private void addStyle(HtmlDocument document) { Embeds.WriteTestEditorCSS(); document.ReferenceStyle("testEditor.css"); //document.AddStyle(Embeds.TestEditorCSS()); }
private async Task ReactionAdded(Cacheable <IUserMessage, ulong> arg1, ISocketMessageChannel arg2, SocketReaction arg3) { var amount = 1; var msgId = arg3.MessageId; var channel = (ITextChannel)arg2; //TODO: Don't duplicate previously pinned messages, use reaction count if (arg1.Id == 640802444233670676) { int originalAmount = 0; foreach (var pair in JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Currency.Get(channel.Guild.Id)) { if (pair.Item1 == arg3.UserId.ToString()) { originalAmount = pair.Item2; } } JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Currency.Add(channel.Guild.Id, arg3.UserId, amount); var botlog = await channel.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Channels.BotLogsId(channel.Guild.Id)); var botchannel = await channel.Guild.GetTextChannelAsync(JackFrostBot.UserSettings.Channels.BotChannelId(channel.Guild.Id)); Embed embed = Embeds.Earn(arg3.User.ToString(), amount, channel.Guild.Id); await botlog.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false); await botchannel.SendMessageAsync("", embed : embed).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
/// <summary> /// The GetWarnings method returns an array of embeds detailing the user's warnings, time of warning, and moderator (if enabled). /// </summary> /// <param name="User">The user whose warnings you wish to receive.</param> /// <param name="RunBy">The user who has run the given warnings command.</param> /// <param name="Mention">The stringified mention for the target user.</param> /// <param name="Username">The target user's username in the given context.</param> /// <param name="ShowIssuer">Whether or not the moderators should be shown in the log. Enabled for moderators, disabled for DMed records.</param> /// <returns>An array of embeds containing the given user's warnings.</returns> public EmbedBuilder[] GetWarnings(ulong User, ulong RunBy, string Mention, string Username, bool ShowIssuer) { Infraction[] Infractions = InfractionsDB.GetInfractions(User); if (Infractions.Length <= 0) { return new EmbedBuilder[1] { BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Love) .WithTitle("No issued infractions!") .WithDescription($"{Mention} has a clean slate!\n" + $"Go give {(User == RunBy ? "yourself" : "them")} a pat on the back. <3") } } ; List <EmbedBuilder> Embeds = new (); DexterProfile DexterProfile = InfractionsDB.GetOrCreateProfile(User); EmbedBuilder CurrentBuilder = BuildEmbed(EmojiEnum.Love) .WithTitle($"{Username}'s Infractions - {Infractions.Length} {(Infractions.Length == 1 ? "Entry" : "Entries")} and {DexterProfile.InfractionAmount} {(DexterProfile.InfractionAmount == 1 ? "Point" : "Points")}.") .WithDescription($"All times are displayed in {TimeZoneInfo.Local.DisplayName}"); for (int Index = 0; Index < Infractions.Length; Index++) { Infraction Infraction = Infractions[Index]; IUser Issuer = Client.GetUser(Infraction.Issuer); long TimeOfIssue = Infraction.TimeOfIssue; DateTimeOffset Time = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeSeconds(TimeOfIssue > 253402300799 ? TimeOfIssue / 1000 : TimeOfIssue); EmbedFieldBuilder Field = new EmbedFieldBuilder() .WithName($"{(Infraction.InfractionTime == 0 ? "Warning" : $"{TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Infraction.InfractionTime).Humanize().Titleize()} Mute")} {Index + 1} (ID {Infraction.InfractionID}), {(Infraction.PointCost > 0 ? "-" : "")}{Infraction.PointCost} {(Infraction.PointCost == 1 ? "Point" : "Points")}.") .WithValue($"{(ShowIssuer ? $":cop: {(Issuer != null ? Issuer.GetUserInformation() : $"Unknown ({Infraction.Issuer})")}\n" : "")}" + $":calendar: {Time:M/d/yyyy h:mm:ss}\n" + $":notepad_spiral: {Infraction.Reason}" ); if (Index % 5 == 0 && Index != 0) { Embeds.Add(CurrentBuilder); CurrentBuilder = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(Field).WithColor(Color.Green); } else { try { CurrentBuilder.AddField(Field); } catch (Exception) { Embeds.Add(CurrentBuilder); CurrentBuilder = new EmbedBuilder().AddField(Field).WithColor(Color.Green); } } } Embeds.Add(CurrentBuilder); return(Embeds.ToArray()); }
internal async Task RecheckSignup(ulong discordId, ISocketMessageChannel channel) { IList <object> signup = null; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < _latestValues.Count; i++) { if (_latestValues[i][(int)ColumnIDs.Discord].ToString() == discordId.ToString()) { signup = _latestValues[i]; break; } } if (signup is null) { return; } if (signup[24].ToString() != "Investigate App" && signup[24].ToString() != "Requirements not reached") { return; } var message = await channel.SendMessageAsync("Loading.."); await CalculateDSN(signup, service, i); await message.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Embed = Embeds.SignupRecalculated(discordId); x.Content = ""; }); }
