/// <summary> /// obter todos os registros de tipo TType no banco de dados /// </summary> /// <param name="camposSelect"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <JsonResult> GetAsync(string[] camposSelect) { //verifica parâmetros que são de preenchimento obrigatório. if (camposSelect == null || camposSelect.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Parâmetros inválidos!"); } //conectar no banco de dados. CouchClient couchClient = new CouchClient(connectionString); CouchDatabase couchDataBase = await couchClient.GetDatabaseAsync(dataBase); //É preciso informar rquais campos serão retornados na consulta ao CouchDB FindBuilder findBuilder = new FindBuilder().Fields(camposSelect); //obtem registros em banco de dados. CouchResponse couchResponse = await couchDataBase.SelectAsync(findBuilder); //valida o status do retorno a consulta ao CouchDB if (couchResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { //transforma o resultado em JsonTextReader JsonTextReader jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(new StringReader(couchResponse.Docs.ToString())); //transforma o reader em objeto do tipo TType. TType[] result = new JsonSerializer().Deserialize(jsonTextReader, typeof(TType[])) as TType[]; return(new JsonResult(result)); } else { //retorna o erro ocorrido durante a pesquisa do CouchDB return(new JsonResult(couchResponse.Content)); } }
public static void ToCouchDb(RuntimeStorage intent) { CouchClient client = new CouchClient(); if (!client.HasDatabase(DATABASE)) { client.CreateDatabase(DATABASE); } CouchDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(DATABASE); CouchDbIntentData dbIntent; try{ Document doc = db.GetDocument(intent.filename); dbIntent = new CouchDbIntentData(); dbIntent.data = intent.data; Document <CouchDbIntentData> tosave = new Document <CouchDbIntentData>(dbIntent); tosave.Id = doc.Id; tosave.Rev = doc.Rev; db.SaveDocument(tosave); }catch { dbIntent = new CouchDbIntentData(); dbIntent.data = intent.data; Document <CouchDbIntentData> tosave = new Document <CouchDbIntentData>(dbIntent); tosave.Id = intent.filename; db.CreateDocument(tosave); } }
private void DatabaseLoaded(CouchDatabase aDatabase) { theDatabase = aDatabase; theContactsListBox.Database = theDatabase; theChangesListBox.Database = theDatabase; theContactDetails.Database = theDatabase; }
public static List <ImageAnnotation> GetAllAnnotationsForImage(string library, string imageId, IBoundingBox region) { CouchClient client = new CouchClient(); CouchDatabase db = GetDatabase(library); var options = new ViewOptions(); options.Key.Add(imageId); options.IncludeDocs = true; var cannotations = db.View <CouchDbAnnotation>("by_screenshot", options, "annotations"); List <ImageAnnotation> annotations = new List <ImageAnnotation>(); foreach (CouchDbAnnotation ca in cannotations.Items) { BoundingBox bb = new BoundingBox(ca.left, ca.top, ca.width, ca.height); if (BoundingBox.Equals(region, bb)) { ImageAnnotation ia = new ImageAnnotation(bb, ca.data, ca.screenshotId); annotations.Add(ia); } } return(annotations); }
public NotificationManager(ISettingsController aSettingsController){ theCouchClient = new CouchClient(aSettingsController.Host, aSettingsController.Port, aSettingsController.Username, aSettingsController.Password); theCouchDatabase = theCouchClient.GetDatabase(aSettingsController.DatabaseName); theOptions = new ChangeOptions(); theOptions.Heartbeat = 10000; theOptions.Since = GetSequence(); }
public async Task <JsonResult> DeleteAsync(string id, string rev) { try { //se não houve campos para serem listados, deverá retornar a lista vazia. if (Guid.Equals(id, Guid.Empty)) { throw new Exception("Parâmetros inválidos!"); } //conectar no banco de dados. CouchClient couchClient = new CouchClient(connectionString); CouchDatabase couchDataBase = await couchClient.GetDatabaseAsync(dataBase); //remove o documento. CouchResponse couchResponse = await couchDataBase.DeleteAsync(id, rev); //verifica se houve a exclusão if (couchResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted || couchResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { return(new JsonResult("Ok")); } else { //retorna o erro ocorrido durante a pesquisa do CouchDB return(new JsonResult(couchResponse.Content)); } } catch (Exception ex) { return(new JsonResult(ex.Message)); } }
