Esempio n. 1
        private DeletePermission DeleteLot(long lotId)
            if (lotId == DefaultLotId)

            using (DbTransaction trans = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                DbParam par  = new DbParam("lotId", lotId);
                long    temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(1) FROM store WHERE LotID = @lotId", par);
                if (temp != 0)

                temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(1) FROM operations WHERE LotID = @lotId", par);
                if (temp != 0)

                temp = ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM lots WHERE ID = @lotId", par);
                if (temp != 1)

Esempio n. 2
        public override void EnableLots()
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                ItemsManagementType imt = GetItemsManagementType();

                if (imt != ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice &&
                    imt != ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice &&
                    imt != ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice)

                long unavailable = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(1) FROM store WHERE Qtty < 0");
                if (unavailable > 0)
                    throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(null);

                string mixedPriceInItem = ExecuteScalar <string> (@"SELECT goods.Name
FROM operations as op INNER JOIN store ON op.GoodID = store.GoodID AND op.PriceIn <> store.Price
  INNER JOIN goods ON op.GoodID = goods.ID
LIMIT 1");
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mixedPriceInItem))
                    throw new MixedPriceInItemException(mixedPriceInItem);

                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM store WHERE ABS(Qtty) < 0.0000001");
                ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE operations SET Lot = 'NA'");
                ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE store SET Lot = 'NA', LotOrder = 1");

        public override void AddInvoice(IEnumerable <object> invoiceObjects, int docNumberLen, bool createNewId)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                List <List <DbParam> > parameters = new List <List <DbParam> > ();
                foreach (object invoiceObject in invoiceObjects)
                    helper.ChangeObject(invoiceObject, DocumentNonDBFields);

                    if (createNewId)
                        string invoiceNumber = (string)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.DocumentNumber);
                        long   invoiceId     = long.Parse(invoiceNumber);
                        if (IsDocumentNumberUsed(invoiceId))
                            throw new InvoiceNumberInUseException();

                        CreateNewDocumentId(invoiceId, docNumberLen);
                        createNewId = false;
                    parameters.Add(new List <DbParam> (helper.Parameters));

                BulkInsert("documents", helper.GetColumns(DocumentNonDBFields.Select(f => new DbField(f)).ToArray()), parameters, "Unable to create new invoice.");
Esempio n. 4
        public override void AddUpdateCompanyRecord(object companyRecordObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that item
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM registration WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating company record
                long id;
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE registration {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.CompanyId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add company record with id=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.CompanyId)));

                    id = Convert.ToInt64(helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.CompanyId));
                } // We are creating new company record
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO registration {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.CompanyId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add company record with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.CompanyName)));

                    id = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.CompanyId, id);
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in registration table.");

                // If the newly placed record is default then remove any other default record(s)
                if ((int)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.CompanyDefault) == -1)
                    ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE registration SET IsDefault = 0 WHERE ID != {0}", id));
                } // If the newly placed record is not default see if there are other default record(s)
                    temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM registration WHERE IsDefault = -1");

                    if (temp == 0)
                        ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE registration SET IsDefault = -1 WHERE ID = 1");

        public override void CreateDatabase(string dbName, CreateDatabaseType type, Action <double> pCallback)
            dbName = FilterSqlParameter(dbName);
            string         script;
            int            extraCommands = 0;
            List <DbParam> parameters    = new List <DbParam> ();

            switch (type)
            case CreateDatabaseType.SampleRestaurant:
                script        = string.Format(GetScript("SampleRestaurant_307.sql.gz", parameters), dbName);
                extraCommands = AdjustSampleDatesCommandsNumber;

            case CreateDatabaseType.SampleStore:
                script        = string.Format(GetScript("SampleStore_307.sql.gz", parameters), dbName);
                extraCommands = AdjustSampleDatesCommandsNumber;

                script = string.Format(GetScript("Blank_307.sql.gz", parameters), dbName);

            int i = 0;

            string [] scriptLines = script.Split(';');
            try {
                using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                    for (i = 0; i < scriptLines.Length; i++)
                        string line = scriptLines [i];
                        line = line.Trim(' ', '\n', '\r', '\t', '\xA0');
                        if (line.Length > 0)
                            ExecuteNonQuery(line, parameters.ToArray());

