public void LoadColumns(SqlDataConnection connection, params DBTable[] tables) { foreach (DBTable table in tables) { if (table.Name == "Categories" && table.Columns.Count == 0) { DBColumn categoryIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryID", ColumnType = DBColumnType.Int32 }; table.AddColumn(categoryIdColumn); DBColumn categoryNameColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryName", ColumnType = DBColumnType.String }; table.AddColumn(categoryNameColumn); } if (table.Name == "Products" && table.Columns.Count == 0) { DBColumn categoryIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryID", ColumnType = DBColumnType.Int32 }; table.AddColumn(categoryIdColumn); DBColumn productNameColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "ProductName", ColumnType = DBColumnType.String }; table.AddColumn(productNameColumn); DBForeignKey foreignKey = new DBForeignKey( new[] { categoryIdColumn }, "Categories", CustomDBSchemaProvider.CreatePrimaryKeys("CategoryID")); table.ForeignKeys.Add(foreignKey); } } }
static Action <ConnectionProviderSql> CreateForeighKey(XPMemberInfo xpMemberInfo) { return(sql => { var dbForeignKey = new DBForeignKey(new StringCollection { xpMemberInfo.Name }, xpMemberInfo.ReferenceType.TableName, new StringCollection { xpMemberInfo.ReferenceType.KeyProperty.Name }); sql.CreateForeignKey(xpMemberInfo.Owner.Table, dbForeignKey); }); }
public void LoadColumns(SqlDataConnection connection, params DBTable[] tables) { foreach (DBTable table in tables) { if (table.Name == "Categories" && table.Columns.Count == 0) { DBColumn categoryIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryID" }; table.AddColumn(categoryIdColumn); DBColumn categoryNameColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryName" }; table.AddColumn(categoryNameColumn); } if (table.Name == "Products" && table.Columns.Count == 0) { DBColumn categoryIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CategoryID" }; table.AddColumn(categoryIdColumn); DBColumn supplierIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "SupplierID" }; table.AddColumn(supplierIdColumn); DBColumn productNameColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "ProductName" }; table.AddColumn(productNameColumn); DBForeignKey foreignKey1 = new DBForeignKey( new[] { categoryIdColumn }, "Categories", CustomDBSchemaProvider.CreatePrimaryKeys("CategoryID")); table.ForeignKeys.Add(foreignKey1); DBForeignKey foreignKey2 = new DBForeignKey( new[] { supplierIdColumn }, "Suppliers", CustomDBSchemaProvider.CreatePrimaryKeys("SupplierID")); table.ForeignKeys.Add(foreignKey2); } if (table.Name == "Suppliers" && table.Columns.Count == 0) { DBColumn supplierIdColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "SupplierID" }; table.AddColumn(supplierIdColumn); DBColumn companyNameColumn = new DBColumn { Name = "CompanyName" }; table.AddColumn(companyNameColumn); } } }
TemplateType GetTemplateType(TemplateType refTemplateType, ClassGeneratorInfo classGeneratorInfo) { bool selfReference = classGeneratorInfo.DbTable.Name == _dbTable.Name; if (!selfReference) { DBForeignKey oneToOne = classGeneratorInfo.DbTable.ForeignKeys.FirstOrDefault(key => key.PrimaryKeyTable == _dbTable.Name); if (oneToOne != null) { return(TemplateType.XPOneToOnePropertyMember); } } return(refTemplateType); }
public TableEditorReferenceEventArgs(DBForeignKey relation) { this.relation = relation; }
/// <summary> /// Создание ссылки на другую таблицу /// </summary> /// <param name="table">Таблица со ссылкой</param> /// <param name="fk">Ссылка на другую таблицу</param> public override void CreateForeignKey(DBTable table, DBForeignKey fk) { // Если ссылка на таблицу с настраиваемой модификацией, то пропускаем DBTableEx foreignTableEx = XPDictionaryInformer.Schema.GetTable(fk.PrimaryKeyTable); if (foreignTableEx.IsCustom) return; // Если ссылка на таблицу из другой схемы, то необходимо дать разрешение string tableSchema = FormatRealSchemaName(table.Name); string foreignSchema = FormatRealSchemaName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable); if (tableSchema != foreignSchema) { string foreignTable = FormatTable(foreignSchema, ComposeSafeTableName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable)); ExecuteSqlSchemaUpdate("ForeignKey", GetForeignKeyName(fk, table), table.Name, String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "grant references on {0} to {1}", foreignTable, tableSchema)); } base.CreateForeignKey(table, fk); }
