public void Awake() { On.RoR2.CharacterBody.OnInventoryChanged += (orig, self) => { if (self.inventory.GetItemCount((ItemIndex)ItemLib.ItemLib.GetItemId("Ifrits Distinction")) > 0) { self.AddBuff(BuffIndex.AffixRed); } else if (self.HasBuff(BuffIndex.AffixRed) && self.inventory.currentEquipmentIndex != EquipmentIndex.AffixRed) { self.RemoveBuff(BuffIndex.AffixRed); } }; On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy += (orig, self, damageInfo, victim) => { orig(self, damageInfo, victim); Debug.Log("Test"); int count = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>().inventory.GetItemCount((ItemIndex)ItemLib.ItemLib.GetItemId("Ifrits Distinction")); if (count > 1) { bool flag5 = (damageInfo.damageType & DamageType.PercentIgniteOnHit) != DamageType.Generic || damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>().HasBuff(BuffIndex.AffixRed); CharacterBody bleck = victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); for (int i = count - 1; i > 0; i--) { DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, flag5 ? DotController.DotIndex.PercentBurn : DotController.DotIndex.Burn, 4f * damageInfo.procCoefficient, 1f); } } }; }
private void GlobalEventManager_OnHitEnemy(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_OnHitEnemy orig, GlobalEventManager self, DamageInfo damageInfo, UnityEngine.GameObject victim) { GameObject attacker = damageInfo.attacker; if (self && attacker) { var attackerBody = attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); var victimBody = victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); int thalCount = GetCount(attackerBody); if (thalCount > 0) { bool flag = (damageInfo.damageType & DamageType.PoisonOnHit) > DamageType.Generic; if ((thalCount > 0 || flag) && (flag || Util.CheckRoll((procChance + (stackChance * (thalCount - 1)))))) { ProcChainMask procChainMask = damageInfo.procChainMask; procChainMask.AddProc(ProcType.BleedOnHit); var dotInfo = new InflictDotInfo() { attackerObject = attacker, victimObject = victim, dotIndex = poisonDot, duration = duration, damageMultiplier = dmgCoefficient }; DotController.InflictDot(ref dotInfo); } } } orig(self, damageInfo, victim); }
private static void GlobalEventManager_OnHitEnemy(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_OnHitEnemy orig, GlobalEventManager self, DamageInfo damageInfo, GameObject victim) { if (damageInfo.HasModdedDamageType(OriginalPoisonOnHit)) { DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, OriginalPoisonDot, 2f, 1f); } orig(self, damageInfo, victim); }
public static void MyCommandName(ConCommandArgs args) { DotController.DotIndex index = (DotController.DotIndex)Array.FindIndex(DotController.dotDefs, (dotDef) => dotDef.associatedBuff == BuffIndex.OnFire); for (int y = 0; y < args.GetArgInt(0); y++) { DotController.InflictDot(args.senderBody.gameObject, args.senderBody.gameObject, index, args.GetArgInt(1), 0.25f); //args.senderBody.AddTimedBuffAuthority(BuffIndex.OnFire, args.GetArgInt(1)); } }
private void On_ESDetonate(On.EntityStates.Engi.Mine.Detonate.orig_Explode orig, Detonate self) { if ( != "FootMine(Clone)") { orig(self); } else if ( { List <TeamComponent> teamMembers = new List <TeamComponent>(); TeamFilter teamFilter = self.GetComponent <TeamFilter>(); float blastRadius = Detonate.blastRadius * 1.2f; float sqrad = blastRadius * blastRadius; bool isFF = FriendlyFireManager.friendlyFireMode != FriendlyFireManager.FriendlyFireMode.Off; GameObject owner = self.projectileController.owner; int icnt = (int)self.GetComponent <ProjectileDamage>().damage; // this is actually the stack number if (isFF || teamFilter.teamIndex != TeamIndex.Monster) { teamMembers.AddRange(TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(TeamIndex.Monster)); } if (isFF || teamFilter.teamIndex != TeamIndex.Neutral) { teamMembers.AddRange(TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(TeamIndex.Neutral)); } if (isFF || teamFilter.teamIndex != TeamIndex.Player) { teamMembers.AddRange(TeamComponent.GetTeamMembers(TeamIndex.Player)); } if (owner) { teamMembers.Remove(owner.GetComponent <TeamComponent>()); } foreach (TeamComponent tcpt in teamMembers) { if ((tcpt.transform.position - self.transform.position).sqrMagnitude <= sqrad) { if (tcpt.body && tcpt.body.mainHurtBox && tcpt.body.isActiveAndEnabled) { DotController.InflictDot(tcpt.gameObject, owner, poisonDot, baseTicks + stackTicks * (icnt - 1), baseDmg + stackDmg * (icnt - 1)); } } } if (Detonate.explosionEffectPrefab) { EffectManager.SpawnEffect(Detonate.explosionEffectPrefab, new EffectData { origin = self.transform.position, rotation = self.transform.rotation, scale = blastRadius }, true); } EntityState.Destroy(self.gameObject); } }
private static void GlobalEventManager_ServerDamageDealt(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_ServerDamageDealt orig, DamageReport damageReport) { orig(damageReport); if ((damageReport.attackerBody) && damageReport.dotType == DotController.DotIndex.None && damageReport.attackerBody.HasBuff(_buffIndex)) { damageReport.victimBody.AddTimedBuff(BuffIndex.Blight, 2f); DotController.InflictDot(damageReport.victimBody.gameObject, damageReport.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Blight, 2f, 1f); } }
private static void On_TreebotFlower2RootPulse(On.EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.orig_RootPulse orig, TreebotFlower2Projectile self) { var owner = self.GetFieldValue <GameObject>("owner"); var isBoosted = Scepter.instance.GetCount(owner?.GetComponent <CharacterBody>()) > 0; var origRadius = TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius; if (isBoosted) { TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius *= 2f; } orig(self); TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius = origRadius; if (!isBoosted) { return; } var rb = self.GetFieldValue <List <CharacterBody> >("rootedBodies"); rb.ForEach(cb => { var nbi = Scepter.instance.itemRng.NextElementUniform(new[] { BuffIndex.Bleeding, BuffIndex.ClayGoo, BuffIndex.Cripple, BuffIndex.HealingDisabled, BuffIndex.OnFire, BuffIndex.Weak, BuffIndex.Pulverized, ClassicItemsPlugin.freezeBuff }); if (nbi == ClassicItemsPlugin.freezeBuff) { var ssoh = cb.gameObject.GetComponent <SetStateOnHurt>(); if (ssoh && ssoh.canBeFrozen) { ssoh.SetFrozen(1.5f); } else { return; } } if (nbi == BuffIndex.OnFire) { DotController.InflictDot(cb.gameObject, owner, DotController.DotIndex.Burn, 1.5f, 1f); } if (nbi == BuffIndex.Bleeding) { DotController.InflictDot(cb.gameObject, owner, DotController.DotIndex.Bleed, 1.5f, 1f); } cb.AddTimedBuff(nbi, 1.5f); }); }
public static void ApplyDot(this HealthComponent victim, GameObject attacker, DotController.DotIndex dotIndex, float duration = 8f, float damageMultiplier = 1f) { if ( { DotController.InflictDot(victim.gameObject, attacker, dotIndex, duration, damageMultiplier); } else { new DotMessage(victim.gameObject, attacker, dotIndex, duration, damageMultiplier) .Send(NetworkDestination.Server); } }
