public void Collision(ComponentPosition positionComponent, ComponentCollision collisionComponent, ComponentVelocity velocityComponent, ComponentPosition fpositionComponent, ComponentCollision fcollisionComponent, ComponentVelocity fvelocityComponent) { var still = Vector3.Zero; if (positionComponent.Position.X > fpositionComponent.Position.X - 1 && positionComponent.Position.X < fpositionComponent.Position.X + 1 && positionComponent.Position.Y > fpositionComponent.Position.Y - 1 && positionComponent.Position.Y < fpositionComponent.Position.Y + 1) { if (velocityComponent.Velocity == up) { positionComponent.Position += downfix; velocityComponent.Velocity = still; } else if (velocityComponent.Velocity == down) { positionComponent.Position += upfix; velocityComponent.Velocity = still; } else if (velocityComponent.Velocity == right) { positionComponent.Position += leftfix; velocityComponent.Velocity = still; } else if (velocityComponent.Velocity == left) { positionComponent.Position += rightfix; velocityComponent.Velocity = still; } } }
/// <summary> /// Returns the Vector3 position of this entity /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public Vector3 GetPosition() { List <IComponent> compList = this.Components; ComponentPosition compPos = (ComponentPosition)compList[0]; return(compPos.Position); }
/// <summary> /// Creates and intialises all systems required for this game scene /// </summary> private void CreateSystems() { ISystem newSystem; // Creates the system to calculate the SkyBox newSystem = new SystemSkyBox(ref; systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); // Creates an array of light point for use in SystemRenderer Vector3[] array = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(G1X, 13.0f, 10.0f), new Vector3(G2X, 13.0f, 10.0f) }; // Creates the system to calculate all the rendering (including lighting) newSystem = new SystemRender(ref, array); systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); // Creates the system to handle all collision on X&Y axis (Sets object to check collision against to banana) ComponentPosition pos = (ComponentPosition)entityManager.FindEntity("Banana").FindComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION); newSystem = new SystemColliderXY(ref entityManager, pos); systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); // Creates the system to handle the animation of game objects newSystem = new SystemAnimator(); systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); }
private bool TryParseComponentPosition(string s, FileRange range, out ComponentPosition componentPosition, out string remaining) { if (s.StartsWith("_Start", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { componentPosition = ComponentPosition.Start; remaining = s.Substring("_Start".Length); return(true); } else if (s.StartsWith("_Middle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { componentPosition = ComponentPosition.Middle; remaining = s.Substring("_Middle".Length); return(true); } else if (s.StartsWith("_End", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { componentPosition = ComponentPosition.End; remaining = s.Substring("_End".Length); return(true); } else { _logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, range, $"Invalid point '{s}' (expected a string beginning with '_Start', '_Middle' or '_End'", null); componentPosition = ComponentPosition.Absolute; remaining = null; return(false); } }
private void FollowPath(ComponentVelocity vel, ComponentPosition pos) { int p = 0; if (path[p + 1].Position.X == path[p].Position.X) { if (path[p + 1].Position.Y < path[p].Position.Y) { vel.Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, -droneSpeed); } else { vel.Velocity = new Vector3(0, 0, droneSpeed); } } else if (path[p + 1].Position.Y == path[p].Position.Y) { if (path[p + 1].Position.X < path[p].Position.X) { vel.Velocity = new Vector3(-droneSpeed, 0, 0); } else { vel.Velocity = new Vector3(droneSpeed, 0, 0); } } Vector2 v = new Vector2(pos.Position.X, pos.Position.Z); if (v == path[p + 1].Position) { p++; } }
