private protected virtual string GetFocusedCommentText(IFocusCommentFocus commentFocus)
            IFocusCommentCellView CellView = commentFocus.CellView;
            Document Documentation         = CellView.StateView.State.Node.Documentation;

        /// <summary>
        /// Measures a cell created with this frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="measureContext">The context used to measure the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="cellView">The cell to measure.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionWithSeparator">A collection that can draw separators around the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="referenceContainer">The cell view in <paramref name="collectionWithSeparator"/> that contains this cell.</param>
        /// <param name="separatorLength">The length of the separator in <paramref name="collectionWithSeparator"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The cell size upon return, padding included.</param>
        /// <param name="padding">The cell padding.</param>
        public virtual void Measure(ILayoutMeasureContext measureContext, ILayoutCellView cellView, ILayoutCellViewCollection collectionWithSeparator, ILayoutCellView referenceContainer, Measure separatorLength, out Size size, out Padding padding)
            padding = Padding.Empty;

            ILayoutCommentCellView CommentCellView = cellView as ILayoutCommentCellView;

            Debug.Assert(CommentCellView != null);
            string Text = CommentHelper.Get(CommentCellView.Documentation);

            CommentDisplayModes DisplayMode = cellView.StateView.ControllerView.CommentDisplayMode;

            Debug.Assert(DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus || DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All);

            bool IsFocused = cellView.StateView.ControllerView.Focus.CellView == cellView;

            if (IsFocused && Text == null)
                Text = string.Empty;

            bool IsDisplayed = Text != null && ((DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus && IsFocused) || DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All);

            if (IsDisplayed)
                size = measureContext.MeasureText(Text, TextStyles.Comment, Controller.Measure.Floating);
                size = Size.Empty;

        private void CutOrDelete(IDataObject dataObject, out bool isDeleted)
            isDeleted = false;

            string Content = CommentHelper.Get(StateView.State.Node.Documentation);

            Debug.Assert(Content != null);
            Debug.Assert(Start <= End);
            Debug.Assert(End <= Content.Length);

            if (Start < End)
                if (dataObject != null)
                    dataObject.SetData(typeof(string), Content.Substring(Start, End - Start));

                Content = Content.Substring(0, Start) + Content.Substring(End);

                FocusController Controller       = StateView.ControllerView.Controller;
                int             OldCaretPosition = StateView.ControllerView.CaretPosition;
                int             NewCaretPosition = Start;
                Controller.ChangeCommentAndCaretPosition(StateView.State.ParentIndex, Content, OldCaretPosition, NewCaretPosition, true);

                isDeleted = true;
Esempio n. 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Create cells for the provided state view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context used to build the cell view tree.</param>
        /// <param name="parentCellView">The parent cell view.</param>
        public virtual IFrameCellView BuildNodeCells(IFrameCellViewTreeContext context, IFrameCellViewCollection parentCellView)
            IDocument Documentation = context.StateView.State.Node.Documentation;
            string    Text          = CommentHelper.Get(Documentation);

            if (IsDisplayed(context, Text))
                IFrameVisibleCellView CellView = CreateCommentCellView(context.StateView, parentCellView, context.StateView.State.Node.Documentation);
                ValidateVisibleCellView(context, CellView);

                if (context.StateView.State is IFrameOptionalNodeState AsOptionalNodeState)

                IFrameEmptyCellView CellView = CreateEmptyCellView(context.StateView, parentCellView);
                ValidateEmptyCellView(context, CellView);

Esempio n. 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Force the comment attached to the node with the focus to show, if empty, and move the focus to this comment.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void ForceShowComment(out bool isMoved)
            IFocusNodeState State = Focus.CellView.StateView.State;
            Document        Documentation;

            if (State is IFocusOptionalNodeState AsOptionalNodeState)
                Documentation = AsOptionalNodeState.Node.Documentation;
                Documentation = State.Node.Documentation;

            isMoved = false;
            ulong OldFocusHash = FocusHash;

            if (!(Focus is IFocusCommentFocus))
                string Text = CommentHelper.Get(Documentation);
                if (Text == null)
                    IFocusNodeStateView StateView = Focus.CellView.StateView;
                    ForcedCommentStateView = StateView;

                    Debug.Assert(ForcedCommentStateView == null);

                    for (int i = 0; i < FocusChain.Count; i++)
                        if (FocusChain[i] is IFocusCommentFocus AsCommentFocus && AsCommentFocus.CellView.StateView == StateView)
                            int OldFocusIndex = FocusChain.IndexOf(Focus);
                            Debug.Assert(OldFocusIndex >= 0); // The old focus must have been preserved.

                            int NewFocusIndex = i;

                            ChangeFocus(NewFocusIndex - OldFocusIndex, OldFocusIndex, NewFocusIndex, true, out bool IsRefreshed);
                            Debug.Assert(!IsRefreshed); // Refresh must not be done twice.

                            isMoved = true;


            if (isMoved)

            Debug.Assert(isMoved || OldFocusHash == FocusHash);
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the selection in the clipboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataObject">The clipboard data object that can already contain other custom formats.</param>
        public override void Copy(IDataObject dataObject)
            string Content = CommentHelper.Get(StateView.State.Node.Documentation);

            Debug.Assert(Content != null);
            Debug.Assert(Start <= End);
            Debug.Assert(End <= Content.Length);

            dataObject.SetData(typeof(string), Content.Substring(Start, End - Start));
Esempio n. 7
        private protected void DrawCommentCaret(ILayoutCommentFocus commentFocus)
            ILayoutCommentCellView CellView = commentFocus.CellView;
            string Text = CommentHelper.Get(CellView.Documentation);

            if (Text == null)
                Text = string.Empty;

