/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="networkdevice">A string indicating starting point for /// network probe</param> protected RpcDHCPServer(DHCPConfig config) : base(config) { LocalIP = new byte[4]; BaseIP.CopyTo(LocalIP, 0); LocalIP[3] = 2; }
/// <summary>We need to get the DHCPConfig as soon as possible so that we /// can allocate static addresses, this method helps us do that.</summary> protected override void GetDhcpConfig() { if (Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lock, 1) == 1) { return; } WaitCallback wcb = delegate(object o) { bool success = false; DHCPConfig dhcp_config = null; try { dhcp_config = DhtDhcpServer.GetDhcpConfig(AppNode.Dht, _ipop_config.IpopNamespace); success = true; } catch (Exception e) { ProtocolLog.WriteIf(IpopLog.DhcpLog, e.ToString()); } if (success) { lock (_sync) { _dhcp_config = dhcp_config; _dhcp_server = new DhtDhcpServer(AppNode.Dht, _dhcp_config, _ipop_config.EnableMulticast); } } base.GetDhcpConfig(); Interlocked.Exchange(ref _lock, 0); }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(wcb); }
public override int Parse(string[] args) { if (base.Parse(args) != 0) { return(-1); } if (_ipop_config_path == string.Empty || !File.Exists(_ipop_config_path)) { _error_message = "Missing IpopConfig"; return(-1); } try { Validator.Validate(_ipop_config_path, IPOP_XSD); _ipop_config = Utils.ReadConfig <IpopConfig>(_ipop_config_path); _ipop_config.Path = _ipop_config_path; } catch (Exception e) { _error_message = "Invalid IpopConfig file:" + e.Message; return(-1); } if (_dhcp_config_path != string.Empty) { if (!File.Exists(_dhcp_config_path)) { _error_message = "No such DhtIpop file"; return(-1); } try { Validator.Validate(_dhcp_config_path, DHCP_XSD); _dhcp_config = Utils.ReadConfig <DHCPConfig>(_dhcp_config_path); } catch (Exception e) { _error_message = "Invalid DhcpConfig file: " + e.Message; return(-1); } if (!_dhcp_config.Namespace.Equals(_ipop_config.IpopNamespace)) { _error_message = "IpopConfig.Namespace isn't the same as DHCPConfig.Namespace"; return(-1); } } if (_node_config.PrivateNodeConfig != null && _node_config.PrivateNodeConfig.Enabled) { _sp = _node_config.PrivateNodeConfig.Security; } else { _sp = _node_config.Security; } _group_vpn = _sp.Enabled && _ipop_config.GroupVPN.Enabled && (_ipop_config.EndToEndSecurity || _sp != _node_config.Security); return(0); }
///<summary>Creates a DhtIpopNode.</summary> /// <param name="NodeConfig">NodeConfig object</param> /// <param name="IpopConfig">IpopConfig object</param> public DhtIpopNode(NodeConfig node_config, IpopConfig ipop_config, DHCPConfig dhcp_config) : base(node_config, ipop_config, dhcp_config) { DhtAddressResolver dar = new DhtAddressResolver(AppNode.Dht, _ipop_config.IpopNamespace); Shutdown.OnExit += dar.Stop; _address_resolver = dar; _connected = false; AppNode.Node.StateChangeEvent += StateChangeHandler; StateChangeHandler(AppNode.Node, AppNode.Node.ConState); }
public static ManagedDhcpServer GetManagedDhcpServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask) { DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig(); config.LeaseTime = 3200; config.Netmask = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.'); config.IPBase = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.'); config.ReservedIPs = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1]; config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP(); byte[] local_ip = new byte[4]; ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0); local_ip[3] = 2; config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.'); config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask = ""; return new ManagedDhcpServer(config); }
public static ManagedDhcpServer GetManagedDhcpServer(MemBlock ip, MemBlock netmask) { DHCPConfig config = new DHCPConfig(); config.LeaseTime = 3200; config.Netmask = Utils.MemBlockToString(netmask, '.'); config.IPBase = Utils.MemBlockToString(ip, '.'); config.ReservedIPs = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP[1]; config.ReservedIPs[0] = new DHCPConfig.ReservedIP(); byte[] local_ip = new byte[4]; ip.CopyTo(local_ip, 0); local_ip[3] = 2; config.ReservedIPs[0].IPBase = Utils.BytesToString(local_ip, '.'); config.ReservedIPs[0].Mask = ""; return(new ManagedDhcpServer(config)); }
public static DHCPConfig GetDhcpConfig(IDht dht, string ipop_namespace) { byte[] ns_key = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("dhcp:" + ipop_namespace); Hashtable[] results = dht.Get(ns_key); if (results.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Namespace does not exist: " + ipop_namespace); } string result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])results[0]["value"]); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(DHCPConfig)); TextReader stringReader = new StringReader(result); DHCPConfig dhcp_config = (DHCPConfig)serializer.Deserialize(stringReader); if (!ipop_namespace.Equals(dhcp_config.Namespace)) { throw new Exception(String.Format("Namespace mismatch, expected {0}, got {1}", ipop_namespace, dhcp_config.Namespace)); } return(dhcp_config); }