public void DeleteEmbed(ulong messageID) { if (Embeds.ContainsKey(messageID)) { Embeds.Remove(messageID); } }
public async Task Mute( [Summary("The user to be muted.")] IUser user, [Summary("The length of the mute in minutes.\n(Default: 10)")] double period = 10, [Summary("The mute period span.\n(Default: Minutes)\n(Available: Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days)")] Measure measure = Measure.Minutes, [Remainder] [Summary("The reason for the mute.\n(Default: \"No Reason Provided.\")")] string reason = "No Reason Provided.") { try { await _moderation.Mute(Context.Guild, user, Context.User, period, reason); await _moderation.StartTimer(Context.Guild, user, period, measure); var builders = await _log.CreateLog(user, Context.User, reason, Infraction.Mute); var channel = Context.Guild.GetChannel(Config.Log) as IMessageChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Log", builders)); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public void smoke_test_javascript_file() { var file = Embeds.GetFiles().First(x => x.FileName == "testEditor.js"); file.Contents().ShouldNotBeEmpty(); file.Folder.ShouldEqual("Controls"); }
private bool CheckAndParseReaction(SocketReaction reaction, out Emoji emoji, out PaginatedEmbed embed) { emoji = null; embed = null; // Message check if (!reaction.Message.IsSpecified || reaction.Message.Value.Author.IsUser() || reaction.Message.Value.Author.Id != DiscordClient.CurrentUser.Id) { return(false); } // Reaction check if (reaction.Emote is not Emoji _emoji) { return(false); } // Embed check if (reaction.Message.Value.Embeds.Count == 0 || !Embeds.TryGetValue(reaction.MessageId, out embed) || embed.ResponseFor.Id != reaction.UserId) { return(false); } emoji = _emoji; return(true); }
public async Task Ban( [Summary("The user to be banned.")] SocketUser user, [Summary("The number of days of messages to be deleted.\n(Default: 1)")] int prune = 1, [Remainder] [Summary("The reason for the ban.\n(Default: \"No Reason Provided.\")")] string reason = "No Reason Provided.") { try { await _moderation.Ban(Context.Guild, user, Context.User, prune, reason); var builders = await _log.CreateLog(user, Context.User, reason, Infraction.Ban); var channel = Context.Guild.GetChannel(Config.Log) as IMessageChannel; await channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Log", builders)); await Context.Message.AddReactionAsync(new Emoji("✅")); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> ITransformationMap <T> ITransformationMap <T> .Embed <TMember>( string relation, Expression <Func <T, TMember> > memberSelector, Func <T, ILinkData> linkSelector) { if (memberSelector is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memberSelector)); } if (relation is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(relation)); } if (linkSelector is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkSelector)); } switch (memberSelector.Body) { case MemberExpression me: var valueSelector = memberSelector.Compile(); Links[relation] = new LinkInstruction <T>(linkSelector); Embeds.Add(new MemberEmbedInstruction <T, TMember>(relation, me.Member.Name, valueSelector)); return(this); default: throw new ArgumentException(MalformedValueSelector); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> ITransformationMap <T> ITransformationMap <T> .Embed <TMember>( string relation, Expression <Func <T, TMember> > memberSelector, Func <T, TMember, ILinkData> linkSelector) { if (memberSelector is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(memberSelector)); } if (relation is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(relation)); } if (linkSelector is null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(linkSelector)); } switch (memberSelector.Body) { // todo(cosborn) Allow indexing, in the case of collections and dictionaries? case MemberExpression me: var valueSelector = memberSelector.Compile(); Links[relation] = new LinkInstruction <T>(t => linkSelector(t, valueSelector(t))); Embeds.Add(new MemberEmbedInstruction <T, TMember>(relation, me.Member.Name, valueSelector)); return(this); default: throw new ArgumentException(MalformedValueSelector); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds embeds to the interaction response /// </summary> /// <param name="embeds">The embeds to add to this interaction response</param> /// <returns>The modified interaction builder</returns> public DiscordInteractionBuilder WithEmbeds(IEnumerable <DiscordEmbed> embeds) { var list = Embeds.ToList(); list.AddRange(embeds); Embeds = list; return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Adds an embed to the interaction response /// </summary> /// <param name="embed">The embed to add to the interaction response</param> /// <returns>The modified interaction builder</returns> public DiscordInteractionBuilder WithEmbed(DiscordEmbed embed) { var list = Embeds.ToList(); list.Add(embed); Embeds = list; return(this); }
