Esempio n. 1
 ///<summary>Checks whether or not the given Curve Name exist on the Skeleton referenced by the given Animation Sequence</summary>
 public static bool DoesCurveExist(AnimSequence AnimationSequence, Name CurveName, ERawCurveTrackTypes CurveType) =>
 AnimationBlueprintLibrary_methods.DoesCurveExist_method.Invoke(AnimationSequence, CurveName, CurveType);
Esempio n. 2
 ///<summary>Adds an Animation Curve by Type and Name to the given Animation Sequence</summary>
 public static void AddCurve(AnimSequence AnimationSequence, Name CurveName, ERawCurveTrackTypes CurveType, bool bMetaDataCurve) =>
 AnimationBlueprintLibrary_methods.AddCurve_method.Invoke(AnimationSequence, CurveName, CurveType, bMetaDataCurve);