public void Collision(ref Entity entity, ref ComponentPosition position, ref ComponentCollisionSphere coll) { if ((position.Position - camera.cameraPosition).Length < coll.Radius + camera.Radius) { collisionManager.CollisionBetweenCamera(ref entity, COLLISIONTYPE.SPHERE_SPHERE); } }
private void Animation(ComponentPosition position, ComponentDirection direction, ComponentAnimation animation) { float currentTime = animation.CurrentTime; float period = animation.Period; float dt = SceneManager.dt; float timeOver = 0.0f; currentTime += dt; if (currentTime > period) { timeOver = (currentTime - period) % period; animation.CurrentTime = timeOver; } else { animation.CurrentTime = currentTime; } AnimationType type = animation.Type; if (type == AnimationType.ROTATION_Y) { Matrix3 rot = Matrix3.CreateRotationY(DegreeToRadians(360 / period) * SceneManager.dt); direction.Direction = rot * direction.Direction; } else if (type == AnimationType.OSCILLATION_Y) { float angle = (currentTime / period) * 360; float height = (float)Math.Cos(angle / 180 * Math.PI); Vector3 positionV = position.Position; positionV.Y = position.StartPosition.Y + animation.MaxHeight * (-(height - 1) / 2f); position.Position = positionV; } }
public void Motion(ComponentVelocity vel, ComponentPosition pos) { pos.Position = pos.Position + vel.Velocity * CoolGameBase.dt; //Console.WriteLine("Position of Drone: " + pos.Position); //Console.WriteLine("Velocity of Drone: " + vel.Velocity); }
public void Collision(ref Entity entity, ref ComponentPosition position, ref ComponentCollisionLine coll) { if (CameraCollision(ref entity, ref position, ref coll)) { collisionManager.CollisionBetweenCamera(ref entity, COLLISIONTYPE.LINE_LINE); } }
public void OnAction(Entity entity) { if ((entity.Mask & MASK) == MASK) { List <IComponent> components = entity.Components; IComponent audioComponent = components.Find(delegate(IComponent component) { return(component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_AUDIO); }); ComponentAudio audio = (ComponentAudio)audioComponent; IComponent positionComponent = components.Find(delegate(IComponent component) { return(component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION); }); ComponentPosition position = (ComponentPosition)positionComponent; IComponent velocityComponent = components.Find(delegate(IComponent component) { return(component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_VELOCITY || component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_ARTIFICIAL_INTELLIGENCE); }); Audio(ref audio, ref position, ref velocityComponent); } }
public void Motion(ComponentPosition position, float velocity, ComponentDirection direction) { Matrix3 rot = Matrix3.CreateRotationY(DegreeToRadians(direction.DirectionChange) * SceneManager.dt); direction.Direction = rot * direction.Direction; position.Position += direction.Direction * velocity * SceneManager.dt; }
public XmlComponentPoint( ComponentPosition relativeToX, ComponentPosition relativeToY, IEnumerable <IXmlComponentPointOffset> offsets) { RelativeToX = relativeToX; RelativeToY = relativeToY; Offsets = offsets.ToList(); }
public void ItemCollision(ComponentPosition positionComponent, ComponentCollision collisionComponent, ComponentVelocity velocityComponent, ComponentPosition fpositionComponent, ComponentCollision fcollisionComponent, ComponentVelocity fvelocityComponent, Entity item, ComponentAudio faudioComponent, ComponentTexture ftextureComponent) { if (positionComponent.Position.X > fpositionComponent.Position.X - 1 && positionComponent.Position.X < fpositionComponent.Position.X + 1 && positionComponent.Position.Y > fpositionComponent.Position.Y - 1 && positionComponent.Position.Y < fpositionComponent.Position.Y + 1 && ftextureComponent.Texture != 0) { faudioComponent.Start(); ftextureComponent.remove(); fpositionComponent.Position = offscreen; } }
public static ComponentPoint ReadComponentPoint(this System.IO.BinaryReader reader) { ComponentPosition relX = (ComponentPosition)reader.ReadUInt32(); ComponentPosition relY = (ComponentPosition)reader.ReadUInt32(); double offsetX = reader.ReadDouble(); double offsetY = reader.ReadDouble(); return(new ComponentPoint(relX, relY, new Vector(offsetX, offsetY))); }
