Esempio n. 1
        public List <ElementVersion> Read(string directoriesFile, string elementsFile, string versionsFile)
            List <ElementVersion> result = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(elementsFile))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start reading file elements", elementsFile);
                var allActions = new List <Action>();
                using (var files = new StreamReader(elementsFile, Encoding.Default))
                    string line;
                    int    i = 0;
                    while ((line = files.ReadLine()) != null)
                        int    iTask       = ++i;
                        string currentLine = line;
                        allActions.Add(() =>
                            if (iTask % 100 == 0)
                                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Reading file element " + iTask);
                            ReadElement(currentLine, false, _cleartools[iTask % _nbCleartool]);
                Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _nbCleartool * 2
                }, allActions.ToArray());
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading file elements", elementsFile);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(directoriesFile))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start reading directory elements", directoriesFile);
                var allActions = new List <Action>();
                using (var directories = new StreamReader(directoriesFile, Encoding.Default))
                    string line;
                    int    i = 0;
                    while ((line = directories.ReadLine()) != null)
                        int    iTask       = ++i;
                        string currentLine = line;
                        allActions.Add(() =>
                            if (iTask % 20 == 0)
                                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Reading directory element " + iTask);
                            ReadElement(currentLine, true, _cleartools[iTask % _nbCleartool]);
                Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions {
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _nbCleartool * 2
                }, allActions.ToArray());
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading directory elements", directoriesFile);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(versionsFile))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start reading individual versions", versionsFile);
                result = new List <ElementVersion>();
                using (var versions = new StreamReader(versionsFile))
                    string line;
                    int    i = 0;
                    // not parallel because not as useful, and trickier to handle versions in "random" order
                    while ((line = versions.ReadLine()) != null)
                        if (++i % 100 == 0)
                            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Reading version " + i);
                        ReadVersion(line, result, _cleartools[i % _nbCleartool]);
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading individual versions", versionsFile);

            // oids still in _oidsToCheck are not to be really imported
            if (_oidsToCheck.Count > 0)
                foreach (var oid in _oidsToCheck)
                foreach (var directory in ElementsByOid.Values.Where(e => e.IsDirectory))
                    foreach (var branch in directory.Branches.Values)
                        foreach (DirectoryVersion directoryVersion in branch.Versions)
                            // use a copy to be able to remove
                            var original = directoryVersion.Content.ToList();
                            directoryVersion.Content.AddRange(original.Where(p => !_oidsToCheck.Contains(p.Value.Oid)));

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start fixups");
            foreach (var fixup in _contentFixups)
                Element childElement;
                if (ElementsByOid.TryGetValue(fixup.Item3, out childElement))
                    fixup.Item1.Content.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, Element>(fixup.Item2, childElement));
                    Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                                     "Element " + fixup.Item2 + " (oid:" + fixup.Item3 + ") referenced as " + fixup.Item2 + " in " + fixup.Item1 + " was not imported");
            foreach (var fixup in _mergeFixups)
                ElementVersion toFix  = fixup.Item1;
                ElementVersion linkTo = toFix.Element.GetVersion(fixup.Item2, fixup.Item3);
                if (linkTo == null)
                    Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                                     "Version " + fixup.Item2 + "/" + fixup.Item3 + " of " + toFix.Element +
                                     ", linked to " + toFix.Branch.BranchName + "/" + toFix.VersionNumber + ", was not imported");
                (fixup.Item4 ? toFix.MergesTo : toFix.MergesFrom).Add(linkTo);
            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop fixups");

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start reading label meta info");
            var           labelActions = new List <Action>();
            int           task         = 0;
            List <string> labels;

            lock (_cleartools[0])
                labels = _cleartools[0].ListLabels();
            foreach (var label in labels)
                int iTask = ++task;
                labelActions.Add(() =>
                    if (iTask % 100 == 0)
                        Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Reading label meta info " + iTask);
                    string author;
                    string login;
                    DateTime date;

                    var cleartool = _cleartools[task % _nbCleartool];
                    lock (cleartool)
                        cleartool.GetLabelDetails(label, out author, out login, out date);

                    LabelMeta labelMeta   = new LabelMeta();
                    labelMeta.Name        = label;
                    labelMeta.AuthorName  = author;
                    labelMeta.AuthorLogin = login;
                    labelMeta.Created     = date;

                    lock (_labelMetas)
                        _labelMetas[label] = labelMeta;
            Parallel.Invoke(new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = _nbCleartool * 2
            }, labelActions.ToArray());
            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading label meta info");

