Esempio n. 1
        private static void LoadStockInfo(string stock_fpath, string workpieceID)
            double stock_x, stock_y, stock_z;
            double stock_thickness;
            double stock_bbox_xmin, stock_bbox_xmax,
                   stock_bbox_ymin, stock_bbox_ymax,
                   stock_bbox_zmin, stock_bbox_zmax;

            if (!(Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block &&
                  Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_None))
                Variables.stock.BoundingBox(out stock_bbox_xmin, out stock_bbox_ymin, out stock_bbox_zmin,
                                            out stock_bbox_xmax, out stock_bbox_ymax, out stock_bbox_zmax,
                                            tagFMCoordinateSpace.eCS_World, null);
                stock_thickness = stock_bbox_zmax - stock_bbox_zmin;

                Variables.stock.GetLocation(out stock_x, out stock_y, out stock_z);
                if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                    stock_z = stock_z - stock_thickness;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisX)
                    stock_y = stock_z = 0;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisY)
                    stock_x = stock_z = 0;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisZ)
                    stock_y = stock_z = 0;

                Variables.eureka_proj.AddFileShape("stock", workpieceID, stock_fpath,
                                                   Variables.offset_x, Variables.offset_y, Variables.offset_z, 0, 0, 0, "");
                Variables.eureka_proj.SetShapeAsStock(workpieceID + ".stock");
                FMSetup setup = Variables.doc.Setups.Item(Variables.selected_setup_id + 1);
                FMUcs   ucs = setup.ucs;
                double  i, j, k;

                double x, y, z,
                       xx, xy, xz,
                       yx, yy, yz,
                       zx, zy, zz;
                ucs.GetLocation(out x, out y, out z);
                ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz,
                               out yx, out yy, out yz,
                               out zx, out zy, out zz);
                ComputeEulerAngles(ucs, out i, out j, out k);
                Variables.eureka_proj.AddFileShape("stock", workpieceID, stock_fpath,
                                                   Variables.offset_x, Variables.offset_y, -1 * Variables.offset_z, i, j, k, "");
                Variables.eureka_proj.SetShapeAsStock(workpieceID + ".stock");
        private static void SaveNCForSetup(FMDocument doc, FMSetup setup,
                                           string fname_no_ext, string ext, string output_dirpath,
                                           out int nc_files_num, out object nc_file_names,
                                           out string err_msg, ref bool is_op_error)
            int    doc_files_num, macro_files_num;
            object doc_file_names, macro_file_names;

            nc_files_num  = 0;
            err_msg       = "";
            nc_file_names = null;

            LogFile.Write(String.Format("Run sim and save nc for setup {0}", setup.Name));

            is_op_error = false;
            foreach (FeatureCAM.FMFeature feat in setup.Features)
                for (int i = 1; i <= feat.Operations.Count; i++)
                    if (feat.Operations.Item(i).Errors.Trim() != "")
                        is_op_error = true;

            if (is_op_error)
                LogFile.Write("There are errors in the setup's operations list. NC code will not be exported. Project file won't be exported as well.");

            doc.SaveNC(fname_no_ext + ext, output_dirpath, true,
                       FeatureCAM.tagFMSaveNCFileType.eNCFT_NCCode, false, out err_msg,
                       out nc_files_num, out nc_file_names, out doc_files_num, out doc_file_names,
                       out macro_files_num, out macro_file_names);
            LogFile.Write(String.Format("{0} file(s) created", nc_files_num));
        private static string GetToolsInSetups(FMSetup setup)
            string       setup_tool_list = "";
            FMFeatures   feats;
            FMFeature    feat;
            FMOperations ops;
            FMOperation  op;
            FMTool       tool;

            if (setup == null)

            feats = setup.Features;

            if (feats == null)

