Esempio n. 1
        public static void Questions()
            //   class Person { }

            Person me  = new Person();
            Person you = new Person();

            //Q. how many people are there?
            //... ie. how many values (object) of the type Person are there?
            //A. 2

            //   class Detective : Person {}

            Detective holmes = new Detective();
            Detective marple = new Detective();

            //Q. how may people are there?
            //A. 4

            System.Console.WriteLine(holmes is Detective);
            System.Console.WriteLine(me is Detective);
            System.Console.WriteLine(holmes is Person);

Esempio n. 2
        public static void Relationships()
            Person me  = new Person();
            Person you = new Person();

             *           me and you belong to the class Person
             *           the type 'Person' denotes the set {me, you}
             *           'new Person' adds an element (a person) to the set
             *           cf. bool means {true, false}, int means {-2^32, ..., 0, ..., 2^32 - 1}

            Detective sherlock = new Detective();
            Doctor    watson   = new Doctor();

            System.Console.WriteLine(sherlock is Person);
            System.Console.WriteLine(sherlock is Detective);

            System.Console.WriteLine(watson is Person);
            System.Console.WriteLine(watson is Doctor);
            // 'is' expression's given expression is never of the provided type
            System.Console.WriteLine(watson is Detective);
            // 'is' expression's given expression is never of the provided type

            //c. objects however have one 'cannonical' type, the type they were made from
            //ie., the type new'd -- even though they belong to multiple


            //d. there are two ways of saying an object belongs to multiple types

            //1. if the supertype is an interface = implementation
            //2. if the sypertype is a class = inheritance

            //NB. supertype is the larger group, ie. the type on the RHS of :
            // SubType : SuperType

            //let's stop here on the syntax/demos and talk about the concepts...
            //syntax revisited / continued