#pragma warning restore CS1591 // Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member private void On_GEMOnHitEnemy(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_OnHitEnemy orig, GlobalEventManager self, DamageInfo damageInfo, GameObject victim) { orig(self, damageInfo, victim); if (! || !victim || !damageInfo.attacker || damageInfo.procCoefficient <= 0f) { return; } var vicb = victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); CharacterBody body = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); if (!body || !vicb || !vicb.healthComponent || !vicb.mainHurtBox || vicb.HasBuff(poisonBuff)) { return; } CharacterMaster chrm = body.master; if (!chrm) { return; } int icnt = GetCount(body); if (icnt == 0) { return; } icnt--; float m2Proc = procChance; if (icnt > 0) { m2Proc += stackChance * icnt; } if (m2Proc > capChance) { m2Proc = capChance; } if (!Util.CheckRoll(m2Proc * damageInfo.procCoefficient, chrm)) { return; } DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, poisonDot, duration); }
private static void PoisonOnHit_OnHit(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_OnHitEnemy orig, GlobalEventManager gem, DamageInfo damageInfo, [NotNull] GameObject victim) { try { if (damageInfo.procCoefficient == 0f || damageInfo.rejected) { return; } if (! { return; } CharacterBody component = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); CharacterBody characterBody = victim ? victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>() : null; if (component) { CharacterMaster master = component.master; if (master) { Inventory inventory = master.inventory; TeamComponent component2 = component.GetComponent <TeamComponent>(); TeamIndex teamIndex = component2 ? component2.teamIndex : TeamIndex.Neutral; Vector3 aimOrigin = component.aimOrigin; int itemCount2 = inventory.GetItemCount(GNCItemSuite.PoisonOnHitItemIndex); int itemCount3 = inventory.GetItemCount(GNCItemSuite.BlightOnHitItemIndex); if ((itemCount2 > 0) && (Util.CheckRoll(5f * (float)itemCount2 * damageInfo.procCoefficient, master))) { ProcChainMask procChainMask2 = damageInfo.procChainMask; procChainMask2.AddProc(ProcType.BleedOnHit); DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Poison, 10f * damageInfo.procCoefficient, 1f); } if ((itemCount3 > 0) && (Util.CheckRoll(10f * (float)itemCount3 * damageInfo.procCoefficient, master))) { ProcChainMask procChainMask2 = damageInfo.procChainMask; procChainMask2.AddProc(ProcType.BleedOnHit); DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Blight, 10f * damageInfo.procCoefficient, 1f); } } } } catch { } orig(gem, damageInfo, victim); }
static public void ModdedHitEnemy(On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.orig_OnHitEnemy orig, GlobalEventManager self, DamageInfo damageInfo, GameObject victim) { if (damageInfo.procCoefficient == 0 || ! || (!(bool)damageInfo.attacker || damageInfo.procCoefficient <= 0)) { return; } CharacterBody Attacker = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); CharacterBody characterBody = victim ? victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>() : null; if (!Attacker) { return; } CharacterMaster master = Attacker.master; if (!master) { return; } damageInfo.procChainMask.LinkToManager(); Inventory inventory = master.inventory; TeamComponent Team = Attacker.GetComponent <TeamComponent>(); TeamIndex attackerTeamIndex = Team ? Team.teamIndex : TeamIndex.Neutral; Vector3 aimOrigin = Attacker.aimOrigin; ModItemManager.OnHitEnemyEffects(self, damageInfo, victim); //SetOnFire . Can't realy do much for this one int DamageType = (uint)(damageInfo.damageType & RoR2.DamageType.IgniteOnHit) > 0U ? 1 : 0; bool CanSetFire = (damageInfo.damageType & RoR2.DamageType.PercentIgniteOnHit) != RoR2.DamageType.Generic || Attacker.HasBuff(BuffIndex.AffixRed); int num2 = CanSetFire ? 1 : 0; if ((DamageType | num2) != 0) { DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, CanSetFire ? DotController.DotIndex.PercentBurn : DotController.DotIndex.Burn, 4f * damageInfo.procCoefficient, 1f); } //Apply Ice Elite (Will have to wait for Buff Change for that) if ((Attacker.HasBuff(BuffIndex.AffixWhite) ? 1 : 0) > 0 && (bool)((UnityEngine.Object)characterBody)) { characterBody.AddTimedBuff(BuffIndex.Slow80, 1.5f * damageInfo.procCoefficient); } damageInfo.procChainMask.UnlinkToManager(); }