            for (int fi = 1; fi <= feats.Count; fi++)
                feat = (FMFeature)feats.Item(fi);
                string featname = feat.Name;
                ops = feat.Operations;
                for (int oi = 1; oi <= ops.Count; oi++)
                    op = (FMOperation)ops.Item(oi);
                    string opname = (string)op.OperationName;
                    tool = (FMTool)op.Tool;
                    if (tool != null)
                        setup_tool_list += (string)tool.Name + ';';
        private static string GetNCCodeInfo()
            string fcontent = "";
            double xx, xy, xz,
                   yx, yy, yz,
                   zx, zy, zz;
            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
            double stock_x, stock_y, stock_z;
            double stock_thickness;
            double stock_bbox_xmin, stock_bbox_xmax,
                   stock_bbox_ymin, stock_bbox_ymax,
                   stock_bbox_zmin, stock_bbox_zmax;

            Variables.stock.GetLocation(out stock_x, out stock_y, out stock_z);
            Variables.stock.BoundingBox(out stock_bbox_xmin, out stock_bbox_ymin, out stock_bbox_zmin,
                                        out stock_bbox_xmax, out stock_bbox_ymax, out stock_bbox_zmax,
                                        tagFMCoordinateSpace.eCS_World, null);
            stock_thickness = stock_bbox_zmax - stock_bbox_zmin;

            fcontent += "BEGIN_NCFRAME" + Environment.NewLine;

            if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_None)
                Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz,
                                                         out yx, out yy, out yz,
                                                         out zx, out zy, out zz);
                double tempx, tempy, tempz;
                tempx = tempy = tempz = 0;
                if (xx == 1 && xy == 0 && xz == 0 &&
                    yx == 0 && yy == 1 && yz == 0)
                    tempz = z + stock_bbox_zmin;
                (Variables.doc.Setups.Item(Variables.selected_setup_id + 1)).MapWorldToSetup(ref tempx, ref tempy, ref tempz);
                fcontent += + "|FRAME|G" + Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.FixtureID + "|" +
                            Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_x, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                            Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_y, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                            Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(-1 * Variables.offset_z, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                            Math.Round(1.0, 4) + "," + Math.Round(0.0, 4) + "," + Math.Round(0.0, 4) + "," +
                            Math.Round(0.0, 4) + "," + Math.Round(1.0, 4) + "," + Math.Round(0.0, 4) + "|" + Environment.NewLine;
            else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisX ||
                     Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisY ||
                     Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisZ)
                foreach (FMSetup setup in Variables.doc.Setups)
                    if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                        x = stock_x + x;
                        y = stock_y + y;
                        z = stock_z + stock_thickness + z;
                    setup.MapSetupToWorld(ref x, ref y, ref z);
                    setup.ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz, out yx, out yy, out yz, out zx, out zy, out zz);
                    fcontent += + "|FRAME|G" + setup.FixtureID + "|" +
                                Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(x), 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(y), 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(z), 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(xx, 4) + "," + Math.Round(xy, 4) + "," + Math.Round(xz, 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(yx, 4) + "," + Math.Round(yy, 4) + "," + Math.Round(yz, 4) + "|" + Environment.NewLine;
            else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_5thAxis)
                if (Settings.is_use_DATUM)
                    string touch_off_setup_name;

                    touch_off_setup_name = Variables.stock.TouchOffSetup;
                    FMSetup setup = Variables.doc.Setups.Item(touch_off_setup_name);
                    setup.ucs.GetLocation(out x, out y, out z);
                    x        += Variables.offset_x;
                    y        += Variables.offset_y;
                    z        += Variables.offset_z;
                    fcontent += + "|FRAME|P0|" +
                                Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(x, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(y, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                                Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(-z, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                                "1.0,0.0,0.0" + "," + "0.0,1.0,0.0|" + Environment.NewLine;
                    foreach (FMSetup setup in Variables.doc.Setups)
                        if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                            x = stock_x + x;
                            y = stock_y + y;
                            z = stock_z + stock_thickness + z;
                        setup.MapSetupToWorld(ref x, ref y, ref z);
                        setup.ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz, out yx, out yy, out yz, out zx, out zy, out zz);
                        fcontent += + "|FRAME|G" + setup.FixtureID + "|" +
                                    Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(x), 4) + "," +
                                    Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(y), 4) + "," +
                                    Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(z), 4) + "," +
                                    Math.Round(xx, 4) + "," + Math.Round(xy, 4) + "," + Math.Round(xz, 4) + "," +
                                    Math.Round(yx, 4) + "," + Math.Round(yy, 4) + "," + Math.Round(yz, 4) + "|" + Environment.NewLine;

