public override void EmitMarkers(DungeonBuilder builder)
        var model = builder.Model as GridDungeonModel;

        if (model == null)
        var config = model.Config as GridDungeonConfig;

        if (config == null)

        var cellSize = config.GridCellSize;

        foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
            var bounds     = cell.Bounds;
            var cx         = (bounds.Location.x + bounds.Size.x / 2.0f) * cellSize.x;
            var cy         = bounds.Location.y * cellSize.y;
            var cz         = (bounds.Location.z + bounds.Size.z / 2.0f) * cellSize.z;
            var position   = new Vector3(cx, cy, cz);
            var transform  = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity,;
            var markerName = (cell.CellType == CellType.Room) ? "RoomCenter" : "CorridorCenter";
            builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, cell.Bounds.Location, cell.Id);
        public override void EmitMarkers(DungeonBuilder builder)
            var gridModel = builder.Model as GridDungeonModel;

            if (gridModel == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("invalid builder used with this marker emitter");

            var config        = gridModel.Config;
            var gridSize      = config.GridCellSize;
            var wall2DMarkers = new List <Wall2DMarkerInfo>();
            var occupied      = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <IntVector> >();

            foreach (var prop in builder.PropSockets)
                if (prop.SocketType == DungeonConstants.ST_WALL)
                    var markerInfo = GetMarker2D(prop, DungeonConstants.ST_WALL2D, gridSize);
                    RegisterMarker(markerInfo, wall2DMarkers, occupied);
                else if (prop.SocketType == DungeonConstants.ST_FENCE)
                    var markerInfo = GetMarker2D(prop, DungeonConstants.ST_WALL2D, gridSize);
                    RegisterMarker(markerInfo, wall2DMarkers, occupied);
                else if (prop.SocketType == DungeonConstants.ST_DOOR)
                    var rotation   = Matrix.GetRotation(ref prop.Transform);
                    var angleStep  = (Mathf.RoundToInt(rotation.eulerAngles.y / 90.0f) + 4) % 4;
                    var doorMarker = DungeonConstants.ST_DOOR2D;
                    if (angleStep == 1 || angleStep == 3)
                        // Angle is 90 or 270
                        doorMarker = DungeonConstants.ST_DOOR2D_90;

                    var markerInfo = GetMarker2D(prop, doorMarker, gridSize);
                    RegisterMarker(markerInfo, wall2DMarkers, occupied);

            // fix the corners
            if (fixCorners)
                FixCornerWalls(wall2DMarkers, builder.PropSockets, occupied, gridSize);

                // Add Ground2d markers. These are the same as ground markers, except that are not placed over 2d walls
                AddGround2DMarkers(wall2DMarkers, occupied, builder.PropSockets, gridSize);

            foreach (var markerInfo in wall2DMarkers)
                builder.EmitMarker(markerInfo.markerName, markerInfo.transform, markerInfo.gridPosition, markerInfo.cellId);
Esempio n. 3
    void EmitChunkMarker(DungeonBuilder builder, string markerName, Vector3 gridPositionF, float angle, Vector3 gridSize, int cellId)
        var worldPosition = Vector3.Scale(gridPositionF, gridSize);
        var matrix        = Matrix4x4.TRS(worldPosition, Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0),;
        var gridPosition  = new IntVector(gridPositionF);

        builder.EmitMarker(markerName, matrix, gridPosition, cellId);
        void EmitGroundMarker(DungeonBuilder builder, int sizeX, int sizeZ, Vector3 cellSize)
            var position = Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(sizeX, 0, sizeZ) / 2.0f, cellSize) + transform.position;
            var scale    = new Vector3(sizeX, 1, sizeZ);
            var trans    = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity, scale);

            builder.EmitMarker(GroundMarkerName, trans, IntVector.Zero, -1);
        void EmitMarkerAt(DungeonBuilder builder, Vector3 cellSize, string markerName, float x, float z, float angle)
            var worldPosition  = Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(x, 0, z), cellSize) + transform.position;
            var rotation       = Quaternion.Euler(0, angle, 0);
            var transformation = Matrix4x4.TRS(worldPosition, rotation,;
            var gridPosition   = new IntVector((int)x, 0, (int)z); // Optionally provide where this marker is in the grid position

            builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transformation, gridPosition, -1);
        void EmitCornerMarker(DungeonBuilder builder, GridDungeonModel model, IntVector point, string markerName)
            // Add an empty marker here
            var gridSize = model.Config.GridCellSize;
            var position = point * gridSize;

            position += Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f), gridSize);
            var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity,;

            builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, point, -1);
Esempio n. 7
    void EmitCornerMarker(DungeonBuilder builder, GridDungeonModel model, IntVector point, float angleY, string markerName)
        var gridSize = model.Config.GridCellSize;
        var position = point * gridSize;

        position += Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f), gridSize);
        var rotation  = Quaternion.Euler(0, angleY, 0);
        var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, rotation,;

        builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, point, -1);
Esempio n. 8
        public override void EmitMarkers(DungeonBuilder builder)
            if (!(builder is GridDungeonBuilder))
                Debug.LogWarning("Unsupported builder type used with marker emitter MarkerEmitterFindLowestPoint. Expected GridDungeonBuilder. Received:" + (builder != null ? builder.GetType().ToString() : "null"));

            var gridModel = builder.Model as GridDungeonModel;
            var Min       = new Vector3(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            var Max       = new Vector3(-int.MaxValue, -int.MaxValue, -int.MaxValue);
            var gridSize  = gridModel.Config.GridCellSize;

            if (gridModel.Cells.Count == 0)
                Min =;
                Max =;
                foreach (var cell in gridModel.Cells)
                    var location = cell.Bounds.Location * gridSize;
                    var size     = cell.Bounds.Size * gridSize;
                    Min.x = Mathf.Min(Min.x, location.x);
                    Min.y = Mathf.Min(Min.y, location.y);
                    Min.z = Mathf.Min(Min.z, location.z);

