Esempio n. 1
    public void StartTree()
        DTAction action = root.MakeDecision();

        if (action != null)
Esempio n. 2
    // Walk the structure and call the resulting action (if any)
    // anull means no action is required.
    public object walk()
        DTAction result = root.Walk();

        if (result != null)
Esempio n. 3
 void Update()
     actionNew.activated = false;
     actionOld           = actionNew;
     actionNew           = root.MakeDecision() as DTAction;
     if (actionNew == null)
         actionNew = actionOld;
     actionNew.activated = true;
Esempio n. 4
    void Start()
        DTDecision d1      = new DTDecision(Nearest);
        DTAction   azione1 = new DTAction(FollowNearest);
        DTAction   azione2 = new DTAction(WalkRandomly);

        d1.AddLink(true, azione1);
        d1.AddLink(false, azione2);

        dt  = new DecisionTree(d1);
        nav = gameObject.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
Esempio n. 5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        board1 = GameObject.Find("Board1").transform;
        board2 = GameObject.Find("Board2").transform;
        anim   = GetComponent <Animator>();
        bb1    = board1.GetComponent <BoardBehaviour>();
        bb2    = board2.GetComponent <BoardBehaviour>();
        pf     = GetComponent <PlayerFollower>();


        //DTAction a1 = new DTAction(FollowPlayer);
        //dt = new DecisionTree(a1);
        if (isServer)
            //define decisions
            DTDecision d1 = new DTDecision(IsABoardActiveFor2Seconds);
            DTDecision d2 = new DTDecision(MoleIsAlive);
            DTDecision d3 = new DTDecision(IsABoardActiveFor5Seconds);
            DTDecision d4 = new DTDecision(AtLeastOneInAreaA);
            DTDecision d5 = new DTDecision(AtLeastTwoInAreaB);
            DTDecision d6 = new DTDecision(AtLeastOneInAreaC);
            DTDecision d7 = new DTDecision(AtLeastTwoInAreaC);
            DTDecision d8 = new DTDecision(MoleIsAlive);
            DTDecision d9 = new DTDecision(MoleIsAlive);

            //define actions
            DTAction a1 = new DTAction(TpAtActiveBoard);
            DTAction a2 = new DTAction(LoadRoundAttack);
            DTAction a3 = new DTAction(LoadFrontAttack);
            DTAction a4 = new DTAction(FollowClosestPlayer);
            DTAction a5 = new DTAction(FollowPlayerWithLessLives);
            DTAction a6 = new DTAction(FollowPlayerWithLessLivesInAreaC);

            d1.AddLink(true, d2);
            d1.AddLink(false, d4);

            d2.AddLink(true, d3);
            d2.AddLink(false, a1);

            d3.AddLink(true, a1);
            d3.AddLink(false, d4);

            d4.AddLink(true, d5);
            d4.AddLink(false, d6);

            d5.AddLink(true, a2);
            d5.AddLink(false, a3);

            d6.AddLink(true, d7);
            d6.AddLink(false, d8);

            d7.AddLink(true, d9);
            d7.AddLink(false, a4);

            d8.AddLink(true, a4);
            d8.AddLink(false, a5);

            d9.AddLink(true, a4);
            d9.AddLink(false, a6);

            dt = new DecisionTree(d1);

Esempio n. 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        float RandomPersonality = Random.value;

        Debug.Log( + ": " + RandomPersonality);
        if (RandomPersonality < 0.2f)
            Personality = HenPersonalities.AGGRESSIVE;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.2f && RandomPersonality < 0.5f)
            Personality = HenPersonalities.COWARD;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.5f && RandomPersonality < 0.9f)
            Personality = HenPersonalities.PROTECTIVE;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.9f)
            Personality = HenPersonalities.UNLIKABLE;
        CurrentStatus = HenStatus.ROAMING;

        movAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

        // DT Decisions
        DTDecision decAnimationStop       = new DTDecision(AnimationStop);
        DTDecision decDistantFromRooster  = new DTDecision(DistantFromRooster);
        DTDecision decPlayerInFOV         = new DTDecision(PlayerInFOV);
        DTDecision decPlayerInAttackRange = new DTDecision(PlayerInAttackRange);
        DTDecision decChickInAttackRange  = new DTDecision(ChickInAttackRange);
        DTDecision decNearerToTheChick    = new DTDecision(NearerToTheChick);
        DTDecision decCowardHen           = new DTDecision(CowardHen);
        DTDecision decUnlikableHen        = new DTDecision(UnlikableHen);
        DTDecision decProtectiveHen       = new DTDecision(ProtectiveHen);

        // DT Actions
        DTAction actWait         = new DTAction(Wait);
        DTAction actChaseRooster = new DTAction(ChaseRooster);
        DTAction actFlee         = new DTAction(Flee);
        DTAction actProtect      = new DTAction(Protect);
        DTAction actEngageChick  = new DTAction(EngageChick);
        DTAction actEngagePlayer = new DTAction(EngagePlayer);
        DTAction actChasePlayer  = new DTAction(ChasePlayer);
        DTAction actRoam         = new DTAction(Roam);

