public async Task TestPostFactorySuccess()
            CityDTO cdto = new CityDTO();

            cdto.Latitude  = -20.0;
            cdto.Longitude = 4.0;
            cdto.CityId    = 3;
            cdto.Name      = "Third_Test_City";

            FactoryDTO dto = new FactoryDTO();

            dto.Description = "Post_Test_Factory";
            dto.City        = cdto;

            //Should create the new factory
            var result = await controller.PostFactory(dto);

            Assert.IsType <CreatedAtActionResult>(result);

            OkObjectResult new_res = (OkObjectResult)await controller.GetFactory(3);

            FactoryDTO new_dto = (FactoryDTO)new_res.Value;

            //Information inside the retrived FactoryDTO should be equivalent to the newly created factory
            Assert.Equal("Post_Test_Factory", new_dto.Description);
            Assert.True(3 == new_dto.FactoryId);
            Assert.Equal("Third_Test_City", new_dto.City.Name);
            Assert.True(-20.0 == new_dto.City.Latitude);
            Assert.True(4.0 == new_dto.City.Longitude);
            Assert.True(3 == new_dto.City.CityId);