Esempio n. 1
        public EditorTab(TabControl owner, IList <EditorTab> ownerTabCollection, LSLLibraryDataProvider dataProvider)
            _owner             = owner;
            OwnerTabCollection = ownerTabCollection;

            ActiveLibraryDataSubsetsCache = new HashSet <string>(dataProvider.ActiveSubsets);

            Content = new EditorTabContent(this)
                EditControl =
                    LibraryDataProvider = dataProvider

            CloseCommand            = new RelayCommand(CloseCommandImpl);
            SaveCommand             = new RelayCommand(SaveCommandImpl);
            SaveAsCommand           = new RelayCommand(SaveAsCommandImpl);
            RenameCommand           = new RelayCommand(RenameCommandImpl);
            OpenFolderCommand       = new RelayCommand(OpenFolderImpl);
            OpenNewWindowCommand    = new RelayCommand(OpenNewWindowImpl);
            CopyFullPathCommand     = new RelayCommand(CopyFullFilePathImpl);
            CloseAllExceptMeCommand = new RelayCommand(CloseAllExceptMeImpl);
            CloseAllRightCommand    = new RelayCommand(CloseAllRightImpl);
            CloseAllLeftCommand     = new RelayCommand(CloseAllLeftImpl);

            TabName        = "New Script";
            ChangesPending = false;
            MemoryOnly     = true;
            FilePath       = null;
Esempio n. 2
        public LibraryDataDiff(LSLLibraryDataProvider left, LSLLibraryDataProvider right, IEnumerable <LSLLibrarySubsetDescription> subsetDescriptions)
            Left  = left;
            Right = right;

            var lslLibrarySubsetDescriptions = subsetDescriptions as LSLLibrarySubsetDescription[] ?? subsetDescriptions.ToArray();

            var activeSubsets = lslLibrarySubsetDescriptions.Select(x => x.Subset).ToList();

            NotInLeft  = new LSLXmlLibraryDataProvider(activeSubsets);
            NotInRight = new LSLXmlLibraryDataProvider(activeSubsets);

Esempio n. 3
        private static void ReflectAndCompileExample()
            Console.WriteLine("Library data reflect and compiler example.");

            var x = new LSLLibraryDataReflectionSerializer
                PropertyBindingFlags =
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public |
                FieldBindingFlags =
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public |
                MethodBindingFlags =
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public |

                //a fall back value string converter used by the serializer
                //or null.. not really used since the class we are reflecting
                //defines all of its converters explicitly at the class level via the LSLLibraryDataSerializable
                //This is just demonstrating that you can have a fall back.
                //It goes to say, if any converter in the serializer is null, and its actually required
                //to convert a type because a class or class member does not explicitly attribute itself
                //then the serializer will throw an informative exception about what member needed a converter
                //but could not find one to use.
                ValueStringConverter = new MyValueStringConverter(),

                //a fall back constant type converter used by the serializer when nothing else is available
                //or null..
                ConstantTypeConverter = new MySimpleConverter(),

                //fall back return type converter
                ReturnTypeConverter = new MySimpleConverter(),

                //fall back parameter type converter
                ParamTypeConverter = new MySimpleConverter(),

                //we have plenty of converters set up, might as well
                //serialize all the un-attributed methods as well?
                //sure, if you want.
                AttributedMethodsOnly = false,

                //Constants too.
                AttributedConstantsOnly = false,

                //we can converter non attributed parameter types, for sure.
                //don't exclude them from the de-serialized signatures.
                AttributedParametersOnly = false,

            //a provider with no live filtering enabled, only load functions with the subset "my-lsl"
            LSLLibraryDataProvider myProvider = new LSLLibraryDataProvider(new[] { "my-lsl" }, false);

            //declare the subset my-lsl for use.
            myProvider.AddSubsetDescription(new LSLLibrarySubsetDescription("my-lsl", "My LSL Demo"));

            //define an event with no parameters, make sure its subsets are set so that it gets put in the "my-lsl" subset.
            myProvider.DefineEventHandler(new LSLLibraryEventSignature("my_event")
                Subsets = { "my-lsl" }

            myProvider.DefineEventHandler(new LSLLibraryEventSignature("my_deprecated_event")
                Subsets    = { "my-lsl" },
                Deprecated = true


            var methods = x.DeSerializeMethods(typeof(AttributeReflectionTestClass)).ToList();

            foreach (var c in methods)
                //add this function to the my-lsl subset



            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWithout instance provided....\n\n");

            var constants = x.DeSerializeConstants(typeof(AttributeReflectionTestClass)).ToList();

            foreach (var c in constants)
                //add this constant to the my-lsl subset




            Console.WriteLine("\n\nWith instance provided....\n\n");

            constants =
                x.DeSerializeConstants(typeof(AttributeReflectionTestClass), new AttributeReflectionTestClass()).ToList();

            foreach (var c in constants)
                //Don't add anything to the provider here.  Just demonstrating the difference between
                //serializing classes that contain static or non-static fields when providing an object instance
                //to the serializer.

            //Set up the implementations LSLCodeValidator relies on's
            var validatorStrategies = new LSLCodeValidatorStrategies();

            validatorStrategies.ExpressionValidator       = new LSLDefaultExpressionValidator();
            validatorStrategies.StringLiteralPreProcessor = new LSLDefaultStringPreProcessor();

            //These both print to stdout by default.
            validatorStrategies.SyntaxErrorListener   = new LSLDefaultSyntaxErrorListener();
            validatorStrategies.SyntaxWarningListener = new LSLDefaultSyntaxWarningListener();

            //Use ours, we only defined a few things
            validatorStrategies.LibraryDataProvider = myProvider;

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nSyntax Checking Demo Code...\n\n");

            LSLCodeValidator validator = new LSLCodeValidator(validatorStrategies);

            StringReader strReader = new StringReader(


            //Valid to call AttributeReflectionTestClass.function(int arg1, string arg2, params int[] variadic);
            //No syntax errors, the function is overloaded and also variadic.
            string testStr = ""hello world"";

            integer i = 0;
            for(; i < CONSTANT_A ; i++)
                //reference a deprecated constant, causes a warning
                integer expand = CONSTANT_B;

                function(expand, testStr , 1,2,3,4,5);

                list testList = myModuleFunction(""hi there"");


        //reference a deprecated event, causes a deprecation warning.



            ILSLCompilationUnitNode tree = validator.Validate(strReader);

            //Validate returns null if a syntax error was encountered.
            //I do not want users to visit a tree with syntax errors.
            //The 'IsError' property that tree node interfaces have is only
            //to propagate source code errors up to the root node of the syntax tree,
            //so that the validator can tell if it needs to return null or not.
            if (tree != null)
                Console.WriteLine("\n\nNo syntax errors!\n\n");

                var compilerSettings = new LSLOpenSimCompilerSettings();

                compilerSettings.InsertCoOpTerminationCalls = true;
                compilerSettings.GenerateClass                 = true;
                compilerSettings.GeneratedClassName            = "MyClass";
                compilerSettings.GeneratedConstructorSignature = "()";
                compilerSettings.GeneratedClassNamespace       = "MyNameSpace";

                LSLOpenSimCompiler compiler = new LSLOpenSimCompiler(myProvider, compilerSettings);

                MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream();
                var          memWriter = new StreamWriter(memStream);

                compiler.Compile(tree, memWriter);
