Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Project, Site, or Building GUID.  If a shared parameter is set with a valid IFC GUID value,
        /// that value will override the default one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="document">The document.</param>
        /// <param name="guidType">The GUID being created.</param>
        /// <returns>The IFC GUID value.</returns>
        /// <remarks>For Sites, the user should only use this routine if there is no Site element in the file.  Otherwise, they
        /// should use CreateSiteGUID below, which takes an Element pointer.</remarks>
        static public string CreateProjectLevelGUID(Document document, ProjectLevelGUIDType guidType)
            string      parameterName = "Ifc" + guidType.ToString() + " GUID";
            ProjectInfo projectInfo   = document.ProjectInformation;

            BuiltInParameter parameterId = BuiltInParameter.INVALID;

            switch (guidType)
            case ProjectLevelGUIDType.Building:
                parameterId = BuiltInParameter.IFC_BUILDING_GUID;

            case ProjectLevelGUIDType.Project:
                parameterId = BuiltInParameter.IFC_PROJECT_GUID;

            case ProjectLevelGUIDType.Site:
                parameterId = BuiltInParameter.IFC_SITE_GUID;

                // This should eventually log an error.

            if (projectInfo != null)
                string paramValue = null;
                ParameterUtil.GetStringValueFromElement(projectInfo, parameterName, out paramValue);
                if (!IsValidIFCGUID(paramValue) && parameterId != BuiltInParameter.INVALID)
                    ParameterUtil.GetStringValueFromElement(projectInfo, parameterId, out paramValue);

                if (IsValidIFCGUID(paramValue))

            ElementId projectLevelElementId = new ElementId((int)guidType);

            System.Guid guid    = ExportUtils.GetExportId(document, projectLevelElementId);
            string      ifcGUID = ConvertToIFCGuid(guid);

            if ((projectInfo != null) && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.GUIDOptions.StoreIFCGUID)
                if (parameterId != BuiltInParameter.INVALID)
                    ExporterCacheManager.GUIDsToStoreCache[new KeyValuePair <ElementId, BuiltInParameter>(projectInfo.Id, parameterId)] = ifcGUID;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a map between revit element ids and their IFC GUIDs inside the given document.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doc">A revit document</param>
        /// <param name="elements">A list of element ids</param>
        /// <returns>The map between IFC GUIDs and revit element ids.</returns>
        public static Dictionary <string, ElementId> GetIfcGuidElementIdMap(this Document doc,
                                                                            IEnumerable <ElementId> elements)
            var map = new Dictionary <string, ElementId>();

            foreach (ElementId element in elements)
                var ifcGuid = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, element));
                if (!map.ContainsKey(ifcGuid))
                    map.Add(ifcGuid, element);

Esempio n. 3
        static private string CreateGUIDBase(Element element, BuiltInParameter parameterName, out bool shouldStore)
            shouldStore = false;
            string ifcGUID = null;

            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.GUIDOptions.AllowGUIDParameterOverride)
                ParameterUtil.GetStringValueFromElement(element, parameterName, out ifcGUID);
            if (!IsValidIFCGUID(ifcGUID))
                System.Guid guid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(element.Document, element.Id);
                ifcGUID     = ConvertToIFCGuid(guid);
                shouldStore = true;

Esempio n. 4
        static private string CreateGUIDBase(Element element, BuiltInParameter parameterName, out bool shouldStore)
            string ifcGUID = null;

            shouldStore = CanStoreGUID(element);

            // Avoid getting into an object if the object is part of the Group. It may cause regrenerate that invalidate other ElementIds
            if (shouldStore && ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.GUIDOptions.AllowGUIDParameterOverride)
                ParameterUtil.GetStringValueFromElement(element, parameterName, out ifcGUID);

            if (!IsValidIFCGUID(ifcGUID))
                System.Guid guid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(element.Document, element.Id);
                ifcGUID = ConvertToIFCGuid(guid);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Viewpoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elemCheck"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public VisualizationInfo generateViewpoint(int elemCheck)
                UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document   doc   = uidoc.Document;

                VisualizationInfo v = new VisualizationInfo();

                XYZ    centerIMP = new XYZ();
                string type      = "";
                double zoomValue = 1;

                if (uidoc.ActiveView.ViewType != ViewType.ThreeD) //is a 2D view
                    XYZ TL = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[0];
                    XYZ BR = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[1];
                    v.SheetCamera             = new SheetCamera();
                    v.SheetCamera.SheetID     = uidoc.ActiveView.Id.IntegerValue;
                    v.SheetCamera.TopLeft     = new IssueTracker.Classes.BCF2.Point(TL.X, TL.Y, TL.Z);
                    v.SheetCamera.BottomRight = new IssueTracker.Classes.BCF2.Point(BR.X, BR.Y, BR.Z);
                    View3D view3D = (View3D)uidoc.ActiveView;
                    if (!view3D.IsPerspective) //IS ORTHO
                        XYZ TL = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[0];
                        XYZ BR = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[1];

                        double xO = (TL.X + BR.X) / 2;
                        double yO = (TL.Y + BR.Y) / 2;
                        double zO = (TL.Z + BR.Z) / 2;
                        //converto to METERS
                        centerIMP = new XYZ(xO, yO, zO);
                        double dist       = TL.DistanceTo(BR) / 2; //custom sectet value to get solibri zoom value from Corners of Revit UiView
                        XYZ    diagVector = TL.Subtract(BR);
                        // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                        //zoomValue = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(dist * Math.Sin(diagVector.AngleTo(view3D.RightDirection)), DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                        double customZoomValue = (MyProjectSettings.Get("useDefaultZoom", doc.PathName) == "1") ? 1 : 2.5;

                        zoomValue = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(dist * Math.Sin(diagVector.AngleTo(view3D.RightDirection)), DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * customZoomValue;
                        type      = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    else // it is a perspective view
                        centerIMP = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin;
                        type      = "PerspectiveCamera";
                        zoomValue = 45;
                    ViewOrientation3D t = ConvertBasePoint(centerIMP, uidoc.ActiveView.ViewDirection, uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection, false);
                    //ViewOrientation3D t = new ViewOrientation3D(centerIMP, uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection, uidoc.ActiveView.ViewDirection);
                    XYZ c  = t.EyePosition;
                    XYZ vi = t.ForwardDirection;
                    XYZ up = t.UpDirection;

                    if (type == "OrthogonalCamera")
                        v.OrthogonalCamera = new OrthogonalCamera();
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale  = zoomValue;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView       = zoomValue;

                    // handle section box if enabled
                    if (view3D.IsSectionBoxActive)
                        BoundingBoxXYZ sectionBox = view3D.GetSectionBox();

                        // Note that the section box can be rotated and transformed.
                        // So the min/max corners coordinates relative to the model must be computed via the transform.
                        Transform trf = sectionBox.Transform;

                        XYZ max = sectionBox.Max; //Maximum coordinates (upper-right-front corner of the box before transform is applied).
                        XYZ min = sectionBox.Min; //Minimum coordinates (lower-left-rear corner of the box before transform is applied).