public void Should_Trigger_Replication() { string dbname = "test-replicate-db-created"; var obj = client.TriggerReplication(new ReplicationOptions(baseDatabase, String.Format("http://{0}:5984/{1}", couchdbHostName, replicateDatabase)) { Continuous = true }); Assert.IsTrue(obj != null); var obj2 = client.TriggerReplication(new ReplicationOptions(baseDatabase, dbname) { CreateTarget = true }); Assert.IsTrue(obj2 != null); CouchDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(dbname, false); Assert.IsNotNull(db); client.DeleteDatabase(dbname); db = client.GetDatabase(dbname, false); Assert.IsNull(db); }
public CouchRepository() { CouchClient client = new CouchClient("admin", "lnzldn"); var db = client.GetDatabase(DB_NAME); _db = db; }
public CouchDBService() { // connect to Cloudant client = new CouchClient("unieurocorn.cloudant.com", 443, "hermstaredgeshoreseembel", "36nDB1aax4CgOBgflrFgIpPU", true, AuthenticationType.Basic); database = client.GetDatabase("submissions"); var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings(); var converters = new List <JsonConverter> { new IsoDateTimeConverter() }; settings.Converters = converters; settings.ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver(); settings.NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore; var doc = new { _id = "_design/" + designDoc, Language = "javascript", Views = new { byDocType = new { Map = "function(doc) {\n emit(doc.docType, doc);\n}" } } }; var res = database.CreateDocument(doc._id, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(doc, Formatting.Indented, settings)); database.SetDefaultDesignDoc(designDoc); }
public static ImageAnnotation AddAnnotation(string library, Bitmap image, IBoundingBox region, JObject data) { CouchDatabase db = GetDatabase(library); string imgid = AddImage(db, image); ImageAnnotation toAdd = new ImageAnnotation(region, data, imgid); if (HasDocument(db, toAdd.Id)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("There already exists an annotation for this image with this location. Retreive that annotation and update its data accordingly."); } CouchDbAnnotation ca = new CouchDbAnnotation(); ca.data = toAdd.Data; ca.top = toAdd.Region.Top; ca.left = toAdd.Region.Left; ca.width = toAdd.Region.Width; ca.height = toAdd.Region.Height; ca.screenshotId = toAdd.ImageId; ca.type = "annotation"; Document <CouchDbAnnotation> document = new Document <CouchDbAnnotation>(ca); document.Id = toAdd.Id; db.CreateDocument(document); return(toAdd); }
public void BeforeEach() { couch = new Couch("localhost", 5984); // use my own routines -- even though I would be using my own code as a testing predicate, // bugs would still cause obvious failures, and I would only have to use a small slice of my code SallyFixture = new Person {Name = "Sally Acorn", Id = "sally", DocumentType = "Person"}; HayekFixture = new Person {Name = "Frederich Hayek", DocumentType = "Person"}; // hayek gets a generated Id PersonFixtures = new List<Person>() { SallyFixture, HayekFixture }; couch.EnsureDatabaseDeleted(TEST_DATABASE).Wait(); couch.EnsureDatabaseDeleted(CREATION_TEST_DATABASE).Wait(); couch.CreateDatabase(TEST_DATABASE).Wait(); var dbOpenTask = couch.OpenDatabase(TEST_DATABASE); dbOpenTask.Wait(); TestDatabase = dbOpenTask.Result; foreach (var personFixture in PersonFixtures) { TestDatabase.CreateDocument<Person>(personFixture).Wait(); } }
public static Guid?SignUp(string email, string password) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); Account acc = db.GetDocument <Account>(email); if (acc != null) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("{0} sudah terdaftar", acc._id)); } Document <Account> account = new Document <Account>(new Account { _id = email, Guid = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = email, Password = password, Roles = new string[2] { OWNER_ROLE, ADMIN_ROLE }, Type = ACCOUNT_TYPE }); db.CreateDocument(account); return(ValidateUser(email, password)); }
public static void Delete(string library, string id) { CouchDatabase db = GetDatabase(library); Document ca = db.GetDocument(id); db.DeleteDocument(ca.Id, ca.Rev); }
