//Display highestscore at the end of the round
    void GetHighscore()
        Scoreinfo scoreinfo = OrderScores(scores.ToArray(), playernames.ToArray());

        winnerName_Text.text  = scoreinfo.orderedplayernames[0].ToString();
        winnerScore_Text.text = "with " + scoreinfo.orderedscores[0].ToString() + " points";


        time_Text.text = "Starting next round";
    void OnGUI()
        if (newplayer != null && playerScore != null)
            ownScore_Text.text = "Score: " + (playerScore.score).ToString();

        for (n = 0; n < playernames.Count; n++)
            //this statement designates the current player
            if (n == playerNumber - 1)
                scores[n]       = playerScore.score;
                playernames [n] = playerInfo.playerName;

                photonView.RPC("PlayerInformation", PhotonTargets.All, scores [n], playernames [n], n);

        if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Tab))
            //network array passed through function so the ordered version doesn't
            //reference and tamper with the original

            Scoreinfo scoreinfo = OrderScores(scores.ToArray(), playernames.ToArray());

            for (int n = 0; n < playernames.Count; n++)
                scoreboardx      = Screen.width / 2 - 100;
                scoreboardy      = (n + 1) * 40 + 100;
                scoreboardwidth  = 200;
                scoreboardheight = 40;

                //this statement designates the current player
                if (scoreinfo.orderedplayernames[n] == playerInfo.playerName)
                    GUI.color = Color.yellow;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;

                GUI.Box(new Rect(scoreboardx, scoreboardy, scoreboardwidth, scoreboardheight), (n + 1) + ". " + scoreinfo.orderedplayernames[n] + ": " + scoreinfo.orderedscores[n]);