Esempio n. 1
    void CheckCollision()

         * //projection axis
         * Vector2 axisP = new Vector2 (1.0f, 0.0f);
         * Vector2 axisQ = new Vector2 (0.0f, 1.0f);
         * //max point of rect
         * Vector2 rect1MaxPoint = new Vector2 (rect1.xMax, rect1.yMax);
         * Vector2 rect2MaxPoint = new Vector2 (rect2.xMax, rect2.yMax);
         * Vector2 rect1MinPoint = new Vector2 (rect1.xMin, rect1.yMin);
         * Vector2 rect2MinPoint = new Vector2 (rect2.xMin, rect2.yMin);
         * //Vector of each max point from world space origin
         * Vector2 vMaxRect1 = rect1MaxPoint -;
         * Vector2 vMaxRect2 = rect2MaxPoint -;
         * Vector2 vMinRect1 = rect1MinPoint -;
         * Vector2 vMinRect2 = rect2MinPoint -;
         * //project vector on x axis
         * float maxProjRect1X = Vector2.Dot (vMaxRect1, axisP);
         * float maxProjRect2X = Vector2.Dot (vMaxRect2, axisP);
         * float minProjRect1X = Vector2.Dot (vMinRect1, axisP);
         * float minProjRect2X = Vector2.Dot (vMinRect2, axisP);
         * bool gapX = maxProjRect1X < minProjRect2X || minProjRect1X > maxProjRect2X;
         * //project vector on y axis
         * float maxProjRect1Y = Vector2.Dot (vMaxRect1, axisQ);
         * float maxProjRect2Y = Vector2.Dot (vMaxRect2, axisQ);
         * float minProjRect1Y = Vector2.Dot (vMinRect1, axisQ);
         * float minProjRect2Y = Vector2.Dot (vMinRect2, axisQ);
         * bool gapY = minProjRect2Y > maxProjRect1Y || maxProjRect2Y < minProjRect1Y;
         * if (gapX || gapY)
         *      Debug.Log("No collision");
         * else
         *      Debug.Log ("collision");
         * bool collision = true;
         * Vector2[] rect1Normals = GetRectangleNormal (rect1);
         * Vector2[] rect1AllCorners = rect1.AllCorners;
         * Vector2[] rect2AllCorners = rect2.AllCorners;
         * //For each normal in rect1
         * for (int i = 0; i < rect1Normals.Length; i++) {
         *      //find rect1 max min projection
         *      float r1Dot1 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect1AllCorners [0]);
         *      float r1Dot2 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect1AllCorners [1]);
         *      float r1Dot3 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect1AllCorners [2]);
         *      float r1Dot4 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect1AllCorners [3]);
         *      float r1PMin = Mathf.Min (r1Dot1, Mathf.Min (r1Dot2, Mathf.Min (r1Dot3, r1Dot4)));
         *      float r1PMax = Mathf.Max (r1Dot1, Mathf.Max (r1Dot2, Mathf.Max (r1Dot3, r1Dot4)));
         *      float r2Dot1 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect2AllCorners [0]);
         *      float r2Dot2 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect2AllCorners [1]);
         *      float r2Dot3 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect2AllCorners [2]);
         *      float r2Dot4 = Vector2.Dot (rect1Normals [i], rect2AllCorners [3]);
         *      float r2PMin = Mathf.Min (r2Dot1, Mathf.Min (r2Dot2, Mathf.Min (r2Dot3, r2Dot4)));
         *      float r2PMax = Mathf.Max (r2Dot1, Mathf.Max (r2Dot2, Mathf.Max (r2Dot3, r2Dot4)));
         *      if (r2PMin > r1PMax || r2PMax < r1PMin) {
         *              collision = false;
         *              break;
         *      }
         * }
         * if (collision)
         *      Debug.Log ("Collision");
         * else
         *      Debug.Log ("No collision");
Esempio n. 2
    void CheckCollision()
        #region old code
        //all corners
//		Vector2[] corners = rect1.AllCorners;
//		bool collision = true;
//		/**
//		 * Find closest corner to circle center then make a line between that corner and circle center into projection axis
//		 * Projecting all corner to that axis then find min and max corner
//		 * Check if circle is overlap with rectangle
//		 *
//		 * This solve problem when circle contact each corner vertex
//		 **/
//		//find closest corner and compare distance
//		int closestCornerIndex = 0;
//		int currentCornerIndex = 1;
//		while (currentCornerIndex < corners.Length) {
//			if ((circlePos - corners [closestCornerIndex]).sqrMagnitude > (circlePos - corners [currentCornerIndex]).sqrMagnitude)
//				closestCornerIndex = currentCornerIndex;
//			currentCornerIndex++;
//		}
//		//projection axis from closest corner to circle center
//		Vector2 p = circlePos - corners [closestCornerIndex];
//		//base on axis find min and max corner
//		float rMin = 0.0f;
//		float rMax = 0.0f;
//		for (int i = 0; i < corners.Length; i++) {
//			rMax = Mathf.Max (rMax, Vector2.Dot (p.normalized, corners [i]));
//			rMin = Mathf.Min (rMin, Vector2.Dot (p.normalized, corners [i]));
//		}
//		//find circle center projection
//		float cP = Vector2.Dot (p, circlePos);
//		//check if circle is overlap rectangle
//		if (rMax < (cP - circleRadius) || rMin > (cP + circleRadius))
//			collision = false;
//		else
//			collision = true;
//		/**
//		 * Find 4 corner's normal and make it as prjection axis
//		 * Go throught each normal(corner)
//		 * Find min and max projection of rectangle's corner base on that axis
//		 * Project circle center on that axis
//		 * Check if circle overlap rectangle
//		 *
//		 * This solve problem while circle contact edge of rectangle
//		 **/
//		//Ignore edge check if circle not contact with 4 corners(vertices)
//		if (collision == true) {
//			Vector2[] normals = GetRectangleNormal (rect1);
//			for (int i = 0; i < normals.Length; i++) {
//				//4 corners projection
//				float r1Dot1 = Vector2.Dot (normals [i], corners [0]);
//				float r1Dot2 = Vector2.Dot (normals [i], corners [1]);
//				float r1Dot3 = Vector2.Dot (normals [i], corners [2]);
//				float r1Dot4 = Vector2.Dot (normals [i], corners [3]);
//				//corner min and max on this normal(projection axis)
//				float r1PMin = Mathf.Min (r1Dot1, Mathf.Min (r1Dot2, Mathf.Min (r1Dot3, r1Dot4)));
//				float r1PMax = Mathf.Max (r1Dot1, Mathf.Max (r1Dot2, Mathf.Max (r1Dot3, r1Dot4)));
//				//circle center projection on this normal(projection axis)
//				float circleP = Vector2.Dot (normals [i], circlePos);
//				//check if circle overlap rectangle
//				if ((circleP - circleRadius) > r1PMax || (circleP + circleRadius) < r1PMin) {
//					collision = false;
//					break;
//				}
//			}
//		}
//		if (collision) {
//			circleCollideDrawColor = collisionColor;
//			Debug.Log ("collision");
//		} else {
//			circleCollideDrawColor = nonCollisionColor;
//			Debug.Log ("no collision");
//		}