public async Task Changes() { using (var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984")) { IEnumerable <string> dbs = await client.GetDatabasesNamesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); CouchDatabase <Rebel> rebels = client.GetDatabase <Rebel>(); if (dbs.Contains(rebels.Database)) { await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync <Rebel>().ConfigureAwait(false); } rebels = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync <Rebel>().ConfigureAwait(false); Rebel luke = await rebels.CreateAsync(new Rebel { Name = "Luke", Age = 19 }).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("Luke", luke.Name); var options = new ChangesFeedOptions { IncludeDocs = true }; var filter = ChangesFeedFilter.Selector <Rebel>(r => r.Name == "Luke" && r.Age == 19); var changesResult = await rebels.GetChangesAsync(options, filter); Assert.NotEmpty(changesResult.Results); Assert.Equal(changesResult.Results[0].Id, luke.Id); await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync <Rebel>().ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public async Task Users() { using (var client = new CouchClient("http://localhost:5984")) { IEnumerable <string> dbs = await client.GetDatabasesNamesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); CouchDatabase <CouchUser> users = client.GetUsersDatabase(); if (!dbs.Contains(users.Database)) { users = await client.CreateDatabaseAsync <CouchUser>().ConfigureAwait(false); } CouchUser luke = await users.CreateAsync(new CouchUser(name : "luke", password : "******")).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("luke", luke.Name); luke = await users.FindAsync(luke.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("luke", luke.Name); await users.DeleteAsync(luke).ConfigureAwait(false); luke = await users.FindAsync(luke.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Null(luke); await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync <CouchUser>().ConfigureAwait(false); } }
protected void UpdateWithMergeConflicts(JToken offer, CouchDatabase dbOffers) { var result = dbOffers.UpdateAsync(offer).Result; if (result.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Conflict) { var offerNewer = dbOffers.GetAsync(offer.GetString("_id")).Result.Json; var offerObje = offer.ToObject <Offer>(); var offerNewerObj = offer.ToObject <Offer>(); offerObje.ListProduct.ToList().ForEach(x => { if (offerNewerObj.ListProduct.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Guid == x.Guid) != null) { x.ListUserCoupon = x.ListUserCoupon.Concat(offerNewerObj.ListProduct.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Guid == x.Guid).ListUserCoupon) .GroupBy(y => y.UserEmail) .Select(y => y .OrderBy(z => z.IsDelivered) .ThenByDescending(z => z.DateChange) .First()).ToList(); } }); offerObje.ListProduct.Union(offerNewerObj.ListProduct).GroupBy(x => x.Guid).Select(x => x.First()).ToList(); offer = JToken.FromObject(offerObje); offer["_rev"] = offerNewer["_rev"]; UpdateWithMergeConflicts(offer, dbOffers); } }
public void SetUp() { var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CouchHost"] ?? "localhost"; var port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CouchPort"] ?? "5984"); server = new CouchServer(host, port); db = server.GetNewDatabase(DbName); }
public void RunUpdate() { var db = new CouchDatabase(new Uri("http://localhost:5984/tmp")); var updater = new DesignDocUpdater(db, "couch_views"); updater.UpdateIfNecessary(); }
public static Guid?SignUp(string email, string password) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); ViewResult <Account> users = db.View <Account>("all_accounts", "view_accounts"); var userRecord = users.Items.Where(usr => usr.Email == email).FirstOrDefault(); if (userRecord != null) { throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("{0} sudah terdaftar", userRecord.Email)); } Document <Account> account = new Document <Account>(new Account { _id = Guid.NewGuid(), Email = email, Password = password, Roles = new string[2] { OWNER_ROLE, ADMIN_ROLE }, Type = ACCOUNT_TYPE }); db.CreateDocument(account); return(ValidateUser(email, password)); }