private bool IsForeignKeyExists(DBTable table, DBForeignKey foreignKey) { foreach (DBForeignKey fk in table.ForeignKeys) { if (string.Compare(ComposeSafeTableName(foreignKey.PrimaryKeyTable), ComposeSafeTableName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable), true) == 0 && string.Compare(ComposeSafeSchemaName(foreignKey.PrimaryKeyTable), ComposeSafeSchemaName(fk.PrimaryKeyTable), true) == 0 && IsColumnsEqual(fk.Columns, foreignKey.Columns) && IsColumnsEqual(fk.PrimaryKeyTableKeyColumns, foreignKey.PrimaryKeyTableKeyColumns)) return true; } return false; }
private void GetForeignKeys(DBTable table) { string schema = ComposeSafeSchemaName(table.Name); string safeTableName = ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name); Query query; if (schema == string.Empty) query = new Query( "select tc.position, tc.column_name, fc.column_name, fc.table_name from user_constraints c " + "inner join user_cons_columns tc on tc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name and tc.table_name = c.table_name " + "inner join user_cons_columns fc on c.r_constraint_name = fc.constraint_name and tc.position = fc.position " + "where c.table_name = :p0 order by c.constraint_name, tc.position", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(safeTableName)), new string[] { ":p0" }); else query = new Query( "select tc.position, tc.column_name, fc.column_name, fc.owner||'.'||fc.table_name from all_constraints c " + "inner join all_cons_columns tc on tc.constraint_name = c.constraint_name and tc.owner = c.owner and tc.table_name = c.table_name " + "inner join all_cons_columns fc on c.r_constraint_name = fc.constraint_name and tc.position = fc.position and fc.owner = c.r_owner " + "where c.owner = :p0 and c.table_name = :p1 order by c.constraint_name, tc.position", new QueryParameterCollection(new OperandValue(schema), new OperandValue(safeTableName)), new string[] { ":p0", ":p1" }); SelectStatementResult data = SelectData(query); DBForeignKey fk = null; foreach (SelectStatementResultRow row in data.Rows) { if (Convert.ToDecimal(row.Values[0]) == decimal.One) { StringCollection pkc = new StringCollection(); StringCollection fkc = new StringCollection(); pkc.Add((string)row.Values[2]); fkc.Add((string)row.Values[1]); fk = new DBForeignKey(fkc, (string)row.Values[3], pkc); table.ForeignKeys.Add(fk); } else { fk.Columns.Add((string)row.Values[1]); fk.PrimaryKeyTableKeyColumns.Add((string)row.Values[2]); } } }
/// <inheritdoc/> protected override string GetForeignKeyName(DBForeignKey cons, DBTable table) { if (cons.Name != null) return cons.Name; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("fk_"); sb.Append(ComposeSafeTableName(table.Name)); foreach (string col in cons.Columns) sb.Append(col); return sb.ToString(); }
public PostOfficeClient() { this.DataStore = new InMemoryDataStore(AutoCreateOption.DatabaseAndSchema, false); this.Mappings = new Dictionary <Type, DataStoreMapping>(); var mAccount = new DataStoreMapping(); mAccount.Table = new DBTable("Accounts"); mAccount.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("UserName", true, null, 255, DBColumnType.String)); mAccount.