public async Task Mute( [Summary("The user to be muted.")] IUser user, [Summary("The length of the mute in minutes.\n(Default: 10)")] double period = 10, [Summary("The mute period span.\n(Default: Minutes)\n(Available: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days)")] Measure measure = Measure.Minutes, [Remainder] [Summary("The reason for the mute.\n(Default: \"No Reason Provided.\")")] string reason = "No Reason Provided.") { try { await _moderation.Mute(Context.Guild, user, Context.User, period, reason); await _moderation.StartTimer(Context.Guild, user, period, measure); var builders = await _log.CreateLog(user, Context.User, reason, Infraction.Mute); var channel = Context.Guild.GetChannel(Config.Log) as IMessageChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Log", builders)); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task Ban( [Summary("The user to be banned.")] SocketUser user, [Summary("The number of days of messages to be deleted.\n(Default: 1)")] int prune = 1, [Remainder] [Summary("The reason for the ban.\n(Default: \"No Reason Provided.\")")] string reason = "No Reason Provided.") { try { await _moderation.Ban(Context.Guild, user, Context.User, prune, reason); var builders = await _log.CreateLog(user, Context.User, reason, Infraction.Ban); var channel = Context.Guild.GetChannel(Config.Log) as IMessageChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Log", builders)); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task BotInfo() { try { var botInfo = _utility.ListBotInfo(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Bot Info", botInfo)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task Modules() { try { var modules = _help.ListModules(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Modules", modules)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task Commands( [Summary("The name of the module to be searched for.")] string moduleName) { try { var module = _help.GetModuleInfo(moduleName); var commands = _help.ListCommands(module); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed(module.Name, commands)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task GuildInfo() { try { var guildDictionary = _utility.GetGuildInfo(Context.Guild); var guildInfo = _utility.ListGuildInfo(guildDictionary); var created = Context.Guild.CreatedAt.ToString("f"); var icon = Context.Guild.IconUrl; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed($"{Context.Guild.Name} Info", guildInfo, $"Created on: {created}", icon)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task Warn( [Summary("The user to be warned.")] IUser user, [Remainder] [Summary("The reason for the warn.\n(Default: \"No Reason Provided.\")")] string reason = "No Reason Provided.") { try { var builders = await _log.CreateLog(user, Context.User, reason, Infraction.Warn); var channel = Context.Guild.GetChannel(Config.Log) as IMessageChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Log", builders)); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task CommandHelp( [Summary("The name of the command to be searched for.")] string commandName = null) { try { if (commandName != null) { var command = _help.GetCommandInfo(commandName); var info = _help.ListCommandHelp(command); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed(command.Name, info)); } else { var info = _help.ListGeneralHelp(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Help", info)); } } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }