void Update() { if (life > 0) { seconds = seconds + Time.deltaTime; if (seconds >= 60) { minuts++; seconds = 0; } Collider2D[] hitEnemies = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(PortalActivationArea.position, PortalActivationRange, enemyLayers); foreach (Collider2D enemyCollided in hitEnemies) { var enemy = enemyCollided.GetComponent <Enemy>(); enemy.TakeDamage(enemy.maxHealth, new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y)); life--; Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(pfDamagePopup, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(life); } } timeCount.text = minuts.ToString("00") + ":" + ((int)seconds).ToString("00"); if (life == 0) { formatedTime = minuts.ToString("00") + ":" + ((int)seconds).ToString("00"); SceneManager.LoadScene("end"); } }
/// <summary> /// Shows a floating damageText /// </summary> /// <param name="damageAmount">Damage you want to show</param> void ShowDamage(int damageAmount) { Vector3 textPosition = new Vector3(gameObject.transform.position.x, gameObject.transform.position.y + 2); DamagePopup dmgtxt = Instantiate(DamagePopup, textPosition, Quaternion.identity); dmgtxt.Setup(damageAmount); }
public void TakeDamage(int damage, bool shake = true, bool burn = false) { if (burn || !invincibility) { invincibility = true; invincibilityTimer = invincibilityMaxTimer; health -= damage; if (shake) { screenShake.Shake(0.05f); } GameObject damagePopup = Instantiate(damagePopupComponent, transform.position + new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopupObj = damagePopup.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopupObj.Setup(damage, true, false); if (health < 0) { if (!died) { died = true; Instantiate(deathParticle, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Die(); } } else { HandleHealthBar(); } } }
public static DamagePopup Create(int damage, Vector3 position) { damagePrefab = Instantiate(GameAsset.Instance.damageHitInfo, position + new Vector3(0.5f, 2f, 0), Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup dmg = damagePrefab.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); dmg.Setup(damage); return(dmg); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int damageAmount) { Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopup, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 pos, int damageAmount) { GameObject damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.assets.DamagePopupPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, int damageAmout, bool isCriticalHit) { Transform damageTransform = Instantiate(GlobalParameter.Global.DamagePopup.transform, position, rotation); DamagePopup damagePopup = damageTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); // int damage = Random.Range(250, 300); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmout, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 Position, int damageAmount, float FontSize, Color color) { Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.curr.pfDamagePopup, Position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, color, FontSize); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(GameObject pfText, Vector3 position, float damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { var damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(pfText, position + new Vector3(0, 1.7f, 0), Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, float damage, bool isCriticalHit, CharacterData player, bool isXp) { Transform obj = Instantiate(ImpactManager.instance.PopupText, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup popup = obj.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); popup.Setup(damage, isCriticalHit, player, isXp); return(popup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Transform popup, Vector3 position, int damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(popup, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(GameObject pfDamagePopup, Vector3 position, float damageAmount) { GameObject damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(pfDamagePopup, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.transform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Transform followTransform, Vector3 position, Damage damage) { Transform popupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.damagePopupText, position, Quaternion.identity); popupTransform.SetParent(followTransform); DamagePopup popup = popupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); popup.Setup(damage); return(popup); }
// Create a Damage Popup public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(Resources.Load <Transform>("pfDialoguePopup"), position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, isCriticalHit); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Transform pf_Popup, Vector3 pos, string text) { Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(pf_Popup, pos, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(text); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int value, Color color) { GameObject damagePopupObj = Instantiate(GameSession.instance.damagePopupPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); float angle = Random.Range(-5f, 5f); damagePopupObj.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupObj.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.moveVector = Vector3.up; damagePopup.Setup(value, color); return(damagePopup); }
private void DisplayPopupText() { if (popupCanvas == null) { return; } GameObject newText = Instantiate(popupCanvas, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = newText.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup("-1"); }