                        if (pCallback != null)
                            pCallback(((double)(i * 100)) / (scriptLines.Length + extraCommands - 1));

                    if (type == CreateDatabaseType.SampleRestaurant ||
                        type == CreateDatabaseType.SampleStore)
                        AdjustSampleDates(scriptLines.Length, pCallback);


            } catch (Exception ex) {
                throw new SqlSyntaxException(scriptLines [i], i, ex);
        public override void DeleteItem(long id)
            DbParam par = new DbParam("id", id);

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM goods WHERE ID = @id", par);
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM store WHERE GoodID = @id", par);
        public override void AddUpdateItem(object itemObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that item
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM goods WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating item information
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE goods {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.ItemId, DataField.StoreQtty)),

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update goods with ID={0}", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.ItemId)));
                } // We are creating new item information
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO goods {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.ItemId, DataField.StoreQtty)),

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add goods with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.ItemName)));

                    temp = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.ItemId, temp);

                    ItemsManagementType imt = GetItemsManagementType();
                    if (imt == ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice ||
                        imt == ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice ||
                        imt == ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice)
                        // Add store availability for the items in the new location
                        ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Qtty, Price, Lot, LotID, LotOrder) SELECT ID, @GoodID, 0, 0, ' ', 1, 1 FROM objects",
                                        new DbParam("GoodID", temp));
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in goods table.");

        public override void DeleteLocation(long locationId)
            DbParam par = new DbParam("locationId", locationId);

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM objects WHERE ID = @locationId", par);
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM store WHERE ObjectID = @locationId", par);
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM operations WHERE ObjectID = @locationId AND (operations.PartnerID = 0 OR PartnerID IS NULL)", par);
        public override void AddUpdateUsersGroup(object groupObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that group
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM usersgroups WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating group
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM usersgroups WHERE ID = @ID AND Code = @Code",

                    // We have changed the parent
                    if (temp != 1)

                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE usersgroups {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.UsersGroupsId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update users group with ID={0}", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.UsersGroupsId)));
                } // We are creating new group
                else if (temp == 0)

                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO usersgroups {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.UsersGroupsId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add users group with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.UsersGroupsName)));

                    long id = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.UsersGroupsId, id);
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in objects table.");

        public override void DeletePriceRule(long priceRuleId)
            DbParam dbParameter = new DbParam("priceRuleId", priceRuleId);

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                int priority = ExecuteScalar <int> ("SELECT Priority FROM pricerules WHERE ID = @priceRuleId", dbParameter);
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM pricerules WHERE ID = @priceRuleId", dbParameter);
                ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE pricerules SET Priority = Priority - 1 WHERE Priority > @priority",
                                new DbParam("priority", priority));

        public override void EditAdvancePayment(object payment)
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();

                ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE payments {0} WHERE payments.ID = @ID",
                                              helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.PaymentId, DataField.PartnerName, DataField.LocationName, DataField.PartnerId)),

Esempio n. 12
        public override void CommitChanges(bool logChanges = false, bool logNewDetailChanges = false, long?mainAvailabilityLocation = null, bool checkAvailability = false)
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                // Create a new operation Id if needed);
                bool           editMode       = true;
                OperationState operationState = State;
                if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                    id = CreateNewId();

                    // Set the new operation id
                    editMode = false;

                // Save the order in the database
                RestaurantOrderDetail reservationDetail = new RestaurantOrderDetail {
                    ReferenceDocumentId = referenceDocumentId, Note = Note
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateReservation(this, reservationDetail);

                RestaurantOrder order = GetRestaurantOrder();
                if (order.Details.Count > 0)
                    order.Id = id;
                    order.CommitChanges(logChanges, logNewDetailChanges, mainAvailabilityLocation, checkAvailability);