/// <summary> /// Works out which 1x1 unit tiles of the map can be walked on by the AI /// </summary> void CalculateTraversableTiles() { // This method works in a similar idea to battleships to set units in the // 2D grid to say if something is there or not, in this case it will be true if its clear, false if its blocked //Entity[] test = Collidables; for (int x = 0; x < Traversable.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int z = 0; z < Traversable.GetLength(1); z++) { Traversable[x, z] = true; } } foreach (Entity entity in Collidables) { ComponentTransform t = (ComponentTransform)entity.Components.Find(delegate(IComponent component) { return(component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_TRANSFORM); }); ComponentPosition p = (ComponentPosition)entity.Components.Find(delegate(IComponent component) { return(component.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION); }); // Works out position of each entity and the starting point of the shape (e.g. position is centra of entity) Vector3 scale = new Vector3(t.Transform.ExtractScale().X, 0.0f, t.Transform.ExtractScale().Z); Vector3 start = new Vector3((p.Position.X - (scale.X)), 0.0f, (p.Position.Z - (scale.Z))); // Offset changes from world coords to grid coords (e.g. a 50x50 world would centre at 0,0 but grid centre would be 25,25) int xOffset = (int)start.X + (mWidth / 2); int zOffset = (int)start.Z + (mHeight / 2); if (!(xOffset >= Traversable.GetLength(0)) && !(zOffset > Traversable.GetLength(1)) && !(xOffset < 0) && !(zOffset < 0)) { // This sets units where a collidable entity is to false to say the AI cannot traverse this unit for (int x = xOffset; x < (xOffset + t.Transform.ExtractScale().X * 2); x++) { for (int z = zOffset; z < (zOffset + t.Transform.ExtractScale().Z * 2); z++) { float xSize = (Traversable.GetLength(0)) - 2; float zSize = (Traversable.GetLength(1)) - 2; xSize++; zSize++; if (!(x <= 0) && !(x >= xSize) && !(z <= 0) && !(z >= zSize)) { // This creates the cube for AI to avoid apposed to avoid just a single vertex Traversable[z, x + 1] = false; Traversable[z + 1, x] = false; Traversable[z + 1, x + 1] = false; } Traversable[z, x] = false; } } } } }
public void Set(ComponentAudio audio, ComponentPosition pos) { audio.Gpos = pos.Position; Matrix world = Matrix.CreateTranslation(audio.Gpos); Matrix wvp = world * CoolGameBase.view * CoolGameBase.projection; audio.setPos = Vector3.Transform(pos.Position, wvp); audio.updateA(); }
public void Motion(ComponentPosition pPos, ComponentVelocity pVel, ComponentAI pAI, string name) { // Updates the target with the most recent player position if (targetIsPlayer) { pAI.Target = mCamera.Position; } // Checks if the AI has found its target and skips search code for efficency if (RoundVectorPosition(pPos.Position).Xz == pAI.Target.Xz) { return; } // Checks if the AI's target is within map boundaries if (!(pAI.Target.X < (mWidth / 2) && !(pAI.Target.X > (mWidth / 2)) && pAI.Target.Z < (mHeight / 2) && !(pAI.Target.Z > (mHeight / 2)))) { return; } // Makes sure target is in a traversable area if (!Traversable[(int)pAI.Target.Z + (mHeight / 2), (int)pAI.Target.X + (mWidth / 2)]) { return; } if (pAI.Path.Length > 0 && pAI.ogTarget == pAI.Target) { // Path following Vector3 direction = pAI.Path[0] - pPos.Position; pPos.Position += direction * pVel.Veclotiy * deltaTime; } else { // Updates path finding pAI.ogTarget = pAI.Target; pAI.Path = ASPath(RoundVectorPosition(pPos.Position), RoundVectorPosition(pAI.Target)); // Path following if (pAI.Path.Length <= 0) { // Path finding failed return; } Vector3 direction = pAI.Path[0] - pPos.Position; pPos.Position += direction * pVel.Veclotiy * deltaTime; } // Check to see if AI has hit closest point in path and removes it if true so it can follow the next point if (RoundVectorPosition(pPos.Position) == pAI.Path[0]) { pAI.Path = pAI.Path.Skip(1).ToArray(); } }
