public override void walk(float directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed) { float bonusSpeed = 0; SortedList <float, StatusEffect> speedList; statusEffects.TryGetValue(StatusEffect.status.SPEED, out speedList); if (speedList != null && speedList.Count > 0) { bonusSpeed = speedList.ElementAt(speedList.Count - 1).Value.potency; } impulse += new Vector2(directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed * walkSpeed * (1 + bonusSpeed), 0); if (bonusSpeed > 0) { //ensure speed boost particle baseline if (rand.NextDouble() < .1f) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(0, this.height), world, new Vector2(directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed * -5, 0), 100); world.addEntity(particle); } for (int i = 0; i < rand.Next((int)(bonusSpeed * 7)); i++) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(0, this.height), world, new Vector2(directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed * -5, 0), 100); world.addEntity(particle); } } }
public override void prePhysicsUpdate(GameTime time) { base.prePhysicsUpdate(time); ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(-width / 2, height / 2), world, new Vector2() /*velocity * -1*/, 100); world.addEntity(particle); if ((collideBottom || collideLeft || collideRight || collideTop) && !struckGround) { struckGround = true; stuckLoc = location; } if (struckGround) { timeBeforeExplosion--; if (timeBeforeExplosion % 16 == 0) { world.addEntity(new ParticleGunFlash(location, world, 3)); } if (timeBeforeExplosion <= 0) { SoundManager.getSound("explode_sticky").playWithVariance(0, 1f / Vector2.Distance(location, world.player.location) * 70, (location - world.player.location).X, SoundType.MONSTER); for (int x = -radious; x <= radious; x++) { for (int y = -radious; y <= radious; y++) { Vector2 tileLoc = location + new Vector2(x * Chunk.tileDrawWidth, y * Chunk.tileDrawWidth); Vector2 tileBelowLoc = location + new Vector2(x * Chunk.tileDrawWidth, (y + 1) * Chunk.tileDrawWidth); if (world.getBlock(tileLoc) == null || world.getBlock(tileBelowLoc) == null) { continue; } if (world.getBlock(tileLoc).tags.Contains(TagReferencer.AIR) && world.getBlock(tileBelowLoc).tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID)) { world.placeTile(TileTypeReferencer.SLIME, tileLoc); } //world.addEntity(new ParticleTileBreak(tileLoc, world, new Vector2(), world.getBlock(tileLoc), 150)); } } world.addEntity(new ParticleGunFlash(location, world, 3)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { world.addEntity(new ParticleGunSparks(location, world, new Vector2(), 50)); } world.killEntity(this); } } }
public virtual void transformPlayer(PlayerBase newPlayer) { Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < 40; i++) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(playerLoc + new Vector2(rand.Next(30) - 15, rand.Next(30) - 15), this, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1, (float)rand.NextDouble() * 2 - 1), 100); addEntity(particle); } newPlayer.velocity = player.velocity; addEntity(newPlayer); killEntity(player); player = newPlayer; }
private void spawnSpeedBoostParticles(float bonusSpeed, float directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed) { if (bonusSpeed > 0) { //ensure speed boost particle baseline if (rand.NextDouble() < .1f) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(0, this.height), world, new Vector2(directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed * -5, 0), 100); world.addEntity(particle); } for (int i = 0; i < rand.Next((int)(bonusSpeed * 7)); i++) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(0, this.height), world, new Vector2(directionAndVelocityAsPercentOfSpeed * -5, 0), 100); world.addEntity(particle); } } }
public override void update(GameTime time) { //if the fire has been placed inside a block, move it out. TileType tileOn = world.getBlock(location); TileType tileOnBackground = world.getBackgroundBlock(location); if (tileOn != null && tileOn.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.SOLID)) { TileType tileBelow = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(0, Chunk.tileDrawWidth)); TileType tileAbove = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(0, -Chunk.tileDrawWidth)); TileType tileRight = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0)); TileType tileLeft = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0)); if (tileAbove != null && tileAbove.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.AIR)) { location = location + new Vector2(0, -Chunk.tileDrawWidth); } else if (tileRight != null && tileRight.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.AIR)) { location = location + new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0); } else if (tileLeft != null && tileLeft.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.AIR)) { location = location + new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0); } else if (tileBelow != null && tileBelow.