Esempio n. 1
        private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            KinectSensor kinect = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0];

            ColorImageStream clrStream = kinect.ColorStream;

            DepthImageStream depStream = kinect.DepthStream;



            pixelBuffer     = new byte[kinect.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength];
            depthBuffer     = new DepthImagePixel[depStream.FramePixelDataLength];
            clrPntBuffer    = new ColorImagePoint[depStream.FramePixelDataLength];
            depthMaskBuffer = new byte[clrStream.FramePixelDataLength];

            bmpBuffer = new RenderTargetBitmap(clrStream.FrameWidth, clrStream.FrameHeight,
                                               96, 96, PixelFormats.Default);
            rgbImage.Source = bmpBuffer;

            kinect.AllFramesReady += AllFramesReady;



            kinect.ElevationAngle = 0;
Esempio n. 2
        private void InitializeKinectSensor(KinectSensor sensor)
            if (sensor != null)
                sensor.DepthStream.Range = DepthRange.Default;


                DepthImageStream depthStream = sensor.DepthStream;
                this._GreenScreenImage       = new WriteableBitmap(depthStream.FrameWidth, depthStream.FrameHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null);
                this._GreenScreenImageRect   = new Int32Rect(0, 0, (int)Math.Ceiling(this._GreenScreenImage.Width), (int)Math.Ceiling(this._GreenScreenImage.Height));
                this._GreenScreenImageStride = depthStream.FrameWidth * 4;
                this.GreenScreenImage.Source = this._GreenScreenImage;

                this._DepthPixelData = new short[this._KinectDevice.DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                this._ColorPixelData = new byte[this._KinectDevice.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength];

                this.frameSkeletons = new Skeleton[this._KinectDevice.SkeletonStream.FrameSkeletonArrayLength];

                if (!this._DoUsePolling)
                    sensor.AllFramesReady += KinectDevice_AllFramesReady;

Esempio n. 3
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private void ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream, ref Color[] depthFrame32)
            for (int i16 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length; i16++)
                int player    = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.TooNearDepth)
                    // white
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)255, (int)255, (int)255);
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.TooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)66, 0, (int)66);
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.UnknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)66, (int)66, (int)33);
                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]), (int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]), (int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]));
Esempio n. 4
 /// <summary>
 /// BitmapSourceに変換する
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="depthFrame"></param>
 /// <param name="depthStream"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource(this DepthImageFrame depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
                                depthFrame.Height, 96, 96, DepthPixelFormat, null,
                                ConvertDepthToColor(depthFrame, depthStream),
                                depthFrame.Width * BytesPerPixel));
Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 距離データの画像変換
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kinect">Kinect センサー</param>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">深度フレームデータ</param>
        /// <returns>距離データの画像データ</returns>
        private byte[] _ConvertDepthColor(KinectSensor kinect, DepthImageFrame depthFrame)
            ColorImageStream colorStream = kinect.ColorStream;
            DepthImageStream depthStream = kinect.DepthStream;

            // 距離カメラのピクセル毎のデータを取得する
            short[] depthPixel = new short[depthFrame.PixelDataLength];

            // 距離カメラの座標に対する RGB カメラ座標を取得する(座標合わせ)
            ColorImagePoint[] colorPoint = new ColorImagePoint[depthFrame.PixelDataLength];
            kinect.MapDepthFrameToColorFrame(depthStream.Format, depthPixel, colorStream.Format, colorPoint);

            byte[] depthColor = new byte[depthFrame.PixelDataLength * Bgr32BytesPerPixel];
            int    pxLen      = depthPixel.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < pxLen; i++)
                int distance = depthPixel[i] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // 変換した結果がフレームサイズを超えないよう、小さい方を採用
                int x          = Math.Min(colorPoint[i].X, colorStream.FrameWidth - 1);
                int y          = Math.Min(colorPoint[i].Y, colorStream.FrameHeight - 1);
                int colorIndex = ((y * depthFrame.Width) + x) * Bgr32BytesPerPixel;

                // サポート外 0-40cm
                if (distance == depthStream.UnknownDepth)
                    depthColor[colorIndex]     = 0;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 1] = 0;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 2] = 255;
                // 近すぎ 40cm-80cm(Default)
                else if (distance == depthStream.TooNearDepth)
                    depthColor[colorIndex]     = 0;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 1] = 255;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 2] = 0;
                // 遠すぎ 3m(Near), 4m(Default)-8m
                else if (distance == depthStream.TooFarDepth)
                    depthColor[colorIndex]     = 255;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 1] = 0;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 2] = 0;
                // 有効な距離データ
                    depthColor[colorIndex]     = 0;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 1] = 255;
                    depthColor[colorIndex + 2] = 255;

