Esempio n. 1
 public void OnCraneDeploymentStarted(CratesGame sender, CraneEventArgs e)
     if (sender.State == GameState.Running)
         OnCraneMovementStarted(sender, e);
Esempio n. 2
 public void OnCraneDeploymentFinished(CratesGame sender, CraneEventArgs e)
     if (sender.State == GameState.Running || sender.State == GameState.Completed || sender.State == GameState.Aborted)
         OnCraneMovementStopped(sender, e);
Esempio n. 3
 void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
     if (InvokeRequired)
         BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
         Crane      crane = args.crane;
         TextBox    txt   = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
         PictureBox pic   = GetPictureBox("picCrane", crane.CraneNo.ToString());
         if (txt != null && pic != null)
             int X = 1476;
             if (crane.Column == 0)
                 X = 1484;
             int   Y = 345;
             Point P = new Point();
             P.X          = X - (int)(crane.Column * 35.67F);
             P.Y          = Y - (crane.CraneNo - 1) * 75;
             pic.Location = P;
Esempio n. 4
 public void OnCraneMovementStarted(CratesGame sender, CraneEventArgs e)
     if (sender.State == GameState.Running)
         craneMoving = true;
Esempio n. 5
 public void OnCraneMovementStopped(CratesGame sender, CraneEventArgs e)
     if (sender.State == GameState.Running || sender.State == GameState.Completed || sender.State == GameState.Aborted)
         craneMoving = false;
Esempio n. 6
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane crane = args.crane;

                    SetTextBoxText("txtMode{0}", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneMode[crane.Mode]);
                    SetTextBoxText("txtState{0}1", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneState[crane.State1]);
                    SetTextBoxText("txtFork{0}1", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneFork[crane.Fork1]);
                    SetTextBoxText("txtTaskNo{0}1", crane.CraneNo, crane.TaskNo1);
                    string strErrMsg = "";
                    if (crane.AlarmCode > 0)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtDeviceAlarm.Select(string.Format("Flag=1 and AlarmCode={0}", crane.AlarmCode));
                        if (drs.Length > 0)
                            strErrMsg = drs[0]["AlarmDesc"].ToString();
                            strErrMsg = "设备未知错误!";
                        SetControlColor("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, Color.Red);
                        SetControlColor("btnClearAlarm{0}", crane.CraneNo, Color.Red);
                        SetControlColor("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, SystemColors.Control);
                        SetControlColor("btnClearAlarm{0}", crane.CraneNo, SystemColors.Control);
                    if (int.Parse(crane.Station[0].ToString()) < 7)
                        Point P = new Point();
                        P = P2;
                        P.X = dicLocationX[int.Parse(crane.Station[0].ToString())];
                        pictureBox2.Location = P;

                    SetTextBoxText("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.AlarmCode.ToString());
                    SetTextBoxText("txtAlarmDesc{0}", crane.CraneNo, strErrMsg);
                    SetTextBoxText("txtColumn{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.Station[0].ToString());
                    SetTextBoxText("txtRow{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.Station[1].ToString());

                catch (Exception ex)
                    MCP.Logger.Error("监控界面中Monitor_OnCrane出现异常,错误内容:" + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 7
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane   crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt   = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtState", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneState.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneState[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtRow", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Row.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.CraneNo == 1)
                    this.picCrane.Visible = true;
                    Point P1 = InitialP1;
                    if (crane.Column < 46)
                        P1.X = P1.X + (int)((crane.Column - 1) * colDis);
                        P1.X = picCar.Location.X + 15;

                    P1.Y = P1.Y + (int)(rowDis * (crane.Row - 1));
                    this.picCrane.Location = P1;

                    Point P2 = InitialP2;
                    P2.Y = P2.Y + (int)(rowDis * (crane.Row - 1));
                    this.picCar.Location = P2;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtHeight", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneFork[crane.ForkStatus];
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();

                string strError = "";
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    if (crane.ErrCode != 0)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtCraneErr.Select(string.Format("CraneErrCode={0}", crane.ErrCode));
                        if (drs.Length > 0)
                            strError = drs[0]["CraneErrDesc"].ToString();
                            strError = "堆垛机未知错误!";
                        strError = "";
                    txt.Text = strError;

