private void AddRepo(GitHubEventRepository repository)
                if (repository.Private)

                var index = _indexService.Index;

                if (index is null)

                var crawledRepo = new CrawledRepo();

                crawledRepo.Id   = repository.Id;
                crawledRepo.Size = repository.Size;

                UpdateRepo(repository, crawledRepo);

                index.Repos = index.Repos.CopyAndAdd(crawledRepo);

Esempio n. 2
 private static CrawledIssue ConvertIssue(CrawledRepo repo, Issue issue, Dictionary <long, CrawledLabel> labels, Dictionary <long, CrawledMilestone> milestones)
     return(new CrawledIssue
         Id = issue.Id,
         Repo = repo,
         Number = issue.Number,
         IsOpen = ConvertIssueState(issue.State),
         Title = issue.Title,
         Body = issue.Body,
         CreatedAt = issue.CreatedAt,
         UpdatedAt = issue.UpdatedAt,
         ClosedAt = issue.ClosedAt,
         CreatedBy = issue.User.Login,
         Assignees = ConvertUsers(issue.Assignees),
         Labels = GetLabels(issue.Labels, labels),
         Milestone = GetMilestone(issue.Milestone, milestones),
         IsLocked = issue.Locked,
         Comments = issue.Comments,
         ReactionsPlus1 = issue.Reactions?.Plus1 ?? 0,
         ReactionsMinus1 = issue.Reactions?.Minus1 ?? 0,
         ReactionsSmile = issue.Reactions?.Laugh ?? 0,
         ReactionsTada = issue.Reactions?.Hooray ?? 0,
         ReactionsThinkingFace = issue.Reactions?.Confused ?? 0,
         ReactionsHeart = issue.Reactions?.Heart ?? 0
                          // TODO: RocketShip and Eyes are missing
            private void RemoveIssue(CrawledRepo crawledRepo, CrawledIssue crawledIssue)
                var oldTrieTerms = crawledIssue.GetTrieTerms();


                RemoveTrieTerms(crawledIssue, oldTrieTerms);
Esempio n. 4
        private static void SyncLabels(CrawledRepo crawledRepo, IReadOnlyList <Label> gitHubLabels, out Dictionary <long, CrawledLabel> labelById)
            // TODO: This logic feels similar to what we do in the web site. Should we reconcile this?

            var crawledLabelById = crawledRepo.Labels.ToDictionary(l => l.Id);
            var gitHubLabelById  = gitHubLabels.ToDictionary(l => l.Id);

            foreach (var gitHubLabel in gitHubLabels)
                if (crawledLabelById.TryGetValue(gitHubLabel.Id, out var crawledLabel))
                    // Update
                    crawledLabel.Name        = gitHubLabel.Name;
                    crawledLabel.Description = gitHubLabel.Description;
                    crawledLabel.ColorText   = gitHubLabel.Color;
                    // Create
                    crawledLabel = ConvertLabel(gitHubLabel);
                    crawledLabelById.Add(crawledLabel.Id, crawledLabel);

            // Delete

            var toBeDeleted = crawledRepo.Labels.Where(l => !gitHubLabelById.ContainsKey(l.Id))

            foreach (var crawledLabel in toBeDeleted)

                foreach (var issue in crawledRepo.Issues.Values)
                    if (issue.Labels.Contains(crawledLabel))
                        var newLabels = issue.Labels.ToList();
                        issue.Labels = newLabels.ToArray();

            // Fix labels

            foreach (var issue in crawledRepo.Issues.Values)
                for (var i = 0; i < issue.Labels.Length; i++)
                    issue.Labels[i] = crawledLabelById[issue.Labels[i].Id];

            labelById = crawledLabelById;
Esempio n. 5
        private static void SyncMilestones(CrawledRepo crawledRepo, IReadOnlyList <Milestone> gitHubMilestones, out Dictionary <long, CrawledMilestone> milestoneById)
            // TODO: This logic feels similar to what we do in the web site. Should we reconcile this?

            var crawledMilestoneById = crawledRepo.Milestones.ToDictionary(l => l.Id);
            var gitHubMilestoneById  = gitHubMilestones.ToDictionary(l => l.Id);

            foreach (var gitHubMilestone in gitHubMilestones)
                if (crawledMilestoneById.TryGetValue(gitHubMilestone.Id, out var crawledMilestone))
                    // Update
                    crawledMilestone.Title       = gitHubMilestone.Title;
                    crawledMilestone.Description = gitHubMilestone.Description;
                    crawledMilestone.Number      = gitHubMilestone.Number;
                    // Create
                    crawledMilestone = ConvertMilestone(gitHubMilestone);
                    crawledMilestoneById.Add(crawledMilestone.Id, crawledMilestone);

