public async Task DisplayConfigAllAsync() { EmbedBuilder builder = ConfigEmbedBuilder(); _lastConfigMessage = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Empty, false, builder.Build()); _currentPage = 0; (Context.Client as DiscordSocketClient).ReactionAdded += HandleReactionAddedAsync; var emojis = new Emoji[] { new Emoji("\U00002B05"), new Emoji("\U000027A1") }; // Unicode characters for left and right arrows, respectively await _lastConfigMessage.AddReactionsAsync(emojis); }
public static void InitializeMain(Service[] allServices) { if (!Platform.Ready) { throw new Exception("Please initialize the platform first"); } ServiceManager.Initialize(allServices.ToList()); ServiceUserSettingsManager.LoadAll(); Emoji.Initalize(Platform.GetEmojisPath()); BubbleGroupFactory.LoadAllPartiallyIfPossible(); }
public string Help() { return($@"*Список доступных команд:* {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0031, 0x20E3 })} /help \- просмотреть список команд {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0032, 0x20E3 })} /start \- старт/презагрузка бота {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0033, 0x20E3 })} /personality \- выбор личности {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0034, 0x20E3 })} /reset \- перезапуск бота {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0035, 0x20E3 })} /contacts \- контакты с разработчиком {convertEmoji = new Emoji(new int[] { 0x0036, 0x20E3 })} Меню \- главное меню"); }
private static async Task HandleLineCount(SocketUserMessage message, SocketCommandContext context) { if (Utils.LineCountCheckPassed(message.Content)) { return; } if (!IsMod(context.User.Username)) { string url = await HassBotUtils.Utils.Paste2Ubuntu(message.Content, context.User.Username); if (url == string.Empty) { // untutu paste failed... try hastebin url = HassBotUtils.Utils.Paste2HasteBin(message.Content); if (url == string.Empty) { // hastebin paste ALSO failed... just warn the user, and drop a poop emoji :) var poopEmoji = new Emoji(POOP); await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync(string.Format(Constants.MAXLINELIMITMESSAGE, context.User.Mention)); await context.Message.AddReactionAsync(poopEmoji); return; } } //List<Violation> violations = ViolationsManager.TheViolationsManager.GetIncidentsByUser(context.User.Id); //int totalViolations = 0; //if (null != violations) // totalViolations = violations.Count; // publish the URL link string response = string.Format(HASTEBIN_MESSAGE, context.User.Mention, url); await Helper.CreateEmbed(context, content : response, hidefooter : true); //// Violation Management //ViolationsManager.TheViolationsManager.AddIncident(context.User.Id, context.User.Username, CommonViolationTypes.Codewall.ToString(), context.Channel.Name); //if (null != violations) //{ // if (violations.Count >= 3 && violations.Count <= 5 ) // { // await KickWarningMessage(context); // } // else if (violations.Count > 5) // { // await KickMessage(message, context); // } //} // and, delete the original message! await context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } }
public string AppendNTimes(string str, Emoji emoji, int n) { var returnVal = str; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { returnVal += emoji.Item; } return(returnVal); }
public static async Task ReadOptionAsync(OrikivoCommandContext Context, Emoji e) { if (!OptionsHelper.TryParseOption(e, out AccountOption ao)) { await ReadOptionAsync(Context, e.Name); //await Context.Channel.ThrowAsync("Invalid context.", "The icon specified led to no results."); return; } await Context.Channel.ReadAsync(ao.Interpret(), Context.Account); }
private async void FieldEmoji_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FieldEmoji.Text)) { EmojiCollection.Source = Toolbar.ItemsSource; } else { EmojiCollection.Source = await Emoji.SearchAsync(ViewModel.ProtoService, FieldEmoji.Text, _selected); } }