                //bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                if (crane.ErrCode > 0)
                    DataParameter[] param = new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo), new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", strError) };
                    bll.ExecNonQueryTran("WCS.Sp_UpdateTaskError", param);
                    Logger.Error(crane.CraneNo.ToString() + "堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:" + crane.ErrCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + strError);
Esempio n. 8
 void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
     if (InvokeRequired)
         BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
         Crane crane = args.crane;
             if (crane.Mode != null)
                 SetTextBoxText("txtMode{0}", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneMode[crane.Mode]);
             if (crane.State != null)
                 SetTextBoxText("txtState{0}", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneState[crane.State]);
             if (crane.Fork != null)
                 SetTextBoxText("txtFork{0}", crane.CraneNo, dicCraneFork[crane.Fork]);
             if (crane.TaskNo == null)
                 crane.TaskNo = "";
             SetTextBoxText("txtTaskNo{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.TaskNo);
             string strErrMsg = "";
             if (crane.AlarmCode != null)
                 if (crane.AlarmCode > 0)
                     DataRow[] drs = dtDeviceAlarm.Select(string.Format("Flag=1 and AlarmCode={0}", crane.AlarmCode));
                     if (drs.Length > 0)
                         strErrMsg = drs[0]["AlarmDesc"].ToString();
                         strErrMsg = "設備未知錯誤!";
                     SetControlColor("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, Color.Red);
                     SetControlColor("btnClearAlarm{0}", crane.CraneNo, Color.Red);
                     SetControlColor("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, SystemColors.Control);
                     SetControlColor("btnClearAlarm{0}", crane.CraneNo, SystemColors.Control);
             SetTextBoxText("txtAlarmCode{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.AlarmCode.ToString());
             SetTextBoxText("txtAlarmDesc{0}", crane.CraneNo, strErrMsg);
             SetTextBoxText("txtColumn{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.Station[0].ToString());
             SetTextBoxText("txtRow{0}", crane.CraneNo, crane.Station[1].ToString());
         catch (Exception ex)
             MCP.Logger.Error("监控界面中Monitor_OnCrane出现异常UL" + crane.CraneNo + " 錯誤內容:" + ex.Message);
Esempio n. 9
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane   crane = args.crane;
                Button  btn   = GetButton(crane.CraneNo);
                TextBox txt   = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicStatus.ContainsKey(crane.Status))
                    txt.Text = dicStatus[crane.Status];
                    if (txt.Text == "空闲")
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Lime;
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                txt = GetTextBox("txtWorkMode", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicWorkMode.ContainsKey(crane.Mode))
                    txt.Text = dicWorkMode[crane.Mode];
                    if (crane.Mode == 1)
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Lime;
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
                if (crane.Mode == 1)
                    btn.BackColor = Color.Lime;
                    btn.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtRow", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Row.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.CraneNo == "05")
                    Point P = InitialP5;
                    if (crane.Row == 6)
                        P = InitialP6;
                    else if (crane.Row == 7)
                        P = InitialP7;

                    P.X = P.X + (int)((45 - crane.Column) * colDis);
                    this.btnSRM5.Location = P;
                if (crane.CraneNo == "06")
                    Point P = InitialP6;
                    if (crane.Row == 5)
                        P = InitialP5;
                    else if (crane.Row == 7)
                        P = InitialP7;

                    P.X = P.X + (int)((45 - crane.Column) * colDis);
                    this.btnSRM6.Location = P;
                if (crane.CraneNo == "07")
                    Point P = InitialP7;
                    if (crane.Row == 5)
                        P = InitialP5;
                    else if (crane.Row == 6)
                        P = InitialP6;

                    P.X = P.X + (int)((45 - crane.Column) * colDis);
                    this.btnSRM7.Location = P;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtLayer", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Layer.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicFork[crane.ForkStatus];
                txt = GetTextBox("txtAlarmCode", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.AlarmCode.ToString();
                    if (txt.Text == "0")
                        txt.BackColor = DefaultBackColor;
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                string strAlarmDesc = "";
                txt = GetTextBox("txtAlarmDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    if (crane.AlarmCode != 0)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtDeviceAlarm.Select(string.Format("Flag=1 and AlarmCode={0}", crane.AlarmCode));
                        if (drs.Length > 0)
                            strAlarmDesc = drs[0]["AlarmDesc"].ToString();
                            strAlarmDesc = "设备未知错误!";
                        strAlarmDesc = "";
                    txt.Text = strAlarmDesc;
                    if (txt.Text == "")
                        txt.BackColor = DefaultBackColor;
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                txt = GetTextBox("txtSTB", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.STB.ToString();
                txt = GetTextBox("txtACK", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.ACK.ToString();
                //bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                if (crane.AlarmCode > 0)
                    btn.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    //DataParameter[] param = new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo), new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.AlarmCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", strAlarmDesc) };
                    //bll.ExecNonQueryTran("WCS.Sp_UpdateTaskError", param);
                    //Logger.Error(crane.CraneNo.ToString() + "堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:" + crane.AlarmCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + strAlarmDesc);
Esempio n. 10
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane   crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt   = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtTaskType", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneTaskType.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneTaskType[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.WalkCode > 0)
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpWalkCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text      = crane.WalkCode.ToString();
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpWalkCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text      = "";
                        txt.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;