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.AIR)) { location = location + new Vector2(0, Chunk.tileDrawWidth);; } tileOn = world.getBlock(location); } if (world is World && tileOnBackground != null) { if ( == WeatherManager.Weather.RAINY && !tileOnBackground.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.Shelter) || tileOn.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.WATER)) { health--; } } impulse = new Vector2(); ticksExisted++; currentTexSwap--; if (currentTexSwap <= 0) { Texture2D nextTex = Game1.texture_entity_fire[rand.Next(Game1.texture_entity_fire.Length)]; while (nextTex == currentTex) { nextTex = Game1.texture_entity_fire[rand.Next(Game1.texture_entity_fire.Length)]; } currentTex = nextTex; currentTexSwap = texSwapPoint; } if (ticksExisted % 3 == 0) { glowSize = rand.Next(20); } velocity += impulse; //Spawn fire-ey particles world.addEntity(new ParticleGunFlash(location, world, 3)); if (rand.NextDouble() < .1) { ParticleGunSparks sparks = new ParticleGunSparks(location, world, new Vector2(0, -1), 50); sparks.velocity = new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() * .5f - .25f, -1); sparks.gravityMultiplier = -.5f; sparks.width *= .5f; sparks.height *= .5f; sparks.color = Color.Yellow; sparks.deathColor = Color.Yellow; world.addEntity(sparks); } if (rand.NextDouble() < .25) { ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(-width / 4, 0), world, new Vector2((float)rand.NextDouble() - .5f, 0) /*velocity * -1*/, particleDuration); particle.gravityMultiplier = -.15f; particle.width = 20; particle.height = 20; particle.deltaSize = 1.002f; particle.opacityModifier = .4f; world.addEntity(particle); } //spread the fire if (rand.NextDouble() < .01f) { TileType tileBelow = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(0, Chunk.tileDrawWidth)); TileType tileAbove = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(0, -Chunk.tileDrawWidth)); TileType tileRight = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0)); TileType tileLeft = world.getBlock(location + new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0)); //TODO: add spreadable fire /*if(tileBelow.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.FLAMMABLE)) * { * EntityFire fire = new EntityFire(location + new Vector2(0, Chunk.tileDrawWidth), world); * world.addEntity(fire); * } * if (tileAbove.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.FLAMMABLE)) * { * EntityFire fire = new EntityFire(location + new Vector2(0, -Chunk.tileDrawWidth), world); * world.addEntity(fire); * } * if (tileRight.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.FLAMMABLE)) * { * EntityFire fire = new EntityFire(location + new Vector2(Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0), world); * world.addEntity(fire); * } * if (tileLeft.tags.Contains(TagReferencer.FLAMMABLE)) * { * EntityFire fire = new EntityFire(location + new Vector2(-Chunk.tileDrawWidth, 0), world); * world.addEntity(fire); * }*/ } collideBottom = false; collideLeft = false; collideRight = false; collideTop = false; /*foreach(Entity victim in world.entities) * { * if(!victim.Equals(this) && getCollisionBox().Intersects(victim.getCollisionBox())) * { * victim.damage(3, this, Vector2.Normalize(world.player.location - location) + new Vector2(0, -1)); * } * }*/ if (health <= 0 || Vector2.Distance(location, world.player.location) > 2000) { world.killEntity(this); } }
public override void prePhysicsUpdate(GameTime time) { base.prePhysicsUpdate(time); ParticleSpeedBoost particle = new ParticleSpeedBoost(location + new Vector2(-width / 2, height / 2), world, new Vector2() /*velocity * -1*/, 100); world.addEntity(particle); if ((collideBottom || collideLeft || collideRight || collideTop) && !stuck) { stuck = true; stuckLoc = location; } if (stuck) { impulse = new Vector2(); velocity = new Vector2(); location = stuckLoc; timeBeforeExplosion--; if (timeBeforeExplosion % 16 == 0) { world.addEntity(new ParticleGunFlash(location + new Vector2(-20, -20), world, 3)); } if (timeBeforeExplosion <= 0) { SoundManager.getSound("explode").playWithVariance(0, 1f / Vector2.Distance(location, world.player.location) * 70, (location - world.player.location).X, SoundType.MONSTER); for (int x = -radious; x <= radious; x++) { for (int y = -radious; y <= radious; y++) { Vector2 tileLoc = location + new Vector2(x * Chunk.tileDrawWidth, y * Chunk.tileDrawWidth); TileType destroyedTileType = world.getBlock(tileLoc); if (destroyedTileType != null) { world.addEntity(new ParticleTileBreak(tileLoc, world, new Vector2(), destroyedTileType, 150)); world.placeTile(TileTypeReferencer.AIR, tileLoc); } } } world.addEntity(new ParticleGunFlash(location, world, 3)); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { world.addEntity(new ParticleGunSparks(location, world, new Vector2(), 50)); } foreach (Entity entity in world.entities) { if (Vector2.Distance(entity.location, this.location) < radious * Chunk.tileDrawWidth) { entity.damage(40, this, Vector2.Normalize(entity.location - this.location) * 40); } } world.shakeScreen(50, 400); world.killEntity(this); } } }