// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Volume controlled by sin wave! With max volume of 75% and start delay of 4s float timeMult = ((Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - 4f) % TIME_MUSIC_DURATION) / TIME_MUSIC_DURATION; float volume = Mathf.Sin(Mathf.PI * 2 * timeMult) / 2 + 0.25f; //Debug.Log(volume); if (!musicSrc.isPlaying && volume >= -0.1f) { musicSrc.Play(); } else if (musicSrc.isPlaying && volume <= -0.1f) { musicSrc.Stop(); } if (volume < 0) { volume = 0; } musicSrc.volume = volume; // ESC / Android BACK button if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape)) { fade.FadeLaunch(null); } // Touch input foreach (Touch touch in Input.touches) { if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { OnTapDown(touch.position); } } // Mouse click if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { OnTapDown(Input.mousePosition); } }
public void OnBackButton() { fade.FadeLaunch("Launcher"); }