            // Delete

            var toBeDeleted = crawledRepo.Milestones.Where(l => !gitHubMilestoneById.ContainsKey(l.Id))

            foreach (var crawledMilestone in toBeDeleted)

                foreach (var issue in crawledRepo.Issues.Values)
                    if (issue.Milestone == crawledMilestone)
                        issue.Milestone = null;

            // Fix milestones

            foreach (var issue in crawledRepo.Issues.Values)
                if (issue.Milestone is not null)
                    issue.Milestone = crawledMilestoneById[issue.Milestone.Id];

            milestoneById = crawledMilestoneById;
            private static CrawledLabel CreateLabel(CrawledRepo crawledRepo, GitHubEventLabel label)
                var crawledLabel = new CrawledLabel();

                crawledLabel.Id = label.Id;
                UpdateLabel(label, crawledLabel);

                crawledRepo.Labels = crawledRepo.Labels.CopyAndAdd(crawledLabel);

            private static CrawledMilestone CreateMilestone(CrawledRepo crawledRepo, GitHubEventMilestone milestone)
                var crawledMilestone = new CrawledMilestone();

                crawledMilestone.Id     = milestone.Id;
                crawledMilestone.Number = milestone.Number;
                UpdateMilestone(milestone, crawledMilestone);

                crawledRepo.Milestones = crawledRepo.Milestones.CopyAndAdd(crawledMilestone);

Esempio n. 8
        private static async Task RunAsync(CrawledSubscriptionList subscriptionList, bool reindex, bool pullLatest, bool randomReindex, bool uploadToAzure, string startingRepoName, string outputPath)
            var reindexIntervalInDays = 28;
            var today = DateTime.Today;

            var connectionString = GetAzureStorageConnectionString();

            // TODO: We should avoid having to use a temp directory

            var tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "ghcrawler");

            if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
                Directory.Delete(tempDirectory, recursive: true);


            var cacheContainerName   = "cache";
            var cacheContainerClient = new BlobContainerClient(connectionString, cacheContainerName);

            if (!reindex || startingRepoName is not null)
                var startingBlobName    = $"{startingRepoName}.crcache";
                var reachedStartingBlob = false;

                await foreach (var blob in cacheContainerClient.GetBlobsAsync())
                    if (!subscriptionList.Contains(blob.Name.Replace(".crcache", "")))

                    if (blob.Name == startingBlobName)
                        reachedStartingBlob = true;

                    if (reachedStartingBlob)

                    Console.WriteLine($"Downloading {blob.Name}...");

                    var localPath      = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, blob.Name);
                    var localDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath);

                    var blobClient = new BlobClient(connectionString, cacheContainerName, blob.Name);
                    await blobClient.DownloadToAsync(localPath);

            var factory = CreateGitHubClientFactory();
            var client  = await factory.CreateAsync();

            var jsonOptions = new JsonSerializerOptions()
                WriteIndented = true

            var repos = new List <CrawledRepo>();

            var reachedStartingRepo = reindex && startingRepoName is null;

            foreach (var org in subscriptionList.Orgs)
                var orgDirectory = Path.Join(tempDirectory, org);

                var existingRepos = Directory.GetFiles(orgDirectory, "*.crcache")
                                    .Select(p => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p));

                if (!pullLatest)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Loading repos for {org}...");

                    foreach (var repoName in existingRepos)
                        var blobName = $"{repoName}.crcache";
                        var repoPath = Path.Join(orgDirectory, blobName);
                        var repo     = await CrawledRepo.LoadAsync(repoPath);

                        if (repo is not null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Requesting repos for {org}...");
                    var availableRepos = await RequestReposAsync(factory, client, org);

                    var deletedRepos = existingRepos.ToHashSet(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    deletedRepos.ExceptWith(availableRepos.Select(r => r.Name));

                    foreach (var deletedRepo in deletedRepos)
                        var blobName = $"{org}/{deletedRepo}.crcache";
                        var repoPath = Path.Join(tempDirectory, blobName);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Deleting local file {blobName}...");

                        if (uploadToAzure)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Deleting Azure blob {blobName}...");
                            await cacheContainerClient.DeleteBlobAsync(blobName);

                    foreach (var repo in availableRepos)
                        if (!subscriptionList.Contains(org, repo.Name))

                        var blobName = $"{org}/{repo.Name}.crcache";
                        var repoPath = Path.Join(tempDirectory, blobName);