Esempio n. 6
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream, int depthFrame32Length)
            const int BlueIndex  = 0;
            const int GreenIndex = 1;
            const int RedIndex   = 2;

            int[] IntensityShiftByPlayerR = { 1, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 0 };
            int[] IntensityShiftByPlayerG = { 1, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 1 };
            int[] IntensityShiftByPlayerB = { 1, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2 };
            int   tooNearDepth            = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int   tooFarDepth             = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int   unknownDepth            = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            byte[] depthFrame32 = new byte[depthFrame32Length];

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player    = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    // white
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 225;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 0;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 225;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 0;
                    //tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);

Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// return the depthStream
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>the depth stream</returns>
        public DepthImageStream GetDepthStream()
            DepthImageStream depthStream = null;

            if (_sensor != null)
                depthStream = _sensor.DepthStream;
Esempio n. 8
        byte[] GetRGB(DepthImageFrame PImage, short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            obsCell = new int[3, 3];
            byte[] rgbs = new byte[PImage.Width * PImage.Height * 4];

            int nSavei32 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_col; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m_row; j++)
                    _rectPoint[i, j].min_X = int.MaxValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].min_Y = int.MaxValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].max_X = int.MinValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].max_Y = int.MinValue;

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < rgbs.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int nDistance = depthFrame[i16] >>

                int nX = i16 % PImage.Width;
                int nY = i16 / PImage.Width;

                int i = (nY - 1) / (PImage.Height / m_col);
                int j = (nX - 1) / (PImage.Width / m_row);

                int nColor = 0xFF * nDistance / 4000;
                if (nDistance >= 0 && nDistance <= 1000)
                    if (!((i == m_col) || (j == m_row)))
                        _rectPoint[i, j].min_X = Math.Min(_rectPoint[i, j].min_X, nX);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].min_Y = Math.Min(_rectPoint[i, j].min_Y, nY);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].max_X = Math.Max(_rectPoint[i, j].max_X, nX);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].max_Y = Math.Max(_rectPoint[i, j].max_Y, nY);
                        obsCell[j / (m_row / 3), i / (m_col / 3)] += 1;
                    nSavei32 = i32;
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, 0xff, 0, 0);
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor);

            SetRGB(rgbs, nSavei32, 0xFF, 0, 0);
Esempio n. 9
        /// <summary>
        /// DoReadDepthFrame  Frame Read Behavior
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rawFrames">Raw frames</param>
        /// <param name="kinectStream">Kinect stream</param>
        private void DoReadDepthFrame(RawKinectFrames rawFrames, DepthImageStream kinectStream)
            DepthImageFrame kinectFrame = kinectStream.OpenNextFrame(AVeryLargeNumberOfMilliseconds);

            if (kinectFrame != null)
                rawFrames.RawDepthFrameInfo = new KinectFrameInfo(kinectFrame);
                rawFrames.RawDepthFrameData = new short[kinectFrame.PixelDataLength];
Esempio n. 10

        //:::::::Return the depth image from the sensor, the image is a Emgu type. The image is noise free with a median filter:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        public Image<Gray, Byte> PollDepth(int numKinect)
            Image<Bgra, Byte> depthFrameKinectBGR = new Image<Bgra, Byte>(640, 480);
            Kinect = Sensor[numKinect];

            if (this.Kinect != null)
                this.DepthStream = this.Kinect.DepthStream;
                this.DepthPixels = new DepthImagePixel[DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                this.DepthImagenPixeles = new byte[DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength * 4];
                this.depthFrameKinect = new Image<Gray, Byte>(DepthStream.FrameWidth, DepthStream.FrameHeight);

                Array.Clear(DepthImagenPixeles, 0, DepthImagenPixeles.Length);

                    using (DepthImageFrame frame = this.Kinect.DepthStream.OpenNextFrame(100))
                        if (frame != null)

                            int index = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < DepthPixels.Length; ++i)
                                short depth = DepthPixels[i].Depth;

                                byte intensity = (byte)((depth >= minDepth) && (depth <= maxDepth) ? depth : 0);

                                DepthImagenPixeles[index++] = intensity;
                                DepthImagenPixeles[index++] = intensity;
                                DepthImagenPixeles[index++] = intensity;