                if (crane.UpDownCode > 0)
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpUpDownCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text      = crane.UpDownCode.ToString();
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpUpDownCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text      = "";
                        txt.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;

                if (crane.CraneNo == 1)
                    if (crane.Column < 7)
                        this.picCrane11.Visible = true;
                        this.picCrane12.Visible = false;
                        Point P1 = InitialP1;
                        P1.X = P1.X - (crane.Column - 1) * columnDis1;
                        this.picCrane11.Location = P1;
                        this.picCrane11.Visible = false;
                        this.picCrane12.Visible = true;
                        Point P3 = InitialP3;
                        P3.X = P3.X - (12 - crane.Column) * columnDis2;
                        this.picCrane12.Location = P3;
                    Point P2 = InitialP2;
                    P2.X = P2.X - (crane.Column - 1) * columnDis3;
                    this.picCrane2.Location = P2;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtHeight", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneFork[crane.ForkStatus];
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneError.ContainsKey(crane.ErrCode))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode];

                bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                if (crane.ErrCode > 0)
                    Logger.Error(crane.CraneNo.ToString() + "堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:" + crane.ErrCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]);
Esempio n. 11
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtState", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneState.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneState[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtRow", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Row.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.CraneNo == 1)
                    this.picCrane.Visible = true;
                    Point P1 = InitialP1;
                        P1.X = P1.X + (int)((crane.Column-1) * colDis);
                        P1.X = picCar.Location.X+15;

                    P1.Y = P1.Y + (int)(rowDis * (crane.Row - 1));
                    this.picCrane.Location = P1;

                    Point P2 = InitialP2;
                    P2.Y = P2.Y + (int)(rowDis * (crane.Row - 1));
                    this.picCar.Location = P2;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtHeight", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneFork[crane.ForkStatus];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneError.ContainsKey(crane.ErrCode))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode];

                //bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    if (crane.ErrCode > 0)
                        DataParameter[] param = new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo), new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]) };
                        bll.ExecNonQueryTran("WCS.Sp_UpdateTaskError", param);
                        if (txt.Text.Trim() == "")
                            txt.Text = "0";
                        if (crane.ErrCode != int.Parse(txt.Text))
                            Logger.Error(crane.CraneNo.ToString() + "堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:" + crane.ErrCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]);
                        txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();

                        txt.Text = "0";
Esempio n. 12
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane   crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt   = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtState", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneState.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneState[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtRow", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Row.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.CraneNo == 1)
                    this.picCrane.Visible = true;
                    Point P1 = InitialP1;
                    if (crane.Column <= 6)
                        P1.X = P1.X - (int)((crane.Column - 1) * 57);
                        P1.X = P1.X - 320 - (int)((crane.Column - 7) * 33.9F);
                    this.picCrane.Location = P1;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtHeight", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneFork[crane.ForkStatus];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneError.ContainsKey(crane.ErrCode))
                    if (crane.ErrCode > 0 && crane.ErrCode != 202 && crane.ErrCode != 203)
                        txt.Text = dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode];
                        txt.Text = "";

                //bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    if (crane.ErrCode > 0 && crane.ErrCode != 202 && crane.ErrCode != 203)
                        string strMsg = "未知错误!";
                        if (dicCraneError.ContainsKey(crane.ErrCode))
                            strMsg = dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode];

