFactory = new ColorAlternatorFactory();
            //ColorAlternator alternator = alternatorFactory.GetAlternator(2, Color.Plum, Color.PaleVioletRed);

            //for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            //    Console.WriteLineAlternating(" cats", alternator);

            //string storyAboutRain = " i like rain.  it is nice when it rains, because it means that things  get wet.";

            //StyleSheet styleSheet = new StyleSheet(Color.White);
            //styleSheet.AddStyle("rain[a-z]*", Color.MediumSlateBlue,
            //    (unstyledInput, matchLocation, match) =>
            //    {
            //        if (unstyledInput[matchLocation.End] == '.')
            //        {
            //            return "marshmallows";
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            return "s'mores";
            //        }
            //    });

            //Console.WriteLineStyled(storyAboutRain, styleSheet);

            //ColorAlternatorFactory alternatorFactory = new ColorAlternatorFactory();
            //ColorAlternator alternator = alternatorFactory.GetAlternator(2, Color.PaleTurquoise, Color.PaleGreen);
            ////alternator = alternatorFactory.GetAlternator(new[] { "[0-9]", "a" }, Color.LightYellow, Color.PaleGreen);
            //StyleSheet styleSheet = new StyleSheet(Color.White);
            //styleSheet.AddStyle("h", Color.Red);
            //styleSheet.AddStyle("y", Color.Orange);
            //styleSheet.AddStyle("b", Color.Yellow);
            //styleSheet.AddStyle("[0-9]", Color.Lime);

            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", Color.DeepSkyBlue, new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple));
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}", new Formatter("mike", Color.MediumOrchid), Color.White);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", Color.OrangeRed, Color.Orange, "john", "gary");
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), Color.OldLace);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}", "mike", Color.MediumOrchid, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), new Formatter("brian", Color.MediumBlue), Color.WhiteSmoke);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", "jerry", "larry", Color.Orange, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), new Formatter("brian", Color.MediumBlue), new Formatter("jones", Color.DeepSkyBlue), Color.WhiteSmoke);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "jerry", "larry", "bob smith", Color.Orange, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "jerry", "larry", "bob smith", "david", Color.MediumOrchid, Color.White);

            //Console.WriteAlternating(true, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating('c', alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5m, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5d, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5f, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5L, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating((object)5, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating("cats stalk you" , alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5U, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(5UL, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating("hi {0}", alternator, "bill");
            //Console.WriteAlternating("hi {0}", "bill", alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, 1, 2, alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating("hi {0} and {1}", "bill", "mitch", alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", alternator);
            //Console.WriteAlternating("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", "gladys", alternator);

            //Console.WriteStyled(true, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled('c', styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5m, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5d, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5f, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5L, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled((object)5, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("cats stalk you", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5U, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(5UL, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("hi {0}", "bill", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("hi {0}", "bill", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, 1, 2, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("hi {0} and {1}", "bill", "mitch", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteStyled("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", "gladys", styleSheet);

            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", Color.DeepSkyBlue, new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple));
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}", new Formatter("mike", Color.MediumOrchid), Color.White);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", Color.OrangeRed, Color.Orange, "john", "gary");
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), Color.OldLace);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}", "mike", Color.MediumOrchid, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), new Formatter("brian", Color.MediumBlue), Color.WhiteSmoke);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0} and {1}", "jerry", "larry", Color.Orange, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", new Formatter("billy", Color.MediumAquamarine), new Formatter("steve", Color.MediumPurple), new Formatter("brian", Color.MediumBlue), new Formatter("jones", Color.DeepSkyBlue), Color.WhiteSmoke);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "jerry", "larry", "bob smith", Color.Orange, Color.White);
            //Console.WriteLineFormatted("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "jerry", "larry", "bob smith", "david", Color.MediumOrchid, Color.White);

            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(true, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating('c', alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5m, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5d, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5f, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5L, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating((object)5, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("cats stalk you", alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5U, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(5UL, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("hi {0}", alternator, "bill");
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("hi {0}", "bill", alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, 1, 2, alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("hi {0} and {1}", "bill", "mitch", alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", alternator);
            //Console.WriteLineAlternating("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", "gladys", alternator);