public void Connect() { _client = new CouchClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DbIpAddress"], 5984, "user", "password", false, AuthenticationType.Basic); FlushDb(); _client.CreateDatabase("test"); _db = _client.GetDatabase("test"); _db.SetDefaultDesignDoc("docs"); }
public Item GetItem(string name) { CouchClient couchClient = new CouchClient("", 5984, null, null); CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase(itemsDB); JDocument doc = db.GetDocument <JDocument>(name); return(Item.FromJson(doc.ToString())); }
public Account GetAccount(string email) { CouchClient couchClient = new CouchClient("", 5984, null, null); CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase(accountsDB); JDocument doc = db.GetDocument <JDocument>(email); return(Account.FromJson(doc.ToString())); }
public async Task Attachment() { using (var client = new CouchClient("http://*****:*****@"{runningPath}\Assets\luke.txt", MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain); luke = await rebels.CreateAsync(luke).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("Luke", luke.Name); Assert.NotEmpty(luke.Attachments); CouchAttachment attachment = luke.Attachments.First(); Assert.NotNull(attachment); Assert.NotNull(attachment.Uri); // Download var downloadFilePath = await rebels.DownloadAttachment(attachment, $@"{runningPath}\Assets", "luke-downloaded.txt"); Assert.True(File.Exists(downloadFilePath)); File.Delete(downloadFilePath); // Find luke = await rebels.FindAsync(luke.Id).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal(19, luke.Age); attachment = luke.Attachments.First(); Assert.NotNull(attachment); Assert.NotNull(attachment.Uri); Assert.NotNull(attachment.Digest); Assert.NotNull(attachment.Length); // Update luke.Surname = "Skywalker"; luke = await rebels.CreateOrUpdateAsync(luke).ConfigureAwait(false); Assert.Equal("Skywalker", luke.Surname); await client.DeleteDatabaseAsync <Rebel>().ConfigureAwait(false); } }
public void WriteSale(Sale sale) { CouchClient couchClient = new CouchClient("", 5984, null, null); CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase(salesDB); db.CreateDocument(Serialize.ToJson(sale)); couchClient = null; }
public static IUserIdentity GetUserFromUsername(string username) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); Account acc = db.GetDocument <Account>(username); return(acc == null ? null : new UserIdentity { UserName = acc._id, Claims = acc.Roles }); }
public static Guid?ValidateUser(string email, string password) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); Account acc = db.GetDocument <Account>(email); if (acc == null) { return(null); } return(acc.Guid); }
public static AccountUser GetAccountByUsername(string username) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); AccountUser accUser = db.GetDocument <AccountUser>(username); if (accUser == null) { accUser.CompanyId = username; } return(accUser); }
/// <summary> /// Get's the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="aUserId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JDocument GetUser(string aUserId) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aUserId)) { throw new ArgumentException("aUser cannot be null nor empty"); } var db = new CouchDatabase(BasePlug.At("_users")); aUserId = "org.couchdb.user:" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(aUserId); return(db.GetDocument(aUserId, new Result <JDocument>()).Wait()); }
public void Setup() { client = new CouchClient(host, port, username, password, false, AuthenticationType.Cookie); if (!client.HasDatabase(baseDatabase)) { client.CreateDatabase(baseDatabase); } var uriBuilder = new UriBuilder("http", host, port, baseDatabase); db = new CouchDatabase(uriBuilder.Uri); }