private void OnCollisionEnter2D(Collision2D collision) { hold = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <bulletMove>().Damage; damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(pfDamagePopup, this.transform.position, Quaternion.identity); damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(hold.ToString()); health -= hold; if (health <= 0) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int damage, bool isCritical) { GameObject damagePopupObj = Instantiate(GameSession.instance.damagePopupPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); float angle = Random.Range(-5f, 5f); damagePopupObj.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0, 0, angle); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupObj.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); Vector3 dirToMe = position - GameSession.instance.Player.transform.position; damagePopup.moveVector = dirToMe.normalized; damagePopup.Setup(damage, isCritical); return(damagePopup); }
// Create a Damage Popup public static DamagePopup Create(Transform target, int damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { Vector3 worldToScreenPos = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(target.position); GameObject canvas = GameObject.FindWithTag("MainCanvas"); Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopup, worldToScreenPos, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(target, damageAmount, isCriticalHit); damagePopupTransform.transform.SetParent(canvas.transform); return(damagePopup); }
public void TakeDamage(int damage) { if (currentHealth > 0) { // Hien thi so damage Transform damgagePopupTransform = Instantiate(DamagePopup, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damgagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damage); currentHealth = Mathf.Max(0, currentHealth - damage); isDamaged = true; } }
//Create a Damage Popup public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int damageAmount, bool isCrit) { Vector3 newPOS = new Vector3(position.x + .4f, position.y + .5f); Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopup, newPOS, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, isCrit); return(damagePopup); }
public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, float damage, bool isCriticalHit, Color?color) { Window_Pointer pointerUI = TagResolver.i.gameManager.pointerUI; Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopup, position, Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup((int)damage, isCriticalHit, color); damagePopup.transform.SetParent(pointerUI.transform); damagePopup.transform.LookAt(CameraSettings.CurrentCamera.transform); damagePopup.transform.Rotate(0, 180, 0); damagePopup.transform.position = position + (CameraSettings.CurrentCamera.transform.position - position).normalized * 0.73f; damagePopup.isCritical = isCriticalHit; return(damagePopup); }
// Create a Damage Popup public static DamagePopup Create(Vector3 position, int damageAmount, bool isCriticalHit) { var randomSpawnRadius = .2f; var itemOffset = position += Random.insideUnitSphere * randomSpawnRadius; itemOffset.y += 3f; Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(GameAssets.i.pfDamagePopup, itemOffset, Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, Random.Range(-5f, 5f))); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); damagePopup.Setup(damageAmount, isCriticalHit); if (isCriticalHit) { AuraBubbleInitializer.Create(damagePopupTransform.position); } return(damagePopup); }
private void damageTarget() { // base dmg int dmg = (Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3; bool hasBlocked = false; if (!vsAI) { if (entityTarget.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) / 3; entityTarget.isBlocking = false; entityTarget.specialUsed = false; hasBlocked = true; } if (specialUsed) { if (isSpecialAttack && !entityTarget.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) + 7 * 3; isSpecialAttack = false; } specialUsed = false; } dmg -= entityTarget.Defence / 3; if (dmg < 0) { dmg = 0; } // Damage entity entityTarget.AIDamagedYou(dmg); } else { // Facing AI if (aiEntity.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) / 3; aiEntity.isBlocking = false; aiEntity.specialUsed = false; hasBlocked = true; } if (specialUsed) { if (isSpecialAttack && !aiEntity.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) + 7 * 3; isSpecialAttack = false; } specialUsed = false; } dmg -= aiEntity.Defence / 3; if (dmg < 0) { dmg = 0; } // Damage entity aiEntity.TakeDamage(dmg); } // happens vs both AI and player float posY = aiEntity.transform.position.y; // will break once player gets involved pvp Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(DamagePopupPrefab, new Vector3(aiEntity.transform.position.x, posY += 1.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); if (hasBlocked == true) { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, false, true); } else if (dmg >= 31) { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, true, false); } else { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, false, false); } }
private void DamageTarget() { // base dmg int dmg = (Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3; // AI STUFFZ if (energy >= 55 && HP > 30) { // high health and enough energy to use special attack dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) + 7 * 3; energy -= 45; } else if (energy >= 35) { isBlocking = true; specialUsed = true; energy -= 35; } // END AI STUFFZ bool hasBlocked = false; if (entityTarget.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) / 3; entityTarget.isBlocking = false; entityTarget.specialUsed = false; hasBlocked = true; } if (specialUsed) { if (isSpecialAttack && !entityTarget.isBlocking) { dmg = ((Random.Range(0, 10) * Strength) / 3) + 7 * 3; isSpecialAttack = false; } specialUsed = false; } dmg -= entityTarget.Defence / 3; if (dmg < 0) { dmg = 0; } // send the damage to the player entityTarget.AIDamagedYou(dmg); float posY = entityTarget.transform.position.y; Transform damagePopupTransform = Instantiate(DamagePopupPrefab, new Vector3(entityTarget.transform.position.x, posY += 1.5f, 0), Quaternion.identity); DamagePopup damagePopup = damagePopupTransform.GetComponent <DamagePopup>(); if (hasBlocked == true) { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, false, true); } else if (dmg >= 31) { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, true, false); } else { damagePopup.Setup(dmg, false, false); } }