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("PublicName", false, null, 1024, DBColumnType.String)); mAccount.Create = () => new Account(); mAccount.Load = (obj, values, omap) => { ((Account)obj).SetKey((string)values[0]); ((Account)obj).PublicName = (string)values[1]; }; mAccount.Save = (obj, values) => { values[0] = ((Account)obj).UserName; values[1] = ((Account)obj).PublicName; }; mAccount.GetKey = (obj) => ((Account)obj).UserName; mAccount.RefColumns = Enumerable.Empty <DataStoreMapping.Column>(); Mappings.Add(typeof(Account), mAccount); var mMessage = new DataStoreMapping(); mMessage.Table = new DBTable("Messages"); var mMessageKey = new DBColumn("ID", true, null, 0, DBColumnType.Int32); mMessageKey.IsIdentity = true; mMessage.Table.AddColumn(mMessageKey); mMessage.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("Subject", false, null, 1024, DBColumnType.String)); mMessage.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("Body", false, null, -1, DBColumnType.String)); mMessage.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("Sender", false, null, 255, DBColumnType.String)); mMessage.Table.AddColumn(new DBColumn("Recepient", false, null, 255, DBColumnType.String)); mMessage.Table.PrimaryKey = new DBPrimaryKey(new object[] { mMessageKey }); var fkSender = new DBForeignKey(); fkSender.Columns.Add("Sender"); fkSender.PrimaryKeyTable = "Accounts"; fkSender.PrimaryKeyTableKeyColumns.Add("UserName"); mMessage.Table.AddForeignKey(fkSender); var fkRecepient = new DBForeignKey(); fkRecepient.Columns.Add("Recepient"); fkRecepient.PrimaryKeyTable = "Accounts"; fkRecepient.PrimaryKeyTableKeyColumns.Add("UserName"); mMessage.Table.AddForeignKey(fkRecepient); mMessage.Create = () => new Message(); mMessage.SetKey = (obj, key) => { ((Message)obj).SetKey((int)key); }; mMessage.GetKey = (obj) => ((Message)obj).ID; mMessage.Load = (obj, values, omap) => { var o = (Message)obj; o.SetKey((int)values[0]); o.Subject = (string)values[1]; o.Body = (string)values[2]; o.Sender = GetReference <Account>(omap, values[3]); o.Recepient = GetReference <Account>(omap, values[4]); }; mMessage.Save = (obj, values) => { var o = (Message)obj; values[0] = o.ID; values[1] = o.Subject; values[2] = o.Body; values[3] = o.Sender?.UserName; values[4] = o.Recepient?.UserName; }; mMessage.RefColumns = new DataStoreMapping.Column[] { new DataStoreMapping.Column() { Index = 3, Type = typeof(Account) }, new DataStoreMapping.Column() { Index = 4, Type = typeof(Account) } }; Mappings.Add(typeof(Message), mMessage); DataStore.UpdateSchema(false, mAccount.Table, mMessage.Table); CreateDemoData((InMemoryDataStore)DataStore); }
static Action<ConnectionProviderSql> CreateForeighKey(XPMemberInfo xpMemberInfo) { return sql => { var dbForeignKey = new DBForeignKey(new StringCollection { xpMemberInfo.Name }, xpMemberInfo.ReferenceType.TableName, new StringCollection { xpMemberInfo.ReferenceType.KeyProperty.Name }); sql.CreateForeignKey(xpMemberInfo.Owner.Table, dbForeignKey); }; }
public ActionResult AddForeignKey(string appName, DBForeignKey model) { DBApp app = new DBApp() { Name = appName, ConnectionString = (new Entities()).Database.Connection.ConnectionString }; DBTable sTable = app.GetTable(model.sourceTable.tableName); foreach (DBForeignKey foreignKey in sTable.foreignKeys) //constraint name control in table { if ( == "FK_" + appName + "_" + model.sourceTable.tableName + "_" + { TempData["message-error"] = "Foreign key with name " + + " is already exist."; return RedirectToAction("Index", new { @appName = appName }); } } DBTable tTable = app.GetTable(model.targetTable.tableName); DBColumn sColumn = sTable.columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == model.sourceColumn); DBColumn tColumn = tTable.columns.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Name == model.targetColumn); if (sColumn.type != tColumn.type) //columns must have equal data types { TempData["message-error"] = "Keys have different data types."; return RedirectToAction("CreateForeignKey", new { @appName = appName, @tableName = sTable.tableName }); } sTable.foreignKeys.AddToDB(model); app.SaveChanges(); TempData["message-success"] = "Foreign key " + + " of table " + sTable.tableName + " was successfully created."; return RedirectToAction("Index", new { @appName = appName }); }