public CategoryEmbeds( bool embedGame = false, bool embedVariables = false) { embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedGame = embedGame; EmbedVariables = embedVariables; }
public LevelEmbeds( bool embedCategories = false, bool embedVariables = false) { embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedCategories = embedCategories; EmbedVariables = embedVariables; }
public async Task HandleArchiveCommand(ITextChannel channel, [Remainder] string category) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category)) { return; } category = new CultureInfo("en-GB", false).TextInfo.ToTitleCase(category); string env = HARDCODED_ARCHIVE_PATH; Guild g = new Guild(new Snowflake(Context.Guild.Id), Context.Guild.Name, Context.Guild.IconUrl); var discordCategory = channel.CategoryId.HasValue ? await channel.GetCategoryAsync() : null; ChannelCategory cc = new ChannelCategory(new Snowflake(channel.CategoryId.Value), discordCategory.Name, discordCategory.Position); Channel c = new Channel(new Snowflake(channel.Id), ChannelKind.GuildTextChat, g.Id, cc, channel.Name, channel.Position, channel.Topic); ExportRequest req = new ExportRequest(g, c, env + $"/{category}/Light/{channel.Name}.html", ExportFormat.HtmlLight, null, null, PartitionLimit.Null, MessageFilter.Null, true, true, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); ExportRequest req2 = new ExportRequest(g, c, env + $"/{category}/Dark/{channel.Name}.html", ExportFormat.HtmlDark, null, null, PartitionLimit.Null, MessageFilter.Null, true, true, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"); bool isLight = true; string path = env + $"/{category}/{(isLight ? "Light" : "Dark")}/{channel.Name}.html_Files/"; var message = await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.Archiving(Context.User, channel, "Starting")).ConfigureAwait(false); //Timer _timer = new Timer(async _ => await OnTick(), null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10)); try { await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.Archiving(Context.User, channel, "Exporting Light Mode")).ConfigureAwait(false); await _exporter.ExportChannelAsync(req).ConfigureAwait(false); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.Archiving(Context.User, channel, "Exporting Dark Mode")).ConfigureAwait(false); isLight = false; await _exporter.ExportChannelAsync(req2).ConfigureAwait(false); await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.Archiving(Context.User, channel, "Done")); } catch (Exception ex) { await message.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Content = $"Error occured: {ex}"; x.Embed = null; }); } //async Task OnTick() //{ // await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Content = $"Exported: {Directory.GetFiles(path, "*.*").Length} files."); //} }
/// <inheritdoc/> ITransformationMap <TCollection, TElement> IElementTransformationMap <TCollection, TElement> .EmbedElements( string relation, Func <TElement, ILinkData?> selector) { Links[relation] = new ManyLinkInstruction <TCollection>(c => c.Select(selector)); Embeds.Add(new ManyEmbedInstruction <TCollection, TElement>(relation, "[*]", _ => _)); return(this); }
internal async Task HandleRenameRequestAsync(RenameRequest req, IEmote emote, IUser approver, IUserMessage message) { if (emote.Name != _acceptEmote.Name && emote.Name != _denyEmote.Name) return; if (IsStaffMember(approver as IGuildUser) == false) { var m = await message.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{approver.Mention} you cannot approve/deny this name change."); _deleteService.ScheduleDeletion(m, 5); return; } bool accepted = emote.Name == _acceptEmote.Name; if (req != null) { if (!accepted) { await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.RequestRename(req.GuildUser, req.Type, req.NewName, accepted, approver.Mention)); _renameRequests.Remove(req); return; } if (req.Type == "discord" || req.Type == "both") { string newDiscordName = ""; if (req.GuildUser.Nickname != null) { int indexOfBracket = req.GuildUser.Nickname.IndexOf("]"); if (indexOfBracket == -1) newDiscordName = req.NewName; else newDiscordName = req.GuildUser.Nickname.Substring(0, indexOfBracket + 1) + " " + req.NewName; } else newDiscordName = req.NewName; await req.GuildUser.ModifyAsync(x => { x.Nickname = newDiscordName; }).ConfigureAwait(false); } if (req.Type == "spreadsheet" || req.Type == "both") { int row = _dsn.GetRowNumber(req.GuildUser.Id); if (row != -1) { string sectionToEdit = $"Player Data!C{row}"; _dsn.MakeRequest(sectionToEdit, new List<object>() { req.NewName }); return; } } await message.ModifyAsync(x => x.Embed = Embeds.RequestRename(req.GuildUser, req.Type, req.NewName, accepted, approver.Mention)); _renameRequests.Remove(req); } }
/// <summary> /// Adds a new embed to the list of embed to send /// </summary> /// <param name="embed">Embed to add</param> /// <returns>This</returns> /// <exception cref="IndexOutOfRangeException">Thrown if more than 10 embeds are added in a send as that is the discord limit</exception> public WebhookEditMessage AddEmbed(DiscordEmbed embed) { if (Embeds.Count >= 10) { throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Only 10 embed are allowed per message"); } Embeds.Add(embed); return(this); }