                        // Transform the min and max to model coordinates
                        XYZ maxInModelCoords = trf.OfPoint(max);
                        XYZ minInModelCoords = trf.OfPoint(min);

                        // Convert to project unit
                        DisplayUnitType lengthUnitType = doc.GetUnits().GetFormatOptions(UnitType.UT_Length).DisplayUnits;
                        maxInModelCoords = new XYZ(UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(maxInModelCoords.X, lengthUnitType),
                                                   UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(maxInModelCoords.Y, lengthUnitType),
                                                   UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(maxInModelCoords.Z, lengthUnitType));
                        minInModelCoords = new XYZ(UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(minInModelCoords.X, lengthUnitType),
                                                   UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(minInModelCoords.Y, lengthUnitType),
                                                   UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(minInModelCoords.Z, lengthUnitType));

                        // Convert to shared coordinates
                        maxInModelCoords = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertToFromSharedCoordinate(doc, maxInModelCoords, false);
                        minInModelCoords = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertToFromSharedCoordinate(doc, minInModelCoords, false);

                        // Add to BCF clipping planes
                        v.ClippingPlanes = BcfAdapter.GetClippingPlanesFromBoundingBox
                            maxInModelCoords.X, maxInModelCoords.Y, maxInModelCoords.Z,
                            minInModelCoords.X, minInModelCoords.Y, minInModelCoords.Z

                //COMPONENTS PART
                FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType();
                System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <ElementId> collection = null;

                if (elemCheck == 0)
                    collection = collector.ToElementIds();
                else if (elemCheck == 1)
                    collection = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

                if (null != collection && collection.Any())
                    v.Components = new List <IssueTracker.Classes.BCF2.Component>();
                    foreach (var eId in collection)
                        Guid   guid    = ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, eId);
                        string ifcguid = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(guid).ToString();
                        v.Components.Add(new ARUP.IssueTracker.Classes.BCF2.Component(doc.Application.VersionName, eId.ToString(), ifcguid));

            catch (System.Exception ex1)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex1);
Esempio n. 6
        //Generate a VisualizationInfo of the current view
        private VisualizationInfo GenerateViewpoint()
                var uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
                var doc   = uidoc.Document;

                var v = new VisualizationInfo();

                //Corners of the active UI view
                var topLeft     = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[0];
                var bottomRight = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[1];

                //It's a 2D view
                //not supported by BCF, but I store it under a custom
                //fields using 2D coordinates and sheet id
                if (uidoc.ActiveView.ViewType != ViewType.ThreeD)
                    v.SheetCamera = new SheetCamera
                        SheetID = uidoc.ActiveView.Id.IntegerValue,
                        TopLeft = new Point {
                            X = topLeft.X, Y = topLeft.Y, Z = topLeft.Z
                        BottomRight = new Point {
                            X = bottomRight.X, Y = bottomRight.Y, Z = bottomRight.Z
                //It's a 3d view
                    var    viewCenter = new XYZ();
                    var    view3D     = (View3D)uidoc.ActiveView;
                    double zoomValue  = 1;
                    // it is a orthogonal view
                    if (!view3D.IsPerspective)
                        double x = (topLeft.X + bottomRight.X) / 2;
                        double y = (topLeft.Y + bottomRight.Y) / 2;
                        double z = (topLeft.Z + bottomRight.Z) / 2;
                        //center of the UI view
                        viewCenter = new XYZ(x, y, z);

                        //vector going from BR to TL
                        XYZ diagVector = topLeft.Subtract(bottomRight);
                        //lenght of the vector
                        double dist = topLeft.DistanceTo(bottomRight) / 2;

                        //ViewToWorldScale value
                        zoomValue = dist * Math.Sin(diagVector.AngleTo(view3D.RightDirection)).ToMeters();

                        // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                        // calculated sperimentally, not sure why but it works
                        //if (UserSettings.Get("optTekla") == "1")
                        //  zoomValue = zoomValue * 2.5;
                        // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //

                        ViewOrientation3D t = RevitUtils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, viewCenter, uidoc.ActiveView.ViewDirection,
                                                                          uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection, false);

                        XYZ c  = t.EyePosition;
                        XYZ vi = t.ForwardDirection;
                        XYZ up = t.UpDirection;

                        v.OrthogonalCamera = new OrthogonalCamera
                            CameraViewPoint =
                                X = c.X.ToMeters(),
                                Y = c.Y.ToMeters(),
                                Z = c.Z.ToMeters()
                            CameraUpVector =
                                X = up.X.ToMeters(),
                                Y = up.Y.ToMeters(),
                                Z = up.Z.ToMeters()
                            CameraDirection =
                                X = vi.X.ToMeters() * -1,
                                Y = vi.Y.ToMeters() * -1,
                                Z = vi.Z.ToMeters() * -1
                            ViewToWorldScale = zoomValue
                    // it is a perspective view
                        viewCenter = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin;
                        //revit default value
                        zoomValue = 45;

                        ViewOrientation3D t = RevitUtils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, viewCenter, uidoc.ActiveView.ViewDirection,
                                                                          uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection, false);

                        XYZ c  = t.EyePosition;
                        XYZ vi = t.ForwardDirection;
                        XYZ up = t.UpDirection;