                            depthFrameKinectBGR.Bytes = DepthImagenPixeles; //The bytes are converted to a Imagen(Emgu). This to work with the functions of opencv. 
                    MessageBox.Show("No se pueden leer los datos del sensor", "Error");

            depthFrameKinect = depthFrameKinectBGR.Convert<Gray, Byte>();
            depthFrameKinect = removeNoise(depthFrameKinect, 13);

            return depthFrameKinect;
        }//fin PollDepth() 
Esempio n. 11
        private int CalculateIndex(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector4 position, DepthImageStream depth)
            float x = -position.X / position.W, y = -position.Y / position.W;

            x = (x + 1) * depth.FrameWidth / 2;
            y = (y + 1) * depth.FrameHeight / 2;

            int xCoord = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(x, 0, depth.FrameWidth - 1);
            int yCoord = (int)MathHelper.Clamp(y, 0, depth.FrameHeight - 1);

            return(yCoord * depth.FrameHeight + xCoord);
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private void ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            // Test that the buffer lengths are appropriately correlated, which allows us to use only one
            // value as the loop condition.
            if ((depthFrame.Length * 4) != this.depthFrame32.Length)
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooNearDepth)
                    // white
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 66;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 33;
                    // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                    // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                    byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Kinectで取得したデータを点群に変換する
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool GetPoint()
            KinectSensor     kinect      = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0];
            ColorImageStream colorStream = kinect.ColorStream;
            DepthImageStream depthStream = kinect.DepthStream;

            // RGBカメラと距離カメラのフレームデータを取得する
            using (ColorImageFrame colorFrame = kinect.ColorStream.OpenNextFrame(100)) {
                using (DepthImageFrame depthFrame = kinect.DepthStream.OpenNextFrame(100)) {
                    if (colorFrame == null || depthFrame == null)

                    // RGBカメラのデータを作成する
                    byte[] colorPixel = new byte[colorFrame.PixelDataLength];

                    rgb = new RGB[colorFrame.Width * colorFrame.Height];
                    for (int i = 0; i < rgb.Length; i++)
                        int colorIndex = i * 4;
                        rgb[i] = new RGB(colorPixel[colorIndex + 2], colorPixel[colorIndex + 1],

                    // 距離カメラのピクセルデータを取得する
                    short[] depthPixel = new short[depthFrame.PixelDataLength];

                    // 距離カメラの座標に対応するRGBカメラの座標を取得する(座標合わせ)
                    ColorImagePoint[] colorPoint = new ColorImagePoint[depthFrame.PixelDataLength];
                    kinect.MapDepthFrameToColorFrame(depthStream.Format, depthPixel,
                                                     colorStream.Format, colorPoint);

                    // 距離データを作成する
                    depth = new Depth[depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height];
                    for (int i = 0; i < depth.Length; i++)
                        int x        = Math.Min(colorPoint[i].X, colorStream.FrameWidth - 1);
                        int y        = Math.Min(colorPoint[i].Y, colorStream.FrameHeight - 1);
                        int distance = depthPixel[i] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                        depth[i] = new Depth(x, y, distance);

        } //fin CompositionTarget_Rendering()

        private Image <Gray, Byte> PollDepth()
            if (this.Kinect != null)
                this.DepthStream        = this.Kinect.DepthStream;
                this.DepthValoresStream = new short[DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                this.DepthImagenPixeles = new byte[DepthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                this.depthFrameKinect   = new Image <Gray, Byte>(DepthStream.FrameWidth, DepthStream.FrameHeight);

                    using (DepthImageFrame frame = this.Kinect.DepthStream.OpenNextFrame(100))
                        if (frame != null)

                            int index = 0;
                            for (int i = 0; i < frame.PixelDataLength; i++)
                                int valorDistancia = DepthValoresStream[i] >> 3;

                                if (valorDistancia == this.Kinect.DepthStream.UnknownDepth)
                                    DepthImagenPixeles[index] = 0;
                                else if (valorDistancia == this.Kinect.DepthStream.TooFarDepth)
                                    DepthImagenPixeles[index] = 0;
                                    byte byteDistancia = (byte)(255 - (valorDistancia >> 5));
                                    DepthImagenPixeles[index] = byteDistancia;
                                index++; //= index + 4;

                            depthFrameKinect.Bytes = DepthImagenPixeles; //The bytes are converted to a Imagen(Emgu). This to work with the functions of opencv.
                    MessageBox.Show("No se pueden leer los datos del sensor", "Error");

        }//fin PollDepth()
Esempio n. 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            headPosition           = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);
            shoulderLeftPosition   = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);
            shoulderRightPosition  = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);
            shoulderCenterPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);
            handLeftPosition       = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);

            hipCenterPosition      = new Vector3(0, 0, STANDARD_Z_DEPTH);
            position               = new Vector2(0, 0);
            destinationRectangle   = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1280, 960);
            headSourceRec          = new Rectangle();
            leftEyeSourceRectangle = new Rectangle();
            color         = Color.White;
            origin        = new Vector2(0, 0);
            rotation      = 0;
            scale         = new Vector2(1f, 1f);
            spriteEffects = SpriteEffects.None;
            layerDepth    = 1;
            resolution    = new Vector2(640, 480);
            camera        = new Camera(this, new Vector3(0, 0, 5), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Up);
            _KinectDevice = KinectSensor.KinectSensors[0];
            spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(graphics.GraphicsDevice);
            var parameters = new TransformSmoothParameters



