Esempio n. 1
        public async Task CategoryIncomeAdd_TryingAddNewObjectToDB_ShouldBeAbleReturnIdEquals8()
            // Arrange
            mockMapper.Setup(x => x.Map <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >(It.IsAny <List <Models.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(It.IsAny <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >());
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(true); })).Verifiable();
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.SaveAsync())
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(true); })).Verifiable();
            categoryIncomeEntityLists = new List <Entities.CategoryIncome>
                new Entities.CategoryIncome {
                    Id = 8, Description = "New category Expense was added"
            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, mockMapper.Object);

            // Act
            var resultOfAddCategoryIncome = await sut.AddCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelLists);

            await context.CategoryIncomes.AddRangeAsync(categoryIncomeEntityLists);

            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var isAddedNewObject = queryDBInMemory.GetAsync(8);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(8, isAddedNewObject.Result.Id, "New object was not added, require id=8");
            Assert.IsTrue(resultOfAddCategoryIncome, "Add and Save should return true. Object i added to Database");
                x => x.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()),
                Times.Once, "AddRangeAsync should run once");
                x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Once, "SaveAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 2
        public async Task CategoryIncomePut_TryingChangeEditingObjectInDB_ShouldBeAbleEditObjectAndSaveChangesToDatabase()
            // Arrange
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.SaveAsync())
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(true); })).Verifiable();

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);

            categoryIncomeModelObj = new Models.CategoryIncome {
                Id = 2, Description = "x2 Changed"

            var entityFromDB = queryDBInMemory.GetAsync(2);

            entityFromDB.Result.Description = categoryIncomeModelObj.Description;
            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

            var isUpdatedNewObject = queryDBInMemory.GetAsync(2);
            // Act
            var resultOfEditCategoryIncome = await sut.EditCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelObj, 2);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(resultOfEditCategoryIncome, "SaveAsync should successful when edit CategoryIncome.");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, isUpdatedNewObject.Result.Id, "Object was not updated, require id=2");
            Assert.AreEqual("x2 Changed", isUpdatedNewObject.Result.Description, "Object was not updated, require Description=x2 Changed");
                x => x.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once, "GetAsync should run once");
                x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Once, "SaveAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 3
        public async Task RemoveCategoryIncome_ShouldBeAbleToRemoveOneObjectWithIdEquals1()
            // Arrange
            categoryIncomeEntityObj = new Entities.CategoryIncome {
                Id = 1, Description = "description1"

            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.RemoveAsync(It.IsAny <Entities.CategoryIncome>()))

            var sut       = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);
            var getEntity = await sut.GetAsync(1);

            // Act

            var isRemoved = await sut.RemoveAsync(getEntity);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(1, getEntity.Id, "GetAsync doesn't return correct Object");
            Assert.IsTrue(isRemoved, "RemoveAsync doesn't removed correct Object");
            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.GetAsync(1), Times.Once, "GetAsync should run once");
            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.RemoveAsync(getEntity),
                            Times.Once, "RemoveAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 4
        public async Task GetAllCategoryIncome_ShouldBeAbleToReturnTwoObjects()
            // Arrange
            categoryIncomeEntityLists = new List <Entities.CategoryIncome>()
                new Entities.CategoryIncome {
                    Id = 8, Description = "description8"
                new Entities.CategoryIncome {
                    Id = 9, Description = "description9"

            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAllAsync())

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // Act
            var getAllEntities = await sut.GetAllAsync();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(2, getAllEntities.Count(), "GetAll doesn't return correct Count");
            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.GetAllAsync(), Times.Once, "GetAllAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 5
        public async Task PutCategoryIncome_ShouldBeAbleToReturnFalseWhenGetAsyncReturnNull()
            // Arrange
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))
            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // Act
            var resultOfEditCategoryIncome = await sut.EditCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelObj, 1);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(resultOfEditCategoryIncome, "GetAsync should return null.");
            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once, "GetAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 6
        public async Task AddCategoryIncome_ShouldRunAddRangeAsyncOnlyOnce()
            // Arrange
            mockMapper.Setup(x => x.Map <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >(It.IsAny <List <Models.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(It.IsAny <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >());
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { })).Verifiable();

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, mockMapper.Object);

            // Act
            await sut.AddCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelLists);

            // Assert
                x => x.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()),
                Times.Once, "AddRangeAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 7
        public async Task GetCategoryIncome_ShouldBeAbleToReturnOneObjectWithIdEquals8()
            // Arrange
            categoryIncomeEntityObj = new Entities.CategoryIncome {
                Id = 8, Description = "description8"

            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // Act
            var getAllEntities = await sut.GetAsync(8);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(8, getAllEntities.Id, "GetAsync doesn't return correct Object");
            mockRepo.Verify(x => x.GetAsync(8), Times.Once, "GetAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 8
        public async Task PutCategoryIncome_ShouldBeAbleToReturnTrueWhenSaveAsyncSuccessful()
            // Arrange
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.GetAsync(It.IsAny <int>()))
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.SaveAsync())
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(true); })).Verifiable();

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, null);

            // Act
            var resultOfEditCategoryIncome = await sut.EditCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelObj, 1);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(resultOfEditCategoryIncome, "SaveAsync should successful when edit CategoryIncome.");
                x => x.GetAsync(1), Times.Once, "GetAsync should run once");
                x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Once, "SaveAsync should run once");
Esempio n. 9
        public async Task AddCategoryIncome_ShouldNotBeAbleToAddCategoryIncome()
            // Arrange
            mockMapper.Setup(x => x.Map <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >(It.IsAny <List <Models.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(It.IsAny <List <Entities.CategoryIncome> >());
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()))
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(true); })).Verifiable();
            mockRepo.Setup(y => y.SaveAsync())
            .Returns(() => Task.Run(() => { return(false); })).Verifiable();

            var sut = new CategoryIncomeService(mockRepo.Object, mockMapper.Object);

            // Act
            var resultOfAddCategoryIncome = await sut.AddCategoryIncome(categoryIncomeModelLists);

            // Assert
            Assert.IsFalse(resultOfAddCategoryIncome, "Save should return false");
                x => x.AddRangeAsync(It.IsAny <IEnumerable <Entities.CategoryIncome> >()), Times.Once, "AddRangeAsync should run once");
                x => x.SaveAsync(), Times.Once, "SaveAsync should run once");