public async Task StopRaid() { await _commands.RaidFinished().ConfigureAwait(false); RaidInfo ri = Globals._activeRaid; Globals._activeRaid = null; Globals.AlreadyRaided.Clear(); IGuild g = Context.Guild; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.RaidEnded(_db, ri, g)).ConfigureAwait(false); }
public async Task Modules() { try { var modules = _help.ListModules(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Modules", modules)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task BotInfo() { try { var botInfo = _utility.ListBotInfo(); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed("Bot Info", botInfo)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public Task ModifyAsync(Action <MessageProperties> func, RequestOptions options = null) { var props = new MessageProperties { Content = Content, Embed = Optional.Create(Embeds.FirstOrDefault() as Embed) }; func(props); Content = props.Content.Value; Embeds = props.Embed.IsSpecified ? new List <IEmbed> { props.Embed.Value } : new List <IEmbed>(); return(Task.CompletedTask); }
public async Task Commands( [Summary("The name of the module to be searched for.")] string moduleName) { try { var module = _help.GetModuleInfo(moduleName); var commands = _help.ListCommands(module); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed(module.Name, commands)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
public async Task StartRaid() { RaidInfo newRaid = new RaidInfo(); newRaid.DateOfRaid = DateTime.UtcNow; _db.Raids.Add(newRaid); await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); Globals._activeRaid = newRaid; await _commands.CheckUsersInRaidChannel().ConfigureAwait(false); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.RaidStarted(Globals._activeRaid, Context.User as IGuildUser)).ConfigureAwait(false); }
internal async Task SendHelpForCommand(string command, ICommandContext Context) { var result = _commands.Search(Context, command); if (result.IsSuccess) { foreach (var foundCommand in result.Commands) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.CommandHelp(foundCommand)).ConfigureAwait(false); } } else { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, Embeds.CommandNotFound(command)).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public GameEmbeds( bool embedLevels = false, bool embedCategories = false, bool embedModerators = false, bool embedPlatforms = false, bool embedRegions = false, bool embedVariables = false) { embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedLevels = embedLevels; EmbedCategories = embedCategories; EmbedModerators = embedModerators; EmbedPlatforms = embedPlatforms; EmbedRegions = embedRegions; EmbedVariables = embedVariables; }
public RunEmbeds( bool embedGame = false, bool embedCategory = false, bool embedLevel = false, bool embedPlayers = false, bool embedRegion = false, bool embedPlatform = false) { embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedGame = embedGame; EmbedCategory = embedCategory; EmbedLevel = embedLevel; EmbedPlayers = embedPlayers; EmbedRegion = embedRegion; EmbedPlatform = embedPlatform; }
public async Task GuildInfo() { try { var guildDictionary = _utility.GetGuildInfo(Context.Guild); var guildInfo = _utility.ListGuildInfo(guildDictionary); var created = Context.Guild.CreatedAt.ToString("f"); var icon = Context.Guild.IconUrl; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync(embed : Embeds.CreateEmbed($"{Context.Guild.Name} Info", guildInfo, $"Created on: {created}", icon)); } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(e.Message); } }
/// <inheritdoc/> ITransformationMap <TCollection, TElement> ITransformationMap <TCollection, TElement> .Embed <TMember>( string relation, Expression <Func <TCollection, TMember> > memberSelector, Func <TCollection, ILinkData?> linkSelector) { switch (memberSelector.Body) { case MemberExpression me: var valueSelector = memberSelector.Compile(); Links[relation] = new LinkInstruction <TCollection>(linkSelector); Embeds.Add(new MemberEmbedInstruction <TCollection, TMember>(relation, me.Member.Name, valueSelector)); return(this); default: throw new ArgumentException(MalformedValueSelector); } }
public LeaderboardEmbeds( bool embedGame = false, bool embedCategory = false, bool embedLevel = false, bool embedPlayers = true, bool embedRegions = false, bool embedPlatforms = false, bool embedVariables = false) { isConstructed = true; embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedGame = embedGame; EmbedCategory = embedCategory; EmbedLevel = embedLevel; EmbedPlayers = embedPlayers; EmbedRegions = embedRegions; EmbedPlatforms = embedPlatforms; EmbedVariables = embedVariables; }
public SeriesEmbeds( bool embedModerators = false) { embeds = new Embeds(); EmbedModerators = embedModerators; }