            _KinectDevice.AllFramesReady += kinect_AllFramesReady;

            DepthImageStream depthStream = this._KinectDevice.DepthStream;

            this._DepthPixelData = new short[depthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
            this._SkeletonData   = new Skeleton[this._KinectDevice.SkeletonStream.FrameSkeletonArrayLength];

            backGroundSnapShot = new byte[this._KinectDevice.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength];
            coordinateMapper   = new CoordinateMapper(_KinectDevice);
            colorVideo         = new Texture2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, _KinectDevice.ColorStream.FrameWidth, _KinectDevice.ColorStream.FrameHeight);
            texture            = new Texture2D(graphics.GraphicsDevice, _KinectDevice.ColorStream.FrameWidth, _KinectDevice.ColorStream.FrameHeight);
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth  = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player    = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    // white
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 66;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 33;
                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);

Esempio n. 17
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    // white
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 66;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 33;
                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);

            return this.depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 18
        private void DiscoverKinectSensor()
            if (this._Kinect != null && this._Kinect.Status != KinectStatus.Connected)
                this._Kinect = null;
            if (this._Kinect == null)
                this.Kinect = KinectSensor.KinectSensors.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Status == KinectStatus.Connected);

                if (this._Kinect != null)
                    ColorImageStream colorStream = this._Kinect.ColorStream;
                    DepthImageStream depthStream = this._Kinect.DepthStream;

                    if (!lowResource)
                        this.ColorImageElement.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                            this._ColorImageBitmap     = new WriteableBitmap(colorStream.FrameWidth, colorStream.FrameHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null);
                            this._ColorImageBitmapRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, colorStream.FrameWidth, colorStream.FrameHeight);
                            this._ColorImageStride     = colorStream.FrameWidth * colorStream.FrameBytesPerPixel;
                            ColorImageElement.Source   = this._ColorImageBitmap;
                            this._ColorImagePixelData  = new byte[colorStream.FramePixelDataLength];

                        this.DepthImageModified.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
                            this._DepthImageBitmap     = new WriteableBitmap(depthStream.FrameWidth, depthStream.FrameHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray16, null);
                            this._DepthImageBitmapRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, depthStream.FrameWidth, depthStream.FrameHeight);
                            this._DepthImageStride     = depthStream.FrameWidth * depthStream.FrameBytesPerPixel;
                            this._DepthImagePixelData  = new short[depthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                        this._ColorImagePixelData = new byte[colorStream.FramePixelDataLength];
                        this._DepthImagePixelData = new short[depthStream.FramePixelDataLength];
Esempio n. 19
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream, int depthFrame32Length)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth  = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            byte[] depthFrame32 = new byte[depthFrame32Length];
            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int  player    = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int  realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));
                if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooNearDepth)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _RedIndex]   = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _BlueIndex]  = 0;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _RedIndex]   = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _BlueIndex]  = 0;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _RedIndex]   = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _BlueIndex]  = 0;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _RedIndex]   = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _BlueIndex]  = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _RedIndex]   = 1;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _GreenIndex] = 0;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + _BlueIndex]  = 50;
Esempio n. 20
        /// <summary>
        /// ConvertDepthFrame:
        /// Converts the depth frame into its RGB version taking out all the player information and leaving only the depth.
        /// </summary>
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("depthframe len :{0}", depthFrame.Length);
            //Run through the depth frame making the correlation between the two arrays
            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4) //4
                //We don’t care about player’s information here, so we are just going to rule it out by shifting the value.
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("bitmaskwidth len :{0}", DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth);
                //We are left with 13 bits of depth information that we need to convert into an 8 bit number for each pixel.
                //There are hundreds of ways to do this. This is just the simplest one.
                //Lets create a byte variable called Distance.
                //We will assign this variable a number that will come from the conversion of those 13 bits.
                byte Distance = 0;

                //XBox Kinects (default) are limited between 800mm and 4096mm.
                int MinimumDistance = 800;
                int MaximumDistance = 4096;

                //XBox Kinects (default) are not reliable closer to 800mm, so let’s take those useless measurements out.
                //If the distance on this pixel is bigger than 800mm, we will paint it in its equivalent gray
                if (realDepth > MinimumDistance)
                    //White = Close
                    //Black = Far
                    Distance = (byte)(255 - ((realDepth - MinimumDistance) * 255 / (MaximumDistance - MinimumDistance)));

                    //Use the distance to paint each layer (R G & B) of the current pixel.
                    //Painting R, G and B with the same color will make it go from black to gray
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = (byte)(Distance);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(Distance);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = (byte)(Distance);

