private bool IsAllUpper(string input) { var containsLetters = false; if (Emoji.IsEmoji((input))) { return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsLetter(input[i])) { containsLetters = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsLetter(input[i]) && !Char.IsUpper(input[i])) { return(false); } } return(containsLetters); }
public static Inline ParseEmoji(string bbCode, FrameworkElement element = null, ILinkNavigator navigator = null) { var converted = new StringBuilder(); var lastIndex = 0; var complex = false; for (var i = 0; i < bbCode.Length; i++) { var c = bbCode[i]; if (c == '[') { complex = true; continue; } int length; if (Emoji.IsEmoji(bbCode, i, out length)) { if (lastIndex != i) { converted.Append(bbCode.Substring(lastIndex, i - lastIndex)); } var emoji = bbCode.Substring(i, length); converted.Append($"[img=\"emoji://{EmojiToNumber(emoji)}\"]{emoji}[/img]"); lastIndex = i + length; complex = true; } // Even if it’s not an emoji, it still would be better to jump over high surrogates if (length > 1) { i += length - 1; } } if (converted.Length > 0) { converted.Append(bbCode.Substring(lastIndex)); bbCode = converted.ToString(); } if (complex) { try { return(new BbCodeParser(bbCode, element) { Commands = (navigator ?? DefaultLinkNavigator).Commands }.Parse()); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.Error(e); } } return(new Run { Text = bbCode }); }
public bool ContainsEmojis(string message) { var rgx = new Regex(Emojipattern); foreach (Match match in rgx.Matches(message)) { if (Emoji.IsEmoji(match.Value)) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void GetTweet(ITweet tweet) { Console.WriteLine(tweet.Text); bool isYes = Emoji.IsEmoji(tweet.Text, 20); if (isYes) { Debug.WriteLine("Limit reached: {0}", isYes); } ; queue.Enqueue(tweet); Console.WriteLine("• Total number of tweets received : {0}", queue.Count); if (queue.Count > 1000) { Debug.WriteLine("Limit reached: {0}", 1000); } ; }
private static string ConvertEmoji(string source) { var result = ""; for (var i = 0; i < source.Length; i++) { if (Emoji.IsEmoji(source, i, out var length)) { result += "[" + source.Substring(i, length) + "]"; i += length - 1; } else { result += source.Substring(i, 1); } } return(result); }
public void TrackEmojis(string message) { var rgx = new Regex(Emojipattern); foreach (Match match in rgx.Matches(message)) { if (!Emoji.IsEmoji(match.Value)) { continue; } foreach (var emoji in Emoji.All) { if (emoji.Sequence.AsString != match.Value) { continue; } _emojiRepository.Create(new Models.Emoji { Name = emoji.Name }); break; } } }
public async Task BigText(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText][Description("Texto que você deseja transformar em emoji")] string texto) { if (texto.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("Texto vazio"); } texto = texto.ToLower().Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormD); string textoFormatado = ""; for (int i = 0; i < texto.Length; i++) { char ch = texto[i]; UnicodeCategory charCategoria = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); if (charCategoria != UnicodeCategory.NonSpacingMark) { if (charCategoria == UnicodeCategory.LowercaseLetter) { textoFormatado += $":regional_indicator_{ch}:"; } else if (charCategoria == UnicodeCategory.DecimalDigitNumber) { textoFormatado += $":{(NumberToText)Convert.ToByte(ch.ToString())}:"; } else if (ch == '\n') { textoFormatado += ch; } else if (charCategoria == UnicodeCategory.SpaceSeparator) { textoFormatado += " "; } else if (ch == '?') { textoFormatado += "❓"; } else if (ch == '!') { textoFormatado += "❗"; } else if (texto.Length - i != 1) { if (Emoji.IsEmoji($"{ch}{texto[i + 1]}", 1)) { textoFormatado += $"{ch}{texto[i + 1]}"; i++; } else { switch ($"{ch}{texto[i + 1]}") { case "🏻": case "🏼": case "🏽": case "🏾": case "🏿": textoFormatado = textoFormatado.Remove(textoFormatado.Length - 1); textoFormatado += $"{ch}{texto[i + 1]}"; i++; break; default: textoFormatado += "❌"; break; } } } else { textoFormatado += "❌"; } textoFormatado += " "; if (textoFormatado.Length > 2000) { throw new Exception("Texto passou de 2k caractere"); } } } await ctx.RespondAsync(textoFormatado); }
