public static void GameTown() { for (int i = 0; i < Time.Events.Count; i++) { if (Time.Events[i].name == "Bank Construction" && Time.Events[i].trigger && Time.Events[i].active) { bank = true; } } Console.Clear(); UI.Town(new string[] { "You are in the town of Marburgh", "It is a small town, but is clearly growing", "Who knows what will be here in a month?" }, adventureList, shopList, serviceList, otherList, adventureButton, shopButton, serviceButton, otherButton); string choice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString().ToLower(); if (choice == "w" && tutorial) { Shop.GameShop(Shop.WeaponShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "a" && tutorial) { Shop.GameShop(Shop.ArmorShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "d") { Explore.DungeonCheck(d, Create.p); } else if (choice == "i") { Shop.ItemShop(Create.p); } else if (choice == "?") { Help.General(); } else if (choice == "c") { Utilities.CharacterSheet(Create.p); } else if (choice == "l") { LevelMaster.VisitLevelMaster(Create.p); } else if (choice == "t") { Tavern.Inn(Create.p); } else if (choice == "y") { House.YourHouse(Create.p); } else if (choice == "b" && tutorial && bank) { Bank.GameBank(Create.p); } else if (choice == "q") { Utilities.Quit(); } else if (choice == "x") { Create.p.xp += 30; += 500; tutorial = true; Shop.itemShopOptionButton1.Add(Colour.ENHANCEMENT + "E" + Colour.RESET); Shop.itemShopOptionList1.Add("nhancement Machine"); } else if (choice == "o") { OtherPlaces.Other(Create.p); } GameTown(); }
public static void GameTown() { for (int i = 0; i < Time.Events.Count; i++) { if (Time.Events[i].name == "Bank Construction" && Time.Events[i].trigger && Time.Events[i].active) { bank = true; } } Console.Clear(); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "You are in the town of Marburgh. It is a small town, but is clearly growing. Who knows what will be here in a month?\n\n"); if (tutorial) { Console.WriteLine("[W]eapon shop [A]rmor shop [I]tem shop [D]ungeon"); } else { Console.WriteLine("[I]tem shop [D]ungeon"); } if (tutorial && bank) { Console.WriteLine("[T]avern [Y]our house [B]ank [?]Help "); } else { Console.WriteLine("[T]avern [Y]our house [?]Help "); } Console.WriteLine("[C]haracter [L]evel Master [O]ther Places [Q]uit "); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\n"); Utilities.EmbedColourText(Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, Colour.TIME, "It is day ", $"{}", ", the ", $"{Time.weeks[Time.week]}", " week of ", $"{Time.months[Time.month]}", ", ", $"{Time.year}", "\n\n"); string choice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString().ToLower(); if (choice == "w" && tutorial) { Shop.GameShop(Shop.WeaponShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "a" && tutorial) { Shop.GameShop(Shop.ArmorShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "d") { Explore.DungeonCheck(d, Create.p); } else if (choice == "i") { Shop.ItemShop(Create.p); } else if (choice == "?") { Utilities.Help(); } else if (choice == "c") { Utilities.CharacterSheet(Create.p); } else if (choice == "l") { LevelMaster.VisitLevelMaster(Create.p); } else if (choice == "t") { Tavern.Inn(Create.p); } else if (choice == "y") { House.YourHouse(Create.p); } else if (choice == "b" && tutorial && bank) { Bank.GameBank(Create.p); } else if (choice == "q") { Utilities.Quit(); } else if (choice == "x") { Create.p.xp += 50; += 900; BlackJack.PlayBlackJack(); } else if (choice == "o") { OtherPlaces.Other(Create.p); } GameTown(); }
public static void GameTown() { Dungeon d = Dungeon.DungeonList[0]; Console.Clear(); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "You are in the town of Marburgh. It is a small town, but is clearly growing. Who knows what will be here in a month?\n\n"); Console.WriteLine("[W]eapon shop [A]rmor shop [I]tem shop [D]ungeon"); Console.WriteLine("[T]avern [Y]our house [B]ank "); Console.WriteLine("[C]haracter [H]eal [L]evel Master [O]ther Places"); Console.WriteLine("[S]ave [?]Help [Q]uit "); Utilities.ColourText(Colour.SPEAK, "\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n\n"); Utilities.EmbedColourText(Colour.ENERGY, Colour.ENERGY, Colour.ENERGY, Colour.ENERGY, "It is day ", $"{}", ", the ", $"{Time.weeks[Time.week]}", " week of ", $"{Time.months[Time.month]}", ", ", $"{Time.year}", "\n\n"); string choice = Console.ReadKey(true).KeyChar.ToString().ToLower(); if (choice == "w") { Shop.GameShop(Shop.WeaponShop, Create.p); } else if (choice == "a") { Shop.GameShop(Shop.ArmorShop, Create.p); } //else if (choice == "s") Data.Save(p); else if (choice == "d") { Explore.DungeonCheck(d, Create.p); } else if (choice == "h") { Utilities.Heal(Create.p); } else if (choice == "i") { Shop.ItemShop(Create.p); } else if (choice == "?") { Utilities.Help(); } else if (choice == "c") { Utilities.CharacterSheet(Create.p); } else if (choice == "l") { LevelMaster.VisitLevelMaster(Create.p); } else if (choice == "t") { Tavern.Inn(Create.p); } else if (choice == "y") { House.YourHouse(Create.p); } else if (choice == "b") { Bank.GameBank(Create.p); } else if (choice == "q") { Utilities.Quit(); } else if (choice == "x") { Utilities.Death(); } else if (choice == "o") { OtherPlaces.Other(Create.p); } GameTown(); }