                //If we are closer than 800mm, the just paint it red so we know this pixel is not giving a good value
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex]   = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 150;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex]  = 0;
            //Now that we are done painting the pixels, we can return the byte array to be painted
 private void InitializeKinectSensor(KinectSensor kinect)
     if(kinect != null)
         DepthImageStream depthSream = kinect.DepthStream;
         this._DepthImageBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(depthSream.FrameWidth, depthSream.FrameHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Gray16, null);
         this._DepthImageBitmapRect = new Int32Rect(0, 0, depthSream.FrameWidth, depthSream.FrameHeight);
         this._DepthImageStride = depthSream.FrameWidth * depthSream.FrameBytesPerPixel;
         ImagemProfundidade.Source = this._DepthImageBitmap;
         // Chama o event handler
         this._Kinect.DepthFrameReady += Kinect_DepthFrameReady;
         //kinect.DepthFrameReady += Kinect_DepthFrameReady;
Esempio n. 22
 private void EnableDepthStreamBasedOnDepthOrSkeletonEnabled(
     DepthImageStream depthImageStream, ComboBox depthFormatsValue)
     if (depthFormatsValue.SelectedItem != null)
         // SkeletonViewer needs depth. So if DepthViewer or SkeletonViewer is enabled, enabled depthStream.
         if ((DepthStreamEnable.IsChecked.HasValue && DepthStreamEnable.IsChecked.Value)
             || (SkeletonStreamEnable.IsChecked.HasValue && SkeletonStreamEnable.IsChecked.Value))
Esempio n. 23
        byte[] GetRGB(DepthImageFrame PImage, short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            byte[] rgbs = new byte[PImage.Width * PImage.Height * 4];

            int nNear = 999999;
            int nSavei32 = 0;
            int nTimer = (int)(m_saveFrame % 150 / 30);

            // 각 영역의 좌표값 초기화
            for (int i = 0; i < partitionWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < partitionHeight; j++)
                    m_whichCell[i, j, 0] = int.MaxValue;
                    m_whichCell[i, j, 1] = int.MaxValue;
                    m_whichCell[i, j, 2] = int.MinValue;
                    m_whichCell[i, j, 3] = int.MinValue;
                    m_whichCell[i, j, 4] = int.MinValue;

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < rgbs.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int nDistance = depthFrame[i16] >>

                int nX = i16 % PImage.Width;
                int nY = i16 / PImage.Width;

                int nCellX = (nX - 1) / (PImage.Width / partitionWidth);
                int nCellY = (nY - 1) / (PImage.Height / partitionHeight);

                // 화면이 나눠떨어지지 않는경우 예외처리
                if (nCellX >= partitionWidth)

                if (nCellY >= partitionHeight)

                if (nNear > nDistance && nDistance > 400)
                    nNear = nDistance;
                    nSavei32 = i32;

                int nColor = 0xFF * nDistance / 4000;

                // 거리가 0~200 이라면 장애물로 판단,
                if (nDistance >= 0 && nDistance <= 200)
                    // 해당 물체의 색을 red 로 처리하고 좌표값을 저장하는 함수와 장애물의 방향을 판단하는 함수를 호출한다.
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, 0xff, 0, 0);
                    SetCellObjCoordinate(nCellX, nCellY, nX, nY, nDistance);
                    CheckDirection(PImage, nCellX, nCellY, 0);
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor);

            SetRGB(rgbs, nSavei32, 0xFF, 0, 0);

            return rgbs;
 /// <summary>
 /// BitmapSourceに変換する
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="depthFrame"></param>
 /// <param name="depthStream"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static BitmapSource ToBitmapSource( this DepthImageFrame depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream )
     return BitmapSource.Create( depthFrame.Width,
                   depthFrame.Height, 96, 96, DepthPixelFormat, null,
                   ConvertDepthToColor( depthFrame, depthStream ),
                   depthFrame.Width * BytesPerPixel );
Esempio n. 25
        static void SendDepth(UdpClient client, DepthImageStream stream, Commands command, IPEndPoint destination)
            using (var frame = stream.OpenNextFrame(50))
                if (frame == null)

                var dc = GetDepthCommand(command);
                if (!dc.HasValue)