                        if (string.Equals($"{org}/{repo.Name}", startingRepoName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                            reachedStartingRepo = true;

                        CrawledRepo crawledRepo;
                            crawledRepo = await CrawledRepo.LoadAsync(repoPath);
                        catch (JsonException)
                            Console.WriteLine($"WARNING: Couldn't parse {blobName}");
                            crawledRepo = null;

                        if (crawledRepo is null)
                            crawledRepo = new CrawledRepo
                                Id   = repo.Id,
                                Org  = org,
                                Name = repo.Name

                        crawledRepo.IsArchived = repo.Archived;
                        crawledRepo.Size       = repo.Size;


                        var repoIsDueForReindexing = crawledRepo.LastReindex is null ||
                                                     crawledRepo.LastReindex?.AddDays(reindexIntervalInDays) <= today;

                        if (reachedStartingRepo)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Marking {repo.FullName} to be re-indexed because we reached the starting repo {startingRepoName}.");

                        if (repoIsDueForReindexing)
                            if (crawledRepo.LastReindex is null)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Marking {repo.FullName} to be re-indexed because it was never fully indexed.");
                                Console.WriteLine($"Marking {repo.FullName} to be re-indexed because it was more than {reindexIntervalInDays} days ago, on {crawledRepo.LastReindex}.");

                        if (reachedStartingRepo || repoIsDueForReindexing)

            // We want to ensure that all repos are fully-reindexed at least once every four weeks.
            // That means we need to reindex at least #Repos / 28 per day.
            // On top of that, we need to ensure that all repos which were never fully indexed (e.g.
            // they are new or were forced to be reindexed) are also reindexed.

            if (randomReindex)
                var reposThatNeedReindexing = repos.Where(r => r.LastReindex is null).ToHashSet();

                var minimumNumberOfReposToBeReindexed = (int)Math.Ceiling(repos.Count / (float)reindexIntervalInDays);
                var numberOfReposThatNeedReindexing   = reposThatNeedReindexing.Count;

                if (numberOfReposThatNeedReindexing < minimumNumberOfReposToBeReindexed)
                    // OK, there are fewer repos that need reindexing than what we want to reindex
                    // per day. So let's randomly pick some repos to reindex.

                    var remainingRepos = repos.Except(reposThatNeedReindexing).ToList();
                    var choiceCount    = minimumNumberOfReposToBeReindexed - numberOfReposThatNeedReindexing;

                    var random = new Random();

                    for (var choice = 0; choice < choiceCount; choice++)
                        var i    = random.Next(0, remainingRepos.Count);
                        var repo = remainingRepos[i];

                        Console.WriteLine($"Marking {repo.FullName} to be re-indexed because it was randomly chosen.");


            if (pullLatest)
                Console.WriteLine($"Listing events...");

                var eventStore = new GitHubEventStore(connectionString);
                var events     = await eventStore.ListAsync();

                Console.WriteLine($"Crawling {repos.Count:N0} repos, fully reindexing {repos.Count(r => r.LastReindex is null):N0} repos...");

                foreach (var crawledRepo in repos)
                    var blobName = $"{crawledRepo.FullName}.crcache";
                    var repoPath = Path.Join(tempDirectory, blobName);
                    var since    = crawledRepo.IncrementalUpdateStart;

                    var messages = new List <GitHubEventMessage>();

                    if (since is null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Crawling {crawledRepo.FullName}...");
                        var toBeDownloaded = events.Where(n => string.Equals(n.Org, crawledRepo.Org, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                                                          string.Equals(n.Repo, crawledRepo.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                        if (toBeDownloaded.Any())
                            Console.WriteLine($"Loading {toBeDownloaded.Length:N0} events for {crawledRepo.FullName}...");

                            var i           = 0;
                            var lastPercent = 0;

                            foreach (var name in toBeDownloaded)
                                var percent = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)i / toBeDownloaded.Length * 100);
                                if (percent % 10 == 0)
                                    if (percent != lastPercent)

                                    lastPercent = percent;

                                var payload = await eventStore.LoadAsync(name);

                                var headers = payload.Headers.ToDictionary(kv => kv.Key, kv => new StringValues(kv.Value.ToArray()));
                                var body    = payload.Body;
                                var message = GitHubEventMessage.Parse(headers, body);