            Point   CellOrigin  = CellView.CellOrigin;
            Padding CellPadding = CellView.CellPadding;

            Point OriginWithPadding = CellOrigin.Moved(CellPadding.Left, CellPadding.Top);

            DrawContext.ShowCaret(OriginWithPadding, Text, TextStyles.Comment, ActualCaretMode, CaretPosition);
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a cell created with this frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="drawContext">The context used to draw the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="cellView">The cell to draw.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The location where to start drawing.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The drawing size, padding included.</param>
        /// <param name="padding">The padding to use when drawing.</param>
        public virtual void Draw(ILayoutDrawContext drawContext, ILayoutCellView cellView, Point origin, Size size, Padding padding)
            ILayoutCommentCellView CommentCellView = cellView as ILayoutCommentCellView;

            Debug.Assert(CommentCellView != null);
            string Text = CommentHelper.Get(CommentCellView.Documentation);

            CommentDisplayModes DisplayMode = cellView.StateView.ControllerView.CommentDisplayMode;

            Debug.Assert(DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus || DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All);

            bool IsFocused = cellView.StateView.ControllerView.Focus.CellView == cellView;

            if (IsFocused && Text == null)
                Text = string.Empty;

            if (Text != null)
                if ((DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus && IsFocused) || DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All)
                    Point OriginWithPadding = origin.Moved(padding.Left, padding.Top);
                    drawContext.DrawTextBackground(Text, OriginWithPadding, TextStyles.Comment);

                    LayoutControllerView ControllerView = cellView.StateView.ControllerView;
                    if (ControllerView.Selection is ILayoutCommentSelection AsCommentSelection && AsCommentSelection.StateView == cellView.StateView)
                        int Start = AsCommentSelection.Start;
                        int End   = AsCommentSelection.End;
                        Debug.Assert(Start <= End);

                        drawContext.DrawSelectionText(Text, OriginWithPadding, TextStyles.Comment, Start, End);

                    drawContext.DrawText(Text, OriginWithPadding, TextStyles.Comment, isFocused: false); // The caret is drawn separately.
                else if (DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus && cellView.StateView.ControllerView.ShowUnfocusedComments)
                    drawContext.DrawCommentIcon(new Rect(cellView.CellOrigin, Size.Empty));
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints a cell created with this frame.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="printContext">The context used to print the cell.</param>
        /// <param name="cellView">The cell to print.</param>
        /// <param name="origin">The location where to start printing.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The printing size, padding included.</param>
        /// <param name="padding">The padding to use when printing.</param>
        public virtual void Print(ILayoutPrintContext printContext, ILayoutCellView cellView, Point origin, Size size, Padding padding)
            ILayoutCommentCellView CommentCellView = cellView as ILayoutCommentCellView;

            Debug.Assert(CommentCellView != null);
            string Text = CommentHelper.Get(CommentCellView.Documentation);

            if (Text != null)
                CommentDisplayModes DisplayMode = cellView.StateView.ControllerView.CommentDisplayMode;
                Debug.Assert(DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.OnFocus || DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All);

                if (DisplayMode == CommentDisplayModes.All)
                    Point OriginWithPadding = origin.Moved(padding.Left, padding.Top);
                    printContext.PrintText(Text, OriginWithPadding, TextStyles.Comment);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create cells for the provided state view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Context used to build the cell view tree.</param>
        /// <param name="parentCellView">The collection of cell views containing this view. Null for the root of the cell tree.</param>
        public virtual IFrameCellView BuildBlockCells(IFrameCellViewTreeContext context, IFrameCellViewCollection parentCellView)
            IDocument Documentation = context.BlockStateView.BlockState.ChildBlock.Documentation;
            string    Text          = CommentHelper.Get(Documentation);

            if (IsDisplayed(context, Text))
                IFrameVisibleCellView CellView = CreateCommentCellView(context.StateView, parentCellView, Documentation);
                ValidateVisibleCellView(context, CellView);

                IFrameEmptyCellView CellView = CreateEmptyCellView(context.StateView, parentCellView);
                ValidateEmptyCellView(context, CellView);

        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces the selection with the content of the clipboard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isChanged">True if something was replaced or added.</param>
        public override void Paste(out bool isChanged)
            isChanged = false;

            if (ClipboardHelper.TryReadText(out string Text) && Text.Length > 0)
                string Content = CommentHelper.Get(StateView.State.Node.Documentation);
                Debug.Assert(Content != null);
                Debug.Assert(Start <= End);
                Debug.Assert(End <= Content.Length);

                Content = Content.Substring(0, Start) + Text + Content.Substring(End);

                FocusController Controller       = StateView.ControllerView.Controller;
                int             OldCaretPosition = StateView.ControllerView.CaretPosition;
                int             NewCaretPosition = Start + Text.Length;
                Controller.ChangeCommentAndCaretPosition(StateView.State.ParentIndex, Content, OldCaretPosition, NewCaretPosition, false);

                isChanged = true;
Esempio n. 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Prints the selection.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Print()
            LayoutControllerView ControllerView = StateView.ControllerView;

            Debug.Assert(ControllerView.PrintContext != null);


            ILayoutTemplateSet             TemplateSet   = ControllerView.TemplateSet;
            IList <FocusFrameSelectorList> SelectorStack = StateView.GetSelectorStack();
            ILayoutCommentFrame            Frame         = (ILayoutCommentFrame)TemplateSet.GetCommentFrame(StateView.State, SelectorStack);

            Debug.Assert(Frame != null);

            string Text = CommentHelper.Get(StateView.State.Node.Documentation);

            Debug.Assert(Text != null);

            Debug.Assert(Start <= End);
            Debug.Assert(End <= Text.Length);

            Frame.Print(ControllerView.PrintContext, Text.Substring(Start, End - Start), Point.Origin);