                client.Send(ToBytes(dc.Value), sizeof(int), destination);
                byte[] pixelData = new byte[frame.PixelDataLength * frame.BytesPerPixel];
                    fixed (byte* p = pixelData)
                        IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)p;
                        frame.CopyPixelDataTo((IntPtr)ptr, frame.PixelDataLength);
                Send(client, pixelData, destination);
Esempio n. 26
        /// <summary>
        /// ConvertDepthFrame:
        /// Converts the depth frame into its RGB version taking out all the player information and leaving only the depth.
        /// </summary>
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;
            //Run through the depth frame making the correlation between the two arrays
            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                //We don't care about player's information here, so we are just going to rule it out by shifting the value.
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                //We are left with 13 bits of depth information that we need to convert into an 8 bit number for each pixel.
                //There are hundreds of ways to do this. This is just the simplest one.
                 byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    // white 
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 66;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 66;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 33;
                    if (player != 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Player : "+player);
                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);
            //Now that we are done painting the pixels, we can return the byte array to be painted
            return this.depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 27
        /// <summary>
        /// ConvertDepthFrame:
        /// Converts the depth frame into its RGB version taking out all the player information and leaving only the depth.
        /// </summary>
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("depthframe len :{0}", depthFrame.Length);
            //Run through the depth frame making the correlation between the two arrays
            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < this.depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4) //4
                //We don’t care about player’s information here, so we are just going to rule it out by shifting the value.
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
                // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("bitmaskwidth len :{0}", DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth);
                //We are left with 13 bits of depth information that we need to convert into an 8 bit number for each pixel.
                //There are hundreds of ways to do this. This is just the simplest one.
                //Lets create a byte variable called Distance.
                //We will assign this variable a number that will come from the conversion of those 13 bits.
                byte Distance = 0;

                //XBox Kinects (default) are limited between 800mm and 4096mm.
                int MinimumDistance = 800;
                int MaximumDistance = 4096;

                //XBox Kinects (default) are not reliable closer to 800mm, so let’s take those useless measurements out.
                //If the distance on this pixel is bigger than 800mm, we will paint it in its equivalent gray
                if (realDepth > MinimumDistance)

                    //White = Close
                    //Black = Far
                    Distance = (byte)(255 - ((realDepth - MinimumDistance) * 255 / (MaximumDistance - MinimumDistance)));

                    //Use the distance to paint each layer (R G & B) of the current pixel.
                    //Painting R, G and B with the same color will make it go from black to gray
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(Distance);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(Distance);
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(Distance);

                //If we are closer than 800mm, the just paint it red so we know this pixel is not giving a good value
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 0;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 150;
                    this.depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 0;
            //Now that we are done painting the pixels, we can return the byte array to be painted
            return this.depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 28
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream, int depthFrame32Length)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;
            byte[] depthFrame32 = new byte[depthFrame32Length];

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < depthFrame32.Length; ++i16, i32 += 4)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));
                if (player == 0 && realDepth == 0)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 255;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 255;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 255;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == tooFarDepth)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 00;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 66;
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == unknownDepth)
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = 66;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = 66;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = 33;
                    depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]);
                    depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]);
                    depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]);

            return depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 29
        private void UpdateColorArray(DepthImageStream depthImageStream)
            // Kinects depth recognition is limited (e.g. 800mm to 4000mm).
            // Take that into account for scaling the colors.
            int minDist = depthImageStream.MinDepth;
            int maxDist = depthImageStream.MaxDepth;

            for (int i = 0, i8 = 0; i < depthArray.Length; i++, i8 += 4)
                int depth = depthArray[i];

                byte colorScaled8Bit;

                // depth can even be -1!
                if (depth < minDist)
                    colorScaled8Bit = 0;
                else if (depth > maxDist)
                    colorScaled8Bit = 255;
                    int range = maxDist - minDist;
                    int whereInThatRange = depth - minDist;

                    colorScaled8Bit = (byte)(255 * whereInThatRange / range);

                // Set R, G, B to the color (gives us gray)
                this.colorArray[i8 + RedIndex] = colorScaled8Bit;
                this.colorArray[i8 + GreenIndex] = colorScaled8Bit;
                this.colorArray[i8 + BlueIndex] = colorScaled8Bit;
Esempio n. 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Depth Frame Conversion Method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">current depth frame</param>
        /// <param name="depthStream">originating depth stream</param>
        /// <returns>depth pixel data</returns>
        private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int colorPixelIndex = 0;
            this.rawDepth = new int[depthFrame.Length];
            int realDepth = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < depthFrame.Length; i++)
                this.rawDepth[i] = depthFrame[i] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
                    realDepth = depthFrame[i] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                    if (skelDepth < 0)
                        if (realDepth < 1066)
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * realDepth / 1066);
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;

                        else if ((1066 <= realDepth) && (realDepth < 2133))
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (2133 - realDepth) / 1066);
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (realDepth - 1066) / 1066);
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                        else if ((2133 <= realDepth) && (realDepth < 3199))
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (3198 - realDepth) / 1066);
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (realDepth - 2133) / 1066);
                        else if ((3199 <= realDepth) && (realDepth < 4000))
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (4000 - realDepth) / 801);
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                        if ((((skelDepth - skelDepthDelta) <= realDepth) && (realDepth < (skelDepth + skelDepthDelta))) && (((skelL - skelLDelta) <= (colorPixelIndex % 2560)) && ((colorPixelIndex % 2560) < (skelR + skelRDelta))))// && ((skelB + skelBDelta) >= (colorPixelIndex / 2560)))
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (realDepth - skelDepth + skelDepthDelta) / (2 * skelDepthDelta));
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (realDepth - skelDepth + skelDepthDelta) / (2 * skelDepthDelta));
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = (byte)(255 * (realDepth - skelDepth + skelDepthDelta) / (2 * skelDepthDelta));
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            this.depthFrame32[colorPixelIndex++] = 0;
                            rawDepth[i] = -1;