public ComponentPointTemplate(ComponentPosition xPosition, ComponentPosition yPosition, IReadOnlyList <IModifierToken> xModifiers, IReadOnlyList <IModifierToken> yModifiers) { XPosition = xPosition; YPosition = yPosition; XModifiers = xModifiers; YModifiers = yModifiers; XVariables = xModifiers.Where(t => t is DefinitionModifierToken).Cast <DefinitionModifierToken>().Select(t => t.Name); YVariables = yModifiers.Where(t => t is DefinitionModifierToken).Cast <DefinitionModifierToken>().Select(t => t.Name); Variables = XVariables.Concat(YVariables); }
/// <summary> /// Initialize logger /// </summary> /// <param name="props">Collection which has logger configuration</param> public FileLogging(IDictionary <string, string> props) { this.dateTimeKeyValuePair = new Dictionary <string, string>(); this.componentPosition = (ComponentPosition)int.Parse(props["componentPositionInFileName"]); this.isDirectoryPerComponent = Convert.ToBoolean(props["directoryRequiredPerComponent"]); this.maxFileSize = Convert.ToInt64(props["filesize"]) * 1024; this.fileNameFormat = props["format"]; this.messageArray = props["data"].Split(new char[] { '[', ']' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); this.LogLevel = (LogLevel)int.Parse(props["logLevel"]); this.extension = props["fileExtension"]; this.formatArray = fileNameFormat.Split(new char[] { '[', ']' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); this.logFileHandler = new Dictionary <string, KeyValue <string, long> >(); }
private void CreateSystems() { ISystem newSystem; ComponentPosition pos = (ComponentPosition)entityManager.FindEntity("Banana").FindComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION); newSystem = new SystemRender(); systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); newSystem = new SystemCollision(pos.Position); systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); newSystem = new SystemPhysics(ref; systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); newSystem = new SystemSkyBox(ref; systemManager.AddSystem(newSystem); }
private void MoveAi(Vector3 playerPos, ComponentPosition ghostPos, Vector3 vel) { if (ghostPos.Position.Xz != playerPos.Xz) { if (ghostPos.Position.Z < playerPos.Z) { vel.Z = playerPos.Z * -1; } else { vel.Z = playerPos.Z; } ghostPos.Position += vel * GameScene.dt; } }
public void TestParseCombinedAxes(string input, ComponentPosition expectedRelativeTo, double expectedXOffset, double expectedYOffset) { bool success = _parser.TryParse(input, new FileRange(), out var result); Assert.That(success, Is.True); Assert.That(result.RelativeToX, Is.EqualTo(expectedRelativeTo)); Assert.That(result.RelativeToY, Is.EqualTo(expectedRelativeTo)); double xOffset = result.Offsets.Cast <XmlComponentPointOffset>().Where(x => x.Axis == OffsetAxis.X).Sum(x => x.Offset); double yOffset = result.Offsets.Cast <XmlComponentPointOffset>().Where(x => x.Axis == OffsetAxis.Y).Sum(x => x.Offset); Assert.That(xOffset, Is.EqualTo(expectedXOffset)); Assert.That(yOffset, Is.EqualTo(expectedYOffset)); }
public void Collide(ComponentPosition pPos, ComponentTransform transform) { float xOffset = pPos.Position.X + (transform.Transform.ExtractScale().X / 2); float sxOffset = pPos.Position.X - (transform.Transform.ExtractScale().X / 2); float zOffset = pPos.Position.Z + (transform.Transform.ExtractScale().Z / 2); float szOffset = pPos.Position.Z - (transform.Transform.ExtractScale().Z / 2); if (mObject.X >= sxOffset && mObject.X <= xOffset) { if (mObject.Z > szOffset && mObject.Z < zOffset) { Console.WriteLine("Collision Detected"); } } }
public void Audio(ref ComponentAudio audio, ref ComponentPosition position, ref IComponent velocity) { if (velocity.ComponentType == ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_VELOCITY) { audio.Velocity = ((ComponentVelocity)velocity).Velocity; } else { audio.Velocity = ((ComponentArtificialIntelligence)velocity).Velocity; } audio.Position = position.Position; AL.Source(audio.Source, ALSource3f.Position, audio.Position.X, audio.Position.Y, audio.Position.Z); AL.Source(audio.Source, ALSource3f.Velocity, audio.Velocity.X, audio.Velocity.Y, audio.Velocity.Z); AL.DopplerFactor(17f); }