public async Task bambie() { await ReplyAsync("**C'est trop meugnon**"); var message = await Context.Channel.SendFileAsync("assets/bambie.png"); var heartEmoji = new Emoji(":heart:"); await message.AddReactionAsync(heartEmoji); await ReplyAsync("Si tu aime réagit avec un coeur"); }
private static async Task OnReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> cache, ISocketMessageChannel channel, SocketReaction reaction) { if (reaction.MessageId == Global.MessageIdTracker) { if (reaction.Emote.Name == "👌") { Emoji emoji = (Emoji)reaction.Emote; await cache.Value.AddReactionAsync(emoji); } } }
private async Task CheckSignature(SocketUserMessage msg) { var db = new BotBaseContext(); var signature = db.Signature.AsQueryable().AsQueryable().Where(sig => sig.UserId == msg.Author.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (signature != null) { Emoji react = new Emoji(signature.Signature1); await msg.AddReactionAsync(react); } }
private async void FieldEmoji_TextChanged(object sender, TextChangedEventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FieldEmoji.Text)) { EmojiCollection.Source = Toolbar.ItemsSource; } else { EmojiCollection.Source = await Emoji.SearchAsync(ViewModel.ProtoService, FieldEmoji.Text, _selected, CoreTextServicesManager.GetForCurrentView().InputLanguage.LanguageTag); } }
public static bool TryGetIcon(this PropertyInfo property, out Emoji icon) { icon = null; IconAttribute ico = property.GetCustomAttribute <IconAttribute>(); if (ico.Exists()) { icon = ico.Icon; return(true); } return(false); }
public void TestSendEmojiMessage() { this.GetTestConversation("junwu", "58be1f5392509726c3dc1c8b").ContinueWith(t => { var conversation = t.Result; var emojiMessage = new Emoji() { Ecode = "#e001",// 应用内置的表情编码 }; return(conversation.SendMessageAsync(emojiMessage)); }); }
public static string ResolveEmoji([NotNull] Emoji emoji) { if (emoji.Id is null) { return(Uri.EscapeDataString(emoji.Name)); } var animated = emoji.Animated == true ? "a" : "n"; var name = emoji.Name.Replace(RegexEmojiNameArtifact, groups => ""); var id = emoji.Id; return($"{animated}:{name}:{id}"); }
public void SendMessage(string channel, string text, Emoji icon, string username) { var slackMessage = new SlackMessage { Channel = channel, Text = text, IconEmoji = icon, Username = username }; _client.Post(slackMessage); }
public static string GetUrl(IEmoji emoji) { return(emoji switch { Emoji e => FormatEmojiUrl(GetUnicodeCodePoints(e)), LocalEmoji localEmoji => FormatEmojiUrl(GetUnicodeCodePoints(localEmoji)), LocalCustomEmoji localCustomEmoji => localCustomEmoji.GetUrl(), CustomEmoji customEmoji => customEmoji.GetUrl(), CachedGuildEmoji cachedEmoji => cachedEmoji.GetUrl(), RestGuildEmoji restEmoji => restEmoji.GetUrl(), _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(emoji)) });
internal Poll(RestUserMessage message, string title, SocketUser usr, params string[] options) { PollCreator = usr; PollMessage = message; PollTitle = title; PollId = GetNextId(); for (int i = 1; i <= options.Length; i++) { Emoji e = new Emoji($"{i.ToString()}\u20E3"); PollOptions.Add(new PollOption(options[i - 1], e)); } }
public async Task EditCommandAsync(string command, params string[] output) { CommandServiceResponse response = _customCommandService.EditCommand(command, string.Join(' ', output), Context); Emoji reaction = response switch { CommandServiceResponse.Success => new Emoji("✅"), _ => new Emoji("❌") }; await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(reaction); }
/// <inheritdoc /> protected override IEnumerable <Result <Uri> > GetImageUris ( Optional <CDNImageFormat> imageFormat = default, Optional <ushort> imageSize = default ) { var emoji = new Emoji(new Snowflake(0), null); yield return(CDN.GetEmojiUrl(emoji, imageFormat, imageSize)); yield return(CDN.GetEmojiUrl(emoji.ID !.Value, imageFormat, imageSize)); }
public async Task AddReminder(IUserMessage message, ulong userId, DateTime reminderTime) { var reminder = new Reminder(message.GetGuild().Id, message.Channel.Id, message.Id, reminderTime); reminder.Users.Add(userId); reminders.Add(message.Id, reminder); SaveData(); var emoji = new Emoji(emojiId); await message.AddReactionAsync(emoji); }