/// <summary> /// StreamDataReceivedEvent is where we'll grab all the tweets incoming and perform counts and calculations. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void Ssc_StreamDataReceivedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //======================================================================== // Let's start out by grabbing the stream and using our strongly type // object to transform the payload to something more usable. //======================================================================== TwitterFeed.TweetReceivedEventArgs eventArgs = e as TwitterFeed.TweetReceivedEventArgs; tweet = Tweet.FromJson(eventArgs.StreamDataResponse); //======================================================================== // Let's get the total amount of seconds and increment our tweet counter. //======================================================================== intTotalSeconds = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart).TotalSeconds); intTweetCount++; if (intTotalSeconds < 1) { return; } if (tweet.Includes != null) { if (tweet.Includes.Media != null) { intPhotoCount++; } } //======================================================================== // Now check to see if we got Entities which could be Hashtags or Url's. //======================================================================== if (tweet.Data.Entities != null) { //======================================================================== // Check to see if we got some HashTags. If so let's add them to the // dictionary and increment our HashTag counter. //======================================================================== if (tweet.Data.Entities.Hashtags != null) { bool blnHasHashTags = false; foreach (var item in tweet.Data.Entities.Hashtags) { blnHasHashTags = true; if (dicTopHashTags.ContainsKey(item.Tag) == true) { dicTopHashTags[item.Tag]++; } else { dicTopHashTags.Add(item.Tag, 1); } } if (blnHasHashTags == true) { intHashTagCount++; } } //======================================================================== // Check to see if we got some Url's. If so let's add them to the // dictionary and increment our Url counter. //======================================================================== if (tweet.Data.Entities.Urls != null) { bool blnHasUrls = false; foreach (var item in tweet.Data.Entities.Urls) { blnHasUrls = true; if (dicTopUrlDomains.ContainsKey(item.ExpandedUrl.Host) == true) { dicTopUrlDomains[item.ExpandedUrl.Host]++; } else { dicTopUrlDomains.Add(item.ExpandedUrl.Host, 1); } } if (blnHasUrls == true) { intUrlCount++; } } } //======================================================================== // Now let's grab just the actual Tweet text and create a codepoint for // each char to test for emoji's. If char is emoji let's increment our // emoji counter and add emoji to dictionary. //======================================================================== var tweetText = tweet.Data.Text.Codepoints().ToList(); bool blnHasEmojis = false; foreach (var item in tweetText) { if (Emoji.IsEmoji(item.AsString())) { blnHasEmojis = true; if (dicTopEmojis.ContainsKey(item.ToString()) == true) { dicTopEmojis[item.ToString()]++; } else { dicTopEmojis.Add(item.ToString(), 1); } } } if (blnHasEmojis == true) { intEmojiCount++; } try { //======================================================================== // Let's update the interface with all calculations, statistics and top // totals for each ListView. Force the app to paint. //======================================================================== if ((intTweetCount % 50) == 0) { intAvgPerSec = intTweetCount / intTotalSeconds; intAvgPerMin = intAvgPerSec * 60; intAvgPerHr = intAvgPerMin * 60; lblCount.Text = intTweetCount.ToString(); lblUrlCount.Text = intUrlCount.ToString(); lblPhotoCount.Text = intPhotoCount.ToString(); lblEmojiCount.Text = intEmojiCount.ToString(); lblHashTagCount.Text = intHashTagCount.ToString(); lblUrlPercentage.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0%}", ((double)intUrlCount / intTweetCount)); lblPhotoPercentage.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0%}", ((double)intPhotoCount / intTweetCount)); lblEmojiPercentage.