                        Console.WriteLine($"Crawling {crawledRepo.FullName} since {since}...");

                    if (crawledRepo.LastReindex is null)
                        crawledRepo.LastReindex = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

                    crawledRepo.AreaOwners = await GetAreaOwnersAsync(crawledRepo.Org, crawledRepo.Name);

                    var currentLabels = await RequestLabelsAsync(factory, client, crawledRepo.Org, crawledRepo.Name);

                    SyncLabels(crawledRepo, currentLabels, out var labelById);

                    var currentMilestones = await RequestMilestonesAsync(factory, client, crawledRepo.Org, crawledRepo.Name);

                    SyncMilestones(crawledRepo, currentMilestones, out var milestoneById);

                    // NOTE: GitHub's Issues.GetAllForeRepository() doesn't include issues that were transferred
                    // That's the good part. The bad part is that for the new repository where
                    // it shows up, we have no way of knowing which repo it came from and which
                    // number it used to have (even when looking at the issues timeline data),
                    // so we can't remove the issue from the source repo.
                    // However, since we're persisting GitHub events we received, we'll can look
                    // up which issues were transferred and remove them from the repo. This avoids
                    // having to wait until we fully reindex the repo.
                    // Note, we remove transferred issues before pulling issues in case the issues
                    // were being transferred back; it seems GitHub is reusing the numbers in that
                    // case.

                    foreach (var message in messages.Where(m => m.Body.Action == "transferred"))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Removing {message.Body?.Repository?.FullName}#{message.Body?.Issue?.Number}: {message.Body?.Issue?.Title}");

                        var number = message.Body?.Issue?.Number;
                        if (number is not null)

                    foreach (var issue in await RequestIssuesAsync(factory, client, crawledRepo.Org, crawledRepo.Name, since))
                        var crawledIssue = ConvertIssue(crawledRepo, issue, labelById, milestoneById);
                        crawledRepo.Issues[issue.Number] = crawledIssue;

                    foreach (var pullRequest in await RequestPullRequestsAsync(factory, client, crawledRepo.Org, crawledRepo.Name, since))
                        if (crawledRepo.Issues.TryGetValue(pullRequest.Number, out var issue))
                            UpdateIssue(issue, pullRequest);

                        // TODO: Get PR reviews
                        // TODO: Get PR commits
                        // TODO: Get PR status

                    await crawledRepo.SaveAsync(repoPath);

                    if (uploadToAzure)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Uploading {blobName} to Azure...");
                        var repoClient = new BlobClient(connectionString, cacheContainerName, blobName);
                        await repoClient.UploadAsync(repoPath, overwrite : true);

                        if (since is null)
                            var eventsToBeDeleted = events.Where(e => string.Equals($"{e.Org}/{e.Repo}", crawledRepo.FullName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                            Console.WriteLine($"Deleting {eventsToBeDeleted.Length:N0} events for {crawledRepo.FullName}...");
                            foreach (var e in eventsToBeDeleted)
                                await eventStore.DeleteAsync(e);

            foreach (var repo in repos)
                var milestones = repo.Milestones.ToHashSet();
                var labels     = repo.Labels.ToHashSet();

                foreach (var issue in repo.Issues.Values)
                    foreach (var label in issue.Labels.Where(l => !labels.Contains(l)))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine($"error: {repo.FullName}#{issue.Number}: label '{label.Name}' doesn't exist");

                    if (issue.Milestone is not null && !milestones.Contains(issue.Milestone))
                        Console.Error.WriteLine($"error: {repo.FullName}#{issue.Number}: milestone '{issue.Milestone.Title}' doesn't exist");

            Console.WriteLine("Creating trie...");

            var trie = new CrawledTrie <CrawledIssue>();

            foreach (var repo in repos)
                foreach (var issue in repo.Issues.Values)

            Console.WriteLine("Creating index...");

            var index = new CrawledIndex()
                Repos = repos.ToList(),
                Trie  = trie

            var indexName = "index.cicache";
            var indexPath = string.IsNullOrEmpty(outputPath)
                                ? Path.Join(tempDirectory, indexName)
                                : outputPath;

            await index.SaveAsync(indexPath);

            if (uploadToAzure)
                Console.WriteLine("Uploading index to Azure...");

                var indexClient = new BlobClient(connectionString, "index", indexName);
                await indexClient.UploadAsync(indexPath, overwrite : true);

            Console.WriteLine("Deleting temp files...");

            Directory.Delete(tempDirectory, recursive: true);
 private static void UpdateRepo(GitHubEventRepository repository, CrawledRepo crawledRepo)
     crawledRepo.Org        = repository.Owner.Login;
     crawledRepo.Name       = repository.Name;
     crawledRepo.IsArchived = repository.Archived;