public void AddBuffAndDot(BuffIndex buff, float duration, int stackCount, RoR2.CharacterBody body) { DotController.DotIndex index = (DotController.DotIndex)Array.FindIndex(DotController.dotDefs, (dotDef) => dotDef.associatedBuff == buff); for (int y = 0; y < stackCount; y++) { if (index != DotController.DotIndex.None) { DotController.InflictDot(body.gameObject, body.gameObject, index, duration, 0.25f); } else { body.AddTimedBuffAuthority(buff, duration); } } }
void InflictBurn(int count, DamageReport report) { var dot = new InflictDotInfo { victimObject = report.victim.gameObject, attackerObject = report.attacker, totalDamage = new float?(((float)(count - 1) * procStackDamage + procBaseDamage) * report.attackerBody.damage), dotIndex = DotController.DotIndex.Burn, damageMultiplier = 1f }; if (report.attackerMaster) { StrengthenBurnUtils.CheckDotForUpgrade(report.attackerMaster.inventory, ref dot); } isInternalIgnite = true; DotController.InflictDot(ref dot); isInternalIgnite = false; }
public static void ThalliumItemHook() { On.RoR2.GlobalEventManager.OnHitEnemy += (orig, self, damage, victim) => { if (damage.attacker) { CharacterBody Attacker = damage.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); CharacterMaster AttackerMaster = Attacker.master; CharacterBody VictimBody = victim ? victim.GetComponent <CharacterBody>() : null; if (Attacker && AttackerMaster) { int itemcount = Attacker.inventory.GetItemCount(ThalliumItemIndex); if ((itemcount > 0) && (Util.CheckRoll(10f * damage.procCoefficient, AttackerMaster))) { ProcChainMask procChainMask = damage.procChainMask; procChainMask.AddProc(ProcType.BleedOnHit); DotController.InflictDot(victim, damage.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Blight, 3f * damage.procCoefficient, 3.33f * itemcount); VictimBody.AddTimedBuff(ThalliumDebuff, 3f * damage.procCoefficient); } } } orig(self, damage, victim); }; void ThalliumILHook(ILContext il) { var c = new ILCursor(il); c.GotoNext(x => x.MatchCallvirt <CharacterBody>("set_moveSpeed")); c.Emit(OpCodes.Ldarg_0); c.EmitDelegate <Func <CharacterBody, float> >((cb) => { if (cb.HasBuff(ThalliumDebuff)) { return(0.5f); } return(1.0f); }); c.Emit(OpCodes.Mul); } IL.RoR2.CharacterBody.RecalculateStats += ThalliumILHook; }
private void DoBuff() { if (!this.hasFired) { this.hasFired = true; base.characterBody.AddSpreadBloom(0.75f); Ray aimRay = base.GetAimRay(); EffectManager.SimpleMuzzleFlash(Commando.CommandoWeapon.FirePistol.effectPrefab, base.gameObject, this.muzzleString, false); if ( { base.characterBody.AddTimedBuff(WispSurvivor.Modules.Buffs.invigorate, 5f); if (grappleHandler.hasGrappleTarget()) { List <GrappleTarget> targets = grappleHandler.GetGrappleTargets(); foreach (GrappleTarget target in targets) { if (target.grappleTarget.teamIndex == TeamIndex.Monster) { if ( { target.grappleTargetBody.AddTimedBuff(WispSurvivor.Modules.Buffs.regenMinus, 5f); DotController.InflictDot(target.grappleTargetHealth.gameObject, base.healthComponent.gameObject, WispSurvivor.Modules.Buffs.degenDot); } } else if (target.grappleTarget.teamIndex == TeamIndex.Player) { if ( { target.grappleTargetBody.AddTimedBuff(WispSurvivor.Modules.Buffs.invigorate, 5f); } } } } } } }