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0%}", ((double)intEmojiCount / intTweetCount)); lblHashTagPercentage.Text = string.Format("{0:0.0%}", ((double)intHashTagCount / intTweetCount)); lblElapsedTime.Text = string.Format("{0:hh\\:mm\\:ss}", DateTime.Now.Subtract(dtStart)); lblAvgPerSec.Text = intAvgPerSec.ToString("n0"); lblAvgPerMin.Text = intAvgPerMin.ToString("n0"); lblAvgPerHr.Text = intAvgPerHr.ToString("n0"); LoadEmojis(); LoadHashtags(); LoadTopUrlDomains(); //======================================================================== // Used moreless for visibility to show sample tweets and payloads. // Showing the RAW JSON payload is more for debug purposes. //======================================================================== txtTweet.Text = tweet.Data.Text; txtJson.Text = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(eventArgs.StreamDataResponse), Formatting.Indented); Application.DoEvents(); } } catch (Exception eUICalc) { MessageBox.Show("Error Calculating and Updating Interface. Exception: " + eUICalc.Message); } } catch (Exception eGeneral) { MessageBox.Show("Tweet Received Error. Exception: " + eGeneral.Message); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------Events:---------------------------------------------------------------------\\ #region --Events-- private static async void OnFormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (d is TextBlock textBlock && e.NewValue is string text && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { // Check if advanced chat message processing is disabled: if (Settings.getSettingBoolean(SettingsConsts.DISABLE_ADVANCED_CHAT_MESSAGE_PROCESSING)) { textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = text }); return; } // Clear all inlines: textBlock.Inlines.Clear(); bool isEmoji = await Task.Run(() => Emoji.IsEmoji(text.TrimEnd(UiUtils.TRIM_CHARS).TrimStart(UiUtils.TRIM_CHARS))); if (isEmoji) { textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = text, FontSize = 50 }); } else { var lastPosition = 0; var matches = new Match[3] { Match.Empty, Match.Empty, Match.Empty }; do { await Task.Run(() => { try { matches[0] = URL_REGEX.Match(text, lastPosition); matches[1] = EMAIL_REGEX.Match(text, lastPosition); matches[2] = PHONE_REGEX.Match(text, lastPosition); } catch (RegexMatchTimeoutException) { } }); var firstMatch = matches.Where(x => x != null && x.Success).OrderBy(x => x.Index).FirstOrDefault(); if (firstMatch == matches[0]) { // the first match is an URL: createRunElement(textBlock, text, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index); lastPosition = createUrlElement(textBlock, firstMatch); } else if (firstMatch == matches[1]) { // the first match is an email: createRunElement(textBlock, text, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index); lastPosition = createContactElement(textBlock, firstMatch, null); } else if (firstMatch == matches[2]) { // the first match is a phone number: createRunElement(textBlock, text, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index); lastPosition = createContactElement(textBlock, null, firstMatch); } else { // no match, we add the whole text: textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = text.Substring(lastPosition) }); lastPosition = text.Length; } } while (lastPosition < text.Length); } } }
public override async void Execute(Message message, TelegramBotClient client, ApplicationDbContext context) { var emoji = message.Text.Replace("/status ", ""); if (Emoji.IsEmoji(emoji, 1) || Emoji.All.ToList().Any(e => e.Sequence.AsString == emoji)) { var isExistingUser = context.TelegramUsers.Any(u => u.Id == message.From.Id); if (!isExistingUser) { var user = new TelegramUser() { Id = message.From.Id, FirstName = message.From.FirstName, LastName = message.From.LastName, Username = message.From.Username, EmojiStatus = "🧙♂️" }; context.TelegramUsers.Add(user); context.SaveChanges(); } else { var existingUser = context.TelegramUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == message.From.Id); var areChanges = false; if (existingUser.FirstName != message.From.FirstName) { areChanges = true; existingUser.FirstName = message.From.FirstName; } if (existingUser.LastName != message.From.LastName) { areChanges = true; existingUser.LastName = message.From.LastName; } if (existingUser.Username != message.From.Username) { areChanges = true; existingUser.Username = message.From.Username; } if (areChanges) { context.SaveChanges(); } } var telegramUser = context.TelegramUsers.FirstOrDefault(u => u.Id == message.From.Id); telegramUser.EmojiStatus = emoji; context.SaveChanges(); var chatId = message.Chat.Id; await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, "From now you will be known as " + telegramUser.EmojiStatus + telegramUser.Name + "!", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } else { var chatId = message.Chat.Id; if (emoji == "/status") { await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, "Usage: /status {single emoji}", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } else { await client.SendTextMessageAsync(chatId, "Probably \"" + emoji + "\" is not a single emoji.", replyToMessageId : message.MessageId); } } }