                rawDepthClone = rawDepth;

                return this.depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 3D point array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFrame">The depth frame.</param>
        /// <param name="depthStream">The depth stream.</param>
        private void ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int tooNearDepth = depthStream.TooNearDepth;
            int tooFarDepth = depthStream.TooFarDepth;
            int unknownDepth = depthStream.UnknownDepth;

            int width = depthStream.FrameWidth;
            int height = depthStream.FrameHeight;

            int cx = width / 2;
            int cy = height / 2;

            double fxinv = 1.0 / 476;
            double fyinv = 1.0 / 476;

            double scale = 0.001;

                iy =>
                    for (int ix = 0; ix < width; ix++)
                        int i = (iy * width) + ix;
                        this.rawDepth[i] = depthFrame[(iy * width) + ix] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                        if (rawDepth[i] == unknownDepth || rawDepth[i] < tooNearDepth || rawDepth[i] > tooFarDepth)
                            this.rawDepth[i] = -1;
                            this.depthFramePoints[i] = new Point3D();
                            double zz = this.rawDepth[i] * scale;
                            double x = (cx - ix) * zz * fxinv;
                            double y = zz;
                            double z = (cy - iy) * zz * fyinv;
                            this.depthFramePoints[i] = new Point3D(x, y, z);
        // Converts a 16-bit grayscale depth frame which includes player indexes into a 32-bit frame
        // that displays different players in different colors
        private void ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream, ref Color[] depthFrame32)
            for (int i16 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length; i16++)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));

                if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.TooNearDepth)
                    // white 
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)255, (int)255, (int)255);

                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.TooFarDepth)
                    // dark purple
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)66, 0, (int)66);
                else if (player == 0 && realDepth == depthStream.UnknownDepth)
                    // dark brown
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)66, (int)66, (int)33);
                    // tint the intensity by dividing by per-player values
                    depthFrame32[i16] = new Color((int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerR[player]), (int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerG[player]), (int)(intensity >> IntensityShiftByPlayerB[player]));
        /// <summary>
        /// 距離データをカラー画像に変換する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="kinect"></param>
        /// <param name="depthFrame"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static byte[] ConvertDepthToColor( DepthImageFrame depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream )
            // 距離カメラのピクセルごとのデータを取得する
            short[] depthPixel = depthFrame.ToPixelData();

            // 画像化データを作成する
            byte[] depthColor = new byte[depthFrame.Width * depthFrame.Height * BytesPerPixel];

            // 画像化する
            for ( int i = 0; i < depthPixel.Length; i++ ) {
                // 距離カメラのデータから、距離とプレイヤーIDを取得する
                int distance = depthPixel[i] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
                int player = depthPixel[i] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;

                // バイトインデックスを計算する
                int index = i * BytesPerPixel;

                // プレイヤーがいる座標
                if ( player != 0 ) {
                    depthColor[index + 0] = PlayerColors[player].B;
                    depthColor[index + 1] = PlayerColors[player].G;
                    depthColor[index + 2] = PlayerColors[player].R;
                // プレイヤーがいない座標
                else {
                    // サポート外 0-40cm
                    if ( distance == depthStream.UnknownDepth ) {
                        // Colors.DarkGoldenrod
                        depthColor[index + 0] = 0x0B;
                        depthColor[index + 1] = 0x86;
                        depthColor[index + 2] = 0xB8;
                    // 近すぎ 40cm-80cm(default mode)
                    else if ( distance == depthStream.TooNearDepth ) {
                        // Colors.White
                        depthColor[index + 0] = 0xFF;
                        depthColor[index + 1] = 0xFF;
                        depthColor[index + 2] = 0xFF;
                    // 遠すぎ 3m(Near),4m(Default)-8m
                    else if ( distance == depthStream.TooFarDepth ) {
                        // Colors.Purple
                        depthColor[index + 0] = 0x80;
                        depthColor[index + 1] = 0x00;
                        depthColor[index + 2] = 0x80;
                    // 有効な距離データ
                    else {
                        // Colors.DarkCyan
                        depthColor[index + 0] = 0x8B;
                        depthColor[index + 1] = 0x8B;
                        depthColor[index + 2] = 0x00;

            return depthColor;
Esempio n. 34
        byte[] GetRGB(DepthImageFrame PImage, short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)

            byte[] rgbs = new byte[PImage.Width * PImage.Height * 4];