private async void AddReaction(string fightId) { var emote = new Emoji(_config.CurrentValue.WarcraftLogs.DoneEmoteCode); var msgs = await _discordContext.GetChannelMessages(_config.CurrentValue.LogChannelId); foreach (var msg in msgs.Where(msg => msg.Content.Contains(fightId) || msg.Embeds.Any(x => x.Url.Contains(fightId)))) { await msg.AddReactionAsync(emote, RequestOptions.Default); break; } }
public async Task Vote([Remainder] string msg = null) { Emoji yes = new Emoji("❤"); Emoji wait = new Emoji("✋"); Emoji no = new Emoji("👎"); IEmote[] emotes = new IEmote[3] { yes, wait, no }; await Context.Message.AddReactionsAsync(emotes); }
public async Task SendYosano([Remainder] int repeat = 1) { var yosano = Emoji.GetEmojis().Single(x => x.Name == "yosano"); var sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { sb.Append(yosano.ToString()); } await ReplyAsync(sb.ToString()); }
public async Task Unload(string role) { RoleSetting roleSetting = Methods.Data.GetRoleSetting(role); SocketTextChannel channel = Constants.IGuilds.Jordan(Context).Channels.Where(x => x.Id == Methods.Data.GetChnlId("role-selection")).FirstOrDefault() as SocketTextChannel; IUserMessage msg = channel.GetMessageAsync( as IUserMessage; Embed embed = msg.Embeds.FirstOrDefault() as Embed; if (embed.Fields.FirstOrDefault().Name == $"There are no {} roles available at the moment.") { //Message is empty await ReplyAsync(":x: Role is not loaded."); } string rolename = Constants.IGuilds.Jordan(Context).Roles.Where(x => x.Id == roleSetting.roleid).FirstOrDefault().Name; foreach (EmbedField field in embed.Fields) { if (field.Name == rolename) { //Role is loaded EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new EmbedBuilder(); embedBuilder.WithTitle(embed.Title); embedBuilder.WithColor(embed.Color.Value); if (embed.Fields.Count() == 1) { embedBuilder.AddField($"There are no {} roles available at the moment.", "Check back later for another event."); } else { foreach (EmbedField field_ in embed.Fields) { if (field_.Name != rolename) { embedBuilder.AddField(field_.Name, field_.Value); } } } if (embed.Footer != null) { embedBuilder.WithFooter(embed.Footer.Value.Text); } await msg.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = embedBuilder.Build()); await ReplyAsync(":white_check_mark: Role unloaded."); IEmote emote = new Emoji(""); emote = new Emoji(Methods.Data.GetRoleSetting(role).emoji); await msg.RemoveReactionAsync(emote, Context.Client.CurrentUser); return; } } }
private void dataGridViewImage_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { int r = dataGridViewImage.CurrentCell.RowIndex; int c = dataGridViewImage.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex; int location = r * col + c; if (location < emojiList.Count) { emojiSelected = emojiList[location]; selectedText.Text = emojiSelected.ToString(); } }
public void Get() { Emoji.Get(":grinning:").Should().NotBe(GEmoji.Empty); Emoji.Get(":fail:").Should().Be(GEmoji.Empty); Emoji.Get(":grinning:").Should().Be(Emoji.Get("grinning")); Emoji.Get(":laughing:").Should().Be(Emoji.Get(":satisfied:")); var octocat = Emoji.Get(":octocat:"); octocat.Should().NotBe(GEmoji.Empty); octocat.Raw.Should().BeEmpty(); }
private void TryIncrementUnicodeFromMessage(string content, DiscordUser user) { var emojis = content.Codepoints() .Where(o => Emoji.IsKnownEmoji(o)) .Distinct() .Select(o => o.AsString().Trim()); foreach (var emoji in emojis) { IncrementCounter(emoji, true, user); } }
private static Emoji GetEmoji(string iconemoji, Emoji defaultEmoji) { try { return((Emoji)Enum.Parse(typeof(Emoji), iconemoji)); } catch { print($"Warning: {iconemoji} was not recognized as an iconemoji option. Use {opt_help_long} iconemoji for more information."); return(defaultEmoji); } }