public override int Parse(string[] args) { if(base.Parse(args) != 0) { return -1; } if(_ipop_config_path == string.Empty || !File.Exists(_ipop_config_path)) { _error_message = "Missing IpopConfig"; return -1; } try { Validator.Validate(_ipop_config_path, IPOP_XSD); _ipop_config = Utils.ReadConfig<IpopConfig>(_ipop_config_path); _ipop_config.Path = _ipop_config_path; } catch (Exception e) { _error_message = "Invalid IpopConfig file:" + e.Message; return -1; } if(_dhcp_config_path != string.Empty) { if(!File.Exists(_dhcp_config_path)) { _error_message = "No such DhtIpop file"; return -1; } try { Validator.Validate(_dhcp_config_path, DHCP_XSD); _dhcp_config = Utils.ReadConfig<DHCPConfig>(_dhcp_config_path); } catch(Exception e) { _error_message = "Invalid DhcpConfig file: " + e.Message; return -1; } if(!_dhcp_config.Namespace.Equals(_ipop_config.IpopNamespace)) { _error_message = "IpopConfig.Namespace isn't the same as DHCPConfig.Namespace"; return -1; } } _group_vpn = _node_config.Security.Enabled && _ipop_config.GroupVPN.Enabled && _ipop_config.EndToEndSecurity; return 0; }
/// <summary> /// Constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="networkdevice">A string indicating starting point for /// network probe</param> protected ManagedDhcpServer(DHCPConfig config) : base(config) { LocalIP = new byte[4]; BaseIP.CopyTo(LocalIP, 0); LocalIP[3] = 2; }
/** * <summary>Creates a DhtDhcpLeaseController for a specific namespace</summary> * <param name="dht">The dht object use to store lease information.</param> * <param name="config">The DHCPConfig used to define the Lease * parameters.</param> * <param name="EnableMulticast">Defines if Multicast is to be enabled during * the lease.</param> */ public DhtDhcpServer(IDht dht, DHCPConfig config, bool EnableMulticast) : base(config) { _dht = dht; _multicast = EnableMulticast; }
public static DhtDhcpServer GetDhtDhcpServer(IDht dht, string ipop_namespace, bool enable_multicast) { DHCPConfig config = GetDhcpConfig(dht, ipop_namespace); return(new DhtDhcpServer(dht, config, enable_multicast)); }
public static int Main(string[] args) { DhtNodeParameters parameters = new DhtNodeParameters(); if (parameters.Parse(args) != 0) { Console.WriteLine(parameters.ErrorMessage); parameters.ShowHelp(); return(-1); } else if (parameters.Help) { parameters.ShowHelp(); return(0); } DHCPConfig dhcp_config = parameters.DhcpConfig; IpopConfig ipop_config = parameters.IpopConfig; NodeConfig node_config = parameters.NodeConfig; NodeConfig.SecurityPolicy security = parameters.Security; if (node_config.NodeAddress == null) { node_config.NodeAddress = (Utils.GenerateAHAddress()).ToString(); node_config.WriteConfig(); } if (parameters.GroupVPN) { // check to see if we have a valid private key RSACryptoServiceProvider public_key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(); bool create = true; // If this succeeds, the key is good, if it fails, we need to create a new one... if (File.Exists(security.KeyPath)) { try { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(security.KeyPath, FileMode.Open)) { byte[] blob = new byte[fs.Length]; fs.Read(blob, 0, blob.Length); public_key.ImportCspBlob(blob); public_key.ImportCspBlob(public_key.ExportCspBlob(false)); } create = false; } catch { } } // we don't, let's create one if (create) { using (FileStream fs = File.Open(security.KeyPath, FileMode.Create)) { RSACryptoServiceProvider private_key = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(2048); byte[] blob = private_key.ExportCspBlob(true); fs.Write(blob, 0, blob.Length); public_key.ImportCspBlob(private_key.ExportCspBlob(false)); } } // verify we have a cacert string cacert_path = Path.Combine(security.CertificatePath, "cacert"); if (!File.Exists(cacert_path)) { Console.WriteLine("Missing CACert: " + cacert_path); parameters.ShowHelp(); return(-1); } // do we already have a certificate that matches our node id? string cert_path = Path.Combine(security.CertificatePath, "lc." + node_config.NodeAddress.Substring(12)); // no, let's create one if (create || !File.Exists(cert_path)) { // prepare access to the groupvpn site string webcert_path = Path.Combine(security.CertificatePath, "webcert"); if (!File.Exists(webcert_path)) { Console.WriteLine("Missing Servers signed cert: " + webcert_path); parameters.ShowHelp(); return(-1); } X509Certificate webcert = X509Certificate.CreateFromCertFile(webcert_path); CertificatePolicy.Register(webcert); // get certificate and store it to file GroupVPNClient gvc = new GroupVPNClient(ipop_config.GroupVPN.UserName, ipop_config.GroupVPN.Group, ipop_config.GroupVPN.Secret, ipop_config.GroupVPN.ServerURI, node_config.NodeAddress, public_key); gvc.Start(); if (gvc.State != GroupVPNClient.States.Finished) { Console.WriteLine("Failure attempting to use GroupVPN"); parameters.ShowHelp(); return(-1); } using (FileStream fs = File.Open(cert_path, FileMode.Create)) { byte[] blob = gvc.Certificate.X509.RawData; fs.Write(blob, 0, blob.Length); } } } if (dhcp_config != null) { _current_node = new DhtIpopNode(node_config, ipop_config, dhcp_config); } else { _current_node = new DhtIpopNode(node_config, ipop_config); } if (parameters.GroupVPN) { // hack until I can come up with a cleaner solution to add features // that don't break config files on previous IPOP string cacert_path = Path.Combine(security.CertificatePath, "cacert"); string revocation_url = ipop_config.GroupVPN.ServerURI.Replace("mono/GroupVPN.rem", "data/" + ipop_config.GroupVPN.Group + "/revocation_list"); revocation_url = revocation_url.Replace("https", "http"); var icv = new GroupCertificateVerification(revocation_url, cacert_path); _current_node.AppNode.SecurityOverlord.CertificateHandler.AddCertificateVerification(icv); icv.RevocationUpdate += _current_node.AppNode.SecurityOverlord.VerifySAs; } Console.WriteLine("Starting IPOP: " + DateTime.UtcNow); _current_node.Run(); return(0); }