            fcontent += "END" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;

        private static string GetStockInfo()
            string fcontent = "";
            double stock_x, stock_y, stock_z;
            double stock_thickness;
            double stock_bbox_xmin, stock_bbox_xmax,
                   stock_bbox_ymin, stock_bbox_ymax,
                   stock_bbox_zmin, stock_bbox_zmax;

            if (!(Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block &&
                  Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_None))
                Variables.stock.BoundingBox(out stock_bbox_xmin, out stock_bbox_ymin, out stock_bbox_zmin,
                                            out stock_bbox_xmax, out stock_bbox_ymax, out stock_bbox_zmax,
                                            tagFMCoordinateSpace.eCS_World, null);
                stock_thickness = stock_bbox_zmax - stock_bbox_zmin;

                Variables.stock.GetLocation(out stock_x, out stock_y, out stock_z);
                if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                    stock_z = stock_z - stock_thickness;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisX)
                    stock_y = stock_z = 0;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisY)
                    stock_x = stock_z = 0;
                else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisZ)
                    stock_y = stock_z = 0;

                fcontent +=
                    "BEGIN_MODEL" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|UNITS|" + (Variables.doc.Metric ? "MM" : "INCH") + "|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|VECTOR|" + Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_x, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                    Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_y, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                    Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_z, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) +
                    "|0.0,0.0,0.0|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|MATRICE_OXY|" + Math.Round(stock_x, 4) + "," + Math.Round(stock_y, 4) + "," + Math.Round(stock_z, 4) + "," + "1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|STOCK|STL|stock.stl|0.1|" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "END" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
                FMSetup setup = Variables.doc.Setups.Item(Variables.selected_setup_id + 1);
                FMUcs   ucs   = setup.ucs;

                double x, y, z,
                       xx, xy, xz,
                       yx, yy, yz,
                       zx, zy, zz;
                ucs.GetLocation(out x, out y, out z);
                ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz,
                               out yx, out yy, out yz,
                               out zx, out zy, out zz);
                Variables.stock.BoundingBox(out stock_bbox_xmin, out stock_bbox_ymin, out stock_bbox_zmin,
                                            out stock_bbox_xmax, out stock_bbox_ymax, out stock_bbox_zmax,
                                            tagFMCoordinateSpace.eCS_World, null);
                double tempx, tempy, tempz;
                tempx = tempy = tempz = 0;

                if (xx == 1 && xy == 0 && xz == 0 &&
                    yx == 0 && yy == 1 && yz == 0)
                    tempz = (stock_bbox_zmax - stock_bbox_zmin) + z;
                setup.MapWorldToSetup(ref tempx, ref tempy, ref tempz);

                fcontent +=
                    "BEGIN_MODEL" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|UNITS|" + (Variables.doc.Metric ? "MM" : "INCH") + "|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|VECTOR|" + Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_x, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                    Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_y, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) + "," +
                    Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_z, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4) +
                    "|0.0,0.0,0.0|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|MATRICE_OXY|" + Math.Round(x, 4) + "," + Math.Round(y, 4) + "," + Math.Round(z, 4) + "," +
                    xx + "," + xy + "," + xz + "," + yx + "," + yy + "," + yz + "|" + Environment.NewLine +
           + "|STOCK|STL|stock.stl|0.1|" + Environment.NewLine +
                    "END" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine;
        private static void SetCoordSystemInfo(SetupInfo setup_info, ref string mod_setup_info)
            int    pos_s, pos_e, insert_at;
            string coord_sys_desc,

                if (setup_info.ucss == null)

