Esempio n. 1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set destination to a solar system
        /// </summary>
        public static bool SetStationDestination(long stationId)
            _location = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocation(stationId);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                Logging.Log("Traveler", "Location = [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocationName(stationId) + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_location.IsValid)
                _locationErrors = 0;
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "Setting destination to [" + Logging.Yellow + _location.Name + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Teal);
                catch (Exception)
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "SetStationDestination: set destination to [" + _location.ToString() + "] failed ", Logging.Debug);

            Logging.Log("Traveler", "Error setting station destination [" + Logging.Yellow + stationId + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_locationErrors > 20)
Esempio n. 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set destination to a solar system
        /// </summary>
        public static bool SetStationDestination(long stationId)
            _location = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocation(stationId);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "Location = [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocationName(stationId) + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_location.IsValid)
                _locationErrors = 0;
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "Setting destination to [" + Logging.Yellow + _location.Name + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Teal);
                catch (Exception)
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: set destination to [" + _location.ToString() + "] failed ", Logging.Debug);
                return true;

            Logging.Log("Traveler", "Error setting solar system destination [" + Logging.Yellow + stationId + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_locationErrors > 100)
                return false;
            return false;
Esempio n. 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Set destination to a solar system
        /// </summary>
        public static bool SetStationDestination(long stationId)
            _location = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocation(stationId);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "Location = [" + Logging.Yellow + Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocationName(stationId) + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_location.IsValid)
                _locationErrors = 0;
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "Setting destination to [" + Logging.Yellow + _location.Name + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Teal);
                return true;

            Logging.Log("Traveler", "Error setting solar system destination [" + Logging.Yellow + stationId + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
            if (_locationErrors > 100)
                return false;
            return false;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        ///   Navigate to a solar system
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name = "solarSystemId"></param>
        private static void NavigateToBookmarkSystem(long solarSystemId)
            if (_nextTravelerAction > DateTime.UtcNow)
                //Logging.Log("Traveler: will continue in [ " + Math.Round(_nextTravelerAction.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalSeconds, 0) + " ]sec");

            if (DateTime.UtcNow < Cache.Instance.LastSessionChange.AddSeconds(10))
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "We just session changed less than 10 sec go, wait.", Logging.Teal);
                _nextTravelerAction = Cache.Instance.LastSessionChange.AddSeconds(12);

            Cache.Instance.NextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem - Iterating- next iteration should be in no less than [1] second ", Logging.Teal);

            _destinationRoute = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetDestinationPath();

            if (_destinationRoute.Count == 0 || _destinationRoute.All(d => d != solarSystemId))
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                    if (_destinationRoute.Count == 0)
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "We have no destination", Logging.Teal);
                if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                    if (_destinationRoute.All(d => d != solarSystemId))
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "the destination is not currently set to solarsystemId [" + solarSystemId + "]", Logging.Teal);

                // We do not have the destination set
                if (DateTime.UtcNow > _nextGetLocation || _location == null)
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: getting Location of solarSystemId [" + solarSystemId + "]", Logging.Teal);
                    _nextGetLocation = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(10);
                    _location        = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocation(solarSystemId);
                    Cache.Instance.NextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(2);

                if (_location.IsValid)
                    _locationErrors = 0;
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "Setting destination to [" + Logging.Yellow + _location.Name + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "Setting destination to [" + Logging.Yellow + _location.Name + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Teal);
                    catch (Exception)
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: set destination to [" + _location.ToString() + "] failed ", Logging.Debug);
                    Cache.Instance.NextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(3);

                Logging.Log("Traveler", "Error setting solar system destination [" + Logging.Yellow + solarSystemId + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);
                if (_locationErrors > 20)
                    _States.CurrentTravelerState = TravelerState.Error;

            _locationErrors = 0;
            if (!Cache.Instance.InSpace)
                if (Cache.Instance.InStation)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.LastInSpace.AddSeconds(45)) //do not try to leave the station until you have been docked for at least 45seconds! (this gives some overhead to load the station env + session change timer)
                        _nextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(Time.Instance.TravelerExitStationAmIInSpaceYet_seconds);
                Cache.Instance.NextActivateSupportModules = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(Cache.Instance.RandomNumber(2, 3));