            //Console.WriteLineStyled(true, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled('c', styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5m, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5d, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5f, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5L, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled((object)5, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("cats stalk you", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5U, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(5UL, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("hi {0}", "bill", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("hi {0}", "bill", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled(new[] { 'c', 'a', 't' }, 1, 2, styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("hi {0} and {1}", "bill", "mitch", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("hi {0}, {1}, and {2}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", styleSheet);
            //Console.WriteLineStyled("hi {0}, {1}, {2}, and {3}", "bill", "mitch", "gary", "gladys", styleSheet);

Esempio n. 7
 public RowContent(Component component, string label, string componentName, ColumnLocation location, int offset, object componentParameter, Color?foreColor, Color?backColor, FigletFont font)
     ContentType        = ContentTypes.Component;
     Label              = label;
     Component          = component;
     ComponentParameter = componentParameter;
     ComponentName      = componentName;
     Location           = location;
     Offset             = offset;
     ForegroundColor    = foreColor;
     BackgroundColor    = backColor;
     Font = font;
Esempio n. 8
 public RowContent(string staticContent, ColumnLocation location, int offset, Enum foreColor, Enum backColor, FigletFont font)
     ContentType            = ContentTypes.Static;
     Component              = Component.StaticContent;
     StaticContent          = staticContent;
     Location               = location;
     Offset                 = offset;
     ForegroundColorPalette = foreColor;
     BackgroundColorPalette = backColor;
     Font = font;
Esempio n. 9
        static void Main(string[] args)
            bool   showHelp    = false;
            bool   showPreview = false;
            string font        = "standard";
            string fileOutput  = null;

            bool wroteToFile = false;

            var options = new OptionSet()
                { "h|help|?", v => { showHelp = true; } },
                { "f|font=", v => { font = v; } },
                { "o|output=", filename => {
                      if (filename == null || (filename.IndexOfAny(Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) >= 0))
                          Console.WriteLine("Invalid output file name");

                      fileOutput = filename;
                  } },
                { "p|preview", v => { showPreview = true; } }

            var parsed = options.Parse(args);

            if (showHelp)

            if (showPreview)

            Console.WriteLine($"[Loading font]: dotnet_figlet.Console.Fonts.{font}.flf");

            var    assembly = typeof(Program).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
            Stream resource = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream($"dotnet_figlet.Console.Fonts.{font}.flf");

            if (resource == null)
                Console.WriteLine($"Unknow font: {font}");
                Console.WriteLine("To see a list of available fonts use figlet -p");


            FigletFont figletFont = FigletFont.Load(resource);
            Figlet     figlet     = new Figlet(figletFont);

            Console.WriteLine($"[Figlet font]: MaxLength={figletFont.MaxLength}, Height={figletFont.Height}, FullLayout={figletFont.FullLayout}, BaseLine={figletFont.BaseLine}");
            List <string> extraparams;
                extraparams = options.Parse(args);
            catch (OptionException e)
                Console.Write("Invalid option(s): ");

            string message = "";

            if (extraparams.Count > 0)
                message = String.Join(" ", extraparams.ToArray());

                List <string> tokens = new List <string>();
                foreach (string extraparam in extraparams)
                    tokens.AddRange(extraparam.Split(' ').ToList());

                Console.WriteLine($"[Input]: {message}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Console.WindowWidth: {Console.WindowWidth} Console.LargestWindowWidth: {Console.LargestWindowWidth}");

                int start = 0;
                int take  = tokens.Count;

                bool needsToBeSplitted = true;

                List <string> lines = new List <string>();

                while (needsToBeSplitted)
                    if (take <= 0)
                        needsToBeSplitted = false;

                        if (start < tokens.Count)
                            lines.Add(String.Join(" ", tokens.ToArray()));
                        string[] subSentence = tokens.Skip(start).Take(take).ToArray();

                        string line = String.Join(" ", subSentence);
                        bool   subsentenceLengthOk = figlet.ToAscii(line).CharacterGeometry.GetLength(1) <= (Console.WindowWidth - 1);

                        if (subSentence.Length == 0)
                            needsToBeSplitted = false;
                        else if (subsentenceLengthOk)

                            start = start + subSentence.Length;
                            take  = tokens.Count - start;

                TextWriter   defaultOutput = Console.Out;
                FileStream   stream        = null;
                StreamWriter writer        = null;

                if (fileOutput != null)
                        stream = new FileStream(fileOutput, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write);
                        writer = new StreamWriter(stream);

                        wroteToFile = true;
                    catch (Exception e)


                foreach (string line in lines)
                    Console.WriteLine(figlet.ToAscii(String.Join(" ", line)).ToString());

                if (wroteToFile)