/// <summary> /// Reply with a reaction to a users message as well as a message response /// </summary> /// <param name="message">User message</param> /// <param name="emoji">Emoji to react with</param> /// <param name="response">Message response</param> /// <returns>Reaction and Message or Message</returns> public Task <IUserMessage> ReplyReactionMessage(IUserMessage message, Emoji emoji, string response) { if (message.Reactions.ContainsKey(emoji)) { return(Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response)); } else { var t1 = message.AddReactionAsync(emoji); var t2 = Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(response); Task.WhenAll(t1, t2); return(t2); } }
public async Task Stop() { SocketTextChannel channel = Constants.IGuilds.Jordan(Context).Channels.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == Methods.Data.GetChnlId("bot-log")) as SocketTextChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync($"[{DateTime.Now} at Commands] Stopping [{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemType").ToUpper()}] instance..."); IEmote emote = new Emoji("✅"); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(emote); await Context.Client.LogoutAsync(); Environment.Exit(1); }
public static void loadWords() { JSONObject wordsText = null; if (json != null) { wordsText = json["words"]; } else { loadFile (); loadWords(); } for (int i=0; i < wordsText.Count; i++) { Word word = new Word (); JSONObject wordText = wordsText[i]; string complete = wordText["complete"].ToString().Trim('"'); word.setComplete(complete); JSONObject emojisText = wordText["emojis"]; List<Emoji> emojis = new List<Emoji>(); for (int e=0; e < emojisText.Count; e++) { Emoji emoji = new Emoji(); JSONObject etext = emojisText[e]; string wordAText = etext["word"].ToString().Trim('"'); if (wordAText == "") { break; } string color = etext["color"].ToString().Trim('"'); string filename = findEmojiForWord(wordAText); emoji.setColor(color); emoji.setWord(wordAText); emoji.setFilename(filename); if (unlockAll) { addToUnlocked(filename); } emojis.Add(emoji); } word.setEmojis(emojis); words.Add (word); } //int count = wordsText.Count; //for (int l=0; l < count; l++) { // if (unlockAll) { // emojis.Add (emojis[l]); // } //} //printOutUnused(); }
public static void loadEmojis() { JSONObject mappingsText = null; if (json != null) { mappingsText = json["mappings"]; } else { loadFile (); loadEmojis(); } for (int i=0; i < mappingsText.Count; i++) { Emoji emoji = new Emoji(); JSONObject wordText = mappingsText[i]; string word = wordText["word"].ToString().Trim('"'); string filename = wordText["emoji"].ToString().Trim('"'); emoji.setWord(word); emoji.setFilename(filename); emojis.Add (emoji); } }
public EmojiIconId(Emoji.Emoji emoji) { Emoji = emoji; }
private static Completion EmojiCompletion(Emoji emoji) { var name = $":{emoji.Name}:"; return new Completion(name, name, name, emoji.Bitmap(), name); }
public EmojiCompletion(Emoji emoji) : base() { _emoji = emoji; _name = $":{emoji.Name}:"; }
public EmojiLookupItem(Emoji.Emoji emoji) : base(true) { Text = $":{emoji.Name}:"; Image = new EmojiIconId(emoji); }
Emoji pickRandomEmoji() { Emoji e = new Emoji(); string myRandomEmoji = ""; string emojiList = ""; // pick a word bool okay = false; while (!okay) { okay = true; int rand = UnityEngine.Random.Range (0, LoadSave.emojis.Count - 1); myRandomEmoji = LoadSave.emojis [rand].getWord (); emojiList = LoadSave.emojis [rand].getFilename (); // make sure it is not a duplicate of something already picked or random word // make sure it's not the two cards we need if (wordValues.Count > 1 && (wordValues [0].getFilename () == emojiList || wordValues [1].getFilename () == emojiList)) { //Debug.Log ("try again, it's a card you need"); okay = false; //e = pickRandomEmoji (); } // make sure it's not already on the board (found this doesn't work) for (int i=0; i < someValues.Count; i++) { //Debug.Log (someValues[i].getFilename() + " " + emojiList); if (someValues[i].getFilename() == emojiList) { // repeat, try again //Debug.Log ("try again, already on board"); //e = pickRandomEmoji (); okay = false; } } } e.setWord (myRandomEmoji); e.setFilename (emojiList); return e; }
public EmojiTag(Emoji emoji) { Emoji = emoji; }