                        v.PerspectiveCamera = new PerspectiveCamera
                            CameraViewPoint =
                                X = c.X.ToMeters(),
                                Y = c.Y.ToMeters(),
                                Z = c.Z.ToMeters()
                            CameraUpVector =
                                X = up.X.ToMeters(),
                                Y = up.Y.ToMeters(),
                                Z = up.Z.ToMeters()
                            CameraDirection =
                                X = vi.X.ToMeters() * -1,
                                Y = vi.Y.ToMeters() * -1,
                                Z = vi.Z.ToMeters() * -1
                            FieldOfView = zoomValue
                //COMPONENTS PART
                string versionName = doc.Application.VersionName;
                v.Components = new List <Component>();

                var visibleElems = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id)
                var hiddenElems = new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
                                  .Where(x => x.IsHidden(doc.ActiveView) ||
                                         !doc.ActiveView.IsElementVisibleInTemporaryViewMode(TemporaryViewMode.TemporaryHideIsolate, x.Id)).ToList();//would need to check how much this is affecting performance

                var selectedElems = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

                //include only hidden elements and selected in the BCF
                if (visibleElems.Count() > hiddenElems.Count())
                    foreach (var elem in hiddenElems)
                        v.Components.Add(new Component
                            OriginatingSystem = versionName,
                            IfcGuid           = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, elem.Id)),
                            Visible           = false,
                            Selected          = false,
                            AuthoringToolId   = elem.Id.IntegerValue.ToString()
                    foreach (var elem in selectedElems)
                        v.Components.Add(new Component
                            OriginatingSystem = versionName,
                            IfcGuid           = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, elem)),
                            Visible           = true,
                            Selected          = true,
                            AuthoringToolId   = elem.IntegerValue.ToString()
                //include only visigle elements
                //all the others are hidden
                    foreach (var elem in visibleElems)
                        v.Components.Add(new Component
                            OriginatingSystem = versionName,
                            IfcGuid           = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, elem)),
                            Visible           = true,
                            Selected          = selectedElems.Contains(elem),
                            AuthoringToolId   = elem.IntegerValue.ToString()
            catch (System.Exception ex1)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error generating viewpoint", "exception: " + ex1);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate Viewpoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elemCheck"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private VisualizationInfo generateViewpoint(int elemCheck)
                UIDocument uidoc = uiapp.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document   doc   = uidoc.Document;

                VisualizationInfo v = new VisualizationInfo();

                XYZ    centerIMP = new XYZ();
                string type      = "";
                double zoomValue = 1;

                if (uidoc.ActiveView.ViewType != ViewType.ThreeD) //is a 2D view
                    XYZ TL = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[0];
                    XYZ BR = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[1];
                    v.SheetCamera             = new SheetCamera();
                    v.SheetCamera.SheetID     = uidoc.ActiveView.Id.IntegerValue;
                    v.SheetCamera.TopLeft     = new IssueTracker.Data.Point(TL.X, TL.Y, TL.Z);
                    v.SheetCamera.BottomRight = new IssueTracker.Data.Point(BR.X, BR.Y, BR.Z);
                    View3D view3D = (View3D)uidoc.ActiveView;
                    if (!view3D.IsPerspective) //IS ORTHO
                        XYZ TL = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[0];
                        XYZ BR = uidoc.GetOpenUIViews()[0].GetZoomCorners()[1];

                        double xO = (TL.X + BR.X) / 2;
                        double yO = (TL.Y + BR.Y) / 2;
                        double zO = (TL.Z + BR.Z) / 2;
                        //converto to METERS
                        centerIMP = new XYZ(xO, yO, zO);
                        double dist            = TL.DistanceTo(BR) / 2; //custom value to get solibri zoom value from Corners of Revit UiView
                        XYZ    diagVector      = TL.Subtract(BR);
                        double customZoomValue = (ProjectSettings.Get("useDefaultZoom", doc.PathName) == "1") ? 1 : 2.5;

                        zoomValue = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(dist * Math.Sin(diagVector.AngleTo(view3D.RightDirection)), DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * customZoomValue;
                        type      = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    else // it is a perspective view
                        centerIMP = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin;
                        type      = "PerspectiveCamera";
                        zoomValue = 45;
                    ViewOrientation3D t = ConvertBasePoint(centerIMP, uidoc.ActiveView.ViewDirection, uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection, false);
                    XYZ c  = t.EyePosition;
                    XYZ vi = t.ForwardDirection;
                    XYZ up = t.UpDirection;

                    if (type == "OrthogonalCamera")
                        v.OrthogonalCamera = new OrthogonalCamera();
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale  = zoomValue;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(c.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z  = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(up.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.X, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Y, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z = UnitUtils.ConvertFromInternalUnits(vi.Z, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS) * -1;
                        v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView       = zoomValue;

                //COMPONENTS PART
                FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType();
                System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <ElementId> collection = null;

                if (elemCheck == 0)
                    collection = collector.ToElementIds();
                else if (elemCheck == 1)
                    collection = uidoc.Selection.GetElementIds();

                if (null != collection && collection.Any())
                    v.Components = new IssueTracker.Data.Component[collection.Count];
                    for (var i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                        Guid   guid    = ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, collection.ElementAt(i));
                        string ifcguid = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(guid).ToString();
                        v.Components[i] = new Case.IssueTracker.Data.Component(doc.Application.VersionName, collection.ElementAt(i).ToString(), ifcguid);

            catch (System.Exception ex1)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex1);
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary>
        /// External Event Implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        public void Execute(UIApplication app)
                UIDocument uidoc      = app.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document   doc        = uidoc.Document;
                var        uniqueView = UserSettings.GetBool("alwaysNewView");

                // IS ORTHOGONAL
                if (v.OrthogonalCamera != null)
                    if (v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection == null)
                    //type = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    var zoom            = v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale.ToFeet();
                    var cameraDirection = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection);
                    var cameraUpVector  = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector);
                    var cameraViewPoint = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint);
                    var orient3D        = RevitUtils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, cameraViewPoint, cameraDirection, cameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D orthoView = null;
                    //if active view is 3d ortho use it
                    if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD)
                        var activeView3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                        if (!activeView3D.IsPerspective)
                            orthoView = activeView3D;
                    if (orthoView == null)
                        //try to use an existing 3D view
                        IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                        if (viewcollector3D.Any(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho"))
                            orthoView = viewcollector3D.First(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho");
                    using (var trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open orthogonal view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            //create a new 3d ortho view

