Esempio n. 1
        private void ejectFromPipe(Entity entity, MarioClearPipeInteraction interaction)
            // Fix float positions, causes weird collision bugs for entities
            entity.Position = new Vector2((int)Math.Round(entity.Position.X), (int)Math.Round(entity.Position.Y));

            interaction.OnPipeExit?.Invoke(entity, interaction);
            interaction.CurrentClearPipe = null;

Esempio n. 2
        // TODO - Cleanup and make more generic
        private IEnumerator pipeMovement(Entity entity, bool fromStart, bool canBounceBack = true, Vector2?forcedStartPosition = null)
            MarioClearPipeInteraction interaction = GetClearPipeInteraction(entity);

            int startIndex = fromStart ? 0 : nodes.Length - 1;
            int lastIndex  = fromStart ? nodes.Length - 1 : 0;
            int direction  = fromStart ? 1 : -1;

            Direction transportStartDirection = fromStart ? startDirection : endDirection;
            Direction transportEndDirection   = fromStart ? endDirection : startDirection;

            if (forcedStartPosition != null || CanTransportEntity(entity, transportStartDirection))
                interaction.CurrentClearPipe = this;
                interaction.ExitEarly        = false;
                interaction?.OnPipeEnter?.Invoke(entity, interaction);

                // Check if we are entering the pipe or bouncing back from a blocked exit
                if (forcedStartPosition != null)
                    entity.Position = forcedStartPosition.Value;
                    // Gracefully attempt to move to the first node
                    yield return(moveBetweenNodes(entity, interaction, entity.Position, nodes[startIndex], TransportSpeed * transportSpeedEnterMultiplier, true));

                // Follow the nodes
                for (int i = startIndex; i != lastIndex && !interaction.ExitEarly; i += direction)
                    yield return(moveBetweenNodes(entity, interaction, nodes[i], nodes[i + direction], TransportSpeed, false));

                if (interaction.ExitEarly)
                    ejectFromPipe(entity, interaction);

                    yield break;

                // Check if we can exit the pipe
                if (CanExitPipe(entity, interaction.DirectionVector, TransportSpeed))
                    yield return(exitPipeMovement(entity, interaction));

                // Send back if it gets stuck in a solid
                if (entity != null && entity.Scene != null && entity.CollideCheck <Solid>())
                    if (canBounceBack)
                        entity.Position = nodes[lastIndex] + interaction.PipeRenderOffset;

                        yield return(pipeMovement(entity, !fromStart, false, entity.Position));
                        ejectFromPipe(entity, interaction);
                    ejectFromPipe(entity, interaction);