                // We have to delete the payment records if there is nothing left
                if (editMode && Persons.IsZero())
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.DeleteOperationId(OperationType.Reservation, id);

                    ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Void reservation No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));
                else if (!Persons.IsZero())
                    // Don't update the amount paid if this is not a new sale
                    if (editMode)
                        ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Edit reservation No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));
                IsDirty = false;

        public override void AddUpdatePriceRule(object priceRule)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have this price rule
                long count = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM pricerules WHERE ID = @ID",
                int affectedRows;

                switch (count)
                case 0:
                    affectedRows = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO pricerules {0}",
                                                                 helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.PriceRuleId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (affectedRows != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add price rule with name=\'{0}\'",

                    long insertedId = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.PriceRuleId, insertedId);

                case 1:
                    affectedRows = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE pricerules {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                                 helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.PriceRuleId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (affectedRows != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update price rules with ID={0}",

                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in pricerules table.");

Esempio n. 14
        public override void AddUpdatePartner(object partnerObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that item
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM partners WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating item information
                if (temp == 1)
                    helper.UpdateTimeStamp = false;

                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE partners {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.PartnerId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update partner with id=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.PartnerId)));
                } // We are creating new item information
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO partners {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.PartnerId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add partner with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.PartnerName)));

                    temp = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.PartnerId, temp);
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in partners table.");

Esempio n. 15
        public override void DisableLots()
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                ItemsManagementType imt = GetItemsManagementType();

                if (imt == ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice ||
                    imt == ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice ||
                    imt == ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice)

                long       operId = CreateNewOperationId(OperationType.Temp, -1);
                DbParam [] pars   =
                    new DbParam("operType", (int)OperationType.Temp),
                    new DbParam("operId",   operId)

                    INSERT INTO operations (OperType, Acct, ObjectID, GoodID, Qtty)
                    SELECT @operType, @operId, ObjectID, GoodID, SUM(Qtty)
                    FROM store
                    GROUP BY ObjectID, GoodID", pars);

                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM store");

                    INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Qtty, Price, Lot, LotID, LotOrder)
                    SELECT o.ID, g.ID, SUM(IFNULL(op.Qtty, 0)), g.PriceIn, ' ', 1, 1
                    FROM (goods as g, objects as o)
                     LEFT JOIN operations as op ON op.GoodID = g.ID AND op.ObjectID = o.ID AND op.OperType = @operType AND op.Acct = @operId
                    GROUP BY o.ID, g.ID", pars);

                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM operations WHERE OperType = @operType AND Acct = @operId", pars);
                DeleteOperationId(OperationType.Temp, operId);

                ExecuteNonQuery("UPDATE operations SET Lot = ' ', LotID = 1");
                ExecuteNonQuery("DELETE FROM lots WHERE ID <> 1");

        public override void AddUpdateConfiguration(object configurationObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that item
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM configuration WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating location
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE configuration {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.ConfigEntryId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update configuration with ID={0}", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.ConfigEntryId)));
                } // We are creating new location
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO configuration {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.ConfigEntryId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add configuration with key=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.ConfigEntryKey)));

                    temp = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.ConfigEntryId, temp);
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in configuration table.");

        public override void AddUpdateVATGroup(object vatGroupObject)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that goods
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM vatgroups WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating location
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE vatgroups {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.VATGroupId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update VAT Group with ID={0}", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.VATGroupId)));
                } // We are creating new location
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO vatgroups {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.VATGroupId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add VAT Group with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.VATGroupName)));

                    temp = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.VATGroupId, temp);
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in vatgroups table.");

Esempio n. 18
        private void Commit(Payment [] duePayments, Payment [] paidPayments, PriceGroup priceGroup)
            bool editMode = true;

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                // Create a new operation Id if needed
                OperationState operationState = State;
                if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                    id = CreateNewId();

                    // Set the new operation id
                    foreach (Payment payment in duePayments)
                        payment.OperationId = id;
                    foreach (Payment payment in paidPayments)
                        payment.OperationId = id;
                    editMode = false;