public void TestEmojiDetection() { string[] singularEmoji = new [] { "😀", "👺", "😶" }; string[] combinedEmoji = new [] { "👩🔧", "👩🔬" }; string[] threeEmojiSymbols = new [] { "😀😀😀", "👩🔧😀😀", "👩🔧👩🔧😀", "👩🔧👩🔧👩🔧" }; string[] mixedEmojiDigits = new [] { "😀12", "1😀2", "12😀" }; string[] mixedEmojiText = new[] { "😀ab", "a😀b", "ab😀" }; string[] nonEmojiText = new [] { "123", "abc", }; //digits on a keypad followed by the variation selector are emoji string[] keycaps = new[] { "1️⃣", "*️⃣" }; string[] punctuation = new[] { ".", "!", "?", "#", "*" }; Assert.IsTrue(singularEmoji.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Singular emoji failed generic IsEmoji test!"); Assert.IsTrue(singularEmoji.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 1)), "Singular emoji failed IsEmoji test with symbol limit of 1!"); Assert.IsTrue(combinedEmoji.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Combined emoji failed generic IsEmoji test!"); Assert.IsTrue(combinedEmoji.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 1)), "Combined emoji failed IsEmoji test with symbol limit of 1!"); Assert.IsTrue(threeEmojiSymbols.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Three emoji failed generic IsEmoji test!"); Assert.IsFalse(threeEmojiSymbols.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 1)), "Three emoji incorrectly detected as 1 emoji or less!"); Assert.IsFalse(threeEmojiSymbols.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 1)), "Three emoji incorrectly detected as 2 emoji or less!"); Assert.IsTrue(threeEmojiSymbols.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 3)), "Three emoji not detected as 3 emoji or less!"); Assert.IsTrue(threeEmojiSymbols.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 4)), "Three emoji not detected as 4 emoji or less!"); Assert.IsFalse(mixedEmojiText.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Mixed text incorrectly detected as emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(mixedEmojiText.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 3)), "Mixed text incorrectly detected as three or less emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(mixedEmojiDigits.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Mixed digits incorrectly detected as emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(mixedEmojiDigits.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 3)), "Mixed digits incorrectly detected as three or less emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(nonEmojiText.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Text incorrectly detected as emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(nonEmojiText.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 3)), "Text incorrectly detected as three or less emoji!"); Assert.IsTrue(keycaps.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Keycaps (digit + vs) not detected as emoji!"); Assert.IsTrue(keycaps.All(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x, 1)), "Keycaps (digit + vs) not detected as single emoji!"); Assert.IsFalse(punctuation.Any(x => Emoji.IsEmoji(x)), "Punctuation incorrectly detected as emoji!"); }