public IUserIdentity GetUserFromIdentifier(Guid identifier) { CouchDatabase db = couchClient.GetDatabase("dokuku"); ViewResult <Account> users = db.View <Account>("all_accounts", "view_accounts"); var userRecord = users.Items.Where(acc => acc.Guid == identifier).FirstOrDefault(); return(userRecord == null ? null : new UserIdentity { UserName = userRecord.Email, Claims = userRecord.Roles }); }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { NSError error; window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); window.MakeKeyAndVisible(); dvc = new DialogViewController(new RootElement("CouchDemo") { new Section("Welcome") }); window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController(dvc); server = new CouchTouchDBServer(); if (server.Error != null) { Console.WriteLine("Error with the code: {0}", server.Error); } database = server.GetDatabase("grocery-sync"); database.EnsureCreated(out error); database.TracksChanges = true; // // Create a view with documents sorted by date // design = database.DesignDocumentWithName("grocery"); design.DefineView("byDate", (doc, emit) => { var date = doc ["created_at"]; if (date != null) { emit(date, doc); } }, "1.0"); // Validation function requiring parseable dates design.SetValidationBlock((newRevision, context) => { if (newRevision.Deleted) { return(true); } var date = newRevision.Properties ["created_at"]; if (date != null && RestBody.DateWithJSONObject(date) == null) { context.ErrorMessage = "Invalid date"; return(false); } return(true); }); AddNewItem(); return(true); }
public void Should_Return_View_Results() { CouchDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(baseDatabase); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); ViewResult <string, JObject> result = db.GetView("testviewitem", "testview", new Result <ViewResult <string, JObject> >()).Wait(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(result.TotalRows > 0); }
public void Should_Return_View_Results_As_JObject() { CouchDatabase db = client.GetDatabase(baseDatabase); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); db.CreateDocument(new JDocument()); JObject result = db.GetView("testviewitem", "testview", new Result <JObject>()).Wait(); Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsNotNull(result["rows"]); }
public static void UpdateDesignDocuments(CouchDatabase db) { var view = new CouchDesignDocument("explosionview"); foreach (var pair in views) { var processed = pair.Value.Replace("$MODEL_NAME", typeof(Note).Name); view.Views.Add(pair.Key, new CouchView(processed)); } db.CreateDocument(view, new Result<CouchDesignDocument>()).WhenDone((designDocument) => { Console.Out.WriteLine("Successfully written design doc!"); }, (designDocumentError) => { Console.Out.WriteLine("Hah, couldn't write design doc: " + designDocumentError.Message); }); }
public void SetUp() { var host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CouchHost"] ?? "localhost"; var port = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CouchPort"] ?? "5984"); server = new CouchServer(host, port); db = server.GetNewDatabase(DbName); Car car = null; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { car = new Car("Saab", "93", 170 + i); db.SaveDocument(car); } tempView = db.NewTempView("test", "test", "if (doc.docType && doc.docType == 'car') emit(doc.Hps, doc);"); }
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options) { NSError error; window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds); window.MakeKeyAndVisible (); dvc = new DialogViewController (new RootElement ("CouchDemo") { new Section ("Welcome") }); window.RootViewController = new UINavigationController (dvc); server = new CouchTouchDBServer (); if (server.Error != null){ Console.WriteLine ("Error with the code: {0}", server.Error); } database = server.GetDatabase ("grocery-sync"); database.EnsureCreated (out error); database.TracksChanges = true; // // Create a view with documents sorted by date // design = database.DesignDocumentWithName ("grocery"); design.DefineView ("byDate", (doc,emit) => { var date = doc ["created_at"]; if (date != null) emit (date, doc); }, "1.0"); // Validation function requiring parseable dates design.SetValidationBlock ((newRevision,context)=>{ if (newRevision.Deleted) return true; var date = newRevision.Properties ["created_at"]; if (date != null && RestBody.DateWithJSONObject (date) == null){ context.ErrorMessage = "Invalid date"; return false; } return true; }); AddNewItem (); return true; }