                // Save the purchase in the database
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdatePurchase(this, details.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability, Item.GetPriceGroupField(priceGroup));

                CommitPayments(duePayments, paidPayments, editMode, true);

                if (editMode)

Esempio n. 19
        private void Commit(Payment [] duePayments, Payment [] paidPayments, PriceGroup priceGroup, bool annul)
            bool editMode = true;

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                // Create a new operation Id if needed
                OperationState operationState = State;
                if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                    id = CreateNewId();

                    // Set the new operation id
                    foreach (Payment payment in duePayments)
                        payment.OperationId = id;
                    foreach (Payment payment in paidPayments)
                        payment.OperationId = id;
                    editMode = false;


                // Save the stock-taking in the database
                IEnumerable <StockTakingDetail> detailsToSave = GetDetailsToSave(annul);
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateStockTaking(this, detailsToSave.ToArray(),
                                                                       BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability, Item.GetPriceGroupField(priceGroup), annul);

                CommitPayments(duePayments, paidPayments, editMode, false);

Esempio n. 20
        public override void Commit()
            bool editMode = true;

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                // Create a new operation Id if needed);
                OperationState operationState = State;
                if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                    id       = CreateNewId();
                    editMode = false;

                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateWaste(this, details.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability);

                if (editMode && Total.IsZero())
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.DeleteOperationId(Data.OperationType.Waste, id);

                    ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Void waste No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));
                else if (editMode)
                    ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Edit waste No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));

                if (editMode)

Esempio n. 21
        public void CommitAdvance()
            bool isNew = id < 0;

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                if (isNew)
                    mode          = PaymentMode.Paid;
                    userId        = BusinessDomain.LoggedUser.Id;
                    operationType = (int)Data.OperationType.AdvancePayment;
                    sign          = 1;
                    locationId    = Location.DefaultId;


                if (isNew && Type.BaseType == BasePaymentType.Cash)
                    CashBookEntry cashBookEntry = new CashBookEntry(this)
                        OperationNumber     = OperationId,
                        PartnerName         = PartnerName,
                        TurnoverType        = TurnoverType.IncomeAdvance,
                        DescriptionTemplate = Translator.GetString("Advance Payment No. {0}, {1}")

            if (isNew)
        public override void AddUpdateLocation(object locationObject, bool documentNumbersPerLocation, long recommendedRange)
            SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();


            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                // Check if we already have that item
                long temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(*) FROM objects WHERE ID = @ID", helper.Parameters);

                // We are updating location
                if (temp == 1)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE objects {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.LocationId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update location with ID={0}", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.LocationId)));
                } // We are creating new location
                else if (temp == 0)
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO objects {0}",
                                                         helper.GetColumnsAndValuesStatement(DataField.LocationId)), helper.Parameters);

                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add location with name=\'{0}\'", helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.LocationName)));

                    temp = GetLastAutoId();
                    helper.SetObjectValue(DataField.LocationId, temp);

                    ItemsManagementType imt = GetItemsManagementType();
                    if (imt == ItemsManagementType.AveragePrice || imt == ItemsManagementType.QuickAveragePrice || imt == ItemsManagementType.LastPurchasePrice)
                        // Add store availability for the items in the new location
                        ExecuteNonQuery("INSERT INTO store (ObjectID, GoodID, Qtty, Price, Lot, LotID, LotOrder) SELECT @ObjectID, ID, 0, PriceIn, ' ', 1, 1 FROM goods",
                                        new DbParam("ObjectID", temp));

                    if (documentNumbersPerLocation)
                        List <long> documentNumbers = ExecuteList <long> (@"
                            SELECT Acct FROM operations 
                            WHERE PartnerID = 0 OR PartnerID IS NULL 
                            GROUP BY ObjectID
                            ORDER BY Acct DESC");