Esempio n. 2
        private void ReadVersion(string version, List <ElementVersion> newVersions, Cleartool cleartool)
            Match match = _versionRegex.Match(version);

            if (!match.Success)
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Could not parse '" + version + "' as a clearcase version");

            string elementName = match.Groups[1].Value;
            bool   isDir;
            string oid;

            lock (cleartool)
                oid = cleartool.GetOid(elementName, out isDir);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oid))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Could not find oid for element " + elementName);
            lock (_oidsToCheck)
            Element element;

            lock (ElementsByOid)
                if (!ElementsByOid.TryGetValue(oid, out element))
                    element = new Element(elementName, isDir)
                        Oid = oid
                    ElementsByOid.Add(oid, element);
                else if (element.Name != elementName)
                    // the element is now seen with a different name in the currently used view
                    Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                                     string.Format("element with oid {0} has a different name : now using {1} instead of {2}", oid, elementName, element.Name));
                    element.Name = elementName;
            string[] versionPath   = match.Groups[2].Value.Split(new[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string   branchName    = versionPath[versionPath.Length - 2];
            int      versionNumber = int.Parse(versionPath[versionPath.Length - 1]);
            // since we call ourself recursively to check the previous version, we first check the recursion end condition
            ElementBranch branch;

            if (element.Branches.TryGetValue(branchName, out branch) && branch.Versions.Count > 0 &&
                branch.Versions.Last().VersionNumber >= versionNumber)
                // already read

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Start reading version", version);
            string previousVersion;

            lock (cleartool)
                previousVersion = cleartool.GetPredecessor(version);
            int previousVersionNumber = -1;

            if (previousVersion == null)
                if (branchName != "main" || versionNumber != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve predecessor of " + version);
                branch = new ElementBranch(element, branchName, null);
                element.Branches[branchName] = branch;
                ReadVersion(elementName + "@@" + previousVersion, newVersions, cleartool);
                string[] parts = previousVersion.Split('\\');
                previousVersionNumber = int.Parse(parts[parts.Length - 1]);

            if (!element.Branches.TryGetValue(branchName, out branch))
                if (versionNumber != 0)
                    // we should have completed in ReadVersion(elementName + "@@" + previousVersion)
                    throw new Exception("Could not complete branch " + branchName);

                ElementVersion branchingPoint = null;
                if (versionPath.Length > 2)
                    string        parentBranchName = versionPath[versionPath.Length - 3];
                    ElementBranch parentBranch;
                    if (!element.Branches.TryGetValue(parentBranchName, out parentBranch) ||
                        (branchingPoint = parentBranch.Versions.FirstOrDefault(v => v.VersionNumber == previousVersionNumber)) == null)
                        throw new Exception("Could not complete branch " + parentBranchName);
                branch = new ElementBranch(element, branchName, branchingPoint);
                element.Branches[branchName] = branch;

            bool added = AddVersionToBranch(branch, versionNumber, isDir, newVersions, cleartool);

            if (!added && branch.Versions.Count == 0)
                // do not leave an empty branch

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading version", version);
Esempio n. 3
        private void ReadElement(string elementName, bool isDir, Cleartool cleartool)
            // canonical name of elements is without the trailing '@@'
            if (elementName.EndsWith("@@"))
                elementName = elementName.Substring(0, elementName.Length - 2);
            string oid;

            lock (cleartool)
                oid = cleartool.GetOid(elementName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oid))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Could not find oid for element " + elementName);
            lock (_oidsToCheck)
            lock (ElementsByOid)
                if (ElementsByOid.ContainsKey(oid))

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                             "Start reading " + (isDir ? "directory" : "file") + " element", elementName);
            var element = new Element(elementName, isDir)
                Oid = oid

            lock (ElementsByOid)
                ElementsByOid[oid] = element;
            List <string> versionStrings;

            lock (cleartool)
                versionStrings = cleartool.Lsvtree(elementName);
            foreach (string versionString in versionStrings)
                // there is a first "version" for each branch, without a version number
                if (!_isFullVersionRegex.IsMatch(versionString))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Creating version", versionString);
                string[]      versionPath   = versionString.Split(new[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string        branchName    = versionPath[versionPath.Length - 2];
                int           versionNumber = int.Parse(versionPath[versionPath.Length - 1]);
                ElementBranch branch;
                if (!element.Branches.TryGetValue(branchName, out branch))
                    // a new branch always start from the last seen version of the parent branch
                    ElementVersion branchingPoint = null;
                    if (versionPath.Length > 2)
                        // The version could be missing on a parent branch because
                        // it was created (or merged) directly from a grandparent.
                        // We need to traverse the whole branch tree up to the main
                        // branch to find any.
                        int index = versionPath.Length - 3;
                        while (index >= 0)
                            string b = versionPath[index];
                            if (element.Branches.ContainsKey(b))
                                branchingPoint = element.Branches[b].Versions.Last();
                        if (branchingPoint == null)
                            throw new Exception("Unable to find any branching point for version " + versionString + " and element " + elementName + "!");
                        // Go back up to the missing one
                        while (index < versionPath.Length - 3)
                            string        skippedName   = versionPath[index];
                            ElementBranch skippedBranch = new ElementBranch(element, skippedName, branchingPoint);
                            element.Branches[skippedName] = skippedBranch;
                            if (!AddVersionToBranch(skippedBranch, 0, isDir, null, cleartool))
                                throw new Exception("Failed to add missing branch " + skippedName + " for element " + elementName + "!");
                            branchingPoint = skippedBranch.Versions.Last();
                    branch = new ElementBranch(element, branchName, branchingPoint);
                    element.Branches[branchName] = branch;
                bool added = AddVersionToBranch(branch, versionNumber, isDir, null, cleartool);
                if (!added)
                    // versions was too recent
                    if (branch.Versions.Count == 0)
                        // do not leave an empty branch
                    // versions are retrieved in order of creation only within a branch :
                    // we still may have eligible versions on a parent branch, so we must continue
            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading element", elementName);
Esempio n. 4
        private bool AddVersionToBranch(ElementBranch branch, int versionNumber, bool isDir, List <ElementVersion> newVersions, Cleartool cleartool)
            ElementVersion version;