                FindXMLBlock(mod_setup_info, "CSystems", out pos_s, out pos_e);
                if (pos_s < 0 || pos_e < 0) //there is no Setups info in the template
                    new_component_str = "    <CSystems Simulation=\"off\">" + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "      <Machine></Machine>" + Environment.NewLine +
                                        "    </CSystems>" + Environment.NewLine;
                    new_component_str = mod_setup_info.Substring(pos_s, pos_e - pos_s);

                coord_sys_desc = "";
                FMUcs   attach_ucs = Variables.doc.UCSs.Item(setup_info.attach_ucs);
                FMSetup temp_setup = Variables.doc.AddSetup(setup_info.attach_ucs + "_temp_setup", tagFMSetupType.eST_Milling, null, attach_ucs.Name, Type.Missing);
                temp_setup.Enabled = false;
                foreach (UCS ucs in Variables.all_ucss)
                    double x, y, z, i, j, k;
                    ucs.ComputeCoordinatesInRelationToSetup(temp_setup, out x, out y, out z, out i, out j, out k);
                    coord_sys_desc += String.Format("      <CSystem Name=\"{0}\" Type=\"component\" Visible=\"none\" Color=\"-1\" Transition=\"{1}\">\r\n", (!setup_info.sub_spindle ? "" : "(Main) ") +, ( ? "on" : "off")) +
                                      String.Format("        <Attach>{0}</Attach>\r\n", (! ? setup_info.attach_ucss_to : setup_info.attach_stock_to)) +
                                      String.Format("        <Position X=\"{0}\" Y=\"{1}\" Z=\"{2}\"/>\r\n", Math.Round(x, 4), Math.Round(y, 4), Math.Round(z, 4)) +
                                      String.Format("        <Rotation I=\"{0}\" J=\"{1}\" K=\"{2}\"/>\r\n", i, j, k) +
                                      String.Format("      </CSystem>\r\n");
                FMUcs temp_setup_ucs = temp_setup.ucs;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(setup_info.attach_ucs_subspindle))
                    attach_ucs         = Variables.doc.UCSs.Item(setup_info.attach_ucs_subspindle);
                    temp_setup         = Variables.doc.AddSetup(setup_info.attach_ucs_subspindle + "_temp_setup", tagFMSetupType.eST_Milling, null, attach_ucs.Name, Type.Missing);
                    temp_setup.Enabled = false;
                    if (setup_info.attach_ucss_to_subspindle != "")
                        foreach (UCS ucs in Variables.all_ucss)
                            double x, y, z, i, j, k;
                            ucs.ComputeCoordinatesInRelationToSetup(temp_setup, out x, out y, out z, out i, out j, out k);
                            coord_sys_desc += String.Format("      <CSystem Name=\"{0}\" Type=\"component\" Visible=\"none\" Color=\"-1\" Transition=\"{1}\">\r\n", "(Sub) " +, ( ? "on" : "off")) +
                                              String.Format("        <Attach>{0}</Attach>\r\n", (! ? setup_info.attach_ucss_to_subspindle : setup_info.attach_stock_to_subspindle)) +
                                              String.Format("        <Position X=\"{0}\" Y=\"{1}\" Z=\"{2}\"/>\r\n", Math.Round(x, 4), Math.Round(y, 4), Math.Round(z, 4)) +
                                              String.Format("        <Rotation I=\"{0}\" J=\"{1}\" K=\"{2}\"/>\r\n", i, j, k) +
                                              String.Format("      </CSystem>\r\n");
                    temp_setup_ucs = temp_setup.ucs;
                insert_at         = new_component_str.IndexOf("</CSystems>");
                insert_at         = new_component_str.LastIndexOf(Environment.NewLine, insert_at) + Environment.NewLine.Length;
                new_component_str = new_component_str.Insert(insert_at, coord_sys_desc);