                            if (orthoView == null || uniqueView)
                                orthoView      = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                orthoView.Name = (uniqueView) ? "BCFortho" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") : "BCFortho";
                                //reusing an existing view, I net to reset the visibility
                                //placed this here because if set afterwards it doesn't work
                    uidoc.ActiveView = orthoView;
                    //adjust view rectangle

                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    // double x = zoom / 2.5;
                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //

                    double x = zoom;
                    //    x = zoom / 2.5;

                    //set UI view position and zoom
                    XYZ m_xyzTl = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Add(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    XYZ m_xyzBr = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Add(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);
                else if (v.PerspectiveCamera != null)
                    if (v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection == null)

                    //not used since the fov cannot be changed in Revit
                    var zoom = v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView;
                    //FOV - not used
                    //double z1 = 18 / Math.Tan(zoom / 2 * Math.PI / 180);
                    //double z = 18 / Math.Tan(25 / 2 * Math.PI / 180);
                    //double factor = z1 - z;

                    var cameraDirection = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection);
                    var cameraUpVector  = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector);
                    var cameraViewPoint = RevitUtils.GetRevitXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint);
                    var orient3D        = RevitUtils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, cameraViewPoint, cameraDirection, cameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D perspView = null;
                    //try to use an existing 3D view
                    IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                    if (viewcollector3D.Any(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp"))
                        perspView = viewcollector3D.First(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp");

                    using (var trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open perspective view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            if (null == perspView || uniqueView)
                                perspView      = View3D.CreatePerspective(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                perspView.Name = (uniqueView) ? "BCFpersp" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmss") : "BCFpersp";
                                //reusing an existing view, I net to reset the visibility
                                //placed this here because if set afterwards it doesn't work


                            // turn off the far clip plane
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            perspView.CropBoxActive  = true;
                            perspView.CropBoxVisible = true;

                    uidoc.ActiveView = perspView;
                else if (v.SheetCamera != null)
                    IEnumerable <View> viewcollectorSheet = getSheets(doc, v.SheetCamera.SheetID);
                    if (!viewcollectorSheet.Any())
                        MessageBox.Show("View " + v.SheetCamera.SheetName + " with Id=" + v.SheetCamera.SheetID + " not found.");
                    uidoc.ActiveView = viewcollectorSheet.First();

                    XYZ m_xyzTl = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X, v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y, v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Z);
                    XYZ m_xyzBr = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X, v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y, v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Z);
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);
                //no view included

                if (v.Components == null)

                var elementsToSelect = new List <ElementId>();
                var elementsToHide   = new List <ElementId>();
                var elementsToShow   = new List <ElementId>();

                var visibleElems = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id)
                                   .Where(e => doc.GetElement(e).CanBeHidden(doc.ActiveView)); //might affect performance, but it's necessary

                bool canSetVisibility = (v.Components.Visibility != null &&
                                         v.Components.Visibility.DefaultVisibilitySpecified &&
                bool canSetSelection = (v.Components.Selection != null && v.Components.Selection.Any());

                //loop elements
                foreach (var e in visibleElems)
                    var guid = IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, e));

                    if (canSetVisibility)
                        if (v.Components.Visibility.DefaultVisibility)
                            if (v.Components.Visibility.Exceptions.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))
                            if (v.Components.Visibility.Exceptions.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))

                    if (canSetSelection)
                        if (v.Components.Selection.Any(x => x.IfcGuid == guid))

                using (var trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                    if (trans.Start("Apply BCF visibility and selection") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                        if (elementsToHide.Any())
                        //there are no items to hide, therefore hide everything and just show the visible ones
                        else if (elementsToShow.Any())

                        if (elementsToSelect.Any())

            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex);
Esempio n. 9
        public static string GetIFCGuid(this Autodesk.Revit.DB.Element e)
            var guid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(e.Document, e.Id);

Esempio n. 10
        static void AddConnection(ExporterIFC exporterIFC, Connector connector, Connector connected, bool isBiDirectional, bool isElectricalDomain)
            // Port connection is changed in IFC4 to use IfcRelNests for static connection. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement is used for a dynamic connection and it is restricted to IfcDistributionElement
            bool isIFC4AndAbove = !ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAsOlderThanIFC4;

            Element inElement  = connector.Owner;
            Element outElement = connected.Owner;

            if (isElectricalDomain)
                // We may get a connection back to the original element.  Ignore it.
                if (inElement.Id == outElement.Id)

                // Check the outElement to see if it is a Wire; if so, get its connections and "skip" the wire.
                if (outElement is Wire)
                    if (m_ProcessedWires.Contains(outElement.Id))
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddElectricalSystem((outElement as Wire).MEPSystem.Id);

                        ConnectorSet wireConnectorSet = MEPCache.GetConnectorsForWire(outElement as Wire);
                        if (wireConnectorSet != null)
                            foreach (Connector connectedToWire in wireConnectorSet)
                                ProcessConnections(exporterIFC, connectedToWire, connector);

            // Check if the connection already exist
            if (ConnectionExists(inElement.Id, outElement.Id))

            if (isBiDirectional)
                if (ConnectionExists(outElement.Id, inElement.Id))

            IFCAnyHandle inElementIFCHandle  = ExporterCacheManager.MEPCache.Find(inElement.Id);
            IFCAnyHandle outElementIFCHandle = ExporterCacheManager.MEPCache.Find(outElement.Id);

            // Note: In IFC4 the IfcRelConnectsPortToElement should be used for a dynamic connection. The static connection should use IfcRelNests
            if (ExporterCacheManager.ExportOptionsCache.ExportAs4)
                if (inElementIFCHandle == null || outElementIFCHandle == null ||
                    !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(inElementIFCHandle, IFCEntityType.IfcObjectDefinition) ||
                    !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(outElementIFCHandle, IFCEntityType.IfcObjectDefinition))
                if (inElementIFCHandle == null || outElementIFCHandle == null ||
                    !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(inElementIFCHandle, IFCEntityType.IfcElement) ||
                    !IFCAnyHandleUtil.IsSubTypeOf(outElementIFCHandle, IFCEntityType.IfcElement))