private void On_TreebotFlower2RootPulse(On.EntityStates.Treebot.TreebotFlower.TreebotFlower2Projectile.orig_RootPulse orig, TreebotFlower2Projectile self) { var isBoosted = AncientScepterItem.instance.GetCount(self.owner?.GetComponent <CharacterBody>()) > 0; var origRadius = TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius; if (isBoosted) { TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius *= 2f; } orig(self); TreebotFlower2Projectile.radius = origRadius; if (!isBoosted) { return; } self.rootedBodies.ForEach(cb => { var nbi = AncientScepterItem.instance.rng.NextElementUniform(new[] { RoR2Content.Buffs.Bleeding, RoR2Content.Buffs.ClayGoo, RoR2Content.Buffs.Cripple, RoR2Content.Buffs.HealingDisabled, RoR2Content.Buffs.OnFire, RoR2Content.Buffs.Weak, RoR2Content.Buffs.Pulverized }); //todo: freezebuff if (nbi == RoR2Content.Buffs.OnFire) { DotController.InflictDot(cb.gameObject, self.owner, DotController.DotIndex.Burn, 1.5f, 1f); } if (nbi == RoR2Content.Buffs.Bleeding) { DotController.InflictDot(cb.gameObject, self.owner, DotController.DotIndex.Bleed, 1.5f, 1f); } cb.AddTimedBuff(nbi, 1.5f); }); }
public void Awake() { Setup(); On.RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage += (orig, self, damageInfo) => { bool isPyro = false; if (damageInfo.attacker != null) { CharacterBody cb = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); if (cb && cb.baseNameToken == "PYRO_BODY_NAME") { isPyro = true; } } //This could be done less hackily once official custom damagetype support is in. bool isScorch = false; bool isBlazeborne = false; bool isFlaregun = false; if (isPyro) { if (damageInfo.procCoefficient == Scorch.procCoefficient && damageInfo.damageColorIndex == DamageColorIndex.Default && damageInfo.damageType == DamageType.IgniteOnHit) { isScorch = true; damageInfo.damageType = DamageType.Generic; //Overwrite scorch attempting to ignite. } else if (damageInfo.damageColorIndex == DamageColorIndex.Default && damageInfo.procCoefficient == 1f) { if (damageInfo.damageType == (DamageType.IgniteOnHit | DamageType.SlowOnHit)) { isBlazeborne = true; damageInfo.damageType = DamageType.IgniteOnHit; //The SlowOnHit damagetype is purely for identification purposes. } else if (damageInfo.damageType == (DamageType.IgniteOnHit | DamageType.AOE)) { isFlaregun = true; } } } if (isBlazeborne) //Handle Blazeborne reheating. { int burnCount = self.body.GetBuffCount(BuffIndex.OnFire); if (self.body && burnCount > 0) { damageInfo.damage *= 1 + burnCount * Blazeborne.ignitedDirectHitMult; PyroHeatController phc = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <PyroHeatController>(); if (phc) { phc.RpcAddHeatServer(Blazeborne.ignitedHeatPercentRestore); } } } else if (isFlaregun) { int burnCount = self.body.GetBuffCount(BuffIndex.OnFire); if (self.body && burnCount > 0) { damageInfo.damage *= 1 + burnCount * Flaregun.ignitedDirectHitMult; PyroHeatController phc = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <PyroHeatController>(); if (phc) { phc.RpcAddHeatServer(Flaregun.ignitedHeatPercentRestore); } } } orig(self, damageInfo); //For Scorch, manually apply a burn DoT so that it will last longer, because Scorch has a low proc coefficient. if (isScorch) { DotController.InflictDot(self.gameObject, damageInfo.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Burn, 4.5f, 1f); } }; }