                        if (documentNumbers.Count > 1)
                            long maxRangeSize = long.MinValue;
                            for (int i = 0; i < documentNumbers.Count - 1; i++)
                                maxRangeSize = Math.Max(maxRangeSize, documentNumbers [i] - documentNumbers [i + 1]);
                            AddOperationStartNumbersPerLocation(temp, documentNumbers [0] + maxRangeSize, null);
                            long locationIndex = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT COUNT(*) - 1 FROM objects");
                            long rangeStart    = documentNumbers.Count == 1 ? documentNumbers [0] : 0;
                            AddNumberingPerLocationByIndex(temp, locationIndex - 1, rangeStart + 1, null, recommendedRange);

                    OnLocationAdded(new LocationAddedArgs {
                        LocationId = temp
                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in objects table.");

Esempio n. 23
        public ComplexRecipe CommitChanges()
            bool editMode = true;

            try {
                using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                    // Create a new operation Id if needed
                    if (State == OperationState.New || State == OperationState.NewDraft)
                        id       = CreateNewId();
                        editMode = false;

                    // Save the output ComplexRecipe in the database
                    OperationType = OperationType.ComplexRecipeMaterial;
                    foreach (ComplexRecipeDetail detail in DetailsMat)
                        detail.Note = name;
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateComplexRecipeMat(this, DetailsMat.ToArray());

                    // Save the input ComplexRecipe in the database
                    OperationType = OperationType.ComplexRecipeProduct;
                    foreach (ComplexRecipeDetail detail in DetailsProd)
                        detail.Note = name;
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateComplexRecipeProd(this, DetailsProd.ToArray());

                    if (editMode && Total.IsZero())
                        BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.DeleteOperationId(OperationType.ComplexRecipeMaterial, id);

                        string format = Translator.GetString("Void recipe No.{0} from {1}");
                        ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(format, GetFormattedOperationNumber(id),
                    else if (editMode)
                        string format = Translator.GetString("Edit recipe No.{0} from {1}");
                        ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(format, GetFormattedOperationNumber(id),

                    if (editMode)

            } catch {
                if (!editMode)
                    id = -1;


        public virtual void CommitChanges(bool logChanges = false, bool logNewDetailChanges = false, long?mainAvailabilityLocation = null, bool checkAvailability = false)
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                IEnumerable <string> changes = logChanges ? GetChanges(logNewDetailChanges, false) : new List <string> ();

                Dictionary <long, double> orderedQuantities = new Dictionary <long, double> (details.Count);
                if (checkAvailability && mainAvailabilityLocation != null)
                    if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AutoProduction)
                        AutomaticProduction(mainAvailabilityLocation.Value, locationId);
                    else if (!BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability)
                        foreach (RestaurantOrderDetail orderDetail in details.Where(d => d.DetailId >= 0 || d.Quantity > 0))
                            if (orderedQuantities.ContainsKey(orderDetail.ItemId))
                                orderedQuantities [orderDetail.ItemId] += orderDetail.Quantity;
                                orderedQuantities.Add(orderDetail.ItemId, orderDetail.Quantity);

                        foreach (KeyValuePair <long, double> orderedQuantity in orderedQuantities)
                            if (Item.GetAvailability(orderedQuantity.Key, mainAvailabilityLocation.Value, locationId) < orderedQuantity.Value)
                                throw new InsufficientItemAvailabilityException(details.Find(d => d.ItemId == orderedQuantity.Key).ItemName);

                if (State == OperationState.New)
                    if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.PrintOrderCodeOnReceipts)
                        id = -10 - BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.CreateNewOperationId(operationType, mainAvailabilityLocation ?? Entities.Location.DefaultId, currentState: State);
                        id = 0;

                foreach (RestaurantOrderDetail detail in details)
                    detail.ReferenceDocumentId = referenceDocumentId;

                // Save the order in the database
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateRestaurantOrder(this, isDirty ?
                                                                           details.ToArray() :
                                                                           details.Where(detail => detail.IsDirty).ToArray());

                for (int i = details.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (details [i].Quantity.IsZero())

                IsDirty = false;

                foreach (string change in changes)