private void PlayerDetection(ComponentPosition pos, ComponentVelocity vel, AIStates state) { if (state == AIStates.Wandering) { Vector2 AIpos = new Vector2(pos.Position.X, pos.Position.Z); Vector2 v = MyGame.NewCameraPosition - AIpos; float dot = MyGame.DotProduct(v.Normalized(), AIpos.Normalized()); if (dot > 0.7) { droneSpeed = 0.8f; } else { droneSpeed = 0.5f; } } }
public SystemColliderXY(ref EntityManager entityManager, ComponentPosition pPosition) { // Used to gain player position mPosition = pPosition; LastPosition = mPosition.Position; // Makes a list of all collidable entities and works out the last entity that will be checked // This is used at the end of the collision test to update the LastPosition vector EntityNameList = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < entityManager.EntityNameList().Length; i++) { Entity value = entityManager.FindEntity(entityManager.EntityNameList()[i]); if ((value.Mask & MASK) == MASK) { EntityNameList.Add(value.Name); } } LastEntityToCheck = EntityNameList[EntityNameList.Count - 1]; }
public void food(ComponentPosition pos, Vector3 foodPos, Entity ent, WallCollisions end, ComponentAudio audio, string foodType) { Vector3 pacPos = pos.Position; if (timer >= 0) { if (timer > 0) { timer += GameScene.dt; } if (timer >= 1000 && power.Name == ent.Name) { timer = 0; audio.Stop(); EntityManager.Remove(ent); } } if (end.overCollsion(pacPos, foodPos)) { if (foodType == "power") { if (power != ent && timer > 10) { return; } timer = 0; timer += GameScene.dt; power = ent; } audio.Start(); if (foodType != "power") { EntityManager.Remove(ent); foodCount++; if (end.getFood() + 1 == foodCount) { GameScene.endGame = true; } } } }
private void Motion(ComponentPosition positions, Vector3 velocity, Geometry geom, Vector3 objPos, string collisionType, WallCollisions wallCol) { Vector3 newpos = positions.Position; Vector3 newvel = velocity * 15; newpos += newvel * GameScene.dt; checkCollsion(newpos, geom, objPos, collisionType, ref velocity, wallCol); if (hit != true && wallCol.getlength() == i) { positions.Position += (velocity * GameScene.dt); } else if (wallCol.getlength() == i) { velocity *= -1; positions.Position += (velocity * GameScene.dt); hit = false; } }
public override void OnUpdate(float pDelta) { List <Entity> bullets = (_sceneManager.Scenes["Main"].Entities.FindAll(delegate(Entity e) { return(e.Name.Contains("Bullet") == true); })); foreach (var bullet in bullets) { if (bullet != null) { ComponentPosition position = bullet.GetComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION) as ComponentPosition; ComponentVelocity velocity = bullet.GetComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_VELOCITY) as ComponentVelocity; position.Position = position.Position + (velocity.Velocity * _bulletSpeed) * pDelta; } } base.OnUpdate(pDelta); }
/// <summary> /// Method to organise the ghost AI target points /// </summary> private void ManageGhostTargets() { // For every ghost in the system AI update its target for (int i = 0; i < NumberOfGhost; i++) { // Gets access to the AI componet and position component to update their values for each AI ComponentAI Ai = (ComponentAI)entityManager.FindEntityWithMask(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_AI)[i].FindComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_AI); ComponentPosition Pos = (ComponentPosition)entityManager.FindEntityWithMask(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION)[i].FindComponent(ComponentTypes.COMPONENT_POSITION); // If the player is powered up the the target should be the ghost start (makes them run away from the player) if (isPowerUp) { Ai.Target = StartPosition_Ghost; } // If the player is not powered up then the target is the player (the ghosts be hungery) else { Ai.Target = RoundVector(; } } }
public ComponentPoint(ComponentPosition relativeToX, ComponentPosition relativeToY, Vector offset) { RelativeToX = relativeToX; RelativeToY = relativeToY; Offset = offset; }