////// Hooks ////// private void HealthComponent_TakeDamage(On.RoR2.HealthComponent.orig_TakeDamage orig, HealthComponent self, DamageInfo damageInfo) { orig(self, damageInfo); if (damageInfo == null || !damageInfo.attacker || (damageInfo.damageType & DamageType.DoT) != 0) { return; } var dc = DotController.FindDotController(self.gameObject); if (!dc || dc.dotStackList.Count <= 0) { return; } var body = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); var count = GetCount(body); if (count <= 0) { return; } var enemies = GatherEnemies(body.teamComponent.teamIndex, TeamIndex.Neutral) .Select(x => MiscUtil.GetRootWithLocators(x.gameObject)) .Where(obj => { var hc = obj.GetComponent <HealthComponent>(); if (!hc || !hc.alive || hc == self) { return(false); } var dvec = (obj.transform.position - self.transform.position); var ddist = dvec.magnitude; if (ddist > range) { return(false); } return(true); }) .ToArray(); if (enemies.Length <= 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (!Util.CheckRoll(procChance, body.master)) { continue; } var tgt = rng.NextElementUniform(enemies); var dot = rng.NextElementUniform(dc.dotStackList); var idi = new InflictDotInfo { attackerObject = damageInfo.attacker, victimObject = tgt, duration = dot.timer, dotIndex = dot.dotIndex, totalDamage = dot.damage, damageMultiplier = 1f }; DotController.InflictDot(ref idi); } }
public override void Effect(GlobalEventManager globalEventManager, DamageInfo damageInfo, GameObject victim, int itemCount) { damageInfo.procChainMask.SetProcValue(ProcType.BleedOnHit, true); DotController.InflictDot(victim, damageInfo.attacker, DotController.DotIndex.Bleed, 3f * damageInfo.procCoefficient, 1f); }
private void GenericGameEvents_OnHitEnemy(DamageInfo damageInfo, MysticsRisky2UtilsPlugin.GenericCharacterInfo attackerInfo, MysticsRisky2UtilsPlugin.GenericCharacterInfo victimInfo) { if (attackerInfo.body && victimInfo.body && attackerInfo.inventory && !damageInfo.rejected) { var isAshDamage = DamageAPI.HasModdedDamageType(damageInfo, ashDamageType); var itemCount = 0; var itemLevel = 1; var ashHelper = attackerInfo.body.GetComponent <MysticsItemsMarwanAshHelper>(); if (ashHelper) { itemCount = ashHelper.itemCount; itemLevel = ashHelper.itemLevel; } if (!isAshDamage && victimInfo.healthComponent && attackerInfo.gameObject && damageInfo.procCoefficient > 0f) { if (itemCount > 0) { var _damage = damage + damagePerLevel * (attackerInfo.body.level - 1f) * itemCount; if (attackerInfo.teamIndex != TeamIndex.Player) { _damage = Mathf.Min(_damage, enemyExtraDamageCap); } var _crit = attackerInfo.body.RollCrit(); if (itemLevel < 3) { DamageInfo extraDamageInfo = new DamageInfo(); extraDamageInfo.damage = _damage; extraDamageInfo.attacker = attackerInfo.gameObject; extraDamageInfo.procCoefficient = procCoefficient; extraDamageInfo.position = damageInfo.position; extraDamageInfo.crit = _crit; extraDamageInfo.damageColorIndex = ashDamageColor; extraDamageInfo.procChainMask = damageInfo.procChainMask; extraDamageInfo.damageType = DamageType.Silent; DamageAPI.AddModdedDamageType(extraDamageInfo, ashDamageType); victimInfo.healthComponent.TakeDamage(extraDamageInfo); GlobalEventManager.instance.OnHitEnemy(extraDamageInfo, victimInfo.healthComponent.gameObject); } else { var _radius = radius + radiusPerLevel * (attackerInfo.body.level - (float)upgradeLevel23) * itemCount; if (attackerInfo.teamIndex != TeamIndex.Player) { _radius = Mathf.Min(_radius, enemySpreadRadiusCap); } var blastAttack = new BlastAttack { radius = _radius, baseDamage = _damage, procCoefficient = procCoefficient, crit = _crit, damageColorIndex = ashDamageColor, attackerFiltering = AttackerFiltering.Default, falloffModel = BlastAttack.FalloffModel.None, attacker = attackerInfo.gameObject, teamIndex = attackerInfo.teamIndex, position = damageInfo.position, }; DamageAPI.AddModdedDamageType(blastAttack, ashDamageType); blastAttack.Fire(); } } } if (isAshDamage) { EffectManager.SimpleImpactEffect(ashHitVFX, damageInfo.position, Vector3.Normalize(Random.onUnitSphere), true); if (itemLevel >= 2) { var dotInfo = new InflictDotInfo { victimObject = victimInfo.gameObject, attackerObject = attackerInfo.gameObject, dotIndex = Buffs.MarwanAshBurn.ashDotIndex, duration = dotDuration, damageMultiplier = 1f, totalDamage = null }; var strengthenBurnCount = attackerInfo.inventory.GetItemCount(DLC1Content.Items.StrengthenBurn); if (strengthenBurnCount > 0) { dotInfo.dotIndex = Buffs.MarwanAshBurnStrong.ashDotIndex; var multiplier = 1f + 3f * (float)strengthenBurnCount; dotInfo.damageMultiplier *= multiplier; dotInfo.duration *= multiplier; } DotController.InflictDot(ref dotInfo); } } } }
private void GlobalEventManager_onCharacterDeathGlobal(DamageReport damageReport) { if ( { if (damageReport.attackerBody && damageReport.attackerBody.inventory) { var itemCount = damageReport.attackerBody.inventory.GetItemCount(itemDef); if (itemCount > 0 && damageReport.victimIsElite) { var radius = ElitePotion.radius + ElitePotion.radiusPerStack * (itemCount - 1); var duration = ElitePotion.duration + ElitePotion.durationPerStack * (itemCount - 1); var damageMult = 1f + 0.8f * (itemCount - 1); foreach (var buffIndex in BuffCatalog.eliteBuffIndices.Where(x => damageReport.victimBody.HasBuff(x))) { foreach (var spreadEffectInfo in spreadEffectInfos.Where(x => x.eliteBuffDef.buffIndex == buffIndex)) { if (spreadEffectInfo.vfx) { EffectManager.SpawnEffect(spreadEffectInfo.vfx, new EffectData { origin = damageReport.victimBody.corePosition, scale = radius * (spreadEffectInfo.vfxScaleMultiplier != 0f ? spreadEffectInfo.vfxScaleMultiplier : 1f) }, true); } sphereSearch.origin = damageReport.victimBody.corePosition; sphereSearch.mask = LayerIndex.entityPrecise.mask; sphereSearch.radius = radius; sphereSearch.RefreshCandidates(); sphereSearch.FilterCandidatesByHurtBoxTeam(TeamMask.GetUnprotectedTeams(damageReport.attackerTeamIndex)); sphereSearch.FilterCandidatesByDistinctHurtBoxEntities(); sphereSearch.OrderCandidatesByDistance(); sphereSearch.GetHurtBoxes(hurtBoxes); sphereSearch.ClearCandidates(); foreach (var hurtBox in hurtBoxes) { if (hurtBox.healthComponent) { if (spreadEffectInfo.debuff) { hurtBox.healthComponent.body.AddTimedBuff(spreadEffectInfo.debuff, duration); } if ( != default(DotController.DotIndex) && != DotController.DotIndex.None) { DotController.InflictDot(hurtBox.healthComponent.gameObject, damageReport.attacker,, duration, 1f); } } } if (spreadEffectInfo.damage != 0 || spreadEffectInfo.damageType != default) { new BlastAttack { radius = radius, baseDamage = damageReport.attackerBody.damage * spreadEffectInfo.damage * damageMult, procCoefficient = spreadEffectInfo.procCoefficient, crit = Util.CheckRoll(damageReport.attackerBody.crit, damageReport.attackerMaster), damageType = spreadEffectInfo.damageType, damageColorIndex = DamageColorIndex.Item, attackerFiltering = AttackerFiltering.Default, falloffModel = BlastAttack.FalloffModel.None, attacker = damageReport.attacker, teamIndex = damageReport.attackerTeamIndex, position = damageReport.victimBody.corePosition } }
public void OnReceived() => DotController.InflictDot(_victim, _attacker, _dotIndex, _duration, _damageMultiplier);
internal static void Apply(CharacterBody target, CharacterBody attacker, Single damageMultiplier, Single duration, Single procCoef, Boolean crit, Vector3 localPos, Vector3 normal, HurtBox hit) { DotController <PlasmaDot, PlasmaStack, PlasmaUpdate, PlasmaPersist> .InflictDot(target, new(damageMultiplier, duration, procCoef, crit, localPos, normal, attacker, hit)); }