                // We are not yet in space, wait for it

            // We are apparently not really in space yet...
            if (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip == null || Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity == null)

            //if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "Destination is set: processing...", Logging.Teal);

            // Find the first waypoint
            int waypoint = _destinationRoute.FirstOrDefault();

            //if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler) Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: getting next way-points locationName", Logging.Teal);
            _locationName = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.Navigation.GetLocationName(waypoint);
            if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: Next Waypoint is: [" + _locationName + "]", Logging.Teal);

            if (waypoint > 60000000) // this MUST be a station
                //insert code to handle station destinations here

            if (waypoint < 60000000) // this is not a station, probably a system
            DirectSolarSystem solarSystemInRoute = Cache.Instance.DirectEve.SolarSystems[waypoint];

            if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.CombatMissionsBehavior || _States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehavior)
                if (solarSystemInRoute.Security < 0.45 && (Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId != (int)Group.Shuttle || Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId != (int)Group.Frigate || Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.GroupId != (int)Group.Interceptor))
                    Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: Next Waypoint is: [" + _locationName + "] which is LOW SEC! This should never happen. Turning off AutoStart and going home.", Logging.Teal);
                    Settings.Instance.AutoStart = false;
                    if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.CombatMissionsBehavior)
                        _States.CurrentCombatMissionBehaviorState = CombatMissionsBehaviorState.GotoBase;
                    if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehavior)
                        _States.CurrentDedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState = DedicatedBookmarkSalvagerBehaviorState.GotoBase;
                    //if (_States.CurrentQuestorState == QuestorState.CombatHelperBehavior)
                    //    _States.CurrentCombatHelperBehaviorState = CombatHelperBehaviorState.GotoBase;

            // Find the stargate associated with it

            if (!Cache.Instance.Stargates.Any())
                // not found, that cant be true?!?!?!?!
                Logging.Log("Traveler", "Error [" + Logging.Yellow + _locationName + Logging.Green + "] not found, most likely lag waiting [" + Time.Instance.TravelerNoStargatesFoundRetryDelay_seconds + "] seconds.", Logging.Red);
                _nextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(Time.Instance.TravelerNoStargatesFoundRetryDelay_seconds);

            // Warp to, approach or jump the stargate
            EntityCache MyNextStargate = Cache.Instance.StargateByName(_locationName);

            if (MyNextStargate != null)
                if (MyNextStargate.Distance < (int)Distances.DecloakRange && !Cache.Instance.ActiveShip.Entity.IsCloaked)
                    if (MyNextStargate.Jump())
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "Jumping to [" + Logging.Yellow + _locationName + Logging.Green + "]", Logging.Green);


                if (MyNextStargate.Distance < (int)Distances.WarptoDistance && MyNextStargate.Distance != 0)
                    if (DateTime.UtcNow > Cache.Instance.NextApproachAction && !Cache.Instance.IsApproaching(MyNextStargate.Id))
                        if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                            Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: approaching the stargate named [" + MyNextStargate.Name + "]", Logging.Teal);
                        MyNextStargate.Approach(); //you could use a negative approach distance here but ultimately that is a bad idea.. Id like to go toward the entity without approaching it so we would end up inside the docking ring (eventually)

                    if (Settings.Instance.DebugTraveler)
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "NavigateToBookmarkSystem: we are already approaching the stargate named [" + MyNextStargate.Name + "]", Logging.Teal);

                if (Cache.Instance.InSpace && !Cache.Instance.TargetedBy.Any(t => t.IsWarpScramblingMe))
                    if (MyNextStargate.WarpTo())
                        Logging.Log("Traveler", "Warping to [" + Logging.Yellow + _locationName + Logging.Green + "][" + Logging.Yellow + Math.Round((MyNextStargate.Distance / 1000) / 149598000, 2) + Logging.Green + " AU away]", Logging.Green);


            _nextTravelerAction = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(Time.Instance.WarptoDelay_seconds); //this should probably use a different Time definition, but this works for now. (5 seconds)
            if (!Combat.ReloadAll(Cache.Instance.MyShipEntity))