        // DT Links
        decAnimationStop.AddLink(true, actWait);
        decAnimationStop.AddLink(false, decDistantFromRooster);

        decDistantFromRooster.AddLink(true, actChaseRooster);
        decDistantFromRooster.AddLink(false, decPlayerInFOV);

        decPlayerInFOV.AddLink(true, decCowardHen);
        decPlayerInFOV.AddLink(false, decUnlikableHen);

        decPlayerInAttackRange.AddLink(true, actEngagePlayer);
        decPlayerInAttackRange.AddLink(false, decProtectiveHen);

        decChickInAttackRange.AddLink(true, actEngageChick);
        decChickInAttackRange.AddLink(false, actRoam);

        decNearerToTheChick.AddLink(true, actProtect);
        decNearerToTheChick.AddLink(false, actChasePlayer);

        decCowardHen.AddLink(true, actFlee);
        decCowardHen.AddLink(false, decPlayerInAttackRange);

        decUnlikableHen.AddLink(true, decChickInAttackRange);
        decUnlikableHen.AddLink(false, actRoam);

        decProtectiveHen.AddLink(true, decNearerToTheChick);
        decProtectiveHen.AddLink(false, actChasePlayer);

        // Setup DT
        dt = new DecisionTree(decAnimationStop);
Esempio n. 7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        float RandomPersonality = Random.value;

        Debug.Log( + ": " + RandomPersonality);
        if (RandomPersonality < 0.1f)
            Personality = ChickPersonalities.COCKY;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.1f && RandomPersonality < 0.45f)
            Personality = ChickPersonalities.COWARD;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.45f && RandomPersonality < 0.6f)
            Personality = ChickPersonalities.CURIOUS;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.6f && RandomPersonality < 0.7f)
            Personality = ChickPersonalities.SISSY;
        if (RandomPersonality >= 0.7f)
            Personality = ChickPersonalities.SLY;

        movAgent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();

        CurrentStatus = ChickStatus.ROAMING;

        // DT Decisions
        DTDecision decAnimationStop      = new DTDecision(AnimationStop);
        DTDecision decDistantFromRooster = new DTDecision(DistantFromRooster);
        DTDecision decHenInFOV           = new DTDecision(NearAHen);
        DTDecision decPlayerInFOV        = new DTDecision(PlayerInFOV);
        DTDecision decPlayerInAlarmRange = new DTDecision(PlayerInAlarmRange);
        DTDecision decCockyChick         = new DTDecision(CockyChick);
        DTDecision decCuriousChick       = new DTDecision(CuriousChick);
        DTDecision decSissyChick         = new DTDecision(SissyChick);
        DTDecision decSlyChick           = new DTDecision(SlyChick);

        // DT Actions
        DTAction actWait           = new DTAction(Wait);
        DTAction actChaseRooster   = new DTAction(ChaseRooster);
        DTAction actChasePlayer    = new DTAction(ChasePlayer);
        DTAction actChaseHen       = new DTAction(ChaseHen);
        DTAction actStareAtPlayer  = new DTAction(StareAtPlayer);
        DTAction actFleeFromPlayer = new DTAction(FleeFromPlayer);
        DTAction actFleeFromHen    = new DTAction(FleeFromHen);
        DTAction actAlarm          = new DTAction(Alarm);
        DTAction actRoam           = new DTAction(Roam);

        // DT Links

        decAnimationStop.AddLink(true, actWait);
        decAnimationStop.AddLink(false, decDistantFromRooster);

        decDistantFromRooster.AddLink(true, actChaseRooster);
        decDistantFromRooster.AddLink(false, decPlayerInFOV);

        decPlayerInFOV.AddLink(true, decPlayerInAlarmRange);
        decPlayerInFOV.AddLink(false, decSissyChick);

        decPlayerInAlarmRange.AddLink(true, actAlarm);
        decPlayerInAlarmRange.AddLink(false, decCockyChick);

        decCockyChick.AddLink(true, actChasePlayer);
        decCockyChick.AddLink(false, decCuriousChick);

        decCuriousChick.AddLink(true, actStareAtPlayer);
        decCuriousChick.AddLink(false, decSlyChick);

        decSissyChick.AddLink(true, actFleeFromHen);
        decSissyChick.AddLink(false, actRoam);

        decSlyChick.AddLink(true, decHenInFOV);
        decSlyChick.AddLink(false, actFleeFromPlayer);

        decHenInFOV.AddLink(true, actChaseHen);
        decHenInFOV.AddLink(false, actChaseRooster);

        // Setup DT
        dt = new DecisionTree(decAnimationStop);

        RoosterCollider[0] = Rooster.GetComponent <Collider>();