                if (pos_s < 0 || pos_e < 0) //there is no Setups info in the template
                    insert_at      = mod_setup_info.IndexOf("</Setup>");
                    insert_at      = mod_setup_info.LastIndexOf(Environment.NewLine, insert_at) + Environment.NewLine.Length;
                    mod_setup_info = mod_setup_info.Insert(insert_at, new_component_str);
                    mod_setup_info = mod_setup_info.Substring(0, pos_s) +
                                     new_component_str +
            catch (Exception Ex)
                LogFile.WriteException(Ex, "SetCoordSystemInfo");
Esempio n. 7
        private static void GetNCCodeInfo(Eureka.Controller controller)
            double xx, xy, xz,
                   yx, yy, yz,
                   zx, zy, zz;
            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0;
            double stock_x, stock_y, stock_z;
            double stock_thickness;
            double stock_bbox_xmin, stock_bbox_xmax,
                   stock_bbox_ymin, stock_bbox_ymax,
                   stock_bbox_zmin, stock_bbox_zmax;
            int work_ref_index;

            Variables.stock.GetLocation(out stock_x, out stock_y, out stock_z);
            Variables.stock.BoundingBox(out stock_bbox_xmin, out stock_bbox_ymin, out stock_bbox_zmin,
                                        out stock_bbox_xmax, out stock_bbox_ymax, out stock_bbox_zmax,
                                        tagFMCoordinateSpace.eCS_World, null);
            stock_thickness = stock_bbox_zmax - stock_bbox_zmin;

            if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_None)
                Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz,
                                                         out yx, out yy, out yz,
                                                         out zx, out zy, out zz);
                double tempx, tempy, tempz;
                tempx = tempy = tempz = 0;
                if (xx == 1 && xy == 0 && xz == 0 &&
                    yx == 0 && yy == 1 && yz == 0)
                    tempz = z + stock_bbox_zmin;

                work_ref_index = controller.GetWorkReferenceIndex("G" + Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.FixtureID);
                if (work_ref_index > 0)
                                                       Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_x, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4),
                                                       Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(Variables.offset_y, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4),
                                                       Math.Round(Lib.FromUnitsToUnits(-1 * Variables.offset_z, Variables.doc.Metric, true), 4));
            else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisX ||
                     Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisY ||
                     Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_4thAxisZ)
                foreach (FMSetup setup in Variables.doc.Setups)
                    if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                        x = stock_x + x;
                        y = stock_y + y;
                        z = stock_z + stock_thickness + z;
                    work_ref_index = controller.GetWorkReferenceIndex("G" + Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.FixtureID);
                    if (work_ref_index > 0)
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(x), 4),
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(y), 4),
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(z), 4));
            else if (Variables.stock.IndexType == tagFMIndexType.eIT_5thAxis)
                if (Variables.use_DATUM)
                    string touch_off_setup_name;

                    touch_off_setup_name = Variables.stock.TouchOffSetup;
                    FMSetup setup = Variables.doc.Setups.Item(touch_off_setup_name);
                    setup.ucs.GetLocation(out x, out y, out z);
                    x += Variables.offset_x;
                    y += Variables.offset_y;
                    z += Variables.offset_z;
                    work_ref_index = controller.GetWorkReferenceIndex(Variables.doc.ActiveSetup.FixtureID);
                    if (work_ref_index > 0)
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(x), 4),
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(y), 4),
                                                           Math.Round(Lib.Inch2MM(z), 4));
                    foreach (FMSetup setup in Variables.doc.Setups)
                        if (Variables.stock.Type == tagFMStockType.eST_Block)
                            x = stock_x + x;
                            y = stock_y + y;
                            z = stock_z + stock_thickness + z;
                        setup.MapSetupToWorld(ref x, ref y, ref z);
                        setup.ucs.GetVectors(out xx, out xy, out xz, out yx, out yy, out yz, out zx, out zy, out zz);