//--------------------------------------------------------Events:---------------------------------------------------------------------\\ #region --Events-- private static void OnFormattedTextChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if (d is not TextBlock textBlock) { return; } // Clear all inlines: textBlock.Inlines.Clear(); // Empty message: if (e.NewValue is not string text || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) { textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = "" }); return; } // Check if advanced chat message processing is disabled: if (Settings.GetSettingBoolean(SettingsConsts.DISABLE_ADVANCED_CHAT_MESSAGE_PROCESSING)) { textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = text }); return; } bool isEmoji = Emoji.IsEmoji(text.TrimEnd(UiUtils.TRIM_CHARS).TrimStart(UiUtils.TRIM_CHARS)); if (isEmoji) { textBlock.Inlines.Add(new Run { Text = text, FontSize = 50 }); } else { // Split into lines: string[] lines = NEW_LINE_REGEX.Split(text); Match quoteMatch; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string line = lines[i]; quoteMatch = QUOTATION_REGEX.Match(line); if (quoteMatch.Success) { line = line.Substring(quoteMatch.Length); } if (i < lines.Length - 1) { line += '\n'; } int lastPosition = 0; Match[] matches = new Match[3] { Match.Empty, Match.Empty, Match.Empty }; do { try { matches[0] = URL_REGEX.Match(line, lastPosition); matches[1] = EMAIL_REGEX.Match(line, lastPosition); matches[2] = PHONE_REGEX.Match(line, lastPosition); } catch (RegexMatchTimeoutException) { } Match firstMatch = matches.Where(x => !(x is null) && x.Success).OrderBy(x => x.Index)?.FirstOrDefault(); if (firstMatch == matches[0]) { // the first match is an URL: CreateRunElement(textBlock, line, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index, quoteMatch.Success); lastPosition = CreateUrlElement(textBlock, firstMatch, quoteMatch.Success); } else if (firstMatch == matches[1]) { // the first match is an email: CreateRunElement(textBlock, line, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index, quoteMatch.Success); lastPosition = CreateContactElement(textBlock, firstMatch, null, quoteMatch.Success); } else if (firstMatch == matches[2]) { // the first match is a phone number: CreateRunElement(textBlock, line, lastPosition, firstMatch.Index, quoteMatch.Success); lastPosition = CreateContactElement(textBlock, null, firstMatch, quoteMatch.Success); } else { // no match, we add the whole text: CreateRunElement(textBlock, line, lastPosition, line.Length, quoteMatch.Success); lastPosition = line.Length; } } while (lastPosition < line.Length); } } }
/// <summary> /// as the incoming gets an event this method is used to populate the control we are using for memory storage /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> public void CollecteMetrics(SampledStreamDTO model) { try { if (model != null) { if ( != null && != null && != null) { foreach (var dictItem in { hashTagsDict.AddOrUpdate(dictItem.tag, 1, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + 1); } } if ( != null && != null) { foreach (var dictItem in { if (dictItem.expanded_url != null) { urlsDict.AddOrUpdate(dictItem.expanded_url, 1, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + 1); } } } if (model.includes != null && model.includes.Media != null) { foreach (var item in model.includes.Media) { if (item.url != null) { photoUrlDict.AddOrUpdate(item.url.AbsoluteUri, 1, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + 1); } } } if ( != null && != null && != null && > 0) { foreach (var item in { if (item.expanded_url != null) { domainDict.AddOrUpdate(item.expanded_url, 1, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + 1); } } } } if ( != null && Emoji.IsEmoji( { emojisDict.AddOrUpdate(, 1, (key, oldValue) => oldValue + 1); } metricsBag.Add(; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void RefreshChat() { if (ChatRefreshTime >= _bTextMsg.Timestamp) { return; } ChatRefreshTime = _bTextMsg.Timestamp; var msg = _bTextMsg.Read(); if (msg == null) { return; } var tableUser = _tableuserData.Read(); var seat = tableUser.GetSeatOfUser(msg.from_username); if (seat == -1) // 不是当前桌子上的人发的消息,就直接忽略吧。 { return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.content)) // 聊天内容为空的时候,也直接忽略。 { return; } RectTransform container = null; switch (seat) { case 0: container = SouthChatContainer; break; case 1: container = EastChatContainer; break; case 2: container = NorthChatContainer; break; case 3: container = WestChatContainer; break; } if (!container) { return; } // 初始化一个ChatBubble用来显示聊天的内容。 var bubble = _chatBubbleFactory.Create(); if (!bubble) { return; } bubble.transform.SetParent(container, false); bubble.transform.localPosition =; if (Emoji.IsEmoji(msg.content)) { bubble.SetEmoji(msg.content); } else { bubble.SetText(msg.content); } bubble.Show(); // 清空当前数据。 _bTextMsg.ClearAndInvalidate(0); }