Esempio n. 1
        public double GetScore(IChessBoard board, ChessColor sideToDraw)
            // get allied pieces and calculate the score
            double allyScore  = board.GetPiecesOfColor(sideToDraw).Select(x => getPieceScore(board, x.Position)).Sum();
            double enemyScore = board.GetPiecesOfColor(sideToDraw.Opponent()).Select(x => getPieceScore(board, x.Position)).Sum();

            // calculate the relative score: the own score compared to the opponent's score
            return(allyScore - enemyScore);
Esempio n. 2
        private IEnumerable <ChessDraw> getRochadeDraws(IChessBoard board, ChessColor drawingSide)
            // TODO: do optimizations!!!

            // get enemy capturable positions
            var enemyKing = (drawingSide == ChessColor.White) ? board.BlackKing : board.WhiteKing;
            var enemyCapturablePositions =
                board.GetPiecesOfColor(drawingSide.Opponent()).Where(x => x.Piece.Type != ChessPieceType.King)
                .SelectMany(x => ChessDrawGenerator.Instance.GetDraws(board, x.Position, null, false)).Select(x => x.NewPosition)

            // get the allied king and towers
            int row                = (drawingSide == ChessColor.White) ? 0 : 7;
            var alliedKing         = (drawingSide == ChessColor.White) ? board.WhiteKing : board.BlackKing;
            var farAlliedTowerPos  = new ChessPosition(row, 0);
            var farAlliedTower     = board.GetPieceAt(farAlliedTowerPos);
            var nearAlliedTowerPos = new ChessPosition(row, 7);
            var nearAlliedTower    = board.GetPieceAt(nearAlliedTowerPos);

            // define the fields that must not be capturable by the opponent
            var bigRochadeKingPassagePositions   = (drawingSide == ChessColor.White) ? whiteKingBigRochadePassagePositions   : blackKingBigRochadePassagePositions;
            var smallRochadeKingPassagePositions = (drawingSide == ChessColor.White) ? whiteKingSmallRochadePassagePositions : blackKingSmallRochadePassagePositions;

            bool canBigRochade =
                // check for preconditions of big rochade
                (board.IsCapturedAt(farAlliedTowerPos) && !alliedKing.Piece.WasMoved && !farAlliedTower.WasMoved &&
                 bigRochadeKingPassagePositions.All(x => !board.IsCapturedAt(x) || (board.GetPieceAt(x).Color == drawingSide && board.GetPieceAt(x).Type == ChessPieceType.King)) &&
                 !board.IsCapturedAt(new ChessPosition(row, 1)))
                // make sure that no rochade field can be captured by the opponent
                && !enemyCapturablePositions.Any(pos => bigRochadeKingPassagePositions.Contains(pos));

            bool canSmallRochade =
                // check for preconditions of small rochade
                (board.IsCapturedAt(nearAlliedTowerPos) && !alliedKing.Piece.WasMoved && !nearAlliedTower.WasMoved &&
                 smallRochadeKingPassagePositions.All(x => !board.IsCapturedAt(x) || (board.GetPieceAt(x).Color == drawingSide && board.GetPieceAt(x).Type == ChessPieceType.King)))
                // make sure that no rochade field can be captured by the opponent and the rochade field on the B-line is not captured
                && !enemyCapturablePositions.Any(pos => smallRochadeKingPassagePositions.Contains(pos));

            // write result draws
            int index      = 0;
            int drawsCount = (canSmallRochade ? 1 : 0) + (canBigRochade ? 1 : 0);

            ChessDraw[] draws = new ChessDraw[drawsCount];
            if (canSmallRochade)
                draws[index++] = new ChessDraw(board, alliedKing.Position, new ChessPosition(row, 6));
            if (canBigRochade)
                draws[index++] = new ChessDraw(board, alliedKing.Position, new ChessPosition(row, 2));