Esempio n. 25
        public void CommitChanges(bool increaseStoreAvailability = true, bool increaseStoreAvailabilityOnAnnull = true)
            bool editMode = true;

            try {
                using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                    if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AutoProduction)

                    // Create a new operation Id if needed);
                    OperationState operationState = State;
                    if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                        id       = CreateNewId();
                        editMode = false;

                    // Save the output transfer in the database
                    OperationType = OperationType.TransferOut;
                    LocationId    = SourceLocationId;
                    bool annulling = editMode && Total.IsZero();
                    foreach (TransferDetail detail in details)
                        detail.Sign     = annulling && !increaseStoreAvailabilityOnAnnull ? 0 : -1;
                        detail.DetailId = detail.SourceDetailId;
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateTransferOut(this, details.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability);
                    foreach (TransferDetail detail in details)
                        detail.SourceDetailId = detail.DetailId;

                    // Save the input transfer in the database
                    OperationType = OperationType.TransferIn;
                    LocationId    = TargetLocationId;
                    foreach (TransferDetail detail in details)
                        detail.Sign     = 1;
                        detail.DetailId = detail.TargetDetailId;
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateTransferIn(this, details.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability, increaseStoreAvailability);
                    foreach (TransferDetail detail in details)
                        detail.TargetDetailId = detail.DetailId;

                    if (annulling)
                        BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.DeleteOperationId(OperationType.TransferIn, id);

                        ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Void transfer No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));
                    else if (editMode)
                        ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Edit transfer No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));

                    if (editMode)

            } finally {
                LocationId = SourceLocationId;
Esempio n. 26
        private long GetCreateLotId(string serialNo, DateTime?endDate, DateTime?prodDate, string location, long?lastLotId)
            string filter = string.Format("SerialNo = @serialNo AND Location = @location AND {0} AND {1}",
                                          endDate.HasValue ? "EndDate = @endDate" : "EndDate IS NULL",
                                          prodDate.HasValue ? "ProductionDate = @prodDate" : "ProductionDate IS NULL");

            DbParam [] pars =
                new DbParam("serialNo", serialNo),
                new DbParam("location", location ?? string.Empty),
                new DbParam("endDate",  endDate),
                new DbParam("prodDate", prodDate)

            using (DbTransaction trans = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                long temp;
                if (lastLotId.HasValue && lastLotId != DefaultLotId)
                    DbParam lotId = new DbParam("lotId", lastLotId);
                    temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(1) FROM store WHERE LotID = @lotId", lotId);
                    if (temp == 1)
                        temp = ExecuteScalar <long> ("SELECT count(1) FROM operations WHERE LotID = @lotId", lotId);
                        if (temp == 1)
                            List <DbParam> pars1 = new List <DbParam> (pars)
                            temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE lots SET SerialNo = @serialNo, Location = @location{0}{1} WHERE ID = @lotId",
                                                                 endDate.HasValue ? ", EndDate = @endDate" : string.Empty,
                                                                 prodDate.HasValue ? ", ProductionDate = @prodDate" : string.Empty), pars1.ToArray());
                            if (temp != 1)
                                throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot change lot with id = \'{0}\' serial=\'{1}\' endDate=\'{2}\' prodDate=\'{3}\' location=\'{4}\'",
                                                                  lotId, serialNo, endDate, prodDate, location));


                temp = ExecuteScalar <long> (string.Format("SELECT count(1) FROM lots WHERE {0}", filter), pars);

                int ret;
                switch (temp)
                case 1:
                    ret = ExecuteScalar <int> (string.Format("SELECT ID FROM lots WHERE {0}", filter), pars);

                case 0:
                    temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("INSERT INTO lots (SerialNo, Location{0}{1}) VALUES(@serialNo, @location{2}{3})",
                                                         endDate.HasValue ? ", EndDate" : string.Empty,
                                                         prodDate.HasValue ? ", ProductionDate" : string.Empty,
                                                         endDate.HasValue ? ", @endDate" : string.Empty,
                                                         prodDate.HasValue ? ", @prodDate" : string.Empty), pars);
                    if (temp != 1)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot add lot with serial=\'{0}\' endDate=\'{1}\' prodDate=\'{2}\' location=\'{3}\'",
                                                          serialNo, endDate, prodDate, location));
                    ret = (int)GetLastAutoId();

                    throw new Exception("Too many entries with the same ID found in lots table.");

        public override void Commit()
            bool editMode = true;