            IFCFile      ifcFile      = exporterIFC.GetFile();
            IFCAnyHandle ownerHistory = ExporterCacheManager.OwnerHistoryHandle;
            IFCAnyHandle portOut      = null;
            IFCAnyHandle portIn       = null;

            // Note: the GUIDs below are stable under the assumption that there is only one distribution
            // port from element A to element B.  Also, note that we don't need the "real" GUIDs for these
            // elements, just stable ones.
            string inGuid  = ExportUtils.GetExportId(inElement.Document, inElement.Id).ToString();
            string outGuid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(outElement.Document, outElement.Id).ToString();

            string portInGuid  = null;
            string portOutGuid = null;

            // ----------------------- In Port ----------------------
                portInGuid = GUIDUtil.GenerateIFCGuidFrom("InPort" + connector.Id, inElement, outElement);
                IFCFlowDirection flowDir = (isBiDirectional) ? IFCFlowDirection.SourceAndSink : IFCFlowDirection.Sink;

                IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = CreateLocalPlacementForConnector(exporterIFC, connector, inElementIFCHandle, flowDir);

                portIn = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateDistributionPort(exporterIFC, null, portInGuid, ownerHistory, localPlacement, null, flowDir);
                string portType = "Flow"; // Assigned as Port.Description
                ExporterCacheManager.MEPCache.CacheConnectorHandle(connector, portIn);
                SetDistributionPortAttributes(portIn, connector, portType, inElement.Id, ref flowDir);

                // Attach the port to the element
                string guid           = GUIDUtil.GenerateIFCGuidFrom("InPortRelConnects" + connector.Id, inElement, outElement);
                string connectionName = inElement.Id + "|" + guid;

                // Port connection is changed in IFC4 to use IfcRelNests for static connection. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement is used for a dynamic connection and it is restricted to IfcDistributionElement
                // The following code collects the ports that are nested to the object to be assigned later
                if (isIFC4AndAbove)
                    AddNestedMembership(inElementIFCHandle, portIn);
                    IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRelConnectsPortToElement(ifcFile, guid, ownerHistory, connectionName, portType, portIn, inElementIFCHandle);

            // ----------------------- Out Port----------------------
                portOutGuid = GUIDUtil.GenerateIFCGuidFrom("OutPort" + connector.Id, outElement, inElement);
                IFCFlowDirection flowDir = (isBiDirectional) ? IFCFlowDirection.SourceAndSink : IFCFlowDirection.Source;

                IFCAnyHandle localPlacement = CreateLocalPlacementForConnector(exporterIFC, connected, outElementIFCHandle, flowDir);

                portOut = IFCInstanceExporter.CreateDistributionPort(exporterIFC, null, portOutGuid, ownerHistory, localPlacement, null, flowDir);
                string portType = "Flow"; // Assigned as Port.Description
                ExporterCacheManager.MEPCache.CacheConnectorHandle(connected, portOut);
                SetDistributionPortAttributes(portOut, connected, portType, outElement.Id, ref flowDir);

                // Attach the port to the element
                string guid           = GUIDUtil.GenerateIFCGuidFrom("OutPortRelConnects" + connector.Id.ToString(), outElement, inElement);
                string connectionName = outElement.Id + "|" + guid;

                // Port connection is changed in IFC4 to use IfcRelNests for static connection. IfcRelConnectsPortToElement is used for a dynamic connection and it is restricted to IfcDistributionElement
                // The following code collects the ports that are nested to the object to be assigned later
                if (isIFC4AndAbove)
                    AddNestedMembership(outElementIFCHandle, portOut);
                    IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRelConnectsPortToElement(ifcFile, guid, ownerHistory, connectionName, portType, portOut, outElementIFCHandle);

            //  ----------------------- Out Port -> In Port ----------------------
            if (portOut != null && portIn != null)
                IFCAnyHandle realizingElement = null;
                string       connectionName   = portInGuid + "|" + portOutGuid;
                string       connectionType   = "Flow"; // Assigned as Description
                string       guid             = GUIDUtil.GenerateIFCGuidFrom(IFCEntityType.IfcRelConnectsPorts, portIn, portOut);
                IFCInstanceExporter.CreateRelConnectsPorts(ifcFile, guid, ownerHistory, connectionName, connectionType, portIn, portOut, realizingElement);
                AddConnectionInternal(inElement.Id, outElement.Id);

            // Add the handles to the connector system.
            HashSet <MEPSystem> systemList = new HashSet <MEPSystem>();

                MEPSystem system = connector.MEPSystem;
                if (system != null)

            if (isElectricalDomain)
                foreach (MEPSystem system in systemList)
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToElectricalSystem(system.Id, inElementIFCHandle);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToElectricalSystem(system.Id, outElementIFCHandle);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToElectricalSystem(system.Id, portIn);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToElectricalSystem(system.Id, portOut);
                foreach (MEPSystem system in systemList)
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToBuiltInSystem(system, inElementIFCHandle);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToBuiltInSystem(system, outElementIFCHandle);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToBuiltInSystem(system, portIn);
                    ExporterCacheManager.SystemsCache.AddHandleToBuiltInSystem(system, portOut);
Esempio n. 11
        static private string CreateSimpleGUID(Element element)
            Guid guid = ExportUtils.GetExportId(element.Document, element.Id);

Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// External Event Implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        public void Execute(UIApplication app)
                UIDocument       uidoc            = app.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document         doc              = uidoc.Document;
                SelElementSet    m_elementsToHide = SelElementSet.Create();
                List <ElementId> elementids       = new List <ElementId>();