                    Max.x = Mathf.Max(Max.x, location.x + size.x);
                    Max.y = Mathf.Max(Max.y, location.y + size.y);
                    Max.z = Mathf.Max(Max.z, location.z + size.z);

            var rangeSize = Max - Min;

            var position = (Max + Min) / 2;

            position.y = Min.y;

            var scale     = new Vector3(rangeSize.x, 1, rangeSize.z);
            var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity, scale);

            builder.EmitMarker(MarkerName, transform, IntVector.Zero, -1);

            // Save this for other markers to use, if needed
            builder.Blackboard.FloatEntries.SetValue(BlackboardKeyLowestY, Min.y);
Esempio n. 9
        public override void EmitMarkers(DungeonBuilder builder)
            if (!(builder is GridDungeonBuilder))
                Debug.LogWarning("Unsupported builder type used with marker emitter MarkerEmitterFreeSpaceDecorator. Expected GridDungeonBuilder. Received:" + (builder != null ? builder.GetType().ToString() : "null"));

            var model    = builder.Model as GridDungeonModel;
            var gridSize = model.Config.GridCellSize;

            var visited  = new HashSet <IntVector>();
            var occupied = new HashSet <IntVector>();

            foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
                if (cell.CellType == CellType.Unknown)

                for (var distance = 2; distance <= 2; distance++)
                    var bounds = cell.Bounds;
                    bounds = Rectangle.ExpandBounds(bounds, distance);
                    var points = bounds.GetBorderPoints();
                    foreach (var point in points)
                        var hash = new IntVector(point.x, 0, point.z);
                        if (!visited.Contains(hash))
                            if (occupied.Contains(hash))

                            // Check if this point does not lie in a cell
                            var cellInfo = model.GetGridCellLookup(point.x, point.z);
                            if (cellInfo.CellType == CellType.Unknown)
                                // Make sure the surrounding area is free so we can place a decorative item
                                bool valid = true;
                                var  s     = distanceFromEdge - 1;
                                for (var dx = -s; dx <= s; dx++)
                                    for (var dz = -s; dz <= s; dz++)
                                        var x            = point.x + dx;
                                        var z            = point.z + dz;
                                        var neighborHash = new IntVector(x, 0, z);
                                        if (occupied.Contains(neighborHash))
                                            valid = false;
                                        var neighborCellInfo = model.GetGridCellLookup(x, z);
                                        if (neighborCellInfo.CellType != CellType.Unknown)
                                            // Occupied by an existing cell
                                            valid = false;
                                    if (!valid)

                                if (valid)
                                    // Valid space.  Occupy the space here
                                    for (var dx = -s; dx <= s; dx++)
                                        for (var dz = -s; dz <= s; dz++)
                                            var x = point.x + dx;
                                            var z = point.z + dz;
                                            occupied.Add(new IntVector(x, 0, z));

                                    var pushDownY = 0.0f;
                                    foreach (var pushDownAxis in pushDownTestAxis)
                                        var delta        = pushDownAxis * distanceFromEdge;
                                        var x            = point.x + Mathf.RoundToInt(delta.x);
                                        var z            = point.z + Mathf.RoundToInt(delta.z);
                                        var testCellInfo = model.GetGridCellLookup(x, z);
                                        if (testCellInfo.CellType != CellType.Unknown)
                                            pushDownY = pushDownAmount;

                                    var position = point * gridSize + new Vector3(gridSize.x, 0, gridSize.z) * 0.5f;
                                    position.y -= pushDownY;
                                    var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity,;

                                    builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, point, -1);
                                // Occupied by a cell
Esempio n. 10
        public override void EmitMarkers(DungeonBuilder builder)
            var visited = new HashSet <IntVector>();
            var model   = builder.Model as GridDungeonModel;

            if (model == null)

            var config = model.Config as GridDungeonConfig;

            if (config == null)

            var   gridSize       = config.GridCellSize;
            float overrideYValue = 0;

            if (overrideY)
                overrideYValue = builder.Blackboard.FloatEntries.GetValue(overrideYBlackboardKey);

            for (int d = 1; d <= distanceToCover; d++)
                var indexedMarkerName = indexedMarkerNamePrefix + d;
                foreach (var cell in model.Cells)
                    if (cell.CellType == CellType.Unknown)

                    var bounds = cell.Bounds;
                    bounds = Rectangle.ExpandBounds(bounds, d);
                    var points = bounds.GetBorderPoints();
                    foreach (var point in points)
                        var hash = new IntVector(point.x, 0, point.z);
                        if (!visited.Contains(hash))
                            // Check if this point does not lie in a cell
                            var cellInfo = model.GetGridCellLookup(point.x, point.z);
                            if (cellInfo.CellType == CellType.Unknown)
                                // Add an empty marker here
                                var position = point * gridSize;
                                position += Vector3.Scale(new Vector3(0.5f, 0, 0.5f), gridSize);
                                if (overrideY)
                                    position.y = overrideYValue;

                                var transform = Matrix4x4.TRS(position, Quaternion.identity,;
                                builder.EmitMarker(markerName, transform, point, -1);
                                builder.EmitMarker(indexedMarkerName, transform, point, -1);