                        DataParameter[] param = new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo), new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", strMsg) };
                        bll.ExecNonQueryTran("WCS.Sp_UpdateTaskError", param);
                        if (txt.Text.Trim() == "")
                            txt.Text = "0";
                        if (crane.ErrCode != int.Parse(txt.Text))
                            Logger.Error("堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:" + crane.ErrCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + strMsg);
                        txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();
                        txt.Text = "0";
Esempio n. 13
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtTaskType", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneTaskType.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneTaskType[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                if (crane.WalkCode > 0)
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpWalkCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text = crane.WalkCode.ToString();
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpWalkCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text = "";
                        txt.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;

                if (crane.UpDownCode > 0)
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpUpDownCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text = crane.UpDownCode.ToString();
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;
                    txt = GetTextBox("txtBpUpDownCode", crane.CraneNo);
                    if (txt != null)
                        txt.Text = "";
                        txt.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;

                if (crane.CraneNo == 1)
                    if (crane.Column < 7)
                        this.picCrane11.Visible = true;
                        this.picCrane12.Visible = false;
                        Point P1 = InitialP1;
                        P1.X = P1.X - (crane.Column - 1) * columnDis1;
                        this.picCrane11.Location = P1;
                        this.picCrane11.Visible = false;
                        this.picCrane12.Visible = true;
                        Point P3 = InitialP3;
                        P3.X = P3.X - (12 - crane.Column) * columnDis2;
                        this.picCrane12.Location = P3;
                    Point P2 = InitialP2;
                    P2.X = P2.X - (crane.Column - 1) * columnDis3;
                    this.picCrane2.Location = P2;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtHeight", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtForkStatus", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneFork.ContainsKey(crane.ForkStatus))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneFork[crane.ForkStatus];
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneError.ContainsKey(crane.ErrCode))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode];

                bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });
                    Logger.Error(crane.CraneNo.ToString() + "堆垛机执行时出现错误,代码:"+ crane.ErrCode.ToString() + ",描述:" + dicCraneError[crane.ErrCode]);
Esempio n. 14
        void Monitor_OnCrane(CraneEventArgs args)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                BeginInvoke(new CraneEventHandler(Monitor_OnCrane), args);
                Crane   crane = args.crane;
                TextBox txt   = GetTextBox("txtTaskNo", crane.CraneNo); //任务编号
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.TaskNo;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtPalletCode", crane.CraneNo);//托盘编号
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.PalletCode;

                txt = GetTextBox("txtTaskType", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneTaskType.ContainsKey(crane.TaskType))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneTaskType[crane.TaskType];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtCraneAction", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null && dicCraneAction.ContainsKey(crane.Action))
                    txt.Text = dicCraneAction[crane.Action];

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Column.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtColumn", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.Height.ToString();

                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorNo", crane.CraneNo);
                if (txt != null)
                    txt.Text = crane.ErrCode.ToString();

                Control[] ctl = this.Controls.Find("picCrane" + crane.CraneNo.ToString(), true);
                if (ctl.Length > 0)
                    if (crane.ErrCode > 0)
                        ctl[0].BackColor = Color.Red;
                        ctl[0].BackColor = Color.Transparent;

                    int X = 623;
                    if (crane.Column == 0)
                        X = 1007;
                    int Y = 336;

                    Point P = new Point();
                    P.X             = X - (int)(crane.Column * 15.28F);
                    P.Y             = Y - (crane.CraneNo - 1) * 73;
                    ctl[0].Location = P;
                txt = GetTextBox("txtErrorDesc", crane.CraneNo);
                string errDesc = "";
                if (txt != null)
                    if (crane.ErrCode > 0)
                        DataRow[] drs = dtCraneError.Select(string.Format("warncode='{0}'", crane.ErrCode));
                        if (drs.Length > 0)
                            txt.Text = drs[0]["description"].ToString();
                            txt.Text = "未知错误!";
                        errDesc       = txt.Text;
                        txt.BackColor = Color.Red;

                        string[] d = new string[2];
                        d[0] = crane.CraneNo.ToString();
                        d[1] = txt.Text;
                        Context.ProcessDispatcher.WriteToProcess("LEDProcess", "Error", d);
                        txt.Text      = "";
                        txt.BackColor = Control.DefaultBackColor;
                        // Context.ProcessDispatcher.WriteToProcess("LEDProcess" + crane.CraneNo, "Refresh", crane.CraneNo * 2);

                //bll.ExecNonQuery("WCS.UpdateTaskError", new DataParameter[] { new DataParameter("@CraneErrCode", crane.ErrCode.ToString()), new DataParameter("@CraneErrDesc", errDesc), new DataParameter("@TaskNo", crane.TaskNo) });