                // IS ORTHOGONAL
                if (v.OrthogonalCamera != null)
                    if (v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection == null)
                    //type = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    var zoom            = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                    var CameraDirection = Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var orient3d        = Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D orthoView = null;
                    //if active view is 3d ortho use it
                    if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD)
                        View3D ActiveView3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                        if (!ActiveView3D.IsPerspective)
                            orthoView = ActiveView3D;
                    if (orthoView == null)
                        IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                        //try to use default 3D view
                        if (viewcollector3D.Any() && viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho").Any())
                            orthoView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho").First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open orthogonal view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            //create a new 3d ortho view
                            if (orthoView == null)
                                orthoView      = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                orthoView.Name = "BCFortho";

                    uidoc.ActiveView = orthoView;
                    //adjust view rectangle

                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    // double x = touple.Item2
                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    double customZoomValue = (MyProjectSettings.Get("useDefaultZoom", doc.PathName) == "1") ? 1 : 2.5;
                    double x       = zoom / customZoomValue;
                    XYZ    m_xyzTl = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Add(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    XYZ    m_xyzBr = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Add(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);

                else if (v.PerspectiveCamera != null)
                    if (v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection == null)

                    var    zoom   = v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView;
                    double z1     = 18 / Math.Tan(zoom / 2 * Math.PI / 180); //focale 1
                    double z      = 18 / Math.Tan(25 / 2 * Math.PI / 180);   //focale, da controllare il 18, vedi PDF
                    double factor = z1 - z;

                    var CameraDirection = Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    XYZ oldO            = Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = (oldO.Subtract(CameraDirection.Divide(factor)));
                    var orient3d        = Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D perspView = null;

                    IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                    if (viewcollector3D.Any() && viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp").Any())
                        perspView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp").First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open perspective view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            if (null == perspView)
                                perspView      = View3D.CreatePerspective(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                perspView.Name = "BCFpersp";


                            // turn off the far clip plane with standard parameter API
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            perspView.CropBoxActive  = true;
                            perspView.CropBoxVisible = true;

                    uidoc.ActiveView = perspView;
                else if (v.SheetCamera != null)//sheet
                    //using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                    //    if (trans.Start("Open sheet view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    //    {
                    IEnumerable <View> viewcollectorSheet = getSheets(doc, v.SheetCamera.SheetID);
                    if (!viewcollectorSheet.Any())
                        MessageBox.Show("No Sheet with Id=" + v.SheetCamera.SheetID + " found.");
                    uidoc.ActiveView = viewcollectorSheet.First();

                    //        trans.Commit();
                    //    }
                    XYZ m_xyzTl = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X, v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y,
                    XYZ m_xyzBr = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X, v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y,
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);
                //select/hide elements
                if (v.Components != null && v.Components.Any())
                    FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType();
                    System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <ElementId> collection = collector.ToElementIds();
                    foreach (var e in v.Components)
                        var bcfguid = IfcGuid.FromIfcGUID(e.IfcGuid);
                        var ids     = collection.Where(o => bcfguid == ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, o));
                        if (ids.Any())
                    if (null != m_elementsToHide && !m_elementsToHide.IsEmpty)
                        //do transaction only if there is something to hide/select
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Apply visibility/selection") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                                if (MySettings.Get("selattachedelems") == "0")
                                    uidoc.Selection.Elements = m_elementsToHide;

            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// External Event Implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        public void Execute(UIApplication app)
                UIDocument    uidoc            = app.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document      doc              = uidoc.Document;
                SelElementSet m_elementsToHide = SelElementSet.Create();

                List <ElementId> elementsToBeIsolated = new List <ElementId>();
                List <ElementId> elementsToBeHidden   = new List <ElementId>();
                List <ElementId> elementsToBeSelected = new List <ElementId>();

                // IS ORTHOGONAL
                if (v.OrthogonalCamera != null)
                    if (v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection == null)
                    //type = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    var zoom            = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                    var CameraDirection = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var orient3d        = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D orthoView = null;
                    //if active view is 3d ortho use it
                    if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD)
                        View3D ActiveView3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                        if (!ActiveView3D.IsPerspective)
                            orthoView = ActiveView3D;
                    if (orthoView == null)
                        IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                        //try to use default 3D view
                        if (viewcollector3D.Any() && viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho").Any())
                            orthoView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "{3D}" || o.Name == "BCFortho").First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open orthogonal view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            //create a new 3d ortho view
                            if (orthoView == null)
                                orthoView      = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                orthoView.Name = "BCFortho";

                    uidoc.ActiveView = orthoView;
                    //adjust view rectangle

                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    // double x = touple.Item2
                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    double customZoomValue = (MyProjectSettings.Get("useDefaultZoom", doc.PathName) == "1") ? 1 : 2.5;
                    double x       = zoom / customZoomValue;
                    XYZ    m_xyzTl = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Add(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    XYZ    m_xyzBr = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Add(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);

                else if (v.PerspectiveCamera != null)
                    if (v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection == null)

                    var    zoom   = v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView;
                    double z1     = 18 / Math.Tan(zoom / 2 * Math.PI / 180); //focale 1
                    double z      = 18 / Math.Tan(25 / 2 * Math.PI / 180);   //focale, da controllare il 18, vedi PDF
                    double factor = z1 - z;

                    var CameraDirection = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    XYZ oldO            = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = (oldO.Subtract(CameraDirection.Divide(factor)));
                    var orient3d        = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D perspView = null;

                    IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                    if (viewcollector3D.Any() && viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp").Any())
                        perspView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == "BCFpersp").First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open perspective view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            if (null == perspView)
                                perspView      = View3D.CreatePerspective(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                perspView.Name = "BCFpersp";


                            // turn on the far clip plane with standard parameter API
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            // reset far clip offset
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClipOffset = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR);
                            // turn off the far clip plane with standard parameter API
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            perspView.CropBoxActive  = true;
                            perspView.CropBoxVisible = true;

                    uidoc.ActiveView = perspView;
                else if (v.SheetCamera != null)//sheet
                    //using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                    //    if (trans.Start("Open sheet view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    //    {
                    IEnumerable <View> viewcollectorSheet = getSheets(doc, v.SheetCamera.SheetID);
                    if (!viewcollectorSheet.Any())
                        MessageBox.Show("No Sheet with Id=" + v.SheetCamera.SheetID + " found.");
                    uidoc.ActiveView = viewcollectorSheet.First();

                    //        trans.Commit();
                    //    }
                    XYZ m_xyzTl = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X, v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y,
                    XYZ m_xyzBr = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X, v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y,
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);

