Esempio n. 1
        private void OnConduitClosurePlaced(ConduitClosureInfo conduitClosureInfo, ConduitClosurePlaced @event)
            conduitClosureInfo.Id = @event.ConduitClosureId;
            conduitClosureInfo.PointOfInterestId = @event.PointOfInterestId;

            // Add four sides
            conduitClosureInfo.Sides = new List <ConduitClosureSideInfo>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                conduitClosureInfo.Sides.Add(new ConduitClosureSideInfo()
                    Position = (ConduitClosureInfoSide)i + 1,
                    Ports    = new List <ConduitClosurePortInfo>()

Esempio n. 2
        public ConduitClosure(Guid conduitClosureId, Guid pointOfInterestId, IRouteNetworkState routeNetworkQueryService, IConduitNetworkQueryService conduitNetworkQueryService, IConduitClosureRepository conduitClosureRepository) : this()
            // Id check
            if (conduitClosureId == null || conduitClosureId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("ConduitClosureId cannot be null or empty");

            // Point of interest id check
            if (pointOfInterestId == null || pointOfInterestId == Guid.Empty)
                throw new ArgumentException("PointOfInterestId cannot be null or empty");

            // Check that point of interest (node) exists
            if (!routeNetworkQueryService.CheckIfRouteNodeIdExists(pointOfInterestId))
                throw new ArgumentException("PointOfInterestId: " + pointOfInterestId + " not found in the route network.");

            // Check that conduit closure do not already exists
            if (conduitClosureRepository.CheckIfConduitClosureAlreadyExists(conduitClosureId))
                throw new ArgumentException("A conduit closure with id: " + conduitClosureId + " already exists.");

            // Check that a conduit closure is not already added to point of interest. This is not allowed, each conduit closure must be placed in its own node.
            if (conduitClosureRepository.CheckIfRouteNodeContainsConduitClosure(pointOfInterestId))
                throw new ArgumentException("A conduit closure: " + conduitClosureRepository.GetConduitClosureInfoByRouteNodeId(pointOfInterestId).Id + " is already placed in the specified point of interest (route node): " + pointOfInterestId + " Only one conduit closure is allowed per point of interest (route node).");

            var conduitClosurePlaced = new ConduitClosurePlaced()
                ConduitClosureId  = conduitClosureId,
                PointOfInterestId = pointOfInterestId

Esempio n. 3
 private void Apply(ConduitClosurePlaced @event)
     Id = @event.ConduitClosureId;
     _pointOfInterestId = @event.PointOfInterestId;