Esempio n. 1
        private int?Execute(CliContext context)
            RootSchema   root  = context.RootSchema;
            CommandInput input = context.Input;

            // Try to get the command matching the input or fallback to default
            bool          hasDefaultDirective = input.HasDirective(BuiltInDirectives.Default);
            CommandSchema commandSchema       = root.TryFindCommand(input.CommandName, hasDefaultDirective) ?? StubDefaultCommand.Schema;

            // TODO: is it poossible to overcome this (related to [!]) limitation of new mode system
            // Forbid to execute real default command in interactive mode without [!] directive.
            //if (!(commandSchema.IsHelpOptionAvailable && input.IsHelpOptionSpecified) &&
            //    _applicationLifetime.CurrentModeType == typeof(InteractiveMode) &&
            //    commandSchema.IsDefault && !hasDefaultDirective)
            //    commandSchema = StubDefaultCommand.Schema;

            // Update CommandSchema
            context.CommandSchema = commandSchema;

            // Get command instance (also used in help text)
            ICommand instance = GetCommandInstance(commandSchema);

            context.Command = instance;

            // To avoid instantiating the command twice, we need to get default values
            // before the arguments are bound to the properties
            IReadOnlyDictionary <ArgumentSchema, object?> defaultValues = commandSchema.GetArgumentValues(instance);

            context.CommandDefaultValues = defaultValues;

Esempio n. 2
        private int?Execute(CliContext context)
            RootSchema   root  = context.RootSchema;
            CommandInput input = context.Input;

            // Try to get the command matching the input or fallback to default
            bool          hasDefaultDirective = input.HasDirective(BuiltInDirectives.Default);
            CommandSchema command             = root.TryFindCommand(input.CommandName, hasDefaultDirective) ?? StubDefaultCommand.Schema;

            // Forbid to execute real default command in interactive mode without [!] directive.
            if (!(command.IsHelpOptionAvailable && input.IsHelpOptionSpecified) &&
                context.IsInteractiveMode && command.IsDefault && !hasDefaultDirective)
                command = StubDefaultCommand.Schema;

            // Update CommandSchema
            context.CommandSchema = command;