                //apply BCF clipping planes to Revit section box
                View3D view3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                if (view3D != null)
                    if (v.ClippingPlanes != null)
                        if (v.ClippingPlanes.Count() > 0)
                            var result = getBoundingBoxFromClippingPlanes(doc, v.ClippingPlanes);

                            if (result != null)
                                BoundingBoxXYZ computedBox = result.Item1;
                                Transform      rotate      = result.Item2;

                                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                                    if (trans.Start("Apply Section Box") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                                        view3D.IsSectionBoxActive = true;

                                        if (rotate != null)
                                            // Transform the View3D's section box with the rotation transform
                                            computedBox.Transform = computedBox.Transform.Multiply(rotate);

                                            // Set the section box back to the view (requires an open transaction)

                //select/hide elements
                if (v.Components != null && v.Components.Any())
                    if (v.Components.Count > 100)
                        var result = MessageBox.Show("Too many elements attached. It may take for a while to isolate/select them. Do you want to continue?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                        if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)

                    FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id).WhereElementIsNotElementType();
                    System.Collections.Generic.ICollection <ElementId> collection = collector.ToElementIds();
                    foreach (var e in v.Components)
                        var bcfguid         = IfcGuid.FromIfcGUID(e.IfcGuid);
                        int authoringToolId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(e.AuthoringToolId) ? -1 : int.Parse(e.AuthoringToolId);
                        var ids             = collection.Where(o => bcfguid == ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, o) | authoringToolId == Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElement(o).UniqueId.Substring(37), 16));
                        if (ids.Any())
                            // handle visibility
                            if (e.Visible)

                            // handle selection
                            if (e.Selected)

                    if (elementsToBeHidden.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Hide Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    else if (elementsToBeIsolated.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Isolate Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)

                    if (elementsToBeSelected.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Select Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                                SelElementSet selectedElements = SelElementSet.Create();
                                elementsToBeSelected.ForEach(id => {

                                uidoc.Selection.Elements = selectedElements;

            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex);
Esempio n. 14
        /// <summary>
        /// External Event Implementation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="app"></param>
        public void Execute(UIApplication app)
                UIDocument uidoc = app.ActiveUIDocument;
                Document   doc   = uidoc.Document;
                //Selection m_elementsToHide = uidoc.Selection; //SelElementSet.Create();

                BlockingCollection <ElementId> elementsToBeIsolated = new BlockingCollection <ElementId>();
                BlockingCollection <ElementId> elementsToBeHidden   = new BlockingCollection <ElementId>();
                BlockingCollection <ElementId> elementsToBeSelected = new BlockingCollection <ElementId>();

                // IS ORTHOGONAL
                if (v.OrthogonalCamera != null)
                    if (v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection == null)
                    //type = "OrthogonalCamera";
                    var zoom            = UnitUtils.ConvertToInternalUnits(v.OrthogonalCamera.ViewToWorldScale, DisplayUnitType.DUT_METERS);
                    var CameraDirection = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.OrthogonalCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var orient3d        = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D orthoView = null;
                    //if active view is 3d ortho use it
                    if (doc.ActiveView.ViewType == ViewType.ThreeD)
                        View3D ActiveView3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                        if (!ActiveView3D.IsPerspective)
                            orthoView = ActiveView3D;
                    string userDefault3dViewName = "{3D - " + app.Application.Username + "}";
                    string default3dViewName     = "{3D}";
                    string userBCForthoViewName  = string.Format("BCFortho_{0}", app.Application.Username);
                    if (orthoView == null)
                        IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                        //find a orthographic 3D view
                        if (viewcollector3D.Any())
                            if (viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userDefault3dViewName).Any()) // 1) try to find user specific 3D view in workshared environment
                                orthoView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userDefault3dViewName).First();
                            else if (viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == default3dViewName).Any()) // 2) try to find the default 3D view if 1) not found
                                orthoView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == default3dViewName).First();
                            else if (viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userBCForthoViewName).Any()) // 3) try to find BCFortho 3D view generated by AIT previously if 2) is not found
                                orthoView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userBCForthoViewName).First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open orthogonal view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            //create a new user-specific 3d ortho view
                            if (orthoView == null)
                                orthoView      = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                orthoView.Name = userBCForthoViewName;

                    uidoc.ActiveView = orthoView;
                    //adjust view rectangle

                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    // double x = touple.Item2
                    // **** CUSTOM VALUE FOR TEKLA **** //
                    double customZoomValue = (MyProjectSettings.Get("useDefaultZoom", doc.PathName) == "1") ? 1 : 2.5;
                    double x       = zoom / customZoomValue;
                    XYZ    m_xyzTl = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Add(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    XYZ    m_xyzBr = uidoc.ActiveView.Origin.Subtract(uidoc.ActiveView.UpDirection.Multiply(x)).Add(uidoc.ActiveView.RightDirection.Multiply(x));
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);

                else if (v.PerspectiveCamera != null)
                    if (v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector == null || v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection == null)

                    var    zoom   = v.PerspectiveCamera.FieldOfView;
                    double z1     = 18 / Math.Tan(zoom / 2 * Math.PI / 180); //focale 1
                    double z      = 18 / Math.Tan(25 / 2 * Math.PI / 180);   //focale, da controllare il 18, vedi PDF
                    double factor = z1 - z;

                    var CameraDirection = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraDirection.Z);
                    var CameraUpVector  = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraUpVector.Z);
                    XYZ oldO            = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.GetInternalXYZ(v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.X, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Y, v.PerspectiveCamera.CameraViewPoint.Z);
                    var CameraViewPoint = (oldO.Subtract(CameraDirection.Divide(factor)));
                    var orient3d        = ARUP.IssueTracker.Revit.Classes.Utils.ConvertBasePoint(doc, CameraViewPoint, CameraDirection, CameraUpVector, true);

                    View3D perspView = null;

                    IEnumerable <View3D> viewcollector3D = get3DViews(doc);
                    string userPersp3dViewName           = string.Format("BCFperps_{0}", app.Application.Username);
                    // find a perspective view
                    if (viewcollector3D.Any() && viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userPersp3dViewName).Any())
                        perspView = viewcollector3D.Where(o => o.Name == userPersp3dViewName).First();
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Open perspective view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            if (null == perspView)
                                perspView      = View3D.CreatePerspective(doc, getFamilyViews(doc).First().Id);
                                perspView.Name = userPersp3dViewName;


