Esempio n. 1
        /// <param name="wname">Receiving item; must be found and its type known</param>
        /// <param name="sent">Sending item; must be found and its type known</param>
        private static void CheckVariable(Node node, QualifiedName wname, object sent)
            DataDefinition sendingTypeDefinition = null, receivingTypeDefinition = null;

            if (sent == null || wname == null)
                return;                                //Both items needed
            var wsymbol = GetSymbol(node.SymbolTable, wname);

            if (wsymbol == null)
                return;                  // receiving symbol name unresolved
            receivingTypeDefinition = wsymbol.TypeDefinition;
            if (receivingTypeDefinition == null) //No TypeDefinition found, try to get DataType
                receivingTypeDefinition = GetDataDefinitionType(node.SymbolTable, wsymbol);

            var sname = sent as QualifiedName;

            if (sname != null)
                var ssymbol = GetSymbol(node.SymbolTable, sname);
                if (ssymbol == null)
                    return;                  // sending symbol name unresolved
                sendingTypeDefinition = ssymbol.TypeDefinition;
                if (sendingTypeDefinition == null) //No TypeDefinition found try to get DataType
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GetDataDefinitionType(node.SymbolTable, ssymbol);
                //This will resolve the following cases MOVE 1 TO myVar / MOVE true TO myVar / MOVE "test" TO myVar.
                if (sent is bool?)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.BooleanGeneratedDefinition;
                if (sent is double?)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.NumericGeneratedDefinition;
                if (sent is string)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.AlphanumericGeneratedDefinition;

            //TypeDefinition Comparison
            if (receivingTypeDefinition != null && !receivingTypeDefinition.Equals(sendingTypeDefinition))
                var isUnsafe = ((VariableWriter)node).IsUnsafe;
                if (receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.RestrictionLevel > RestrictionLevel.WEAK)
                    if (!isUnsafe)
                        var sendingName   = sendingTypeDefinition != null ? sendingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name : null;
                        var receivingName = receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name;

                        if (sendingTypeDefinition != null &&
                            sendingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name == receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name)
                        //In case type names are equals
                            sendingName   = sendingTypeDefinition.VisualQualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".", "::");
                            receivingName = receivingTypeDefinition.VisualQualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".", "::");

                        var message = string.Format("Cannot write {0} to {1} typed variable {2}:{3}.", sendingName,
                                                    receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.RestrictionLevel == RestrictionLevel.STRONG
                                ? "strongly"
                                : "strictly", wname.Head, receivingName);

                        DiagnosticUtils.AddError(node, message, MessageCode.SemanticTCErrorInParser);
                    if (isUnsafe)
                        var message = "Useless UNSAFE with non strongly typed receiver.";
                        DiagnosticUtils.AddError(node, message, MessageCode.SyntaxWarningInParser);
Esempio n. 2
        /// <param name="wname">Receiving item; must be found and its type known</param>
        /// <param name="sent">Sending item; must be found and its type known</param>
        private static void CheckVariable(Node node, StorageArea wname, object sent)
            DataDefinition sendingTypeDefinition = null, receivingTypeDefinition = null;

            if (sent == null || wname == null)
                return;                                //Both items needed
            //var wsymbol = CrossCompleteChecker.CheckVariable(node, wname,false);
            Tuple <string, DataDefinition> searchExistingDataDefinition;
            DataDefinition wsymbol = null;

            //check if dico not null
            if (node.StorageAreaWritesDataDefinition != null)
                node.StorageAreaWritesDataDefinition.TryGetValue(wname, out searchExistingDataDefinition);
                wsymbol = searchExistingDataDefinition?.Item2;

            if (wsymbol != null)
                receivingTypeDefinition = wsymbol.TypeDefinition ?? GetDataDefinitionType(node, wsymbol, false);

            var sname = sent as QualifiedName;

            if (sname != null)
                var ssymbol = node.GetDataDefinitionForQualifiedName(sname);
                if (ssymbol == null)
                    return;                  // sending symbol name unresolved
                sendingTypeDefinition = ssymbol.TypeDefinition ?? GetDataDefinitionType(node, ssymbol, true);
            else if (sent is StorageArea)
                DataDefinition rsymbol = null;
                //var rsymbol = CrossCompleteChecker.CheckVariable(node, (StorageArea) sent,true);
                if (node.StorageAreaReadsDataDefinition != null)
                    node.StorageAreaReadsDataDefinition.TryGetValue((StorageArea)sent, out searchExistingDataDefinition);
                    rsymbol = searchExistingDataDefinition?.Item2;

                if (rsymbol != null)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = rsymbol.TypeDefinition ?? GetDataDefinitionType(node, rsymbol, true);
                //This will resolve the following cases MOVE 1 TO myVar / MOVE true TO myVar / MOVE "test" TO myVar.
                if (sent is bool?)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.BooleanGeneratedDefinition;
                if (sent is double?)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.NumericGeneratedDefinition;
                if (sent is string)
                    sendingTypeDefinition = GeneratedDefinition.AlphanumericGeneratedDefinition;

            //TypeDefinition Comparison
            if (receivingTypeDefinition != null && !(receivingTypeDefinition.Equals(sendingTypeDefinition) || (wname is StorageAreaPropertySpecialRegister && sent is StorageAreaPropertySpecialRegister)))
                var isUnsafe = ((VariableWriter)node).IsUnsafe;
                if (receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.RestrictionLevel > RestrictionLevel.WEAK)
                    if (!isUnsafe)
                        var sendingName   = sendingTypeDefinition != null ? sendingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name : null;
                        var receivingName = receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name;

                        if (sendingTypeDefinition != null &&
                            sendingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name == receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.Name)
                        //In case type names are equals
                            sendingName   = sendingTypeDefinition.VisualQualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".", "::");
                            receivingName = receivingTypeDefinition.VisualQualifiedName.ToString().Replace(".", "::");

                        var message = string.Format("Cannot write {0} to {1} typed variable {2}:{3}.", sendingName,
                                                    receivingTypeDefinition.DataType.RestrictionLevel == RestrictionLevel.STRONG
                                ? "strongly"
                                : "strictly", wname, receivingName);

                        DiagnosticUtils.AddError(node, message, MessageCode.SemanticTCErrorInParser);
                    if (isUnsafe)
                        var message = "Useless UNSAFE with non strongly typed receiver.";
                        DiagnosticUtils.AddError(node, message, MessageCode.SyntaxWarningInParser);