            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider)) {
                if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AutoProduction)
                    if (AutomaticProduction())

                // Create a new operation Id if needed);
                OperationState operationState = State;
                if (operationState == OperationState.New || operationState == OperationState.NewDraft || operationState == OperationState.NewPending)
                    id       = CreateNewId();
                    editMode = false;

                    if (BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.ItemsManagementUseLots)
                        foreach (ComplexProductionDetail detail in DetailsProd)
                            if (detail.ProductionDate == null)
                                detail.ProductionDate = Date;


                // Save the output ComplexProduction in the database
                OperationType = OperationType.ComplexProductionMaterial;
                foreach (ComplexProductionDetail detail in DetailsMat)
                    detail.ReferenceDocumentId = id;
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateComplexProductionMat(this, DetailsMat.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability);

                // Save the input ComplexProduction in the database
                OperationType = OperationType.ComplexProductionProduct;
                foreach (ComplexProductionDetail detail in DetailsProd)
                    detail.ReferenceDocumentId = id;
                BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.AddUpdateComplexProductionProd(this, DetailsProd.ToArray(), BusinessDomain.AppConfiguration.AllowNegativeAvailability);
                Item.Cache.Clear(DetailsProd.Select(d => d.ItemId));

                if (editMode && Total.IsZero())
                    BusinessDomain.DataAccessProvider.DeleteOperationId(OperationType.ComplexProductionMaterial, id);

                    ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Void production No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));
                else if (editMode)
                    ApplicationLogEntry.AddNew(string.Format(Translator.GetString("Edit production No.{0} from {1}"), GetFormattedOperationNumber(id), BusinessDomain.GetFormattedDate(date)));

                if (editMode)

Esempio n. 28
        public override void AddUpdateUserRestriction <T> (IEnumerable <T> restrictionObjects)
            using (DbTransaction transaction = new DbTransaction(this)) {
                var lookup = ExecuteList <ObjectsContainer <string, long, int> > (
                    "SELECT ControlName as Value1, UserID as Value2, State as Value3 FROM userssecurity")
                             .ToLookup(v => v.Value1 + "+" + v.Value2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                List <List <DbParam> > insertParams = new List <List <DbParam> > ();
                List <DbParam>         deleteParams = new List <DbParam> ();
                string    insertColumns             = null;
                SqlHelper helper = GetSqlHelper();

                foreach (object restrictionObject in restrictionObjects)
                    string key = string.Format("{0}+{1}",
                    int state = (int)helper.GetObjectValue(DataField.UsersSecurityState);

                    if (lookup.Contains(key))
                        bool entryFound = false;
                        foreach (var entry in lookup[key])
                            if (state != entry.Value3 && state == 2 && !entryFound)
                                int temp = ExecuteNonQuery(string.Format("UPDATE userssecurity {0} WHERE ID = @ID",
                                                                         helper.GetSetStatement(DataField.UsersSecurityId)), helper.Parameters);
                                if (temp != 1)
                                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Cannot update user restriction with id=\'{0}\'",
                            else if (state != 2 || entryFound)
                                deleteParams.Add(helper.Parameters.First(p => p.ParameterName == "@ID"));

                            entryFound = true;
                    else if (state == 2)
                        helper.ChangeObject(restrictionObject, DataField.UsersSecurityId);
                        insertParams.Add(new List <DbParam> (helper.Parameters));
                        if (insertColumns == null)
                            insertColumns = helper.GetColumns(DataField.UsersSecurityId);

                if (deleteParams.Count > 0)

                if (insertColumns != null)
                    BulkInsert("userssecurity", insertColumns, insertParams, "Cannot insert user restrictions");