                            // turn on the far clip plane with standard parameter API
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            // reset far clip offset
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClipOffset = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_OFFSET_FAR);
                            // turn off the far clip plane with standard parameter API
                            if (perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR).HasValue)
                                Parameter m_farClip = perspView.get_Parameter(BuiltInParameter.VIEWER_BOUND_ACTIVE_FAR);
                            perspView.CropBoxActive  = true;
                            perspView.CropBoxVisible = true;

                    uidoc.ActiveView = perspView;
                else if (v.SheetCamera != null)//sheet
                    //using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                    //    if (trans.Start("Open sheet view") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    //    {
                    IEnumerable <View> viewcollectorSheet = getSheets(doc, v.SheetCamera.SheetID);
                    if (!viewcollectorSheet.Any())
                        MessageBox.Show("No Sheet with Id=" + v.SheetCamera.SheetID + " found.");
                    uidoc.ActiveView = viewcollectorSheet.First();

                    //        trans.Commit();
                    //    }
                    XYZ m_xyzTl = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.X, v.SheetCamera.TopLeft.Y,
                    XYZ m_xyzBr = new XYZ(v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.X, v.SheetCamera.BottomRight.Y,
                    uidoc.GetOpenUIViews().First().ZoomAndCenterRectangle(m_xyzTl, m_xyzBr);

                //apply BCF clipping planes to Revit section box
                View3D view3D = doc.ActiveView as View3D;
                if (view3D != null)
                    // resume section box state
                    using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                        if (trans.Start("Resume Section Box") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                            view3D.IsSectionBoxActive = false;

                    if (v.ClippingPlanes != null)
                        if (v.ClippingPlanes.Count() > 0)
                            var result = getBoundingBoxFromClippingPlanes(doc, v.ClippingPlanes);

                            if (result != null)
                                BoundingBoxXYZ computedBox = result.Item1;
                                Transform      rotate      = result.Item2;

                                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                                    if (trans.Start("Apply Section Box") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                                        view3D.IsSectionBoxActive = true;

                                        if (rotate != null)
                                            // Transform the View3D's section box with the rotation transform
                                            computedBox.Transform = computedBox.Transform.Multiply(rotate);

                                            // Set the section box back to the view (requires an open transaction)

                // resume visibility and selection
                using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                    if (trans.Start("Resume Visibility/Selection") == TransactionStatus.Started)
#if REVIT2014
#elif REVIT2015
                        uidoc.Selection.SetElementIds(new List <ElementId>());
                        uidoc.Selection.SetElementIds(new List <ElementId>());

                //select/hide elements
                if (v.Components != null && v.Components.Any())
                    //if (v.Components.Count > 100)
                    //    var result = MessageBox.Show("Too many elements attached. It may take for a while to isolate/select them. Do you want to continue?", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning);
                    //    if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
                    //    {
                    //        uidoc.RefreshActiveView();
                    //        return;
                    //    }


                    FilteredElementCollector collector = new FilteredElementCollector(doc, doc.ActiveView.Id);
                    var allElementIds = collector.ToElementIds();
                    Dictionary <Guid, ElementId> exportIdElementIdDic = new Dictionary <Guid, ElementId>();
                    Dictionary <int, ElementId>  uniqueIdElementIdDic = new Dictionary <int, ElementId>();
                    foreach (ElementId eId in allElementIds)
                        Guid guid             = ExportUtils.GetExportId(doc, eId);
                        int  elementIdInteger = Convert.ToInt32(doc.GetElement(eId).UniqueId.Substring(37), 16);
                        if (!exportIdElementIdDic.ContainsKey(guid))
                            exportIdElementIdDic.Add(guid, eId);
                        if (!uniqueIdElementIdDic.ContainsKey(elementIdInteger))
                            uniqueIdElementIdDic.Add(elementIdInteger, eId);
                    //System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, v.Components.Count, i => {
                    for (int i = 0; i < v.Components.Count; i++)
                        double percentage = ((double)i / (double)v.Components.Count) * 100;
                        revitWindow.updateProgressWin((int)percentage, i, v.Components.Count);

                        ARUP.IssueTracker.Classes.BCF2.Component e = v.Components[i];
                        ElementId currentElementId = null;

                        // find by ElementId first if OriginatingSystem is Revit
                        if (e.OriginatingSystem != null)
                            if (e.OriginatingSystem.Contains("Revit") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.AuthoringToolId))
                                int elementId = -1;
                                int.TryParse(e.AuthoringToolId, out elementId);
                                if (elementId != -1)
                                    Element ele = doc.GetElement(new ElementId(elementId));
                                    if (ele != null)
                                        currentElementId = ele.Id;

                        // find by IfcGuid if ElementId not found
                        if (currentElementId == null)
                            var bcfguid = IfcGuid.FromIfcGUID(e.IfcGuid);
                            if (exportIdElementIdDic.ContainsKey(bcfguid))
                                currentElementId = exportIdElementIdDic[bcfguid];

                        // find by UniqueId if IfcGuid not found
                        if (currentElementId == null)
                            int authoringToolId = -1;
                            int.TryParse(e.AuthoringToolId, out authoringToolId);
                            if (uniqueIdElementIdDic.ContainsKey(authoringToolId))
                                currentElementId = uniqueIdElementIdDic[authoringToolId];

                        if (currentElementId != null)
                            // handle visibility
                            if (e.Visible)

                            // handle selection
                            if (e.Selected)

                    if (elementsToBeHidden.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Hide Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)
                    else if (elementsToBeIsolated.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Isolate Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)

                    if (elementsToBeSelected.Count > 0)
                        using (Transaction trans = new Transaction(uidoc.Document))
                            if (trans.Start("Select Elements") == TransactionStatus.Started)
#if REVIT2014
                                SelElementSet selectedElements = SelElementSet.Create();
                                elementsToBeSelected.ToList().ForEach(id =>

                                uidoc.Selection.Elements = selectedElements;


            catch (Exception ex)
                TaskDialog.Show("Error!", "exception: " + ex);