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    rect_cnt[i, j] = 0;

            //작은 사각형 값의 초기화
            for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < row; j++)
                    point[i, j].min_X = int.MaxValue;
                    point[i, j].min_Y = int.MaxValue;
                    point[i, j].max_X = int.MinValue;
                    point[i, j].max_Y = int.MinValue;
                    point[i, j].sGape = int.MaxValue;
                    point[i, j].bGape = int.MinValue;


            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < rgbs.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int nDistance = depthFrame[i16] >>

                int nX = i16 % PImage.Width;
                int nY = i16 / PImage.Width;

                int i = (nY - 1) / (PImage.Height / col);
                int j = (nX - 1) / (PImage.Width / row);

                int nColor = 0xFF * nDistance / 4000;

                if (nDistance < 1000 && nDistance >= 0)
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, 0xff, 0, 0);
                    point[i, j].min_X = Math.Min(point[i, j].min_X, nX); //작은 사각형 정보 입력
                    point[i, j].min_Y = Math.Min(point[i, j].min_Y, nY);
                    point[i, j].max_X = Math.Max(point[i, j].max_X, nX);
                    point[i, j].max_Y = Math.Max(point[i, j].max_Y, nY);
                    point[i, j].sGape = Math.Min(point[i, j].sGape, nDistance);
                    point[i, j].bGape = Math.Max(point[i, j].bGape, nDistance);

                    rect_cnt[i / 4, j / 4]++;

                else if (nDistance < 2000 && nDistance > 1000)
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0);
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor);


            return rgbs;
Esempio n. 35
        byte[] GetRGB(DepthImageFrame PImage, short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            obsCell = new int[3, 3];
            byte[] rgbs = new byte[PImage.Width * PImage.Height * 4];

            int nSavei32 = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_col; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < m_row; j++)
                    _rectPoint[i, j].min_X = int.MaxValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].min_Y = int.MaxValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].max_X = int.MinValue;
                    _rectPoint[i, j].max_Y = int.MinValue;

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < rgbs.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int nDistance = depthFrame[i16] >>

                int nX = i16 % PImage.Width;
                int nY = i16 / PImage.Width;

                int i = (nY - 1) / (PImage.Height / m_col);
                int j = (nX - 1) / (PImage.Width / m_row);

                int nColor = 0xFF * nDistance / 4000;
                if (nDistance >= 0 && nDistance <= 1000)
                    if (!((i == m_col) || (j == m_row)))
                        _rectPoint[i, j].min_X = Math.Min(_rectPoint[i, j].min_X, nX);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].min_Y = Math.Min(_rectPoint[i, j].min_Y, nY);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].max_X = Math.Max(_rectPoint[i, j].max_X, nX);
                        _rectPoint[i, j].max_Y = Math.Max(_rectPoint[i, j].max_Y, nY);
                        obsCell[j / (m_row / 3), i / (m_col / 3)] += 1;
                    nSavei32 = i32;
                    SetRGB(rgbs, i32, 0xff, 0, 0);
                else SetRGB(rgbs, i32, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor, (byte)nColor);

            SetRGB(rgbs, nSavei32, 0xFF, 0, 0);
            return rgbs;
Esempio n. 36
        public byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
            int RedIndex = 0, GreenIndex = 1, BlueIndex = 2, AlphaIndex = 3;

            var depthFrame32 = new byte[depthStream.FrameWidth*depthStream.FrameHeight*4];

            for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
                int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
                int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;

                // transform 13-bit depth information into an 8-bit intensity appropriate
                // for display (we disregard information in most significant bit)
                var intensity = (byte) (~(realDepth >> 4));

                depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = intensity;
                depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = intensity;
                depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = intensity;
                depthFrame32[i32 + AlphaIndex] = 255;

            return depthFrame32;
Esempio n. 37
 private byte[] ConvertDepthFrame(short[] depthFrame, DepthImageStream depthStream)
     int RedIndex = 0, GreenIndex = 1, BlueIndex = 2, AlphaIndex = 3;
     byte[] depthFrame32 = new byte[depthStream.FrameWidth * depthStream.FrameHeight * 4];
     for (int i16 = 0, i32 = 0; i16 < depthFrame.Length && i32 < depthFrame32.Length; i16++, i32 += 4)
         int player = depthFrame[i16] & DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmask;
         int realDepth = depthFrame[i16] >> DepthImageFrame.PlayerIndexBitmaskWidth;
         byte intensity = (byte)(~(realDepth >> 4));
         depthFrame32[i32 + RedIndex] = (byte)(intensity);
         depthFrame32[i32 + GreenIndex] = (byte)(intensity);
         depthFrame32[i32 + BlueIndex] = (byte)(intensity);
         depthFrame32[i32 + AlphaIndex] = 255;
     return depthFrame32;