/// <summary> /// Processes the expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="expression">The expression.</param> /// <param name="db">The db.</param> /// <param name="definition">The view definition.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExpressionVisitor ProcessExpression(Expression expression, CouchDatabase db, CouchViewDefinition definition) { Query = db.Query(definition); VisitExpression(expression); switch (keys.Count) { case 0: // 0 keys means it's a range query. do nothing. break; case 1: // 1 key means it's a single Equals or a Contains on a single. Query.Key(keys[0]); break; default: // neither 0 nor 1 means that we've got a set of keys to test. Query.Keys(keys); break; } return this; }
public override IReconcilingDocument GetDatabaseCopy(CouchDatabase db) { return db.GetDocument<Car>(Id); }
/// <summary> /// Processes the expression. /// </summary> /// <param name="expression">The expression.</param> /// <param name="db">The db.</param> /// <param name="design">The name of the design document.</param> /// <param name="view">The name of the view.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ExpressionVisitor ProcessExpression(Expression expression, CouchDatabase db, string design, string view) { Query = db.Query(design, view); VisitExpression(expression); return this; }
public virtual IReconcilingDocument GetDatabaseCopy(CouchDatabase db) { return db.GetDocument<CouchDocument>(Id); }
/// <summary> /// Get's the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Document GetUser(string userId) { var db = new CouchDatabase(baseUri, "_users", username, password, this.authType); userId = "org.couchdb.user:" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userId); return db.GetDocument(userId); }
private static string AddImage(CouchDatabase db, Bitmap image) { string imgid = ImageAnnotation.GetImageId(image); if (!HasDocument(db, imgid)) { JObject imgJson = new JObject(); imgJson["_id"] = imgid; imgJson["type"] = "screenshot"; Document doc = new Document(imgJson); db.CreateDocument(doc); System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = Bitmap.ToSystemDrawingBitmap(image); ImageConverter converter = new ImageConverter(); byte[] imgbytes = (byte[])converter.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[])); db.AddAttachment(imgid, imgbytes, "image", "image/png"); } return imgid; }
public void CreateDatabase() { _client = new CouchClient( host: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Host"], port: Int32.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"]), username: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Username"], password: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Password"] ); DeleteDatabase(); _db = _client.GetDatabase(BASE_DB); }
private bool Exists(CouchDatabase database) { return database != null && Exists(database.Name); }
public ICouchServerResponse BeginDatabaseCompact(CouchDatabase database) { if(database == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("database"); } if (EnableValidation) { if (!Exists(database)) { throw new CouchDatabaseNotFoundException(database.Name); } } var path = string.Format("{0}/_compact", database.Name); var response = Connection.Post(path, null); return new CouchServerResponse(response); }
public CouchDbConnection(CouchDatabase couchDatabase) { _couchDatabase = couchDatabase; ConnectionString = couchDatabase.ServerUrl; }
/// <summary> /// Get's the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Document GetUser(string userId) { var db = new CouchDatabase(couchConnection); userId = "org.couchdb.user:" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(userId); return db.GetDocument(userId); }
public SummonerProducer(CouchClient db) { _summoners = db.GetDatabase(DatabaseName); _summoners.SetDefaultDesignDoc(IndexName); }
private static bool HasDocument(CouchDatabase db, string id) { Document d = null; try { d = db.GetDocument(id); } catch { } if (d == null) return false; return true; }
public DesignDocUpdater(CouchDatabase db, string filePath) { this.db = db; this.filePath = filePath; }
/// <summary> /// Get's the user. /// </summary> /// <param name="aUserId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public JDocument GetUser(string aUserId) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(aUserId)) throw new ArgumentException("aUser cannot be null nor empty"); var db = new CouchDatabase(BasePlug.At("_users")); aUserId = "org.couchdb.user:" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(aUserId); return db.GetDocument(aUserId, new Result<JDocument>()).Wait(); }