            if (isDir)
                var dirVersion = new DirectoryVersion(branch, versionNumber);
                Dictionary <string, string> res;
                lock (cleartool)
                    res = cleartool.Ls(dirVersion.ToString());
                foreach (var child in res)
                    lock (ElementsByOid)
                        Element childElement;
                        if (ElementsByOid.TryGetValue(child.Value, out childElement))
                            dirVersion.Content.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, Element>(child.Key, childElement));
                        else if (child.Value.StartsWith(SymLinkElement.SYMLINK))
                            Element symLink = new SymLinkElement(branch.Element, child.Value);
                            Element existing;
                            if (ElementsByOid.TryGetValue(symLink.Oid, out existing))
                                symLink = existing;
                                ElementsByOid.Add(symLink.Oid, symLink);
                            dirVersion.Content.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, Element>(child.Key, symLink));
                            _contentFixups.Add(new Tuple <DirectoryVersion, string, string>(dirVersion, child.Key, child.Value));

                version = dirVersion;
                version = new ElementVersion(branch, versionNumber);
            List <Tuple <string, int> > mergesTo, mergesFrom;

            lock (cleartool)
                cleartool.GetVersionDetails(version, out mergesTo, out mergesFrom);
            if (mergesTo != null)
                foreach (var merge in mergesTo)
                    // only merges between branches are interesting
                    if (merge.Item1 != branch.BranchName)
                        lock (_mergeFixups)
                            _mergeFixups.Add(new Tuple <ElementVersion, string, int, bool>(version, merge.Item1, merge.Item2, true));
            if (mergesFrom != null)
                foreach (var merge in mergesFrom)
                    // only merges between branches are interesting
                    if (merge.Item1 != branch.BranchName)
                        lock (_mergeFixups)
                            _mergeFixups.Add(new Tuple <ElementVersion, string, int, bool>(version, merge.Item1, merge.Item2, false));

            if (version.Date > _originDate)
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Information, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                                 string.Format("Skipping version {0} : {1} > {2}", version, version.Date, _originDate));

            if (newVersions != null)
        private void ReadElement(string elementName, bool isDir, Cleartool cleartool)
            // canonical name of elements is without the trailing '@@'
            if (elementName.EndsWith("@@"))
                elementName = elementName.Substring(0, elementName.Length - 2);
            string oid;

            lock (cleartool)
                oid = cleartool.GetOid(elementName);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oid))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Warning, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Could not find oid for element " + elementName);
            lock (_oidsToCheck)
            lock (ElementsByOid)
                if (ElementsByOid.ContainsKey(oid))

            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Start | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool,
                             "Start reading " + (isDir ? "directory" : "file") + " element", elementName);
            var element = new Element(elementName, isDir)
                Oid = oid

            lock (ElementsByOid)
                ElementsByOid[oid] = element;
            List <string> versionStrings;

            lock (cleartool)
                versionStrings = cleartool.Lsvtree(elementName);
            foreach (string versionString in versionStrings)
                // there is a first "version" for each branch, without a version number
                if (!_isFullVersionRegex.IsMatch(versionString))
                Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Creating version", versionString);
                string[]      versionPath   = versionString.Split(new[] { '\\' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string        branchName    = versionPath[versionPath.Length - 2];
                int           versionNumber = int.Parse(versionPath[versionPath.Length - 1]);
                ElementBranch branch;
                if (!element.Branches.TryGetValue(branchName, out branch))
                    // a new branch always start from the last seen version of the parent branch
                    ElementVersion branchingPoint = null;
                    if (versionPath.Length > 2)
                        branchingPoint = element.Branches[versionPath[versionPath.Length - 3]].Versions.Last();
                    branch = new ElementBranch(element, branchName, branchingPoint);
                    element.Branches[branchName] = branch;
                bool added = AddVersionToBranch(branch, versionNumber, isDir, null, cleartool);
                if (!added)
                    // versions was too recent
                    if (branch.Versions.Count == 0)
                        // do not leave an empty branch
                    // versions are retrieved in order of creation only within a branch :
                    // we still may have eligible versions on a parent branch, so we must continue
            Logger.TraceData(TraceEventType.Stop | TraceEventType.Verbose, (int)TraceId.ReadCleartool, "Stop reading element", elementName);